Age-related farsightedness treatment. Let's talk about presbyopia or age-related farsightedness. Is it possible to correct age-related farsightedness?

Presbyopia or age-related (senile) farsightedness is natural process, often referred to as "disease long arms" The latter is due to the fact that most older people need to move the text further away from their eyes to read small print, such as newspaper print.

At the same time, every year it becomes more and more difficult for him to work with objects or read texts from a short distance, as a result of which he has to move the subject of work further and further away from himself. Soon the distance of an outstretched arm becomes insufficient for such distance.

Below we will look in more detail at what age-related farsightedness is and what to do if it has developed.

Causes of senile farsightedness

Before talking about how to deal with age-related farsightedness, it is worth paying attention to the reasons why it develops.

Reason of this disease natural processes of involution of the organs of vision are considered, which cause a physiological weakening of accommodation. In other words, this is an inevitable process closely related to age. By the age of 30, the ability of the eye to accommodate is reduced by half, and by the age of 60 summer age is almost completely lost.

The main link in pathogenesis in in this case– sclerotic changes in the lens: its dehydration, hardening and loss of elasticity. In addition, the adaptive capabilities of other components of the visual organ are suppressed.

Such changes are associated with metabolic disorders. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess that the development of senile farsightedness occurs faster in patients with diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension etc.

Accelerate the formation of presbyopia frequent inflammations eyes, injuries and operations on the organ of vision, as well as work associated with increased and prolonged visual load at close range.

Signs of age-related farsightedness

Before moving on to the question of whether age-related farsightedness can be corrected, it is worth talking about the manifestations of this condition.

First signs age-related farsightedness develop after 40 years. It all starts with the fact that when writing or, for example, reading, eye fatigue occurs, pain appears in the head and eyeballs, as well as in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and eyebrows. Watery eyes and photophobia begin to occur.

Nearby objects appear blurry and blurry, prompting a person to move the object away from their eyes and turn on brighter lights.

Presbyopia in people suffering from farsightedness manifests itself much earlier, usually before the age of 30, and is accompanied by deterioration of vision both near and far.

The development of this disease in myopic people. In this case, presbyopia can go undetected for a long time. Manifestations occur much later, because long time compensated by myopia. And at certain degrees of the disease, people do not need near vision correction at all, because it is quite enough for them to simply take off the glasses that they use to look into the distance.

Is it possible to correct age-related farsightedness with exercises?

Correction of age-related farsightedness is usually carried out using optical methods, as well as microsurgery or laser.

Most common way to combat this disease is spectacle correction. For this purpose, collective “plus” lenses are used. Considering the need, to perform work at a distance close to the eyes, simple glasses or complex (bifocal) glasses are selected, in which there are two focuses (one for distance vision, and the other for near vision). It is also possible to prescribe multifocal lenses and other types of optical correction.

For complex treatment For senile farsightedness, ophthalmologists often prescribe vitamin therapy. Massage of the cervical-collar area also gives a good effect. Physiotherapy methods are used quite widely for presbyopia: for example, hydro-, reflexo- or magnetic laser therapy. Positive results can also be achieved by performing electrooculostimulation and training on an accomodo trainer. Various options may also have surgical treatment age-related farsightedness.

Laser therapy helps to form a multifocal surface on the cornea of ​​the organ of vision. This fact helps to obtain two focuses on the retina: far and near. There are also other methods of correcting this disease using a laser, for example, photoreactive keratectomy.

Intraocular correction involves replacing your eye lens with an artificial one - the so-called intraocular lens, which can be mono- or multifocal.

There is another method that can help patients diagnosed with age-related farsightedness - eye exercises. For example, you can alternately look into the distance and then at the tip of your finger, placing it at a short distance from your eyes. Another example is the Bates complex, which involves periodically looking away from book to read on any objects or tracking the flight of birds and other exercises.

How to deal with age-related farsightedness: disease prevention

Considering this question, it should immediately be noted that it is impossible to completely exclude the development of this disease. As the body ages, the lens inevitably loses its original characteristics.

However, it is possible to delay the development of presbyopia or slow the progression of the condition.

To prevent the disease, it would be very advisable to avoid significant stress on the visual organs. It is also necessary to choose the right lighting and not neglect doing eye exercises.

Sufficient amounts should be taken vitamin preparations and microelements.

And also visit an ophthalmologist annually and have timely treatment and correction of eye and vascular diseases.

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) – a condition characterized by deterioration of vision at close range, while a person has difficulty distinguishing small print, especially in conditions poor lighting, it becomes difficult to do close work. A person’s ability to distinguish objects at different distances is ensured (by the ability to change focal length). However, with age, the lens gradually loses its elasticity and becomes denser, which is why its ability to change curvature deteriorates - the eye loses its ability to accommodate. Age-related changes also affect the muscles that hold the lens: they weaken, and when a signal is sent to these muscles from the occipital lobe of the brain, they cannot sufficiently change the curvature of the lens. All this leads to the fact that the image is not focused on, and the person sees objects unclearly.

Symptoms of age-related farsightedness

Symptoms of presbyopia are:

  • blurred vision;
  • difficulty viewing nearby objects;
  • difficulty reading small print;
  • when performing work at close range, it is necessary to move your head back to increase the distance between the object and the eyes;
  • eye fatigue;
  • frequent headaches.

Age-related farsightedness is a condition that sooner or later affects every person. This condition is irreversible, but the rate of its progression is different for everyone. Typically, people with farsightedness develop presbyopia earlier.

Video about the disease

Age-related farsightedness: treatment

At age-related deterioration Every person has a question: what to do? Is it possible to improve vision? Treatment of presbyopia is determined not only by the condition of the patient’s visual organs, but also by the characteristics of his activity and lifestyle. The following treatment methods for age-related farsightedness exist.

Optical correction

For those who see clearly in the distance but poorly up close, it is convenient to use glasses for work at close range. This is the most accessible and simple way to correct age-related farsightedness. But if both occur, and the patient has poor vision at both far and near distances, bifocal glasses are needed: they have two zones - one for correcting distance vision and the second for reading. You can also use two pairs of glasses.

Contact correction

Various methods can be used to correct age-related farsightedness. Multifocal lenses, which lately have become very popular, they have a central and peripheral zone responsible for clarity of vision. They improve the field of vision without deformation, and the person does not need glasses for distance and reading. There is a “monovision” correction: one lens corrects distance vision, the other for near vision. But such a correction has a significant disadvantage - the absence binocular vision Moreover, it takes a long time to get used to.

Surgical treatment of age-related farsightedness

Radically solves the problem of presbyopia surgical correction. It consists of replacing the lens that has lost its elasticity. The operation lasts about 20 minutes, does not require hospitalization, and is performed under local anesthesia. The surgeon performs all manipulations through a micro-incision, and no sutures are required. To correct presbyopia, accommodating and multifocal intraocular lenses are used.

Multifocal lenses are distinguished by a special design of the optical part, which allows them to simulate the work of the lens. They have multiple focuses and allow you to see objects at different distances clearly. After implantation of such a lens, glasses are not required for reading and close work. Accommodating lenses have properties that are as similar as possible to a natural lens. They engage, changing their curvature, thus restoring natural accommodation.

Gymnastics for age-related farsightedness

Age-related changes affect both the lens and intraocular muscles. Regular performance of specially designed exercises can strengthen these muscles, improve vision and prevent the rapid progression of vision deterioration.

Exercise 1. Sit in a comfortable, relaxed position, looking forward. Position the tip index finger right hand at a distance of about 30 cm from the eyes. Look at an object located in the distance for about 2-3 seconds, then move your gaze to the tip of your index finger and look at it for several seconds. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

Exercise 2. The starting position is the same. Turn your head slowly to the right, moving your gaze, then slowly turn your head to the left, moving your gaze as well. Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times in both directions.

Exercise 3. Sit on a chair, your back should be straight. Lower your arms freely downwards. Lift up right hand to eye level, at a distance of about 40 centimeters, make circular movements clockwise, watching your hand with your eyes. Repeat the same exercise for the left eye, changing the direction of rotation. Repeat 7 times for each eye.

Patients often attribute the first signs of vision deterioration to age-related farsightedness. However, decreased vision can be a consequence not only of presbyopia, but also of retinal pathology. That is why every person needs to regularly visit an ophthalmologist, especially if there are already signs of vision deterioration.

Moscow clinics

Below are the TOP 3 ophthalmological clinics in Moscow, where you can undergo diagnosis and treatment of age-related farsightedness.

Treatment age-related farsightedness prescribed by a doctor. Many older people (especially after 40) often suffer from age-related farsightedness (its scientific name is presbyopia). At the same time, they are prescribed reading glasses or specialized bifocal glasses.
This problem occurs with aging of the eye lens, its fibers gradually become denser, and the lens loses its natural ability to accommodate. Age-related farsightedness, however, is not accompanied by elongation of the eyeball, so treatment of the disease with laser correction plays a very limited role.

Probably, each of us has noticed that people forty and older often put on glasses to read, or try to read the text without glasses, moving it as far away as possible, although this does not always help. Wearing glasses for work or reading with age-related farsightedness is inevitable. Many people are very frightened by this fact, so people often turn to specialized ophthalmological centers and clinics with a request to rid them of glasses. In this case, the patient has to make a difficult decision!

If you have never worn glasses before the age of 40, and now you have age-related farsightedness (or presbyopia, for which, as a rule, glasses near +1.0 help), then, having removed these pluses +1.0 using laser correction, you will need special glasses for given. But this is precisely what patients do not agree to. An alternative solution to such an operation could be “progressive vision”. This means that the correction is carried out on one eye - due to it the patient will be able to read, and due to the other eye he will be able to look into the distance. If you have glasses with plus diopters for both distance and reading, then laser correction can help you get rid of glasses for distance, thus, in everyday life. ordinary life You won't need glasses, but you will still need to wear glasses for reading and close work. But at the same time, you will need glasses with much smaller diopters (about half as much). If you are already over 40, and you have low degree of age-related myopia, and you read without glasses, but you need distance glasses, then after the laser correction procedure you will completely get rid of negative glasses.

Treatment of age-related farsightedness

The most common method of correcting presbyopia is glasses. If the patient does not want to wear glasses or eat medical indications, then surgical treatment is performed - an operation to replace the lens with a new artificial one. You can undergo treatment for age-related farsightedness in our laser correction center.

The most in a simple way The correction, of course, is reading glasses. There are glasses with progressive lenses. This is a modern option for helping eyes with this state. Such glasses have a clear advantage - a smooth focus transition between the top and bottom lenses that allow clear vision at any distance.
The modern industry also offers multifocal or progressive contact lenses.

Surgical correction of presbyopia is possible.

Multifocal LASIK - modern way correction of age-related changes in vision. This innovative method consists of creating different optical zones in the cornea using an excimer laser.

Replacing the lens with an artificial multifocal lens is a radical way to correct presbyopia. If age-related farsightedness is accompanied by cataracts, this method is the optimal solution to the problem. Thus, not only age-related farsightedness is corrected, but also astigmatism and myopia.

You can choose glasses, consult an ophthalmologist and undergo a full examination in our clinic. Don't delay your visit by noting warning signs presbyopia and other eye diseases. Delay can cost you dearly - loss of vision.

Konovalov M.E. talks about age-related farsightedness.
in the TV show “Live Healthy.”

Watch the story about farsightedness, risks to vision and methods of correction from the 28th minute of the video.

Optical defect in age-related farsightedness

Farsightedness or hypermetropia is a special optical defect in which a person cannot clearly see objects located both at a distant distance and close to it. This occurs because the optical focus of the eye system is located behind the retina, due to the mismatch between the refractive power of the eye and its length.

In order to correct an existing defect, you need to shift the focus to the retina.

Treatment of age-related farsightedness is carried out mainly by wearing optical devices, as well as by microsurgical surgical interventions or correcting visual acuity using laser technologies. The ophthalmologist will tell you what exactly is right for the patient after a detailed examination and clarification of the reasons for the appearance of such a disorder. IN mandatory it is recommended for such patients special gymnastics for the eyes, it is advised to massage the collar area, use drops, replenish vitamins missing in the body pharmaceutical products. All this together helps cure age-related myopia. But any treatment (drops, exercises, glasses) should be prescribed by an ophthalmologist after examination.

Like any other eye disease, age-related farsightedness has its own causes. It is very important to identify them and deal with them correctly, and not just make corrections. Such inattention to the essence of the disease will lead to the fact that age-related farsightedness will actively progress. In this case, the patient will complain of constant deterioration of vision and the need to select glasses or contact lenses.

Therefore, before starting any treatment, it is worth finding out the reasons that led to the development of the disease in the patient. Age is considered the main factor. That is why the second name for presbyopia is age-related or senile farsightedness.

Natural processes occurring in human body, cause a significant weakening of accommodation. For example, by the age of 30, this ability of a person’s visual analyzer decreases to 50%. Already by the age of 60 years, eye accommodation is lost by more than 90%. But this is just the tip age-related changes. Its root lies elsewhere.

Main components pathological change is sclerotic processes in the lens, which leads to:

  • to dehydration;
  • to the appearance of compactions;
  • loss of elasticity.

This leads to the fact that all functions of the visual analyzer are suppressed and become impossible.

We should not discount additional factors that influence the development of senile farsightedness.

If the patient has metabolic disorders ( diabetes mellitus, problems with blood pressure, vascular atherosclerosis), then such visual impairment occurs earlier.

Important factors influencing the development of age-related farsightedness are:

Based on all possible reasons the appearance of presbyopia in a person, the doctor selects correct method vision correction to not only restore image focus clarity, but also to stop the progression of vision loss.

Effective methods of combating the disease

Age-related farsightedness is a change in eye function in which a person ceases to clearly distinguish objects located nearby. At the same time, he feels tired, dry, and the drops do not provide long-term positive effect.

Today, modern ophthalmology offers the use of several methods for correcting this pathological condition:

  • correction of visual acuity with optical devices (glasses, contact lenses);
  • medications(drops, vitamin supplements);
  • microsurgical methods or using laser technologies.

These are the main methods, but, in addition to them, doctors recommend eye exercises and obligatory adherence to the visual load schedule. But first things first.

  1. Vision correction using glasses (with plus lenses). They can be worn constantly or periodically to work with objects located nearby. Glasses can be plain or bifocal (dual focal points for near and far vision). They should only be selected by a doctor, since, in addition to diopters, there are quite a lot of measurements that must be taken into account. Only properly selected lenses can provide lightness and comfort to the eyes.
  2. Laser or surgical technique correction of farsightedness. With their help, a multifocal surface is formed on the cornea of ​​the eyes. This helps improve focus for near and far projection of an object onto the retina. There are other methods of laser surgery: keratectomy, intraocular.
  3. Drops for farsightedness are methods conservative therapy. In most cases they are prescribed in postoperative period. These drops help reduce the risk possible complications And inflammatory process. There are also some ways to reduce tension. eye muscles, moisturize visual organ. It should be noted that the drops can also be fortified. With such means you can supplement the missing vitamins in the body, which are responsible for the functioning of the eye. Drops can also be prepared using “folk” methods, but when using such recipes, do not forget about the importance of hygiene of the procedure.
  4. Gymnastics also helps with age-related farsightedness. It makes muscles work, improves blood circulation and saturates the organ with oxygen. Gymnastics does not give lightning speed positive result. But if you do it constantly twice a day, along with other therapeutic methods, then significant improvements are possible. Gymnastics is a set of exercises that helps relieve fatigue during prolonged exercise. Therefore, it can also be used healthy person as prevention of the development of the disease.

Any treatment requires strength and patience. The age-related form of farsightedness is no exception. And here it doesn’t matter whether drops, glasses or special exercises will be used. To overcome it, you need to resort to serious changes in your life.

Not only the return of the quality of eye function, but also the inhibition of natural processes in the body that lead to a deterioration in acuity depends on how correctly the disease is treated.

How earlier patient contact an ophthalmologist and begin adequate therapy, the better. Do not delay your visit to a specialist.

Is prevention possible?

If we consider the issue of preventive measures aimed at eliminating the development of presbyopia, it should be noted that it is almost impossible to completely get rid of the possibility of the disease occurring. Our body is designed in such a way that as it ages, inevitable processes occur in which the lens loses its important characteristics.

Therefore everything preventive measures in this regard, are aimed at postponing the occurrence of such age-related changes as far as possible, or slowing down and stopping their progression.

This is where treatment comes in folk recipes. Choose products that will really help your eyes. For example, use folk remedies to restore balance in the body. Take them in courses to maintain strength.

We will share some folk recipes:

  • rose hips, which are taken in the form of tea;
  • the juice of 2 lemons, 1 orange and 3 grapefruits is diluted in 1 liter of water and drunk before meals;
  • water infusion cherry leaves.

Such folk recipes quickly restore strength in the body.

Prevention includes exercises and a special gentle visual regimen. Do not forget about annual monitoring of visual acuity by an ophthalmologist.

Treat emerging inflammations and other diseases, as well as other ailments in the body in a timely manner. All this will help preserve your vision for a long time.

After 40 years, changes in vision become noticeable. Age-related farsightedness is one of the types of impairment that does not allow you to clearly see objects and inscriptions close up.

What does farsightedness mean?

Senile farsightedness is a completely natural phenomenon; it develops over the years as a result of disturbances in the eye apparatus and is characterized by the difficulty (impossibility) of the eye lens to focus on small objects located nearby. It becomes difficult to distinguish small text, read books and newspapers, but at a distance the same things are clearly visible.

The physiology of the lens allows it to change its refractive power, thus adapting to different conditions: see close and far, in bright sun and in the dark. Over the years, the ability to accommodate is lost.

Causes of visual changes in adults after 40-45 years:

  • the elasticity of eye tissue decreases;
  • the amount of water in the tissues of the lens decreases;
  • functional connective tissues are replaced, which leads to clouding of the lens and its inability to change its focusing angle;
  • weakening of the muscles that form the supporting apparatus;
  • dystrophy of the ciliary muscle.

Changes occur smoothly and, sometimes, completely unnoticed; a lot depends on physical health person, hereditary predisposition, preventive measures regarding vision. After 30 years, the ability to accommodate the lens decreases by approximately half, after 40 - by 60-65%, after 60 years - completely.

Normally, age-related farsightedness develops as follows:

  1. Normal refraction, without deviations towards myopia or farsightedness, is called emmetropia. The first disturbances become noticeable by the age of 40-44, the eyes quickly get tired, brighter lighting is required for reading and work, objects located in the distance are seen more clearly. There may be lacrimation, pain above the eyebrows, in the bridge of the nose.
  2. If a person has been diagnosed with farsightedness in at a young age, then its symptoms become brighter earlier than 40 years. Violations appear already by the age of 30, and hyperopia (increased farsightedness) interferes with viewing objects both near and far.
  3. If a person is diagnosed with myopia - myopia, then age-related farsightedness will affect him later than usual. The inability to see in the distance is, as it were, compensated over time and allows you to do without special glasses; with severe myopia, vision becomes “normal” over the years.

Degrees of farsightedness

  1. Weak is characterized fatigue, headaches and dizziness. Visual impairment is noted during an ophthalmological examination (up to +2 diopters), but is not noticeable to the patient himself.
  2. The average is characterized by a loss of clarity of nearby objects, while the range of vision is not impaired. During the examination, a deviation of up to + 5 diopters is observed.
  3. When disturbances exceed +5 diopters, the patient loses the ability to focus on both near and distant objects. An ophthalmologist diagnoses a high degree of farsightedness.

Astigmatism: both farsightedness and nearsightedness

Astigmatism is a disorder in the cornea and lens, leading to the inability to focus on any object. Uncorrected astigmatism leads to the development of strabismus and severe loss visual acuity.

When two or more focusing points are formed in the eye, astigmatism is diagnosed; in this case, the patient is said to have both myopia and farsightedness at the same time.

Symptoms of age-related astigmatism:

  • objects located both far and close are equally difficult to see;
  • there is “fog” before the eyes, there is no clarity in the perception of the picture;
  • the picture may split into two, it becomes dark in the eyes;
  • small black dots float before the eyes, photophobia manifests itself;
  • eyes are strained and get tired quickly.

Signs of presbyopia – age-related farsightedness – naturally follow from this:

  • blurriness of objects and text located in close proximity to the eyes;
  • desire to carry a book, small item, computer at a distance of more than 30-40 cm from the eyes;
  • increased fatigue, headaches, eye fatigue.

Diagnosis of presbyopia

The diagnosis is made by a doctor after performing the necessary tests and manipulations.

  1. Visometry – assessment of visual acuity using tables. The patient is at a distance of 5 m from the table and, under certain lighting, answers the doctor’s questions. Visual acuity is determined for both eyes in turn.
  2. Autorefractometry is one way to assess the refraction of eye lenses. Using the device, a beam of infrared waves is sent to the retina, which, reflected from the fundus of the eye, returns back refracted. Its characteristics are recorded and evaluated by the device, compared with the norm and established any deviations. Accommodation at rest, under tension and involuntary accommodation “into the device” are taken into account.
  3. Skiascopy is an assessment of refraction, in which a light beam reflected from a mirror falls on the pupil. The movement of the shadow is assessed to determine refraction. If the doctor uses a flat mirror, then normal vision and farsightedness, the shadow moves in the same direction as the mirror, with myopia - in the opposite direction.

When conducting an examination, an ophthalmologist may use special substances to facilitate diagnosis. This group includes atropine, tropicamide, cyclopentolad. They are used to dilate the pupil and relax the eye muscles.

How to deal with age-related farsightedness - the most effective methods

There are several categories of ways to improve vision, but the treatment method should be selected by a specialist taking into account the patient’s condition and individual changes that have occurred in the eyes.

Vision correction with glasses

Optical correction is the most common and affordable way to correct age-related vision defects.

  • When you can’t see well up close, you need glasses with positive diopters. Which ones specifically - the doctor will tell you after testing;
  • when you have trouble seeing in the distance, the selection of glasses depends on the degree of myopia. For mild myopia, up to -1.5 diopters, reading glasses will be needed a little later than the standard norm. For myopia up to -5 diopters, presbyoptic glasses are not needed; high degree You need either 2 pairs of glasses or glasses with bifocal lenses.

Contact lenses

Lenses are popular and in demand because they have undeniable advantages: they are invisible, aesthetic, and comfortable. Modern lenses with diopters allow you to simultaneously change the color of the iris, being a kind of decoration.

If we take into account that age-related changes begin already at 40-45 years old, then women of this age (and many men too) prefer contact lenses to glasses.

Lenses for the correction of presbyopia should be selected by an ophthalmologist and purchased from specialized institutions. The technology of the lenses is such that the lenses in the eyes accommodate differently, thanks to which a person sees clearly both near and far.

The only contraindications for wearing lenses are: individual intolerance. It is very important to observe eye hygiene, the expiration dates of lenses and the rules for wearing (storing) them.

Drug therapy

Taufon eye drops stimulate metabolic processes in the eye tissues, restore damaged tissues, and improve nutrition thanks to taurine, an amino acid included in the drug.

Gymnastics for the eyes

  • starting position – sitting, resting your elbows on the table surface. The back is straight, the head is in line with spinal column. Rub your palms against each other for 1-2 minutes until they become hot. Place your palms on eyes closed, use your little fingers to press firmly on the bridge of your nose. Perform 10-15 times.
  • smoothly move your eyes left and right to the maximum possible distance;
  • look up (as far as possible) and also lower your eyes to the floor;
  • describe circles with the maximum possible radius with your eyes;
  • roll your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise;
  • close your eyes tightly and open your eyes (10 times);
  • move your gaze from the upper left corner to the lower right, close your eyes, open them, look at the lower left corner and smoothly move your gaze diagonally to the upper right corner;
  • fix a point on the glass and focus your gaze alternately on it and on the object behind the glass. Perform the exercise for 10 minutes.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine knows what to do to slow down the natural aging of the visual organs.

  • Mix in equal proportions plantain grass, eyebright, chamomile and calendula flowers. 1 tbsp. l. pour 0.5 l of mixture warm water, simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool, strain, take 1/3 tbsp. morning and evening;
  • Mix 1 tbsp. l. chopped parsley root with the same amount lemon juice, add honey to taste. Eat 1 tbsp. l. medication three times a day on an empty stomach.

Cod liver is good for the eyes, fish oil, beef and pork liver, high fat dairy products, chicken eggs. You need foods with microelements - selenium, zinc, copper, magnesium and calcium: blueberries, oranges, spinach, avocado, mushrooms, nuts, seafood.

Laser correction

A method that has gained popularity is the correction of age-related farsightedness using a laser. As a result of the intervention, the curvature of the lens of one of the eyes changes, thus forming monovision (the principle of contact lenses).

Surgical treatment

Operation is one of radical ways treatment of age-related changes. Low-traumatic interventions under local anesthesia make it possible to replace the aged lens with an artificial lens, accommodating or multifocal intraocular.

In each specific case, the lens is selected individually. This operation guarantees the absence of cataracts in the future, since opacification of the artificial lens is in principle impossible.


In order not to think about how to restore vision at the age of 40, you should take care of your eye health in advance, take preventive measures:

  • a supplement such as Taufon will help slow down the natural aging process;
  • it is necessary to alternate load and rest, do not overload the eyes long work at the computer, choose the right lighting;
  • Gymnastics for the eyes will help relieve tension and restore natural tone to the muscles;
  • preventive examinations Seeing an ophthalmologist 1-2 times a year should become the norm after 40 years.

It is impossible to say whether farsightedness is a plus or a minus. This is a deviation from the norm that needs to be controlled and corrected in order to maintain life at a normal pace.