Inflammation of the appendix - can appendicitis hurt for a week? Appendicitis. Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Secrets of the blind appendix

The whole truth about appendicitis

This disease has always been surrounded by a lot of speculation, and polar ones at that. Someone listens in fear to any glimpse of pain in the peritoneal area - has THIS really happened! Others, on the contrary, indifferently shrug it off, saying that cutting out appendicitis is the simplest of operations, and there is nothing to worry about. A lot of frivolous or, on the contrary, panicky moods have given rise to a whole mythology. Meanwhile, appendicitis is not at all so harmless, but far from being so terrible. Let's try to figure it out.


It is not necessary to cut out the appendix. He can “pass” on his own.

In fact

Indeed, sometimes an infection and the resulting inflammatory process do not spread within the abdominal cavity, and symptoms may disappear quickly. After all, our body is capable of getting rid of inflammation on its own or with the help of antibiotics. It even happens that a period of imaginary well-being sets in: due to inflammation, the nerve apparatus of the appendix is ​​destroyed, and the pain goes away. But the inflammation remains, threatening peritonitis.


The appendix is ​​a time bomb that will explode sooner or later.

In fact

The vermiform appendix - the appendix - is a hollow tube closed at the end, adjacent to the cecum. What it is needed for is not really clear. According to some versions, it is a rudiment; according to others, it is part of the immune system: the mucous membrane of the appendix is ​​rich in lymphoid tissue, which neutralizes bacteria and toxins. The main thing is that the appendix may never become inflamed in its entire life and may not make itself felt at all. The condition of the body does not change at all even after removal of the appendix. The incidence of appendicitis averages 1 case per 200 people. Moreover, women have physiological characteristics appendicitis occurs twice as often as in men.


An attack of appendicitis is always accompanied by high fever and pain in the abdomen on the right.

In fact

The symptoms of appendicitis are much more varied. Sometimes nausea and vomiting appear - signs of poisoning caused by intestinal obstruction. The temperature may not rise. The pain usually first occurs in the upper abdomen and then moves down and to the right. However, pain often occurs in the right hypochondrium, radiating to the back or anus.


Inflammation of appendicitis cannot be prevented; it occurs neither With out of nowhere.

In fact

No, that's what they lead to real reasons: blockage of the lumen of the appendix due to constipation and indigestion, food and any other infections, worms, inflammatory diseases intestines, injuries in the abdominal area. In general, there are many reasons.


Doctors often make a diagnosis at random and cut out a healthy appendix.

In fact

Of course, no one is immune from mistakes. Diagnosing appendicitis is generally not easy - sometimes the signs of inflammation of the appendix are more similar to those that appear with inflammation of other organs, such as the pelvic organs. A typical technique: the doctor presses on the abdomen and then quickly releases it; with appendicitis, sharp pain. However, there are more reliable methods - for example, a blood test: if there is an infection in the body, the number of white blood cells increases. An X-ray examination will show inflammation if the cause is blockage of the appendix lumen with feces. Ultrasound examination may reveal an enlargement of the appendix or an abscess in it. Most accurate diagnosis is based on computed tomography.


At severe pain Before the ambulance arrives, you need to take a painkiller.

In fact

No way! You should not take any medications, as it will be more difficult for the doctor to make a diagnosis. You can't eat or drink. A heating pad is strictly excluded; this can lead to the development of suppuration and rupture of the appendix. The only thing that can be done in this case is to apply it to the stomach plastic bag with ice.


Cutting out appendicitis is a trivial matter.

In fact

During operations, two methods are now used: traditional and endoscopic. In the first case, everything is simpler: through a 10 cm long incision, the surgeon removes the inflamed appendix, and then sutures the hole in the intestine and the incision itself. In the second case, the appendix is ​​removed using special instruments that are inserted into abdominal cavity through small holes. The advantages of this method are obvious: reduction of post-operative pain and fast recovery, and also practically complete absence seam The risk in both cases is small, but like any intervention in the body, the operation cannot be considered trivial.


Removing the appendix is ​​fraught with all sorts of complications.

In fact

Complications do occur, although not as often. If appendicitis is limited to an inflammatory process, then the operation usually proceeds quickly and without complications. It’s another matter when the appendix is ​​partially damaged due to an abscess, in this case healing is more difficult and treatment is supplemented by intravenous antibiotics to fight the infection, because it is the cause of complications of appendicitis. Another one is an abscess, an accumulation of pus in the area of ​​the appendix, which is also removed surgically.


After surgery to remove the appendix, a fasting diet is required.

In fact

This is, of course, not true. But, as after many operations, at first you should not consume foods that provoke flatulence, because there are stitches on the intestine. Carbonated water, grape and apricot juices, any raw nuts, dishes made from peas, beans, beans, and brown bread are prohibited. Light food is recommended: omelettes, kefir, non-acidic and low-fat cottage cheese, broths, chicken. After 2-3 weeks, you can gradually return to your normal diet.


If the appendicitis is not urgently cut out, you can die.

In fact

At the first signs of inflammation, you have two to three days left, but immediately. During an attack of acute appendicitis, the hours count—there is a risk of an abscess (a collection of infected pus) or diffuse peritonitis(complete infection of the abdominal cavity). And this is already truly dangerous.


Appendicitis in women leads to subsequent infertility.

In fact

There is such a risk, but in advanced cases. Purulent processes in the abdominal cavity can provoke extensive adhesions and obstruction fallopian tubes. After water surgery purulent appendicitis 14% of women experience infertility. By the way, this important reason do not delay treatment even for the slightest suspected appendicitis.

city ​​"Stoletnik" No. 21, 2013

Why did there blood appear on the bandage?

I recently left the hospital - I had my appendix removed. The operation went well, but yesterday I discovered dried blood on the bandage. I was afraid that the seam had come apart. After all, it’s a long way to go to the hospital; I live in the village. Tell me what to do?

Evgenia Borisovna
(by email)

Answered by a surgeon, doctor highest category Alexey Alexandrovich LYUBSKY

First of all, calm down. It happens that a small amount of blood accumulates in the suture area (due to a hematoma), then it spontaneously empties into the bandage. There's nothing wrong with that. Gently feel the seam. If not found on it painful lumps, just lubricate it with iodine or brilliant green for several days. But if it hurts to touch the suture and pus appears, then see a surgeon immediately.

city ​​"Stoletnik" No. 22, 2013

Our readers’ questions about this “master of transformation” are answered by the Deputy Chief Physician for Surgery of Moscow City Clinical Hospital No. 31, Ph.D. medical sciences, surgeon of the highest category Avtandil Manvelidze.

No organ - no problem?

– I heard that somewhere in the middle of the last century in America it was customary to get rid of the appendix of every newborn baby. Why did doctors abandon this idea, because, as they say, if there is no organ, there are no problems? Olga, Saratov

– Indeed, in the last century in America, prophylactic appendectomy was widely practiced. But then we had to abandon this, because as a result of many years of observation of these people, it turned out that removing appendicitis in infancy led to the development of serious immune disorders from the intestines.

How to the “extra” organ to the appendix for a long time also applied in Russia. In fact, there are no extra parts in the body. The appendix does not take part in the digestion process, but since it consists of lymphoid tissue, in which cells function that perform immune functions, it plays an important role in protecting the gastrointestinal tract from infections. For this reason, this appendage is sometimes called the "tonsil."

Painkillers are prohibited

– What should a person do if he is “caught” by an attack of acute appendicitis? Ekaterina, Moscow

– You only need to do one thing - dial the ambulance number on the phone, without waiting for peritonitis to develop. But what you should never do is take painkillers, because taking them will “lubricate” clinical picture disease and it will be more difficult for the doctor to make a diagnosis. IN as a last resort If the pain is unbearable, you can drink no-shpa, but it is still better to wait until the doctor arrives and refrain from using any medications. Another common mistake is to apply it to a sore spot. warm heating pad or take a bath. This is the shortest way to increase inflammation and accelerate development purulent peritonitis. Do enemas, drink choleretic drugs It's also not worth it under any circumstances. All that is required is to provide the patient with complete rest.

No amateur performances!

– How can a person himself understand when there is pain in the right side – is it appendicitis or something else? Tatyana, Nizhny Novgorod

- No way. This is not his business, but the doctor’s responsibility. Even an experienced specialist often has doubts that he is dealing with this particular disease, because appendicitis very skillfully disguises itself as almost any ailment in the world. abdominal area. But since this disease is very dangerous dangerous consequences for a person’s health and even life, then in case of abdominal pain (and anywhere, not necessarily on the right), you should definitely call an ambulance, and not try to recognize the disease yourself.

The less time passes from the development of inflammation, the simpler and shorter the operation will be. rehabilitation period. Unfortunately, the most big problem- this is when people sit at home for a day, two, three, endure pain, and then are admitted to the hospital with peritonitis, when pus has spread throughout the entire abdominal cavity. And then they have to undergo an extensive, difficult, lengthy operation, after which they will be forced to spend a whole month, if not more, in a hospital bed instead of a week.

Examination according to the rules

– What tests are needed to make a diagnosis of appendicitis? Valery, Izhevsk

– First of all, the doctor interviews the patient and collects anamnesis. Asks leading questions, finding out when and under what circumstances the pain appeared, where it goes, etc. Then follows an examination and palpation. Then tests are taken (blood, urine) - high level leukocytes will confirm the presence of inflammation. It is also necessary to do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. And in some cases you have to resort to diagnostic laparoscopy. A device with fiber optics is inserted through a puncture in the abdominal wall, and with its help, on the monitor, the surgeon can see a picture of what is happening inside the patient.

Seeds - nothing to do with it

– I was told since childhood: don’t eat seeds, don’t swallow them watermelon seeds, otherwise there will be appendicitis. And how they looked into the water - indeed, at the age of 20 I was operated on for this reason. Now my son is growing up, and I also forbid him to pollute his body with seeds. Am I doing the right thing? Nikolay, Orel

– The reasons for the development of inflammation of the appendix – the vermiform appendix of the cecum – are not known to science for certain. There are a lot of assumptions and theories on this matter, but none of them have been proven yet. As for seeds, I think their danger is exaggerated. A tomato or cucumber also has seeds, albeit small ones, and no one says that eating these vegetables is dangerous. Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent appendicitis. Well, perhaps we should try to eliminate all inflammatory processes in the body in a timely manner, be it caries or sore throat, because chronic infection, wherever it is located, can provoke inflammation in other organs. However, this applies not only to the appendix, but to the entire body as a whole.

Not an easy simple operation

– Surgery for appendicitis is considered to be something elementary. Is this really so and can there be complications after this intervention? Alexander, Moscow

– Indeed, most often the first operation that is entrusted to a novice surgeon is an appendectomy. After all, this is the most common surgery, because appendicitis is one of the most common “sores”. However, surgeons say this: “There is nothing easier than an operation to remove the appendix, and there is nothing more difficult than this operation.” After all, the cunning of this small appendage is inexhaustible. The appendix can be located in such “nooks and crannies” of the abdominal cavity that it will take a surgeon seven sweats before he gets to it. Therefore, the operation can last either half an hour or 2-3 hours. In mild cases, even a recent student can remove the appendix, but in complex cases, the hand of an experienced master is required. The decision about who to entrust the operation to is made during the intervention itself.

As for complications, they happen after any operation. Including after this one. They can range from problems with healing to an abscess in the abdominal cavity and even fatal. Mortality from appendicitis is 0.1 - 0.2%. These numbers could be even lower if people sought medical help on time and did not self-medicate.

No cuts

– Is it possible to perform surgery to remove the appendix without incisions? Ilya, Perm

– Yes, today laparoscopy is very often used for this disease. Then, after the intervention, only three almost imperceptible puncture marks remain on the patient’s body from the punctures through which the instruments were inserted. The advantages of using laparoscopy: reduced pain after surgery and faster recovery, as well as a good cosmetic effect.

But, unfortunately, laparoscopy is not always applicable, but only if it is technically possible. This can only be resolved during surgery. If the surgeon understands that laparoscopy is in this case is not suitable, he resorts to the traditional method.

By the way

Appendicitis occurs in both children and the elderly, but more often this trouble occurs in the prime age - from 20 to 40 years. The number of patients among people of both sexes is approximately the same. At the same time hereditary factor may be important, but not decisive.

Many people are interested in whether appendicitis can last for a week or more. If we're talking about about acute appendicitis, then without surgical intervention during this period a person may lose his life. It’s a completely different matter when the disease develops into chronic form. In this case, the symptoms can torment the person for a very long time. But this happens quite rarely.

Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix (vermiform appendix, appendage of the cecum). According to statistics, this pathology is the most frequent illness which requires surgical intervention. It is observed in both elderly people and children (except infants).

1 Causes and symptoms of pathology

Controversy over etiology of this disease continue to this day. Scientists still cannot come to a consensus on what exactly causes inflammation of the cecal appendage. However, it has been proven that appendicitis can occur under the influence of the following factors:

  • infectious diseases of various localizations;
  • excretion disorder feces and blockage of the mouth of the epididymis with fecal stone;
  • excessive consumption of meat, fried, fatty, smoked foods;
  • individual abnormalities in the structure of the appendix (great length, bends);
  • arterial blockage;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • heart disease;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • hereditary predisposition to diseases of this type;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • decline protective functions body;
  • smoking;
  • inflammatory diseases gynecological field(in women).

Usually the same in all cases, with rare exceptions. First of all, the patient begins to feel pain in upper area abdomen, which then pass into the right bottom part. The pain is dull and moderate in nature and intensifies when changing body position, laughing, coughing. The stomach may hurt for several days, but as the disease progresses, this symptom may subside. This indicates the death of the appendix and the development of peritonitis - inflammation of the abdominal region.

Along with the pain, the following symptoms appear:

  • periodic nausea and vomiting;
  • loss of appetite;
  • feeling of dry mouth, constant thirst;
  • loose stools;
  • increased body temperature;
  • decrease or increase in blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate.

If appendicitis is chronic, the symptoms may be less pronounced. However, they appear periodically.

2 Diagnosis and treatment of appendicitis

When diagnosing a disease, the first step is to general examination patient and abdominal palpation. When pressing on the abdomen, the patient usually feels painful sensations in the right iliac region. The pain becomes throbbing when pinched sigmoid colon. You may also need general analysis blood. The development of appendicitis is indicated by an increased number of leukocytes. If there are difficulties in diagnosing, the laparoscopy method is used.

Inflammation of the appendix can be confused with diseases such as cholecystitis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, diseases of the female genital area.

Today, there is only one method of treating appendicitis - surgical removal of the appendix of the cecum. In this case, a laparoscopic appendectomy is usually performed. This method allows you to avoid excessive trauma and blood loss. In this case, the rehabilitation period is reduced to a minimum and there are no large scars in the area of ​​the operation.

If left untreated, the following complications may occur:

  • development of an abscess in the abdominal cavity;
  • peritonitis;
  • appendicular infiltrate (fusion of modified tissues with each other);
  • pylephlebitis (inflammation of the portal vein of the liver as a result of infection entering it).

To prevent appendicitis, any disease should be treated in a timely manner. digestive tract, stick to proper nutrition and give up bad habits.

It should be remembered that no other methods are effective, so trying to cure appendicitis at home is absolutely impossible. At the first symptoms, it is recommended to run to the doctor as fast as you can, because if left untreated, the disease can develop into peritonitis in one day, which, in turn, can lead to death.

Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix, that is, the appendage of the cecum. This is a small organ that has ceased to participate in digestion, but does something in the body: it works part-time in immune system and sometimes gets sick.

Most often it becomes inflamed in people 10–30 years old, but in general you can get sick at any age.

Why does the appendix become inflamed?

It is impossible to say exactly why the appendage of the cecum decided to become inflamed in each specific case, because the reasons are different.

The most common is that the lumen of the appendix closes. A huge number of bacteria live in the intestines, and when the lumen of the appendix is ​​closed, they begin to multiply quickly in one place. Inflammation begins, that is, appendicitis.

Sometimes the cause of inflammation is infections, chronic diseases of the abdominal organs, vascular problems and even injuries.

How to understand that it is appendicitis

Appendicitis is difficult to recognize. Its main symptom is pain, and it will not always hurt on the right side. The fact is that there are not many nerves in the abdominal cavity. Sometimes it is impossible to determine what exactly hurts: there is no point where the pain is concentrated.

Therefore, appendicitis usually begins with pain generally in or around the navel. Then the pain may move to the right, but this is not necessary. The pain is constant and gradually intensifies. Sometimes, after intensification, the pain goes away, but this is not always good: this happens when tissues die, when there is nothing left to hurt.

Other symptoms that, along with pain, will indicate appendicitis:

  1. Lost appetite.
  2. Vomiting is not constant, 1–2 times.
  3. Bloating.
  4. Fever, temperature up to 38 °C.

With these signs you need to consult a doctor.

Before being examined by a doctor, you should not take painkillers, sorbents or any other drugs, or give enemas. Due to self-medication, symptoms may change, making it more difficult to determine appendicitis.

How to check whether there is appendicitis or not

In order not to confuse appendicitis with other diseases, the hospital does a blood test, urine test, and may conduct an ultrasound or other examinations. But first you will be examined by a surgeon. Some symptoms of appendicitis appear upon palpation: the doctor presses on different parts of the abdomen and can make a diagnosis based on the patient’s reaction.

You can’t put pressure on your stomach yourself and try to feel what’s hurting there. Due to the strong impact, the appendix can, roughly speaking, burst. This will lead to complications.

You can only conduct safe tests on your own:

  1. Cough. When coughing, the pain on the right side will intensify.
  2. Lie in the fetal position (curl up) on your right side. In this case, the pain should subside.
  3. Turn on your left side and stretch your legs. With appendicitis, the pain will become more severe.
  4. Lying on your left side, lightly press with your palm on sore spot, then abruptly release. With appendicitis, the pain will become stronger at this moment.

When you need to act urgently

There is a set of symptoms that indicate the development of complications. This is the so-called acute abdomen:

  1. Increasing abdominal pain.
  2. Vomit.
  3. Weakness, lethargy, cold sweat.
  4. Frequent heartbeat.
  5. Pallor.
  6. Temperature above 38 °C.

All this is very, very dangerous symptoms. With them, the cause of the disease is sought in the hospital and on the operating table.

How to treat appendicitis

Acute appendicitis can only be treated with surgery - this is the most safe way get rid of inflammation.

Appendicitis develops quickly, and within a few hours the intestinal wall can rupture. Then the entire contents of the inflamed appendix will enter the abdominal cavity, and this is peritonitis - a serious complication that threatens life.

Therefore, cutting out the appendix is ​​easier and more reliable than waiting to see if other means will help.

How to protect yourself

Unfortunately, no way. Research has not found a direct link between diet, lifestyle and appendicitis. Sometimes inflammation is associated with chronic diseases, constipation and even tooth decay, but there is no convincing data on what exactly leads to appendicitis. Just eat and listen to yourself.

The vermiform appendix or appendix is ​​an ambiguous component digestive system. Some scientists call it atavism - a feature that has lost its function in the process of evolution. Others argue that the organ plays an important, but not fully identified role in the formation of immunity. In any case, the inflammatory process occurring in this organ threatens serious complications, and sometimes, if time is lost, even fatal. Not everyone knows how to determine appendicitis at home. But this is one of the most necessary skills for your own safety.

Some people are so afraid of appendicitis that they suspect its symptoms in any, even the most minor, ailment in the abdominal area. Others, on the contrary, try not to notice inflammation until the onset of critical condition. Therefore, the ability to provide yourself or to a loved one Everyone should have help, determine the degree of danger and take action.

Features and causes of inflammation of the appendix

Pain from appendicitis

The difficulty of making an independent diagnosis is that the organ can be located in different areas of the peritoneum.

  • Most often, the process is localized just below and to the right of the navel. There, during inflammation, pain occurs.
  • Sometimes the appendix is ​​located higher, where the liver is located, respectively discomfort contact her.
  • Pain in an organ that is too low can be confused with inflammation of the ovaries in women or urinary tract in men.
  • If the appendix is ​​shifted towards the spine, appendicitis “gives” to the lower back, sometimes to the groin.

Inflammation of the appendix in children

It is especially difficult to identify appendicitis in children. The organs in the abdominal cavity are still forming, they are constantly growing and shifting somewhat. Therefore, even a grown-up child finds it difficult to explain his feelings. It is best for an adult to consult a doctor if the baby is clearly unwell.

A specialist will decide how to determine appendicitis in a child in a hospital setting. However, children may be frightened that they are going to be left in the hospital and deceive their parents by saying that everything is fine and there is no pain. Under no circumstances should you give in to such admonitions. The baby does not know anything about the course of the disease and does not understand that he could die. In this case, the desire to be close takes a back seat to the vital need for treatment.

Symptoms of appendicitis

  • The main sign indicating an inflamed appendix is ​​pain. It may increase gradually or appear suddenly. In most cases, it is a stabbing sensation that is almost impossible to endure. A person tries to lie down in a position that will reduce his suffering. It is especially dangerous when the pain disappears. You need to understand that appendicitis does not go away on its own, but the disappearance this symptom indicates the onset of necrosis and death of nerve endings.
  • General malaise. It is difficult for a person to carry out his usual duties, he wants to lie down, and feels weak.
  • With appendicitis, appetite disappears.
  • Nausea appears, and in some cases vomiting, which does not bring a feeling of relief.
  • The temperature rises and chills occur.
  • The number of heart beats reaches 90-100.
  • A white coating appears on the tongue.

Home diagnostics and self-diagnosis

Even if you know in theory how appendicitis hurts, it is important to verify your fears or part with them. Every adult is able to find out whether the appendage is inflamed, and then take certain actions.

How to determine appendicitis yourself?

  • Lay the sick person on his back on a flat surface.
  • Feel the lowest rib on the right. Lightly tap slightly below the bone with your fingertips. Painful sensations indicate illness. You can perform the same manipulation with the subcostal area on the left. If pain is not detected there, this will only confirm fears.
  • Ask the person to show you the place where the most sharp pain. Press down with middle and index fingers to this area. The pain should dull, but the moment you remove your hand, it will intensify significantly.
  • Another sign of appendicitis is discomfort in the appendix area when trying to cough.
  • If you recommend that a person assume the fetal position on his right side, with his legs bent and curled up, he will experience temporary relief. Rolling over and stretching his legs will make him feel worse.

If all the signs are confirmed, the main thing that needs to be done immediately is to call ambulance. Only professional doctors in a hospital setting can help the patient.

However, even if, according to your calculations, appendicitis is not confirmed, it would be correct to send the person to the hospital. There are a considerable number of digestive diseases, reproductive organs, genitourinary tract, the symptoms of which are similar to inflammation of the appendix. For cholecystitis, pancreatitis, stomach ulcers or duodenum, diseases of the appendages can only be helped by professionals.

Consequences and complications

The most serious condition resulting from appendicitis is peritonitis. This is a rupture of the membrane of the appendix and the release of its contents (pus and feces) into the abdominal cavity. In this case, only emergency surgery can save the person.

Symptoms of peritonitis:

  • spread of pain throughout the peritoneum;
  • a sharp deterioration in a person’s condition;
  • increase in heart rate to 120 per minute;
  • visual changes: sallow pallor, sharpening of facial features, sunken eyes;
  • restless state of the patient.

If there are obvious signs of perforation of the appendix, the patient should not be allowed to move independently. You need to lay him down on a flat surface and call an ambulance.

Diagnostics and treatment in a hospital setting

To make decisions about how to treat a disease, the doctor needs to know exactly what is inflamed and painful in the patient. Even if a manual examination indicates appendicitis, the doctor will prescribe a series of tests and medical procedures that will clarify the diagnosis.

  • Firstly, this is a urine test. If appendix located next to the ureters, they can be affected by inflammation. This is manifested by an increase in the number of red blood cells.
  • Secondly, a blood test is done. With any inflammation, the number of leukocytes increases.

However, even laboratory tests do not give a definite result and a clear picture, they only indicate that the body is not healthy.

More accurate diagnostic methods are ultrasound examination(ultrasound) and radiography. Based on their results, we can say about the following modifications in appendicitis:

  • fluid has accumulated in the cavity of the cecum;
  • swelling of the walls adjacent to the appendix;
  • mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract modified;
  • The appendix has doubled in volume, its walls have become much thicker than in a healthy state.

In some cases it is also used surgical diagnosis– laparoscopy. It reveals what type of appendicitis the patient has. In some cases, this is gangrene - cell death, in others - phlegmon - the risk of spillage of contents into the abdominal cavity. The only way to treat the disease is to remove the appendage surgically.

It must be remembered that inflammation of the appendix develops very quickly, especially in children. Several hours may pass from the onset of illness to the onset of a critical condition. Timely actions taken by family and friends, and sometimes by the patient himself, are the key to good outcome appendicitis. Sensitivity to deterioration of the condition, manual examination and palpation and, most importantly, calling an emergency medical care– only the right ways preserving human life and health.