The cat has a wet nose. The cat has a cold nose: reasons and should you worry

Cats get sick quite often and there can be many reasons for this: hypothermia, poor nutrition, violation of conditions of detention. If a cat has a wet nose, does this mean that she has health problems and what should be done in this case?

If a cat has a cold, wet nose, can this be considered normal? People often ask this question because cold nose This is a common occurrence in cats.

Experienced breeders are in a hurry to reassure people who have only recently acquired a pet. In fact, this is a variant of the norm. When an animal is healthy, its nose is cold and slightly damp. Many veterinarians It is advised to pay attention to these signs when assessing the condition pet.

Why does a cat have a wet nose and how cold should it be? Heat exchange in the body of representatives of the cat family proceeds somewhat differently than in humans. If a cat is comfortable in the conditions in which he lives, his nose remains wet and cool due to the constant evaporation of moisture.

A slightly warm and dry nose in cats may indicate that the animal is hot and has been in a dry and warm room for a long time. This leads to disruption of heat exchange and the appearance of corresponding symptoms. In some cases dry and warm nose indicates that the animal is sick. In this case, other symptoms of the disease may be observed: increased body temperature, weakness, lack of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea.

Most often, it is because of a change in the temperature of the animal’s nose that the owner begins to suspect that something is wrong with his pet. In this case, it is better not to try to diagnose yourself, but to immediately consult a doctor. Only an experienced veterinarian can tell what happened. Often additional tests and studies are required to make a correct diagnosis.

A dry nose may indicate partial dehydration. Perhaps the animal just needs to be given more to drink or its diet adjusted. Quite often you have to deal with this if only dry food is on the cat’s menu. In this case, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian and transfer your pet to wet nutrition or even feed him homemade food.

A cat's wet nose does not need to be wiped with a cloth or napkin. IN in this case It is better to consult a veterinarian. Most often, experts recommend not to interfere natural process release of moisture and mucus, as this is simply necessary to maintain the health of the animal.

The temperature of a pet's nose can change throughout the day. Immediately after waking up, this part of the body is usually warmer. This is easily explained from a scientific point of view. During sleep, the animal is at rest, the body temperature rises, the body becomes somewhat dehydrated, since the last intake of fluid was quite a long time ago. After 2-3 hours, the nose should become cooler and wetter.

If your cat has a wet, cold nose, this should not be a cause for concern. This state of affairs can only be alarming if there is too much mucous discharge, especially mixed with blood. A nose that is too wet and produces mucus may indicate the presence of:


Fungal or bacterial infection;

Head injuries;

Tumors in the nasopharynx;



Others may also be suspected pathological conditions, including the entry of foreign objects into the nasopharynx. Self-treatment In this case, the animal may not be effective and quite dangerous. The cat needs to be urgently shown to a specialist, and it is advisable to describe in detail exactly when the animal’s nose became cold, at what time of day the discharge appeared, how much mucus flowed out, and whether other suspicious symptoms were noticed.

In any case, there is no need to panic. Most often, the diseases are not so serious. If a decrease in nasal temperature is associated with a cold, it is usually accompanied by sneezing and coughing. A sick animal must be treated comprehensively. Good result can be achieved by combining medicines and physiotherapy. Modern veterinary clinics offer many services aimed at improving the health of the animal. Competent veterinarians can also give a number of valuable advice regarding the living conditions of cats, feeding regimen and other important aspects. This will help raise your cat to be cheerful, playful and healthy.

A cat's nose that is too wet may indicate simple hypothermia. The breeder should review the living conditions of the animal and, possibly, adjust them so that the pet is always warm and comfortable.

The question of why a cat has a wet nose cannot be answered unequivocally. A wet nose indicates that the animal is healthy, but excessive mucus production may indicate the presence of certain diseases or that the animal is cold.

A healthy feline's nose will be moist and cool. This is due to the fact that on the nasal planum (the so-called leathery tip cat nose) there are many special glands that secrete mucus. This phlegm the thinnest layer covers sensitive skin, making it wet.

The main component of phlegm on a cat's nose is water. With its natural evaporation, the surface temperature decreases. As a result, the nasal mirror becomes cool.

The layer of mucus on the surface of a cat's nose allows the animal to perceive and distinguish different odors from each other. The smallest molecules of the substance that carry information about the aroma settle on the sticky mucus and travel further along the nasal cavity to the olfactory receptors.

In addition to excellent odor capture, the function of a cat’s wet nose is to participate in the thermoregulation of the animal’s body. Since cats don't sweat glands, and their fur is quite thick, it is difficult for furry pets to get rid of excess heat.

And the animal’s body warms up both from high air temperature and from active movements. Wet nose in this difficult situation allows the cat to cool down faster. Nature has taken care of the health of cats with the help of mucus on the nose.

Healthy wet cat nose

A healthy, active feline has a cold nose. It happens that after long sleep or live play, the cat's nose becomes dry and hot. There is nothing wrong with this; very soon the cat’s organs of smell and touch will be moistened again and the phlegm will cool its surface.

If your cat's nose remains dry for several hours, you should consult a veterinarian. If the cat’s nose is very cold and pale, it means that the animal’s body temperature has dropped sharply, which indicates poisoning, hypothermia or shock. In this case, the pet also needs to be shown to a doctor.

The cat itself maintains its nose in working condition. If the weather is hot and dry, the animal licks its nose. Often cobwebs, debris and dust stick to the wet surface of a cat's nose. Then, to clear the nasal passages, and paw for a long time.

Check your pet's nostrils from time to time. If you notice dry scabs, crusts or flaking, visit your veterinarian with your cat. Do not forget that the surface of the nose should be wet, but it should not flow. A cat has a runny nose.

Caring for the health of your pet is the main responsibility of any owner. pet. Cats are no exception. It's not always easy to determine whether your four-legged friend is healthy; it's even harder to tell specific disease which annoys him. An animal cannot talk about its health and complain about this or that symptom. Provide accurate and correct diagnosis only a qualified veterinarian can do it after examination and analysis.

However, any responsible owner can independently notice the first signs of health problems in their pet. To do this, he should often observe the peculiar “indicators” that nature has placed on the animal’s body. One of them is the condition of the cat’s nose, or rather, its tip or lobe.

What should a healthy cat's nose look like?

A cat's wet nose is a sign of her health and normal well-being. Dry and hot urine can be a sign of fever and indicate the presence of a particular disease. In principle, most lovers of these fluffy fidgets know that if a cat has a dry nose, this may be a sign of the onset of an illness. However, not everything is so simple and unambiguous: such a sign does not necessarily indicate health problems; the temperature of the lobe can also increase in healthy pet- this is a completely common situation.

So what kind of nose should you have? healthy cat? Let's try to figure this issue out.

general information

The nose of any cat is a fantastically complex organ that plays a vital role in the life of all cats. A person has a very weak sense of smell - smells do not play a very important role in our lives. It's different with cats. From the moment they are born, they live in a world of smells.

Immediately after birth, blind kittens are almost completely dependent on the sense of smell: by smell they look for the mother's nipple and her warm side, recognize their littermates, and look for a den. Yes, even as an adult cat life smells play a huge role: they are associated with the behavior of pets during the mating season, searching for food and hunting. Smells are also used by cats to determine their own and others’ territory, and they are also needed for communication.

The sense of smell of tailed pets is fifteen times stronger than that of a human, and their nose is a unique organ. It is divided by a cartilaginous septum into two passages, each of which leads to the so-called labyrinth, in which the pet can “store” odors and separate them from impurities. After the labyrinth, they reach the olfactory receptors associated with the part of the brain.

This is interesting! Remember the power of a cat's sense of smell, do not overuse perfumes, air fresheners and other sources of unnatural odors. A too strong “chemical” aroma can be a real shock and a source of severe discomfort for your pet.

Cats always carefully monitor the cleanliness of their nose, because the presence of dirt in this place sharply reduces their sense of smell. This is about the same as nasal congestion in humans. The olfactory organ is very important for your pets; it provides them with full life in the world of smells.

In addition to the olfactory function, the cat's nose also performs other functions. For example, breathing occurs only through it: the air, passing through the nasal passages, is warmed and cleansed of dust, harmful chemical substances and microorganisms. The front part of a cat's nose does not have hairline and is called a lobe or mirror. Due to the secretion of the mucous membrane and frequent licking, the lobe is almost always wet and cool. The skin on the mirror is temperature sensitive, so your pet can tell if food is hot without even touching it.

Usually the color of the lobe matches the color as a whole, although there may be exceptions. The healthiest noses are in individuals with natural form heads and muzzles. Breeds with a flattened face often have problems with respiratory system, since their nasal cartilages are flattened and cannot perform their functions normally.

This is interesting! The color of a cat's nose can change depending on the temperature and color: for some, when it gets colder, the nose darkens, while for others, it becomes lighter.

What can affect a cat's nose temperature?

Many owners believe that if a cat has hot nose, then she is sick. However, not all so simple. Dryness can be caused by natural causes, and for more precise definition You need to pay attention to other signs of your pet’s condition. Only a combination of several symptoms can more or less accurately indicate health problems in your pet. The level of humidity of the mirror can change several times a day even in a completely healthy cat.

A cat's nose is dry and warm usually in the following cases:

  • if she is sleeping;
  • for some time (about thirty minutes) after waking up;
  • after a serious physical activity the temperature rises, which leads to dryness of the mirror;
  • do not be surprised if the cat’s nose is dry and warm if it is in a hot and stuffy room;
  • after suffering severe stress.

Frequent dryness of the nose is a normal situation for older animals. Cats love to sit on radiators or other heating devices - naturally, their nose will be hot at this time.

This is interesting! Cats with a flattened muzzle often have a wet nose. This can be explained very simply: they simply have the opportunity to lick it.

Owners of purring cats should remember one more rule: even a cold and wet nose is not a 100% guarantee that your pet is completely healthy. Source: Flickr (Kim_s_Pics)

What can a cat's nose tell you?

Dryness of the mirror can indeed be a sign of increased body temperature, which is often a signal of deterioration in health. However, we must not forget that a cat’s normal temperature is two degrees higher than a human’s. So the lobe may seem hot to you, even if the pet is absolutely healthy. If you have any suspicions, it is better to measure the temperature with a thermometer by inserting it into anus animal ( normal temperature– 38-39 degrees). If you don't have a thermometer, you should touch the ears: if the cat has a fever, they will be hot.

Fever bodies may be evidence of poisoning, various infections, colds, inflammation. Often the cause of dryness and elevated temperature is dermatological diseases of the pet. Dryness can be caused, among other things, by the entry of a foreign body into the nasal passages.

A cat's dry nose may be due to... various reasons, including malnutrition, overeating, a stomach full of wool, a slight cold.

It is better for you to carefully observe the behavior of your pet and promptly respond to the appearance of any additional symptoms. If the mirror is dry and hot, and the cat refuses food, is inactive, meows pitifully, then it’s time to contact the veterinarian.

The truly alarming symptoms are:

  • vomit;
  • bloody or loose stools;
  • hair loss;
  • animal anxiety;
  • visiting the toilet too often;
  • sneezing.

This list is far from complete. If any deviations from the norm occur, you should seek help from a specialist.

A cat's nose can tell its owner a lot. If it is too cold and wet, this could be a sign various ailments. A cold nose in a cat can be a consequence of the following diseases:

  • systemic pathologies of internal organs;
  • severe hypothermia and decreased temperature of the animal;
  • stress;
  • food poisoning.

The owner should also monitor the color of his pet’s nose. He testifies to his work circulatory system. A bluish-colored speculum indicates a serious heart pathology or lack of oxygen of various etiologies.

A red lobe is a sign of rhinitis, infectious disease or mechanical irritation of the upper respiratory tract. You should also pay attention to nasal discharge: a cat's nose that is too wet can be a sign of a cold or various infectious ailments.

The color of the earlobe often changes in older pets, but if your cat is in the prime of life, then it is better to consult a veterinarian about this problem.

Special attention should be paid to diseases associated with the nose of cats. First of all, these are rhinitis of various origins. They can be caused by normal colds, viral and bacterial infections or have an allergic nature. Cats have sinusitis and tumors of the nasal passages or sinuses (benign and malignant). A foreign body may enter the nose.

Owners of purring dogs should remember one more rule: even a cold and wet nose is not a 100% guarantee that your pet is completely healthy.

What to do if your nose is dry

What to do if your cat has a dry and hot nose? If you notice similar symptoms in your animal, you should not immediately panic. Dryness of the mirror is very often quite normal. Think about what preceded the appearance of this symptom, maybe your Murka was playing, sleeping, or perhaps the temperature in your apartment was too high?

Observe your pet's behavior. If there are additional alarming symptoms, then you are unlikely to be able to avoid going to the veterinary hospital. Be sure to measure the animal’s body temperature - it should not exceed 39 degrees.

You yourself will not be able to determine the cause of the fever and make the correct diagnosis. A person who is far from veterinary medicine will not even be able to properly examine the animal. Also, you should not hope that the problem will solve itself - this happens extremely rarely.

No need to count on good food, proper care and your care will help the pet cope with the disease on its own. This is not enough. It is a completely bad idea to try to give your cat “human” medicines. The physiology of cats is very different from humans, and such attempts can only bring harm.

Determining the condition of a cat by its nose is known to every person who has dealt with four-legged friends. However, this sign is very unreliable: only a complex of symptoms and long-term observation can suggest the correct diagnosis.

Video on the topic

A cat's nose is one of important organs touch. It is with his help that she learns about the world. In addition, it is a kind of indicator of the pet’s health - based on its condition, an attentive owner can determine how he feels. Therefore, it is important to know what type of nose a healthy cat has, what is normal or a cause for concern.

To understand the reason for this phenomenon, it is enough to remember that cats belong to the family of predators. By their nature, they are designed to track prey, and a moderately moist surface of the olfactory organ increases its sensitivity, which makes it possible to better capture odors from the air and accurately determine the location of prey. Moisturizing occurs thanks to:

  • fluid released from mucous membranes;
  • saliva that gets on it during licking.

Therefore, a slightly damp nose is the norm, which is a manifestation good condition health. Humidity can change several times during the day and there is nothing to worry about.

Representatives of breeds with a flattened muzzle have a wetter nose because they lick it more often. These pets are also more likely to experience respiratory problems because flattened nasal cartilage makes breathing difficult.

When there's no reason to worry

Concerned owners, having discovered a hot, dry nose in a cat, consider this a manifestation of the disease, which is not entirely correct. It is important to understand that dryness can be normal in the following cases:

  • during sleep and within 20-30 minutes after waking up;
  • when exposed to the sun for a long time, in a hot room with poor ventilation or near heating appliances;
  • after physical activity and active games;
  • when severe fright or a stressful situation.

Note: in older cats, a dry nasal surface is considered normal.

In an alert state, dryness can appear even due to minor deviations in the functioning of the body (undereating or overeating, a mild cold), which go away on their own within a few hours or days.

But if the dryness of the nose does not change long time, you need to measure your body temperature by carefully inserting a thermometer lubricated with Vaseline into the anus. U healthy cat body temperature fluctuates between 38-39°C. If the thermometer shows numbers lower or higher, this is already a reason to take a closer look at your pet and pay attention to the appearance of other symptoms. An elevated temperature may be a symptom of poisoning, inflammation, a viral infection, or the presence of a foreign body in the nasal passage.

What to pay attention to

If the nose for a long time stays dry, this is usually a sign of developing disease, while hot is a sign of increased body temperature. Not only the temperature and humidity of the olfactory organ can indicate health problems. A change in its color can also be a sign of a cat’s illness:

  • lightening - typical in case of disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system, hypothermia, poisoning;
  • turning blue indicates a lack of oxygen or cardiovascular diseases;
  • yellowing - appears with kidney or liver diseases;
  • redness – develops with damage, increased temperature or pressure, various kinds infections (runny nose, sinusitis) and allergic reactions.

In this matter, not everything is so simple, because the change in color is influenced by the surrounding temperature, as well as the color and breed of the pet: for some, the nose darkens in the cold, for others, on the contrary, it becomes slightly lighter. To determine your health status, the presence of other symptoms should also be taken into account. For example, if a cat refuses food and water, becomes lethargic and inactive, vomiting or upset stool appears - these are clear indications for consulting a veterinarian, who will be able to determine the causes of this phenomenon and provide the necessary assistance.

Do I need to take care of my nose?

The cat takes care of its nose: licks it if it becomes dry on a hot day, washes it with its tongue and paws if it becomes dirty after a walk or sniffing objects. But it is important for the owner to periodically examine and feel the pet’s nose in order to notice suspicious symptoms in time. This is done by lightly touching the back of your hand. Healthy organ the sense of smell should be slightly moist, cool and shiny, smooth and without flaking. But even this option does not guarantee the health of the animal. Loss of smell for a cat, especially in early age, is tantamount to the threat of death, since he loses orientation in space and may refuse to eat. Therefore, it is important to be especially attentive and monitor the general well-being of your pet.

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How to visually determine the health status of a pet? If a cat has a cold nose, then pet owners believe that there is no reason to worry. Dry and hot it causes anxiety. Diagnosis on this basis is groundless. A sick animal can also have a cold nose.

How can you tell if your cat is sick?

A healthy animal has a cool, slightly moist nose. The disease usually manifests itself with an increase in temperature. But this doesn't always happen. Why does a cat have a cold and wet nose when he is sick?

It is impossible to determine the cause of the pathology by one sign, because such a symptom can occur:

  • with decreased immunity;
  • viral infection;
  • cold;
  • allergies.

If a cat is sick, his behavior changes:

  • appetite decreases;
  • lethargy appears;
  • he sneezes and snorts;
  • often rubs his face with his paw.

The temperature may be elevated even if the cat has a cold and wet nose. Hot ear with inside is a sign of hyperthermia. To clarify the indicator, a thermometer is used, as when measuring temperature in people.

It is difficult to determine the temperature of the earlobe, because it can be dry and warm after sleep, prolonged play, or during emotional excitement. However, if this condition persists for several hours and the cat is depressed, then it is necessary to show him to the veterinarian.

Characteristics of diseases accompanied by a runny nose

Viral immunodeficiency is diagnosed in 13% of sick cats. Middle-aged and old animals that roam freely on the street are at risk. Infection occurs through saliva. A cat that has been licked or bitten by a sick cat becomes infected with the FIV retrovirus (feline immunodeficiency virus).

In addition to nasal discharge with VIC, there is:

  • weight loss;
  • diarrhea;
  • lacrimation;
  • temperature increase.

But such manifestations of FIV symptoms do not always occur. Often a viral infection passes, especially in the initial phase, almost asymptomatically, with slight discharge from the nostrils and without a change in temperature.

Other viruses that affect the mucous membrane of the nasal passages are herpes and chlamydia. Herpes viral infection caused by feline herpesvirus. Kittens are predominantly infected. The disease is acute, with heavy discharge, high temperature, complications in the form of tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. An excessively cold nose with this disease is a sign severe intoxication and weakened immune response of the body.

Animals suffer from chlamydia most often at the age of 2-6 months. It's chronic respiratory disease, transmitted to humans and occurring in the absence of vaccination. His characteristic features– rhinitis moderate severity, a cold nose that causes the cat to sneeze. Other symptoms include photophobia and conjunctivitis.

The cause of colds is hypothermia and drafts. The cat breathes through his mouth, snorts, sneezes, and has a wet, cold nose. A complication of rhinitis is inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.

The cat is sensitive to allergens. It can be any strong odors ( detergents, perfumery), plant pollen. Allergic reaction accompanied by swelling of the nasal passages, which causes them to narrow. Breathing and mucus flow are difficult. A cat’s cold and wet nose, sneezing, intermittent breathing are evidence hypersensitivity animal to aggressive odors.

Lack of proper care is the main cause of cat diseases. The health of animals depends on nutrition, living conditions, and vaccinations that their owners must do.