Chickenpox in children: incubation period, first signs and main symptoms (photo). What are the stages and how to treat chickenpox in children

I read a very interesting opinion on the Internet, I want to know your opinion.

Yesterday our daughter turned ten years old. For ten years now, almost everyone around us has been wondering when we are going to have a second child. For ten years we have answered that never. For ten years everyone has been surprised - how can this be! After all, one child in the family will grow up to be selfish!

Yes, let my daughter grow up selfish. But my husband and I will not have any more children, because we are both from large families, and for both of us, life until the age of 18 was a real hell.

My happy childhood ended when my second younger brother was born. After my mother returned from the maternity hospital with her third child, it was announced to me, a 9-year-old brat, that now there would be no toys or entertainment - I would help my mother. And I helped. My day began at 5 am, when I had to get up, cook breakfast for everyone, get myself and my first-grader brother ready for school, iron the baby’s diapers and clothes, and walk the dog. Then we went to school, came home, I did my homework, did my homework with my brother, went for a walk with the little one, then went for a walk with the dog. And there it’s already evening, which means help with cooking, bathing the little ones and sleep. No big deal, it would seem. But three years passed, and a younger sister was born. By this time, I was responsible not only for the school, but also for the kindergarten, cleaning, and the same dog.

I was now forbidden to communicate with friends, because “you’re older!” I have to stay at home and take care of the baby. And two years later, on the stake, start over - another sister was born. And since I was already 14 by that time, night shifts were added to the increased daily responsibilities - my younger sister was fed not with milk, but with formula, and preparing this formula (and feeding itself) was now my front line of work, because “mom gets tired, she need to rest". But the ninth-grader didn’t need to rest, apparently. My academic performance has slipped almost to the very bottom, because after sleepless nights I was like a zombie, and there was no question of any A's. The class teacher was worried about me and asked my mother what was happening to me, to which she replied that I was doing poorly in school because I was stupid, and that I couldn’t sleep at night because I was hanging around the hallways with the gopniks.

There was little money in the family. We didn't go hungry, but good sausage was a festive dish. However, I saw her even less often than the others, because I was not entitled to any treats or goodies - the “eldest” must give everything to the younger ones, they need to grow. The same went for beautiful clothes and other things. If something new was bought, it was extremely rare for me to get it.

And when I turned 16, my father left the family, leaving my mother and our entire brood. It became completely disgusting. My mother started drinking, and I was the one who ragged the most, because my father left because of me, of course, I was such a fool and incompetent and generally always pissed him off.

When we came to school beaten, this raised questions, but my mother either lied that we had a fight on the street, or cried that she could not restrain herself, because it was so hard for her to bear so many children alone. Everyone pitied her, and they called us ungrateful pigs - mom works so hard for us, but we don’t appreciate this holy woman!

I managed to pass well final exams, I still can’t figure out how. It was definitely a miracle, because by the end of school absolutely everything Homework and taking care of my younger brothers was my responsibility alone. The mother did nothing around the house - after work she either drank or was glued to the computer.

My personal nightmare ended on my 18th birthday. Then my mother almost broke my head by throwing a sugar bowl, and screamed that it would be better if she had an abortion. And I realized that I couldn’t do it anymore. That same evening I packed my things and left. I found a job that provided housing. Yes, it was a small, cold closet, but for the first time in many years I just slept there in peace and quiet.

Then I completed courses in hairdressing and makeup artistry, learned how to do eyebrows and nails, I had money to rent a house, and a few months later I brought my first brother to live with me. We started working together and saving money. True, at first it was not possible to save - almost everything that was left from paying for the apartment was spent on all sorts of crap that they were deprived of in childhood and early youth. It would seem, what’s wrong with buying a chocolate bar? But for us it was something transcendental. WE. YOURSELF. BOUGHT. YOURSELF! CHOCOLATE! Not to the youngest, not to anyone else, but to myself. But then we pulled ourselves together and started saving for our brother’s education.

It was very difficult to build relationships with the opposite sex, because no one taught me how to behave with guys, moreover, it was strictly forbidden to communicate with them, because I was a whore and would bring another bottomless mouth to my hem. Out of ignorance, of course, I made a mess, but at the age of 24 I met my husband, with whom I have been happily living for 12 years.

He also comes from a large family. There were eight children there. The family was quite wealthy, but there was an unhealthy cult of the older brother, and the younger ones were treated as a by-product of the life of their parents. They only bought food and Consumables for school, things were worn one after another, but the eldest had all the best. He also has the only computer in the family. Only the eldest was taken on vacation abroad; the rest went to work their corvée at their grandmother’s dacha.

My husband also ran away at 18 and has not maintained any contact with his family since then. My brother studied at the institute and is now going to start a family. Neither he nor his girlfriend want children at all. I forgot how the rest of the household horrible dream. My mother is trying to get alimony out of my brother and me, because in her old age she gave birth again, and she needs money, but no one recognizes her as disabled, thank God. I also don’t see the rest of my brothers and sisters and don’t want to see them. Maybe I'm a creep, but I don't like them. I didn’t want them and didn’t ask for them, they were only a source of trouble for me for many years (I can hardly even remember their names), so let the people who gave birth to them deal with them - these are their responsibilities, after all.

Yes, they will write to me now that not all large families are like this. But in my life I have seen enough large families to say that the majority are like my husband and I. In appearance, they all seem ideal: the whole family is one team, they support each other like a mountain, and their parents’ love is abundant for everyone. So, it's not enough. Someone is always loved more, someone (usually the eldest) always bears half of the parental responsibilities, including the financial support of their many brothers and sisters. This older one can be immediately identified; he doesn’t even look like ordinary children. If you see the eyes of a 40-year-old man, battered by life, in a 10-year-old child, you are looking at a typical Elder. He no longer dreams of playing with mom and dad, of new books and toys, he wants not to die until he comes of age, so that he can finally escape from the “Merry Family” concentration camp.

Neither my husband nor I have a sense of comradeship and other joys that current fighters for traditional family values ​​talk about. But we are world champions in hiding food, lying and sleeping with with open eyes. It took us a long time to get rid of the disgusting habits that are the hallmark of coming from a large family, and when we finally succeeded, we want only one thing - to leave our family alone. Yes, we have one daughter. There will be no more children, and if I say “there won’t be”, I mean “there will never be”, because I recently had a dressing done fallopian tubes. Yes, we spoil this one daughter, we want her childhood to be like childhood, and not like an article in the Crime News newspaper under the “Everyday Life” section.

Therefore, before encouraging people to breed like rabbits, it is better to teach them responsibility towards their children and understanding that children are not a product of life, they are living people who need love, care and attention.

////// Are there mothers here who themselves come from large families? What do you think? Do you also want a lot of children, or limit yourself to 1-2 children?


Elena Nikolavna

In contact are the doctors of the department, dozens of women and newborns. The woman HIDED the presence of measles in her older child upon admission. She refused the infection.
official comment from the maternity hospital on its social network:
" Good morning! In accordance with the order of the chief sanitary doctor of the North-East Administrative District of Moscow, from March 18 to April 6 inclusive, in the maternity ward No. 1 of the A.K. City Clinical Hospital. Yeramishantsev introduced regime-restrictive anti-epidemic measures.
On March 11, 2019 at 1:02 p.m. in the emergency department of the maternity ward No. 1 of the A.K. City Clinical Hospital. Eramishantsev, located at: st. Lenskaya, house 15, building 1, “by gravity” in connection with the beginning labor activity Patient X., 37 years old, applied. After operative delivery at 20:42 on the same day, the patient and her newborn child were in the intensive care ward and then in the three-bed ward of the obstetric physiological department. March 15, 2019 at the State Clinical Hospital named after A.K. Yeramishantseva entered operative information that this patient was in a home outbreak of measles (the patient’s 8-year-old son had measles at the time the woman was admitted to the hospital). This information the patient had not previously reported herself, including during a thorough interview at the emergency department stage. After receiving information about contact at home with a child suffering from measles, the patient was offered transfer to Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital No. 1, which she categorically refused and was discharged.
18 people identified through close contacts medical personnel, contacts in the maternity hospital building - 252, patients - 102.
All employees of the State Clinical Hospital named after A.K. Yeramishantsev were examined in advance and revaccinated with live measles vaccine.
All measles-contact patients and newborns were placed under the active care of outpatient clinics medical organizations at the place of residence.
Maternity ward No. 2 of the City Clinical Hospital named after A.K. Eramishantseva is located at the address: Kostromskaya street, building 3 and operates as usual. After the end of the regime-restrictive anti-epidemic measures maternity ward No. 1, located at Lenskaya street, building 15, building 1, will continue to operate."



Good day to all.

In the 80s of the last century, it was not customary to talk about loneliness. In those years, people lived collectively, a person’s happiness was only in the team, there was no talk of any loneliness. That’s why the first marriage announcements were perceived as some kind of bad joke: how can a woman offer herself so openly?
So the film “The Singles Are Given a Hostel” received rather mixed reviews.

So what's left behind the scenes? How did Arkady Inin even come up with the idea of ​​making a film about a “forbidden” topic? Who could play the role of matchmaker instead of Natalia Gundareva? Why is the face of Commandant Viktor Frolov decorated with a scar? I will tell you about this and much more in my topic.

Enjoy reading!


Lioness Passionate

Have you heard of the so-called “Survivor Curse”? Many of those who participated in the extreme show or were involved in its creation died early... I was absolutely stunned:
*Zhanna Friske
*IN. Glagoleva
*TO. Kelmi
*Kirill Tolmatsky (Decl)
*Yu Nachalova
Less known - one season winner actress Ya Volkov; participant S. Sakin... This list includes S. Suponev - it is believed that it was he who came up with the name of the reality show. S. Bodrov Jr. was the host of one of the seasons
Crap ready script for the next episode of "Final Destination"?

**Peace Prize.
Swedish schoolgirl G. Thunberg has been nominated for a peace prize. She started a “school strike” in front of the parliament building in Stockholm last August. The girl stood with a poster demanding that politicians fulfill the terms of the Paris Climate Agreement... I kept thinking, well, where is healthy selfishness for myself?))). And now G. Thunberg announced that she will not go to school on Fridays!!! until the requirements are met. Well, now I’m also urgently looking for a reason not to go to work on Mondays - well, there are movies and museums that beckon me. But I need a good reason! Please sketch...and I'll take you for adoption Nobel Prize. Well, or let's celebrate my dismissal)))

***Well, it’s absurd.
B. Agzamov was arrested in Kazan for inciting hatred between Tatars and Russians. The activist spoke (Attention! Concentrate!) with sharp criticism of the capture of Kazan by the troops of Ivan the Terrible in 1552! And no one cares about the explanation of the persistent violator - he just listed historical facts)))

Cheesecake today is about superstitions and absurdities. Do you believe in these... well, there’s no point in spitting over your left shoulder, especially on a crowded bus?))) And how to react at an intersection when you encounter a black cat and a woman with empty buckets. That's right - break the mirror and tick!))) Absuuuuurd



Good morning!
Let's chat about the quirks you had while you were expecting your babies.
During my first pregnancy, without even knowing about it, I wanted Schweppes to the point of trembling. I drank for a whole week, then I stopped liking it))) my second son was not a gourmet and I already began to think that all these stories about the tricks of pregnant women were just their whims, until.... Until I became pregnant with my third. This is where my brain was visited amazing wishes. For example, the smoked mackerel went very well, which I polished with chocolate, now every day I eat carrot salad with garlic, before this I hadn’t eaten it for five years.....
But many people’s quirks concern not only food. She shared hers. Let's laugh and be surprised.

147 Chickenpox is a common disease that early age

Chickenpox can be recognized by several signs, which usually appear in the first days of the disease:

  1. Chickenpox usually begins with elevated temperature, trembling, heat and general malaise.
  2. Quite often in children, the onset of this disease is also accompanied by abdominal pain.
  3. In the first 3-4 days, the child develops a rash that looks like red blisters with clear liquid(see photo above). They cause itching and discomfort. The rash begins as one-off rashes that then spread throughout the body. They can cover not only the face, back, arms, but even appear in the eyes and mouth. After about 3 days, the blisters burst and become crusty. Traces of bubbles may remain for some time (up to one year).

All these signs are characteristic of chickenpox and occur in most children (no matter how old they are). It is extremely important to recognize its symptoms in the first days of the development of the disease in order to consult a doctor as soon as possible and begin treatment. It is important not to confuse chickenpox with common cold, which occurs quite often in children and has similar symptoms (fever, weakness, headache). As soon as you notice the first rashes on the child’s body and other signs of chickenpox, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Diagnosis and treatment

Chickenpox in children should be treated as soon as the first symptoms are noticed. As a rule, the doctor begins with a general examination of the child and diagnosis of the disease. The doctor can prescribe appropriate medications to combat the disease. In most situations, hospitalization is not required; most children suffer from the disease at home. Only in the most severe cases is it necessary to hospitalize the patient (for example, if the disease occurs in a complicated form in a 13-14 year old teenager). Children aged 3-4 years usually tolerate the disease easily.

During the initial examination, the doctor will prescribe treatment and explain what needs to be done. Antipyretic drugs are usually prescribed for children. In addition, your doctor will advise you on how to properly treat the rash. For many years, it was customary to treat rashes with iodine or brilliant green. However, in Lately Many compounds have appeared that provide effective treatment, for example, Calamine. It helps relieve itching and avoid inflammation; in addition, unlike brilliant green, it is colorless liquid and looks much more aesthetically pleasing (see photo).

Typically, after this medical assistance is no longer required, parents independently monitor the patient and continue to treat him. But if you notice a deterioration in the condition (for example, if a child has a temperature above 38 degrees for 2-3 days or inflammation of the rash begins), you need to contact the doctor again, who will tell you how to properly treat the child.

How to help a child?

Not only medical care, but also the caring care of parents can alleviate the child’s plight. So, what needs to be done to help the patient:

All these important subtleties will help you make your baby feel better.

Famous children's doctor Komarovsky gives some advice to parents on how to properly treat chickenpox in children. First of all, the doctor has a negative attitude towards this method of treatment, such as covering the rash with brilliant green. In his opinion, this not only looks ugly and can cause serious distress for the patient (especially in children aged 7-8 years, who are sensitive to criticism from their peers), but also brings absolutely no benefit. According to Komarovsky, this should not be done; it is better to use much more effective and modern drugs for this purpose.

Possible complications

The severity of the disease depends on how old the child is, as well as on important factor, How timely appeal for help. Most complex consequences occurs when a teenager aged 14-16 years or an adult suffers from chickenpox. As a rule, after an illness, adolescents remain with pockmarks on their bodies for the rest of their lives. In addition, a child of any age may experience temporary marks (they usually disappear within a year). You can see what it looks like in the photo.

Particularly severe cases occur when a pregnant woman falls ill with chickenpox shortly before the birth of the child. In such situations, the newborn also falls ill, and in an acute and severe form.

One of the most dangerous complications Chickenpox is an encephalitis. Symptoms of this disease: unconsciousness, confusion, sudden and severe pain. If these signs are detected, you should immediately contact a specialist and begin treatment.

Children under 3 years of age tolerate the disease very easily and in most cases without any complications.

Therefore, if your child is 2-3 years old and has chickenpox, do not worry. At this stage, the baby will tolerate the disease much easier than, for example, at 11-12 years old. It is best if a child experiences chickenpox between the ages of 1 and 7 years.

Chickenpox is a typical childhood disease that, if proper treatment and proper care passes without consequences. If you carefully read this article and know exactly what chickenpox looks like in children, you will be able to recognize this disease in time, consult a doctor in a timely manner and provide your child with the necessary help.

Chickenpox, also known as chickenpox, is a highly contagious disease. More often affects children attending educational institutions. It is easy to contract the disease in places where there are many people. Treatment in children is easier than in adults: in a child less likely development of complications. It is important to know how many days chickenpox is contagious and not to spread the disease. The patient infects others 2 days before the rash becomes visible, and is a carrier of chickenpox for the first 5-7 days after the onset of the rash.

Causes of chickenpox

The causative agent of chickenpox is herpesvirus type 3, spread by carriers and transmitted by airborne droplets. It is easy to become infected after being in the same room with a sick person. After chickenpox Lifelong immunity is formed, but cases of re-infection rarely occur. For years, the virus remains in the body of someone who has already had chickenpox in a “dormant” state, and is triggered at once. Stress can be an “activator”. An adult gets shingles, which spreads classic chickenpox.

A draft or any air flow can spread the virus over a distance of up to 20 m. When there is a baby in the same apartment with a patient, among others, there is no need to worry about him. The baby is safe if he is breastfed and the mother has already had chickenpox. The mother passes on the antibodies to him with her milk. Otherwise, reasons for concern remain: chickenpox in infants is difficult and can cause complications, since the immune system has not yet been formed.

The first signs and symptoms of the disease

Chicken pox in children begins to manifest itself when the temperature rises sharply to 39 or 40 degrees. Complaints begin headache, weakness, accompanied by refusal to eat. Nausea and diarrhea are possible. Then a rash appears: at first there are single small red spots. They can be recognized by those people who have encountered this disease before. In the coming hours, bubbles filled with liquid form on these spots. Rash covers most body and mucous membranes, accompanied by unbearable itching.

How chickenpox manifests itself further: after 1-2 days, the blisters burst, leaving ulcers behind. The skin becomes covered with a crust that itches and gradually falls off (healing stage). If you don't comb the scabs, there will be no traces left of the rash. Otherwise, there is a high probability of scars and scars. In children over two years of age and under 12, a mild form of chickenpox occurs, without fever and multiple rashes. This is one of atypical manifestations illness. Teenagers experience moderate or, in some cases, severe chickenpox.


Chickenpox is diagnosed based on external examination. The diagnosis is made already in the presence of a rash. Rashes are a symptom of many diseases, so other factors are taken into account. The doctor excludes the patient from:

Laboratory tests quickly help confirm the diagnosis. There are specific methods for diagnosing chickenpox:

  • light microscopy of rash components (silvering of reagents is used);
  • serological studies of paired blood sera (RTGA - to detect the virus itself, RSK - to detect the activity of antibodies against the pathogen).

How to treat chickenpox in a child

Children are given medications to normalize their temperature, and medications are used to reduce itching. Treatment is alleviation of the symptoms of the disease; there is no such thing as a “cure for chickenpox.” The best remedy- this time. The disease goes away completely on its own within 10 days. The patient is isolated from others until his scabs disappear. This occurs approximately on the fifth day from the moment the last pimples break out.

Children who have had accidental contact with a sick person and are not immune to chickenpox are sent to a three-week quarantine, their condition being closely monitored. In a kindergarten where chickenpox is reported, a 21-day quarantine is also established. When performing treatment, attention is paid to the nutrition and hygiene of the little patient. The diet must include fruits, dairy products and vegetables. It is better to feed the patient with puree soups and decoctions, especially if there is a rash in the mouth. One year old baby offer semi-liquid porridge, pureed cottage cheese.

Drink plenty of fluids

Important condition necessary for compliance with the treatment of chickenpox in children, providing the patient with plenty of fluids. Most complications arise from dehydration; the disease can affect the nervous system. Drink plenty of fluids will help remove viral decay products and toxins. Need to drink boiled water, mineral water without gas, unsweetened compotes, weak teas, herbal infusions. Dilute freshly squeezed juices by half with water.

Maintaining hygiene

It is a common belief that a patient should not come into contact with water. This is not true. Hygiene is vital for such a patient. He needs to be bathed, but after a bath, do not dry the skin with a towel, but pat it dry so as not to irritate the rash. Do not use a washcloth when washing, nor soap: potassium permanganate (a weak solution) is enough. It is important not to let the blisters fester and to constantly treat them. There are options for smearing pimples other than brilliant green. This:

  • water solution fucorcin;
  • potassium permanganate solution;
  • Castellani liquid;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Drug treatment

The use of medications depends on the severity of the disease. At temperatures above 38 degrees, antipyretics based on paracetamol and ibuprofen are given. Unbearable itching often causes scratching of the skin. Through them, an infection enters the body, and if this happens, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. They do not act on the virus that causes chickenpox, but deal only with “newcomers” against the background of the main problem.

Antiherpetic drugs

Antiviral drugs almost never prescribed. There are drugs of the antiherpetic group: they are based on acyclovir. They help cope with the virus, but such drugs are rarely prescribed to preschoolers for two reasons:

  1. High probability emergence side effects.
  2. At typical course illness, without complications, the body of a small child (2-7 years old) quickly copes with the virus on its own.

In case of a complicated course of the disease or a lack of immunity, Acyclovir, Leukinferon - the same interferon, but of the next generation, Vidarabine, and Viferon suppositories can be prescribed. When the mucous membrane of the eyes is affected by a rash, it is prescribed eye gel"Acyclovir". Prescribing interferon in any form helps the body fight infection more successfully and reduces the risk of developing complications after chickenpox.


The itching from chickenpox can be so severe that it disturbs sleep. To cope with unpleasant symptom, discharged antihistamines, in tablets and ointments. It is not recommended to use anti-allergy tablets and antipruritic ointments at the same time; an overdose may occur. Children are prescribed:

  1. First generation drugs: Suprastin, Tavegil, Diazolin. In addition to being anti-allergenic, they also provide sedative effect(soothing). These medications are given to children with caution due to possible side effects.
  2. 2nd and 3rd generation anti-allergy medications: Loratadine or its more expensive version, Claritin ( active substance- loratadine), Cetirizine or Zyrtec.


Children infected with the virus often become excitable and capricious. Light sedatives may be prescribed. When choosing them, you need to consider whether the baby is prescribed antihistamines, and which ones. Perhaps the sedative effect is already built into them. If not, then it is better to focus on homeopathy and herbal remedies. Popular sedatives for children:

  • “Valerianahel” - children 2-6 years old - five drops, 6-12 years old - 10 drops, 3 times a day half an hour before meals;
  • “Nervohel” – for children from 1 to 3 years old, 1/2 tablet per day (crush), from 3 to 6 – 3/4 tablets per day, after 6 years, 3 pcs. daily;
  • “Notta” drops – use 3 times daily, for patients aged 1-12 years, dilute 5-7 drops in a tablespoon of water, up to 1 year: 1 drop per tablespoon of water, milk;
  • Edas 306 syrup - three times a day, for children aged 1-3 years - 1/2 teaspoon, from 3 to 15 years - a whole teaspoon.

Folk remedies for treatment at home

Eat various ways relief from itching and folk medicine:

  1. Place the patient in cool water every 4 hours for 15 minutes. Dissolve half a glass in water baking soda, or pour rolled oats into a sock, tie it, and put it in the bath.
  2. Pour 200 grams of dry yarrow into 5 liters of water, leave for 3 hours, pour into the bath. Bath the patient for 15 minutes.
  3. For itchy mouth, brew 20 grams of dry sage in 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Strain and rinse your mouth.
  4. Boil 5 liters of water, cook 1 kilogram of barley in it, strain. Wipe the child with the broth, let it dry without wiping.
  5. Herbal decoction for bathing. You will need 3 tablespoons of chamomile (flowers), the same amount of calendula or celandine, 5-6 drops of essential fir oil. Application:
  • chop the grass;
  • pour a liter of water;
  • boil, reduce heat, simmer for 10 - 15 minutes;
  • strain;
  • pour into the bath, add fir oil;
  • bathe your child for 5-10 minutes twice a day.

Incubation period

The latent, initial period of the disease is called incubation. This means that the person will look healthy, but the infection is already spreading throughout the body. For chicken pox incubation period– from 10 to 21 days of infection. There are three phases:

  1. The virus that causes chickenpox enters children's body through the mucous membrane of the mouth, nose, and pharynx.
  2. The causative agent of the disease multiplies and accumulates in the body. The primary focus is localized in the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract, then the infection spreads further.
  3. The final stage - the chickenpox pathogens spread throughout the body, appear in the skin, and begin to multiply intracellularly there, which is why a rash later appears. During this phase, a person develops the first antibodies to the chickenpox virus.

Possible complications and consequences

A common complication after chickenpox is secondary bacterial infection. It occurs due to scratching the itchy rash with unwashed hands. The bubbles burst, the surface of the skin becomes wet, becomes infested with microorganisms, and the child becomes infected with a secondary infection. Staphylococcus or streptococcus, other bacteria cause purulent inflammation, which, if the alarm is not sounded, will develop into something serious. At a minimum, scars and scars will remain.

Rare and most serious consequence chickenpox – encephalitis, inflammation of the brain. This disease develops a week after the appearance of the rash. There are few such cases recorded, but there is a danger. In a small percentage of those who have recovered from the disease, the virus “falls asleep” in nervous system, years later may unexpectedly awaken, bringing new troubles.

Prevention methods

The only way to guarantee protection from the chickenpox virus is by vaccination - the introduction of a weakened virus into the body. That's what it is main method disease prevention. It is difficult to protect yourself from airborne infection in any other way. The best way to combat chickenpox is a stable immune system. Strengthening it will help a child infected with chickenpox to recover more easily and quickly and survive the disease without complications.

Skin lesions of the body and face are quite common, and sometimes it does not matter whether it is an adult or a child: many ailments are merciless. One of the most common pathological phenomena stands chickenpox in children. Symptoms and treatment, photos - all this will be discussed within the framework of this material. An alternative form of the disease sounds like “chickenpox.” Many people are concerned about the question of Does chickenpox itch in children or not?? The answer is clear - “ Yes", in addition, the phenomenon causes severe itching and an unpleasant sensation.

Chickenpox in children symptoms

Chickenpox is a disease that has high degree contagiousness and obvious signs. Infectious process pathology makes it sometimes difficult to proceed. The disease is caused by the Herpes virus, which tends to spread at high speeds. Blistering rash And febrile state– not all directions of manifestation of the disease; the signs will be discussed in more detail within the article. Chicken pox traditionally occurs in children, but if an adult did not suffer from this disease in childhood, there is a risk of infection. People with weakened immune systems are also at risk. When the disease is survived, a person develops stable immunity, although medical practice counts cases of re-infection.

The causative agent of the lesion

The virus has a name - VARICELLA ZOSTER, this is the answer to the question " How does chickenpox start in children?" The first signs are clearly visible, so it is problematic to confuse the disease with other ailments. The pathogen is related to the family herpes simplex first and second types. In the course of the studies, it was found that as part of the entry of this virus into the body, damage occurs not only to the skin and nerve endings, but also internal organs. In particular, the brain, lungs, and digestive tract are affected. The virus is contagious and highly volatile.

The disease mainly affects children. What chickenpox looks like different parts bodies – seen in the photo. Traditionally, 90% of sick people are children aged 5 years. The danger entails not only those people who suffer directly from this disease, but also those suffering from its basic manifestations. The occurrence of a pathological process is characterized by seasonality, most often it manifests itself in autumn and spring. Entire epidemics of this phenomenon may occur.

Symptoms of the phenomenon

Chickenpox in children, photos of which are presented as part of the material, traditionally occurs in several stages. The basic symptoms of chickenpox actually depend on this.

  • The viral phenomenon penetrates into the cells responsible for the factor in the formation of mucous membranes. There is accumulation in these places. In principle, this is incubation period of the disease. Duration can range from 5 to 21 days, depending on the characteristics of the organism.
  • After accumulation in sufficient volume, the virus must overcome local defense barriers. After this, it remains to penetrate into the blood. This is how the stage of onset of the disease manifests itself. The first characteristic symptoms appear. A prodromal period may occur, lasting about a day. At this time, the temperature reaction is clearly manifested in a specific area. Differential diagnosis can be reduced to. The patient also suffers from nausea, weakness, lack of appetite and drowsiness.

  • The virus penetrates the skin cells, during which it forms local swelling, a general reaction appears. It appears, you can look at the article and see that it is different). On the first day of illness, the temperature rises, lasting up to 7 days. With an increase in the number of affected cells, the blood supply to some areas increases, during which skin spots. Bubbles with clear liquid and suppuration appear. The localization locations of the process are different. It may also appear in the area of ​​the entire torso and limbs.

  • Recovery is the last stage of the disease, accompanied by the elimination of the intoxication process and improvement general condition health. The crusts fall off; during this process, pigmentation remains, which is subsequently eliminated.

The main thing is to ensure a competent approach to the treatment process so that complications do not arise.

Incubation period of chickenpox in children

Considering the question of how long the incubation period of chickenpox lasts, it can be noted that its duration depends on a number of factors and ranges from one to three weeks. During this time, the virus spreads in the baby’s body through fluids - blood and lymph. After this, direct penetration into the mucous areas and its reproduction occurs. In adults, unlike children, in practice this time may be longer.

Ways of transmission of infection

When considering how chickenpox is transmitted, it is worth highlighting several basic methods.

  • Droplets from sneezing, coughing and kissing.
  • Contact method in case of saliva getting on the affected surfaces.
  • The vertical method is transmission from the pregnant mother to the fetus.

Chickenpox in children requires urgent diagnosis and proper treatment. Is a child contagious during the incubation period of chickenpox - yes, he poses a threat to others.

Chickenpox in children treatment

The treatment process does not pose any particular difficulties if it is carried out competently. Diagnostic complex can be done at home through a routine examination of the baby. The main measures to combat the disease are aimed at eliminating the discomfort of the sick person. Dr. Komarovsky tells in his videos how to treat chickenpox in children.

  • Decreased body temperature;
  • Elimination of itching sensation;
  • Fighting skin formations.

Chicken pox in children under 12 years of age can be limited to a complex aimed at eliminating itching and maintaining bed rest and proper nutrition. The rash that appears should be lubricated with antiseptic, in the role of which is brilliant green.

But in everyday life, the use of this composition is sometimes inconvenient, so it is worth turning to modern pharmaceuticals.

  • FUKORTsIN- a product that has the same properties as brilliant green, but the composition is washed off much faster and easier. The product has a purple color.
  • Salicylic alcohol It heals wounds well and is inexpensive, which makes it preferable to many other products.
  • Potassium permanganate solution– in addition to the ideal bacterial effect, this composition contributes to a good fight against itching, even if the disease has become severe.
  • The product has a pronounced effect ACICLOVIR. The product is used, if it is pronounced, on other bodily areas. In the case of mild forms, this composition is rarely used.
  • If the form of the disease is severe, the doctor prescribes antibiotic groups of drugs, depending on the characteristics of the individual course of the disease.

During all this time, full-fledged isolation for two weeks. During this time, the contagiousness of the disease disappears, as do its main symptoms. An effective remedy is the chickenpox vaccination, which can be done at school or in the garden.

Is it possible to wash children with chickenpox?

Previously stood strict ban for bathing children if they are infected with chickenpox, while today experts recommend providing children with regular washing. A photo of chickenpox shows how widespread and localized the process can be. Therefore, it is necessary to provide all measures that will help the baby feel great. But When you have chickenpox, you need to wash it carefully, since chickenpox is a special disease that requires careful care.

Is it possible for a child to get chickenpox a second time?

Usually, after having chickenpox in childhood, a person must acquire stable immunity, which will prevent him from becoming infected again. But in practice there are known cases when both adults and children bothered get chickenpox a second time. The reason for this is usually a decrease in immunity, so it is not stable and provokes repeated outbreaks. To avoid recurrence of the disease, as well as other phenomena, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures as part of strengthening the functioning of the immune system.

How to smear chickenpox in children besides brilliant green

Zelenka, although effective, has a lot of disadvantages in terms of ease of use, so you need to take into account several other means. This medicinal ointments and folk remedies.


TO modern means how to smear chickenpox, there are several compositions that are useful and safe, have colorless composition.

As already noted, a red manganese solution helps well and effectively. Despite the presence of a tint, the product promotes effective fight with an illness, can easily relieve itching and can even be used to treat illness in the mouth.

Proven folk remedies

  • Rinse areas with severe itching with weak soda solution(1 tsp raw material per 1 tbsp. warm water). It is necessary to wipe the affected areas with pre-moistened cotton swabs.
  • If you want the spots to go away as quickly as possible, you can lubricate them with high quality oil plant origin. This remedy will allow the skin to heal as quickly as possible and relieve itching.
  • If or is observed, you need to drink a teaspoon mixture of lemon juice and honey three times a day. It is only necessary to mix the ingredients in equal parts.
  • If you drink the following regularly collection, you can overcome the disease once and for all: pharmaceutical chamomile, calendula, lemon balm leaves, basil. It is necessary to pour the mixture, presented in equal parts (1 tbsp.), with a glass of boiling water. After fifteen minutes of infusion, you can use this remedy internally.
  • Parsley herb infusion- Another one effective method eliminate this disease. That is, an ordinary garden plant is taken as a raw material. The recipe is simple, it only takes a few minutes of time. You need to prepare a teaspoon of dry parsley and pour a glass of boiling water over it. The infusion is prepared for 12-15 minutes and taken before meals, ¼ of a glass.
  • Widely used to solve these problems chamomile: you need to take 60 g of the plant in dry form and add a liter of water and boil it. In such a solution it is carried out bathing a sick child. You just need to add it to the bulk of the water. There is also another one interesting way treatment of illness with chamomile. To do this, plants are taken in equal parts - coltsfoot, chicory, calendula, chamomile, immortelle and burdock. The total amount of the mixture is 40 grams. You need to fill it with 1.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 8 hours. You need to take the prepared composition four times a day, one-third of a glass.
  • If the illness has overtaken oral cavity, a special one is being prepared infusion for rinsing. Taken sage 20 g and poured with two glasses of boiling water. All this is infused for 30 minutes, and then the broth is strained and used to keep in the mouth for several minutes.

A competent approach to the therapeutic complex guarantees good result in the form of a quick recovery.

Calamine lotion for chickenpox

Calamine lotion is an anti-allergy product that has a natural composition and is designed to work effectively in the case of various dermatological processes. The product has proven itself in a large number of countries, thanks to numerous medicinal characteristics and effective action. Therefore, calamine lotion is often used to treat the youngest patients suffering from pain, itching and other discomfort caused by illness.

The product has wide range options, and reviews perfectly confirm this fact.

Chickenpox or chickenpox in children is a pathology that is provoked by the activation of the herpes simplex virus in the body. Most often, the virus affects children from 2 to 7 years old. Those children most susceptible to the disease are those who attend kindergartens or other developmental groups, are often in society and have contact with other people.

Infants rarely become infected with chickenpox in the first six months of their lives, because their bodies still retain maternal immunity. Upon reaching 7 years of age, chickenpox develops much less frequently, but is more severe.

The main way the virus enters the body is through airborne droplets.

Signs of chickenpox in a child

In order to accurately make a diagnosis and not miss the first symptoms of the disease, you need to know what chickenpox looks like:

As a rule, all stages can be observed on the skin at the same time, because some blisters are already bursting, while others are just forming.

The main symptoms of the disease are rashes and itching all over the body. Sometimes they are accompanied by other manifestations:

  • headache;
  • fever;
  • temperature increase.

Only a doctor diagnoses the disease and develops treatment tactics. In children, chickenpox almost always occurs in mild form, does not cause complications.

Temperature rise

Body temperature readings will correspond to the type of chickenpox. Simple forms don't provoke sharp drop temperature regime, the maximum increase does not exceed 37.5 degrees.

Chickenpox most often develops in children moderate severity, when body temperature increases in direct proportion to the number of bubbles formed on the body, it reaches 38 degrees.

In severe cases, the temperature increases to 39 - 40 degrees.

How many days the fever will last depends on the severity of the disease. Indicators up to 38 usually do not subside within 2 to 4 days. If the temperature rises to 39, the fever may last a week. In this case, you need to urgently contact medical care and call an ambulance.


The herpetic virus that causes chickenpox causes a red rash to form. At first it resembles mosquito bites. Then the bumps become blisters with fluid along with a rise in body temperature. This process takes 4–5 days and the blisters burst, leaving the wounds covered with crusts. If you scratch the rash, an infection will get into the wound and a scar will remain in its place. Trauma to the blisters causes new multiple secondary rashes.

Chickenpox duration

In children, chickenpox is classified into several types with characteristic signs for each:

  • Incubation of the disease lasts 1–3 weeks, when the virus multiplies and accumulates in the body without any external signs.
  • Prodromal stage - sometimes in very young children it does not develop or occurs with mild symptoms. This stage develops over the course of a day or a little longer and resembles a simple cold with a rise in temperature, headaches, fatigue, lack of appetite, and sore throat. Sometimes short-term formation of red spots occurs in some areas of the skin.
  • The rash stage - it usually begins with an increase in temperature to 38 - 39 degrees. The higher the temperature on the first day, the more abundant the subsequent rashes will be and the more severe the course of the pathology. In mild forms, the temperature rises quite a bit, sometimes not at all.

Products for treating and relieving itching

The doctor establishes the specifics of therapy in accordance with the symptoms of the disease on an individual basis.

At high temperatures, the child is prescribed antipyretics with paracetamol or ibuprofen. When bacterial damage to scratches occurs, treatment is supplemented with antibiotics. Typically, treatment for chickenpox is A complex approach, so the doctor prescribes several groups of drugs:

  1. Antiherpetic and immunomodulatory medications: Acyclovir, Viferon. In typical cases, the body of a child under 7 years of age is able to overcome diseases on its own without the help of antiviral drugs.
  2. Antihistamines - they make it possible to relieve unbearable itching and restore normal sleep child. The most popular means This group includes Tavegil, Diazolin, Suprastin - these are 1st generation drugs. 2nd generation drugs include: Claritin, Loratadine and Zyrtec.
  3. Sedative medications - they are prescribed for severe moodiness of the child and mild excitability. Upon admission antihistamines you need to make sure they may already have a calming effect.

For local treatment of rashes, you can use brilliant green. Hydrogen peroxide, a solution of potassium permanganate with water, and a solution of Fukortsin dry out blisters well.

Chickenpox is almost always accompanied by unbearable itching, so it is necessary to explain to the patient the importance of refraining from scratching.

As the temperature rises, the child sweats a lot, and the itching from exposure to sweat intensifies even more. To make it easier, you need to change your linens – bedding and underwear – as often as possible, and maintain a comfortable air temperature in the room. During illness, it is better to wear cotton clothes on children, allowing air to pass to the skin, reducing sweating.

It is strictly forbidden to take a steam bath if you have chickenpox, but you can and even need to take a shower with water at a pleasant temperature. This will reduce itching. It is forbidden to rub with a washcloth or dry with a hard towel, so as not to injure the rash.

Possible complications of chickenpox

Complications that progress after chickenpox do occur, but they happen very rarely. They arise due to non-compliance with the rules of caring for a child during illness, with constant dissuading of scabs and combing of blisters.

But the development of complications does not always depend on the care and behavior of the parents, often due to the addition of a concomitant illness, chronic pathologies, weakened immunity may manifest the following types of chickenpox in children:

  1. Bullous chickenpox– it is characterized by the formation of specific rashes on the skin – blisters with thin skin and purulent fluid inside. Intoxication in this case is pronounced, sometimes the form of the disease is complicated by sepsis, so the doctor must treat and monitor the patient in an inpatient setting. Basically, such chickenpox develops due to weakened immunity in the child.
  2. Hemorrhagic chickenpox– occurs with concomitant blood lesions, in HIV-infected children or with oncology. This form is very rare, it has pronounced intoxication of the body, high temperature, and forms throughout the body. a large number of rashes. The course of the disease is complicated by the risk of internal bleeding and the appearance of blood in blisters on the body.
  3. Gangrenous-necrotic chickenpox– combines the symptoms of the two forms described above. Many blisters with serous and bloody filling form on the child’s body. This form often becomes septic in nature.
  4. Visceral chickenpox– it is characterized by additional damage to internal organs and systems – liver, heart, pancreas, lungs and kidneys.

All described forms of chickenpox in children are atypical and are rarely encountered in medical practice. Basically, the complications of chickenpox are bacterial or viral in nature, which is layered on the pathology.

Sometimes complications develop after recovery - this could be pneumonia, encephalitis, or penetration of the virus into the lungs or brain cells. Occur frequently inflammatory processes optic nerve, facial nerve. It happens that after the end of the illness there is still long time the child complains of pain in the joints.

Bacterial complications occur when the vesicles are damaged or crusts are torn off. Children may often do this due to severe itching; parents should closely monitor the child during this time.

During secondary formation, the bubbles leave behind scars.

What should parents do: how to behave

At lung development or medium shape chickenpox and no need to undergo inpatient treatment, you need to try to create comfortable conditions for the child:

  • First of all, ensure bed rest for 9 days, change as often as possible bed sheets and baby's clothes.
  • The patient should be given plenty of fluids and salty, sour and spicy foods should be excluded from his diet.
  • Rashes on the body can be treated with brilliant green; if a rash forms on the mucous membranes, rinsing with antimicrobial agents is required.
  • To reduce body temperature, give Ibuprofen or Paracetamol. It is not recommended to give Aspirin to children.
  • It is necessary to prevent scratching of wounds - trim the child’s nails or wear cotton gloves.
  • Causes profuse sweating severe itching- this means there is no need to dress the child too warmly; it is acceptable to take a shower under warm, comfortable water without wiping with a hard towel.

Many parents ask about the possibility of walking. IN good weather and at normal temperature you need to go for a walk - but do it for a short time, eliminating contact with people in order to avoid their infection or the development of complications in the baby himself due to joining additional infection against the background of weakened immunity.

Modern approach to treating the disease

It should be noted that modern methods of treating chickenpox have high efficiency and applied to the patient's body less harm. These include:

  • Leather processing is an integral step healing process. To reduce itching during rashes and prevent the formation of scars, the use of mild antiseptics and antihistamines is required. These include: Zinc ointment, Miramistin and other similar medications.
  • The most effective antiviral drug Acyclovir is used to treat chickenpox. It destroys the structure of herpes.
  • Ibuprofen and Paracetamol will help quickly normalize the temperature, but they should only be given when the readings rise above 38.5.
  • Maintaining hygiene rules.
  • If a child refuses to eat, there is no need to force it. You should increase the volume of fluid you drink.
  • The most suitable drinks for this are warm compote or warm, lightly brewed tea.
  • Vitamins are necessarily used in treatment; the menu includes fruits and vegetables. This will help strengthen the immune system weakened by the disease.

It will not be possible to accelerate the course of the disease. At the first signs, you need to immediately consult a doctor and continue to follow his instructions. This will prevent the development of negative consequences.

It is important to know that it is better to get chickenpox before the child grows up, since after recovery the antibodies remain in the body. Despite the nature of the pathology, its discomfort is manifested in a person only once in a person’s entire life.

Dr. Komarovsky talks about important stages treatment of chickenpox in a child, the principles of preventing complications and ways to alleviate the condition.

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