Vichy against hair loss. Shampoo for hair loss Vichy

Many people have hair loss problems. Often they appear in the form of curls left on the pillow after sleep, or on the comb when combing. In the second case, the amount of hair is much larger and can reach whole strands.

If even gentle combing causes loss a large number hair, it's time to act

Sufficient time must be spent on treating problems of this kind. Only through a responsible approach to treatment is it possible to significantly reduce the profusion of prolapse.

For achievement positive result without much effort and in a relatively short time, it is recommended to use Vichy products for the growth of hair shafts. The products of this manufacturer both restore damaged curls and promote the growth of new ones.

The company's products more have the form of ampoules and shampoos. However, regardless of the form of release, any remedy can rightfully be considered medicinal.

It is important to consider that ampoules, unlike shampoo, are more potent agent. That is, if shampoos can be used in any quantity, ampoule therapy should be carried out clearly according to the instructions.

Causes of Hair Loss

Every day human body loses hundreds of hairs. This is due to the natural processes of the body, due to which, after the loss of the old hair, a new one grows. As long as all this happens at a moderate pace, there is no need to treat curl problems.

The solution to the problem of intense hair loss should begin with finding out the reasons that provoked this process.

When the loss is significantly increased or the growth of the hair shafts slows down, serious measures must be taken immediately. Without proper attitude to the problem, both baldness (alopecia) and other equally serious diseases can easily develop.

Among the main causes of hair loss are:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • frequent stress;
  • a significant lack of iron in the body;
  • poor immunity;
  • any infectious diseases skin heads;
  • natural response to various medications, among which antidepressants and antihypertensive drugs deserve special mention;
  • exposure to high or low temperatures, for example, when hiking without a hat in the hot sun or in the cold;
  • poor blood supply hair follicle and scalp in general.

When treating hair problems, regardless of the stage of the disease, you should not wait for an instant result. It may take a week, a month, or six months to heal. As a rule, the treatment time depends entirely on individual characteristics each person.

At healthy person curls grow at a rate of 1-1.5 cm per month. This process cannot be accelerated due to anatomical features of people.

In case of problems with hair (loss, etc.), one should not expect a miracle - the hair will not stop falling out.

The company "Vichy" produces potent ampoules "Dercos Aminexil Pro" against the loss of curls. This tool will stop hair loss without any problems, and a properly selected shampoo, mainly from the same company, will allow you to fix a positive result for a long time.

Intensive remedy against hair loss in Vichy ampoules

The Vichy Dercos Aminexil Pro anti-hair loss remedy is designed equally for both women and men. Use the drug should be after detecting a problem with curls.

The effectiveness of this tool comes from the main active substance- aminexil. The substance, in turn, provides the following positive effects:

  • returns health to each curl;
  • stops and prevents hair loss;
  • destroys hardened collagen in hair follicles.

A positive result from the use of the product can be observed after 2 weeks. Among other things, a 72% reduction in "shedding" and a significant increase in the density of the hair shafts are possible. Also, the hair acquires volume and a bewitching shine.


Dercos Aminexil Pro ampoules from Vichy are supplied in small packages of 12-18 pieces. The main instructions for use are on reverse side front surface of the package. Each action that needs to be performed is spelled out to the smallest detail and allows you to accurately use the drug.

The package also includes an applicator in the form of a cap with a rubberized spout. One capsule has a volume of 6 ml.

Instructions for use on the package

The appearance of the drug (serum) for hair growth is a non-viscous liquid that resembles water. The smell of the product indicates the alcohol content in the composition of the liquid.

Use "Dercos Aminexil Pro" is needed as follows:

  • an applicator is put on the ampoule;
  • the device is firmly fixed until a special protrusion (made of hard plastic) cuts through the capsule;
  • the drug must be applied to the hair partings, performing zigzag movements;
  • After applying the product, massage the scalp thoroughly.

It is not necessary to wash off the preparation - the entire applied solution evaporates on its own without any visible traces. Under no circumstances should you use 1 ampoule more than once.

The drug can be stored for a limited period. As a rule, the shelf life is 36 months, however, after opening the ampoule, it is recommended to use the product immediately. It is also worth considering that after opening the capsule, the evaporation process begins. active substance.

Shampoo "Vichy Dercos"

This type of Vichy shampoo for hair growth must be used in conjunction with ampoule therapy. Shampoo has the following positive effects on curls:

  • strengthens each hair shaft;
  • eliminates fragility and weakness of hair;
  • helps to stop the process of baldness.

Shampoo "Vichy" for growth and against hair loss

Vichy shampoo for women and men is easy to apply on the head and also rinses off well. The nominal volume of one package is 200 ml.

In appearance, the shampoo is a white-pearl gel. As a rule, the shade of the consistency has nothing to do with dyes.

Appearance of Vichy shampoo (consistency)

Reviews real people about this cosmetic product are mostly positive. Many consumers (approximately 78%) noted that after 3 weeks, the weakness of the hair shaft disappeared. In addition, 76% of people who used the shampoo also noted more healthy look hair at the end of therapy.

Most of the people who used shampoo did so as part of ampoule therapy. That is, if you do not use ampoules, you will not be able to achieve the maximum effect.

In most cases, after using the product, the hair regains its lost shine and volume. Certainly, this is clear evidence. real benefit Vichy products.

In Vichy shampoo for hair loss, the same aminexil acts as the main active substance. Thanks to him, collagen deposits are not formed on the hair follicles. This, in turn, significantly affects the strength of fixation of curls in the scalp.

It should be noted that Vichy Dercos shampoos contain minimal amount aminexil. Thus it is cosmetic product alone cannot heal problematic hair. In addition, at abundant fallout hair (baldness) shampoo may be useless.

To get the maximum benefit from Vichy Dercos, it is strongly recommended to use Vichy Dercos Aminexil Pro ampoules at the same time as the shampoo.


Use Vichy shampoo for hair growth as follows:

  • a small amount of shampoo is applied to wet strands of hair;
  • the process of rubbing the product into curls should not cause any discomfort - the head must be massaged with light movements;
  • at the end of the massage, the product should be left on the head for 2-3 minutes;
  • then rinse off copious amounts warm water.

Shampooing (washing hair)

Before using Vichy products, you should carefully study side effects and contraindications. You can get the necessary information at the pharmacy or on specialized forums.

The cost of Vichy products for ampoule therapy may vary depending on the characteristics of the place of sale. Usually the price is:

  • 750-800 rubles - shampoo;
  • 3700-3800 rubles - ampoules.

Anti-fall remedy. Video

The video talks about effective means from hair loss "FULLY" and the nuances of its use.

The tool can be used to treat baldness in both men and women. However, it is worth remembering that male pattern baldness takes much longer to heal. You can buy Vichy shampoos and ampoules in pharmacies or online stores. You can also study the reviews of real people on the Internet on the relevant sites. This will prevent possible errors in handling the tool.

However, the fact that to deal with this nuisance and seek effective ways necessary, no one questions. It is hard to imagine that even in the last century people did not know anything about shampoo and replaced it with herbs and oils. Modern technologies provide the market with a huge variety of not only caring, but also medical cosmetics. Vichy's products for hair loss for women, reviews of which are mainly confirmation of effectiveness and quality, are in increasing demand among buyers.

The path to recognition

Vichy Cosmetics is one of the first companies in whose ideas health and beauty are a single concept. It was founded in 1931 in France. The decision of Dr. Prosper Adler and businessman Georges Guérin to use water from thermal spring Lucas near the French city of Vichy has become the main difference between products and similar cosmetics from other brands. natural water contains over seventeen mineral salts and about thirteen useful trace elements.

Later, the Vichy Hygienic-Dermatological Society brand appeared, which was purchased by famous company L’Oréal, which has made Vichy cosmetics an exclusively pharmacy brand since 1955, recognized throughout the world as environmentally friendly and highly effective.

Formula for success

Vichy products for hair loss promise their customers not only luxury and preventive care, but also healing effect. The tonic, energetic and regenerating effect is achieved thanks to a special innovative formula.

Developed over many years laboratory research the unique component "aminexil" promotes the renewal of collagen in the tissues of the scalp and prevents its thickening.

stress, malnutrition and the mode bad habits, various diseases adversely affect female beauty. There is a gradual hardening of collagen, as a result of which the hair is compressed at the root from all sides. Due to a violation of blood flow, he does not receive nutrition and falls out. Thanks to aminexil, the effectiveness of which is manifested both in the composition of the shampoo and in the Vichy capsules for hair loss for women (reviews confirm this), it became possible to slow down cell aging and activate the growth of dormant follicles even on bald areas of the head.

In addition, vitamins PP, B5, B6 as part of the products of the brand in question add vitality to the hair. The hairstyle becomes voluminous and beautiful.

Why do people choose Vichy?

Folk remedies and methods for restoring and strengthening hair are not recognized by everyone modern women. Theoretically, this sounds attractive: components natural origin, the absence of harmful dyes, stabilizers and other chemicals, the possibility of a session at home, low cost. However, the preparation of decoctions, masks and the procedure for their implementation in practice is a very troublesome task. In addition, the effect of them to wait for months. Therefore, cosmetic and pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of hair, which is fairly evenly distributed throughout the hair, without subsequent washing and drying, find more and more fans.

The safety of manufactured goods is an important priority for the company. The manufacturer claims that not a single product, including various means"Vichy" from hair loss for women (reviews about cosmetics, by the way, are ambiguous), do not contain hormones.

Treatment of alopecia

To combat baldness (alopecia), both local and progressive, the development of the Vichy company is used - capsules for hair loss. Taking into account certain characteristics of the body, separate formulas have been developed for men and women. Their results are promising. Reviews of many people who managed to evaluate the products indicate that after three weeks less volume is already noticeable, as well as a healthier and more radiant appearance. After about 6 weeks, guaranteed protection against hair loss is provided. miraculous effect occurs due to the elimination of collagen compaction in the basal region of the hair, strengthening the fixation of the rod and stimulating the growth of bulbs.

What does Vichy offer us? Hair loss capsules are easy to use. Their contents are quickly absorbed. The substance does not weigh down the hair, does not contain artificial dyes. It is recommended to apply the product three times a week and do not rinse. To achieve a lasting effect, the course of treatment should be at least two or three months. Cosmetologists recommend repeating it every six months.

A small part of the reviews warns owners of dry hair type against the use of capsules. Some girls note that after treatment with this product, there may be a tendency to dry hair.

Shampoo "Vichy" from hair loss. Reviews

Most women noted the expected effect from the use of the remedy. They recommend for prevention and prolonged action, in addition to capsules, wash your hair with Dercos shampoo of the same brand. Product passed clinical trials, during which its almost 80% effectiveness was revealed in strengthening falling hair and improving their condition.

Mode of application

Applied medicated shampoo similarly to the usual remedy - on wet hair. Then, lightly massaging the scalp, you need to hold it for a minute on your hair and then rinse it off. Shampoo "Vichy" against hair loss is suitable for frequent use. And both men and women.

"Neomarried" - to activate growth

Laboratory scientists every year develop more and more perfect formulas of Vichy products against hair loss. Reviews show that another popular product of this French brand is "Neojenik" - a growth activator with a patented stemoxidine molecule. This revolutionary achievement of science mimics the conditions necessary for the operation of stem cells responsible for the formation of new hair. Stemoxidin "awakens" dormant follicles, promotes the resumption of hair growth.

Do no harm

Based on this main commandment, with any treatment, you should carefully consider your decisions about the choice of means to restore thinning hair. Hair loss is often associated with disorders in thyroid gland or other serious problems in the body against the background of stress or anxiety. Perhaps you should pay attention to the diet, get advice and undergo examinations from doctors (trichologist, endocrinologist, nutritionist). Of course, in such cases, shampoo may not be able to cope with the problem of baldness.

Where could I buy?

When developing cosmetics and preparations of this brand, technologies of scientific medicine are being introduced. The company complies basic principles pharmacies, such as rigorously evaluating drug efficacy and providing patients with guidance to complete treatment. In turn, the obligations of the company in question include the provision of trainings to improve professional level pharmacy workers.

All these points inspire confidence and help to make a choice in favor of Vichy hair loss products for women. Reviews of those who have tried shampoos and preparations show that, despite high cost the demand for these products is skyrocketing. You just need to be patient, as the restoration of beautiful hair can take from 3 months to six months.

Hair loss is not cosmetic problem, but medical. Accordingly, it must be solved using medicines. Many are in a hurry to try a lot of different preparations: shampoos, masks, balms, which gives a short-term and insignificant effect. And even worsens the situation.

Folk remedies are more effective, but require time and patience. And not all procedures are suitable for use in today's frantic pace. Not everyone wants to go to work with a persistent smell of rotten eggs instead of the aroma of violets. "Vichy" (shampoo for hair loss) is not only the result, but also practicality, ease of use.

Causes of Hair Loss

Before sounding the alarm, it is worth deciding whether the experiences are in vain. Dropping out - natural process hair renewal. The reference value of dropped per day is from 40 to 100 pieces. If the amount is exceeded, then, first of all, you should consult a doctor.

What to check:

  • hormonal background;
  • food;
  • Lifestyle.

It also affects the condition of the hair prolonged depression, nervous breakdowns, constant insomnia, environment. Impact ultraviolet rays in summer, frost in winter, poor ecology constantly, leads to damage to the structure of the bulbs, deterioration of the skin, which means that the hair will begin to thin faster and lose volume.

Hormonal disorders occur when dihydrotestosterone accumulates in excess. It is produced faster in the stronger sex, which is why male pattern baldness in early age occurs more frequently. Similar surges in women occur during puberty, menopause. The excess of this hormone is due to heredity. In this case, treatment with cosmetics is meaningless and is a simple pumping of money. In this case, you need to contact a specialist.

Hair health directly depends on the quality of nutrition. Fatty, heavy food affects the entire body. This is the same stress for a person. An insufficient amount of vitamins causes a deficiency of essential substances. And if internal changes it is difficult to notice immediately, then outwardly they appear immediately. And not only hair suffers, but also nails and skin.

With poor nutrition, even the miraculous Vichy shampoo for hair loss will not provide the necessary assistance.

Hair Loss Treatment

When the cause is clarified, you can safely proceed to eliminate it. But apart from healthy eating, normalization and careful hiding from external environment need extra care.

The best assistant in this matter will be "Vichy" - shampoo for hair loss. Depending on their type, exactly the tool is selected that will satisfy the needs as much as possible. Moreover, it is possible to choose it depending on the type of skin. The lineup is represented by shampoos for oily, dry and combination.

In any case, you should pay attention to Vichy shampoo for hair loss. Reviews of real users only confirm high quality and effectiveness of the remedy. The same is confirmed by medical research.

VICHY - hair rescue

With excessive loss of hair shampoo "Vichy" - the best remedy recovery normal state. It is approved by dermatologists, and the best cosmetologists and doctors from all over the world worked on its creation.

Vichy hair loss shampoo fully justifies the reviews and is rightfully considered the number one remedy in the fight against the problem of baldness. Active ingredients nourish the head, strengthen hair follicles, promote rapid skin regeneration.

Thanks to an innovative approach to the creation of care products, the specialists of the Vichy laboratory not only reanimate the bulbs, but also help prevent problems with the hair.

The composition of shampoos "Vichy"

Professional shampoo "Vichy" from hair loss received positive reviews not only from customers, but also from leading experts in the beauty industry. Thanks to its unique composition, it gives shine to the strands, strengthens them, and facilitates further care.

Saturated with vitamins B5, B6 and PP, Vichy shampoo normalizes the functioning of the scalp and increases the protective properties of hair.

All components are hypoallergenic, therefore they do not cause irritation and are suitable for everyone. Aminexil is actively fighting hair loss. The tool is completely free of harmful substances that destroy the structure of the bulbs.

"Vichy" - a panacea or supplement

Considering everything positive characteristics the drug, do not forget that the shampoo "Vichy" from hair loss received the most positive reviews only if you follow a healthy diet, limit stress.

The most high efficiency means is shown in combination with other drugs of the line. But this is in cases where urgent resuscitation of the hair is required. If the loss has not gained momentum or there is no hereditary tendency, then it is enough regular use shampoo.

90 percent of those surveyed noticed a significant reduction in hair loss after the third use, which once again proves the effectiveness of the drug in practice.

Who is shampoo suitable for?

Especially it is worth paying attention to the remedy for those who have an increased fat content of the head. The shampoo does an excellent job with this problem, dries the skin, normalizes the work sebaceous glands and the hair always looks clean and well-groomed.

Although this tool is aimed primarily at treating and improving the structure of the bulb from the inside, leading cosmetologists of the world also had a hand in its creation. This means that after the first application appearance hair will be transformed, they will shine with health and freshness.

You can use the Vichy laboratory preparation even if there is no such problem. This tool will serve as an excellent prevention, and cosmetic will always remain in the spotlight.

Benefits of Vichy shampoo

Shampoo "Vichy" received positive reviews both from dermatologists and cosmetologists, and from people who regularly use it.

The main advantage of the remedy is its effectiveness in the fight against baldness. Active ingredients immediately begin to nourish the hair, saturate useful substances, vitamins. The cosmetological result is noticeable after the first use, and a noticeable improvement in the health of the hair after the third. Compared to the same folk remedies is a much faster effect. "Vichy" really solves the problem, and does not mask it.

The second, and no less important, aspect - shampoo is not exclusively a cosmetic development. First of all, this medicinal preparation. That is why it can be found mainly on pharmacy shelves.

When buying hair products, it is better to give preference to pharmacies, since only then can you be sure that the product is really of high quality and has passed clinical trials.

It is also worth noting that this type of hair care does not take much time, and the product itself is much cheaper than other professional products. Therefore, Vichy shampoo from hair loss received positive reviews, including from dermatologists.

The Russian market for medical cosmetics is so diverse today that it can be quite difficult to choose one or another product, which is why in this article we will introduce you to Vichy's products for hair loss in more detail.

Why with the products of this particular company? Remedies Vichy is developed in special laboratories of the company, these products include the unique substance "aminexil", which not only restores collagen, but also prevents its compaction.

Unfortunately, many of us are familiar with the problem of hair loss firsthand, but not everyone knows that hair loss is directly related to the thickening of collagen in the tissues surrounding the hair roots. Under the influence of adverse factors, collagen hardens, blood flow to the bulb is disturbed, as a result of which the hair does not receive the necessary nutrition and falls out.
Aminexil, which is part of Vichy's hair loss products, restores collagen, hair becomes stronger and stops falling out. In addition, thanks to aminexil, the hair becomes thicker, their volume increases, and the hairstyle becomes more magnificent and beautiful.

Of course, you can only find out if these remedies are right for you by trying them, because the responses on the Internet are quite contradictory. For some, a young “fluff” begins to intensively climb, but for some, the changes are not noticeable at all. At the same time, people note that deterioration from the use of these products does not occur.

So, what anti-hair loss products from Vichy are currently on the Russian market?

Vichy, Dercos - Vichy tonic shampoo against hair loss Dercos:

Conducted by company specialists clinical tests proved the high effectiveness of this shampoo. 78% of people after using the shampoo confirmed that hair loss was noticeably reduced, and the hair itself acquired vitality. This shampoo is based not only on the unique Aminexil molecule, but also on thermal water from medicinal plants. mineral springs Vichy.

Mode of application:
On wet hair, apply shampoo and lightly massage the head. For a more effective effect, the shampoo can be left on the head for one to two minutes. Then rinse hair thoroughly with water. Vichy shampoo can be used regularly. It is intended not only for the treatment of hair loss, but also for prevention. This shampoo is great for both women and men.
Intensive remedy for women Aminexil Pro 18 ampoules:

The composition of this product includes such active ingredients as: aminexil, the SP94 molecule, which improves the structure of the hair, and arginine, a substance that stimulates blood microcirculation. This remedy is suitable for all skin types.
The kit includes 18 ampoules of the product and an applicator massager, which allows you to economically and evenly distribute the product and massage the scalp.
These ampoules from the Vichy company are available in two types - for men and for women.
If Vichy shampoo for hair loss can be used as a prophylactic, then the ampoules are intended exclusively for medicinal purposes.

Mode of application:
One single dose is applied to the roots of dry or damp hair and, using the applicator, is evenly distributed over the entire head. Rinse off is not required. The duration of the full course is six or eight weeks (one ampule per day for heavy shedding or at least three ampoules per week for moderate shedding).
The product is hypoallergenic and suitable if you have sensitive scalp.

Vichy, Dercos Neogenic - ampoules for intensive hair growth:

One of the most popular means in the fight against thinning hair, ampoules from Vichy are rightfully considered. The main component of the product is the stemoxidine molecule, which is responsible for the formation of new cells in the hair follicle. The use of this tool is designed to thicken the hair and increase their density. I use Vichy Derkos ampoules once or twice a year, one monodose per day, the course lasts for 3 months. Neomarie can be used during pregnancy and is recommended for people undergoing chemotherapy. They perfectly strengthen the hair after dyeing and perming.

Mode of application:
Use only on thinned areas of the scalp - one ampoule per day. Can be applied to dry or damp hair, no rinsing required.
Insert the monodose into the applicator and hold it vertically. To apply the product, press on the purple area of ​​the applicator.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that if your hair began to fall out intensively, first of all you need to establish the cause of their loss and try to eliminate it. Any, even the most wonderful means, will not be able to completely solve the problem of hair loss.

This is a complex cosmetic product that is designed to care for sick, weakened and falling hair.

French company L'Oreal, which is known throughout the world, supplies the product to Russia directly from France, where the cosmetic is developed using the latest technologies.

This brand has many patents, developed using scientific research, which makes it very effective in the fight against hair loss.


  1. Through the impact unique composition, hair get everything necessary elements contributing to their strengthening.
  2. going on intensive nutrition hair follicle, scalp.
  3. Young cells are regenerated.
  4. The structure of the hair shaft is significantly strengthened.
  5. Improves blood supply to the scalp.
  6. Included funds do not cause allergies and suitable for all hair types.
  7. The drug can be used by pregnant and lactating women.
  8. The active components in the ampoules begin to work immediately, dilating blood vessels and nourishing the hair follicles as much as possible.
  9. Improves the strength and beauty of the strands.
  10. The substance is quickly absorbed into the skin and leaves no residue.
  11. When using the drug hair looks fresh and clean.
  12. Convenient application.
  13. Pleasant aroma.
  14. After the treatment of the skin, the hair follicles begin to work in a healthy and correct mode.

IMPORTANT: The effect is noticeable after 2 weeks of using the drug.


  1. The tool is quite expensive, but the price justifies expectations, since the drug is really very effective.
  2. One course of treatment is not always enough.

Composition and principle of operation

  1. Thermal water. This water is patented by the company and has unique properties:
    • accelerates cell regeneration;
    • qualitatively retains moisture in the scalp;
    • promotes narrowing of pores;
    • keeps skin youthful.
  2. Aminexil. This substance is effective in the fight against hair loss. It qualitatively fights with androgenic alopecia, strengthens hair follicles, softens hair.
  3. Arginine. It improves blood circulation in the scalp, due to which vasodilation occurs, and the hair follicles receive the necessary nutrition.
  4. Lemon acid. Gives the hair a natural shine and has a softening effect.
  5. Niacinamide. Qualitatively affects the texture of the hair
  6. Hydrogenated Castor oil . Helps restore the natural balance of the skin, heals wounds and minor damage, has a calming effect.
  7. AT 6. It has an antistatic effect, protects against negative impact strands.
  8. Safflower glycoside. Makes hair soft and manageable.
  9. Perfume/Fragrance. The aromatizing component, which has an anti-allergic effect, has a positive effect on hair follicles.
  10. 5% stemoxidine. Normalizes the work of stem cells, activates hair that is weakened or stopped growing. The composition gives the strands elasticity and elasticity.
  11. SP94. This component gives the curls a healthy look, natural radiance and shine.
  12. The maximum effect of Vichy against hair loss is achieved after 3 months of use.. The kit has 12 ampoules, which are enough to completely get rid of hair loss.

    The texture of the product is pleasant, light and liquid. It does not contribute to the weighting of the roots of the hair, has a unique penetrating ability, after its absorption there are no greasy marks on the roots of the strands.

    With a special applicator the product is easily and evenly distributed on the hair roots. A kind of micro-massage that occurs during application allows the hair follicles to receive as many nutrients as possible.

    Due to the presence of safflower glycoside in the serum, restoration occurs along the entire length of the strands.

    Since hair loss is associated with malnutrition hair follicles,harmonious composition ampoules will allow them to get all the most necessary substances, which guarantees fast growth hair and their strengthening.

    Do not expect an immediate effect from the drug. The rapid growth of hair when using other means only provokes their disease in the future. They become thinner and begin to die over time. Therefore, Vichy acts on the hair gradually.

    Hair first of all receives high-quality nutrition, and then, after the activation of the hair follicles, the regeneration of young cells occurs, their growth begins and the loss stops.

    The minimum result occurs after 2 weeks, the maximum effect will be visible after 2-3 months.


    IMPORTANT: Vichy hair loss ampoules should be used for moderate to severe hair loss.

    If the hair falls out moderately, it is enough to use 1 ampoule per day. The course of treatment is carried out 3 times in 7 days for 6 months.

    If hair loss is intense, then for 6 weeks it is necessary to use 1 ampoule every day.

    The product is applied with the use of the applicator necessarily on clean hair. The hair can be dry or wet. The main thing is to apply the contents of the ampoules to the scalp, gently massaging. Rub the composition all over the scalp.

    The contents after application to the strands are not washed off.

    Course duration

    It is necessary to use the product for at least 6-8 weeks. AT severe cases may take 6 months. It all depends on the intensity of hair loss. It is important not to interrupt treatment, even if a positive result is achieved.

    The composition must earn in full force, that's why necessary course treatment . The more intense the loss, the longer the time required for the regeneration of hair follicles, their strengthening and stopping the loss. It is possible that more than 12 ampoules are needed.

    After 3 weeks with moderate loss, the curls will fully recover and stop crumbling. With intensive, the effect should be expected in at least 6 or more weeks.


    The drug does not cause allergies, so it is suitable even for sensitive skin. as such contraindications when using Vichy ampoules no. All components do not penetrate into the blood, so they can be used even with and.

    Those who suffer from hair loss should try Vichy ampoules in practice. Their unique and well-chosen composition is sure to give positive results.

Useful video

Watch the review of this product in the video: