Hospital surgeon. Job description

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State budgetary healthcare institution of the city of Moscow “City Clinic No. _

Department of Health of the City of Moscow"

Job description


1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines the functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the Surgeon of the department of the State Budgetary Institution "GP No. _ DZM" (hereinafter referred to as the Institution).

1.2. The position of a Surgeon belongs to the category of specialists.

1.3. A person with a higher medical education, postgraduate training or specialization in the specialty “Surgery”, and a valid certificate of a specialist in the specialty “Surgery” that meets the Qualification requirements for specialists with higher and postgraduate medical education in the field of healthcare is appointed to the position of Surgeon.

1.4. The surgeon must know and observe:The Constitution and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on healthcare, including, without fail, the Law of the Russian Federation No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”, Order No. 541n of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts,regulating the activities of healthcare institutions; the basics of organizing medical and preventive care in hospitals and outpatient clinics, ambulance and emergency medical care, disaster medicine services, sanitary-epidemiological services, drug provision for the population and health care facilities; theoretical foundations, principles and methods of medical examination; organizational and economic foundations of the activities of healthcare institutions and medical workers in the conditions of budgetary insurance medicine;

fundamentals of social hygiene, organization and economics of healthcare, medical ethics and deontology; legal aspects of medical practice; general principles and basic methods of clinical, instrumental and laboratory diagnostics of the functional state of organs and systems of the human body; etiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, clinical features, principles of complex treatment of major diseases; rules for providing emergency medical care; basics of examination of temporary disability and medical and social examination; basics of health education; internal labor regulations; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

In his specialty, a surgeon must know: modern methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation; content and sections of surgery as an independent clinical discipline; tasks, organization, structure, staffing and equipment of the surgical service; current regulatory, legal, instructional and methodological documents in the specialty; rules for processing medical documentation; the procedure for conducting an examination of temporary disability and medical and social examination; principles of planning and reporting of surgical services; methods and procedures for monitoring its activities.

1.5. A surgeon is appointed and dismissed by order of the Chief Physician of the Institution in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation upon the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Invasive Treatment Methods.

1.6. The surgeon is directly subordinate to the Head of the Department of Invasive Treatment Methods, and in his absence to the person replacing him.

1.7. In case of temporary absence (vacation, illness, business trip), the position of a surgeon is filled by a person from among the department's surgeons, appointed by order of the Chief Physician with the transfer of all powers of rights and responsibilities.

1.8. A surgeon, in accordance with the Regulations on the permanent medical commission, may be involved in the activities of the permanent medical commission as part of the subcommittees:

on the organization of medical support;

on examination of temporary disability;

on the organization of drug supply;

on the study of fatalities;

on the validity of referral for research;

for the provision of high-tech medical care.

The surgeon carries out his activities as a member of permanent commissions on the basis of the current Regulations on permanent commissions.

2. Job responsibilities

The surgeon is obliged:

2.1. Provide qualified medical care in their specialty, using modern methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation, approved for use in medical practice;

2.2. Determine the tactics of patient management in accordance with established rules and standards described by the order on the procedure for providing medical care in the “Surgery” profile;

2.3. Develop a plan for examining the patient, clarify the scope and rational methods of examining the patient in order to obtain complete and reliable diagnostic information in the shortest possible time;

2.4. Based on clinical observations and examination, medical history, data from clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies, establish (or confirm) a diagnosis;

2.5. In accordance with established rules and standards, prescribe and monitor the necessary treatment;

2.6. Organize or independently carry out the necessary diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitation and preventive procedures and measures;

2.7. Make changes to the treatment plan depending on the patient’s condition and determine the need for additional examination methods, do this by providing documents to the relevant commission (subcommittee);

2.8. Provide advisory assistance to Doctors of other departments of the Institution in their specialty;

2.9. Monitor the correctness and timeliness of the nursing staff’s fulfillment of the patient’s prescriptions;

2.10. Participate in training to improve the qualifications of nursing staff of the department and all medical personnel of the Institution;

2.11. Plan your work and prepare a report on statistical indicators of your activities;

2.12. Prepare medical and other documentation in a timely and high-quality manner in accordance with established rules;

2.13. Conduct sanitary education work among patients;

2.14. Comply with the rules and principles of medical ethics and deontology;

2.15. Participate in the examination of temporary disability and prepare the necessary documents for the medical and social examination;

2.16. Carry out orders, instructions and instructions from the management of the institution, as well as regulatory and legal acts related to their professional activities, in a high-quality and timely manner;

2.17. Comply with internal regulations, fire and safety regulations, sanitary and epidemiological regime;

2.18. Promptly take measures, including timely informing the Head of the Department of Invasive Treatment Methods, to eliminate violations of safety regulations, fire safety and sanitary rules that pose a threat to the activities of the institution, its employees, patients and visitors;

2.19. Rational use of the department's labor and material resources.

2.20. Rationally organize your work at the workplace;

2.21. Prepare your own workplace in a timely and high-quality manner and maintain this quality throughout the working day;

2.22. Provide emergency medical care to patients, employees and visitors of the Institution;

2.23. Regularly undergo training (instructions, trainings) in safety precautions, industrial sanitation, occupational hygiene, fire protection, the operation of a medical institution in extreme conditions, organized by the administration of the Institution in accordance with approved plans.

3. Rights

A surgeon has the right:

3.1. Make proposals to management to improve the diagnostic and treatment process, improve the work of administrative, economic and paraclinical services, the organization and conditions of their work;

3.2. Monitor, within the scope of their competence, the work of nursing and junior medical personnel, make proposals to management for their encouragement or imposition of penalties;

3.3. Request, receive and use information materials and regulatory documents necessary for the performance of their official duties;

3.4. Take part in scientific and practical conferences and meetings where issues related to his work are discussed;

3.5. Pass certification in the prescribed manner with the right to receive the appropriate qualification category;

3.6. Improve your qualifications through advanced training courses at least once every 5 years;

3.7. To fill the positions of surgeons in other departments of the Institution in cases of operational necessity and with sufficient qualifications for this, and the position of the Head of the Department with the Chief Physician issuing an appropriate order for the duration of leave, in the temporary absence or illness of the Head;

3.8. A surgeon enjoys all labor rights in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

4. Responsibility

The surgeon is responsible for:

4.1. High-quality performance of their duties;

4.2. Execution of orders, instructions and instructions from senior management, requirements of regulatory legal acts on medical activities;

4.3. Rational and efficient use of time, material and financial resources;

4.4. Compliance with internal regulations, sanitary and anti-epidemic regulations, fire safety and safety regulations;

4.5. Maintaining documentation provided for by current regulations;

4.6. Providing reports on their activities in accordance with the established procedure, including using computer technology;

4.7. Maintaining performance discipline;

4.8. Personal participation in the work of the surgical department in emergency situations.

For violation of labor discipline, legislative and regulatory acts, a surgeon may be subject to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense.

In case of production necessity, the Institution reserves the right to adjust the job description.


Head of HR Department

Legal Advisor

Signature ______________________________ (full name)"_____" ______________ 20__

(signature, surname, initials, date)

Head of department

Signature ______________________________ (full name) →

1. General part
A specialist with a higher medical education, specialization in pediatric surgery and a certificate of pediatric surgeon is appointed to the position of a surgeon.

Directly reports to the head of the trauma department and works under his leadership.

Works according to a schedule approved by the hospital's chief physician. In his work he is guided by official documents on the section of work being performed, orders and instructions of higher authorities and officials, and these instructions.

The department doctor organizes and provides medical care (diagnosis and treatment) to patients in the department.
Orders on medical issues of a pediatric surgeon are mandatory for the nursing and junior medical staff of the department.
Appointed and dismissed by the chief physician of the hospital in accordance with current legislation.

P. Responsibilities of a surgeon

1. Provides an appropriate level of examination and treatment of patients in
in accordance with modern achievements of medical science and practice.
2 — Draws up and implements a scientifically based examination and treatment plan
3 supervised patients. In complex cases requiring specific clinical experience
4 and theoretical knowledge, a plan for examination and treatment of the patient is developed under
5 by the leadership of the head of the department and the curator of the department. 

— Provides the necessary care for patients based on the principles of therapeutic
6 protective regime and compliance with the rules of medical deontology, as well as
7 compliance by patients with the established hospital regime.
4 — Every day, together with the ward nurse, he conducts a round of patients and notes
5 main changes in their condition per day, and depending on this determines
6 necessary measures for treatment and care of patients. 

— Participates in surgical operations, on rounds with the head of the department or
7 curator of the department, reports to them on examinations of other patients in this department or
8 specialized hospital departments, carried out on behalf of the head
9 department or deputy chief physician for infection. 

— Participates in the reception of patients admitted to the department during its opening hours,
10 examines them, prescribes the necessary therapeutic and diagnostic measures and
11 fills out medical history in the prescribed manner, bears personal responsibility
12 for the correct prescription and use of narcotic and psychotropic drugs
13 funds.
7. Organizes and controls the correctness and timeliness of execution
nursing staff of medical prescriptions and instructions for treatment and care
for the sick, for keeping the sick in proper cleanliness and neatness.
8 - Discharges and transfers patients to other departments of the hospital or
9 other medical and preventive institution only by agreement and receipt
10 permission for transfer from the head of the department or deputy chief physician for
11 infections. 

- On duty at the hospital in accordance with the approved schedule
12 chief physician or person performing these duties.
10. Monitors the health status of mothers on a daily basis.
admitted to feed and care for children for whom he is the attending physician.
12. Reports to the head of the department, and in his absence directly
Deputy Chief Physician for Surgery and Deputy Chief Physician for Infection
all life-threatening changes in the health status of surgical patients
profile and all cases of death, as well as gross violations of internal rules
routine and labor discipline on the part of medical personnel.
13. Present at autopsies of deceased patients in the department.
14 — Before leaving the department (at the end of the work shift) reports to
15 in writing to the doctor on duty about seriously ill patients requiring special medical attention
16 observations. 

— In the absence of the head of the department, takes part in the reception of shifts
17 medical personnel on duty, informs the shift taking over duty about
18 monitoring of patients, the condition of newly admitted patients, changes in
19 conditions of patients, about their therapy. Enters instructions into the observation diary

20 about caring for patients according to their condition.
16 — Systematically carries out activities to improve qualifications and
17 education of middle and junior medical personnel, requires from them accurate and
18 timely fulfillment of their duties, sensitive and attentive attitude to
19 patients, maintaining medical confidentiality, careful handling of medications,
20 tools, linen and other property. 

— Increases one’s theoretical level and qualifications through active
21 participations in hospital-wide conferences, hospital councils, clinical reviews
22 patients, seminars, meetings of the society of pediatric surgeons.
18. Analyzes the quality indicators of his work, studies
effectiveness of long-term results of treatment of patients.
19. Timely examination for bacteria carriers of microbes
intestinal group, blood test for the Wasserman reaction and other examinations,
provided for by the “Instructions for carrying out mandatory preventive
medical examinations of persons working in child care institutions.”
20. In case of fire and other natural disasters, takes measures to stop
imminent danger, as well as to save patients according to a pre-developed plan
(evacuation of patients in an emergency).
21. Complies with the rules of internal labor regulations, deontology and

professional ethics, monitors their compliance with secondary and junior medical

Sh. The rights of a surgeon have the right:
2. Involve, if necessary, doctors of other specialties for
consultation and treatment of patients.
3. Give orders and instructions to secondary and junior medical personnel
department staff, in accordance with the level of their competence and qualifications and
monitor their implementation.
4. Periodically improve your professional qualifications at work
place or at refresher courses in the prescribed manner.
5 — Obtain information necessary to perform official duties
6 responsibilities. 

— Participate in hospital conferences, seminars, meetings.

IV, Responsibility of the surgeon

The surgeon is responsible for the clear and timely fulfillment of the duties provided for in this instruction and the internal labor regulations of the hospital; for inaction and failure to make decisions within the scope of his competence.
_________________ ______________ "___" _________ ____ G.

(Full name) (signature)
I have read the instructions: _____________/_________/ “___”_________ ____ g.

(signature) (full name)

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1. A person with a higher medical education who has completed specialization in surgery (surgeon), as well as a nephrologist who has completed specialization in the CIUV or “on the job” in the hemodialysis department, is appointed to the position of a surgeon.

2. A surgeon is appointed and dismissed from work by order of the heads. clinic doctor according to personal statement.

3. Submits and follows the instructions of the manager. department and director of the clinic.

4. The surgical nurse is subordinate to the surgeon, assigned to prepare and conduct the operation to create vascular access, to carry out dressing work, who is freed from work in the dialysis room for this time.

5. To participate in the operation, the surgeon attracts a nurse from the post or from the dialysis room (if a nurse is available) or an orderly to participate in the operation (without sterile clothing).

6. The surgeon is guided in his work by the orders of the Rector, the chief physician of the clinics, the director of the clinic, and the methodological instructions of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

II. Main goals:

Participation of the surgeon in the performance of medical, educational and scientific work according to the department plan.

III. Job responsibilities

1. Creation of vascular access for hemodialysis in patients with ESRD. The surgeon together with the attending physician and the head. The department selects the volume of the operation (shunt or fistula) and the time of the operation.

2. Performs operations in case of complications from a shunt or fistula.

3. Carrying out initial connections in patients with arteriovenous fistula.

4. The number of operations according to the staffing schedule is approximately 8.8 per dialysis place per year.

5. A surgeon teaches nephrologists the technique of installing an arteriovenous shunt.

6. The surgeon is responsible for maintaining the sanitary and epidemiological regime during surgical and dressing work. Conducts classes with operating room nurses on the rules of asepsis and antisepsis and the implementation of sanitary and epidemiological regulations.

7. The surgeon also performs operations: paracentesis, pleural puncture, if necessary, pericardial puncture (threat of cardiac tamponade), sewing in a peritoneal catheter for peritoneal dialysis.

IV. Responsible

1. For the quality of the work performed.

2. For the correctness and accuracy of documentation (operational journal).

3. 3a compliance with sanitary and epidemiological regulations in the operating room by all those participating in the operation.

4. For the proper use and safety of equipment in the operating room.

V. Relationships

1. Presents an annual report on the operational work of the manager. department.

2. Reports to the director of the clinic and deputy. director of the clinic.

VI. Rights

1. Has the right to undergo certification at the CIUV to obtain a category.

2. Has the right to undergo retraining at the CIUV once every 5 years.

3. Has the right to conduct scientific work under the guidance of the clinic’s research staff.

4. Has the right to combine his work in other medical institutions or in the same department with the permission of the head. department, taking into account the performance of their duties in the department, in their free time from their duties.

VII. Incentives and punishments

1. Gratitude may be expressed at the clinic, at the institute, or by the rector of the academy.

2. Issuance of a cash bonus.

3. Place on the honor board: clinic, institute.

4. Announcing a reprimand at the clinic, at the institute.

5. Imposition of an administrative penalty.

  1. Imposition of a monetary fine for an irresponsible attitude towards operated equipment, premises and other material assets, resulting in damage to the latter.


[Job title]



[Name of company]


_______________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"______" _______________ 20___



1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the surgeon [Name of the organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Medical Organization).

1.2. A surgeon is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by current labor legislation by order of the head of the Medical Organization.

1.3. A surgeon belongs to the category of specialists and is subordinate to [names of subordinate positions in the dative case].

1.4. The surgeon reports directly to [name of the position of the immediate supervisor in the dative case] of the Medical Organization.

1.5. A person who has a higher professional education in one of the specialties “General Medicine”, “Pediatrics” and postgraduate professional education (internship and (or) residency) in the specialty “Surgery” is appointed to the position of a surgeon.

1.6. The surgeon is responsible for:

  • effective performance of the work assigned to him;
  • compliance with the requirements of performance, labor and technological discipline;
  • the safety of documents (information) in his custody (that have become known to him) containing (constituting) the commercial secret of the Medical Organization.

1.7. The surgeon must know:

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in force in the field of healthcare;
  • general issues of organizing surgical care in the Russian Federation;
  • organization of ambulance and emergency care for adults and children;
  • topographic anatomy of the main areas of the body (head, neck, chest, anterior abdominal wall and abdominal cavity, lower extremities);
  • anatomical features of childhood;
  • basic issues of normal and pathological physiology in surgical pathology;
  • the relationship between the functional systems of the body and the levels of their regulation;
  • the causes of pathological processes in the body, the mechanisms of their development and clinical manifestations;
  • basics of water-electrolyte metabolism;
  • acid-base balance;
  • possible types of their disorders and principles of treatment in childhood and adults;
  • pathophysiology of injury and blood loss, prevention and treatment of shock and blood loss, pathophysiology of wound healing;
  • physiology and pathophysiology of the blood coagulation system, indications and contraindications for transfusion of blood and its components;
  • general, functional, instrumental and other special methods of examining a surgical patient;
  • issues of asepsis and antisepsis in surgery;
  • principles, techniques and methods of pain management in surgery, issues of intensive care and resuscitation in adults and children;
  • basics of pharmacotherapy for surgical diseases, including general and local use of antibiotics, hormone therapy;
  • basics of immunobiology, microbiology;
  • fundamentals of radiology and radiology;
  • clinical symptoms of major surgical diseases in adults and children, their prevention, diagnosis and treatment;
  • clinical symptoms of “borderline” diseases in a surgical clinic (urology, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, infectious diseases);
  • principles of preparing patients (adults and children) for surgery and managing the postoperative period;
  • issues of temporary and permanent disability, medical examination and rehabilitation of surgical patients;
  • the use of physiotherapy, physical therapy;
  • indications and contraindications for spa treatment;
  • labor safety rules when working with equipment and surgical instruments;
  • the basics of rational nutrition, principles of diet therapy in surgical patients, during preoperative preparation and in the postoperative period;
  • equipping operating rooms for intensive care;
  • surgical instruments used in various surgical operations;
  • principles of organizing and conducting clinical examination of the population;
  • economic issues of surgical service;
  • issues of organization and activities of the medical service of civil defense and military field surgery;
  • forms and methods of sanitary educational work;
  • rules of sanitary and epidemiological regime;
  • basics of labor legislation;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • labor protection and fire safety rules.

1.8. The surgeon in his activities is guided by:

  • local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the Medical Organization;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules of labor protection and safety, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;
  • instructions, orders, decisions and instructions from the immediate supervisor;
  • this job description.

1.9. During the period of temporary absence of a surgeon, his duties are assigned to [name of the deputy position].

2. Job responsibilities

A surgeon is required to perform the following labor functions:

2.1. Performs a list of works and services for diagnosing the disease, assessing the patient’s condition and clinical situation in accordance with the standard of medical care.

2.2. Performs a list of works and services for the treatment of a disease, condition, clinical situation in accordance with the standard of medical care.

2.3. Conducts an examination of temporary disability, refers patients with signs of permanent disability for examination for a medical and social examination.

2.4. Prepares the necessary medical documentation required by health care legislation.

2.5. Conducts health education work with the population and patients.

2.6. Draws up a report on his work and analyzes its effectiveness.

In case of official necessity, a surgeon may be involved in the performance of his official duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by the provisions of federal labor legislation.

3. Rights

A surgeon has the right:

3.1. Give instructions and tasks to his subordinate employees and services on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities.

3.2. Monitor the implementation of production tasks, timely completion of individual orders and tasks by the services subordinate to him.

3.3. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the surgeon, his subordinate services and departments.

3.4. Interact with other enterprises, organizations and institutions on production and other issues related to the competence of the surgeon.

3.5. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.

3.6. Submit proposals on the appointment, transfer and dismissal of employees of subordinate departments for consideration by the head of the Medical Organization; proposals to encourage them or to impose penalties on them.

3.7. Use other rights established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. The surgeon bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Failure to carry out or improperly carry out official instructions from the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure to perform or improper performance of one's job functions and assigned tasks.

4.1.3. Illegal use of granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work assigned to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to ensure compliance with labor discipline.

4.2. Assessment of the work of a surgeon is carried out:

4.2.1. By the immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the employee’s daily performance of his labor functions.

4.2.2. The certification commission of the enterprise - periodically, but at least once every two years, based on documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for assessing the work of a surgeon is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for in these instructions.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The working hours of a surgeon are determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established in the Medical Organization.

6. Signature right

6.1. To ensure his activities, a surgeon is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues within his competence by this job description.

I have read the instructions ___________/___________/ “____” _______ 20__

You can download job description surgeon for free.
Job responsibilities of a surgeon.

I approve

________________________________ (Last name, initials)

(name of institution, its ___________________________

organizational and legal form) (director; other person

authorized to approve

job description)




(name of institution)

00.00.201_g. №00

I. General provisions

1.1. This job description defines the job duties, rights and responsibilities of the surgeon _____________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “enterprise”).

1.2. A person with a higher medical education and training in the specialty “Surgery” is appointed to the position of a surgeon.

1.3. Appointment to the position of a surgeon and dismissal from it is made in the manner established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the healthcare institution.

1.4. The surgeon reports directly to _____________________

(head of department, deputy chief physician)

1.5. The surgeon must know:

Laws of the Russian Federation and other legal acts regulating the activities of healthcare institutions;

Current normative and methodological documents regulating the activities of medical institutions;

Methods and rules for providing medicinal and emergency medical care;

Contents of surgery as a separate clinical discipline;

Organization, structure, tasks, staffing and equipment of the surgical service;

All legal and regulatory documents in your specialty;

Methods for prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of the patient;

Planning the activities and all reporting of the surgical service;

Methodology and procedure for monitoring your service;

Rules and regulations of labor protection, industrial sanitation, safety and fire protection;

Fundamentals of labor legislation of the Russian Federation

Internal labor regulations;

1.6. During the absence of a surgeon (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed in the prescribed manner by an appointed person who bears full responsibility for their proper performance.

II. Job responsibilities


2.1. In his specialty, he provides qualified medical care, using modern methods of diagnosis, prevention, treatment and subsequent rehabilitation of the patient.

2.2. In accordance with established rules and standards, he selects patient management tactics and develops a plan for his examination.

2.3. Specifies the scope and methods of examining the patient to obtain a reliable and complete diagnosis of the disease in the shortest possible time.

2.4. Based on the collected data, he performs an analysis, as well as prescribes and carries out the necessary treatment and procedures.

2.5. Conducts daily examination of the patient in the hospital.

2.6. Changes treatment plan as needed

2.7. Consults doctors of health care facilities in his specialty

2.8. Supervises lower-level medical personnel

2.9. Monitors the correctness of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, as well as the operation of equipment and equipment, instruments, medications, reagents

2.10. Monitors compliance with safety and labor protection rules by lower-ranking medical personnel.

2.11. Timely and competently executes orders, instructions and instructions from the management of the institution

2.12. Complies with internal regulations.

2.13. Complies with labor protection, industrial sanitation and safety regulations

2.14. Timely and competently executes orders, instructions and instructions from the management of the institution

2.15. Complies with internal regulations.

2.16. Complies with labor protection, industrial sanitation and safety regulations

III. Rights

A surgeon has the right:

3.1. Make proposals to the management of the enterprise on the optimization and improvement of medical and social care, including on issues of their work activities.

3.2. Demand that the management of the institution provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

3.3. Receive information from company specialists necessary to effectively fulfill your job responsibilities.

3.4. Pass certification in the prescribed manner with the right to receive the appropriate qualification category.

3.5. Take part in meetings, scientific and practical conferences and sections on issues related to your professional activities.

3.6. Enjoy labor rights in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

I V . Responsibility

The surgeon is responsible for:

4.1. For the proper and timely performance of the duties assigned to him, provided for by this job description

4.2. For organizing your work and qualified execution of orders, instructions and instructions from the management of the enterprise.

4.3. For ensuring that employees subordinate to him comply with their duties.

4.4. For failure to comply with internal rules and safety regulations.

For offenses or inaction committed during the treatment process; for errors in the process of carrying out their activities that entailed serious consequences for the health and life of the patient; as well as for violation of labor discipline, legislative and regulatory acts, a surgeon may be subject to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense.