Golden milkweed: medicinal properties, application. Volodushka-based tincture, used for inflammatory processes of the liver and biliary tract

  • Landing: sowing seeds in open ground- in September or October, sowing pre-stratified seeds for seedlings - in early spring, planting seedlings in open ground - before winter or next spring.
  • Bloom: in June-July.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: loose and moisture permeable.
  • Watering: only during periods of prolonged drought.
  • Feeding: not necessary.
  • Reproduction: seed.
  • Diseases: practically not affected.
  • Pests: the plant is resistant.
  • Properties: has healing properties.

Read more about growing volodushka below.

Volodushka grass - description

The stem of the cucumber is straight, reaching a height of 1 m. The leaves resemble cucumbers and have a bluish tint, since they are covered with a waxy coating. The basal leaves are longer and larger than the middle and upper leaves. The petals of the yellowish flowers, which bloom in June-July, are curled inward. The fruit is an achene.

Sowing of volodushka

The plant is grown by seed method. If you decide to sow this crop for seedlings in the spring, then the seeds must first be stratified for 30-40 days: they are mixed with wet sand, placed in a container and kept at a temperature of 0 ˚C in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator. Upon completion of stratification, the seeds are sown to a depth of 2-3 cm in the furrows, done in moist garden soil placed in a container or box. Shoots usually appear quickly and amicably. Over the course of the season, the seedlings grow, and before winter or next spring they are planted in a well-lit area, maintaining an interval of 30-35 cm between seedlings.

In the photo: Growing vodka in the garden

When sown in winter, there is no need for preliminary stratification of the seed material. Sowing is carried out immediately in open ground in September or October.

Hair care

Volodushka grass can grow in one place for more than half a century. It is undemanding in terms of soil composition: The main thing is that the soil is loose and moisture-permeable, since the crop does not like stagnation of water in the roots. The grasshopper plant tolerates winter frosts without additional shelter.

You only need to water the grass during a period of prolonged drought, but if the season has a normal amount of precipitation, you will not need to additionally moisten the soil on the site. After rain or watering It is advisable to loosen the soil between the rows and weed out the weeds.

Pests and diseases of the grasshopper

The plant is resistant to both diseases and pests, so it is almost not affected by either one or the other.

Collection and storage of volodushka

Volodushka is harvested in June-July, during the formation of buds and flowers: top part The stem is cut off and the bottom is left. Stems with leaves and flowers are placed for drying in a shady place with good ventilation. This could be a table under a canopy or a ventilated attic. When drying in an oven or dryer, set the temperature to 90˚C.

Store finished raw materials in cardboard boxes or paper bags in a dark room with good ventilation for no more than three years.

Types and varieties of volodushka

As we already mentioned, medicinal properties There are three types of volodushki:

A plant with a height of 50 to 120 cm with a slightly branched creeping dark brown rhizome. The stems of this species are straight, green with a purple tint. The lower oblong leaves have a broadly elliptical or obovate shape. They can reach 20 cm in length together with the petiole, and 3-6 cm in width. The stem, slightly pointed sessile leaves of the middle part of the stem, up to 15 cm long and up to 7 cm wide, have large ears at the base. The upper small stem leaves are usually pierced and almost rounded. At the very top they are sometimes yellowish. The flowers are collected in umbels, with the lateral inflorescences being much smaller than the axial ones. The dark brown, oblong-elliptical fruits of the aureus aureus reach a length of 4-6 mm and have longitudinal grooves on the surface and prominent ribs of a lighter shade.

In the photo: Golden volumushka (Bupleurum aureum)

It can reach a height of 30 to 100 cm. Its stems, bare and smooth on the outside, branch mainly at the top. The stems are hollow or dense inside. The basal lanceolate, entire-edged leaves reach a length of 15 and a width of 1 cm. Stem leaves with a heart-shaped stem-encompassing base are tightly pressed to the stem. The peduncle bears several corymbose umbels with a diameter of 4 to 8 cm of small yellow flowers. The fruits of the multi-veined plant reach a length of 4 and a diameter of 2 mm.

In the photo: Bupleurum multinerve

Bupleurum martjanovii

An herbaceous perennial with a single, erect, slightly branched stem up to 70 cm tall, covered with thin grooves and thinning from the base to the top. The leaves of this plant are bright green on top and lighter on the underside of the blade. In the basal region they have an oblong-ovate or oblanceolate shape and reach a length of 15 cm with the petiole. The stem leaves are sessile or almost sessile, up to 8 cm in length. The inflorescences of Martyanov's volodushka are complex umbrellas of small inflorescences, each of which consists of 10-15 yellow flowers. At the top of the stem is the largest umbrella, the diameter of which can reach 13 cm, and there can be up to 20 rays in the inflorescence. The fruits are up to 4 mm long and have an oblong-ovoid shape.

Properties of vodka - harm and benefit

Medicinal properties of vodka

Volodushka is widely used in alternative medicine, and this is due to the unique rich composition of the plant. Volodushka contains rutin, carotene, phytosterols, tannins, flavonoids, quercetin, alkaloids, saponins and ascorbic acid. Thanks to the substances included in the composition, it has immunostimulating, anthelmintic, antimalarial, restorative, antitumor, antioxidant, laxative, astringent, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, antipyretic and tonic properties.

Volodushka preparations are successfully used not only to treat diseases, but also to eliminate undesirable conditions of the body. For example, to speed up the healing process of wounds, eliminate and prevent inflammatory processes, enhance evacuation and secretory function stomach and pancreas, decreased blood pressure, strengthening the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, cleansing the body of toxins.

We offer you several recipes from volodushka that will help you in difficult times.

For frequent headaches: 50 g of dry crushed vodka herb should be poured with 500 g of high-quality vodka, seal tightly and infuse, shaking from time to time, in a cool, dark place. After a week and a half, strain the tincture and take 30 drops three times a day before meals.

In the photo: Flowering flower

To strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce the risk of hemorrhage: 3 tablespoons of dry raw milk should be poured with 600 ml of boiling water and left for an hour in a warm place, then strain and take half a glass four times a day before meals.

For weight loss: 15 g of dry milkweed raw material and the same amount of corn silk should be poured into a thermos, pour 500 ml of boiling water and close for 3 hours, then strain and take 4 times a day before meals. Course – 2 weeks.

Volodushka aureus – contraindications

The effectiveness of volodushka preparations is undeniable, however, like any other medicine, they have contraindications. It is not recommended to take them when individual intolerance substances that make up the plant, as well as during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. It is not advisable to use Voludushka preparations in patients with low acidity, acute gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum. They are also contraindicated for small children.

There are several types of waterweed found in nature. These are plants of the umbrella family and belong to the class of dicotyledons. All species are easily recognized by their characteristic inflorescences. Small flowers are white, yellow or blue, regular, bisexual, collected in simple or complex umbels with a barely noticeable calyx. These umbrella plants are distributed throughout the globe.

Useful properties of vodka. Volodushka herb is endowed with excellent beneficial properties. The roots are harvested in the fall, the above-ground part of the plant is collected in June and August. All components are perfectly preserved in dry grass. It is known that the grass contains saponins, alkaloids, ascorbic acid, and carotene. Tannins, flavonoids and phytosterol were also found. The choleretic, antiseptic and wound-healing properties of the plant have been noted; the antipyretic and tonic substances included in its composition have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Application of a water pump. IN folk medicine all types of volodushka are used for nervous disorders, feverish conditions. The plant acts as an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, choleretic, laxative, and enhances the secretion of pancreatic and liver secretions. In the process of treating cholecystitis and hepatitis with vulgaris, an increase in the amount of bile secreted is observed. Changing it chemical composition affects the growth of pigments and acids. The flowers and leaves of the plant are used to heal wounds; the infusion washes pustular rashes, heals wounds and relieves itching of the skin. The roots of this plant are effective against malaria.

Volodushka infusion: 1 tablespoon of chopped herb should be poured into a glass boiled water, leave for 5–6 hours and take 30–40 minutes before meals, 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

Volodushka crescent-shaped. The sickle-shaped volodushka has numerous straight stems, branched at the base. The lower leaves are wider and larger than the middle and upper leaves; they have an ovate-elliptic or broadly obovate shape. In July, flowers with light yellow petals appear and are placed on short stalks. The fruits of the plant are oblong, with narrow winged ribs. The sickle-shaped frogwort can be found in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and the Caucasus. The grass grows on chalk meadows, dry slopes, and loves the company of steppe shrubs. Known medicinal properties roots, stems and leaves of this plant species. Its roots contain coumarins, carbohydrates, phenolic compounds, and adonite. The leaves are rich in terpenoids, steroids, phenolcarboxylic acids, and quercetin. The fruits contain coumarins. Official medicine proven beneficial features root of the plant, its use is effective for fever. Decoctions and infusions have a pronounced choleretic effect, increase the secretion of bile, increase the amount bile acids, bilirubin, .

Take medications based on crescent worm when chronic gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers. The high activity of vitamin P and flavonoids contributes to the provision of anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects on the human body. This useful herb Helps cure eye diseases and pustular skin lesions. Preparations of the sicklewort are used as antipyretics and sedatives. Treatment infectious diseases, intercostal neuralgia, neurasthenia, hepatitis, inflammation of the gallbladder occurs faster and with better quality if medicinal products from the crescent worm are included in the complex therapy. Well the herb helps with colds and flu. Reduces high temperature and an aqueous emulsion prepared from the active components of the plant as an injectable preparation. Decoctions are effective means in the treatment of intercostal neuralgia, suitable for oral administration for unbearable pain.

Decoctions of crescent worm.

Recipe 1. Pour 8–10 g of dry crushed herb with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. It is recommended to take the decoction 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day before meals for three to four weeks;

Recipe 2. The crushed roots of the plant need to be poured with 300 ml of water, boiled over low heat for 5-6 minutes, after infusion for an hour, strain - and you can take 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day for flu and fever.

Chinese volodushka. Chinese volodushka is widely used for numerous pathologies. This perennial reaches approximately 30–90 cm in height. This species blooms in June and fruits appear at the end of the summer season. The distribution area of ​​the Chinese horned beetle is quite wide - Europe, Siberia, the Far East and Asia. The plant contains flavonols and tannins. You can use healing power phytosterols, essential oils, alkaloids, saikosaponins, carotene and vitamin C found in the plant. Chinese volendula is used as an anti-inflammatory and cholagogue. She normalizes biochemical composition bile, increases the liver’s resistance to toxins. Flavonoids dilute bile, so flavonoid has a beneficial effect on the pancreas. Taking volodushka-based products increases acidity gastric juice and changes in the composition of bile. Antipyretic and diuretic properties allow the herb to be used to cure flu and inflammation of the bladder.

Decoctions heal wounds and relieve pustular rashes on the skin. The herb is used to treat intercostal neuralgia, allergies, various gynecological diseases. This medicinal plant is recommended to be taken in the form of decoctions for poisoning, diseases of the stomach and intestines, chronic hepatitis, allergies, for gynecological problems. The herb helps improve the body's condition when cardiovascular diseases, removes headache, effective in complex treatment with other drugs for liver cirrhosis. This plant is included in many preparations.

Volodushka goselefolia. The goat grass has single or few stems and many branches in the upper part. The plant has entire, alternate, vaginal, oblong leaves with arcuate venation. Small reddish-brown flowers are collected in umbels. The fruits of this species are two-seeded. The goatweed grows in Altai, in the Angaro-Sayan and Daurian regions Eastern Siberia, in the Far East. Meadows, rocky steppe slopes, rocks, oak and pine forests are suitable for its habitat. The herb is used as a tonic and restorative. remedy. Decoction and infusion of roots in oriental medicine used as anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, diaphoretic and diuretic. They treat hepatitis and cholecystitis well. Funds based of this plant have antitumor properties and are recommended for diseases of the heart, liver and kidneys. The herb powder can heal wounds, remove skin inflammation due to purulent rashes, and treat felon. An infusion of flowers and fruits in Mongolia is used for gastrointestinal diseases and as an anthelmintic.

Volodushka Martyanova. Volodushka Martyanova is a plant; it has a stem with a large umbrella at the top and small umbrellas on the sides. The leaves of this type of grasshopper are bare, with veins. Yellow flowers begin to appear in July. The fruits are oblong-ovoid or elliptical, with sharp, winged, light ribs. Martyanov's hornwort grows on rocks and rocky slopes. It is found in the regions of the Western Sayan, on the shores of the Karakol and Itu-Kola lakes, in the area of ​​the Iolgo ridge. This type of volodushka is medicinal purposes does not apply.

Volodushka rotundifolia. Volodushka rotundifolia is a low annual herbaceous plant with a bluish-green, straight, round, branched stem at the top. Flowers with yellow petals are collected in an umbrella. This species blooms in May-June and bears fruit in July-August. The habitats of the round-leafed grasshopper are roadsides, boundaries, and dry open slopes. The plant grows in the European part of Russia, Western Siberia, the Far East, the Baltic states, Moldova, and the Caucasus. The roots of Volus rotundifolia contain flavonoids - rutin and the glycoside quercetin. The aerial part of the plant contains saponins, phenolic compounds, coumarin, flavonoids, isorhamnetin, and narcissin. The leaves are distinguished by their content of triterpenoids and vitamin C. The fruits are rich in essential oil, saponins, triterpene and tannins. The fruits also contain fatty oil containing glycerides saturated acids. The plant has wide range properties: wound healing, choleretic, antipyretic, lactogenic, astringent.

The fruits of this medicinal plant were used to produce the drug "Pekrovin", which successfully treated gallbladder diseases, it was taken to normalize liver functions. For hepatitis, the effect of the herb is positive influence to the enzymatic system. Infusion of herbs treats arthralgia, purulent wounds, women's diseases.

Volodushka multi-veined. Volodushka multi-veined is a medicinal plant with several branched stems, slightly twisting in the upper part. Yellow flowers are collected in an umbrella. The fruits are dark brown, elliptical. This type of plant is widespread in some regions of Russia, in Western and Eastern Siberia, in Central Asia. Favorite places are forest edges, rocky slopes, meadows. Multi-veined volodushka blooms in June-July. In mid-summer the fruits begin to ripen.

The roots, flowers and fruits of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. In the roots useful substances are quercetin, isorhamnetin, narcissin, isoquercitrin. Stems, leaves and fruits contain rutin, narcissin, isoquercitrin, higher aliphatic alcohols, ketones, a lot of vitamin C and carotene and other beneficial substances. The presence of favonoids in the plant allows normalizing capillary permeability, enhancing protective functions body. A decoction of the roots is recommended to be taken for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. It improves well-being in case of disorders menstrual cycle. Due to its choleretic properties, the decoction is useful in the treatment of cholecystitis and cholelithiasis. An infusion of flowers and fruits is used for diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Contraindications to the use of vodushka. Volodushka-based products should be used carefully. When treating cholelithiasis, gastric and duodenal ulcers and inflammation of the gastric mucosa, the recommendations must be strictly followed. Caution should also be exercised when treating infectious diseases, flatulence, headaches, dizziness, and impotence. Contraindications to the use of medicinal products from vulcanum are eye diseases, itchy and pustular dermatoses.

The flora is represented by a huge number of plants, among them there are those that help people with various ailments. It is this group that includes the golden capillary.

Volodushka is a perennial variety, reaching a height of up to 120 cm. The rhizomes are creeping and dark chocolate in color. Stems with slight branching, straight with a purple tint.

The petiole is elongated, ending in oblong-shaped leaves. The stem leaves have large ears near the base. Umbrella-type inflorescences. The fruit is dark brown, elongated.

Collection and preparation

Unlike many other plants, all parts of Volodushka (another name for boyar food) have one or another medicinal property. The above-ground parts are collected from the moment of flowering. It is worth noting that herbalists give preference to leaves and flowers during harvesting.

This is due to the fact that specifically in these parts active ingredients reach their maximum concentration. The root system is less popular, besides, the plant is a perennial and if you dig up the root, it will simply die.

For drying, it is best to use natural conditions, such as attics. You can place the volodushka under a canopy, which will protect it from the sun and precipitation. In rainy weather, they use electric dryers, but it is important to remember that if the process is delayed, they will disappear. healing properties plants. The recommended drying temperature is no more than 90 degrees.

Fruits are harvested after they are ripe, and the method described above is used. Cardboard boxes or paper bags are used to store raw materials. Maximum term use of dried parts - no more than three years.

Medicinal properties

Despite the fact that it was shining scientific medicine are in no hurry to recognize the undeniable medicinal properties of boyar food, herbalists have found a large number of areas for using natural remedies.

Preparations based natural component contribute to enhancing the secretory activity of the pancreas, have a beneficial effect on the performance of the liver.

The tincture also helps in alleviating the following ailments:

  • cholecystitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • angiocholitis;
  • liver cirrhosis.

Medicines based on aureus have the following effect:

  • choleretic;
  • antiseptic and anti-inflammatory;
  • enhancing the secretory function of the pancreas;
  • strengthening (promotes the strength of blood vessels);
  • normalizing (helps restore metabolic processes).

Methods of application

Acquainted with healthy recipes can be found in the following table

Disease How to cook Method of use
Migraine Pour 10 grams of dry plant with 200 ml of water and place on the stove. After the broth boils, cook until the volume is half as much. Let cool and strain. Internally, ½ glass, three times a day before meals.
With increased irritability, insomnia 20 grams of milkweed; thyme 20 grams;

rose hips - 15 g;

valerian root - 15 grams. The ingredients are mixed and crushed. The collection in the amount of 3 tablespoons is poured with boiling water - 1 liter. The broth is infused for 5 hours and filtered.

Take ½ cup three times a day for a week and a half.
Overweight Boyar food and corn silk - 30 grams (total quantity). Pour into a thermos, add boiling water (300 ml), leave for 3 hours, strain. Take two tablespoons before meals 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 14 days.
Gastritis, ulcerative stomach disease, low acidity Volodushka - 1 teaspoon and boiling water in the amount of 220 ml. Place in a water bath for 15 minutes. The decoction is taken warm, up to 2 tablespoons per day.
Neurological diseases, headaches, strengthening of blood vessels Dry grass - 3 tablespoons;

boiling water - 600 ml.

Cook on low until the broth has evaporated by 1/3

Take a quarter tablespoon before meals, 20 minutes up to four times a day. The duration of the course is 21 days.
Pancreatitis Dried herb - 1 tablespoon;

boiling water - 1 cup.

Pour into a suitable container and let it brew for 4 hours;


Use 1/3 cup orally three times a day

For digestion

If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and liver, a decoction with boyar food is a very good remedy to alleviate the condition. It is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Grind the dry root in an amount of 10 grams, put it in a saucepan and pour in 200 ml of water.
  2. Place the container on the stove, reduce the heat as the broth boils, and cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Remove from the burner and let sit for 120 minutes.
  4. Strain.
  5. Take two tablespoons three times a day before meals.
  6. The duration of treatment is 21 days.

To make the pancreas work more actively, or to relieve pain in gastrointestinal tract, the following recipe will work:

  1. Fresh plants are kneaded with a knife on gauze.
  2. Mix the resulting juice with an alcohol solution at a ratio of 1:1.
  3. Take 35 drops three times a day before meals.
  4. The course lasts 28 days.

For impotence

Solve a very important problem with male impotence, which may be a consequence of a mental-nervous factor, natural medicine. This is what is recommended by many herbalists.

It is very easy to prepare the tincture as follows:

  1. Dry milkweed or fresh plant in the amount of 1 tablespoon.
  2. Boiling water - 1 glass.
  3. Place the herb in a suitable container, pour boiling water over it and let it brew for 2 hours.
  4. Take 100 ml internally.
  5. The duration of treatment is 3 weeks.

If appeared positive effect from treatment, at the end of the course there is a month-long break, and then the remedy must be taken again. In the event that impotence appears as a result of an organic disorder, then boyar food is unlikely to have a healing effect.

For choleretic effect

To enhance bile secretion, if there is dyskinesia of the bile ducts or hepatitis, you can use alcohol infusion Koy, for which both dried and fresh plants are suitable. Everything is prepared easily and simply:

  1. Grind fresh or dried components in an amount of 25 mg thoroughly.
  2. Place the water in a suitable container and add 40% alcohol - 2 tablespoons.
  3. Place the bottle in a dark, dry place for 14 - 21 days.
  4. Strain the tincture.
  5. Use 25 drops three times a day before meals - 3 weeks.

If large volumes are needed, then you need to take into account that the ratio of alcohol and medicinal plant is as indicated in the recipe, that is, for 50 mg you will need 4 tablespoons and so on.

For colds

Usage alcohol tincture with flowers useful plant most effective when inflammatory processes in organism. The product will help reduce the temperature and speed up the normalization of the condition.

The recipe looks like this:

  1. 20 mg of dried flowers are poured with high-quality vodka.
  2. You can use a mixture of alcohol and distillate with a strength of 40 degrees.
  3. The tincture is prepared in a glass container and placed in a dark place for 10 days. Then the medicine needs to be filtered.
  4. Used as an additive to hot drinks in the amount of ½ teaspoon, or simply drunk in the same dosage.

Duration treatment course depends on the patient's condition.

There is another cooking option that will also help in case of fever.

  1. Dried or fresh plant - 3 tablespoons.
  2. Pour in 250 ml of boiling water.
  3. Leave the broth for 2 hours, strain.
  4. Use a quarter glass three times a day until complete recovery.

For skin diseases

A natural remedy is ideal if there are abrasions, wounds with or without suppuration. You can also use it for fungal diseases.

Prepare the medicine in the following way:

  1. Finely chop the fresh plants to make a full glass.
  2. Add alcohol 70 degrees.
  3. Leave to infuse in a cool place for 7 - 14 days.
  4. Used externally for application to problem areas.
  5. It is recommended to apply 3-4 times a day until everything heals.


Before using volodushka, it is important to remember that the plant is choleretic and anti-inflammatory, and therefore it is recommended to refrain from use in the following cases:

  • peptic ulcers during exacerbation;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • allergic reaction to boyar food;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • the patient’s young age is up to 12 years;
  • presence of stones big size in the biliary tract, since active secretion of bile can provoke the movement of stones and blockage of the ducts.

As a conclusion, it is worth noting that all recipes are completely natural and are ideal (if there are no contraindications) for adherents of traditional medicine. But you don’t need to give up a wonderful remedy if you use a comprehensive drug treatment, but in this case it is still worth consulting with a specialist to see if the golden capillary will be harmful.

You can learn about the medicinal properties and methods of preparing golden gooseberry from the following video:

In contact with

At all times, goldenwort has been considered a medicinal plant used in alternative medicine. Due to its composition, the culture is actively used in the preparation of products for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, skin and liver. Healing decoctions, teas and alcoholic infusions are made at home from golden gooseberry. The plant is distributed in Eurasia, mainly in areas with a temperate climate. Golden hornwort grows in meadows, forest edges, deciduous and coniferous forests. Sunflower, jaundice, illness - this is popular names medicinal plant.

Composition, beneficial properties and contraindications

In folk medicine, all parts of the plant are used because they contain biological active substances, beneficial to human health. Nevertheless, there is evidence that it is the aerial part of the aureus that is most rich in useful substances. The flowers of the plant contain carotene, vitamin C and phytosterols. Volodushka also contains flavonoids, in particular rutin.

The medicinal properties of aureus help restore health in the following diseases:

  • hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • bile duct dyskinesia;
  • food and chemical poisoning;
  • constipation;
  • cholecystitis;
  • avitaminosis;
  • colds;
  • furunculosis;
  • nail fungus;
  • emotional and physical fatigue.

Do not forget about contraindications to the use of medicinal plants. From reception folk remedies, for the production of which aureus aureus is used, should be avoided by women during pregnancy and lactation. For patients with stomach ulcers, cholelithiasis, acute gastritis and low acidity of gastric juice, it is better to refuse treatment with aureus. To exclude the presence of contraindications to taking folk remedies made from this plant, you need to consult a doctor.


The healing herb is prepared independently or purchased at the pharmacy. The medicinal plant is collected at the beginning of its flowering period. The raw materials are harvested immediately after collection, since the vodka quickly loses its beneficial properties.

The above-ground parts (leaves, stems, flowers) are dried in the oven at a temperature of 90 degrees. If a private home oven is used for drying, then the collected raw materials are laid out on the heated part of the oven and stored in this form for 2-3 days. The dried vodka is placed in glass containers or paper bags.

Methods of application

Golden milkweed is a valuable medicinal raw material that is used in the preparation of decoctions, teas, and infusions. This gift of nature is also used to make lotions and compresses.


  1. 1. Infusion for the treatment of hepatitis and cholecystitis: active ingredients Golden capillaries protect hepatocytes and relieve the inflammatory process. To prepare the infusion, you need to boil a glass of water and prepare 15 grams of dried flowers of a medicinal plant. The herb is poured with boiling water and infused for several hours under the lid. The medicine is taken one third of a glass before each meal. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  2. 2. Anti-migraine decoction: Since aureus is a powerful analgesic herb, it can be used for severe headaches caused by migraines. To prepare healing decoction, you need to take 10 grams of a dry plant, pour a glass of boiling water over the raw material and put the preparation on low heat. Bring the broth to a boil and cook until the amount of liquid is reduced by half. The broth is cooled and filtered. It is taken half a glass 3 times a day for 24 hours.
  3. 3. Cure for stress and insomnia: to prepare healing drink For nervous system, you need to take 20 grams of thyme and thyme, as well as valerian root and rose hips. The herbs are mixed, put in a coffee grinder and crushed. For 1 liter of boiling water take 3 tablespoons of herbs. The phytocomponents are poured with water and infused for about five hours. The decoction is taken half a glass three times a day for 10 days. Important: this decoction is prohibited for children!
  4. 4. Alcohol infusion for impotence: to return male strength, you can prepare an alcoholic infusion of goldenrod, which also includes ginseng. To make the medicine, take 30 grams of ginseng and ginseng root. Crushed herbs are poured with half a liter of alcohol with a strength of 70%. The herbs are prepared in alcohol for about 10 days in a cool, dark place. The infusion for impotence should be taken 25 drops 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 months. Contraindications: alcohol addiction, stomach ulcer, age under 18 years.
  5. 5. Infusion for the treatment of pancreatitis: to cure inflammation of the pancreas, you need to take a tablespoon of dry pancreatitis and pour a glass of boiling water over the herb. The drink is infused for four hours and then carefully filtered. The medicine is taken one third of a glass 3 times a day.

A decoction of the plant is very popular in dietetics, since its use helps cleanse the body of toxins and gradually burn fat deposits. To prepare the drink, you need to take 15 grams of corn silk and dry corn silk inflorescences. The herbs are placed at the bottom of the thermos and 300 milliliters of boiling water is poured into the container. The herbs are infused for three hours and then the drink is filtered. The decoction is taken 2 tablespoons a few minutes before meals 4 times a day. The course of taking the weight loss product is 10-14 days.

Volodushka decoction is used to make compresses and lotions, which effectively help with psoriasis, eczema, and purulent skin rashes.

Golden capillary is an affordable medicinal plant, correct application which allows you to cure many diseases.

The term volodushka should be understood as a perennial herbaceous plant, which, according to the botanical classification, belongs to the umbelliferous family. This plant received its name not by chance. Since ancient times, it has been especially revered by women, who through it attracted men to themselves. In modern transcription, the name is consonant with the word “to own.”

According to another legend, which originates from Ancient Greece, it is named after the girl Volodika. She had the misfortune of contracting hepatitis. Nobody could help her. Then her friend asked the goddess Aphrodite for help. She, in turn, gave her a bunch of medicinal plants, which put her friend back on her feet.


The place where this grass grows is mainly the Caucasus. It can also be found in regions such as Siberia and the Urals. It grows on slopes, rocks, meadows. It can also be found in places with sandy soils.

The healing properties of the plant have been known for a long time. It is used mainly to treat liver diseases.

Chemical composition

The plant contains many different chemicals:

  1. A large number of carotenoids are present. Carotene is a precursor to vitamin A. It prevents the accumulation free radicals. Its content is associated with hair health and skin. A lack of vitamin A can cause vision problems.
  2. The composition contains phytosterols and flavonoids. Their action is associated with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. In addition, they have a calming effect.
  3. Under the influence of saponins contained in the plant, excess cholesterol is removed. In addition, they are able to enhance the outflow of bile.
  4. A valuable quality of the plant composition is the presence of a sufficient amount ascorbic acid. It is extremely necessary for the body and affects the condition immune system. It's getting stronger vascular wall, processes associated with metabolism improve.

How to collect and prepare for future use?

Harvesting occurs when the plant begins to bloom. In this case, pruning is carried out to the very root. To ensure that the medicinal properties are not lost in vain, the herb must be dried immediately after collection. Forced drying in ovens or ovens is used. The temperature should reach 90 degrees. Cardboard packaging is used for storage. Everything in them healing qualities are preserved almost completely.

They mainly use flowers and leaves. They are used to prepare tinctures and decoctions. Such compositions are used for therapeutic correction problems related to the liver. They can also treat neuroses.

How to use?

Shown external and indoor application. As an external remedy, volodushka will help with hives, relieve itching, and reduce inflammation. The plant can also be taken orally in the form of tea. At the same time, your well-being improves and your overall tone increases. Pronounced positive thing is that the plant has a pleasant taste.

But tea with vodka alone, of course, can treat serious illnesses not enough. But here in the composition complex therapy this drink will serve good addition. Having studied the benefits of the plant, you need to know about the restrictions on its use.


Any grass, as opposed to medicines, has more soft action. However, this does not mean that the reception may be uncontrolled. You should never forget about the limitations of application. Almost any herb has them. This plant also has them:

  • Inflammatory processes in the stomach.
  • Ulcerative formations in the digestive tract.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • History of gallstone disease.
  • Volodushka is contraindicated for children and the elderly.
  • Cases of individual intolerance.
  • Thromboembolic disease and conditions associated with thrombophlebitis.
  • Presence of hemorrhoids.
  • Diabetics should not use the herb.

Those who decide to use the plant to correct various undesirable conditions should take a close look at these contraindications. The best solution There will be a consultation with your doctor before use. He will give appropriate recommendations and determine the dose at which you should take formulations prepared on the basis of volodushka.

Indications for use

The plant is used in different forms. It depends on what kind of condition is subject to therapeutic correction. The plant is used in the following cases:

Taken as an infusion
Its preparation is standard and not difficult. A teaspoon of dry raw materials is brewed with a liter of boiling water. The composition should sit for a quarter of an hour. The type of disease and condition of the patient determines the specific dosage. The composition is used when inflammatory diseases organs digestive tract. One of them is gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice.

The infusion can be used for problems with potency. Decreased libido can be of a neuropsychic nature. Then use a volodushka. In this case, the preparation of the infusion is carried out in a slightly different way. Dry medicinal raw materials in the amount of one tablespoon are added to a quarter liter of boiling water. In this case, it is necessary to take into account existing contraindications. The exposure time when the composition is infused must be at least two hours. Reception is carried out three times a day. The dosage per dose is 100 ml. It should be borne in mind that if the violation of potency is caused by organic pathology, then the infusion of volodushka will not give any effect.

Preparation of gastric collection
If you have gastritis with low acidity, then a collection consisting of the following components will help solve the problem and correct the condition:

  • poop grass;
  • aureus leaves;
  • nettle leaves;
  • St. John's wort herb.

The infusion is prepared in a similar way, but it is taken once and the entire volume of the composition is drunk at one time.

In this condition, another collection can help. It includes:

  • golden capillary;
  • meadowsweet in the form of grass.

Yarrow herb is often added to this composition. The collection is used to make tea. The composition of yarrow is marked by the content of natural insulin. Meadowsweet is good antimicrobial agent. The treatment process is long-term. The duration of the course is two weeks. After this, a week break is taken and the course is repeated.

Collection for liver treatment
The greatest effect can be achieved if burdock and milk thistle are added to the milk thistle. The collection is taken in the amount of two tablespoons and brewed with a glass of boiling water. The composition is accepted only in warm form. WITH for preventive purposes The composition is taken once at night.

Preparing a tincture with alcohol
To 100 ml of pure alcohol you should add 10 g of alcohol. The composition is infused for ten days. However, it must be shaken every day. Using this tincture will help eliminate cholelithiasis, will relieve constipation. She will good remedy when allergic reactions accompanied by itching. For skin allergic rashes, it is used as an external rub. The tincture will improve the condition if there is vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Corn silks are mixed with corn silk in equal quantities. Add 300 ml of boiling water to the mixture. Exposure when infused is three hours. The infusion is taken in a volume of 40 ml several times a day. The composition can be added to bath water. This will also help burn fat.

Volodushka is brewed and boiled. Take 60 ml before meals.

It is always necessary to remember that there are contraindications to the use of this plant. An important aspect of treatment is compliance with the prescribed dosage.

Video: medicinal properties of vodka