Vitamins from 1 to 2 years. A child’s need for vitamins depending on age and individual characteristics

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Currently, many parents know that a child’s actively growing body requires vitamins and minerals that ensure the normal formation and development of all organs and systems. However, very often parents are faced with a number of very difficult questions for them, for example, “What vitamins does a child of a certain age need?” or “What vitamins should I give my child?” etc. Let's consider what is included in the concept of “vitamins for children” and the rules for their use.

Vitamins for children - definition

Today, only 13 vitamins have been isolated and identified, which a person of any age and gender needs. This means that children, in principle, need all 13 known vitamins, since they ensure the normal functioning of all organs and systems, as well as their growth and development of normal physiological functions. Moreover, vitamins themselves do not have any activity; they are a kind of catalysts that trigger a cascade of biochemical reactions necessary for normal growth, regeneration and functioning of all organs and systems. This means that these biochemical transformations will not occur without vitamins.

Conventionally, the role of vitamins in the body can be compared to the function of gasoline in a car. That is, all the parts are in good condition and work, but until gasoline starts flowing, the car will not move. The same thing happens in the body - in order for organs and systems to begin to carry out their functions, grow and develop, they need a supply of vitamins. Moreover, each vitamin catalyzes and activates the occurrence of one strictly defined process. Therefore for normal functioning of all organs and systems, every person needs all 13 vitamins. This is especially important for children, since they need vitamins not only for the normal functioning of organs and systems, but also to ensure their growth and development.

However, there are vitamins whose deficiency is especially critical for the normal growth and development of a child. Pronounced deficiency These vitamins can lead to mental retardation, growth retardation, diseases of the digestive, endocrine and cardiovascular systems, immunodeficiency and even death. They are included in the group of “children’s vitamins” and are meant by the term “vitamins for children.”

Should children be given vitamins?

Currently, there is a wide debate in society about whether children should be given vitamins or not? By vitamins we mean various pharmacological preparations, sold in pharmacies. The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous, since it depends on a large number of different factors.

Firstly, it should be remembered that a child needs vitamins for growth and development, as well as to maintain the normal functioning of all his organs and systems. If a child does not receive enough vitamins, his growth and development will stop, since everything will be spent only on maintaining the normal functioning of organs and systems. In addition, a deficiency of vitamins will negatively affect your health, since they are necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system. Therefore, we can say that vitamin deficiency is an immunodeficiency varying degrees gravity. Thus, it is quite obvious that vitamin deficiency is much more dangerous for a child than for an adult.

Since the supply of vitamins is not the same for everyone specific person, then it is impossible to answer the question of whether it is necessary to give a child vitamins in general, in relation to all children. Deciding whether to give your child vitamins should be done individually, based on an analysis of his condition and diet. That is, in order to answer the question of whether it is necessary to give vitamins to a child in this particular case, you should think about whether he might have a deficiency?

If a child eats normally and fully, then he does not have a vitamin deficiency and does not need any additional medications. That is, a child who eats a good diet does not need to be given vitamins.

If the child does not eat well, and, therefore, is inadequate, is often sick, or has recently suffered a serious illness or poisoning, then he needs to be given vitamins. Moreover, in case of malnutrition, vitamins should be given 2–4 times a year in courses of 1–1.5 months. And against the background of a serious illness or after recovery, vitamins must be given for 2 to 3 months, after which the rules for their use must be followed depending on the child’s diet. It is also necessary to give vitamins to a child who, regardless of diet, often gets sick, eats poorly, does not grow or gain weight, and is lagging behind in physical or mental development.

Adequate nutrition for a child means the following approximate diet:
1. The child consumes fresh or frozen red meat at least twice a week (beef, veal, lamb, etc.);
2. The child consumes poultry meat at least 2–3 times a week;
3. The child eats fresh or frozen fish at least twice a week;
4. The child eats some dairy products every day;
5. The child eats eggs at least twice a week;
6. The child consumes at least five types of fruits and vegetables daily;
7. The child consumes butter and vegetable oils daily;
8. The volume of carbohydrate foods (buns, pastries, bread, pasta, potatoes, etc.) is no more than half of the child’s total daily diet.

If the child’s nutrition corresponds to the given diet, then he does not need vitamins. At a complete diet The child should be given vitamins only during frequent infections or after protracted and severe illnesses, as well as against the background of severe physical or mental stress or during very active growth when he stretches out and gains weight very quickly. If the child’s nutrition does not correspond to the above diet, then it is considered inferior. Consequently, this child needs to be given vitamins in courses lasting 1 - 1.5 months with intervals between them of 1 - 2 months until his diet can be made complete.

In addition, vitamins should be given to a child when signs of deficiency appear, regardless of his diet. Signs of vitamin deficiency in a child are the following:

  • Low physical activity;
  • Excessive nervous excitability;
  • Deterioration of vision or hearing;
  • Fatigue;
  • Sleep disorders (restless sleep, difficulty falling asleep, drowsiness in the morning, etc.);
  • Slow growth;
Thus, in order to understand whether to give vitamins to children, it is necessary to analyze the health, growth, development and nutrition indicators of those children regarding whom the decision is being made.

Summer vitamins for children

In the summer, if the child eats at least 400 g daily fresh vegetables or fruits and in the previous winter and spring his diet was complete, he does not need additional vitamins. If in the summer the child has the opportunity to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, but in winter and spring he does not eat fully, then he can be given additional vitamins. One course of vitamins lasting 3-5 weeks in the summer will be enough for such a child. Additional intake of vitamins in the summer in such situations is due to the need not only to restore their concentration in the blood, but also to saturate the tissues and organs, which will completely eliminate the deficiency.

Vitamin standards for children

The World Health Organization has now developed recommended daily intakes of vitamins for children. of various ages, which fully satisfy the needs of the body. These standards are average, and therefore quite conventional values, since in practice it is impossible to accurately calculate the dosage of vitamins supplied with food. This can only be done approximately. However, the approximate content of vitamins in the daily diet should not be lower than the WHO recommended values. In this case, you can be sure that the child receives all the necessary vitamins in the quantities he needs.

Norms daily consumption vitamins for children are shown in the table.

Children's age A IN 1 AT 2 AT 5 * AT 6 AT 9 ** AT 12 RR N E D TO WITH
0 – 1 year1250 IU0.3 mg0.4 mg2 mg0.5 mg25 mcg0.4 mcg5 mg15 mcg3 mg300 IU5-10 mcg30 mg
1 – 3 years1350 IU0.7 mg0.8 mg3 mg1.0 mg50 mcg0.7 mcg9 mg20 mcg6 mg400 IU15 mcg40 mg
4 – 6 years1600 IU0.9 mg1.1 mg4 mg1.1 mg75 mcg1.0 mcg12 mg25 mcg7 mg400 IU20 mcg45 mg
7 – 10 years2300 IU1.0 mg1.2 mg5 mg1.4 mg100 mcg1.4 mcg7 mg30 mcg7 mg400 IU30 mcg45 mg
11 – 18 years old girls3000 IU1.1 mg1.3 mg4–7 mg1.6 mg200 mcg2.0 mcg15 mg15 mcg8 mg400 IU45-55 mcg60 mg
11 – 18 years old boys3000 IU1.5 mg1.8 mg4–7 mg2.0 mg200 mcg2.0 mcg17-20 mg17-20 mcg10 mg400 IU45-65 mcg60 mg

*B 5 is an outdated name for pantothenic acid
**AT 9 - symbol folic acid

What vitamins should I give my child?

Vitamins for children of all ages

A child most of all needs vitamins of group B (B 1, B 2, B 6, B 12), as well as A, C, E and D. These vitamins can be given to a child of any age, either individually or in the form of a multivitamin complex. When purchasing multivitamin preparations for a child, you should pay attention to ensure that it contains the listed vitamins in daily dosage. The listed vitamins provide the possibility of active growth and correct formation all organs and systems of the child. In other words, vitamins A, C, D, E and group B help a child grow and develop into an adult. Moreover, vitamins ensure not only harmonious physical development, but also mental development.

In addition, vitamin PP is useful for children of any age, which can also be given to a child. This vitamin is optional, but it is advisable to include it in a complex intended for a child. It is vitamin PP that improves the functioning of the immune system, reducing the severity and strength of allergic reactions to which many children are prone.

The best time to take vitamins is in the morning, immediately after breakfast. You should not give vitamins to a child on an empty stomach, as this can provoke unpleasant and uncomfortable symptoms, such as nausea, heaviness and burning in the stomach, and others, as a result of which he will generally refuse to take useful pills. During the entire course of taking vitamins, the child should be given plenty of water - at least 2 liters per day. Moreover, it is best to give him clean drinking water. Vitamins cannot be given constantly, they should be taken in courses of 1 - 1.5 months. The minimum break between courses of taking vitamins is 1.5 - 2 months.

Vitamins for children from one year old

A child aged 1–2 years most of all needs vitamins A, D, PP, C, B 1, B 2, B 6 and B 12, which ensure his active growth and an increase in the total mass of all organs and tissues. Since at this age the child cannot yet swallow a tablet, he must be given vitamins in the form of a solution or syrup. Complexes containing vitamin K should be avoided, as they can lead to bleeding and disruption of the child's immune system.

Currently, there are two vitamin preparations on the domestic drug market that are best suited for children 1–2 years old - Pikovit 1+ and Alphabet Our Baby. Both complexes do not contain vitamin K, and the concentration ascorbic acid relatively low and safe for a child of this age. In addition, Pikovit is produced in the form of a syrup, and Alphabet Our Baby is available in the form of a powder for preparing solutions, which allows you to give them freely small child who is not yet able to swallow a pill.

Alphabet Our Baby also takes into account the compatibility of vitamins, and therefore the packaging contains bags of different colors, each of which contains only compatible friend vitamins with a friend. Every day you need to give your child one sachet of each color. However, you cannot take all the sachets at the same time; this should be done at intervals throughout the day. It is most convenient to give your child one sachet in the morning, a second one at lunchtime, and a third one in the evening.

Vitamins for a 2 year old child

A child aged 2 - 3 years has a maximum need for the same vitamins as at 1 - 2 years old, namely: A, D, PP, C, B 1, B 2, B 6 and B 12. These vitamins ensure his normal and harmonious physical and mental development. At 2–3 years of age, a child should not yet be given vitamin K, since this can cause bleeding and disturbances in the functioning of the immune system, which can manifest as allergic reactions, autoimmune diseases or simply frequent acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections.

Among the vitamins available on the pharmaceutical market, the following are optimal for children 2–3 years old:

  • Alphabet Our baby;
  • Vitrum baby;
  • Multi-Tabs baby;
  • Pikovit 1+;
  • Sana-Sol.
Alphabet Our baby and Pikovit are available in liquid form, and the rest of the vitamins are in the form chewable tablets. Such forms of release allow you to avoid difficulties when taking them by a child. The vitamins do not contain preservatives or dyes, which ensures their hypoallergenicity. But the vitamins contain aromatic and flavorful additives of various berries and fruits, which children really like.

Vitamins for a 3 year old child

At the age of 3–4 years, the child, as a rule, begins to attend kindergarten or other preschool institutions, where he comes into close contact with peers. It is close relationships with other children, as well as stress from changing the usual daily routine, that cause immunodeficiency, which manifests itself in frequent illnesses. Therefore, at this age, the child most of all needs vitamins that can strengthen his immunity, such as A, C, PP, B 1, B 2 2, B 3 and B 6.

The optimal vitamin complexes for children 3 to 4 years old, available on the domestic pharmaceutical market, are the following:

  • Alphabet Kindergarten;
  • Vitrum Kids;
  • Kiddy Pharmaton in an age-appropriate dosage;
  • Kinder Biovital in an age-appropriate dosage;
  • Multi-Tabs baby and Multi-Tabs baby maxi;
  • Pikovit 3+;
  • Sana-Sol.
The listed vitamin complexes improve the functioning of the child’s immune system, stimulate the mental and emotional activity of the brain, and also increase his mental stability, which helps him adapt best to new conditions.

Vitamins for children 4 and 5 years old

At the age of 4–6 years, the child begins to be active and fast growth musculoskeletal system. Therefore, he needs vitamins that ensure adequate and normal growth of bones and muscles, such as A, D, PP, C, B 1, B 2, B 6, B 12. In addition, for normal growth, in addition to vitamins, a 4-5 year old child needs minerals - calcium and phosphorus, from the compounds of which salts will be formed in the body, calcifying the bones and making them strong and strong. If there are enough vitamins, but a deficiency of minerals, the child’s bones will have an irregular shape and insufficient length. If a child is deficient in vitamins or minerals between the ages of 4 and 5, he will remain short, his legs will be crooked, and his chest will become flat or barrel-shaped.

The optimal vitamin complexes for children 4–6 years old are the following:

  • Vita Bears;
  • Vitrum Kids;
  • Kiddy Pharmaton in an age-appropriate dosage;
  • Kinder Biovital in an age-appropriate dosage;
  • Multi-Tabs Classic, Multi-Tabs baby and Multi-Tabs baby maxi;
  • Pikovit 4+ and Pikovit 5+.

Vitamins for children 6 years old

A child aged 6 - 7 years has already grown up, while his musculoskeletal system will grow relatively slowly, but right now it begins active formation brain structures, which is associated with big amount emotional impressions and powerful mental stress. The more emotions there are and the higher the intellectual load of a child at the age of 6–7 years, the better he will be prepared for school, and the more successful he will be in school. Intellectual stress does not mean teaching a child letters, addition, subtraction, etc., but setting him creative gaming tasks that require non-standard solutions. For example, how to get over a huge puddle without getting your feet wet or getting your suit dirty? Or how to build a house with 6 rooms from a construction set, how to get dressed in 40 seconds, how to beat your grandmother at cards, etc. Naturally, such preparatory training before school should take place against the background of the normal functioning of the child’s body, which requires vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B6, B12 and folic acid. In addition to the vitamins listed, the child needs minerals - calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and iodine.

Currently, the following vitamin complexes are best suited for children 6–7 years old:

  • Alphabet Schoolboy;
  • Vita Bears;
  • Vitrum Junior;
  • Kiddy Pharmaton in an age-appropriate dosage;
  • Kinder Biovital in an age-appropriate dosage;
  • Pikovit 5+.
The listed vitamin complexes contain not only the vitamins a child needs, but also minerals.

Vitamins for children 7, 8 and 9 years old

At the age of 7 to 10 years, the child continues to actively form brain structures, and also develops nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular system. In addition, studying at school involves quite serious intellectual stress. Therefore, the child especially needs vitamins A, D, C, B1, B2, B6, B12, folic and pantothenic acid. These vitamins provide the needs of the child’s body for the development of the brain and intellect, as well as vital important systems– respiratory, nervous and cardiovascular. It is at this age that the child’s immune system is fully formed and acquires the characteristics of an adult, and therefore he stops getting sick so often and seriously. The mucous membranes are rebuilt and also become “adult”. However, for the successful development of all organs and systems, in addition to vitamins, a child 7–10 years old needs minerals - iron, manganese and copper.

The optimal vitamin and mineral complexes for a child 7–10 years old are the following:

  • Schoolboy alphabet;
  • Vita Bears;
  • Vitrum Junior;
  • Kinder Biovital in an age-appropriate dosage;
  • Multi-Tabs Shkolnik (Scholar) or Multi-Tabs Classic;
  • Pikovit 7+.

Vitamins for children 10 years old

At the age of 10 years, a child’s vitamin needs are almost the same as those of an adult. But a child will feel a vitamin deficiency more acutely than an adult, since in this case his physical development will be slow, and he will remain short, thin-boned, with little muscle mass, etc. In addition, a lack of vitamins at the age of 10 years and older will stop the development of brain structures, which will make it impossible to acquire complexly structured and abstract knowledge in subjects such as chemistry, physics, mathematics, sociology, etc. At the same time, the child will master simple and necessary skills for life, but will not acquire the ability to analyze information and abstract thinking.

The optimal vitamin complexes for a 10-year-old child are the same as for a 7-9 year old child:

  • Schoolboy alphabet;
  • Vita Bears;
  • Vitrum Junior;
  • Kiddy Pharmaton in dosage according to age;
  • Kinder Biovital in an age-appropriate dosage;
  • Multi-Tabs Shkolnik (Scholar) or Multi-Tabs Classic;
  • Pikovit 7+.
From the age of 12, a child can be given Vitrum Classic and Centrum.

General characteristics of vitamins for children of different ages

Vitamin D (D 3) for children necessary for the growth of bones and muscles, the formation of teeth and nails, as well as for the optimal functioning of the local immunity of the mucous membranes.

Vitamin A for children necessary for normal growth, good vision, as well as excellent skin condition. Vitamin A deficiency provokes poor growth of the child, as well as poor skin condition with frequent pustular rashes, eczematous-like lesions, allergic rashes, peeling, cracks, etc.

Vitamin E for children necessary for the formation of the immune system and prevention severe course acute infections. Vitamin E also promotes the formation of elastic and resistant to negative impact factors environment skin and mucous membranes.

Vitamin C for children necessary for normal growth muscle mass, as well as to increase the strength of all organs and tissues. Vitamin C is also necessary for the prevention of infectious and inflammatory diseases and maintaining the normal condition of the skin.

Vitamin PP for children necessary to ensure normal operation digestive tract, as well as for efficient cellular respiration. Vitamin PP is also involved in maintaining the normal condition and functioning of the skin.

B vitamins (B 1, B 2, B 6, B 12) for children necessary to regulate and ensure normal and adequate metabolism and blood circulation. B vitamins are also necessary for the development and maintenance efficient work brain and other parts nervous system.

What vitamins should children take to improve certain body performance indicators?

Vitamins for immunity for children

Vitamins A, C, E, PP and folic acid have the most pronounced and powerful effect on immunity. Currently, the following vitamin complexes are available on the domestic pharmaceutical market, which most significantly enhance the child’s immunity:
  • Multi-Tabs Baby, Multi-Tabs Toddler or Multi-Tabs Classic for children of different ages;
  • Centrum for children;
  • Pikovit Prebiotic;
  • Pikovit for children of different ages (1+, 2+, 3+, 5+, 7+).

Vitamins for children's growth

In order for a child to grow as much as possible, he must receive vitamins A, C, D and group B, as well as the trace elements calcium and phosphorus. Vitamins without microelements will not provide the conditions for a child’s growth, and he will never grow tall. This happens because vitamins catalyze the growth process, and microelements are building materials, a kind of “bricks” from which the child’s skeleton is built. Accordingly, without “building materials,” bones cannot grow even with a sufficient amount of vitamins. The optimal vitamin and mineral complexes for children’s growth are:
  • Bee Big (allowed for use by children from 6 years old);
  • Complivit Calcium D 3 – a vitamin preparation to accelerate and improve the growth of a child;
  • Multi-Tabs Baby Calcium+ (children 2 – 7 years old) – ensures the formation of strong bones and teeth;
  • Unicap Yu (children from 2 to 4 years old).

Vitamins for appetite for children

To provide a good appetite a child needs all the vitamins. However, vitamins B 12 and C have the most pronounced effect on appetite.

Vitamins for memory and brain for children

Improve memory brain activity and increase concentration the following vitamins:
  • IN 1 ;
  • AT 6 ;
  • AT 12 ;
  • F (F);
Therefore, in order to improve memory and activate brain activity, the child must be given exactly the vitamins listed. However, in addition to vitamins, microelements are needed to improve brain function and memory - selenium, zinc, iodine, iron. A combination of vitamins and microelements that help improve memory and brain function has the most pronounced effect compared to using only one class of compounds.

The optimal composition of vitamins and microelements for improving brain function memory for children is contained in the Pikovit 7 +, Pikovit Forte, Alphabet, Vitrum Baby, Vitrum Kids, Vitrum Junior and Vitrum Teen complexes.

Eye vitamins for children

The following vitamins have the greatest impact on eye function: A, C, E and B2. However, the most important and significant vitamin for the eyes is A. Therefore, if children have eye problems, they need to be given vitamin A first.

Hair vitamins for children

The following vitamins best strengthen and nourish hair:
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin H (B 7);
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin F;
  • B vitamins (B 2, B 3, B 5, B 6 and B 12).
Moreover, vitamins A, E and H have the most pronounced positive effect on hair. In order to improve the condition of hair, all of these vitamins can be taken orally, and a solution of vitamin E can also be used externally in the form of masks, additives in shampoos, etc.

Vitamin complex for children - brief description and reviews of the most popular drugs

Vitamins Alphabet for children

Alphabet vitamins for children include all the vitamins and minerals necessary for growth and development in an age-appropriate dosage. According to reviews from parents, Alphabet vitamins are good drug, since the effect of taking it is visible, the child becomes more active, learns easier, gets sick less, etc. Also to positive aspects Alphabet parents say it is hypoallergenic, easy to take and has a pleasant taste that children like. Parents are also impressed by the distribution of vitamins into three tablets different color based on their compatibility with each other.

Vitamins for children Multi-Tabs

Multi-Tabs vitamins for children also contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the appropriate age. However, according to reviews from parents, Multi-Tabs vitamins are not as good as Alphabet, since the effect of taking them is not so noticeable, allergic reactions may occur and too big size pills that are difficult for a child to swallow. However, many parents note that Multi-Tabs are excellent vitamins for increasing a child’s immunity, since after a course of their use he stops getting sick often, even if he attends kindergarten. After taking Multi-Tabs, children are always in a good mood and play very actively, without catching a cold even on chilly autumn days, when the heating season has not yet begun. In general, parents believe that Multi-Tabs vitamins are quite effective and quite safe for children.

Vitamins Supradin for children

These vitamins contain only the substances necessary for the child, so their composition may seem “poor” in comparison with other vitamin and mineral complexes. However, this is not the case, since all the ingredients are carefully selected and arranged in such a way as not to create unnecessary stress on the child’s kidneys and liver, which are not yet fully formed. As a result of careful selection of ingredients, the complex contains no vitamins and minerals that may be unnecessary for a child, which reduces the load on the excretory organs and optimizes their efficiency. In other words, Supradin vitamins are the embodiment of the principle “minimum concentration, ensuring the most pronounced effect.”

Vitamins have a pronounced effect, improving the child’s overall well-being, increasing appetite, normalizing brain function and memory, stimulating it physical activity and always supporting good mood. Vitamins also have a positive effect on the immune system, thanks to which the child stops getting sick. In addition, the vitamins have a pleasant taste and children like them, so parents do not have any difficulties or the need to persuade their child to take the pill.

Pikovit vitamins for children

Pikovit vitamins for children contain wide range the vitamins and minerals he needs. Pikovit, according to parents, improves general state the child and awakens his appetite, as a result of which he begins to eat well. Also to positive effects Parents attribute Pikovit to its ability to improve the functioning of the immune system and increase the child’s resistance various infections. The pleasant taste makes the use of Pikovit convenient, since the child does not need to be persuaded to eat a tablet or drink a spoonful of syrup.

Vitrum vitamins for children

Vitrum vitamins for children contain all the microelements and vitamins necessary for them. Children like their pleasant taste and the shape of the tablets in the form of various animals. Parents consider the vitamin-mineral complex Vitrum useful, effective and safe for the child, since after a course of use, disease resistance, mood and physical endurance significantly improve, mood also improves and intellectual activity intensifies.

Omega vitamins for children

Omega vitamins for children do not contain artificial colors or additives, but include all the necessary fat-soluble vitamins. These vitamins perfectly strengthen the immunity of children, as a result of which they practically cease to suffer from various infectious and inflammatory diseases. In addition, parents note that while taking Omega vitamins, the child begins to grow actively. Parents also believe that the form of the syrup is very convenient for use. Almost all parents speak positively about Omega vitamins, since their effect manifests itself very quickly.

Vitamins Bears for children

This complex is correctly called VitaMishki, but in common parlance they are often referred to simply as Mishki. These vitamins perfectly increase immunity and resistance to various infectious diseases, as a result of which the child stops getting sick often. After a course of using VitaMishek, the child becomes more active, more cheerful, develops better and solves various intellectual problems faster. Parents speak positively about the drug VitaMishki, since the visible effect of taking them develops very quickly. And children like them because of their pleasant taste.

Are vitamin supplements really beneficial - video

Good vitamins for children

According to an unofficial rating based on reviews from parents, good vitamins for children include the following:
  • Alphabet;
  • VitaBears;
  • Vitrum;
  • Pikovit;
  • Supradin.
However, in addition to those indicated in the list, there are many more good vitamins for children, it’s just that these are the ones that are used most often. Therefore, you should not think that the vitamins listed on the list are the best.

Vitamins for children: answers to questions - video

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Vitamins are substances that are vital necessary for the body, which enter the body with food, but are not formed in the body itself from other substances. With a lack of vitamins, they can develop serious illnesses, even death. Children under 1 year of age especially need vitamins.

In addition to vitamins, our body also needs minerals: potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and others.

Mothers, many of whom began taking vitamin-mineral complexes at the stage of pregnancy planning, took them throughout pregnancy and continue to do so while breastfeeding, think that their child should be given them from birth. Let's see if this is true.

Vitamins and minerals enter the body of a child in the first year of life with mother’s milk, if the child is breastfeeding or with an adapted milk formula if the baby is bottle-fed.

To ensure that the child receives enough vitamins and minerals from mother's milk, the mother is recommended to take special vitamins for pregnant and lactating women (Elevit, Materna, Vitrum-prenatal, Complivit mama, etc.).

Modern infant adapted milk formulas contain all the necessary vitamins for children under 1 year of age and minerals in sufficient quantities.

Children in the first year of life are most often prescribed individual vitamins or minerals as medications for the treatment or prevention of certain diseases, and much less often multivitamins or vitamin-mineral complexes. Vitamins for children under 1 year of age are prescribed only by a doctor!

Vitamin D

This is the only vitamin that is prescribed to all or almost all children in the first year of life. for preventive purposes.

It is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of rickets. Rickets is a disease of the musculoskeletal system, its main symptoms are: enlargement of the frontal and parietal tubercles, softening of the skull bones, thickening at the ends of the ribs (rachitic rosary), thickening at the wrists (rachitic bracelets), curvature of the legs, decreased muscle tone.

For preventive purposes, vitamin D is prescribed to children starting from the 1st month, and to premature babies starting from 3 weeks in a preventive dose of 400-500 IU per day. This is exactly how much vitamin D a child needs for normal growth and development. Preventive vitamin D intake usually continues until the child is 1 year old.

Walking instead of taking vitamin D

Vitamin D is unique vitamin, the only one that is formed in the skin under the influence of sunlight. Most mothers know that to prevent rickets you need to take a walk with your child. But not everyone knows how. Meanwhile, if the mother walks properly with the child, vitamin D is formed in her skin, which is then supplied to the baby with milk, and vitamin D is formed in the baby’s skin, thus, if breastfeeding, double prevention of rickets is obtained

You need to walk during daylight hours, when it is sunny outside. You don't have to be in the open sun. It is recommended to walk with the child in the lacy shade of trees, walk for 20 minutes so that the hands and face are open, this is enough for the mother and child to produce a sufficient amount of vitamin D in the body.

Improper walks or when vitamin D is not produced

  • If the mother is wearing a fur coat, mittens and a hat with a visor, and the child is in a closed stroller, vitamin D is not produced.
  • If a child walks in a glassed-in loggia, vitamin D is not produced in the skin.
  • If a child walks in the evening and at night, vitamin D is not formed in the skin.
  • If the street is cloudy, cloudy, and there is little sun, not enough vitamin D is formed, so in the autumn-winter period (from November to March, inclusive), doctors recommend additional reception vitamin D in a prophylactic dose.

For healthy children

When a child does not need additional vitamin D

up to 6 months

  • If a mother regularly takes vitamin D as part of a vitamin-mineral complex for pregnant and lactating women, there is no need to additionally give vitamin D to the child, starting from 1 month.
  • If the child is fed exclusively with children's adapted milk formula.

The introduction of complementary foods begins at 6 months, when complementary feeding begins to exceed 1/3 of the daily volume of food, you need to think again whether the child needs additional Vitamin D. If the child is fed porridge for baby food, juices and purees from jars, then additional vitamin D should be taken the child does not need it, because baby food is additionally enriched with the vitamins the child needs.

If you cook for your child yourself, you need to remember that this fat-soluble vitamin and it is contained in meat and fish, you need to ensure that the baby receives a sufficient (age-appropriate) amount of these products every day.

When does a child need vitamin D in a prophylactic dose?

  • Premature babies
  • Children with malnutrition,
  • Children with anemia
  • Children with diseases gastrointestinal tract when vitamin D from food is poorly absorbed: with fermentopathy, prolonged diarrhea, etc.
  • Children who are fed cow or goat milk, and not an adapted milk formula.
  • Children who do not walk daily (do not go outside, sleep on glassed-in loggias, do not walk in winter due to frost, etc.)
  • In the autumn-winter period, when the weather outside is not sunny enough.

Vitamin D after 1 year

As a rule, mothers and pediatricians are very careful about the regular preventive intake of vitamin D by the child before he turns 1 year old, and whether the child needs this vitamin after 1 year.

A person needs vitamin D throughout his life, therefore, if a child over one year old walks a lot on the street and (or) eats enough (for age) meat, fish, butter, milk, then the child does not need additional vitamin D, but if Mom has doubts that in the autumn-winter period (from November to March) taking vitamin D in a prophylactic dose will not be superfluous for the child.

Which vitamin D is better for a child in an oil solution or in a water solution?

Currently, pediatricians prefer aqueous solution vitamin D. It is believed that such a solution is more stable, more accurately dosed, better absorbed, and less likely to cause overdose and allergic reactions.


Even if a child receives a sufficient amount of vitamin D from food and sunlight, regular additional vitamin D intake in a prophylactic dose of 500 IU cannot cause an overdose in the child. Therefore, in a prophylactic dose, vitamin D can be given to a child without unnecessary fears.

As a rule, overdose symptoms occur when vitamin D is used in therapeutic doses. These are increased excitability, sweating, irritability, moodiness, skin rash, and convulsions. When these symptoms appear, vitamin D is discontinued.


A child's growing body requires a lot of calcium. With its deficiency in the blood serum, irritability, sweating, poor sleep at night, and convulsions occur; with its deficiency in the bones, fractures occur.

Nature has provided for this - the main food product of a child’s first year of life is milk, which contains a lot of calcium. But the absorption of calcium from food depends on many conditions: activity digestive enzymes, the ratio of calcium and phosphorus, the amount of vitamin D in the body.

IN human milk the ratio of calcium and phosphorus is optimal for their absorption by the child; in adapted infant formulas it is close to optimal.

Quite often there are situations when children are prescribed calcium supplements. Calcium supplements have one good feature— calcium is absorbed by the body in the amount in which the body needs it, excess is excreted in feces and urine. Therefore, often, when irritability, sweating, poor night sleep and (or) seizures appear, pediatricians and neurologists prescribe calcium supplements to children in courses from 2 weeks to 1 month. Vitamin D is often prescribed in combination with calcium supplements.

The simplest drug is calcium gluconate. For children of the first year of life, ½ tablet is enough - 3 times a day.


Iron supplements are prescribed to children as a medicine, based on the results of a blood test when the hemoglobin level decreases below 100 g/l, and the dose is calculated individually depending on the weight and age of the child. Treatment with iron supplements is carried out until hemoglobin levels normalize + 1 month after. For preventive purposes, iron supplements are not prescribed to children and adults. Read more about treating anemia with iron supplements. Iron is found in many foods, but the human body absorbs it best from meat, so for prevention iron deficiency anemia In a child, it is necessary to introduce meat puree into the child’s diet in a timely manner from (6-7 months).


Magnesium is a mineral, vital necessary for a person, it takes part in the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction, has a calming effect on the nervous system, and has an antispasmodic effect.

For children in the first year of life, it is most often prescribed by neurologists as a sedative and as a means of reducing intracranial pressure.

It is included in the mixture with citral, Magne-B6, asparkam, magnesium sulfate, etc.

Vitamin B1 or thiamine

Participates in all metabolic processes, but is most important for the central nervous system and skeletal muscles. For children in the first year of life, it is prescribed for diseases of the nervous system, heart, kidneys, and malnutrition.

Vitamin B3 or niacin

Participates in the exchange of proteins, fats, tissue respiration, dilates small blood vessels, improves microcirculation, including in the central nervous system. In children it is most often used for diseases of the nervous system, as well as in combination with other drugs for detoxification.

Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid

Participates in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the synthesis of cholesterol, histamine, hemoglobin, and glucocorticoids. As a medicine, it is prescribed to children for diseases of the nervous system, skin, trophic disorders, and decreased intestinal motility.

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine

It is necessary for the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system, participates in all metabolic processes, in the formation of hemoglobin, histamine, and hormones. For children of the first year of life it is prescribed for diseases of the nervous system, kidneys, heart, malnutrition.

Folic acid or Vitamin B9

Most necessary for normal operation nerve cells and for the process of normal cell division. Folic acid needed for doubling (replication) of DNA. It is also involved in the processes of hematopoiesis. It is most important for the child during the mother’s pregnancy; its preventive use is early stages pregnancy - significantly reduces the likelihood of malformations in the fetus. For children in the first year of life, it is prescribed for diseases of the nervous system and hematopoietic system.

Vitamin B12

Participates in hematopoiesis; it is prescribed to children for certain types of anemia associated with a lack of this vitamin in food or with impaired absorption.

A child in the first half of life receives magnesium and vitamins B1 and B6 in sufficient quantities with mother's milk or an adapted milk formula; in the second half of life - with porridges; most B vitamins are contained in the shells of cereals, so whole grain porridges are the most beneficial for the child.

Elcarnitine or Vitamin B11

It is not called a vitamin, but a vitamin-like substance, because it can be synthesized in the body. Most of it is found in products of animal origin: meat, milk, liver, butter, cottage cheese. Participates in the metabolism of fats and phospholipids, normalizes protein and fat metabolism, enhances secretion digestive glands, restores the structure of nervous tissue, has an anabolic effect. Children of the first year of life are often prescribed for malnutrition and diseases of the nervous system.

Vitamin A or retinol

Vitamin very important for vision, immunity, growth, recovery skin and mucous membranes after damage, it also performs the function of an antioxidant in the body. It is a fat-soluble vitamin and is found most abundantly in fish oil and liver. An excess of it for a child (and especially for a fetus) is more dangerous than its deficiency. It is prescribed for children for growth retardation, kidney and blood diseases, and locally for seizures and small skin wounds.

Vitamin E or tocopherol

A fat-soluble vitamin found in oils of various origins. Protects cell membranes from damage, including the membranes of nerve cells. Children of the first year of life are prescribed rarely and strictly individually.

Vitamin K

Fat soluble. Participates in the metabolism of proteins, calcium, formation bone tissue, blood clotting processes, kidney function. As a medicine it is used as a hemostatic and wound healing agent.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid

The most famous and popular vitamin belongs to water-soluble vitamins. Not formed in the human body. Contained in fruits and vegetables. Necessary for the normal functioning of connective and bone tissue, for the absorption of iron in the intestines, for normal immunity, for the restoration of skin and mucous membranes after damage, for the processes of hematopoiesis, the synthesis of enzymes and hormones.


This microelement is currently allocated great importance in organism. It is needed for intelligence and growth, it is part of hormones thyroid gland. For children of the first year of life it is prescribed only for diseases of the thyroid gland.

Multivitamins for children under 1 year

So, as already stated above, vitamin-mineral complexes are rarely prescribed to children in the first year of life; individual vitamins or their combination are more often prescribed as a medicine if certain symptoms diseases, because the child receives all the necessary substances in sufficient quantities with mother’s milk or an adapted milk formula.

There are few complex multivitamins for children in the first year of life, but they exist.

Multitabs baby (Denmark)

For children from birth to 1 year, it contains only three vitamins: Vitamin A, Vitamin D and Vitamin C. Dosed in drops. 1 ml of solution contains daily norm for infants of the vitamins listed above. Used to prevent rickets and strengthen resistance to infections.

Biovital gel for children (Germany)

Recommended for children from 1 month of age with ½ teaspoon (2.5 ml) 2 times a day. The drug contains Vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, B6, B12, C, D3, E, lecithin and minerals: calcium, manganese, sodium. The instructions for the drug recommend it for malnutrition, exhaustion, stunted growth, after serious illnesses and during the recovery period, for the prevention of rickets. It is considered a vitamin mineral complexes, but with great reserve, because It contains minerals in very small doses, so the drug is more likely to be a multivitamin.

Thus, today biovital gel is the richest vitamin and mineral complex approved for use in children under 1 year of age. It can be taken by children of any age, increasing the dose according to age. You can compare its composition with other vitamins recommended for children under 3 years of age.

Now you know what vitamins children under 1 year need.

The first years of life are a very important period of child development. At this time, the baby is growing rapidly and developing in all directions. He will know the world, tries to pronounce the simplest sounds and words, learns to control his body, crawl, walk, pick up toys and other objects. For children from 1 year of age it is very important to receive good nutrition with a full range of vitamins and minerals. This allows the body to work at full strength.

When and why are vitamins needed?

A period of intense growth, increased mental and physical exercise, climate change, stressful conditions, infectious diseases and the recovery period - all these are reasons for taking vitamin complexes. from 1 year should be consumed regularly. Especially in the autumn-spring period. At this time, the amount of micro- and macroelements in children’s bodies decreases sharply. We get some vitamins through food. However, their quantity is not enough for normal life. Vitamins for children from 1 year old contain the entire necessary set of vitamins and minerals.


The main function that vitamins perform for children over one year old is the regulation of biochemical and physiological reactions in the body. In case of their deficiency, the processes of hematopoiesis, growth, and so on are disrupted. The body becomes weak and defenseless against harmful factors environment and infections. As a result, they become irritable and have memory problems. If such a child becomes ill, the situation can become seriously complicated due to the use of antibiotics and the development of dysbacteriosis.

We select vitamins for children from 1 year old

Of course, vitamins must be purchased in pharmacies. You should pay attention to the manufacturer and expiration dates of the drug. Today various complexes There are a great variety and it’s not at all difficult to get confused when choosing the right one. Start by researching existing brands. Vitamins for children aged 1 year and older are available in bright packaging. But they should not mislead you. Do not give in to momentary impulses and advertising, read the insert carefully. The composition is of decisive importance. You can choose the standard option.

There are also specialized complexes designed to solve certain problems. They can be designed for use during periods of illness, recovery period and so on. To eliminate any doubts, it is better to consult a pediatrician. It will help you calculate the required dose of all elements and select vitamins. In addition, all complexes have different prices. You should not overpay for the same set of elements. Separately, we can highlight vitamins for children who have had serious illnesses and a course of antibiotics. In this case, their task is also to normalize the balance of intestinal microflora. Only in this case does it make sense to drink vitamin complexes.

What should you avoid?

Babies are often susceptible to allergic reactions. Unfortunately, many vitamins for children over 1 year old contain dyes and flavorings. They are indicated in the composition. If your child cannot tolerate certain substances, then it is better to refuse to purchase such complexes.

In this article:

Vitamins are necessary for normal development and the functioning of the child’s body. They are important during the period of active growth of the child, which begins at 1 year. It is better if the baby receives the necessary substances with food. But what if the baby is selective in food? Vitamins for children from 1 year of age will come to the rescue.

It will be easier for children 2-3 years old to cope with the stress and stress caused by visiting kindergarten, gaming and development centers, various holidays. Vitamins will reduce the risk of overwork and strengthen children's immunity.

How do children's vitamins differ from drugs for adults?

A special feature of preparations for children is the mandatory presence of vitamin D. This substance is necessary for the harmonious development of the skeletal system and the full absorption of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium.

It is extremely important for a child to choose only children's vitamin complexes. In a preparation intended for adults, the amount active ingredients higher than the baby needs. Depending on how old the baby is, a unit of product contains the required dosage of certain vitamins.

Medicines for children over 1 year of age are grouped by age category. As a child grows, the amount of nutrients required by his body increases. Children's multivitamin preparations also differ in the form of release. For adults, these are most often vitamin tablets. One year old babies provide syrups and powders that can be dissolved in food if necessary. For children over 2 years of age, the choice is more varied. These are dragees, lozenges, various marmalade figures.

What vitamins does a 1 year old child need?

At the age of 1 year and subsequently (especially at 2–3 years), children undergo intensive development of all systems and tissues of the body. For these processes to occur smoothly, the following vitamins are needed:

Vitamin Action
A Participates in the formation of vision, the skeletal system, restoration of mucous membranes, development of respiratory and digestive systems, mental activity
B1 (thiamine) It takes part in maintaining vision, but its main role is to ensure the normal course of the carbohydrate process in the body and maintain brain function. intestinal activity. Thanks to thiamine, the child receives the energy necessary for physical activity.
B2 (riboflavin) Responsible for metabolism, supports good condition hair, skin and nails, responsible for their growth
B6 (pyridoxine) Develops the baby’s immunity, is responsible for the synthesis of hemoglobin, forms red blood cells in the blood, and is necessary for the child’s nervous system
B9 (folic acid) Responsible for cell division, epithelial regeneration, reduces the risk of anemia, maintains the skin in healthy condition, is especially important for sick children, as it increases appetite
AT 12 Necessary for hematopoietic processes and ensuring stable functioning of the nervous system
WITH Protects the child’s body from the adverse effects of the environment, very important for frequently ill children
D For children from one year old, it plays an important role in the intensive development of the skeletal system, regulates the amount of magnesium and calcium in the body
E Needed for nervous, muscular and circulatory systems, responsible for immunity
N Essential for maintaining healthy skin
RR Regulates metabolism, participates in the absorption of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and various minerals

All these vitamins are necessary for children in strictly prescribed amounts for their age. It is quite difficult to calculate, so there is no need to buy first-generation vitamins for children, consisting of one component. It is more rational to use multivitamins that contain a certain amount of certain beneficial substances.

How to choose vitamins for your baby and what rules for taking them should be followed?

When choosing children's vitamins, you should consult a doctor. He will take into account the specifics of the baby’s body and prescribe the right drug. Independent choice is fraught with an overdose of vitamins, which can provoke incorrect operation child organs, increase blood pressure, skin rashes and other dangerous consequences.

The doctor will offer several options for drugs, varying in price and form of release. It's better to choose famous manufacturer, which has been working in the pharmaceutical market for a long time. Before you buy the drug, make sure that it is suitable for your baby’s age. Many multivitamins for children over 1 year of age are grouped by age category and have similar names.

It is better to give preference to forms such as marmalade figures, lozenges and lollipops. The advantage is that their dosage is precise, while with syrup you need to be careful and be sure to use a measuring spoon.

Marmalade figures and multi-colored lozenges may contain dyes and flavors. Manufacturers add them to ensure that children are more likely to take the drug. Additives can be artificial or natural. It is preferable to choose the latter (for example, complexes with juices, vegetable and fruit extracts), as this is safe for the growing body.

The occurrence of an allergic reaction to the drug cannot be ruled out. Irritants can be both artificial colors and flavors, and natural ingredients. Allergies can occur in children who are predisposed to it and in absolutely healthy children.F

To recognize it, during the first days of taking it, it is better to exclude new foods from the baby’s diet. It is also important to monitor the baby’s stool and urination; in some cases, it is possible that multivitamin complexes may influence these processes. It is very important to monitor the child’s condition during the first time after using the drug in order to stop taking it in a timely manner.

Vitamins should be stored where the child cannot reach them. Such drugs are usually attracted by the smell and taste; children want to eat more of them than normal.

Mothers often wonder whether it is possible to replace regular children's marmalade with vitamin marmalade. Pediatricians warn against such a replacement, because in such cases vitamins may be consumed many times more than recommended by the manufacturer. The consequence of this is an overdose, which can be detected if side effects(eg, rash, diarrhea).

Why is hypervitaminosis dangerous?

An excess of vitamin A can lead to loss of appetite, seborrhea, bleeding gums, and hair loss.

Excessive amounts of B vitamins in the body lead to headaches, insomnia, rapid heartbeat, nausea and increased excitability, development of an allergic reaction (signs characteristic of intoxication with vitamins B5, B6, B9). Excessive amounts of vitamin B5 are fraught with dehydration of the body, B6 - tingling in the legs, difficulty moving, numbness of the limbs, impaired coordination of movement, B9 - liver function.

Excess vitamin C is dangerous due to deterioration of vision, excitability, bad sleep, decreased permeability of capillary walls, impaired functioning of the kidneys and pancreas, decreased blood clotting, and metabolic failure.

An overdose of vitamin D is very dangerous - it is fraught with vascular spasms, digestive disorders, calcium deposition in the vessels of vital organs, development chronic pyelonephritis and renal failure.

An excess of vitamin E can lead to impaired absorption of vitamins K, D, A, and hypertriglyceridemia.

To avoid these unpleasant and dangerous symptoms and ailments, it is wiser to give your child required amount lozenges (according to age), and if he asks for more, offer regular marmalade.

Types of vitamins

Vitamin preparations are divided into the following types:

  • monovitamins (containing one component), for example, Aquadetrim, ascorbic acid;
  • multivitamins (they contain two or more components);
  • vitamin and mineral complexes.

According to the form of release there are:

  • pills;
  • syrups;
  • drops;
  • lozenges;
  • gel form of vitamins;
  • marmalade figures;
  • powdered vitamins.

Review of well-known vitamin complexes for children over one year old

The medical market offers a wide selection of vitamins for babies. The prices for vitamins indicated in the article are current as of August 2016.


The manufacturer of these multivitamins is Denmark. Release form: chewable tablets and syrup. Cost – from 300 rubles and above. Vitamin complexes are intended for children of different ages starting from 1 year. The manufacturer states that one tablet will cover the child’s daily need for vitamins and minerals.

  • "Multi-tabs Baby" (1–4 years) consists of 11 vitamins and 7 minerals. These tablets with strawberry-raspberry flavor will strengthen the immune system, support the child’s body, and provide it with harmonious development and growth. Manufacturer's statement - multivitamins do not have artificial preservatives or dyes, which is a definite plus.
  • "Multi-tabs Sensitive" is prescribed for children with allergies. It contains 12 vitamins and 6 microelements. It has a neutral taste, without sweeteners, dyes or chemical additives. The purpose is to improve the health of the child’s body, saturate it with vitamins.
  • “Multi-tabs Baby Calcium+” (2–7 years) – a complex enriched with calcium. It has an orange-vanilla or banana flavor. It is recommended to take this drug during the period of active bone growth and the change of baby teeth.
  • "Multi-tabs Junior" (4–11 years old). This complex, consisting of 11 vitamins and 7 minerals, will help schoolchildren in overcoming stress, adapting to a team, and reducing the risk of disease.


Complex Russian made. According to the manufacturer, these multivitamins do not contain artificial colors or flavors. This complex takes into account scientific recommendations for separate and joint intake of vitamins, which distinguishes Alphabet from others similar drugs. The cost is relatively low - about 300 rubles.

  • “Our baby” (1–3 years). The release form is a powder that can be added to mixture, milk, or prepared as an independent drink. Due to the presence of vitamin D3 and calcium, it is indispensable for the prevention of rickets in children.
  • "Kindergarten" (3–7 years old). Release form: chewable lozenges of red, green and yellow flowers containing various components in their composition. These multivitamins strengthen the immune system, improve mental development, adapt the baby and reduce emotional stress, which is important for a child attending kindergarten.
  • “Schoolboy” (7–14 years old). In the shape of chewable lozenges three colors. The complex will help increase mental performance, strengthen the immune system, adapt the student to increased emotional stress.


A series of multivitamins made in the USA. Available in the form of gummy bear figures. approximate cost– 430–570 rubles. All complexes are intended for children 3 years of age and older and contain natural vegetable and fruit juices.

  • "VitaMishki Immuno+". Objectives of the biocomplex: strengthening the immune system, protecting the child’s body from infections and colds.
  • “VitaMishka Multi+” contains choline and iodine, which are responsible for the mental development, memory and attention of the child.
  • "VitaMishki Calcium+" are saturated with phosphorus and vitamin D, which strengthen skeletal system body.
  • "VitaMishki Bio+" contains prebiotics that improve intestinal microflora and increase appetite.
  • "VitaMishki Focus+" includes blueberries, which strengthen eyesight.

Syrup "Pikovit"

It has a yellow-orange color and a pleasant taste. Consists of 9 vitamins, intended for children from one year old. The syrup contains natural extract grapefruit and orange. The vitamins in the syrup help children's body develop harmoniously and reduce the risk of colds. Approximate cost: 160–270 rubles.

Gel "Kinder Biovital"

It has a convenient jelly form containing 9 vitamins and 1 amino acid. Country of origin: Germany. The drug can be used even for newborn children. The cost is about 200 rubles.

"Vitrum Baby"

Multivitamin in the form of chewable tablets (animal shaped) with a pleasant mild vanilla and fruit flavor. Contains 12 vitamins and 11 minerals. Can be used by children from 2 years of age. Objectives of the complex: strengthening the body, ensuring physical growth and mental development. The cost is about 460 rubles.

"Centrum for children"

Prescribed to children from the age of two with calcium deficiency, anemia, and vitamin C deficiency.

Adult vitamins should not be used for children; the amount of necessary substances in them exceeds what is necessary for a child. Also, when choosing children's vitamins, contacting a pediatrician is mandatory. Self-prescription and use of drugs can harm the child’s health.

Video about the benefits of vitamins

Modern food does not always contain many vitamins, which are essential for the normal development of a child’s body. This is especially true when introducing complementary foods and after weaning. Vitamins as a nutritional supplement for children from 1 year of age help solve the problem of early hypovitaminosis. Vitamins activate metabolism, normalizing the course of all processes in the body, especially in the nervous system.

If there are not enough vitamins, then the child’s neuropsychic and motor development is delayed. Often parents do not even realize that the symptoms that appear are associated with a lack of vitamins. Therefore, the necessary vitamin therapy is delayed, which has a bad effect on the child and his health. What multivitamins are best to take, and in what cases, and how should they be given to a child, depending on age? Let's find out...


Vitamin D (Aquadetrim) plays a very important role. This is a means of preventing rickets. Previously, calciferol was only available in fat-soluble form, so it had to be stored only in a cold place. The modern pharmaceutical industry has developed a water-soluble form called Aquadetrim.

Aquadetrim has a number of advantages compared to. They are as follows:

  • Vitamin absorption does not depend on the state of the gastrointestinal tract, unlike oil solutions
  • Rapid absorption in the small intestine
  • Aquadetrim is optimally suited for use in premature babies (they have a reduced bile-forming function, which impairs the absorption of fats in the intestines)
  • Good taste qualities
  • Just one drop is enough to cover the daily requirement for cholecalciferol
  • Aquadetrim does not require special storage conditions
  • High safety of the drug, proven in numerous clinical studies
  • Minimal side effects
  • Highest efficiency.

How to use the Aquadetrim complex for infants: it depends on a number of factors, namely:

  • Gestational age, dosage for full-term and premature babies is different
  • The presence of a risk group for the development of rickets (children from multiple pregnancy, immaturity at birth, convulsions, pathology of the liver and biliary tract, artificial feeding, family history of impaired phosphorus and calcium metabolism).

How to take Akvadetrim to babies born at term: from one month old one drop at a time until summer. If in the summer there is insufficient sunlight, then the intake is continued.

For premature babies and at-risk infants, two drops of Aquadetrim are recommended in autumn and winter, in some cases four drops during the first year of life. In the second year of life - 2 drops of Aquadetrim. In any case, the exact dosage is prescribed by the pediatrician.


A deficiency of a substance such as calcium for children is likely to disrupt the normal development of the musculoskeletal system. Most often, poor nutrition and the syndrome of impaired absorption of nutrients in the intestines predispose to hypocalcemia. In these cases, it is necessary to give children additional calcium. Currently, there are three groups of calcium-containing products that can be given to a child:

  • Calcium gluconate
  • Calcium lactate
  • Calcium chloride.

The daily need for this substance depends on the age of the child. Calcium for babies up to one year old should be given in the amount of 1.5 grams per day. This corresponds to three tablets of the drug. Calcium for children from 1 year to 4 years must be taken in twice the amount, that is, 3 grams per day (6 tablets). Smaller dosages of complexes containing calcium will simply be ineffective.

Omega-3 Omega 10

People began to talk about polyunsaturated fatty acids, which include omega-3 6 10, quite recently, when their positive effect on the human body was proven. Microelements with omega-3, 10 for children protect the heart and blood vessels, the brain, and also strengthen the immune system. If there are not enough of these substances in the baby’s diet, the following dangerous symptoms appear:

  • Mental retardation
  • Decreased intellectual abilities of a child
  • Indigestion
  • Skin diseases
  • Fine motor impairment
  • Tendency to associative behavior, etc.

If omega 3 and 10 for babies enter the child’s body in sufficient quantities, this is the key to his normal performance at school. The child learns the curriculum well, remembers new knowledge quickly and for a long time, adapts normally in a team, concentrates attention better, and has no tendency to behavioral disorders. Omega 10 can be obtained by taking it as part of pharmacological complexes, as well as by regularly consuming fatty fish (mackerel, salmon, salmon, trout, etc.).

After a year

Vitamins for babies from one year onwards have the following effects on the baby’s body:

  • Strengthen immunity
  • Promotes the formation of neural connections
  • Improves the conduction of nerve impulses
  • Stimulate growth
  • Increases the child’s neuropsychic activity.

From the age of one it is better to give it in the form of syrup, since the baby cannot swallow the tablet. In most cases, the syrup has a pleasant taste. It is important to remember that syrup can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, it is necessary to give vitamins to children from one year to 3 years after consulting a doctor, and then monitor the tolerability of the drug. If multivitamins for children over 1 year of age lead to the appearance of the following symptoms, then their use should be discontinued:

  • The appearance of a rash on the skin
  • Abnormal stool – constipation or diarrhea
  • Baby anxiety associated with intestinal colic
  • Increased tearfulness.

From 3 years

At this age, the baby is usually sent to kindergarten. Here he encounters a wide variety of microbes, so he often gets sick colds. In this regard, vitamins for children from 3 years of age should have a composition that would help the immune system cope with pathogenic microbes.

The best complexes for children over 3 years old, which can be found in pharmacies today, are:

  • Vitrum kids
  • Alphabet Kindergarten
  • Kiddy pharmaton
  • Multi-Tabs baby
  • Kinder biovital
  • Sana-sol and others.

Microelements for children over 3 years old have the following effects on the child’s body:

Vitamins (including Omega 3 10) for children 3 years old are best taken in spring and autumn. It is at this time of year that the body lacks nutrients the most, so the child is more vulnerable to the effects of various damaging agents.

From 7 years old

Vitamins for children over 7 years of age are primarily used for brain function. At this time, the active formation of its structures, especially associative connections, occurs, since the child is constantly learning something new. That's why vitamin complex Foods for children at this age must contain a large amount of B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acid.

At this time, the body requires less ascorbic acid, retinol and cholecalciferol. The main representatives of the most effective drugs(vitamins for children 7 years old) are:

  • VitaMishki
  • Alphabet schoolboy
  • Vitrum junior
  • Kinder Biovital
  • Multi-Tabs schoolboy
  • Pikovit 7+.

From 10 years old

Many parents are interested in: vitamins for children 10 years old - which ones are best to buy: at this age, a child experiences a need for nutrients almost the same as an adult. Today in the pharmacy chain for this age you can find the following vitamin complexes, such as:

  • Alphabet
  • Centrum
  • Vitrum Junior
  • Multi-Tabs
  • Complivit
  • Omega and some others.

Before you start taking any of them, it is necessary to assess whether the child is allergic to the components included in their composition. To do this, one tablet of the drug is given on the first day. The next day, the tolerance of the vitamin complex is assessed. If no rashes appear on the skin, the stool is normal and overall health does not suffer, then the drug can be taken regularly. Otherwise, you must refuse admission.

The most important vitamins for children under one year of age, these are calciferols and help prevent the development of rickets. At older ages, the list of necessary substances expands. An ideal vitamin complex contains almost all known vitamins, including vitamin-like substances (omega-3 fatty acids and others). A complex approach allows you to improve intellectual abilities child and strengthen his immunity and health.