Lent: meals by day with recipes and a complete list of lean foods. Meals during fasting by day

Before Easter the longest and strict fast, during which the consumption of many foods is prohibited. But fasting is not only about dietary restrictions! This is immersion in one’s spirituality, rethinking one’s actions and correcting mistakes. Fasting is a period in a person’s life when he needs to show patience and understanding, wisdom and meekness when communicating with loved ones, acquaintances and strangers. What else do you need to know about fasting before Easter?

Fasting is important not only in the physical sense, but also in the spiritual sense.

Peculiarities of Easter Lent

Fasting is not a diet. Yes, many foods are prohibited for consumption - and therefore fasting is not available to some groups of people:

  • Pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  • Children and adolescents under 14 years of age;
  • People suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stomach ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, anemia, diabetes and immune system disorders;
  • For those who are recovering from a serious illness or surgery;
  • For those who engage in heavy physical labor, intense sports training or increased mental work.

What foods are prohibited for those who can and want to fast?

  1. Any meat products and those that contain meat.
  2. Any dairy and dairy products, including powdered milk and ice cream.
  3. Eggs and all products containing eggs.
  4. Any baked goods and everything confectionery, including White bread and buns.
  5. Alcohol, chocolate, fast food, mayonnaise.

Products that can be consumed during fasting:

  • Plant foods are the basis of fasting. All vegetables and fruits, boiled, stewed and raw, are allowed, as well as dried fruits, pickled, salted and pickled vegetables, mushrooms, nuts and seeds.
  • Teas, herbal infusions, fruit compotes and jelly.
  • Porridge with water, black and gray bread, crackers and crackers (unsweetened and unsweetened).
  • Fish, seafood, caviar and vegetable oil.
  • For sweets, you can eat jam and fruit.

Fish is allowed during the 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th weeks of fasting on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. On Sundays it is also allowed to eat fish and seafood. In addition, fish is eaten on Palm Sunday and the Annunciation. On Lazarus Saturday, on the eve of Palm Sunday, it is customary to eat caviar. It is best to cook fish boiled, baked or stewed - and certainly without creamy, sour cream and milk sauces and gravies. On Great Good Friday it is customary not to eat anything at all, but to drink only water.

All meat products are prohibited, fish is allowed on certain days

If it is difficult for you to do a fasting day on the water, you are allowed to eat nuts, raw fruits and dried fruits, as well as raw vegetables without vegetable oil. On Holy Saturday (before Easter) boiled food without vegetable oil is allowed. On other days, you need to eat hot first and second courses daily - lean soups and borscht, water porridge, stews vegetable stew. Hot food is necessary for normal functioning intestines and healthy peristalsis.

Don't worry about the lack of animal protein in your diet - protein from legumes can successfully replace it. Dishes made from peas, beans, lentils and soybeans will help meet the body's need for protein. Jerusalem artichoke is very useful - it supplies the carbohydrate inulin to the body. Porridge, grains and potatoes are sources of starch, protein and carbohydrates. Cranberries are a supplier of benzoic acid, nuts are a supplier of protein and fat, and rosehip decoctions, bell pepper, lemons and all citrus fruits are responsible for vitamin C.

Vegetable oils are rich in vitamins E, F, K, and their fats are well absorbed by the body. Plant foods will not leave your body without essential microelements, but the fasting diet does not contain enough vitamins A and D, and does not contain vitamin B12 at all, so doctors recommend taking additional vitamins and microelements. Just don’t prescribe them for yourself - it’s better to visit your doctor and listen to his recommendations.

The transition from fasting to celebrating Easter must be careful!

He is the one who will decide what is appropriate for your age and physical condition. If you stick to your diet correctly, during fasting you can not only lose overweight, but also normalize blood pressure, cholesterol levels and many vital important processes. Leaving the fast should also be given attention - after strict diet You should not indulge in an abundance of meat and fish delicacies, baked goods, sweets and fatty dishes flavored with sauces.

Such a powerful food shock can disrupt the work digestive system. On the first Easter day, it is allowed to supplement the Lenten diet with 1-2 eggs, a piece cottage cheese casserole and a slice of butter cake. In the first 4 days, it is prohibited to consume chips, sweet straws, salty crackers, sweet and salty nuts, strong tea and coffee, as well as any carbonated drinks (especially sweet ones).

You should also avoid eating fish and meat. fatty varieties, herring, smoked meats, lard, thick cream sauces, sour cream, confectionery with butter or butter cream. Use any product in minimum quantity and try not to overeat. The same goes for alcohol - know moderation in everything. Easter lasts a whole week, and you will definitely try all the goodies, just not all at once!

Perhaps the most difficult time of the year is the eve of a holiday like Easter. Those who do not limit themselves in food cannot understand how difficult it is for believers. The fact is that they cleanse their soul by releasing the holy spirit into it. Such bodily cleansing is carried out during Lent, which contains the deep meaning of faith in one God, atonement for previously committed sins. We all know that during Lent, believers always protect themselves from certain foods. For example, you cannot eat meat that comes from animals and drink alcohol. Those who endure 40 days are considered forgiven.

When does the fast before Easter begin?

If you remember the text of the Bible, but you know that the Lord spent exactly 40 days without food or drink in the hot desert, where there is nothing but sand and the scorching sun. The last “stage” of Lent is Holy Week, i.e. the very last days when Jesus lived on earth. They say that time was full of terrible suffering and terrible torment. Christ showed the people who believe in him that it is not necessary to resort to the sins of life, to think disgustingly and vulgarly. Of course, in 40 days a person must follow certain rules, and it’s not about food and its restriction. The most important thing is to understand why you are doing this, cleanse your soul, get as close to the Lord as possible, and accustom yourself to say prayer in the morning and evening. The beginning of Lent is the period from February 27 to April 15. At this time, you should protect yourself from entertainment events, refrain from sex, and even stop watching some programs. The main point Fasting is for a person to let God into his body and soul and always listen to his inner voice.

What not to eat during the fast before Easter

As a rule, Lent includes giving up many foods, but mainly animal foods. If everything is followed thoroughly, but, in fact, only water and bread are allowed. But since not everyone can withstand this, you can stick to a more modest diet. Keep an example of foods that 100% cannot be consumed during the 40 day period:

  • meat (even dietary meat is prohibited!);
  • chocolate;
  • fish;
  • chips, chewing gum, soda;
  • milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • sour cream;
  • semi-finished products;
  • flour;
  • eggs;

This is just part of what should not be eaten by those who decide to “test” themselves during the period of fasting. In general, if you take this seriously, but apart from cereals, fruits, vegetables and water, nothing else is allowed.

What can you eat during Lent before Easter?

You can consider fasting as a kind of diet if you have a desire to simultaneously cleanse yourself and control yourself without eating anything harmful. We have great news, during Lent you are allowed to:

  • all types of fruits, berries and types of vegetables in any form;
  • fruit drinks;
  • nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • cereals in any quantity;
  • plenty of water and tea.

Menu for fasting before Easter

This is perhaps the most ideally designed menu for several days, after which you can freely get used to such food and diet. Keep a seven-day diet.

1 day. As a rule, this is the most difficult and turning point, since you will have to limit yourself from the food that you constantly consumed. On the very first day, it is best to drink water, eat vegetables, and protect yourself from sweets and tea.

Day 2. Allows you to eat boiled rice, adding a few raisins, apples, borscht (just be sure to be lean!). Remember that all soups must be prepared with plain water, no meat broth.

Day 3. Can be prepared lightly vegetable salad from cabbage. Also, it is completely allowed to eat a little buckwheat. Try not to give yourself very large portions.

Day 4 It will be nice if you do delicious salad from grated carrots with nuts. You are allowed to eat Lenten hodgepodge with mushrooms.

Day 5 On Friday, you can indulge in delicious peppers, which can be filled with large rice and carrots. And for dinner, onion cutlets with mushrooms.

Day 6 There will be vinaigrette perfect snack, as well as lean bread and a spoonful of honey.

Day 7 It is allowed to prepare and eat lean pancakes and pancakes, and fresh herb salad.

This is an excellent menu for those who are determined to strictly observe Lent. Remember that it is not easy, but it is quite tolerable. This doesn't mean you should immediately give up all the food in the world. You just need to be patient a little, cleanse yourself, and relax your body from the daily load of food. In general, the strictest week is the first and last, when you can only eat unheated food. Yes, you understood correctly, you cannot eat hot food during this period. In other weeks you can heat food, but animal protein eating is not allowed. But don’t be upset, because fruits, vegetables and cereals have not been canceled. You can quite get enough of them. It will be great if you come up with your own individual Lenten menu, it is not difficult. Just open the site with examples and based on them, create your own meals that will ideally suit your pace of life.

Who should not observe Lent?

Unfortunately, fasting is not allowed for everyone. The fact is that a certain category of people cannot withstand this period at all. Here is a vivid example of this: for two months you need to give up fun events, and even celebrations own day birth, that’s how it is. People who work in nightclubs, bars where they play not the best music, in casinos simply will not be able to start fasting with their rhythm of life, because their work is already a “prohibited area of ​​activity” for such a period.

Also, pregnant women should not completely give up food, as their body is very capricious and will want something unusual at any moment. Therefore, fasting for those who are pregnant is not recommended. Also, those who have some serious illnesses, can exempt themselves from fasting. Under no circumstances should you take risks and limit yourself from food, and the doctor will not allow you to “mock” your body in this way. Little children can also eat whatever they want, because a child’s body is not as strong and resilient as an adult’s. But teenagers have the right to choose for themselves whether they need restrictions on food and activities or not - transitional age is considered the most difficult period in life, so we know how children behave from 13 to 17 years old. Well, for everyone else, the post is acceptable according to all its canons, so it’s worth a try.

Recipes for the period of fasting

Let these delicious recipes will remain with you. This is an exclusively Lenten menu that you will definitely need.

Salad "Beets plus beans"

A very easy to prepare snack that is the perfect meal during Lent. You need 2 boiled beets, a glass of cooked beans, a pickled cucumber and sauerkraut. It will be great if you add fresh herbs and literally 2 tablespoons of regular vegetable oil. Mix everything, do not add spices, but rather add a little salt.

Lenten cutlets

To prepare, you will need half a kilogram of fresh cabbage, 2 potatoes, carrots, 4 tablespoons of wheat flour (no other flour!), corn flour for breading. Everything is very easy - mix the ingredients, grease with oil - and into the oven. If you want, you can add a little garlic, it will be much more appetizing, tastier and piquant.

Pear pie

For those who cannot live without baking, we can offer delicious and very hearty pie from pear. For the dish you need to take a glass of sugar, a glass of water, a couple of spoons of honey, soda, citric acid, half a glass of nuts (it is best to chop them well!), vegetable oil, 2 glasses of flour, cinnamon, 4 ripe peeled pears. Mix everything, pour 0.5 teaspoons of baking soda and citric acid into flour. Carefully place the fruit cut into cubes or rings on a baking sheet, cover with nuts and everything else, and put in the oven. Literally 30 minutes - and the dish is ready.

If you decide to fast, it will not be easy. But, having endured it completely, you will have incredible lightness in your soul and throughout your body. Faith will strengthen, you will want to do more good. Many people claim that Lent is a period of change, there are many different facts, when people changed literally before our eyes, they became completely different, softer and kinder. It turns out that not only our actions can be subject to change, but food also greatly influences behavior. And everything together with fasting is an excellent strengthening of internal strength and incredible faith in God. Have an easy Lent and Happy Easter!

Fasting in Orthodoxy is a temporary dietary restriction the main objective which is the renunciation of worldly, bodily pleasures in favor of the soul. Exactly Lent is the longest: the total number of days is at least 40, since according to legend, Christ fasted in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights.

In fact, the duration may vary depending on the rules in a particular denomination: for example, in Orthodoxy the total number of days is 48: 6 weeks and also Holy Week - the last week before Easter (in fact, it is 6 days, since Bright Resurrection is not included there). The entire period is divided into 4 key stages:

  1. Lent is the first 40 days, the main stage of Lent.
  2. Lazarus Saturday is the day before Palm Sunday, when, according to legend, Christ raised his friend Lazarus from the dead.
  3. Palm Sunday- This is the day when the Lord entered Jerusalem. The holiday is celebrated exactly one week before Easter.
  4. Holy Week - Lately life of Christ on earth, week before Easter. During this period, the most stringent dietary restrictions are expected - mainly dry eating (consumption of plant products without heat treatment and any fat).

Fasting = diet?

There is a rather simplistic opinion that fasting can be considered a uniquely Orthodox diet. The similarity here is only external: indeed, in both cases people consciously make significant restrictions on food. However, the meaning of such decisions is different. The diet is aimed at healing the body, improving appearance, formation of attractive body contours. Fasting helps believers come into contact with the suffering of Christ and thereby pay the Savior a well-deserved tribute of respect.

How to eat during Lent: step-by-step instructions by day

General nutrition rules for all 7 weeks (6 weeks and Holy Week) are described in the table.



complete ban on food

bread and water


boiled foods with butter


cooked foods without oil


cooked foods without oil


boiled foods with butter

boiled foods with butter

cooked foods without oil

boiled foods with butter, caviar


boiled foods with butter

complete ban on food

cooked foods without oil

What is dry eating

Dry eating (or dry eating) is a diet in which all foods plant origin should not undergo heat treatment (cooking, frying, stewing, baking). That is, vegetable dishes are consumed raw or soaked, pickled, pickled, etc. The intake of vegetable oil of any origin is, as a rule, also excluded. The only sweets allowed are honey. Any hot drinks are also excluded. Bread (but not sweet pastries) is allowed.

Authorized Products

Allowed products include only food of plant origin. Sometimes you can add vegetable oil to it (sunflower, olive, corn, etc.), but not every day (see table):

  • any types of bread;
  • any types of cereals;
  • vegetables in any form;
  • mushrooms in any form;
  • legumes (good substitute meat protein);
  • dried fruits, nuts, honey;
  • jam (not consumed during Holy Week);
  • fruits in any form.

Prohibited Products

Any products of animal origin are prohibited, including:

  • meat in any form;
  • fish in any form (except for Palm Sunday);
  • caviar in any form (except for Lazarus Saturday);
  • all dairy products;
  • eggs of any birds;
  • offal (liver, kidneys, hearts, etc.);
  • animal fats (butter, ghee, lard, etc.).

Who is allowed dietary restrictions?

  1. Pregnant and lactating women.
  2. Small children.
  3. Men who work hard physical labor and therefore need a constant supply of protein.
  4. Aged people.
  5. People with poor health (chronic diseases of the digestive system, after surgery, etc.).

You need to check with your doctor, as well as with your priest, exactly which relaxations are allowed. In any case, you cannot torture your body: it is unacceptable to undermine your health for the sake of fasting.

If you didn’t make it, does that mean you’re late?

Even if a person has not started fasting from the very beginning, he can join it from any moment. The priests themselves often talk about this. For example, you can endure at least Holy Week (the last 6 days before Easter).

How to behave during Lent: 7 useful tips

During the entire period of restrictions, it is necessary to remember for what purposes it is being carried out. A person deliberately denies himself food and other natural pleasures because he decided to express his respect and gratitude to the Savior, who gave his life, but rose again on the third day after death. That is, you need to fast consciously, this is a mature, thoughtful decision of a person. You also need to remember the following rules:

  1. First of all, before the start of Lent, it is better for a person to go to church and receive a blessing from a priest. This is especially important for people who objective reasons cannot comply unconditionally with all restrictions (pregnant women, people with poor health, etc.).
  2. Also, during this entire period, it is better to set aside time to attend the liturgy and try to go to church as often as possible. This makes the task easier, because psychologically it is important for a person to receive support in the temple, where the atmosphere itself tunes in to a certain spiritual wave.
  3. The consumption of alcoholic beverages should be avoided on all days, excluding only Palm Sunday and Easter, when you can drink a little red wine (preferably Cahors).
  4. Fasting is not only food restrictions, but also a certain spiritual humility, which is achieved through the renunciation of all carnal pleasures (if possible): intimacy, attending noisy events and, in general, any activities that clearly distract from the spiritual mood.
  5. These days, it is especially important to help your loved ones and, in general, any people who ask for it (of course, the help should be specifically for the person in need and within reasonable limits).
  6. During the entire fast, a person is prohibited from swearing. You should also refrain as much as possible from sorting out relationships, which almost always run the risk of developing into a scandal. Such conversations can easily be postponed to any other day.
  7. Finally, the most important rule: of course, every person has questions, doubts, psychological problems, because any limitation is not easy. Therefore, at any time you can go to church and talk with the priest to dispel unnecessary thoughts. You can also talk with an experienced believer whom you absolutely trust.

Thus, Lent is about more than just food restrictions. It turns out that this is a specific technique that allows a person to tune in to the spiritual and take a little break from the usual bustle. And, of course, the benefits will be felt both for the soul and for the body.

Do you know how many fasting days are recommended by the church in a year? According to some data, depending on variations and more or less strict adherence, there are from 180 to 280, that is most of. The figure is truly impressive! And the fasting diet must also be observed along with other possible abstinences. But this does not mean that during a strict or non-strict fast, a tasty and satisfying lunch or dinner is impossible. There are a lot of culinary treats in the world that are worthy of attention, and dieting during Lent can be not a burden, but a joy!

Strict and non-strict

As is known, according to folk wisdom, “fasting is not in the belly, but in the spirit.” In the Russian Orthodox tradition, there are four multi-day, extensive fasts (Great, Petrov, Uspensky, Rozhdestvensky), as well as an almost weekly fast on Friday and Wednesday (with the exception of a few weeks), and three one-day fasts. As a rule, “fasting” is divided into strict and non-strict, and a raw food diet and temporary abstinence from food are also practiced (for hermit monks and ascetics mainly). But you must still remember that a fasting diet is not a panacea for all ills. In addition, the confessors themselves allow non-fasting for pregnant women, the elderly, and the sick. various ailments, children.

What can and cannot be eaten?

During this period, it is prohibited to eat any products of animal origin (including eggs and caviar), as well as bread products. Allowed herbal products, teas, jelly, porridge (but only with water, not milk and without butter). In the non-strict - you can eat fish and seafood, vegetable oil. So this fasting diet is very suitable for weight loss.

Vegetables fruits

This is certainly allowed as a foundation food. The fasting diet largely consists of these important good nutrition our body's products. In addition, they contain microelements and vitamins, useful to people and necessary - especially in the context of insufficient receipt of the usual animal proteins during fasting.

Mushrooms, nuts

They are traditional sources of protein during fasting. All types of mushrooms are allowed and varying degrees processing: dried, salted, fresh. And there is simply a huge variety of nuts. However, do not forget about a reasonable norm: a glass of peeled walnuts at one time - a serious challenge for the stomach and liver! Maximum consumption of nuts, due to their nutritional value and energy value- 50-100 grams per day.


A fasting diet for weight loss is not complete without cereals from various types cereals and cereals Basically, any. However, in last years There are articles in the press about the dangers of this or that cereal. But, rather, it’s a matter of the amount of consumption and the combination of products. Particularly useful: oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, wheat groats (preferably crushed), rice. Don’t forget to cook porridge with water during Lent, and not, as many are used to, with milk or with the addition of cow butter. They are prohibited during the fasting period!

Diet for Lent

Tradition of observance of this post defines the expression of love and devotion to the Savior and precedes the celebration of His Resurrection. During all forty-eight days of humility, physical and spiritual, Christians fast strictly. After all, without cleansing the spirit, the entire ritual of fasting becomes an ordinary diet. So, keeping this in mind, during this period you especially need to take care of the purity of your own thoughts, eliminate anger and bad emotions.

The diet itself during the fast before Easter should also look more strict than, for example, during Christmas. On many days, it is recommended to eat food that has not been heat-treated (raw food diet). So, for example, you need to eat in the first four days of a seven-week fast. And in the first place, it is advisable to abstain from food altogether. On First Friday, on the contrary, food sweetened with sugar or honey is welcome. On Palm Sunday you can eat fish and seafood. On Lazarus Saturday - caviar.

Note: open church calendar for this year and look at what date this or that holiday falls on during Lent (because many of them are “floating”, that is, they fall on different dates of the month in different years). And based on this information, adjust your menu.

Diet during the fast before Easter. Some recipes

Well, in general, the principles of nutrition are most likely already clear to you. Now let's talk about dishes that can be prepared. They are of great variety. Truly, looking at the existing abundance, you understand that a person, with some skill, can completely do without animal-based food. Since there are many recipes, and the article is short, we will present only a couple of the most common ones.

The vinaigrette

An ordinary vinaigrette, familiar to everyone, probably since childhood, is a very popular dish during fasting. It contains a lot of vegetables, which contain vitamins and microelements, some amino acids. In addition, it is a fairly light calorie food that is quickly absorbed by the body.

We will need: a large beetroot, three pickled cucumbers, three large potatoes, carrot. Boil all vegetables separately, peel and cut into cubes. Mix thoroughly and add a little vegetable oil (but if the fast is strict, you can use cucumber pickle instead of oil - a few spoons).

Rice porridge with dried apricots and nuts

Boil a cup of rice until crumbly. without bones) pour boiling water over and chop finely. Crush walnuts in a mortar. We mix everything and eat with pleasure. When allowed, you can add a tablespoon of honey to the porridge and stir. You can also add raisins here.

As you know, almost nothing in our life is given without some effort and work. A forty-day fast helps prepare for the holiday of Easter, cleansing not only the body, but also your soul. Let's look at the features of the Easter Lent calendar: when to start fasting and when to stop, how to fast correctly and what food to eat.

The beginning and meaning of Lent

The forty-day fast before Easter is considered the strictest and most important in the life of Orthodox Christians. During this period, believers need to demonstrate not only physical, but also spiritual abstinence from various worldly goods, filth and animal food.

As the Holy Scripture says, Jesus Christ was tempted by the devil for 40 days in the desert. During the presented period he did not drink or eat anything. By fasting, we pay our respects to suffering and last days life of Christ.

Let's first find out when Easter Lent begins this year. We need this in order not to miss its beginning and in no way disrupt it.

In 2017, the Easter fast begins on March 14 and ends on April 30. The first and last weeks are considered the most strict.

During this period, they consume mainly food of plant origin, without any seasonings, oils or heat treatment.

Rules for eating

As mentioned above, the strictest are the first week and Holy Week before Easter itself. On other days, you need to eat in accordance with the nutrition calendar for Easter, which looks like this:

There are also days when you can diversify the menu a little. They concern certain Christian holidays. Among these days:

Please note that on Good Friday (April 29) no food should be consumed until the removal of the shroud takes place during the service. After this, you can only eat vegetables, herbs and fruits.

Features of dry eating during fasting

For most of Easter Lent, believers observe dry eating, which means eating food without any sweets or vegetable oil. This food It is dry and rough, which makes it quite difficult to eat. In addition, it is prepared without using any heat treatment.

While adhering to dry eating, you can eat bread, various dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, figs, dates, raisins, etc.) and nuts. The diet may also contain raw vegetables and fruits.

Dried fruits and nuts for dry eating Fruits and vegetables

As a rule, clergy observe dry eating during Easter Lent. The laity adheres to it on the first day of Lent, as well as on Good Friday. However, they often try to observe strict fasting and limit themselves to their usual food. Please note that before starting a strict fast, it is recommended to ask for a blessing from the priest.

Spiritual and physical cleansing

Dietary restrictions during Lent before Easter promote physical cleansing. The body gets rid of harmful toxins and waste. Thus, fasting promotes health, improvement of immunity and accumulation of energy. As a result, a person becomes stronger, healthier and more energetic.

However physical cleansing is not the only goal to be achieved during Lent. Spiritual cleansing is also of particular importance.

Many people who kept the Easter fast testified that they actually began to feel better and more energetic.

This period served to enlighten the mind, improve health, create lightness in the body and accumulate energy.

Dos and don'ts while fasting

What to do while fasting:

Instead of watching TV, visiting a cafe or cinema, it is better to devote free time reading religious literature. Thus, you will expand your understanding of faith, as well as the meaning of life.

  • You should confess to your priest at least once and take communion. These religious rituals help purify the soul.
  • IN Parents' Saturdays, which this year fall on March 7, 14 and 21, you should visit the temple and light candles for the repose of the dead.
  • In the period before Easter, it is necessary to exercise moderation in food. Even if you only use one plant foods, you should not gorge yourself on it, as this will no longer be considered fasting.
  • It is necessary to give alms to the poor and help those in need. At the same time, you can ask them to pray for your health or for the repose of your deceased relatives.
  • You should do good deeds: help the elderly, feed birds and street animals, make donations, do not turn away from those people who ask you for help, etc.

You shouldn't brag to each other. There is especially no need to do this for the purpose of observing the Easter fast. Limiting yourself in food and pleasure is a personal matter for every believer, and there is no need to flaunt it, thereby showing your pride.

First week of fasting

This year, fasting begins on March 14th. The first Monday is called clean. On this day it is recommended to completely abstain from eating.

The first week of Easter Lent, along with the last, is the strictest. Food can only be taken once a day. It must be dry.

Under no circumstances are hot dishes allowed, much less the consumption of fish or dishes cooked in vegetable oil.

Please note that it is better to discuss the extent of abstinence from food with your confessor. In addition, it also has great value presence of various chronic diseases related to gastrointestinal tract. Fasting should be for the benefit of a person, and not harm his health.

Most dietary restrictions apply to clergy. At this time, laymen are allowed to cook food using a small amount of vegetable oil. During this period, you should not eat chocolate and various flour dishes. The only exception is Lenten baked goods.

1st week of Great Lent, repentance - says Metropolitan Kirill, video

Last week of Lent

The last week of Easter Lent, which is called Holy, like the first, is particularly strict. Only dry eating is allowed, and in Good Friday In general, it is recommended to refrain from eating food.

During this period it is necessary to behave modestly, quietly and calmly. You are not even allowed to sing or play musical instruments and dance, as well as attend various entertainment events. Holy Week Before Easter, you need to spend time in harmony with yourself, as well as thinking about God and your life.

Let's look at how to properly prepare for Easter in the last week of Lent:

After Lent, it is necessary to return to regular food gradually and with caution.

If you suddenly start eating fatty foods and meat, you can significantly worsen your health and also damage your health. normal operation stomach and intestines.

How to diversify the table during Lent

At first glance, food during Easter Lent seems very meager. However, if you show imagination and culinary skill, you can diversify your daily menu quite well. Moreover, today there are a huge number of recipes for lean dishes.

The table can be varied with the following products and dishes:

  • Various vegetables and fruits - both fresh and dried.
  • Pickles.
  • Greens and cereal seeds.
  • Honey and nuts.

Lenten first courses

  • Various salads and vegetable dishes.
  • Lenten baking.
  • Pasta.
  • Mushrooms: fresh, boiled, dried, canned, etc.
  • Vegetable soups and lean borscht.

Delicious and healthy Lenten dishes

During the strict Easter fast, contrary to popular belief, you can prepare many delicious and healthy dishes. Let's look at some interesting options:


The Orthodox Easter fast should be observed with caution by the following categories of people:

  • Pregnant women.
  • To old people.
  • Little children.
  • Minors.
  • People suffering from chronic diseases.
  • People who have problems with the functioning of the endocrine system.

Before fasting, the above categories of people need to consult with their doctor and also talk with a priest. The fact is that abstaining from meat, fish and dairy dishes can have a detrimental effect on health. In addition, the meaning of Easter fasting is not to limit food, but to spiritually cleanse and strengthen one’s faith.

According to the Easter Lent calendar, three times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) it is recommended to adhere to dry eating, eating fresh fruits, bread, vegetables and dried fruits.

On Tuesday and Thursday you can eat hot dishes, and on weekends you are allowed to drink a glass of red wine and cook vegetable dishes with the addition of vegetable oil.

Fasting is a personal matter for every believer. Easter fast obligatory for clergy; laity may adhere to it less strictly.