Hormonal influences. Dependence of physical and mental health on hormones

It is often said that the condition of our body depends on hormones. Let's try to figure out what hormones are. Where do they “come from”, how do they affect the body?

Endocrine glands produce biologically active substances- hormones, which are released directly into the blood and are transported with its current to the organs. Hormones enhance or weaken various body functions. Both their deficiency and excess lead to changes in the state of the body.

The most important endocrine gland that affects metabolism, growth and development of the body is pituitary. It regulates the activity of other endocrine glands, influences the processes of reproduction, and participates in the implementation important functions body. The mass of the pituitary gland is only 0.5 grams. It is located inside the skull and is attached to the brain (to the hypothalamus) using a thin stalk - the funnel. This place is called the "Turkish saddle". The size of the pituitary gland is judged by the size of the sella turcica on a skull x-ray. The formation of the activity of the pituitary gland is associated with the development of the brain. Most important stages are 6-7 years and 10 years, when the production of hormones by the pituitary gland increases significantly.

Change normal sizes pituitary gland leads to disruption of hormone production and noticeable changes in the state of the body. With hyperfunction of the anterior pituitary gland in childhood increased body growth is observed: the person becomes very tall. In people whose height exceeds 2 m, the study may reveal. If the pituitary gland is not active enough during the growth period, then growth retardation occurs and a short person is formed. In such people, skeletal ossification occurs later, the genitals and secondary sexual characteristics are poorly developed, and they do not tolerate infectious and other diseases well.

In an adult, hyperfunction of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland leads to acromegaly - excessive enlargement of the hands, feet, nose, tongue, facial bones, ears, some organs of the chest and abdominal cavitieslower jaw becomes long and wide, the nose thickens, cheekbones and brow ridges stand out strongly. In addition, with acromegaly, the functions of other endocrine glands, in particular the reproductive and pancreas, are disrupted. With hypofunction of the anterior pituitary gland in adults, a metabolic disorder is observed, which leads to either obesity or sudden weight loss.

Hypofunction of the pituitary gland is the reason diabetes insipidus when a large amount of urine is released (up to 40 liters per day) due to the inability of the kidneys to concentrate it.

Humoral (carried out through the blood) regulation of functions The body is under the direct control of the nervous system and is carried out jointly with it. The pituitary gland is included in the system neurohumoral regulation. Lack of hormones in the blood of the sex glands, adrenal glands, or stimulates the production of their corresponding triple hormones. And an excess of hormones from these glands in the blood inhibits the production of tropic hormones.

The hypothalamus occupies a central place in this process. Thanks to the close interaction of the pituitary gland with the hypothalamus, a single hypothalamic-pituitary system is created that controls the functions of the body. The pituitary gland, together with the hypothalamus, is the central link endocrine system and performs the function of integrating and coordinating the activity of the endocrine glands.

The cells of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland produce hormones that selectively regulate the activity of other endocrine glands and the development of the body as a whole.

Somatotropic hormone (growth hormone) stimulates protein synthesis in organs and tissues and the growth of the body as a whole. For its action, it is necessary to have a sufficient amount of carbohydrates and insulin (hormone) in the body. Influenced growth hormone the breakdown of fats and their use in energy metabolism is enhanced.

Gonadotropic hormones stimulate the activity of the gonads. Prolactin promotes the growth of mammary glands and milk secretion, and also stimulates the release of female sex hormones in the ovaries. In addition, he is responsible for the manifestation of parental instinct.

Adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulates the growth of the adrenal cortex and its production of numerous hormones.

Thyroid-stimulating hormone necessary for development and normal functioning thyroid gland: it promotes accumulation, increases the number of secretory cells and increases their activity. Secretion thyroid-stimulating hormone pituitary gland increases with insufficient levels of thyroid hormones in the blood, as well as with cooling.

The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland secretes hormones that regulate tone smooth muscle blood vessels (vasopressin) and uterus (oxytocin). Vasopressin causes contraction smooth muscles vessels (mainly small arteries) and leads to an increase in blood pressure, regulates the reabsorption of water in the kidneys, which reduces diuresis and increases the density of urine (therefore, another name for this hormone is antidiuretic hormone). Oxytocin stimulates uterine contractions, especially at the end of pregnancy, and also affects milk secretion. The presence of this hormone in the blood is required condition normal course of labor.

If we compare human body with an orchestra, the conductor is the endocrine system. The amount of hormones is determined by milligrams, but they control all life processes, metabolism and sexual function.

It is female sex hormones that give the fairer sex feminine traits, determine their behavior and appearance.

The role of hormones in a woman’s body

There are many different hormones “working” in a woman’s body. They are produced by special glands, heart muscle, liver, brain and even adipose tissue. In any human body the whole range of male and female hormones is present. Gender determine their quantitative indicators and balance. There are also specialized substances that are necessary only for bearing and conceiving offspring. They are produced when the fetal growth process begins.

Are considered purely female hormones estrogen, estradiol and oxytocin . The first two are produced in the ovaries and even the placenta during pregnancy. Oxytocin is produced by the adrenal glands. These hormones form feminine physical features: a thin waist, wide hips, breasts, a soft oval face and a certain set psychological characteristics: softness, tenderness, pliability, patience. Male hormones are also present in a woman’s body and are very important.

The male hormone testosterone is responsible for the sexual desire of the fair sex.

His low performance lead to the fact that ladies become completely uninterested in either men or sex as such.

Another substance, progesterone, also predominates in the endocrine system of the stronger sex, and appears in women during pregnancy.

How hormones are produced

Hormone production is a complex and multifactorial process. Glands are involved internal secretion, special tissue cells, brain, nervous system. Themselves highly active biological substances produced in glands or special cells. Then they bind to proteins and thus enter the body through the blood or lymph.

In order for the hormone to enter the blood, it must be removed from the site of formation. This means that the body must have special substances that extract and transport hormones to organs and tissues. This is why, for example, the amount of iodine in the body is so important. Without iodine, thyroxine is not absorbed into the blood.

Nerve impulses entering the glands regulate the secretion process. Signals are sent to reduce or increase blood supply and vascular tone, which affects the amount of hormone received.

An even more complex control system is carried out by the brain, which produces special substances that are like hormones for the hormones themselves.

The process of producing “regulators” is cyclical and determined by strict biorhythms. The glands supply them in microdoses, in small batches. One batch is consumed, excreted through the kidneys, skin, breathing or gastric juice, and then the next one arrives.

In order for a hormone to affect an organ or tissue, a special signal receiver is needed - a receptor. Through it, cells receive commands and begin to act. Therefore, if, for example, thyroid it works poorly, there is no command for fat oxidation - metabolism slows down. The sensitivity and number of receptors are determined genetically.

How specific hormones affect a woman’s body


Hormone female beauty and youth. Produced by the ovaries. Stimulates regeneration processes. A sufficient amount of estrogen in the blood makes our skin firm, smooth and elastic. Affects the thickness and condition of hair. Creates an impassable barrier for cholesterol plaques, helping blood vessels stay healthy.

With a lack of estrogen Hair growth is observed in places that are not intended for women. The figure becomes more masculine, in particular, fat is deposited not on the hips, but on the stomach, and the voice becomes rougher. The skin ages quickly, sagging appears, and elasticity is lost. In such cases, creams, serums, masks restore the condition skin they won't be able to.

Oversupply leads to the appearance of characteristic fat deposits on the thighs, buttocks and lower abdomen. At the same time, the waist does not suffer significantly. A large amount of estrogen leads to uterine fibroids.


Regulator of the menstrual cycle and sculptor of the female figure. Responsible for the maturation of the egg. With his participation, all characteristics female body: wide hips, full breasts and thin waist. Prevents the appearance of excess hair.


The hormone of female caring and affection. Largest quantity oxytocin is produced after the baby is born. We can say that it gives women unconditional love and patience, which help them endure all the hardships and difficulties of motherhood.

Oxytocin is also produced during sex. Therefore after sexual contact There is much greater intimacy between people than before. Helps cope with stress, is an anesthesia for all kinds of minor troubles.


Hormone for successful pregnancy. It is considered masculine because it is large quantities present in the male body. In a woman, the process of progesterone production is triggered by the release of the egg from the follicle and the appearance corpus luteum. When this does not happen, the hormone is not produced.

In case of insufficient quantity, the uterus is not able to hold the fetus - a miscarriage occurs. This is especially true in the early stages. Therefore, when there is a threat, a similar hormonal drug is often prescribed.


Hormone of sexual behavior. It is too male hormone and in female body there is very little of it. That's why it's so hard for ladies to build up muscle mass and get rid of excess fat. Testosterone is responsible for determination and strong-willed qualities, but its main function is to stimulate sexual desire. Its excess can turn women into nymphomaniacs, and flaw causes frigidity.

IN average shape excessive presence of a substance in the blood, manifests itself as a source of excessive irritability, hot temper and aggressiveness.


The hormone of high intelligence and good metabolism. Produced by the thyroid gland. Affects all metabolic processes in the body. With sufficient quantity, you can eat kilos of buns and not gain weight.

If there is a shortage, they literally get fat from water, it’s hard to concentrate, their memory and mental abilities suffer, they can’t get pregnant and bear a child.


Fighting hormone. Released by the adrenal glands in case of danger. At the physiological level, it manifests itself as a sharp increase in blood circulation and dilation of blood vessels. On a psychological level, it relieves feelings of fear, generates self-confidence and courage.

Helps you overcome any obstacles, quickly respond to challenges and not let yourself be offended.


Energy hormone. Breaks down all carbohydrates into glucose, which is energy. Excess glucose, coming from the abuse of sweets, is not absorbed by the body. This is the same fat that pollutes blood vessels and the body.


Hormone of muscle tone and growth. And he is also the hormone of beautiful and attractive female breast, as it is responsible for the health and elasticity of ligaments. With him sufficient quantity Our muscles grow and work well, our ligaments are strong, and fats are burned in a timely manner. With him lack, muscles quickly deteriorate, including facial ones, and the woman ages prematurely.

Somatropin is interesting because it affects bone growth throughout life. During pregnancy, the pituitary gland produces more of it than the woman needs. That is why her nose and feet may grow, become larger, and her facial features may change.

Normal hormone levels in a woman’s body

Any malfunctions in the female body require checking hormonal levels. An imbalance in the amount of just one hormone leads to problems in health and well-being. Therefore, when applying for medical assistance Representatives of the fairer sex first receive a referral for a hormone analysis.

Quantitative indicators depend on the menstrual cycle. During ovulation, the hormonal background is significantly different from the first or final stages of the cycle. At the same time, different hormones show different boundary values ​​depending on the functions performed.

For example, follicle-stimulating hormone has the highest levels during menopause - 31-130, estradiol is most active during the ovulation period - 90-299, progesterone is equal to its maximum values ​​when the egg is released in the third phase - 6.99-56.43.

Male testosterone hormone reaches its peak during menopause. This, by the way, explains the increased irritability of women during and before menstruation, the appearance of acne and acne on the face during this period of the cycle.

Due to the uneven amount of hormones throughout the cycle, tests are prescribed depending on which hormone the doctor wants to look at. Excess or deficiency may indicate various problems in the body: ovarian dysfunction, polycystic disease, tumors.

How to increase female hormone: signs of female hormone deficiency

A deficiency of female hormones always affects appearance, health and psychological well-being. You can suspect a decrease in estrogen and estradiol if you observe:

  • signs of premature aging;
  • the skin has lost elasticity;
  • the muscles begin to become flabby;
  • hairs appear where they should not be;
  • painful menstruation, although this has not been observed before;
  • male type fat deposits.

There are many reasons for a decrease in the sex hormone: overwork, stress, insufficient sleep, age after forty years. All this leads to the fact that the ovaries cease to cope with their endocrine function and the woman feels increasing discomfort. You can improve your hormonal levels, but you will have to change your lifestyle.

  1. Complete rest. A woman should reserve two hours a day for personal care, hobbies, and walks in the fresh air.
  2. Eight hours sleep.
  3. Nutrition. A sufficient amount of high-quality protein is important for the production of hormones. Fruits and vegetables are also beneficial. It is advisable to exclude baked goods, sugar, and refined products as much as possible.
  4. Fighting stress.
  5. Physical activity. 2-3 fitness classes, running, any gymnastics per week will restore the faded endocrine function ovaries.
  6. Traditional medicine recommends using decoctions of hop cones, as well as collecting linden and mint.
  7. Dark beer in moderation.
  8. Berries: raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, strawberries and feijoas.
  9. Pomegranate, apple and orange juices.
  10. Soybean, linseed oil and flax seeds.

A universal remedy for increasing female sex hormones is successful relationships and a fulfilling sex life.

How to reduce male hormones in the female body

Excess of male hormones in female body lead to very unpleasant results. Excess testosterone can cause menstruation to stop, but this only happens when extreme cases and requires medical intervention.

If in the background normal cycle If you suspect you have excess testosterone, use folk remedies:

  1. Flax seeds. Can be eaten alone or added to salads.
  2. Tea made from red clover heads.
  3. Temporarily switch to vegetarianism or consume little fat and carbohydrates.
  4. Sex without a condom. Take advantage of others contraception, the male hormone in sperm activates the production of estrogen.

Thus, the appearance, psychological well-being and even character of a woman entirely depend on the hormonal background. The balance of hormones determines all processes in the body. Particularly important correct work female endocrine system during pregnancy.

Once I was surfing the Internet and looking for at least some reference book or book on the hormonal system, about how hormones generally affect the human body and psyche, but alas, I didn’t find anything useful and therefore decided to take responsibility and write a series of articles on this topic , in which we will consider general principles the effects of hormones on humans and we will describe each hormone separately, I hope you like it;) And so, let's begin...

I would like to devote the first article to such a topic as Hormonal system and its impact on the human psyche and body. The biological nature of human essence. And let's start with a description of what it is hormonal system?

Hormonal system- system regulating activities internal organs body, through the release of special biologically active substances into the blood, namely - hormones. The hormonal system in the human body is represented by endocrine glands, in the cells of which these wonderful substances are produced.

What are the main endocrine glands does a person have?

I’ll say right away that today we won’t describe each endocrine gland separately, but we’ll just go over the main ones superficially for the purpose of familiarization, since the whole point of the article will be to describe the basics of the influence of hormones on the human psyche and body.

The main glands are:
1. Epiphysis or Pineal gland , responsible for the formation of circadian sleep rhythms, producing for example Melatonin- sleep hormone.
2. Hypothalamus And Pituitary are closely related to each other, simply for the reason that the hypothalamus produces releasing hormones ( liberins And statins), which affect the production tropic pituitary hormones. An example would be Somatoliberin(increases) and Somatostatin(lowers) produced in the Hypothalamus, which regulate the production of everyone’s favorite Somatotropic hormone.
3. Thyroid gland produces iodine containing hormones such as Thyroxine And Triiodothyronine.
4. Adrenal glands mainly produce stress hormones
5. Pancreas, besides what it produces digestive enzymes, also produces such hormones carbohydrate metabolism How Insulin And Glucagon.
6. Well, accordingly gonads produce sex hormones.

What is it hormones and how is their influence on a person generally determined?

Hormones- biologically active substances through which it occurs regulation And control of all systems of the body and humans have 2 such systems that allow the body to adapt to constant external and internal changes:
1. Nervous- has an impact on nerve cells by using neurotransmitters.
2. Endocrine- has an effect with the help of hormones that are carried throughout the body by blood and affect certain target cells (receptors).
The only difference between hormones and neurotransmitters is that the former act at the level chemical reactions in target cells of various tissues of the body, and the second - carry out the transmission of electrical impulses in nerve cells.
The influence of hormones is determined by two components:
1. Level of hormone in the blood
2. The concentration of the hormone in the blood
An example would be a person who is sick diabetes mellitus Type 2 (insulin-independent). Such a person can produce his own insulin, but he has very low sensitivity insulin receptors to it, which is why you have to inject insulin from the outside.
Also, the influence of hormones depends on the ratio of hormones, which are among themselves antagonists regarding some impact. For example, if a person has a high concentration of growth hormone and a low concentration of insulin, then the growth hormone will have a clear fat-burning effect, but if suddenly the person somehow increases the level of insulin, then even with high level growth hormone, a clear fat-burning effect will no longer be observed.

The essence biologicality human behavior.

Biological behavior human implies that behavior directly depends on human biology, namely throughout life a person performs instinctive programs, its state and current behavior depend on hormonal levels(the level of concentration of hormones in the blood) and he can control his behavior with his mind, which allows you to perform instinctive programs more efficiently. By the way, what do I mean by these 3 concepts?
Instincts- this is a set of archaic programs embedded in our psyche that have helped us survive for thousands of years and which a person implements throughout his life.
Hormones- are bioregulators of processes taking place in the body and allow you to turn on certain instincts.
Under mind I understand - biological component - this is the structure of the nervous system and the morphological structure of the brain, mental component is a set of attitudes and stereotypes of behavior, a system of priorities in the set life values and level of awareness.
Example biologicality: For example, the biology of a woman’s behavior, namely her high emotionality, is determined by the structure of the brain and nervous system, which is formed under the influence of female sex hormones at certain stages of life, and is also determined by the woman’s hormonal background itself, but if a woman is aware of her biological entity, at least at the level of internal sensations, then it can already have a certain impact on its behavior, this manifestation of rationality is what distinguishes us from animals.

Types of influence of hormones on humans.

There are 2 main types of influence of hormones on humans:
1. Biological- impact at the level of chemical reactions and the inclusion of certain chemical processes. Biological effects may in turn manifest themselves as regulation( hormones have a certain effect on various systems body, regulating its work or changing the mode of operation of certain organs and tissues ) And formation( the presence of certain hormones at certain stages of life shapes the body or can change the current structure of the body, both internal and external ).
Example regulation: Insulin is a transport hormone and delivers glucose to certain cells of the body, thereby regulating blood sugar levels or increased levels of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the blood, leading to an accelerated heartbeat, vasoconstriction and high blood pressure.
Example formation: At 10-11 weeks of intrauterine development, children begin to develop their sex, and depending on the level of female or male sex hormones, the structure of the brain and nervous system, as well as secondary sexual characteristics, will begin to form.
Moreover formative component of the effects of hormones, is the result regulatory influence of hormones.

2. Mental- the effect of hormones on a person, leading to this or that behavior, and the mental effect is a consequence of the effect hormones at the level of chemical reactions or neurotransmitters at the level of transmission of electrical impulses in nerve cells, that is, the result biological impact. Mental health can manifest itself in 3 types:
Induction- hormones can provoke certain behavior regardless of the state of the body.
Example induction: With increased levels of insulin and ghrelin (hunger hormone) in the blood, a person will experience eating behavior or when serotonin levels increase, a person’s mood improves, regardless of their mental state.
I would like to add that, unlike humans, in animals hormonal induction plays a much larger role simply because a person can restrain himself in desires.

Modulation- hormones modulate behavior, increasing or decreasing the manifestation of this behavior in proportion to the concentration of the hormone, but hormonal influence appears only under a certain initial psychological state.

Example modulation: If a woman artificially increases the concentration of the hormone testosterone in the blood several times, then we will not immediately observe the traits of male behavior, they can be detected only after a certain time, but if we begin to increase the concentration of testosterone in a man, then he will have masculine traits will only intensify.
By the way, we must add that not only hormones can modulate certain mental condition, but also the mental state can shape the hormonal background.

Security– for the manifestation of some form of behavior, a certain level of the hormone is necessary, but with a further increase in its concentration, this form of behavior can only slightly increase; the increase can only occur at very high concentrations of the hormone.

Example provision: At reduced level glucocorticoids, a person feels unwell, but if the level of glucocorticoids returns to normal, then the person begins to feel normal and with a further increase in concentration his condition does not change significantly, but if the level of glucocorticoids increases tens of times, then the person will experience a manic state.

1. Hormones are bioregulators of the body that affect not only a person’s biology, but also his mental state and allow him to turn on one or another instinct.
2. Human behavior is biological and his actions in society are determined by the implementation of instinctive programs, depends on hormonal levels and is controlled by the mind.
3. The more low-primitive a person is, the better he controls his behavior, and the more effectively he implements instinctive programs in life.
4. Not only hormones influence a person’s mental state, but the mental state itself affects hormonal levels, so if a person thinks positively, then he feels positive, thereby regulating the production of certain hormones.

End of part 1.

A woman’s body is a mystery not only for men, but also for the ladies themselves. It’s a rare female representative who can explain why she’s sad now and cheerful 5 minutes later, why the “Red Army” arrived so late, and why the day before you want to bury yourself in a strong man’s shoulder with a piece of cake in your hands. It's all about hormones!

They are the ones who regulate the emotional background, readiness for motherhood and love for our neighbors in us girls. And while we rule the boys, thereby influencing the management of the world, we are completely and completely commanded, controlled and broadcasted by HORMONES!

What hormones are responsible for a woman’s emotional background?

  • Estrogen

Estrogens - estradiol, estrone and estriol. This group of hormones is responsible for the development and functioning of the genital organs, reproductive system, growth of mammary glands/bones and, most importantly, determines libido (sexual desire for opposite sex). In addition, these “three brothers” are the key to full-term pregnancy and childbirth.

How does lack and excess of estrogen affect a woman?

With a lack of estrogen, a woman becomes a little more of a man. Well, sorry, it's true! She notes excessive hair growth on her arms/legs/face, deepening of her voice, and lack of menstruation.

If there is too much estrogen, the woman gains excess weight and may face precancerous or tumor condition. For a pregnant woman, this is a threat of miscarriage, the risk of fetal pathology and the development of intrauterine infection.


Progesterone is a pregnancy hormone. Its task is to prepare a woman’s body for upcoming motherhood.

If progesterone levels are elevated, it can cause uterine bleeding and corpus luteum cysts. Otherwise, when it is low, the woman does not ovulate and, as a result, she cannot become pregnant.

Note that progesterone levels begin to fluctuate somewhere in the middle of the cycle (on the 14th-16th day). Each woman experiences this time differently, depending on the lability of the nervous system. Prudent ladies immerse themselves in themselves for several days and lose confidence in the future. Impulsive young ladies become even more explosive and are ready to “bite” anyone who says a word against them.

  • Follicle stimulating hormone

Follicle-stimulating hormone is a libido champion. It is he who inspires in us the desire to reproduce.

How does lack and excess of progesterone affect a woman?

An increase in level can occur due to banal alcoholism or injury to the pituitary gland.

If libido is at zero, then you should think about polycystic disease, diseases of the reproductive system as a whole, or again about some kind of malfunction of the pituitary gland.

  • Prolactin

Prolactin is the most capricious hormone. How more woman stressed, nervous and engaged in humiliation, the higher his level. In this case, a capricious, always roaring and dissatisfied female will appear before you. Nervous breakdowns and disorders are just around the corner!

How hormones affect a woman’s body during menstrual periods

Hormones seem to know that during menstruation we are more vulnerable than ever. And they govern us these days with special zeal. Every woman is familiar with the pain and discomfort of the first days of the menstrual cycle. Let's take a closer look at each moment and the hormone that makes us who we are at a given period.

The first day

Against the background of a decrease in the level of female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone - endometrial rejection begins (fertile soil for the unborn baby). At the same time, prostaglandins, hormones that stimulate uterine contractions, send a signal to the brain: “Pain in the lower abdomen will soon appear!” And she immediately makes herself known.

In this case, to alleviate the condition, you can drink “No-shpu”, “Papaverine”, “MIG”, etc. One “BUT!”: when menstrual pain We do not drink Aspirin under any circumstances. It thins the blood and can cause excessive bleeding.

The end of the first day of menstruation is marked by the development of the most fertile follicle, which carries the egg. If there are several of them, it is possible that if a woman becomes pregnant, she will have twins or even triplets.

Second day

The level of estrogen becomes lower and lower, and the woman feels like a “broken trough”: her armpits sweat, acne appears on her face, her hair becomes coarse and difficult to style.

Day three

The hormonal background is in a terrible imbalance. It is on the third day, despite the reduction in pain, that tearfulness and a desire to be alone appear. Don't deny yourself this pleasure! Sometimes solitude is the best doctor, or a piece of cake with a glass of red wine.

Day four

The “Red Army” is losing ground, but follicle-stimulating hormone, on the contrary, is just beginning to gain its strength. Under its influence, the follicle, which can subsequently give rise to a new life, begins to actively mature.

Day five

The healing process is almost complete. The uterus is again ready to grow a nourishing endometrium and is eagerly awaiting the arrival of a fertilized egg. And that's what it was?

How to control hormonal levels

Let's move from emotions to rational approach to solve problems, not problems.

  1. It's never a bad idea to get tested for hormones
  2. On days when you are especially vulnerable, stay close to home, privacy and all sorts of pleasures like buying your favorite book. It's time for you to study yourself and be cunning with yourself and be nice to yourself in every possible way.
  3. No matter how hard it may be, the loads and stress of life must be changed. A high position is good. Happy and healthy woman- it is better! Therefore, continuously look for ways, resources and opportunities to change your attitude towards life and work, to do something more efficiently, and to remove something altogether.
  4. The influence of hormones on us, its strength, depend on our lifestyle - we work from morning to evening or have time to play sports, go for a massage, update our wardrobe and hairstyle on time... We need variety, pleasure in the form of reflection in the mirror and healthy image life. And this is a dream, pp ( proper nutrition) and sports. So we sleep at least 7-8 hours, eat something that doesn’t provoke a fountain of tears and a storm of emotions, and in addition to sitting in the office and traffic jams, we go to yoga, Pilates, etc.
  5. Training the pelvic muscles is a powerful blow to the dome of omnipotence with which the attack of hormones covers you. It is through the intimate muscles that you can get close to the hormonal background and regulate it. Moreover, you need to train your muscles throughout your life. Does the menstrual cycle visit you every month? Every day you spin in modern world stress and other things. Thus, muscle training pelvic floor should become the same weekly ritual as a visit to the gym. Moreover, in addition to hormonal levels, they provide a full range of prevention against weight loss gynecological diseases plus directly affect the extravaganza in the bedroom, your full-fledged sex life. Strong, right?

There are no difficulties in the world that a happy, self-confident and satisfied woman could not overcome. So stop letting your hormones play around and rule you. It's time to show who is the Mistress of the house!))

For treatment wide range diseases, various hormonal drugs are very often used, which, in addition to high efficiency, have a number of side effects.

If used incorrectly, they can be very dangerous and can also aggravate the patient's condition.

Harm of hormonal drugs: truth or myth^

Hormones are products of internal secretion that are produced by special glands or individual cells, released into the blood and distributed throughout the body, causing a certain biological effect.

In a healthy person, hormones are continuously produced by the endocrine glands. If a malfunction occurs in the body, synthetic or natural analogues come to the rescue.

Why you shouldn’t be afraid of hormones: benefits and harms

Treatment with hormones has been used in medicine for more than a century, but people still treat it with fear and mistrust. Despite the fact that the use of drugs containing hormones can reverse the course of a serious illness and even save lives, many consider them harmful and dangerous.

Patients of endocrinologists are often panicky afraid of the word “hormones” and unreasonably refuse to take hormonal medications, fearing side effects such as excess weight and hair growth on the face and body. Such side effects actually occurred during treatment with first-generation drugs, since they were of low quality and contained too much large doses hormones.

But all these problems are a thing of the past - pharmacological production does not stand still and is constantly developing and improving. Modern medicines are becoming better and safer.

Endocrinologists, in accordance with the test results, select the optimal dose and regimen for taking the hormonal drug, which imitates the function of the gland as in a healthy person. This allows you to achieve compensation for the disease, avoid complications and ensure wellness patient.

Today, hormonal preparations are produced, both natural (having a structure similar to natural hormones) and synthetic (having an artificial origin, but having a similar effect). Depending on their origin, they are divided into several types:

  • Animals (derived from their glands);
  • Vegetable;
  • Synthetic (similar in composition to natural ones);
  • Synthetic (not similar to natural ones).

Hormonal therapy has three directions:

  1. Stimulating - prescribed to activate the glands. Such treatment is always strictly limited in time or applied in intermittent courses.
  2. Blocking - necessary when the gland is too active or when unwanted tumors are detected. Most often used in conjunction with radiation or surgery.
  3. Replacement - required for diseases that inhibit the production of hormones. This type of treatment is often prescribed for life, as it does not affect the cause of the disease.

The most common misconceptions about hormone therapy

Truths and myths about the dangers of hormones

Myth-1: Hormonal drugs are prescribed only as contraceptives

In fact, these drugs effectively fight many pathologies: diabetes, hypothyroidism, skin diseases, infertility, cancer and other ailments.

Myth-2: If your health improves, you can stop taking hormones

This misconception is often countered long work doctors and provokes a rapid return of the disease. Any changes to the dosage schedule must be agreed with your doctor.

Myth-3: Hormone therapy is prescribed as last resort in the treatment of serious illnesses

In modern pharmacology, there are many drugs of a similar composition to get rid of diseases that do not pose a threat to the patient’s life, for example, acne in adolescents or erectile dysfunction in men.

Myth-4: During pregnancy, taking any hormones is contraindicated.

In reality, expectant mothers are so medicines are prescribed quite often, and refusing them on your own can lead to serious consequences. For example, when carrying out tocolytic measures or with hypofunction of the thyroid gland (replacement therapy).

Myth-5: When replacement therapy hormones accumulate in tissues

This opinion is also incorrect. A correctly calculated dosage does not allow an excess of these substances in the body. But in any case, they are easily destroyed and cannot remain in the blood for long.

Myth-6: Hormones can be replaced with other medications

If a deficiency of a certain hormone is diagnosed, then it is this hormone that needs to be taken to restore health. Some plant extracts have a similar effect, but they cannot fully replace endocrinological drugs. Moreover, their long-term exposure undesirable due to the risk of allergic reactions.

Myth-7: Hormones make you fat

Excessive fatness does not arise from hormones, but from hormonal imbalance and metabolic disorders, which result in nutrients begin to be absorbed by the body incorrectly.

Myth-8: In spring, the level of sex hormones increases

Human endocrine functions are subject to both seasonal and daily cycles. Some hormones are activated at night, others during the day, some during the cold season, others during the warm season.

According to scientists, the level of human sex hormones does not have seasonal fluctuations, however, with increasing daylight hours in the body, the production of GnRH, a hormone with an antidepressant effect, increases. It is he who can evoke feelings of love and euphoria.

Myth-9: Hormonal disbalance young people are not in danger

Violation hormonal balance in the body can occur at any age. The reasons are different: stress and excessive loads, past illnesses, unhealthy lifestyle, taking the wrong medications, genetic problems and much more.

Myth-10: Adrenaline is a “good” hormone, its sharp release benefits a person

Hormones cannot be good or bad - each is useful in its own time. The release of adrenaline really stimulates the body, allowing it to cope faster. stressful situation. However, the feeling of a surge of energy is replaced by a state nervous exhaustion and weaknesses, because adrenaline directly affects nervous system, sharply bringing it into combat readiness, which necessarily causes a “rollback” later.

Suffering and the cardiovascular system: rising arterial pressure, the pulse quickens, and there is a risk of vascular overload. That is why frequent stress, accompanied by an increase in adrenaline in the blood, can lead to a stroke or cardiac arrest.

What are the types of hormonal drugs?

According to the method of action, hormonal drugs are divided into:

  • Steroids: act on sex hormones and substances produced by the adrenal glands;
  • Amine: and adrenaline;
  • Peptides: insulin and oxytocin.

Steroid drugs are the most widely used in pharmacology: they are used to treat serious illnesses and HIV infections. They are also popular among bodybuilders: for example, Oxandrolone and Oxymethalone are most often used to give the body definition and burn subcutaneous fat, and Stanozolol and Methane are used to gain muscle mass.

In both cases healthy people the drugs cause irreparable harm, so it is not recommended to take them without indications. AAS are based on the hormone testosterone, and for women they are most dangerous: with long-term use, they may develop primary male sexual characteristics (virilization), and the most common side effect is infertility.

What side effects can occur from taking hormones?

Most often side effects hormonal drugs appear in the first two weeks after starting treatment in the form of the following ailments:

  • Dizziness and nausea;
  • Sweating;
  • Shortness of breath, lack of air;
  • Tides;
  • Candidiasis;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Deterioration of blood composition;
  • Virilization (when women take steroids);
  • Hypertension;
  • Intestinal dysfunction.

Very in rare cases long-term use“hormones” or their abuse can cause the development of cancer. To avoid this, you need to periodically undergo tests and do liver tests to monitor your health.

Side effects of hormonal drugs in women: what to watch out for ^

Side effects of hormonal contraceptives

When choosing hormonal method contraception, it is important to take into account all the features hormonal status women. Find out which hormone levels predominate in the body: estrogen or progesterone, whether there is hyperandrogenism ( higher level male sex hormones), which are accompanying illnesses etc..

This method of contraception is used by women quite often, because considered one of the most effective. In most cases negative reactions does not arise, but exists side effects birth control pills, which may occur with prolonged or incorrect reception in violation of instructions:

  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Anemia;
  • Acute renal failure;
  • Porphyria;
  • Hearing loss;
  • Thromboembolism.

Most popular birth control pills considered: Claira, Regulon, Jess, Tri-regol. On the contrary, Duphaston is most often used to treat infertility.

Microdosed hormone pills

Side effects of hormonal ointments

Most often, such ointments are used to treat skin diseases: dermatitis, vitiligo, psoriasis, lichen, as well as allergies with the manifestation external signs. What side effects may occur due to ointments:

  • Striae, acne;
  • Atrophy of the skin treated with the product;
  • Dilatation of blood vessels;
  • The appearance of spider veins;
  • Skin discoloration (temporary).

Prednisolone, which is available in the form of tablets or ointments, is considered the safest and most effective.

Hormonal drugs for menopause

Hormonal therapy during menopause helps improve lipid metabolism, soften hot flashes, reduce anxiety, increase libido and prevent the development of atherosclerosis, but should only be done under the supervision of a doctor. Which negative impacts may occur during self-treatment:

  • Sudden weight gain;
  • Fluid retention in the body, the appearance of edema;
  • Breast engorgement;
  • Severe headaches;
  • Stagnation of bile.

Hormonal drugs for bronchial asthma

Treatment of this disease hormones are prescribed in very rare cases for several reasons:

  • Hormonal dependence and withdrawal syndrome may occur when therapy is stopped;
  • Immunity is noticeably reduced;
  • Increased bone fragility;
  • The production of insulin and glucose is destabilized, which is fraught with the development of diabetes mellitus;
  • Concerned about hair loss;
  • Muscles weaken;
  • Intraocular pressure increases;
  • Fat metabolism is disrupted.

Of course, such a side effect does not always occur, but to avoid it, it is best to start treatment with weaker medications.

It is worth noting that almost all hormonal agents affect thyroid or adrenal hormones, so their use should be agreed with a specialist. In general, if you follow the dosage regimen side effect occurs very rarely, but such drugs without emergency are still not assigned.