The effect of massage techniques on the nervous system. The effect of massage on the body

The nervous system, with its rich receptor apparatus, is the first to perceive mechanical irritations applied during massage to the skin, as well as to underlying tissues. By changing the nature, strength and duration of the massage effect, you can change the functional state of the cerebral cortex, reduce or increase general nervous excitability, strengthen deep and revive lost reflexes, improve tissue trophism, as well as the activity of various internal organs and tissues. E. S. Borishpolsky (1897), exposing the head to vibrations for 10-15 minutes, discovered a decrease in the excitability of the cerebral cortex and nerve trunks (cited, according to E. Ts. Andreeva-Galanina, 1961). The appearance of drowsiness during a vibration massage, indicating an increase in the inhibition process, was noted by M. Ya. Breitman (1908), R. Kerman (1940), and others. A. F. Lebedeva (1953), subjecting rats to prolonged vibration, observed deep a sleep that continued even when the animals were removed from the cage and transferred to another cage.

Of all the massage techniques, vibration, especially mechanical, has the most pronounced reflex effect, which, in the words of M. Ya. Breitman, “is capable of awakening to life what is still viable.”

A.E. Shcherbak, using mechanical vibration in the area of ​​the knee joint of a rabbit for 5 minutes, caused a long-term increase in the knee reflex, as well as direct and cross clonus of the patella. The author observed the same phenomena in humans. Having applied vibration to himself using a device in the area of ​​the knee joint above the kneecap for 15-30 minutes, the author observed an increase in the knee reflex, which lasted for about a month. A.E. Shcherbak obtained the same results by using vibration in the area of ​​the knee joint for 5 minutes in patients with tabes spinal cord and poliomyelitis. In these patients, it was possible to evoke knee and Achilles reflexes, which were previously absent. These tendon reflexes persisted for more than 2 months after cessation of massage.

As our observations have shown, in patients with polio, vibration can cause muscle contraction in cases where they do not respond to faradic current.

Under the influence of massage, the functional state of the pathways also improves, various reflex connections of the cerebral cortex with muscles, blood vessels and internal organs are strengthened.

The existing certain metameric relationships between the visceral organs and various layers of the body explain the possibility of the occurrence of metameric, segmental reactions in the body, in particular viscero-cutaneous reflexes (Zakharyin-Ged zones), viscero-motor reflexes (Mekenzie zones), etc.

Massage has a profound effect on the peripheral nervous system, weakening or stopping pain, improving nerve conductivity, accelerating the regeneration process when it is damaged, preventing or reducing vasomotor sensory and trophic disorders, the development of secondary changes in muscles and joints on the side of nerve damage.

Characterizing the physiological effect of massage on the peripheral nervous system, many authors still continue to rely on the old physiological law of Pfluger-Arndt, which states: “...weak stimulation stimulates the activity of the nerves, moderate stimulation enhances, strong stimulation inhibits and greatly strong - paralyzes their function." Russian physiology has long proven that there is a complex relationship between the strength of the stimulus and the response of the stimulus, which does not always correspond to this law. So, for example, with gentle slow stroking, contrary to the mentioned law, the excitability of the massaged tissues decreases, and this has a calming effect on the nervous system, while with energetic and fast stroking, the irritability of the massaged tissues increases. The discrepancy between the strength of irritation and the body's response is most clearly manifested in the presence of pathological changes.

Of the early domestic dissertations devoted to the study of morphological changes in peripheral nerves under the influence of massage, it is necessary to point out the work of M. G. Ioffe (1911), who, based on experimental studies conducted on rabbits, established that the use of massage in the form of deep stroking and vibration causes distinct anatomical changes in the nerve (sciatic nerve). Of great interest are the recent experimental studies carried out on significant material (48 dogs and 12 rabbits) by P. B. Granovskaya (1958), who set herself the task of studying changes in the reactive properties of the terminal parts of the nervous system under the influence of massage. Experimental animals, which had their right hind limb massaged daily for 10 minutes, were divided into two groups: in one group of animals the massage was performed once, in the other, for 5 - 10-15 and 30 days. A study of microscopic preparations of the skin of experimental animals, carried out after 1.3, 7, 15 and 30 days, showed that massage causes various changes in skin receptors, ranging from irritation to destruction and decay, depending on the number of massage procedures. The main and most common signs of these changes are dyschromia of the axial cylinders, swelling of their neuroplasm, expansion of Lanterman's notches and perineural sheaths. Reactive changes in the nerve fibers of the skin reach their highest development after 10-15 massage procedures. Most of the reactive changes found in the nerve fibers of the skin begin to disappear 10-15 days after the last massage procedure. Thus, massage causes pronounced reactive changes in the terminal sections of the nervous system of the skin.

Another work of this author, who studied the effect of massage on the regeneration of nerve trunks after neurotomy, also deserves great attention. The study was conducted on 40 dogs that had undergone sciatic nerve ligation. 6 days after surgery, 25 dogs received daily massage of the operated limb, the remaining 15 dogs served as controls. Animals were sacrificed on days 15–30 after surgery. The cut sciatic nerve was subjected to histological examination. Microscopic examination of nerve fibers and their endings in the skin showed that a single massage caused changes in them, manifested mainly in the form of dyschromia and hydropic disturbances of the axial-cylindrical part of the fiber, to a lesser extent changes were noted in its membranes (hyperimpregnation of Schwann syncytium, expansion of perineural sheaths etc.). An increase in the number of massage procedures caused a gradual quantitative and qualitative increase in these changes. Reactive shifts in the nerve fibers of the skin reached their highest development after 15 massage procedures. Subsequently, despite continued daily massage (up to 30 procedures), no new changes occurred.

Summarizing the research data, the author comes to the conclusion that massage has a significant effect on the regeneration of the nerve when it is cut, causing acceleration of axon growth, slowing down the maturation of scar tissue and more intense resorption of decay products.

The effect of massage on the nervous system is also influenced by environmental factors. The presence of negative external irritations - waiting in line, noise, excited conversation of staff in a massage room, etc. - can significantly reduce the therapeutic effect of massage.

A.F. Verbov

“The influence of massage on the nervous system” and other articles from the section

Massage improves the functional capacity of the central nervous system, enhances its regulatory and coordinating function, stimulates regenerative processes and processes of restoring the function of peripheral nerves.

The excitability of the nervous system, depending on its initial functional state and massage technique, can decrease or increase. It is known, in particular, that subjective sensations during a massage are usually manifested by positive emotions of a pleasant state of peace, freshness and lightness. At the same time, massage can also have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. If the indications are incorrectly established and the technique is selected, the effect of massage can be manifested by a deterioration in the general condition, irritability, general weakness, pain in the tissues or increased pain in the pathological focus, up to an exacerbation of the process. When practicing massage, one should not allow the appearance of pain, since painful stimuli reflexively cause a number of unfavorable autonomic reactions, which can be accompanied by an increase in the level of adrenaline and glucose in the blood, an increase in blood pressure and blood clotting.

In the laboratory of I.P. Pavlov it was established that the leading role in the formation of the feeling of pain belongs to the cerebral cortex and that the reaction to painful stimulation can be suppressed by a conditioned stimulus. Massage is such an irritant if it is used differentially according to indications, taking into account the state of reactivity of the patient’s body, the form and stage of his disease. An adequate response to the massage procedure is manifested by a pleasant feeling of tissue warming, easing their tension, reducing pain, and improving overall well-being. If massage increases pain, causes adverse reactions from the cardiovascular and other systems, is accompanied by the appearance of general weakness, and deterioration of the patient’s well-being, such procedures are contraindicated. In such cases, it is necessary to more carefully and differentiatedly select the method and dosage. In older people, a negative reaction to massage can manifest itself in the form of pain, hemorrhages in the skin, vascular spasm, and increased muscle tone (A.F. Verbov, 1966). When prescribing massage to patients in the acute period of the disease, paradoxical reactions of the borderline sympathetic trunk may be observed, expressed by increased pain, stiffness, deterioration of the contractile function of the myocardium and peripheral circulation, and a decrease in the electrical activity of the muscles.

By using massage manipulations differentiated in form, strength and duration, it is possible to change the functional state of the cerebral cortex, reduce or increase general nervous excitability, enhance deep and revive lost reflexes, improve tissue trophism, as well as the activity of various internal organs and tissues (A. F. Verbov, 1966).

V. M. Andreeva and N. A. Belaya (1965) studied the effect of massage on the functional state of the cerebral cortex in patients with cervicothoracic and lumbosacral radiculitis. According to electroencephalography data, the authors found that after massage (lumbar region, leg, back, arm), indicators of bioelectrical activity of the cerebral cortex improved. Under the influence of massage, an increase in the severity of the alpha rhythm, a slight increase in its index and amplitude, an improvement in the shape of vibrations, and more distinct reactions to a light stimulus were noted. At the same time, the registered changes “were more pronounced on the side opposite to the massaged one, and in case of damage to the sympathetic nodes - on the side of the influence.” N.A. Belaya also points out that under the influence of massage there is an increase in the lability of the skin's receptor apparatus.

I.M. Sarkizov-Serazini (1957) noted that gentle stroking has a calming effect, and with prolonged action it is one of the most effective “local painkillers and anesthetics.” Massage techniques operate on the basis of reflex acts, and a conditioned reflex can be formed to any effect of massage techniques. If stroking is used as a conditioned stimulus and a conditioned reflex is developed to it, then other tactile skin stimuli can cause a conditioned reaction.

E. I. Sorokina (1966), observing patients with neurasthenia with increased sensitivity of the heart region to various irritations, showed that massage of the heart region reduces cardiac pain syndrome, has a reflex effect on the functions of the heart, slowing its rhythm by 5-15 beats and several improving contractile function. Massage of the core area reduces the sensitivity of skin receptors to pain stimuli and promotes the appearance of an inhibitory reaction from the central nervous system. Light stroking and rubbing of the precordial area, initially short-term (from 4 minutes) with a gradual increase in their duration to 8-12 minutes during the course of treatment (10-12 procedures) are, according to the author, training the heart area to external irritations. Light monotonous irritations, gradually increasing over time, contribute not only to the training of skin receptors to external irritations, but also cause inhibition in the cortical end of the skin analyzer, which, irradiating, can help restore the disturbed balance of the brain.

Metameric relationships between internal organs and skin explain the possibility of metameric and segmental reflex reactions in the body. Such reactions include viscero-cutaneous reflexes (Zakharyin-Ged zones), viscero-motor reflexes (Mackenzie zones), viscero-visceral and other reflexes. By influencing the reflexogenic zones, rich in vegetative innervation and connected with the skin by metameric relationships, with massage techniques, it is possible to have a reflex therapeutic effect on the pathologically altered activity of various tissues and internal organs (Fig. 8, 9). There is a two-way connection between striated and non-striated muscle tissue of internal organs and blood vessels: increasing the tone of striated muscle tissue helps to increase the tone of non-striated muscle tissue and vice versa. It is known, for example, that mental stress is accompanied by increased electrical activity of muscles, as well as zonal or generalized tension of striated muscle tissue. The greater the mental load and the stronger the fatigue, the stronger the generalized muscle tension (A. A. Krauklis, 1964). According to the observations of N.A. Akimova (1970), in most cases, during fatigue, points of increased muscle tone are localized in the region of the cervical and thoracic segments from Dxv upward on both sides of the spinal column. At the same time, clearly defined zones of hyperalgesia are often found in the neck region (Civ-Cvni), interscapular region (Dn-Div), to the right and left of the spinal column (Dvi-Dvin), in front and below the clavicle (Di). When studying the effectiveness of using some means of muscle relaxation for mental fatigue, it was found that in cases where there is a strong increase in muscle tone, as well as persistent emotional arousal that cannot be weakened, a light massage in the area of ​​the cervical and thoracic segments up from Dxn is advisable.

A. V. Sirotkina (1964) studied changes in the bioelectric activity of muscles under the influence of massage in patients with paresis and paralysis of central origin. In case of severe rigidity and contractures, light stroking of the contracted flexors was used, and weakened muscles were massaged using stroking and rubbing techniques. Based on electromyographic studies, it was found that such massage procedures reduce the excitability of the motor cells of the spinal cord, helping to improve the functional state of the neuromuscular system.

Massage has a pronounced effect on the peripheral nervous system. By activating the dynamics of basic nervous processes, massage improves blood supply, redox and metabolic processes in nervous tissue. It has been proven that massage causes pronounced reactive changes in the terminal parts of the nervous system. A study of microscopic preparations of the skin of experimental animals has established that massage causes various changes in skin receptors, ranging from irritation to destruction and decay, depending on the number of procedures. Such changes are dyschromia of the axial cylinders, swelling of their neuroplasm, expansion of myelin incisions and perineural sheaths. Massage has a stimulating effect on the regeneration of the nerve when it is cut, causing acceleration of axon growth, slowing down the maturation of scar tissue and more intense resorption of decay products.

Vibration massage has the most pronounced reflex effect on the body. M. Ya. Breitman (1908) wrote that mechanical vibration “is capable of awakening to life what is still viable.”

The mechanism of action of vibration on the body comes down to the perception of mechanical stimulation by nerve tissue receptors and the transmission of nerve impulses to the central nervous system, where sensations arise. Vibration sensitivity is classified as a type of tactile sensitivity, considering it as the reception of intermittent pressure. However, a number of authors recognize the independence of vibrational reception.

A.E. Shcherbak believed that vibration acts on the nerve endings in the periosteum, from here the excitation goes to the spinal cord and along special paths to the cerebellum and other accumulating centers of the brain stem. He pointed out that the effect of vibration massage is selective and is aimed at nerve endings adapted to perceive mechanical stimulation.

The effect of vibrations on the nervous system is closely related to the degree of excitability of the nerves. Weak vibrations cause excitation of inactive nerves, and relatively strong vibrations cause a decrease in nervous excitability.

E. K. Sepp (1941) noted that vibration in trigeminal neuralgia causes not only vasomotor phenomena, but also long-term changes in the peripheral nervous system, manifested in a decrease in pain. In this case, two phases are revealed in the mechanism of action of vibration: in the first there is no anesthetic and vasodilating effect and a vasoconstrictor effect is achieved; the second phase occurs after the first. Pain relief lasts from half an hour to several days. At a certain frequency, vibration can have a pronounced analgesic and even anesthetic effect. Vibration, having a pronounced reflex effect, causes strengthening and sometimes restoration of extinct deep reflexes. Depending on the location of exposure and nature, vibration causes distant cutaneous-visceral, motor-visceral and, in some cases, visceral-visceral reflexes.

Massage in medicine is the uniform mechanical irritation of parts of the human body, performed either by the hand of a massage therapist or by special devices and devices.

Despite this definition, the effect of massage on the human body cannot be considered simply as a mechanical effect on the tissues being massaged. This is a complex physiological process in which the central nervous system plays a leading role.

In the mechanism of action of massage on the body, it is customary to distinguish three factors: nervous, humoral and mechanical.

First of all, massage has an effect on the central and autonomic nervous system. At the initial stage of the massage, irritation of receptors embedded in the skin, muscles, tendons, joint capsules, ligaments and vascular walls occurs. Then, along sensitive pathways, the impulses caused by this irritation are transmitted to the central nervous system and reach the corresponding parts of the cerebral cortex. There a general complex reaction occurs, causing functional changes in the body.

This mechanism was described in detail in the works of the Russian physiologist I. P. Pavlov: “This means that one or another agent of the external or internal world of the body strikes one or another receptor nervous device. This blow is transformed into a nervous process, into the phenomenon of nervous excitation. Excitation along nerve waves, as if through wires, runs into the central nervous system and from there, thanks to established connections, through other wires it is brought to the working organ, transforming, in turn, into a specific process in the cells of this organ. Thus, one or another agent is natural. is associated with one or another activity of the organism, as a cause with its effect.”

The result of the impact of massage on the human body depends to a large extent on what processes currently prevail in his central nervous system: excitation or inhibition, as well as on the duration of the massage, the nature of its techniques and much more.

During the massage process, along with the nervous factor, the humoral factor is also taken into account (from the Greek word “humor” - liquid). The fact is that under the influence of massage, biologically active substances (tissue hormones) are formed in the skin and enter the bloodstream, with the help of which vascular reactions, transmission of nerve impulses and other processes occur.

Russian scientists D.E. Alpern, N.S. Zvonitsky and others in their works proved that under the influence of massage, the rapid formation of histamine and histamine-like substances occurs. Together with protein breakdown products (amino acids, polypeptides), they are carried by blood and lymph throughout the body and have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, internal organs and systems.

Thus, histamine, acting on the adrenal glands, causes an increased release of adrenaline.

Acetylcholine acts as an active mediator in the transmission of nervous excitation from one nerve cell to another, which creates favorable conditions for the activity of skeletal muscles.

In addition, acetylcholine helps to dilate small arteries and stimulate breathing. It is also believed to be a local hormone in many tissues.

The nervous system performs the most important function of the human body - regulation. It is customary to distinguish three parts of the nervous system:

    central nervous system (brain and spinal cord);

    peripheral (nerve fibers connecting the brain and spinal cord with all organs);

    vegetative, which controls the processes occurring in internal organs that are not subject to conscious control and management.

In turn, the autonomic nervous system is divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions.

The body's response to external stimulation through the nervous system is called a reflex. The reflex mechanism was carefully described in the works of the Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlov and his followers. They proved that higher nervous activity is based on temporary nerve connections that are formed in the cerebral cortex in response to various external stimuli.

Massage has an effect on the peripheral and central nervous system. When massaging the skin, the nervous system is the first to react to mechanical irritation. At the same time, a whole stream of impulses is sent to the central nervous system from numerous nerve-end organs that perceive pressure, tactile and various temperature stimuli.

Under the influence of massage, impulses arise in the skin, muscles and joints, stimulating the motor cells of the cerebral cortex and stimulating the activity of the corresponding centers.

The positive effect of massage on the neuromuscular system depends on the type and nature of massage techniques (massage therapist’s hand pressure, duration of massage, etc.) and is expressed in an increase in the frequency of muscle contraction and relaxation and in musculoskeletal sensitivity.

Blood circulation improves under the influence of massage.

This, in turn, leads to improved blood supply to nerve centers and peripheral nerve formations.

The results of experimental studies have shown that a cut nerve recovers faster if you regularly massage the damaged tissue. Under the influence of massage, axonal growth accelerates, the formation of scar tissue slows down, and decay products are absorbed.

In addition, massage techniques help reduce pain sensitivity, improve nerve excitability and the conduction of nerve impulses along the nerve.

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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Topic: The effect of massage on the human nervous system

Completed by: Elena Korablina

Human nervous system

Nervous system person classified :

according to the conditions of formation and type of management as:

Lowest nervous activity

Higher nervous activity

by the method of transmitting information as:

Neurohumoral regulation

Reflex activity

by localization area as:

Central nervous system

Peripheral nervous system

by functional affiliation as:

Vegetative nervous system

Somatic nervous system

Sympathetic nervous system

Parasympathetic nervous system

Nervous system (sustema nervosum) is a complex of anatomical structures that ensure the individual adaptation of the body to the external environment and the regulation of the activity of individual organs and tissues.

The nervous system acts as integrative system, linking into one whole sensitivity, motor activity and the work of other regulatory systems (endocrine and immune). The nervous system, together with the endocrine glands, is the main integrating and coordinating apparatus, which, on the one hand, ensures the integrity of the body, and on the other, its behavior adequate to the external environment.

The nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord , as well as nerves, nerve ganglia, plexuses, etc. All these formations are predominantly built from nervous tissue, which: - is capable of being excited under the influence of irritation from the environment internal or external to the body and - conducts excitation in the form of a nerve impulse to various nerve centers for analysis, and then - transmits the “order” generated in the center to the executive organs to perform the body’s response in the form of movement (movement in space) or changes in the function of internal organs. Excitation- an active physiological process by which some types of cells respond to external influences. The ability of cells to generate excitation is called excitability. Excitable cells include nerve, muscle and glandular cells. All other cells have only irritability, i.e. the ability to change their metabolic processes when exposed to any factors (stimulants). In excitable tissues, especially nervous tissues, excitation can spread along the nerve fiber and is a carrier of information about the properties of the stimulus. In muscle and glandular cells, excitation is a factor that triggers their specific activity - contraction, secretion. Braking in the central nervous system - an active physiological process, the result of which is a delay in the excitation of the nerve cell. Together with excitation, inhibition forms the basis of the integrative activity of the nervous system and ensures the coordination of all functions of the body.

As a result of long evolutionary development, the nervous system turned out to be represented by two sections. They are clearly different in appearance, but structurally and functionally they form a single whole. These are the central nervous system in the form of the brain and spinal cord and the peripheral nervous system, represented by nerves, nerve plexuses and nodes.

Central nervous systems and (systema nervosum centrale) is represented by the brain and spinal cord. In their thickness, areas of gray color (gray matter) are clearly visible, this is the appearance of clusters of neuron bodies, and white matter, formed by the processes of nerve cells, through which they establish connections with each other. The number of neurons and the degree of their concentration are much higher in the upper section, which as a result takes on the appearance of a three-dimensional brain.

Head brain consists of three main parts, or departments. Its trunk is an extension of the spinal cord and serves as a support for the greater medullary vault, the brain responsible for much of conscious thinking. Below is the cerebellum. Although many sensory and motor neurons end and begin in the brain, respectively, most brain neurons are interneurons whose job is to filter, analyze, and store information.

One of the most important functions of the brain is storing information received from the senses. This information can later be recalled and used in decision making. For example, the painful sensation of touching a hot stove is remembered, and later the memory will influence the decision whether to touch other stoves.

The upper part, or cortex, of the brain is responsible for most conscious actions. Some of its lobes are involved in the perception of information, others are responsible for speech and language, and the rest serve as the beginning of motor pathways and control movements.

Between these motor-sensory and speech areas of the cerebral cortex are associated areas consisting of millions of interconnected neurons. They are associated with reasoning, emotions and decision making. The cerebellum is attached to the brain stem just below the cerebrum and is primarily responsible for motor activity. It sends signals that cause involuntary movements in the muscles, allowing you to maintain posture and balance, and, together with the motor areas of the brain, ensures the coordination of body movements.

The brain stem itself is made up of a number of different structures that perform different tasks, and the most important among them are the “centers” that control the functioning of the lungs, heart and blood vessels. Functions such as blinking and vomiting are also controlled here. Other structures act as relay stations, transmitting signals from the spinal cord or cranial nerves.

Although the hypothalamus is one of the smallest elements of the brain stem, it controls the chemical, hormonal and temperature balance of the body.

Dorsal brain located in the spinal canal from the first cervical to the second lumbar vertebra. Externally, the spinal cord resembles a cylindrical cord. 31 pairs of spinal nerves depart from the spinal cord, which leave the spinal canal through the corresponding intervertebral foramina and branch symmetrically in the right and left halves of the body. The spinal cord is divided into cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal sections, respectively; among the spinal nerves, 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral and 1-3 coccygeal nerves are considered.

The section of the spinal cord corresponding to a pair (right and left) of the spinal nerves is called a spinal cord segment. Each spinal nerve is formed by the union of the anterior and posterior roots that arise from the spinal cord. On the dorsal root there is a thickening - the spinal ganglion, where the bodies of sensory neurons are located.

The processes of sensory neurons carry excitation from the receptors to the spinal cord. The anterior roots of the spinal nerves are formed by processes of motor neurons, which transmit commands from the central nervous system to skeletal muscles and internal organs. At the level of the spinal cord, reflex arcs close, providing the simplest reflex reactions, such as tendon reflexes (for example, the knee reflex), flexion reflexes when irritating pain receptors in the skin, muscles and internal organs. An example of a simple spinal reflex is the withdrawal of a hand when it touches a hot object. The reflex activity of the spinal cord is associated with maintaining posture, maintaining a stable body position when turning and tilting the head, alternating flexion and extension of paired limbs when walking, running, etc. In addition, the spinal cord plays an important role in regulating the activity of internal organs, in particular the intestines, bladder, and blood vessels.

Peripheral nervous system (systerna nervosum periphericum)

a conditionally allocated part of the nervous system, the structures of which are located outside the brain and spinal cord. The PNS provides two-way communication between the central parts of the nervous system and the organs and systems of the body. Anatomically, the PNS is represented by the cranial (cranial) and spinal nerves, as well as the relatively autonomous enteric nervous system, located in the intestinal wall. All cranial nerves (12 pairs) are divided into motor, sensory or mixed. Motor nerves begin in the motor nuclei of the trunk, formed by the bodies of the motor neurons themselves, and sensory nerves are formed from the fibers of those neurons whose bodies lie in ganglia outside the brain. 31 pairs of spinal nerves depart from the spinal cord: 8 pairs of cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral and 1 coccygeal. They are designated according to the position of the vertebrae adjacent to the intervertebral foramina from which these nerves emerge. Each spinal nerve has an anterior and a posterior root, which fuse to form the nerve itself. The posterior root contains sensory fibers; it is closely connected with the spinal ganglion (dorsal root ganglion), consisting of the cell bodies of neurons, the axons of which form these fibers. The anterior root consists of motor fibers formed by neurons whose cell bodies lie in the spinal cord.

The peripheral nervous system includes 12 pairs of cranial nerves (Cranial nerves), their roots, sensory and autonomic ganglia located along the trunks and branches of these nerves, as well as the anterior and posterior roots of the spinal cord and 31 pairs of spinal nerves, sensory ganglia, nerve plexuses (see Cervical plexus, Brachial plexus, Lubosacral plexus), peripheral nerve trunks of the trunk and limbs, right and left sympathetic trunks, autonomic plexuses, ganglia and nerves. The convention of the anatomical division of the central and peripheral nervous systems is determined by the fact that the nerve fibers that make up the nerve are either axons of motor neurons located in the anterior horns of the spinal cord segment, or dendrites of sensory neurons of the intervertebral ganglia (the axons of these cells are directed along the dorsal roots to the spinal cord) .

Thus, the bodies of neurons are located in the central nervous system, and their processes are in the peripheral (for motor cells), or, conversely, the processes of neurons located in the peripheral nervous system constitute the conductive pathways of the c. n. With. (for sensitive cells). The main function of P. n. With. is to ensure communication c. n. With. with the external environment and target organs. It is carried out either by conducting nerve impulses from extero-, proprio- and interoreceptors to the corresponding segmental and suprasegmental formations of the spinal cord and brain, or in the opposite direction - regulatory signals from the c. n. With. to the muscles that ensure the movement of the body in the surrounding space, to the internal organs and systems. Structures of P. n. With. have their own vascular and innervation supply that supports the trophism of nerve fibers and ganglia; as well as its own liquor system in the form of capillary slits along the nerves and plexuses. It is formed starting from the intervertebral ganglia (directly in front of which, on the spinal roots, the subarachnoid space with cerebrospinal fluid that washes the central nervous system ends in blind sacs). Thus, both cerebrospinal fluid systems (central and peripheral nervous systems) are separate and have a kind of barrier between themselves at the level of the intervertebral ganglia. In the peripheral nervous system, nerve trunks may contain motor fibers (anterior roots of the spinal cord, facial, abducens, trochlear, accessory and hypoglossal cranial nerves), sensory (dorsal roots of the spinal cord, sensory part of the trigeminal nerve, auditory nerve) or autonomic (visceral branches of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems). But the main part of the upper trunks of the trunk and limbs is mixed (contains motor, sensory and autonomic fibers). Mixed nerves include intercostal nerves, trunks of the cervical, brachial and lumbosacral plexuses and the nerves emanating from them of the upper (radial, median, ulnar, etc.) and lower (femoral, sciatic, tibial, deep peroneal, etc.) extremities. The ratio of motor, sensory and autonomic fibers in the trunks of mixed nerves can vary significantly. The largest number of autonomic fibers contain the median and tibial nerves, as well as the vagus nerve. Despite the external disunity of the individual nerve trunks of P. n. pp., there is a certain functional relationship between them, provided by nonspecific structures of c. n. With.

This or that lesion of a separate nerve trunk affects the functional state of not only the symmetrical nerve, but also distant nerves on one’s own and the opposite side of the body: in the experiment, the performance of the contralateral neuromuscular drug increases, and in the clinic, in case of mononeuritis, conduction rates in other nerve trunks increase . The specified functional relationship to some extent (along with other factors) determines the characteristic of P. n. With. multiplicity of damage to its structures - polyneuritis and polyneuropathy, polyganglionitis, etc.

Lesions of P. n. With. may be caused by a variety of factors: trauma, metabolic and vascular disorders, infections, intoxications (domestic, industrial and medicinal), vitamin deficiency and other deficiency conditions. A large group of diseases of P. n. With. constitute hereditary polyneuropathies: neural amyotrophy Charcot-Marie-Tooth (see Amyotrophies), Roussy-Lévy syndrome, hypertrophic polyneuropathies Dejerine-Sotta and Marie-Boveri, etc. In addition, a number of hereditary diseases c. n. With. accompanied by P.'s defeat. p.: Friedreich's familial ataxia (see Ataxia), Strumpell's familial paraplegia (see Paraplegia (Paraplegia)), Louis-Bar ataxia-telangiectasia, etc. Depending on the predominant localization of the lesion P. n. With. There are radiculitis, plexitis, ganglionitis, neuritis, as well as combined lesions - polyradiculoneuritis, polyneuritis (polyneuropathies). The most common cause of radiculitis is metabolic-dystrophic changes in the spine due to osteochondrosis and herniated intervertebral discs. Plexitis is most often caused by compression of the trunks of the cervical, brachial and lumbosacral plexuses by pathologically altered muscles, ligaments, vessels, the so-called cervical ribs and other formations, "for example, tumors, enlarged lymph nodes). The spinal ganglia are affected mainly by the herpes virus. A large group of compression lesions has been described P. n.s., associated with compression of its structures in the fibrous, bone, muscle canals (Tunnel syndromes). Symptoms of damage to the structures of the n. paresis, muscle atrophy, disorders of superficial and deep sensitivity in the area of ​​impaired innervation in the form of pain, paresthesia, anesthesia, causalgia syndromes and phantom sensations, autonomic-vascular and trophic disorders, more often in the distal parts of the extremities). isolated, not accompanied by symptoms of loss of function - neuralgia, plexalgia, radiculopathy.

The most severe pain syndromes are observed with ganglionitis (sympathalgia), as well as injuries of the median and tibial nerves with the development of causalgia (Causalgia).

In childhood, a special form of pathology is P. n. With. are birth injuries to the spinal roots (mainly at the level of the cervical, less often lumbar segments), as well as the trunks of the brachial plexus with the development of birth traumatic paralysis of the arm, less often the leg. With a birth injury to the brachial plexus and its branches, Duchenne-Erb or Dejerine-Klumpke palsies occur (see Brachial plexus).

Tumors of P. n. With. (neurinomas, neurofibromas, glomus tumors) are relatively rare, but can occur at various levels.

Diagnosis of lesions of P. n. With. is based primarily on data from a clinical examination of the patient. Characterized predominantly by distal paralysis and paresis with impaired sensitivity, vegetative-vascular and trophic disorders in the zone of innervation of one or another nerve trunk. When peripheral nerve trunks are damaged, a thermal imaging study has a certain diagnostic value, revealing the so-called amputation syndrome in the denervation zone due to a violation of thermoregulation in it and a decrease in skin temperature. Electrodiagnostics and chronaximetry are also carried out, but recently these methods are inferior to electromyography and electroneuromyography, the results of which are much more informative. In case of neural damage, electromyography reveals a characteristic denervation type of change in the bioelectrical activity of paretic muscles. The study of the speed of impulse conduction along the nerves makes it possible to determine the exact localization of damage to the nerve trunk by their decrease, as well as to identify the degree of involvement of motor or sensory nerve fibers in the pathological process. To defeat P. n. With. a decrease in the amplitudes of evoked potentials of the affected nerve and denervated muscles is also characteristic. To clarify the nature of the pathological process in polyneuropathies and nerve tumors, a biopsy of the skin nerves is used, followed by histological and histochemical examination. For clinically detected tumors of the nerve trunks, computed tomography can be used, which is of particular importance in cases of tumors of the cranial nerves (for example, with acoustic neuroma). Computed tomography allows one to localize a herniated disc, which is important for its subsequent surgical removal.

Treatment of diseases of P. n. With. is aimed at eliminating the action of the etiological factor, as well as improving microcirculation and metabolic and trophic processes in the nervous system. Effective are B vitamins, potassium preparations and anabolic hormones, anticholinesterase drugs and other stimulants of neural conduction, nicotinic acid preparations, Cavinton, Trental, as well as drug metameric therapy. Physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, pulsed currents, electrical stimulation, diathermy and other thermal effects), massage, physical therapy, and sanatorium treatment are prescribed. For nerve tumors, as well as for their injuries, surgical treatment is performed according to indications. In recent years, the drug Kronasial has been developed, containing a certain composition of gangliosides - receptors of neuronal membranes; its intramuscular use stimulates synaptogenesis and regeneration of nerve fibers.

Autonomic nervous system

The autonomic, or autonomic, nervous system regulates the activity of involuntary muscles, the heart muscle, and various glands. Its structures are located both in the central nervous system and in the peripheral nervous system. The activity of the autonomic nervous system is aimed at maintaining homeostasis, i.e. a relatively stable state of the body's internal environment, such as a constant body temperature or blood pressure that meets the body's needs.

Signals from the central nervous system enter the working (effector) organs through pairs of sequentially connected neurons. The bodies of neurons of the first level are located in the CNS, and their axons end in the autonomic ganglia, which lie outside the CNS, and here they form synapses with the bodies of neurons of the second level, the axons of which are in direct contact with the effector organs. The first neurons are called preganglionic, the second - postganglionic. In the part of the autonomic nervous system called the sympathetic nervous system, the cell bodies of preganglionic neurons are located in the gray matter of the thoracic (thoracic) and lumbar (lumbar) spinal cord. Therefore, the sympathetic system is also called the thoracolumbar system. The axons of its preganglionic neurons terminate and form synapses with postganglionic neurons in ganglia located in a chain along the spine. Axons of postganglionic neurons contact effector organs. The endings of postganglionic fibers secrete norepinephrine (a substance close to adrenaline) as a neurotransmitter, and therefore the sympathetic system is also defined as adrenergic. The sympathetic system is complemented by the parasympathetic nervous system.

The bodies of its preganglinar neurons are located in the brainstem (intracranial, i.e. inside the skull) and the sacral (sacral) part of the spinal cord. Therefore, the parasympathetic system is also called the craniosacral system. The axons of preganglionic parasympathetic neurons terminate and form synapses with postganglionic neurons in ganglia located near the working organs. The endings of postganglionic parasympathetic fibers release the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, on the basis of which the parasympathetic system is also called cholinergic. As a rule, the sympathetic system stimulates those processes that are aimed at mobilizing the body's forces in extreme situations or under stress. The parasympathetic system contributes to the accumulation or restoration of the body's energy resources. The reactions of the sympathetic system are accompanied by the consumption of energy resources, an increase in the frequency and strength of heart contractions, an increase in blood pressure and blood sugar, as well as an increase in blood flow to the skeletal muscles by reducing its flow to the internal organs and skin. All of these changes are characteristic of the "fear, flight or fight" response. The parasympathetic system, on the contrary, reduces the frequency and strength of heart contractions, lowers blood pressure, and stimulates the digestive system. The sympathetic and parasympathetic systems act in a coordinated manner and cannot be viewed as antagonistic. They jointly support the functioning of internal organs and tissues at a level corresponding to the intensity of stress and the emotional state of a person.

Both systems function continuously, but their activity levels fluctuate depending on the situation.

massage has a positive effect in case of functional circulatory disorders, diseases of the respiratory system, digestion, chronic dystrophic diseases of the spine and joints, genitourinary system, consequences of injuries, and functional disorders of the endocrine system and autonomic nervous system.

Massage has a therapeutic effect, alleviates the condition of patients, improves the body's resistance to respiratory diseases, increases the tone of skeletal muscles and can be used for cosmetic purposes.

The effect of massage on the nervous system

Since the effect of a massage procedure in its physiological essence is mediated by nervous structures, massage therapy has a significant effect on the nervous system: it changes the ratio of excitation and inhibition processes (it can selectively calm - sedate or excite - tone the nervous system), improves adaptive reactions, increases the ability to withstand stress factors , increases the speed of regenerative processes in the peripheral nervous system.

Noteworthy is the work of I. B. Granovskaya (1960), who studied the effect of massage on the state of the peripheral nervous system of dogs in an experiment with transection of the sciatic nerve. It has been found that the nervous component responds primarily to massage. At the same time, the greatest changes in the spinal ganglia and nerve trunks were noted after 15 massage sessions and were manifested by accelerated regeneration of the sciatic nerve. Interestingly, as the course of massage continued, the body's responses decreased. Thus, the dosage of the massage course was experimentally substantiated - 10 - 15 procedures.

The human somatic muscular system includes about 550 muscles, located on the body in several layers and built from striated muscle tissue. Skeletal muscles are innervated by the anterior and posterior branches of the spinal nerves arising from the spinal cord, and are controlled by commands from the higher parts of the central nervous system - the cerebral cortex and controlled by commands from the higher parts of the central nervous system - the cerebral cortex and subcortical centers of the extrapyramidal system. Due to this, skeletal muscles are voluntary, i.e. capable of contracting, obeying a conscious volitional command. This command in the form of an electrical impulse comes from the cerebral cortex to the interneurons of the spinal cord, which, based on extrapyramidal information, model the activity of motor nerve cells, the axons of which end directly on the muscles.

massage nervous system peripheral

The axons of motor neurons and the dendrites of sensory nerve cells that perceive sensations from muscles and skin are combined into nerve trunks (nerves).

These nerves run along the bones and lie between the muscles. Pressure on points close to the nerve trunks causes their irritation and “switching on” of the arc of the skin-somatic reflex. At the same time, the functional state of the muscles and underlying tissues innervated by this nerve changes.

Under the influence of acupressure of the nerve trunks or grasping and linear massage of the muscles themselves, the number and diameter of open capillaries in the muscles increases. The fact is that the number of functioning muscle capillaries in a muscle is not constant and depends on the condition of the muscle and regulatory systems.

In an idle muscle, there is a narrowing and partial destruction of the capillary bed (decapillarization), which causes a narrowing of muscle tone, degeneration of muscle tissue and clogging of the muscle with metabolites. Such a muscle cannot be considered completely healthy.

With massage, just like with physical activity, the level of metabolic processes increases. The higher the metabolism in the tissue, the more functioning capillaries it has. It has been proven that under the influence of massage, the number of open capillaries in the muscle reaches 1400 per 1 mm2 of cross section, and its blood supply increases by 9-140 times (Kunichev L.A. 1985).

In addition, massage, unlike physical activity, does not cause the formation of lactic acid in the muscles. On the contrary, it promotes the washing out of kenotoxins (so-called traffic poisons) and metabolites, improves trophism, and accelerates restoration processes in tissues.

As a result, massage has a general strengthening and healing (in cases of myositis, hypertonicity, muscle atrophy, etc.) effect on the muscular system.

Under the influence of massage, the elasticity and tone of muscles increases, contractile function improves, strength increases, efficiency increases, and fascia strengthens.

The influence of kneading techniques on the muscular system is especially great.

Kneading is an active irritant and helps to maximize the performance of tired muscles, since massage is a kind of passive gymnastics for muscle fibers. An increase in performance is also observed when massaging muscles that were not involved in physical work. This is explained by the generation under the influence of massage of sensitive nerve impulses, which, entering the central nervous system, increase the excitability of the control centers of the massaged and neighboring muscles. Therefore, when individual muscle groups are tired, it is advisable to massage not only the tired muscles, but also their anatomical and functional antagonists (Kunichev L.A. 1985).

The main task of massage is to restore the normal course of metabolic processes (metabolism, energy, bioenergy) in tissues, organs, organ systems. Of course, the formations of the cardiovascular system are of paramount importance here as a structural basis, a kind of “transport network” for metabolism. This point of view is shared by both traditional and alternative medicine.

It has been established that with massage therapy of local, segmental and meridian points, the lumen of aoterioles, precapillary sphincters and true capillaries expands. This massage effect on the underlying and projection vascular bed is realized through the following main factors:

1) increasing the concentration of histamine - a biologically active substance that affects vascular tone and is intensively released by skin cells when pressed, especially in the area of ​​the active point;

2) mechanical irritation of skin and vascular receptors, which causes reflex motor reactions of the muscle layer of the vessel wall;

3) an increase in the concentration of hormones (for example, adrenaline and norepinephrine, which cause a central vasoconstrictor effect and, as a result, an increase in blood pressure) during massage of the projection skin zones of the adrenal glands;

4) local increase in skin temperature (local hyperthermia), causing a vasodilator reflex through temperature skin receptors.

The entire complex of these and a number of other mechanisms involved in massage therapy leads to an increase in blood flow, the level of metabolic reactions and the rate of oxygen consumption, the elimination of congestion and a decrease in the concentration of metabolites in the underlying tissues and projected internal organs. This is the basis and necessary condition for maintaining a normal functional state and treating individual organs and the body as a whole.


1. Badalyan L.O. and Skvortsov I.A. Clinical electroneuromyography, M., 1986;

2. Gusev E.I., Grechko V.E. and Buryag S. Nervous diseases, p. 379, M. 1988;

3. Popelyansky Ya.Yu. Diseases of the peripheral nervous system, M., 1989

4. Biryukov A.A. Massage - M.: Fi S, 1988 Biryukov A.A., Kafarov K.A. Means for restoring the performance of an athlete M.: Fi S, 1979-151p.

5. Belaya N.A. Guide to therapeutic massage. M.: Medicine, 1983 Vasichkin V.I. Handbook of massage. St. Petersburg, - 1991


1) Ganglion (other - Greek gbnglypn - node) or nerve ganglion - a collection of nerve cells consisting of bodies, dendrites and axons of nerve cells and glial cells. Typically, the ganglion also has a sheath of connective tissue. Found in many invertebrates and all vertebrates. They often connect with each other, forming various structures (nerve plexuses, nerve chains, etc.).

There are two large groups of ganglia: dorsal ganglia and autonomic ganglia. The former contain the bodies of sensory (afferent) neurons, the latter - the bodies of neurons of the autonomic nervous system.

2) NERVE PLEXUS - (plexus ervorum), a mesh connection of nerve fibers, consisting of somatic and autonomic nerves; provides sensitivity and motor innervation to the skin, skeletal muscles and internal organs of vertebrates.

3) Neuron (from the Greek nйuron - nerve) is a structural and functional unit of the nervous system. This cell has a complex structure, is highly specialized and in structure contains a nucleus, a cell body and processes.

4) Dendrite (from the Greek dEndspn - “tree”) is a dichotomously branching process of a nerve cell (neuron), which receives signals from other neurons, receptor cells, or directly from external stimuli.

5) Axon (Greek ?opn - axis) - neurite, axial cylinder, process of a nerve cell, along which nerve impulses travel from the cell body (soma) to innervated organs and other nerve cells.

6) Symnaps (Greek uenbshyt, from uhnbrfein - hug, clasp, shake hands) - the place of contact between two neurons or between a neuron and the effector cell receiving the signal.

7) Perikaryon - the body of a neuron, can have different sizes and shapes. Numerous synaptic contacts with the processes of other neurons are formed on the cytolemma of the perikaryon.

8) Polyneuritis (from poly... and Greek nйuron - nerve) - multiple nerve lesions. The main causes of polyneuritis are infectious (especially viral) diseases, intoxication (usually alcoholic).

9) Polyneuropathy- This is multiple damage to peripheral nerves. This lesion can develop in various diseases of internal organs and in some cases can be hereditary.

10) Polyganglionitis - (polyganglionitis; Poly - + Ganglionitis) multiple inflammation of the nerve ganglia.

11) Causalgia - a persistent unpleasant burning sensation in a limb after partial damage to the sympathetic and somatic sensory nerves in it.

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The nervous system performs the most important function of the human body - regulatory. It is customary to distinguish three parts of the nervous system:

  • central nervous system (brain and spinal cord);
  • peripheral (nerve fibers connecting the brain and spinal cord with all organs);
  • vegetative, which controls the processes occurring in internal organs that are not subject to conscious control and management.
  • In turn, the autonomic nervous system is divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions.

    The body's response to external stimulation through the nervous system is called a reflex. The reflex mechanism was carefully described in the works of the Russian physiologist I. P. Pavlov and his followers. They proved that higher nervous activity is based on temporary nerve connections that are formed in the cerebral cortex in response to various external stimuli.

    Massage has an effect on the peripheral and central nervous system. When massaging the skin, the nervous system is the first to react to mechanical irritation. At the same time, a whole stream of impulses is sent to the central nervous system from numerous nerve-end organs that perceive pressure, tactile and various temperature stimuli.

    Under the influence of massage, impulses arise in the skin, muscles and joints, stimulating the motor cells of the cerebral cortex and stimulating the activity of the corresponding centers.

    The positive effect of massage on the neuromuscular system depends on the type and nature of massage techniques (massage therapist’s hand pressure, duration of passage, etc.) and is expressed in an increase in the frequency of muscle contraction and relaxation and in musculocutaneous sensitivity.

    We have already noted the fact that massage improves blood circulation. This, in turn, leads to improved blood supply to nerve centers and peripheral nerve formations.

    The results of experimental studies have shown that a cut nerve recovers faster if you regularly massage the damaged tissue. Under the influence of massage, axonal growth accelerates, the formation of scar tissue slows down, and decay products are absorbed.

    In addition, massage techniques help reduce pain sensitivity, improve nerve excitability and the conduction of nerve impulses along the nerve.

    If massage is performed regularly over a long period of time, it can acquire the character of a conditioned reflex stimulus.

    Among existing massage techniques, vibration (especially mechanical) has the most pronounced reflex effect.