What is the best name for vitamins for the nervous system? Vitamin C - ascorbic acid

Vitamin support to the human body vital. Moreover, in different situations need a different set useful substances. If life is full of stress, it would be good to take a course of vitamins for nervous system. For what? To support not only the vulnerable psyche, but also physical health.

When do you need vitamins for the nervous system?

The central nervous system is the coordinator of all human life. If something is wrong in it, not only the brain suffers, but everything internal organs and systems. It is the nervous system that is responsible for coordinating their work, communication with the outside world, quality and even life expectancy of a person.

The nervous system clearly makes it clear that it needs help:

Loss of strength;

Frequent colds;

Depressed mood;



Decreased performance;

Drowsiness or, on the contrary, insomnia.

To restore your health, you need to take comprehensive measures. Firstly, take a course of vitamins for the nervous system, and secondly, change your diet and lifestyle.

What vitamins are needed for the nervous system?

The most important vitamins for the central nervous system are B vitamins. Each of them strengthens nerves in its own way and protects brain cells. When combined, B vitamins work better. Therefore, the complex should include as many of these substances as possible. Schoolchildren and people who daily experience increased mental and emotional stress need especially a lot of B vitamins.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) acts as an antidepressant. It restores nerves, improves mental abilities, and calms.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) takes an active part in cell regeneration and renewal. If this substance is not enough, then the person suffers from constant fatigue, weakness, and headaches.

Vitamin B3 ( a nicotinic acid, vitamin PP, niacin) is actively involved in the metabolism of macroelements - fats and proteins, as well as the synthesis of hormones. It is no coincidence that nicotinic acid is considered medicine. For example, this substance can improve the condition of patients with schizophrenia; it is included in the treatment regimen for bulimia and anorexia. Niacin improves blood supply to the brain like no other substance, quickly restores peace of mind. With a lack of vitamin B3, depression develops, nervousness increases, and serious nervous pathologies. To eliminate these symptoms, the body needs to receive up to 100 mg of nicotinic acid per day.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is the same substance that is involved in the synthesis of the famous “happiness hormone”, serotonin. In addition, pyridoxine promotes the production of hemoglobin, relieves overexcitation, improves mood, and ensures normal healthy sleep.

Vitamin B9 ( folic acid) is responsible for the body's energy resources. When they are depleted and there is a deficiency of this substance, a person develops various nervous disorders, memory and attention decrease, phobias arise, and anxiety increases.

Vitamin B11 (levocarnitine) strengthens and restores the nervous system, improves immunity, improves heart function, muscular system, brain. 4

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) protects nerve fibers from death and damage. A deficiency of this substance leads to the development of sclerosis and depression. Threatening condition with a lack of cobalamin, confusion occurs.

In addition to the powerful B-group, the body also needs other vitamins for the nervous system: retinol, carotene, ascorbic acid, tocopherol and vitamin D. They should also, if possible, be included in the complex of pharmacy vitamins and food products.

Vitamin A (retinol, beta-carotene) slows down the aging process and degradation of body cells, including nerve cells. Increases life expectancy, helps normalize sleep, increases the reactions of the nervous system, including attention and concentration.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a powerful antioxidant that increases the body’s immune strength and strengthens the psyche. Indispensable for stress, as it minimizes it bad influence on emotional sphere children and adults. The normal level of vitamin C in the blood determines whether a person will feel cheerful, joyful, and focused on the positive. Ascorbic acid enhances the effects on humans of others useful vitamins.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) reduces the risk of developing incurable disease Alzheimer's by protecting brain cells from attack free radicals. Delays the onset of old age, helping to preserve normal functions Central nervous system, relieves anxiety.

Vitamin D ensures normal flow rate nervous reactions, provides communication between nerve fibers.

It is dangerous to arbitrarily prescribe a drug in one dosage or another. It is better for the doctor to make an appointment after the tests. In addition, you need to make your diet complete in order to get vitamins from food.

Pharmacy vitamins for the nervous system

Bad mood, mental disorders, apathy and depression are the result of the destruction of nerve cells. Once the immune defense is reduced, the outer membrane of the nerve cell remains defenseless against free radical attacks. To strengthen the myelin layer, you need B vitamins. They are found in brewer's yeast, which can be bought at any pharmacy.

Pharmacies sell special complexes containing entire groups of vitamins for the nervous system. The most popular are:

Magne B6;



Magvit B6;

Vitrum superstress;

Multitabs B-complex;


Vitrum superstress;

Teravit Antistress;


If there is a lack of folic acid, you can take Neuromultivit, Complivit, Supradin. The deficiency of levocarnitine is compensated by Pentavit, the lack of cobalamin is compensated by Polivit, Vita-Mineral, Duovit. Ascorbic acid is found in almost all multivitamin complexes. You can purchase, for example, Multitabs-Classic, Alphabet, Norma.

What foods can you get vitamins for the nervous system from?

For urgent help for the nervous system, pharmaceutical multivitamin complexes are, of course, good. However, no less important is complete diet. You need to eat a varied diet, then your health will be fine.

Vitamins for the nervous system can be taken directly from food. Here's the list.

B1: beans, buckwheat, milk, rice, rolled oats and oatmeal.

B2: nuts, meat, liver, milk.

B3: liver, beans, chicken, mushrooms, nuts, oats, wheat.

B6: pistachios, seeds, wheat bran, garlic.

B9: green vegetables, tops, herbs, peanuts, soybeans, lentils, yeast, carrots, cauliflower.

B11: meat, milk.

B12: liver, eggs, sardines, herring, kidneys, squid.

Vitamin A: carrots, yolks, fish liver, pumpkin, butter, apricots.

Vitamin E: vegetable oil, cabbage, spinach, onions, seeds, almonds.

Vitamin C: tomatoes, strawberries, citrus fruits, cranberries, black currants, rose hips, red peppers, spinach, greens.

Bananas have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, do not forget to include them periodically in your diet. The combination of ascorbic acid, tocopherol and glucose relieves irritability, fatigue, saturates with energy and improves mood.

Vitamins - organic matter, which improve biochemical processes in the body, in particular in the brain. Vitamins are especially necessary for the nervous system, as they participate in neuro-reflex processes, and also stimulate the regeneration of neuron membranes.

Subject to regular receipt, these substances help improve memory and perception of information, increase the body’s resistance to nervous stress and normalize sleep.

What substances are required by the brain?

The main “nutrition” of the brain is B-group vitamins. When they are deficient, anxiety, cognitive disorders, depression, insomnia and chronic fatigue.

For the normal functioning of the nervous system, the body must regularly receive:

1. Thiamine(aka vitamin B1). Its main sources are: leafy greens, cereals (oatmeal and buckwheat), bran, seaweed. Thiamine has antidepressant properties: it reduces nervous excitability, eliminates anxiety, and increases concentration.

Daily requirement in thiamine (for an adult) is 1.5 mg.

2. Riboflavin(aka vitamin B2). It is found in yolks, nuts, tomatoes, fermented milk products, cabbage and cheeses. Riboflavin improves sleep, reduces the incidence of mood swings, and takes part in metabolic processes.

The daily requirement for riboflavin (for an adult) is 1.8 mg.

(vitamin B3). Prevents the development of chronic fatigue, stimulates memory, attention and perception, and prevents exacerbations of schizophrenia. The main sources of niacin are: red fish, cereals, mushrooms, nuts. The daily requirement is 20 mg.

4.Pyridoxine(AT 6). Responsible for the production of seratonin, stimulates mental activity, reduces anxiety, improves sleep. B6 is found in cereals, bananas, cottage cheese, nuts, and seafood. A daily intake of 2 mg of pyridoxine is required.

5.Folic acid(AT 9). One of the components cerebrospinal fluid, responsible for the excitability of the central nervous system. B9 speeds up thinking, improves memory, reduces the severity of seizures panic attack. Legumes contain folic acid fermented milk products, cereals, nuts, apricots and pumpkin. The body's daily requirement for folate is 0.4 mg.

6.Cyanocobolamine(AT 12). A natural regulator of the phases of wakefulness and sleep, a powerful antioxidant that prevents damage to neurons. In case of B12 deficiency, hallucinations, irritability, ringing in the ears, dizziness and depression occur. Cyanocobolamine is found in seaweed, herring, oysters, beef, milk and cheese. The daily requirement is 0.003 mg.

7. Tocopherol(vitamin E). Reduces the likelihood of developing degenerative processes in the brain (that is, prevents Alzheimer's disease), improves mood, eliminates attacks of aggression, promotes speedy recovery after stress. Sources of tocopherol are: Exotic fruits, seeds, cereals, nuts, eggs, vegetable oil. Necessary daily consumption up to 50 mg.

8. (vitamin C). It has a powerful anti-stress effect, is distinguished by the properties of an antioxidant, oncoprotector and immunomodulator, strengthens vascular wall, stimulates blood flow in the brain, is responsible for the normal synthesis of neurotransmitters. Calcium ascorbate is one of the most important substances for the body, since other vitamins “do not work” without it. The main sources are: cranberries, leafy greens, rose hips, sauerkraut.

Daily norm - at least 2000 mg

9.Tryptophan(amino acid). Participates in maintaining psycho-emotional balance. The main sources are: cocoa, red caviar, figs, peanuts, plums, almonds, cheese, raw sunflower seeds, cottage cheese, dates. In case of severe psychosomatic disorders, tryptophan is prescribed in the form of special complexes.

Daily norm: 800-1000 mg.

Vitamins to strengthen the nervous system

There is no doubt that in order to restore strength after prolonged and severe mental/emotional overload, “anti-stress” foods should be included in the daily menu: cheese (fat), seeds, sprouts, cereals and nuts. However, due to environmental degradation, food products, unfortunately, cannot fully satisfy the needs of the body (and in particular the brain) for nutrients, and therefore twice a year you should take courses of vitamins for the nervous system.

Vitamins for the nervous system: which ones are better?

The most popular and balanced vitamins for nerves are:

1. "Neurostabil". A natural phytocomplex that increases the body’s resistance to psycho-emotional stress and stress. The drug has a sedative and anticonvulsant effect. The main components of the drug are herbal extracts (willowherb, motherwort, oregano, peony, hops), vitamins (H, C, B9, A, B12, E, B5, B6, D3, B2, B1), amino acids (L-glutamic acid) and macroelements (potassium, magnesium). Neurostabil should be taken three times a day, after meals, 1-2 tablets.

2. Phytocomplex "Vitamins to improve mood." Has a calming and anti-anxiety effect, improves sleep. The supplement includes: plant extracts (St. John's wort, basil, valerian), B-group vitamins (B9, B1, B5, B12, B6), sminic acids (GABA, threonine, tryptophan) and minerals (zinc, manganese, magnesium). Take the complex 1 time per day, 1-2 capsules after meals.

3. "Multi-Univit". Allowed for use by children over 7 years old. It has powerful anti-stress activity and strengthens the nervous system. "Mult-Univit" includes: plant DNA, potassium, citrus bioflavonoids, vitamins (B12, A, B10, D3, B9, E, B6, C, B5, PP, B4, H, B2, B1). The complex should be taken as follows:

7-12 years - 1 tablet;

13-17 years old and adults - 2 tablets.

4. "Vita V-Plus". Organic complex for nerves based on B vitamins and lecithin. In addition, the supplement includes plant extracts (alfalfa, parsley, watercress). The complex is used to improve sleep and stabilize the psycho-emotional state. Should be taken one tablet/day after breakfast.

5. "Neurostrong". Complex that improves cerebral circulation and accelerating recovery after operations, strokes and injuries. Its composition includes herbal extracts (ginger, ginko biloba, licorice, gotu kola, blueberry), L-glutamine, vitamins (B6, PP, B8, B1, B4). For prevention, take 2 tablets twice a day, for treatment - up to 4 tablets three times a day.

Folk recipes


Vitamins C and B-groups are the main components for the normal functioning of the nervous system. These substances improve concentration and memory, relieve anxiety, increase the body’s resistance to stressful situations, normalize the emotional state.

As preventive measures To prevent cognitive disorders, the following products should be included in the daily menu:

  • wheat sprouts;
  • nuts (peanuts, walnuts, cashews, almonds);
  • fermented milk products(fat cheeses, cottage cheese);
  • seeds (sesame, pumpkin, sunflower);
  • dried fruits (prunes, dates, figs);
  • cereals (flatten oats, green buckwheat, brown rice).

At the same time, it is recommended to drink complexes of neuroprotective vitamins (Multi Univit, Neurostabil, Vita-V Plus, Memory Rice) twice a year, and the duration of such therapy should ideally last 1-2 months.

It should be remembered that Alzheimer's disease is a consequence of many years of lack of B vitamins (inositol and choline) in the patient's diet.

- one of critical systems our body. It consists of the brain, spinal cord, nerves, nerve endings and ganglia.

Regulates and controls the performance of all body functions. Without regulation of the nervous system, not a single movement or action occurs in the body.

A very important role in proper operation All organs play vitamins for the nervous system.

What could be the causes of dysfunction of the central nervous system?

1. Lack of amino acids. Some amino acids are involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. With their help, neurotransmitters are produced that ensure the transmission of impulses from one nerve cell to another. This reason may be the main one if a person eats poorly and limits himself to some foods (diet, vegetarianism).

2. Lack of oxygen. Nerve cells have special organelles called mitochondria. They use oxygen to produce the energy needed for normal operation cells. With insufficient oxygen levels, these processes are disrupted and the work of nerve cells slows down. This reason may be the main one in disorders of the nervous system in diseases respiratory system, anemia.

3. Stress and high emotional stress. Stress can be short-term or chronic. The first type is not dangerous to the body. Chronic stress is the cause of constant mental and intellectual overload. It also causes malfunctions cardiovascular system, hormonal imbalances, digestive disorders, exacerbation peptic ulcer and decreased immunity.

4. Noise. Constant noise, even not very loud, is an irritant to the nervous system and causes its exhaustion.

5. Viral diseases. Colds accompanied by intoxication, which has a damaging effect on nerve cells.

Factors that have a positive effect

1. Fresh air. Walking daily at a calm pace allows you to get enough oxygen.

2. Healthy sleep. Sleep duration should be 8-9 hours.

3. Positive emotions. At the same time, endorphins are produced, which strengthen and tone the nervous system.

4. Motor activity. It also stimulates the production of endorphins.

5. Change of activity. Transfer from physical activity to the mental one - excellent training for the nervous system.

6. Vitamins. With full and balanced diet everything enters the body necessary substances, including vitamins and microelements important for the functioning of the nervous system.

Maintaining normal nervous system function

Vitamin A - retinol

It helps normalize sleep and increases brain activity. It fights the aging process as it is an antioxidant and destroys free radicals. If it is insufficient, sleep disturbance, weakness, lethargy, brittle nails, and dryness occur. IN severe cases there may be visual impairment. There is a lot of this vitamin in fish oil, butter, raw carrots, liver, beef, white fish, potatoes, dried apricots and peaches. For normal absorption of retinol, fats are necessary.

Vitamin B1 - thiamine

This vitamin is necessary to calm the nervous system. It reduces anxiety, eliminates increased activity, nervousness. With its help, concentration increases and the ability to learn increases. Thiamine deficiency causes memory loss, insomnia, poor coordination, anxiety, increased anxiety, tearfulness. It is found in abundance in cereals, seaweed, peas, eggs, fish, pork, beef and nuts.

Vitamin B3 - nicotinic acid

She stimulates brain activity, helps restore energy reserves in neurons. When it is insufficient, chronic fatigue, memory loss, and deterioration in attention are observed. Nicotinic acid is found in abundance in dairy products, nuts, milk, and yeast. In milk, nicotinic acid is not destroyed even during heat treatment.

Vitamin B6 - pyridoxine

It helps improve mood and activate all processes in the brain. An overdose of it may cause hyperactivity and nervousness, so when taking it you should not exceed the dosage. With a lack of pyridoxine, chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, memory loss, and inhibition of thinking and reactions occur. It is found in large quantities in following products: walnuts, cereals, White bread, prunes, seeds.

Vitamin B12 - cyanocobalamin

This vitamin is natural antioxidant and fights with harmful factors external and internal environment. Reduces them negative impact on nerve cells, ensuring the restoration of damaged neurons. This vitamin is also a regulator of sleep and wakefulness. If it is insufficient, sleep disturbances, memory impairment, irritability, dizziness, and in severe cases even hallucinations are observed. To prevent cyanocobalamin deficiency, you need to eat all types of meat, fish, seafood, cheese, milk and eggs.

Vitamin C - ascorbic acid

Protects the body from free radicals, improves immunity, improves mental performance, and also participates in the production of anti-stress hormones. found in large quantities in strawberries, rose hips, wild strawberries, tomatoes,

The functioning of the human body is controlled by the nervous system: any failure in its functioning immediately affects both the physical and mental psychological state. Constant fatigue, insomnia, irritability, stomach discomfort, hypotension... All this may not indicate the presence somatic disease, but that the body receives few vitamins and microelements that are necessary for normal brain function.

What vitamins and minerals are needed for the nervous system to function properly?

The functioning of the nervous system depends on the intake of certain groups of vitamins and minerals into the body.

B vitamins

Without B vitamins normal functioning nervous system becomes impossible. Vitamins B1, B6 and B12 are neurotropic: they are often used in treatment neurological disorders, and their lack causes damage to peripheral nerves.

Each of these vitamins acts in a specific way:

  • B1 restores nervous tissue, participates in the transmission of nerve impulses and acts as an antioxidant, inhibiting tissue aging and participating in cellular regeneration;
  • B6 is necessary for the normal functioning of all types of metabolism in the body, and is also involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters;
  • B12 accelerates the formation and regeneration of the myelin sheath, which covers nerve fibers;
  • B9 is necessary for the restoration of all types of memory (long-term and short-term), as well as to ensure the normal rate of transmission of nerve impulses.

Typically, multivitamin complexes designed to normalize the functioning of the nervous system contain all of the vitamins listed: it has been proven that in combination they can achieve an excellent effect.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A, or retinol, makes it possible to normalize sleep and wakefulness, and also improves cognitive abilities. Retinol is an antioxidant and protects cells from aging and destruction. Vitamin A also helps improve vision.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E improves blood circulation in the brain, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and allows you to preserve for a long time good memory. Regular consumption of this vitamin is an excellent prevention of age-related neurological diseases eg Alzheimer's disease. The vitamin has a light sedative effect, relieving increased irritability.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps to cope with the decline of long-term and short-term memory. It also makes it possible to avoid atherosclerosis.

All of the vitamins listed should be part of complexes designed to improve the functioning of the nervous system. To enhance their effect, microelements are added to the preparations: iron, which saturates cells with oxygen, iodine, which improves cognitive abilities, selenium, which stimulates the functioning of the nervous system, etc.

Causes of nervous system dysfunction

Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system can occur for various reasons:

  • hypoxia. Just six seconds after the oxygen supply to the brain is cut off, a person loses consciousness, and after 15, irreversible neurological damage occurs. Chronic hypoxia caused by anemia and lack of iron in the body is also dangerous;
  • increase in body temperature. With prolonged fever, the metabolic rate increases, as a result of which resources are quickly depleted, and nervous processes are inhibited;
  • entering the body toxic substances. There is a group of neurotropic poisons that act selectively, affecting mainly nerve cells;
  • metabolic disorders, e.g. diabetes, in 80% of cases leading to the development of neurological symptoms;
  • heredity. Some genetic diseases cause metabolic disorders in nerve cells. For example, with phenylketonuria, the body accumulates a large number of toxic substances that affect cells of the nervous system;
  • brain injuries (bruises, concussions);
  • overwork and frequent stress;
  • vascular diseases leading to impaired blood circulation in the brain;
  • oncological diseases. The tumor can not only affect the head or spinal cord, but also cause intoxication of the body with the products of its decay.

Vitamins are necessary in the treatment of many disorders of the nervous system. For example, for chronic hypoxia, taking medications with vitamins A and iron is indicated. Designed for people with diabetes special complexes, which accelerate the rate of regeneration of nervous tissue.

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency

You can learn more about the symptoms of nervous system dysfunction in the following video:

The nervous system reacts to vitamin deficiency as follows:

  • performance decreases: you have to make great efforts to cope with everyday activities;
  • the sleep-wake pattern is disrupted. This can be either drowsiness or insomnia;
  • irritability appears;
  • short-term and long-term memory deteriorate;
  • causeless mood swings occur;
  • the person becomes distracted and finds it difficult to concentrate.

If you have at least two of the listed symptoms, you should consult a therapist: you may be suffering from vitamin deficiency, which affects the functioning of the nervous system.

Why is it important to take care of the state of the nervous system?

Contrary to previously held opinion, scientists have come to the conclusion that nerve cells are capable of recovery. True, in order to regain health, you will have to work hard and even change your lifestyle, as well as your diet and daily routine.

It is very important to do this: since problems in the nervous system affect the functioning of the body as a whole:

  • neurasthenia may eventually cause serious problems with heart;
  • lack of blood circulation in the brain leads to the development of stroke and coronary artery disease;
  • Due to problems in the functioning of the nervous system, the quality of life decreases: the desire to work, spend time with friends, learn new information, etc. disappears.

The nervous system controls the functioning of the body as a whole. This means that by healing it, you improve your health and give yourself longevity and energy.

Vitamin complexes for adults

In pharmacies you can find a number of drugs to stabilize the nervous system:

  • Neurostable. A drug containing B vitamins, vitamin A, C and E, as well as a complex of extracts medicinal plants, increases stress resistance and has a mild calming effect. Neurostabil should be taken three times a day after meals, the dosage is selected by the doctor depending on the severity of the symptoms of vitamin deficiency;
  • Neurostrong. The drug improves blood circulation in the brain, helps quickly recover from injury or stroke, and also surgical interventions. To prevent vitamin deficiency, it is recommended to take two tablets twice a day if Neurostrong is prescribed for medicinal purposes, the dosage is doubled;
  • Vitrum Superstress. The complex helps normalize sleep, accelerates cell regeneration, and also strengthens the immune system. In addition to vitamins, the product contains folic acid, which improves metabolism, and iron, which improves blood composition;
  • Neurovit-R. This drug is used to treat diseases of the nervous system: neuritis, neuralgia, etc.;
  • Neurorubin-Forte. The product contains group and B vitamins and microelements necessary for normal brain function.

Before purchasing a vitamin complex, you should talk to your doctor: some products have side effects and if taken uncontrolled, can cause harm to health.

Vitamins for children

There are special ones for children vitamin complexes that help improve the functioning of the nervous system:

  • Alphabet. This complex is adapted for child's body: it contains no dyes or flavors, so even small children can take it;
  • Multitabs. The Danish-made drug is available in several forms and is suitable for children from birth to 18 years;
  • Vitrum. The drug is available in the form chewable tablets. The complex is indicated for increasing appetite and for seasonal vitamin deficiency; it is also recommended for preventing overwork during school hours.

It is important to remember that hypervitaminosis is no less dangerous than hypovitaminosis. Therefore, parents should strictly monitor their child’s intake of vitamin complexes.

How to help your nervous system recover?

In order for the functioning of the nervous system to normalize, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • take vitamin complexes prescribed by your therapist. It is very important to get a doctor’s opinion about which vitamins are best and which medications will have the best effect on the body;
  • give up strong tea and coffee: the substances contained in these drinks have a stimulating effect, but if neurological disorders their regular use causes rapid depletion of nervous system resources;
  • avoid stress and give yourself time to rest and relax;
  • eat right: the nervous system may suffer from a lack of amino acids, which are “ building material", which is necessary for the restoration of nervous tissue;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • stick to strict regime of the day: try to get up, eat and go to bed at the same time;
  • try to sleep at least seven hours a night;
  • spend time on fresh air or ventilate the room more often: this will help avoid hypoxia.

To stabilize the functioning of the nervous system, breathing exercises. It's very easy to learn:

  • take a deep breath into your stomach, trying to make it inflate, hold your breath for a couple of seconds and slowly push the air out through your nose. The cycle should be repeated 3-4 times: this will help you calm down and collect your thoughts;
  • come to open window and do deep breath, slowly raising your arms up until they touch above your head. Hold your breath and exhale, lowering your arms. Repeat the exercise three times.

These simple recommendations help tidy up the nervous system. However, it is better not to self-medicate, but to consult a specialist who can determine the cause. unpleasant symptoms and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Vitamin complexes for the nervous system - great way regain energy, strength and vigor, get rid of insomnia and irritability, avoid heart attack and stroke.

Ask your doctor to help you choose the most suitable suitable drug, and strictly follow the prescribed dosage: the result will not take long to arrive!

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