Veterinary clinic neurologist. Neurology

The impaired functionality of the nervous system of a pet negatively affects the functioning of the body as a whole. Most often, neurological diseases of decorative breeds manifest themselves in a decrease in the level of sensitivity to sounds, tastes, smells, and visual perception of the surrounding space.

Improper functioning of the visual organs and disruption of the activity of skin receptors manifests itself in loss of coordination and retardation of movements. If your pet’s sense of smell worsens or problems arise with the oral mucosa, then he may partially or completely refuse the food he once loved. To prevent deterioration of your animal's health, immediately seek advice from a qualified neurologist. Using high-tech modern equipment, the specialist will perform a comprehensive diagnosis of the current condition of the four-legged patient, accurately determine the source of the problem and make the correct diagnosis.

In what situations is an appointment with a veterinary neurologist required?

Treatment of neurological diseases requires extensive professional knowledge, experience and skill. Under no circumstances should you treat an animal yourself. Outside intervention will further aggravate the situation, which in the future can lead to irreparable consequences. To make an appointment with a veterinary neurologist for your pet:

  • in case of unexpected refusals of the animal to play outdoor games corresponding to its usual way of life;
  • with the appearance of uncertainty and stiffness in movements, periodic loss of orientation in a familiar space;
  • with frequent involuntary urination, whining during sudden movements.

If your pet has a low level of immunity or shows a tendency to other diseases, experts also strongly recommend periodically undergoing routine examination by a neurologist.

Thanks to constant monitoring and timely medical intervention, you can maintain health and prolong the life of your animal for many years!

Nervous system diseases are extremely common in small pets.

The White Fang Clinic is the only clinic in Moscow that has an entire department of specialists dealing with pathologies of the nervous system.

There are five doctors working in the neurology department. Resident doctors work under the supervision of senior doctors, neurologists with extensive experience.
Experts conduct appointments by appointment. You can choose a doctor, branch and time that is convenient for you and make an appointment through the call center

We accept patients with a variety of neurological symptoms such as seizures, impaired voluntary movements, paralysis and weakness of the limbs, changes in gait, behavior, loss of coordination, etc.

It is best to see a therapist before seeing a neurologist. The doctor will be able to distinguish a neurological problem from others and refer you to the right specialist.

In our clinic we have a wide range of necessary modern diagnostic equipment.
To examine the nervous system using electroencephalography and magnetic resonance imaging, animals are sent to us from other clinics and cities.

At your appointment, we have all the necessary equipment to conduct a complete neurological examination, including a professional ophthalmoscope for examining the retina and fundus, a slit lamp, and a kit for examining tendon reflexes.

The clinic has its own laboratory, which allows us to conduct express tests for neurological pathologies, for example, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, blood testing for ammonia, bile acid testing, drug monitoring and many other tests.

For patients with chronic pain syndrome, as well as for patients in the postoperative period who need rehabilitation, a course of acupuncture can be conducted in the neurology department.

Read also: Idiopathic epilepsy in dogs Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid in dogs and cats Seizures in dogs Epilepsy in dogs

You should be prepared for the fact that it is not always possible to make a diagnosis immediately; additional diagnostic examinations are often required, which may take some time. Often, treatment of chronic pathologies of the nervous system requires constant monitoring and medication.

Every Monday we have a weekly conference, where all the doctors of the department gather, we discuss complex patients for the week and hold a consultation on further diagnosis and treatment.
This is necessary so that all patients with neurological disorders admitted to White Fang during the week are discussed by all doctors of the department. This practice allows for an individual approach to each patient so as not to miss important information and assess the situation from different points of view.

The portal provides information about veterinary clinics in Moscow where you can find a specialist in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system: a veterinary neurologist. We collected contact numbers and addresses of clinics, the cost of visiting doctors, and presented all this in visual and easy-to-compare tables. Feedback from clients of veterinary clinics who have already entrusted their pets to specialists will also be useful.

Veterinary neurology is the study of the functioning, structure, disorders and diseases of the nervous system. Perhaps this direction can safely be called one of the most difficult. It requires the veterinarian to have deep knowledge of the physiology and anatomy of the nervous system, the diagnosis and treatment of its characteristic diseases, as well as perfect knowledge of the symptoms of neurological disorders. The nervous system of a pet is a complex mechanism responsible for regulating the movements of its body and the functioning of all body systems.

In what cases may it be necessary to consult a veterinarian neurologist?

Disturbances in the functionality of the nervous system often manifest themselves in the state of the sensory organs and affect hearing, vision, smell, sensitivity of skin receptors, tongue, tendons, mucous membranes, muscles and other parts of the body. Unfortunately, not all veterinary clinics have a professional neurologist on staff and the equipment necessary for diagnosis.

This can be explained by the high cost of equipment and the reluctance among many specialists to recognize the presence of neurological diseases in animals. However, this does not prevent owners from bringing pets with serious neurological pathologies (these include encephalitis, brain tumors, and others) to the clinic. Attempting to treat common illnesses with similar symptoms wastes time and reduces the pet's chances of making a full recovery.

What should you pay attention to in the behavior of pets before going to the clinic to see a veterinary neurologist?

  • The pet begins to move unsteadily, refuses to play and run, cannot climb stairs on its own, jump onto a chair or sofa, and whines during sudden movements. All this refers to symptoms of diseases of the spinal column.
  • An animal will also need a veterinary neurologist in cases where a cat or dog holds its head unnaturally (for example, does not raise or constantly tilts to one side), begins to shake, has pupils of different sizes, or has disturbances in the act of swallowing.
  • The most severe pathologies are characterized by loss of creation, involuntary urination or defecation, convulsions, and failure of the limbs to function. In this case, you need to urgently contact a veterinary clinic and see a neurologist.

In addition to these symptoms, any deviations in your pet’s behavior should alert you. These include tangled paws, poor coordination of movements, falling on one side, the inability to shake off, and the like.

Diagnosis of neurological diseases of animals in Moscow

At the initial appointment, the veterinarian questions the owner in detail about all the behavioral characteristics of the pet. This should be followed by a thorough and detailed neurological examination. In some cases, additional diagnostic tests may be required, including an MRI. Magnetic resonance imaging is an expensive examination, but in some cases only it can confirm the presence of certain diseases and help the doctor prescribe the correct treatment.

Neurological diseases of the spinal column in animals, particularly dachshunds and similar breeds, may require myelography. This is an affordable procedure performed in many clinics. Once a diagnosis is made, your veterinarian will be able to prescribe the optimal medication treatment.

How to find a veterinarian neurologist in Moscow?

The information collected on our portal gives a clear picture of veterinary clinics in Moscow that provide neurologist services. Prices and costs will help you choose the best option. Additional benefit comes from reviews left by veterinary patients about neurologists and the treatment of animals performed by doctors. Clinic addresses and a convenient map are faithful assistants for choosing geographically convenient clinics.

Animal neurology includes an extensive list of diseases associated with disturbances in the functioning of the central and autonomic nervous systems. This is one of the most difficult areas; it requires doctors to have a high level of qualifications, extensive knowledge and extensive experience. The MEDVET Network of Veterinary Centers employs just such specialists.

If your pet's paws fail

If you notice that your four-legged friend has begun to walk poorly, drag his paws or fall, take him to a neurologist as soon as possible, who will help identify the cause of this disorder. Weakness of the paws may indicate a serious neurological disorder.

There are a number of clinical signs associated with diseases of the ANS and CNS, which greatly cause panic and fear in animal owners:
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Convulsions
  • Sudden paralysis of the front and hind legs
  • Unsteady gait, etc.

The task of a specialist in the field of veterinary neurology is to understand the cause of the disorders as soon as possible, correctly assess the condition of the unfortunate pet, carry out the necessary diagnostic procedures (including MRI and CT) and provide him with immediate assistance.

As a rule, surgical treatment is prescribed (surgeries on the spinal cord and brain). In terms of the success of treatment, a lot depends on the experience and competence of the doctor, on the timeliness of the diagnosis and the choice of the correct treatment method, which directly affect the speed of the pet’s recovery.

Neurology in cats and dogs is quite common, but, unfortunately, this area is very little and poorly studied today, not only in domestic, but also in world veterinary medicine. Conventionally, all diseases are divided into:
  • diseases of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord),
  • diseases of the PNS (nerves and nerve plexuses),
  • disorders in other organs, one way or another causing neurological symptoms.

Features of the treatment of neurological disorders at MEDVET

Doctors of the MEDVET Veterinary Center Network successfully treat animals for any disease, and diseases of the central nervous system and PNS are no exception. During the initial examination, if neurological symptoms are detected, the doctor directs the animal to undergo a special examination, consisting of a neurological examination (checking mental status, monitoring body position in space, degree of sensitivity to pain, checking tendon-muscular reflexes) and a number of studies, which include:

  • Myelography– contrast radiography method, which allows you to examine the membranes of the spinal cord;
  • Radiography– helps to diagnose compression injuries of the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves from fragments of bone structures;
  • Examination of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)– when there is a suspicion of encephalitis, myelitis, discospondylitis (inflammation of the central nervous system).

All this helps to determine the approximate location and extent of damage to the nervous tissue.

Our clinics successfully perform complex neurosurgical operations (dorsal laminectomy, stabilization of the spinal column, elimination of atlantoaxial instability, hemilaminectomy, ventral spondylectomy, etc.). They are relevant in cases where conservative therapy is not enough for treatment or is impossible.

The best veterinarian neurologist in Moscow: why are our specialists recommended?
If a person decides to be the owner of a pet, then he must not only feed and water the animal, but also take care of your health. Every animal needs regular visits to a veterinarian. And it doesn’t matter so much whether it’s a rodent hamster or a purebred dog. It could even be exotic animals, such as an iguana, a baby squirrel or a raccoon. Everyone needs the help of an experienced veterinarian who is able to make a diagnosis and determine a course of treatment to the animal recovered as quickly as possible and without subsequent complications.

And one of these doctors can be called a veterinary neurologist. A veterinarian neurologist knows very well how the animal’s nervous system works. Understands all deviations that may occur, and also knows how to treat these disorders.

The profession of a neurologist can easily be called one of the most difficult in veterinary medicine. After all, it is important here to know from A to Z the physiology of the animal, the structure of the nervous system, and also to know the signs of the disease. The animal cannot tell what and where it hurts, and the disease cannot be seen or felt, hence the complexity and specificity of the profession.

Disturbances in the nervous system lead to dire consequences. Due to disorders and diseases, the condition of almost all organs can be at risk. For example, hearing, skin condition, vision, smell, problems with tendons, mucous membranes, muscles and other areas and organs of the body. As you can see, the functioning of the senses is disrupted, which cannot but affect the pet’s body and behavior. This complicates and ruins life. Moreover, due to the presence of the disease, the pet often experiences stress and anxiety. This leads to a disruption of the immune system and undermines the entire body, which leads to an even greater number of diseases that are even more difficult to treat. Therefore, it is necessary to get to the bottom of the true cause of the disorder immediately and cure it in order to avoid disastrous consequences.

Of course, not all veterinary centers have the necessary competent personnel and equipment with which to identify the disease. A good neurologist is hard to find, due to the complexity of the profession and the lack of desire to identify neurological diseases. And the equipment costs a lot of money.

However, more and more owners are coming with patients with neurological diseases, everyone is looking for help and salvation from encephalitis, neoplasms in the animal’s brain and other diseases. And doctors cannot advise anything, because symptoms may coincide with other diseases and thus treatment becomes extremely ineffective and only wastes time.

Our clinic “YA-VET” has several reference points in Moscow and the Moscow region, which means that a veterinarian neurologist will be with you within 40 minutes after the call! The center is also open 24 hours, so a call can be made at any time of the day. Professional and experienced neurologists will be happy to advise you first by phone, preparing you for the visit, and then on the spot. Doctors take the necessary tools and documents with them, so the necessary diagnosis and course of treatment will be prescribed on the very first day.

Below are the prices for some services of a veterinarian-neurologist at the veterinary center “I am vet”:

Symptoms of a neurological disease in an animal

Not everyone understands what a neurological disorder is and After what symptoms is it advisable to consult a veterinarian and neurologist? Next, we will look at the signs that, if you notice, you should call a doctor. It is better to call, because some of them are quite serious and if you delay a little, it may not end very well and treatment may be even more difficult. Here are some of the symptoms:

1 If the spine is sick, the animal begins to move less confidently, whine, and very often lie on soft surfaces, including sofas and beds. However, it is harder for your pet to jump on them than it was before. 2 If an animal has difficulty swallowing food or water, its pupils are unnaturally dilated and its head is kept on its side, which was not the case before, this is another bell to call a veterinarian and neurologist. 3 In acute cases, fainting, involuntary urination occur, paws fail and the animal collapses, etc. At such moments, you should urgently contact a veterinarian and neurologist.

The pet has difficulty moving and is very anxious, so the best solution is to call a doctor rather than try to get to the veterinary center on your own.

Diagnosis of neurological diseases in animals

When examining your pet for the first time a veterinarian neurologist will ask questions related to the animal’s behavioral characteristics, how much they have changed, what you don’t like about the behavior and what is very alarming. After this, the pet will be examined, various information will be collected, and, of course, the pet will be tested. In some cases, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) may be necessary. The procedure guarantees accurate confirmation of the disease that the doctor suspected. In some cases, this procedure reveals new details about the pet’s body.

It is also sometimes worth doing myelography on an animal. This type of examination of the animal’s spine is more accessible than MRI, but no less effective and efficient. The procedure will help the veterinarian neurologist determine abnormalities in the pet’s vertebrae.

Veterinary neurologist in Moscow: conclusion

Neurological diseases in animals are quite dangerous and if the disease is not detected in time at an early stage, complications may begin. Only an experienced veterinarian neurologist, who can be called at our veterinary center, can help do this. The doctor is ready to consult by phone even before leaving for the place, and upon arrival to examine the animal and give an opinion along with the course of treatment. Use it yourself and recommend it to your host friends! After all, our doctors love animals and work only according to European methods, so the pets are in good hands!