Inflammation on the hands in the form of acne. Small bumps appeared on my hands and itched

If you are worried about acne on your hands, you should know that they can appear as a result of external and internal causes. You need to contact a dermatologist who will prescribe the necessary tests and help you get out of this situation. It is not difficult to cure such acne.

Causes of acne on hands

Acne on the hands can be caused by the following:

  1. Scabies. If a scabies mite has penetrated the skin, small pimples in the form of blisters appear on the hands. They are mainly localized in the area of ​​the fingers. A characteristic symptom of scabies is severe itching. Paths of infection are a sick person and personal items of a sick person.
  2. Allergic reaction. It can be caused by cosmetics, medications, household chemicals, etc.
  3. Infectious diseases such as measles, chicken pox, rubella. Pathologies can be distinguished by high fever and rashes on other parts of the body.
  4. Neurodermatitis. Small pimples on the hands with watery contents appear primarily in the elbow area. Over time, they increase in size and merge into a single whole, while the acne on the hands is very itchy. But you should not scratch the inflamed areas, as there is a risk of infection. Only a doctor can help, since each patient with neurodermatitis must have an individual approach to treatment.
  5. Disruption of metabolic processes as a result of a malfunction of internal organs or the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Fungus. A fungal infection can enter through small wounds and cracks on the skin of the hands. As a result, skin rashes appear around the affected area.
  7. Genetic diseases. In this case, the rash can appear suddenly without any special provoking factors, and in a short time spread throughout the body.
  8. Dirty hand skin is also one of the causes of acne. If you do not keep your skin clean, pathogenic bacteria will begin to multiply on it. Subcutaneous pimples often form on the hands.
  9. Fluctuations or disturbances in hormonal levels. This condition can occur during adolescence, during pregnancy and after childbirth, and upon the onset of menopause in women. At this time, the sebaceous glands work in enhanced mode. Hormonal acne on the hands is formed in the place where they accumulate - in the shoulder area. They are almost invisible. Do not cause discomfort, itching or pain. White bumps on the arms can cause embarrassment when wearing revealing clothes. Stressful situations and other psychological disorders. Often these red pimples on the hands begin to itch very much.
  10. Stressful situations and other psychological disorders. Often these red pimples on the hands begin to itch very much.
  11. Being in direct sunlight. Sunburn often manifests itself as small rashes - these are red pimples that spread over the arms.

If the pimples on your hands are very itchy, your doctor will prescribe medications to soothe the itching. A pimple can be an acne.

Internal factors

There are internal diseases that manifest themselves as skin rashes. Only a doctor can tell you how to treat acne.

Dyshidrosis is one of the types of eczema. The disease develops due to external or internal factors. The etiology of the disease is allergic rashes, which can be provoked by:

  1. Chemical substances
  2. Food products
  3. Diseases of internal organs
  4. Stressful situations, neuroses, etc.

Symptoms of dyshidrosis are small rashes filled with clear liquid, which are localized in the area of ​​the hands and between the fingers. Severe itching and burning appears at the site of the blisters. The disease is characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission.

Idiopathic eczema may have the following causes:

  • allergy;
  • stressful situations;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • hereditary factor;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • diabetes.

Small red papules form on the arm. Mostly localized on the fingers and between them. Such pimples on the hands are filled with exudate. At first there are few of them, but over time their number increases. A burning sensation appears, pimples on the hands itch. If there is no treatment, the disease becomes chronic and threatens with the addition of a secondary infection.

Prurigo is a chronic dermatosis. Most often it affects children and women after the age of forty. The causes of this disease may be:

  • poisoning of the body;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • neuroses, psychoses, etc.

Prurigo manifests itself as a nodular red rash, which is mainly localized on the bends of the knees and elbows, the wrist, closer to the axillary region, and in rare cases on other parts of the body. The blisters that appear are very itchy.

The itchy area should not be injured, otherwise wounds and purulent pimples will appear on the hands. If left untreated, boils form in their place.

Atopic dermatitis. Despite the fact that the disease is common in children, adults also often suffer from atopic dermatitis. Causes of pathology:

  1. Decreased immunity.
  2. Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Neuro-emotional long-term stress.
  4. Presence of chronic diseases.

Getting rid of acne

Not all acne can be removed on your own. Only those that are caused by external factors. The remaining types are treated through an integrated approach to therapy.

You can treat dry acne on your hands yourself only after determining the cause of their occurrence. You can combine treatment prescribed by a doctor with traditional recipes:

  1. Taking multivitamins, which necessarily include vitamins A and C, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.
  2. Apply a gentle exfoliant from time to time to cleanse the skin of dead cells and sebum.
  3. When acne appears on the skin of your hands, you should think about your diet. It is necessary to exclude foods rich in carbohydrates from the diet, at least for a while, replacing them with fresh fruits and vegetables.
  4. You can use traditional medicine recipes. Wipe problem areas with aloe juice or a slice of raw potato. Viburnum juice has the same effect. By taking it internally, you can get rid of allergies. Treat small pimples on your hands with the juice several times a day.
  5. How to make a pimple invisible? It all depends on its type. If it is large and filled with pus, then only a doctor will help, who will prescribe the necessary remedy.

Pimples on the hands are itchy and very annoying. Getting rid of the problem will not be difficult if the cause of their occurrence is known. Don't think that a rash on your hands is a harmless phenomenon. Its causes may lie in very serious diseases.

The appearance of rashes and pimples on the hands causes not only aesthetic discomfort, but also physical discomfort, since it is often accompanied by severe itching and redness of the skin. Very often, pimples on the hands that itch indicate some kind of dermatological disease that requires appropriate therapy without delay. After all, many pathological conditions, if left untreated, tend to become chronic, which is much more difficult to respond to various methods of therapy.

Reasons for the formation of pimples on the hands

Rashes in the form of pimples on the skin of the hands can occur for a variety of reasons. Most often, the culprits are skin diseases, which can be identified after diagnostic procedures.

In addition, pimples on the hands can signal some internal problems in the body. Treatment of weeping, itchy pimples on the hands will be effective if the cause of their appearance is identified and eliminated.

  1. The main causes of a watery rash on the upper extremities:
  2. caused by certain types of fungal microorganisms - yeast, saprophytes, dermatophytes. Damage occurs to the epidermis and nail plates.
  3. A contagious disease caused by scabies mites, it causes many small, watery pimples that are very itchy and itchy. First, the area between the fingers is affected, then the infection spreads throughout the skin of the hands and body.
  4. The body's reaction to external and internal irritants, allergies can occur to household chemicals, food products, cosmetics, for example, hand cream, to.
  5. With eczema, the weeping rash mainly affects the fingers, and there is severe itching.

Skin lesions in the elbow area indicate...

  • Other provoking factors:
  • insufficient hand hygiene;
  • lack of vitamins in the body;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • inflammation of the digestive system;

hormonal changes and disruptions.

In children, watery pimples on the hands often occur due to, or.

In addition to the hands, a watery, itchy rash will also appear on the skin of the lower extremities.

The reasons for the appearance of small pimples on the legs are usually the same as when the epidermis is affected on the hands.

Allergies as a cause of watery pimples

An allergic reaction is the most common phenomenon, which often causes the formation of rashes on various parts of the epidermis.

  • frequent contact with chemicals;
  • exposure to very high or low temperatures;
  • use of low quality cosmetics;
  • food allergies;
  • reaction to taking certain medications;
  • penetration of infection into the skin of the hands through microdamages.

hands itch and bumps appear in the photo

Fungus on the hands has similar symptoms to other dermatological diseases, so examination by a doctor is required. If treatment is not carried out in time, the fungus can spread to larger areas of the epidermis and also affect the nail plates. To suppress the development and reproduction of pathogenic flora, it is recommended to use pharmaceutical ointments such as Terbinafine, Clotrimazole, Exoderil, Microspor, Lamisil, etc. Usually, with hygiene and proper use of any of these ointments, recovery occurs very quickly.

An exception may be cases in which the disease is chronic and damage to internal organs is diagnosed. Then more serious, complex therapy is required.


Another reason for the appearance of small itchy pimples on the upper extremities is scabies, caused by scabies mites. This is a very contagious disease, transmitted by tactile contact, by touching the patient’s personal items. It is extremely resistant to adverse environmental conditions, so it is quite difficult to get rid of it.

The main symptoms are a profuse small rash accompanied by painful itching, especially at night. The disease spreads very quickly, so if the skin of the hands is affected, appropriate treatment must be started immediately.

Dermatologists usually prescribe the following medications to treat scabies:

This disease is very dangerous in children, since scratching often causes a bacterial infection, which can result in suppuration.


A chronic skin disease affecting the superficial layers of the epidermis is eczema. When the skin of the hands is affected, elements of inflammation and itchy pimples, weeping and painful, appear. Eczema is not transmitted through tactile contact or touching the things of a sick person. The disease develops as a result of damage to the digestive system, disorders of the thyroid gland, genetic predisposition, nervous diseases, and weakened immunity.

Constantly in contact with chemicals, various coloring compounds, formaldehyde, detergents, etc. In addition to itching and burning with eczema, severe peeling of the epidermis on the hands is observed.

The principle of treating this dermatosis is to eliminate the causes of its occurrence:

  • if the provoking factor is an allergy, then it is necessary to take measures aimed at reducing the body’s sensitivity to various allergens;
  • to remove toxic substances from the body, adsorbent drugs are used, for example, Enterosgel, Polysorb, activated carbon;
  • if the symptoms of eczema are aggravated by nervous disorders, then it is advisable to use sedatives such as Novopassit, Afobazol, valerian;
  • to relieve symptoms of itching, it is recommended to take anti-allergy medications;
  • To speed up recovery from eczema on the hands, various vitamin complexes are prescribed.

It is very important to treat eczema comprehensively and use local therapy products that have antipruritic and anti-inflammatory properties. The most effective are considered to be such agents as podophylline ointment, ichthyol ointment, resorcinol solution, boric acid.

When eczema affects large areas of the epidermis on the hands, hormonal ointments and creams are prescribed, which quickly and effectively relieve all the symptoms of this pathology.

Watery pimples on a child's hands

Water rash in a child is not uncommon, especially on the hands, since children, actively exploring the world, often touch the ground and play with sand, which contains many pathogenic microorganisms. The causes of rashes in children are almost the same as in adults. But there are still some childhood diseases that rarely affect adults.

If watery pimples appear in a child, you should consult a doctor, as such rashes may indicate some serious illness.

The localization of small pimples between the fingers in most cases indicates infection with scabies. Itchy blisters on the skin of a child’s hands may also appear, which is often chronic. Children are often exposed to allergic reactions, dermatitis, and other skin lesions due to immature immunity.

the child has small pimples on his hands in the photo

Treatment of young patients should be carried out only after consultation with a pediatrician, since only a doctor can determine the exact cause of the appearance of dropsy on children's hands. And self-medication here is fraught with the development of serious complications for the baby.

It is very important that the baby drinks a lot of fluid, which removes toxic substances from the body, helping to cleanse the epidermis of pimples. To prevent itching, antiallergic drugs for children are prescribed, for example, Fenistil drops. In case of suppuration or fungal infection of the skin, antimycotics or antibiotic drugs are effective.

To reduce and dry weeping rashes, you can lubricate them with brilliant green, fucarcin, a weak solution of manganese and other antiseptics that prevent the spread of the rash and also have an anti-inflammatory effect.


It is quite possible to avoid the formation of weeping, watery pimples on the skin of your hands. Provided there are no chronic diseases and the following recommendations are followed, this problem will never arise:

  • careful personal hygiene, absence of the habit of using other people's towels and other hygiene items;
  • proper and high-quality hand skin care, regular use of good cosmetics, creams to nourish and moisturize the epidermis;
  • timely treatment with antiseptics of even minor and imperceptible scratches and damage;
  • strengthening the immune system in various ways;
  • timely seeking medical help if skin problems arise.

Only if you pay close attention to your health can you avoid the development of many diseases that often affect the condition of your skin.

Anyone can get acne on their hands. Such rashes will not only cause discomfort, but also spoil the appearance. It is especially unpleasant to find them on the skin on the eve of a graduation, wedding or other important day.

Do you think skin “diseases” are primarily an aesthetic problem?



If acne appears on your hands, the causes of their occurrence should be determined immediately in order to select an effective treatment. An allergic reaction often provokes such rashes. An allergen can be not only a food product, but also any substance with which a person has been in contact.

A rash on the hand in the form of small pimples appears if household chemicals, dust, or even medicine come into contact with the skin. Allergens are often wool and pollen. In some cases, a similar reaction is observed after contact with jewelry or gloves made of synthetic fabric. After using cosmetics, acne may also appear on the hands.

Infections are worth discussing. Rubella, measles, chickenpox - these diseases are familiar to many. A person who is infected with them develops pimples all over his body, including his hands. With chickenpox, they will be filled with cloudy fluid. How to distinguish a dangerous disease from an allergy? It is worth paying attention to your well-being and general condition. Fever, headache, weakness are sure signs that we are talking about an infection.

If there is a rash on the hands, it is necessary to determine the cause

Fungus is another possible cause. Because of this disease, rashes will definitely appear regularly. A rash on the hands in the form of acne due to a fungal infection occurs near small wounds through which bacteria have entered the body.

Metabolic disorders and lack of vitamins can also lead to rashes appearing on the skin. Especially often, such problems are encountered by people whose bodies are weakened after treatment for a viral disease. Hormonal changes are another possible cause. It occurs mainly in teenagers and pregnant women. Subcutaneous small pimples on the hands also occur with genetic diseases. They are inherited and are practically untreatable.

People who do not maintain personal hygiene also often develop various pimples and blackheads on their hands. Microbes get on the skin from handrails in the subway, from money. It is important to wash your hands regularly or at least regularly use wet wipes.


It's worth talking about the types of acne. They all require different treatment, and the reasons for their appearance are also different. For example, purulent acne on the hands occurs if bacteria get under the skin. They develop from subcutaneous rashes that can appear when the sebaceous glands are clogged. Abscesses cannot be opened independently: this way the infection can enter the body and cause blood poisoning.

White pimples on the hands appear when dead skin cells die off poorly. However, there is another possible reason. Small white pimples on the hands can occur due to a fungal infection. It is worth taking this into account when choosing treatment.

Watery rashes on the hands are a symptom of eczema or infection. Usually there are many such pimples at once, although at the initial stage of the disease only one may appear. You cannot ignore it, because over time there will be more rashes.

Watery pimples on hands

There are also red pimples on the hands. They often become the main symptom of allergies. Usually in this case the rash is accompanied by severe itching.

People with hormonal imbalances experience hard, dry pimples. They are almost the same color as healthy skin. They don't hurt to touch. You cannot remove them yourself, because there is a high risk of infection.

It is important to consider where exactly the most pimples are located. For example, with a fungal infection, they will be located mainly between the fingers.

Treatment of rashes

Knowing why the rashes appeared, you can choose effective treatment. Dry pimples are a sign that your skin needs to be moisturized. Nourishing creams and herbal baths will help a lot. You cannot remove such pimples on your own. You need to contact a specialist who can properly treat the wound.

What to do if acne itches? Treatment depends on the cause of the rash. If you have an allergy, your doctor will prescribe medications against it. For example, Suprastin or Tavegil. To get rid of unpleasant sensations, you can lubricate the skin or make lotions. Green tea and chamomile decoction help well.

Chamomile infusion works great for rashes

What else can you do to treat acne? For example, iodine. It is enough to precisely apply it to the rashes. You should not burn them, because this can only worsen the condition of the skin. It is also worth mentioning ichthyol ointment. It kills germs and relieves discomfort.

Aloe is also an effective remedy. You can make lotions or simply wipe problem areas of the skin with it 2 times a day. It is the juice of the plant that helps, so you first need to cut the aloe leaf.

Separately, it is necessary to mention those rashes that cannot be dealt with on your own. For example, watery pimples caused by eczema require treatment from a specialist. It will be complex and take a lot of time. If pimples on your hands itch and do not go away, you should seek medical help. In such cases, the rash is a symptom of a disease that is hidden somewhere in the body. It is necessary to detect it as soon as possible in order to select effective treatment.


First of all, we must not forget about hygiene. You need to wash your hands with soap after traveling on public transport or visiting a store. Wounds, scratches and insect bites must be treated so that the infection cannot enter the body. You can use iodine and brilliant green for this. But it’s not enough to just wash your hands often with soap. You should always take care of your health. It is necessary to give up bad habits and eat right. It is important to follow a daily routine and go to bed on time.

Hygiene is very important

Sunbathing requires a separate discussion. Sunbathing should be avoided during treatment. It dries out pimples, but does not get rid of them. The rashes will return again when the tan fades, so you need to fight them with creams, baths and lotions.

You should pay attention to the appearance of any skin problems, even if they do not cause discomfort. A large or small pimple may disappear on its own in 2-3 days, but if there are many pimples, treatment should be started immediately.

Sometimes it may seem that acne is omnipresent, since they can appear in a variety of places: on the face, back, shoulders. Sometimes the location of acne is completely unusual, for example, on the hands. Of course, in this place the rashes are not so noticeable, but they cause no less trouble. You can no longer wear clothes with short sleeves, and those with long sleeves greatly rub the rash, which can lead to the spread of infection.

Why do acne appear on the arms above the elbow?

The most common cause of acne on the arms above the elbow is the body's reaction to various irritants or, simply, allergies. Allergens can include food, household chemicals, animal hair, and dust. In this case, the patient needs to see specialists who, using tests, will more accurately determine the allergen and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Dysbacteriosis, a lack of vitamins in the body, can also manifest itself as rashes on the hands. In these cases, it is enough to reconsider the patient’s diet and after a short time the acne will disappear on its own. It is much worse if, in addition to the rash, there is constant itching. Such symptoms may indicate the presence of scabies mites, eczema, and urticaria. Having noticed the symptoms, the patient needs to see a doctor as soon as possible, since the disease can spread throughout the body.

How to treat acne on the arms above the elbow

When starting treatment, the patient must understand that the main thing in this matter is the regularity of procedures. The doctor's orders should be completed on time and in full. So, for example, if acne appears due to allergies, then you should definitely take antihistamines. After this, you can make lotions from a decoction of string or chamomile.

If acne is one of the symptoms of folliculitis, it should be treated with antiseptic solutions, such as fucorcin. In case of chronic disease, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. The type of antibiotics is selected individually.

Sometimes acne on the arms above the elbow appears due to a lack of vitamin D in the body. In the summer, you can replenish the supply of this vitamin simply by sunbathing in the sun. In winter and autumn, you will have to take a course of vitamins. However, they must also be prescribed by a doctor, since it is necessary to determine not only the type of drug, but also prescribe the correct dosage. You should not do this on your own, because self-medication can only aggravate the situation and not bring the desired result.

Typically, small pimples appear on the face, décolleté, or upper back. Why do they appear on the hands and what is the reason? Many people believe that this cosmetic effect is caused by poor-quality clothing or the use of chemicals. Usually, a rash on the hands in the form of pimples in children and adults is considered an allergy to powders, fabric softeners and other things that everyone comes into contact with daily. But in fact, there are several reasons for its appearance. The exact cause is usually determined by the treating dermatologist., while the appearance of rashes can create various reasons for concern.

Rash on hands in the form of pimples itches

Modern doctors advise not to try to independently determine the origin of the rash, but to contact a medical facility as soon as possible. After all, their appearance may indicate serious pathological processes in the body. Here most common reasons the appearance of painful spots on the hands and the external signs of each.

Rashes on your hands may actually be due to allergies to chemicals. Very often they are suffered by those who professionally clean, use toxic substances in their work (for example, hairdressers), and also do hair removal with any allergens. In such a situation, the rash usually goes away quickly, if you stop contacting toxic substances. However, there are several diseases that, when they appear, should seek medical help. Below are the main diseases in which various pimples and even ulcers and blisters may appear on the hands. Remember that rashes on the hands in the form of pimples in children and adults cannot be ignored.

Enterovirus infection is an acute infectious disease

Children are most affected by it. It affects the entire body, including the liver, kidneys, causing meningitis and various inflammations. One of the symptoms, in addition to general malaise, weakness, fever, are red or pale pink nodules with inflammation on the hands, around the mouth and in other places. At the same time, some babies develop a rash in the mouth, and it itches very much. Pimples are located in small groups, separate from each other.

The infection is treated with antibiotics and special antiviral drugs. It is important to stabilize the general condition, and then the bubbles themselves will dry up and go away. There is no need to specially coat them with medications, creams or iodine.

Common heat rash is a common disease in the hot season

This is due to increased sweating, which irritates the skin and leads to rashes. Usually this very small pustular pimples which may itch and turn red. The rash on the hands in the form of pimples in a child photo does not require special treatment. It’s enough just to change clothes on time, choose fabrics made of breathable material and not use synthetics. Then it will gradually pass.

In adults, this disease occurs for the following reasons:

  • increased air humidity;
  • physical labor using closed materials;
  • heat causing profuse sweating;
  • metabolic disorders and diabetes.

Typically, a disease such as prickly heat does not require treatment. It is enough just not to use synthetic materials during the heat, monitor hand hygiene and try to check your blood sugar levels. If it is elevated, follow the diabetic diet at least temporarily. remember, that increased sweating can also be a symptom of a disease body.

Vesiculopustulosis or pemphigus is a skin disease of bacterial origin.

This is usually a small rash with white blisters that may be symptom of various skin diseases. Such as herpes dermatitis (appears on the shoulders), nummular dermatitis (severe itching, purulent pimples with white content and severe itching), mycotic dermatitis (when there is an allergy to mushrooms and the palms can be affected). Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of this phenomenon. It is characterized by a rash on the hands in the form of itchy pimples. Your doctor will also tell you what it is and how to treat this disease. This disease is also characterized by different forms, such as:

  • chronic pemphigus – it either disappears or appears again. This form of the disease is characterized by acne with crusts that begin to itch very much;
  • leaf-shaped - with various ulcers and crusts;
  • ordinary pemphigus. It appears in the form of ordinary pimples with pus and blood, which first appear on the hands, then spread throughout the body.

Treatment is prescribed by the doctor after tests.

Coxsackie virus - childhood infection

Which is common in children. With it, very small white pimples appear on the skin, as in the photo.

When sick, a person’s temperature rises, joints ache, and the person begins to feel very severe pain. The disease has infectious origin and requires special treatment. There may be other symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. In some situations, the rash does not itch, but simply peels off, as after prolonged exposure to the sun. But more often it causes severe itching and slight redness.

The rash on the hands in the form of pimples does not itch

This may be a manifestation of an allergic reaction, prickly heat, if you wear synthetics in the heat, as well as if there are allergens in the body. Many are surprised when they learn that rashes appear as a reaction of the body to various foods and semi-finished products. Any allergist can tell you that many rashes that are not itchy are appear when the intestines are clogged. Therefore, after normalizing your diet, if acne does not go away, you should contact a medical facility. It is possible that they will more accurately determine the cause of the rash. Moreover, with skin allergies, the rashes itch.

Meningococcal infection in a child is a very dangerous disease.

Can be caused by complications after a cold or flu. It is characterized by small, star-shaped dots all over the body or closer to the limbs. Very often, the rash on the hands in the form of pimples in children has a purple tint. And it resembles spots on the skin or moles. Only a doctor can diagnose the disease in this situation. Since all meningococcal infections are accompanied by a very severe headache, nausea, and also a high temperature above 39. This the disease can negatively affect the further development of the child, including his mental abilities. And also on his vitality, and can further provoke headaches.

Mononucleosis – a disease of “dirty hands”

It is infectious in nature and can be contracted anywhere: on a tram, by touching certain products, or by contact with a virus carrier. This disease is characterized by high fever, sore throat and characteristic small pale pink or red spots throughout the body. The spots in this disease are very small and they all merge together. The disease is treated with antibiotics and requires special treatment. It is usually prescribed by a doctor, depending on the severity of the child’s condition.

Pseudotuberculosis or a relative of scarlet fever

Affects the skin and musculoskeletal system. Another name for it is Far Eastern pseudoscarlatinous fever, which causes great damage to the digestive system. Usually it causes pink or bright red small dots to appear on the limbs, almost like with. Sometimes the palms become covered with solid red spots . With this disease, an unusual rash on the hands in the form of pimples can worry the patient and his loved ones. Generally, the pattern of symptoms resembles scarlet fever: sore throat, nausea, vomiting, very severe sore throat, swollen lymph nodes. A high temperature also rises on the tongue, as with scarlet fever. A white coating appears, which disappears after a few days, and then the tongue turns crimson.

Treatment for this disease depends on the attending physician. The disease is usually treated with antibiotics.

Conclusion about a rash on the hands in the form of pimples

Rashes on the palms or just in the arm area can have a different nature. Some occur due to infections or allergic reactions to fabrics, dyes, powders and allergens. Most often it is of viral or allergic origin. And, although only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, it is important to neutralize the cause of its occurrence in time. And try to avoid skin contact with allergens or chemicals.

We looked at a rash on the hands in the form of pimples in a child or an adult. Have you encountered such diseases? Do you understand the reasons? What were you treated with? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.