Water procedures are useful and pleasant. The benefits of water procedures

Is it possible to be treated with ordinary water? It is not only possible, but also necessary, because the health benefits of various water procedures impressive.
"Ladder" of temperatures
The water used for treatment is divided by doctors into cold (below 20 °C), cool (20–23 °C), indifferent, that is, close to body temperature (34–37 °C), warm (38–39 °C) , hot (40 °C and above).
In order to use this temperature “ladder” with benefit and pleasure, you need to remember that cold and coolness stimulate the nervous system and metabolism, especially in the liver and muscles.
Warm water, on the contrary, relaxes and soothes, it has a beneficial effect on joints and tendons.
In hot water, sweat begins to be released, so metabolism also increases, although this requires more energy from the body than when exposed to cold.
Water at an indifferent temperature calms people with increased nervous excitability and helps cope with insomnia.
Do you want to get this or that effect? Then immersion in water of the required temperature should be regular. Sessions can be carried out every other day or two days in a row with a rest on the third. The course is 12–15 sessions, but may include 25–30 procedures.
Jet impacts Not only baths, but also showers have a healing effect. There are many varieties of it: rain, needle - with very thin streams, circular, dust, jet, or Charcot's shower, which noticeably cuts the skin.
Dust, rain and circular soothe the nerves, relieve physical and mental stress, and lower blood pressure.
Charcot's shower activates metabolic processes and is extremely invigorating. Thanks to this procedure, blood flow increases not only to the skin, but to all internal organs.
There is also a Scottish shower - an improved version of Charcot's shower. A person is alternately exposed to two strong jets from hoses. In one it is hot - from 37 to 45 °C, in the other - cold, from 10 to 25 °C. This is a very powerful procedure and is not suitable for everyone.
Smooth hardening
Dousing is most often used when people want to strengthen the body or want to quickly cheer up. Standing in a bathtub or large basin, slowly pour two or three buckets of water over yourself, just above shoulder level. First, every two days its temperature is reduced by a degree in order to “slide” from 34–33 °C to 20–18 °C. When the skin gets used to it, you can move on to contrasting douches - alternating cold water with hot water.
If you want to tone up, end the session cold water. If you need to calm down, after a series of contrasts, pour water at body temperature. After each douche, you need to thoroughly rub yourself with a towel or terry sheet until you feel a pleasant, uniform warmth and slight redness of the skin.
Wrap yourself in a cocoon
The wrapping procedure is very effective and varied in action. A thick woolen blanket is spread on a bed or couch and a wrung out sheet, previously moistened with water heated to 30–35 °C, is placed on top of it.
A naked man lies down on a couch, raises his arms, and is wrapped with one end of a sheet. Then he stretches his arms along his body, he is wrapped with the other end of the sheet and wrapped in a blanket. The loose ends of the blanket and sheet are tucked under the feet to create a “cocoon”.
In the next 10–15 minutes, if a person had a fever, it begins to subside. At the same time, the patient experiences excitement and a surge of strength. Then, within 30–40 minutes, a phase of calm and drowsiness begins.
If the procedure is continued further, profuse sweating begins, with which it is eliminated from the body. toxic products exchange. At the end of the wrapping procedure, you need to change into dry clothes and lie down in a warm bed for at least two hours. And it is best to do wraps before going to bed at night.

Hydrotherapy is a complex of cosmetic and medical procedures aimed at rehabilitation, preventive, aesthetic and medicinal purposes. These include the external use of river, lake, tap or rain water in the form of douches, wraps, rubdowns, hot and cold baths and showers. Currently, internal hydrotherapy, in which pure drinking water acts as a slag-removing agent, but internal hydrotherapy has not received recognition by orthodox medicine.

Hydrotherapy is an ancient healing and rejuvenating procedure that has its roots far back in antiquity: in many beliefs and myths, water was endowed with divine life-giving powers.

The first hydrotherapist was the court physician of Gaius Julius Caesar, Antony Musa, who cured the ill Roman emperor very in an unusual way- cold poultices.

However, hydrotherapy truly became widespread in the 18th century thanks to the work of physiotherapists Sebastian Kneipp and Vincent Priesnitz, who established the first hydrotherapy clinic in Greffenberg. After them, his works dedicated to healing properties water, published by scientists Wilhelm Winternitz, Alexander Nikitin, B.M. Grzhimailo, S.P. Botkin.

Hydrotherapy or hydrotherapy is integral part physiotherapy.

Types of hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy differs from other treatment methods in its simplicity, accessibility and simplicity.

Hydrotherapy is represented by such types of procedures as:

  • Shower. The essence of hydrotherapy using a shower is to expose the body to jets of water at a certain temperature and under a certain pressure. Physiological action the soul depends on the volume of water supplied per unit of time, the “hardness” of the stream, as well as the degree of deviation of its temperature from the indifferent one (34-36 degrees Celsius). There are rain showers, dust showers, circular showers, Scottish showers, needle showers, Charcot showers (in the form of a dense stream of water directed at a person under pressure), rising shower etc.;
  • A simple bathtub and a hydromassage bathtub (jacuzzi). There is a general bath, in which the patient’s head and neck remain above the surface of the water, and local bath, the essence of which is the effect (temperature, vibration) on a certain part of the body (legs, arms, pelvic area);
  • Hydrokinesitherapy. Represents swimming and therapeutic exercises in water;
  • Thermal hydrotherapy. This includes hydrotherapy with groundwater at a temperature of 37-42 degrees Celsius;
  • Balneotherapy. Treatment with mineral water.
  • Pouring. This is a hardening and restorative procedure, the mechanism of action of which is a short-term effect on the body of low temperature;
  • Saunas and steam rooms. The therapeutic effect is achieved by exposing the body to high temperature steam.

Depending on the water temperature, all water procedures are divided into:

  • Cold (at temperatures below 20 degrees);
  • Cool (21-33 degrees Celsius);
  • Indifferent (34-36 degrees Celsius);
  • Warm (37-39 degrees Celsius);
  • Hot (40 degrees and above).

Mechanism of action of hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy is based on mechanical, temperature and chemical factors effects on the body of ordinary water.

During a hydrotherapy session, irritation occurs on areas located on the skin. nerve endings, which leads to the appearance of a nerve impulse traveling along the centripetal pathways of the body to the brain and spinal cord. The nerve impulse returns along centrifugal pathways to the one associated with a specific area spinal cord organ. For example, cooling chest causes constriction of the blood vessels in the lungs, and warming the lower back causes dilation of the blood vessels in the kidneys.

Thermal effects on the body increase metabolism, improve metabolism, stimulate blood circulation, and enhance the secretory activity of the pancreas and stomach. Warm or hot water has a sedative and analgesic effect, reduces muscle tone, stimulates activity endocrine system and “launches” immune processes.

Cold water hydrotherapy is accompanied by changes in blood vessels: in the first phase they narrow, in the second they expand, followed by an acceleration of blood flow. Under the influence of cooled blood, the body's responses are excited in the form of an increased release of hormones - adrenaline and thyroxine. The action of hormones causes the breakdown of nitrogen-free substances, causing cleansing and strengthening effects.

Contrast procedures, which are part of hydrotherapy, direct blood flow either deep into the body or back to the skin, train the processes of blood microcirculation, help normalize blood pressure, and have positive influence on the cardiovascular system, stimulate metabolic processes.

Additional healing effect carries hydrotherapy with water with the addition of various ingredients: plant extracts, turpentine, medications.

Indications for hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy is used as healthy people for hardening, relieving tension, fatigue, sleep disorders, and for patients in a state of pre-illness for the purpose of preventive effects on the body.

Indications for hydrotherapy are diseases such as:

  • Cardiac ischemia;
  • Hypertension;
  • Cardiopsychoneurosis;
  • Diseases of the veins, peripheral arteries;
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Digestive tract disorders;
  • Chronic lung diseases;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Menstrual irregularities;
  • Increased swelling of the limbs;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Cellulite;
  • Migraine;
  • Insomnia, various kinds neuroses and stress.

Like any other type of treatment, hydrotherapy should be prescribed by a therapist and carried out strictly under his supervision.

Contraindications to hydrotherapy

Despite its simplicity, hydrotherapy can pose health risks. Hydrotherapy is not recommended for people suffering from:

  • Tendency to impaired coronary and cerebral circulation;
  • Circulatory failure above stage 1-B;
  • Chronic thrombophlebitis;
  • Hypertension in stage 3-B;
  • Inflammatory diseases in the acute stage;
  • Severe angina.

Patients who have suffered a stroke, myocardial infarction, as well as diabetics, pregnant women and patients with atherosclerosis should consult a specialist before prescribing water procedures.

Hydrotherapy (synonymous with hydrotherapy) is the external use of water with healing and for preventive purposes. has a temperature, mechanical and chemical effect on the body. The temperature and hydrostatic pressure of water, as well as the salts dissolved in it, irritate the thermo-, baro- and chemoreceptors embedded in the skin; volatile and gaseous substances, as well as ions, iodine, bromine, etc. penetrate the skin and Airways, influencing blood vessels and internal organs. The effect of hydrotherapy procedures on various organs and body systems is carried out through the neurohumoral route.

Depending on the different temperatures water and methods of application, water procedures have a very diverse effect: they cause redistribution of blood in peripheral vessels and internal organs, promote the resorption of lesions chronic inflammation, removal of pathological metabolic products, affect functional state nervous system and muscular, etc. Procedures with warm water(t° 37-39°) generally have a calming effect, cold (t° below 20°) and cool (t° 20-33°) tone the body and harden it. Due to this versatile effect, hydrotherapy is used for many diseases.

Technique of water procedures. General dousing. The naked patient is doused with 2-3 buckets of water (Fig. 1), the procedure is carried out daily for 4-6 weeks, gradually lowering the water temperature from 34-33° to 22-20°. The duration of the procedure is 1-2 minutes. After dousing, the patient is wiped with a sheet.

The procedure has a stimulating and tonic effect, increases metabolism.

Partial douches, often with cold water (t° 16-20°), are carried out from a rubber hose, jug or watering can.

They douse not the whole body, but only some part of it: the back of the head (Fig. 2) - in order to improve breathing and blood circulation; arms and legs (Fig. 3) - for sweating, vasomotor disorders, etc.; back (Fig. 4) - for neurasthenic conditions, etc.

General rubdowns. A naked patient standing in a basin of warm water is wrapped in a canvas sheet moistened with water at a temperature of 32-30° (at the end of the course of treatment at a temperature of 20-18°) and wrung out well; Rub quickly and vigorously over the sheet (Fig. 5) until you feel warm. The procedure lasts 2-3 minutes, then the patient is wiped with a dry sheet. Sometimes after wiping, it is doused with 1-2 buckets of water at a temperature 1-2° lower than the previous one, then wiped dry (rubbing with dousing). The patient can carry out the procedure independently, wiping the entire body piece by piece in a certain sequence with a sponge or a special mitten, and then wiping dry with a towel.

Partial rubdowns are performed on weakened patients. The patient lies in bed, covered with a blanket (Fig., b), one leg is opened alternately, then the other, arm, back, etc., a towel moistened with water and wrung out is placed on them and thoroughly rubbed over it (rubbing can be done with a special mitten soaked in water), and then wipe dry and cover with a blanket again. To enhance the skin irritating effect, you can add salt, alcohol, or hygienic cologne to the water. The procedure has a refreshing and tonic effect, improves and increases metabolism.

Wet wraps (wraps). Having laid out a large blanket on the couch and a sheet on top, moistened with water t ° 30-25 ° (rarely lower) and wrung out well, wrap the naked patient first in the sheet, and then in the blanket (Fig., 7). Depending on the duration, the procedure can have a stimulating and antipyretic (10-15 minutes), calming (30-40 minutes) and diaphoretic (50-60 minutes or more) effect.

Souls. The supply of water of various temperatures and pressures to shower installations is carried out by a shower pulpit (see). Jet showers (Fig. 8) include Charcot and Scottish showers.

Steam shower (Fig. 12): steam under a pressure of 1 -1.5 am is directed through the tip to the patient located at a distance of 0.5-1 m. The temperature of the steam near the patient’s skin is 40-50°. Procedures lasting 10-15 minutes. carried out daily, for a course of treatment 12-15 procedures.

Saunas (Finnish dry air baths) are specially equipped rooms with high temperature(70-90°) and low humidity (relative 10-15%), in which hygienic and partly therapeutic procedures are carried out.

Water procedures also include baths (see).

Indications: cold and cool water procedures are used as a general tonic to stimulate the nervous and cardiovascular vascular systems, increasing metabolism in obesity, for the purpose of training and; warm - for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases, with lesions of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system, etc.; procedures with water at the so-called indifferent temperature (34-36°) - with increased excitability of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, disorders of vascular tone, to combat skin itching etc.; procedures with hot water- in case of violation individual species metabolism, as well as some kidney diseases.

Contraindications: acute inflammatory processes, advanced stages and severe decompensation cardiovascular activity, severe and frequently recurring attacks, malignant neoplasms, benign with a tendency to grow, bleeding and hemoptysis, in the destruction phase in the presence of a temperature reaction, infectious diseases, some skin diseases (wetting, pustular diseases), etc.

The role of the nursing staff during hydrotherapy is to control the preparation and dosage of water procedures by junior medical staff (bath attendants, showers, etc.) in accordance with the doctor’s prescription, to monitor the tolerability of the procedures, the reaction to the procedure, to provide emergency pre-medical care if necessary, in registration and accounting of water procedures, in supervising the sanitary condition of the hydropathic clinic. See also Balneological hospital,.

1-4 - dousing: 1 - general, 2 - back of the head, 3 - legs, 4 - back; 5 and 6 - rubbing: 5 - general (a and b - successive stages), 6 - partial, with a special mitten (a - hands, b - legs); 7 - general wet wrapping (a - d - successive stages); 8 - jet shower (a - control panel, biv - exposure to a fan jet); 9 - rain shower; 10 (a and b) - circular shower; 11 - rising shower; 12 - steam shower.

For human life, water takes first place. Our body consists of 70% water, it takes part in most physiological processes in organism. Without it, digestion, metabolism, synthesis in cells, removal of toxins from the body and many biological processes are impossible.

Being the source of life, water has the most beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

Daily water procedures - rubbing, hardening, dousing, showers and baths help strengthen the body. Thanks to them, speed increases chemical reactions in the body, the activity of the central and autonomic nervous system is activated, thermoregulation improves. Water speeds up thinking, the work of all organs becomes more coordinated, the body is charged with vigor and strength, the skin becomes fresh, beautiful and pleasant.

Water procedures enhance the protective reactions of the entire body and many organs, sometimes in different parts bodies. Thus, foot baths have a beneficial effect on the blood vessels of the brain, and hand baths have a beneficial effect on the blood vessels of the chest.

The effect of various baths on the human body is primarily determined by the temperature of the water.

Hot baths and wraps

Baths with elevated temperature water (from 38 degrees) helps relieve liver and renal colic for diseases abdominal cavity, muscle tension and help recovery from colds.

However, hot baths for colds and flu can only be taken if there is no fever. If it does rise, it must first be normalized and then treatment continued. In such cases, it is effective to replace baths with wraps using hot towels. To begin with, the breasts should be wrapped in two cotton towels, not rolled very tightly. Place terry towels on top, folded as described above, soaked in hot water (60-65 degrees) and wrung out. Then continue wrapping using folded woolen cloth and finally cover the body with a warm blanket for 20 minutes. After the time has passed, put on a warm cotton shirt, preferably with sleeves, and cover yourself with a warm blanket. Keep warm in this way for at least an hour, and it is best to do the hot procedure before bed.

Hot baths should not be taken for diseases of the cardiac and vascular systems, thrombophlebitis, active pulmonary tuberculosis, infectious diseases, during pregnancy.

Warm baths

Baths with water temperatures not exceeding body, approximately 36-37 degrees, have a relaxing effect on the body, taken to relieve tension, fatigue, muscle tone, improve mood, improve night sleep. They help reduce blood pressure, dilation of blood vessels and increased secretion of bile and improvement of gastric secretion. The gentle warmth of a bath is relaxing muscle tissue, increases the functions of hormonal regulators. Warm baths are recommended for diseases of the nervous system, internal organs and musculoskeletal system.

Indifferent baths

The water temperature drops by one degree from 35 to 33.

Cool and cold baths

Temperature cool baths ranges from +21 to + 33 degrees.

The temperature of cold baths is from +20 degrees and below.

Such baths have a stimulating effect on the body and a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. They help harden the body and increase tone smooth muscle, increased heart rate and increased blood pressure, stimulating metabolism.

Cold and hot shower

The most effective water procedure, without a doubt, is cold and hot shower– alternating hot and cold water. Hot water is usually used in temperature conditions+39-40 degrees, and cold +18-20 degrees. To ensure the effect on the body is effective, alternations must be repeated at least five times.

A contrast shower is an excellent way to train blood vessels. It helps strengthen the cardiovascular system, activate metabolic processes in the body, enhance blood circulation, protective properties, healing and rejuvenation.

Most people's living conditions allow them to take baths and showers in a pleasant home environment. However, it is important to remember that you can stay in hot baths for no more than 5 minutes, warm baths are recommended from 10 to 20 minutes, indifferent – ​​from 15 to 40 minutes, cool – no more than 10, and cold – from 2 to 5 minutes.

Water treatments have amazing life-giving powers.

Be healthy, beautiful, strong physically and spiritually!

With sincere respect, Tatyana

To traditional types of water cosmetic procedures include contrast showers, baths, baths and saunas. They help shape your figure, remove toxins, improve skin condition and normalize the nervous system.

Rational use of water procedures in combination with physical activity And proper nutrition able to keep the body in good shape. Not in vain contrasting douches and a bath are often included in the list of recommendations for losing weight.
How does water affect the body? Cold water reflexively causes a temporary narrowing of the skin peripheral vessels(they contain 30% human blood), which entails the distillation of blood into internal organs and the brain, which receive additional nutrition and oxygen during this time. Therefore, it is recommended to wash your face and hands with cold water 3-4 times during the day. When we talk about hot water, we mean a temperature higher than body temperature, and when we talk about cold water, we mean lower.

Cold water is not always good for the body. Scientists have proven that if you drink
food with ice water, then its residence time in the stomach is reduced from 4-5 hours
up to 20 minutes. In this case, the body simply does not have time to get enough
and the feeling of hunger worsens again, which threatens to become overweight.

What are the types of water treatments?

Hydrotherapy procedures are divided into general and local. General ones have an effect on the entire surface of the body. These include baths, all types of showers (circular, contrast, regular, Charcot shower), rubdowns, swimming in the pool and natural bodies of water.
Local water procedures have a direct effect on a limited area of ​​the body. These can be local medicinal baths for individual parts of the body (arms, legs), rising showers, wet compresses, vaporization and lotions. At home, the most acceptable are general and local baths, contrast and regular showers, as well as a variety of compresses and lotions.

Losing weight with water

The most affordable ways to lose weight with water are contrast showers, saunas and general baths. Cool moisture has a tonic effect on the body, which increases energy consumption for heat production, and therefore accelerates the burning of subcutaneous fat. There is also an excellent cosmetic effect - prevention of wrinkles. Hot water opens the pores, allowing them to be cleansed of impurities and the body of toxins. Metabolism is normalized, processes of lipid tissue breakdown are activated.
When applied locally, water acts exactly where it is needed, activating the breakdown of fats in problem areas. For these purposes, hydromassage and local baths are successfully used.

Diet for ice water It is also dangerous because putrefactive processes can begin
in the intestines, since food is not completely digested. To avoid unpleasant
consequences, it is necessary to avoid cold drinks before and after meals.
Their optimal temperature is room temperature

Hot or cold?

Rapid changes in water temperature cause microstress, which helps to activate all functions, improve blood circulation, metabolic processes, strengthen tissues and, in particular, skin. Short-term action of alternately cold and hot water increases the tone of the body: relieves fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness, clears memory.
To cheer up, a short (2-5 seconds) cold shower is recommended, which can be used to complete the bathing procedure. However, people with increased nervous excitability, as well as those suffering from rheumatism and radiculitis cold water may damage. Most often these procedures are done in the morning. In the evening, take a warm shower so as not to provoke insomnia.

Expert: Galina Filippova, general practitioner, candidate medical sciences
Natalia Karpova

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