Is gray visible on ultrasound after mammoplasty? Breast examination with implants

Aesthetic plastic surgery is a dynamically developing area of ​​evidence-based medicine, the achievements of which are popularized by the media. If just a few decades ago a woman had to get used to postpartum changes in the breasts and congenital developmental anomalies (asymmetry of the nipples, different sizes of the mammary glands), today plastic surgery has in its arsenal effective methods for correcting various deficiencies. Mammoplasty has become a publicly available practice that a woman with an average income can afford.

However, like any popular procedure, breast augmentation surgery is surrounded by a huge number of myths. Today we will try to dispel one of them. Many women fear that implants interfere with breast examination and do not allow early detection of diseases. At the stage of preparation for surgery, all patients must undergo manual and hardware (ultrasound, mammography, if necessary, MRI of the breast or CT scan of the mammary glands) examination of the mammary glands - only in case of complete health is surgery permitted. In the future, the presence of breast implants does not affect normal lifestyle and does not interfere with sports, breastfeeding, or routine breast examinations. Today, in the vast majority of cases, implants are placed under the pectoral muscle, thereby isolating them from the mammary gland, therefore, they do not have any effect on the gland and milk ducts. Prostheses also do not affect the diagnosis of various breast diseases. For example, with ultrasound diagnostics, the contour of the implant, the capsule around it, and the gland itself are clearly visible. In addition, American studies proved a few years ago that the incidence of breast cancer does not correlate with the presence of implants.

MRI of the mammary glands is a modern examination method.

There is another modern method of hardware diagnostics of diseases - MRI, with the help of which a doctor can clarify the nature of detected tumors and diagnose cancer at an early stage, which is impossible with other research methods. MRI produces layer-by-layer images of the mammary glands using the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance. This method is also widely used to assess the condition of breast implants and today is a new method in the diagnosis of diseases and conditions accompanied by any macroscopic changes in the normal structure of the organ. This technique allows you to obtain high-quality anatomical images of the human body with an accuracy of millimeters and complements such research methods as mammography and ultrasound, but does not replace them.

Average price for breast MRI

Moscow Saint Petersburg
RUB 11,070 RUR 7,570

Where to get an MRI?

To select a diagnostic center based on parameters, you can use the MRI-Guide service:

CT scan of the mammary glands - additional opportunities!

In rare cases, a doctor may prescribe a CT scan of the mammary glands, which is used only as an auxiliary method for diagnosing diseases in cases where ultrasound and mammography do not provide definitive data for or against the presence of a tumor. CT scans in Moscow and CT scans in St. Petersburg are performed in most large medical centers.

Thus, today mammoplasty has become such a proven and well-researched operation that does not have a serious negative effect on the woman’s body. The presence of implants does not prevent a comprehensive examination of the mammary glands.

Every woman should take care of her health and know that after 35 years it is necessary to undergo breast ultrasound and fluorography once a year. And after breast augmentation, this is extremely necessary. But most girls after plastic surgery wonder whether the examination after the operation will be reliable, and whether all areas of the breast will be visible on the machines.

It is very important to take care of yourself and think about the future, so it is necessary to undergo all examinations on time. Will implants interfere with ultrasound, mammography, CT, MRI? This is the most popular question among women who have had breast enlargement. The answer is no! The presence of breast implants will not affect the examination in any way, and will not interfere with the eventual establishment of an accurate diagnosis, provided that the examination is carried out using modern technology.

Before the examination, it is recommended to carefully select a clinic. As a rule, all modern clinics are equipped with the latest models of technology. It is recommended to first clarify whether it is possible to conduct an examination of breasts with implants, and also consult with a specialist who will select the most suitable examination method.

Types of examinations:

1. Ultrasound - ultrasound examination. An ultrasound must be done before plastic surgery, and then repeated annually after it. Today this is the most common examination method. Ultrasound allows you to study the mammary glands before surgery, as well as to exclude various kinds of complications, inflammation and unfavorable changes already during the rehabilitation period.

2. Mammography. Despite the fact that mammography is the most accurate method of breast examination, it still has some difficulties. In cases where the implant was installed above the pectoral muscle, during the examination it may block some areas of the breast. If the implant is installed under the muscle, the blocked area is insignificant. The disadvantage of this method is that it will not help determine whether a breast implant is ruptured or leaking. When performing mammography, each gland is compressed first horizontally, then vertically, so the patient should warn the doctor in advance about the presence of breast implants in the mammary glands.

3. MRI - magnetic resonance imaging. The peculiarity of the method is the use of a powerful magnetic field. MRI allows you to determine implant rupture or leakage, identify tumor foci and metastases.

4. CT - computed tomography. This type of examination is considered the most accurate for diagnosing breast cancer. Computed tomography is classified as an X-ray method for examining the breast.

5. Fluorography. Breast implants are visible in the fluorography image. The patient should notify the doctor in advance about their presence, but they will not interfere with the examination of the lungs, because implants easily transmit x-rays.

Thus, the presence of breast implants will not interfere with any of the listed types of examinations and obtaining accurate data on the condition of the patient’s mammary glands and lungs.

Scope of research
  • two-dimensional gray scale echography of the breast (both sides)
  • two-dimensional greyscale echography of regional lymph nodes (both sides)
  • duplex scanning of the vessels of the mammary gland and its formations (if available)
The cost of examination by a doctor is 4500 rubles

The cost of research with a professor is 6,000 rubles

The cost of examination at home (at the doctor) - from 8500 rubles

Brief information. The mammary gland is a paired organ belonging to the apocrine glands. In women, the main function of the organ is the production of breast milk during lactation. Outside this period, the size of the glands usually decreases. In men, the mammary glands are reduced and do not function. The production of breast milk, in addition to the lactation period, may occur due to hormonal disorders. The mammary gland changes significantly under the influence of various hormones produced by the pituitary gland, ovaries, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, etc. The organ is continuously transformed throughout life, implementing structural changes associated with the phases of the menstrual cycle, age and the general level of hormonal levels. Since gland tissue is prone to various types of rearrangements, the gland as a whole is subject to various changes. In addition to dishormonal degenerative processes (usually observed in old and senile age), inflammatory, dysplastic and neoplastic lesions can be observed here. Breast cancer is especially dangerous, occurring not only in women, but also in men. It is reasonably believed that the prevention of breast diseases is one of the main components of maintaining women's health. Brief information. The mammary gland is a paired organ belonging to the apocrine glands. In women, the main function of the organ is the production of breast milk during lactation. Outside this period, the size of the glands usually decreases. In men, the mammary glands are reduced and do not function. The production of breast milk, in addition to the lactation period, may occur due to hormonal disorders. The mammary gland changes significantly under the influence of various hormones produced by the pituitary gland, ovaries, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, etc. The organ is continuously transformed throughout life, implementing structural changes associated with the phases of the menstrual cycle, age and the general level of hormonal levels. Since gland tissue is prone to various types of rearrangements, the gland as a whole is subject to various changes. In addition to dishormonal degenerative processes (usually observed in old and senile age), inflammatory, dysplastic and neoplastic lesions can be observed here. Breast cancer is especially dangerous, occurring not only in women, but also in men. It is reasonably believed that the prevention of breast diseases is one of the main components of maintaining women’s health.

The role of ultrasound in the diagnosis of breast diseases.

Ultrasound examination is one of the main methods used in the diagnosis of breast lesions. Comprehensive ultrasound examination is not the “gold standard”, but provides valuable data on both the condition of the gland tissue and regional lymph nodes.

Titles of studies: Ultrasound examination (US) of the mammary gland, duplex scanning (DS) of the mammary gland.


* At the Vascular Clinic on Patriarch's Medical Center, isolated ultrasound examinations in mono modes are not practiced. In the interests of the patient, Doppler scanning modes are used for all types of studies.

Purpose of the study:

  • determination of the structure of the mammary glands, the presence and nature of its changes
  • assessment of changes in regional lymph nodes
  • determination of linear characteristics of flows in the vessels of the mammary gland and formations (if any)

*For clinical examination purposes, the examination can be carried out without indications.

Preparing for the study.

Ultrasound of the mammary glands, using modern diagnostic equipment available in our center "Vascular Clinic on Patriarch's", in most cases does not require special preparation.

Ultrasound modes and technologies used when conducting ultrasound examination of lymph nodes at the Vascular Clinic on Patriarch's Center:

  • two-dimensional gray scale echography (B-mode);
  • color Doppler coding - by speed, intensity or energy, convergent or directed energy (CD - mode);
  • spectral Doppler analysis (PW - mode);
  • duplex scanning;
  • triplex duplex scanning mode - triplex scanning.

Based on the research results, the following are issued:

  • conclusion (hard copy) - included in the base price
  • conclusion in electronic form (additional service)
  • Ultrasound images - static black and white (hard copy), printed on a video printer (additional service)
  • ultrasound images - static color (hard copy) (additional service),
  • ultrasound images - static or dynamic on the client’s magnetic media (additional service),
  • on magnetic media provided by the center (additional service)
Indications for the study
  • the need for breast examination at the age of younger than 30-35 years
  • soreness of the mammary glands, including lactation
  • palpable breast masses
  • enlargement of regional lymph nodes
  • the need for clarifying diagnostics after mammography
  • staging during therapy for cancer
  • breast surgery

Many girls wonder how breast examination will proceed after breast augmentation. Will all examined breast areas be visible on the machines?

Every woman, of course, takes care of her health. And everyone knows that after 35 years you need to undergo a mammogram once a year. And even more so after breast augmentation. Fluorography is also carried out once a year.

We all want to be healthy and therefore girls who care about their future always undergo examinations on time.

So what will this look like? Do implants interfere with breast exams?

How to do an ultrasound after mammoplasty? How is fluorography performed with breast implants? CT and MRI after mammoplasty? Ultrasound after breast augmentation? We will help you figure it out.

We would like to note that the presence of breast implants does not affect the examination in any way; you can always establish an accurate diagnosis using one of the methods.

But of course, with the availability of modern technology for examining the breast after mammoplasty.

Modern clinics, as a rule, are equipped with the latest models of technology. When making an appointment at a clinic for an examination, a girl should clarify what devices are available, whether it is possible to conduct an examination in this clinic if she has breast implants, and of course, consult with a specialist to select the exact research method in an individual case.

And we will dispel existing myths about the impossibility of conducting an examination.

Ultrasound - ultrasound examination. After breast augmentation, it is performed annually. One of the most common examination methods in our time. It is also a mandatory examination before breast plastic surgery. Ultrasound of the mammary glands after breast augmentation allows you to identify pathologies of the mammary glands before surgery, assess the condition of the breast implants and the tissues themselves, and also exclude possible complications, such as inflammatory processes, tissue changes, and the formation of a capsule during the rehabilitation period.

Mammography after mammoplasty is the most thorough examination method. The mammography examination method after mammoplasty has minor difficulties. You need to know about this! The implant may block some areas of the mammary gland during the examination; to a greater extent and percentage, this applies to those cases when the implant is installed above the pectoral muscle. If the implant is installed under the muscle, the area of ​​the breast covered is much smaller. Also, this research method is not informative in cases of ruptures or leakage of breast implants.

MRI after mammoplasty is a magnetic resonance imaging of the mammary glands.

A method for examining gland tissue using a powerful magnetic field. This method identifies tumor foci, metastases, and ruptures of breast implants.

CT or computed tomography after mammoplasty, this type is classified as X-ray methods for examining the breast. It is the most informative and accurate type of research for diagnosing cancer. CT scan is prescribed to clarify the diagnosis for a narrow circle of women.

FLG after mammoplasty or fluorography after breast augmentation.

Before undergoing this examination, the patient must notify the doctor about the presence of breast implants. Many people wonder whether implants are visible in the FLG image. We will also answer, yes, obviously.

As you can see, the silicone implants that are used for mammoplasty are permeable to X-rays, their presence will not complicate the examination of the lungs during FLG.

Every girl who monitors her health knows that after 35 years it is recommended to be regularly examined by a mammologist. And after breast augmentation, visiting a doctor is completely necessary. Many people are concerned about the question of how the breast examination will proceed after surgery? Will all examined breast areas be visible on the machines? Will implants interfere? In the article you will find concise and informative answers to these and many other questions.

What examinations are carried out before breast augmentation surgery?

Before mammoplasty, not only traditional tests are performed, but also a chest x-ray, ultrasound of the mammary glands and regional lymph nodes. The doctor does an ultrasound so that problems that the girl may not even be aware of can be recognized. For example, different types of mastopathy, tumors. Sometimes the study reveals an early stage of cancer and this can save the patient’s life.

Naturally, if the examination reveals a serious problem, the operation is postponed. The doctor prescribes treatment or refers you to a specialized specialist.

If the examination reveals a serious problem, the operation is postponed.

Do implants make it difficult to diagnose breast cancer?

Implants are in some way a barrier to diagnostics. For this reason, mammography is not performed in all clinics, but only in those where there is special equipment and a professional with sufficient qualifications to examine the breast after mammoplasty.

Method for diagnosing breast diseases with implants

The main method for diagnosing breasts, including those with implants, is ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound). If suspicious formations are detected, doctors recommend undergoing additional tests. It is possible that a CT scan will be required.

This is an accurate but rather expensive method, so it is rarely used for routine preventive examinations.

Does the method of implant installation affect the type of diagnosis?

There are several ways to place a breast implant. It may be located under the pectoral muscle or under the mammary gland. And no matter where it is located, it does not in any way affect the complexity and method of diagnosis.

Will damaged lymph flows interfere with the diagnosis of breast cancer?

When performing mammoplasty through the axillary region, lymph flow may be disrupted, but this does not cause problems with cancer diagnosis. When tumors are detected, the breast tissue is examined directly.

Will postoperative scars interfere with the detection of breast tumors?

An experienced specialist will easily diagnose the breast after mammoplasty. However, in some cases, the examination may be complicated by the fact that after reduction plastic surgery, due to certain characteristics of scarring and impaired blood supply, lipogranulomas may form.