Cherry blossom time. When do cherry blossoms bloom? Cherry flowers

Since time immemorial, the cherry orchard has been a symbol of family, unity and native land.

The smell of Cherry blossoms in the spring awakened tender memories and gave a sea of ​​emotions in the summer, when the ripe berries no longer held on to the branches.

Cherries were a sign of the purity and softness of female nature, as evidenced by paintings of the 18th century.

In Christianity, cherries, like apples, are the fruit of paradise. The cherry tree itself is the tree of knowledge.

Cherry blossoms were a symbol of the bride in many regions. The Cherry Orchard was a favorite place for unmarried girls.

In Ukraine, the Cherry Orchard protected the house from evil spirits. It was believed that the inhabitants of dark corners and swamps would avoid such a house. As long as the Cherry Orchard lives, friendship and love will reign in the family.

In Japan, the blossoming Cherry Sakura marks the beginning of a new cycle in the life of the village. At this time, rice sowing began.

Cherry names

There are several versions of the origin of the word “cherry”.

According to another version, the word “cherry” comes from the Latin “viscum”, which meant “bird glue”. The fact is that the trunk of the Cherry tree secretes a sticky, aromatic sap-resin, which can be found on the wounds of the tree.

The Latin name for the tree is Cerasus, which actually means “cherry.” The name comes from the city of Kerak (Kerasunt) - the birthplace of this beautiful tree.

Where Cherry Grows

There are about 130 species of this plant, distributed throughout the world.

Common cherry is a cultivated plant and grows in gardens and parks. Due to their high nutrient content, Cherry and Cherry are valuable fruit and berry crops in many countries.

Wild Cherry species are found in the Himalayas, the Far East, Japan and China. This species is resistant even to severe frosts.

Steppe wild Cherry is found in Siberia, Kazakhstan, Bashkiria and the Volga region. It can also be found in the North Caucasus and the European part of Russia.

The homeland of the common cherry is the Black Sea coast. From these places the tree came to Rome and gained worldwide fame.

The tree is undemanding to soil conditions. Can be found in ravines and thickets near forest edges.

What does Cherry look like?

Cherry is a low tree or shrub.

The common cherry can reach 10 meters in height with a trunk diameter of up to 40 cm, while its wild fellow shrub reaches only 2 meters in height.

The Cherry root system is very powerful, so even the strongest winds are not capable of causing serious harm to the Cherry Orchard.

The age of some tree representatives can reach 100 years. Steppe wild Cherry lives only 15-20 years.

During flowering in April or May, Cherry is dressed in a snowy blanket of flower umbrellas.

In summer, in July, fragrant dark red berries ripen on the branches. The fruits have a sweet and sour taste and contain a huge amount of microelements.

Medicinal properties of cherries

The fruits, bark, leaves and even flowers of Cherry are used for medicinal purposes.

In addition, the fruits will help strengthen intestinal motility and cope with constipation.

Cherry juice is used as an effective antipyretic.

Dried cherry tree sap is a good enveloping agent. A decoction of the stalks has an identical effect.

Cherry pits are dangerous if consumed internally, but the dried and ground product is used as compresses for gout.

Cherry leaves have antiseptic properties, so they are used when storing berries and other fruits.

Cherry water, obtained from cherry blossoms using steam, is an excellent remedy for treating eye inflammation.


Everything is good in moderation. And Cherry fruits in this case are no exception. You should not overuse berries if you have diabetes and problems with the intestines and stomach.

When using Cherries in the treatment of any ailments, you should consult with specialists.

Application of Cherry

The powerful roots of Cherry allow the plant to be used to strengthen slopes and dumps.

The wood is widely used in the production of high-value furniture and many joinery products and accessories.

The wood is processed into veneer and used in intarsia and marquetry.

Cherry fruits are widely used in cooking and modern medicine as a flavoring agent and as a food additive.

Thanks to the huge number of flowers, cherry orchards are valuable honey plants.

Cherry masks are used in cosmetics.

The fruits are consumed fresh. On an industrial scale, jams, wines, syrups and other products are made from the fruits.

In England there is a long-living tree, more than 150 years old and almost 14 meters high.

To calm your sleep, you need to eat about two dozen fruits. The sedative effect is due to melatonin contained in cherry berries.

Like a green apple, cherry fruits can relieve headaches.

The cherries that people are used to seeing in gardens have the scientific name “sour cherries,” although they can taste sweet. At the same time, sweet Cherry is called “bird cherry”.

Japanese Cherry Sakura is an inedible species. The blossoming of this Cherry Tree is a sign for the Japanese, as it symbolizes the beginning of rice sowing.

In Switzerland, there was a sign according to which it was believed that a tree would bear fruit better if the first fruits went to the woman who gave birth to her first child.

The natural world is amazingly diverse and beautiful. But cherry blossoms can truly be called a miracle. Blooming in early spring, they dress every branch of the tree in magnificent white or soft pink outfits. From ancient times to the present, cherry flowers evoke admiration, the most tender and touching feelings. Poems are written and songs are sung about these flowers. Artists transfer the unsurpassed beauty of the cherry blossom onto their canvases.

Due to the unpretentiousness of these plants, resistance to dry weather and frost, the geography of growth of cherry trees is extensive. They can be found in every corner of our planet. Cherry trees decorate gardens, parks, squares, and lawns. This tree also grows on the side of roads, pleasing the eye of any person passing or driving by.

A little history

Cherry became known to people long before writing appeared. The peoples of the Mediterranean learned about it earlier than others, from where it came to the Caucasus and Persia. Later, the Romans appreciated cherries. And already in the first century AD it became widespread throughout Europe: it began to be grown in Britain, and the Germans and Belgians liked the cherry blossoms. But in Russia it appeared much later.

Thus, during the reign of Yuri Dolgorukov, the decoration of any corner of Moscow was a cherry orchard, the flowers of which mesmerized with their beauty and aroma. The founder of Moscow brought cherries from Kyiv. It became the first to be grown in Rus'. At first, only the inhabitants of royal estates and monasteries enjoyed and admired the taste of the fruit and the beauty of the flowers, and only in the fifteenth century did cherries move to peasant farmsteads, winning universal love.

Any flowering tree is beautiful, but the cherry tree is especially admirable. When you look at cherry flowers, you want to sing, read poetry, do something good. It is no coincidence that the cherry tree is so loved by the people. In Varna, for example, cherry trees can be found everywhere. They decorate public gardens, parks, gardens and courtyards of the city. And in Taiwan, annual festivals are held in honor of cherry blossoms. Tourists from all over the world come to the holiday. Similar festivals are held in Washington and Macon, Uzhgorod and Seoul. They originate from the time when in 1912 the mayor of Tokyo gave cherry seedlings to an American friend.

When you look at pictures in which cherry blossoms are presented in all their glory, it is impossible to control the desire to see this miracle in reality. Poets, artists, and writers could not ignore the cherry during flowering. In Russia and Japan, in Ukraine and Bulgaria, in Taiwan and America, they sing cherry blossoms in their works, which symbolize the beginning of spring, love, tenderness, youth and rebirth.

Cherry blossom: structure

The cherry flower is attached to a short peduncle, which expands upward, forming a receptacle. A calyx with sepals and five petals forming a corolla are attached to it. Inside the flower are stamens and pistil. In the lower, expanding part of the pistil there is an ovary, in the upper part of which there is a stigma. Only one fruit develops in the ovary of a flower. Cherry flowers, depending on the type of tree, are white and

During flowering, the cherry tree is shrouded, like a bride’s wedding dress, in snow-white flowers with a pinkish tint, collected in bunches into lush inflorescences. This spectacle leaves no one indifferent.

Cherry flowers and their beneficial properties

The cherry flowers, photos of which you see, attract working bees. Thanks to their tireless efforts, a favorite delicacy of both children and adults appears on our table - cherry honey. It has a general strengthening, antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect on the human body. Consuming honey improves immunity.

An aromatic, incredibly tasty tea is brewed from cherry flowers, which contains many organic acids, trace elements and minerals.

Legends, rituals and beliefs associated with cherries

Cherry was firmly rooted in folk life during the time of Christianity, while almost all legends were born in pagan times, when everything was deified, and trees were endowed with signs of animate beings. Therefore, there are few legends about the cherry tree and the beauty of its flowers.

According to Christian traditions, cherries are considered a symbol of human life due to the unique flowering of this tree. It first blooms, and only then becomes covered with leaves. So it is with man: he was born naked into this world, and he leaves it naked.

Cherry in Ukraine is a symbol of the native land, mother. A flowering tree symbolizes a girl, a bride. The cherry orchard is a symbol of a happy family life. For any Ukrainian, whether he comes from a city or a village, the image of a cherry symbolizes his father’s home.

Cherries have long been revered by our ancestors. They believed in the existence of her powerful patron God Kernis. In order for it to help get a good harvest, it had to be appeased, for which candles were lit on flowering trees. The spring New Year ritual of the ancient Slavs was performed around the cherry blossoms.

This pagan rite, according to legend, later began to be performed in Germany. To do this, for the New Year, they grew a flowering cherry tree and decorated it with burning candles.

Our ancestors had a sign: a cherry tree planted near a house will bring good luck and prosperity. The first date of lovers under this plant will bring them happiness.

If you dreamed of cherry and sakura flowers

People have long used it to convey messages, invitations to visit, declarations of love. With its help they expressed admiration, sympathy, regret, hatred, disgust.

Transported to dreams. Seeing cherry blossoms in a dream means good changes in fate and pleasant news. If in a dream you pick a cherry flower, it means that you have tender feelings for your lover. It’s good if you see cherry blossoms blooming before your eyes. This is a sign of recognition and appreciation of your abilities. Happy changes await you if you dream of cherry blossoms. Planting a tree in a dream means great wealth.

A flowering tree that you saw in a dream foreshadows happiness and prosperity. Thanks to the openness of your character and selflessness, you will achieve enormous popularity, and you will be tested by ardent mutual love.

Family people, seeing cherry blossoms in a dream, can hope for long-term happiness and peace in their family. If you have not yet started a family, this dream indicates that very soon a person will appear in your life whom you will love forever. Moreover, you will experience an ardent, unrequited feeling.

Sakura (decorative cherry) symbolizes purity and purity. If you dreamed of cherry blossoms, expect to meet a young, immaculate girl in reality.

Cherry blossoms in tattoo

A branch of cherry blossoms is a favorite image on the skin of young girls who are partial to Japanese and Chinese culture. Emphasizing the tenderness and vulnerability of the soul of its bearers, such a tattoo is very feminine. In Chinese beliefs, it symbolizes the beauty of a woman and sublime love. And in Japanese legends - the transience of life. Feelings, like the fallen petals of a cherry flower, pass, leaving light sadness, sadness, a feeling of loss or missed opportunity.

Today's cherry blossom tattoos emphasize a philosophical and contemplative attitude towards life, aesthetics, short-lived beauty and tenderness.

The national symbol of Japan is sakura

Sakura, or, as it is called, decorative cherry, is considered national. Blooming cherry blossoms resemble soft pink clouds or airy, almost weightless flakes of snow. Pink clouds of flowers form a huge tent from the branches of ancient sakura, into which people rush from all over to admire the garlands of flowering branches descending to the ground.

The flowering of this plant, unfortunately, is a short-lived phenomenon. The wind will blow or it will rain, and the delicate sakura flowers will fall as soon as they bloom. This is probably why the blooming cherry blossom tree is a symbol of the impermanence of existence in Japanese culture, and in poetry - of lost youth and lost love. The Japanese have carried their love for these flowers through many millennia.

Japanese tradition - admiring flowers

The tradition of admiring sakura during its blossoming in Japan appeared a long time ago, during the reign of the Tang dynasty. Aristocrats spent all their free time under a flowering tree: listening to music, gambling and drinking light soft drinks. During the reign of Emperor Saga, cherry blossom viewing festivals began to be held. They gave rise to hanami - the modern tradition of admiring flowers.

During the Reformation era in the 19th century, cherry trees began to be cut down throughout Japan, considering them relics of feudalism. But after some time, the tradition of admiring flowers was revived again, and now this holiday is considered the most beloved in Japan. With trepidation and excitement, the Japanese await the beginning of the holiday to enjoy the pristine purity and amazing beauty of sakura flowers.

The modern hanami holiday begins in the capital, gradually moving to other cities and villages. Special headquarters are being created throughout the country, where information about the time of cherry blossoms flows. The first blooming bud of a magical flower immediately becomes known to everyone through the media.

With the beginning of the wild cherry blossoms, the holiday begins. People still gather under flowering trees near the walls of ancient monasteries, palaces, parks and gardens, enjoying the beauty of the sakura flower and pleasant conversations with loved ones.

Sakura flower: legends

Sakura flowers are delicate and beautiful. They personify human life and are considered the embodiment of the beauty of a Japanese woman. The Japanese people have many beliefs and legends associated with this flower.

The Japanese believe that every beautiful sakura flower tells the story of the fate of a child. A legend born in the distant past is still alive in the memory of the Japanese people. It tells the story that one day an elder named Sakura told the ruler of this village, Shogun, about the cruelty of the prince and brought his small children to him to show his beaten backs. The ruler deservedly punished the prince, and he decided to take revenge on the complainant. He secretly grabbed the headman and his children, tied them tightly to a cherry tree and beat them all to death. Since then, sakura flowers (decorative cherry) have a pinkish tint, as if they were sprinkled with the blood of innocent children. Thanks to this legend, sakura acquires a special mystery.

There is another legend about sakura: a long time ago, in early spring, when the sakura blossomed, God Ninigi - the progenitor of people - married the youngest daughter of the God of the mountains named Blossoming. The father of the young girl was very angry that Ninigi did not choose his eldest daughter as his wife, and prophesied for this couple and their descendants a life as fleeting as a cherry blossom. Since then, the name Sakura has become popular in Japan.

Sakura flower is one of the most beautiful in the world

It's hard to imagine life without flowers. She would be boring, homely and sad. The fair half of humanity loves flowers the most. Flowers give happiness, lift spirits, reduce pain, and help cope with longing for a loved one. The aroma of the sakura flower and its impeccable appearance inspire a person to noble deeds. This flower decorates houses, parks, and gardens.

In honor of the delicate, mysterious sakura flower (ornamental cherry), holidays and festivals are held all over the world, and coins with its image are issued. The cherry blossom is found everywhere in Japan. They decorate clothes, dishes, and household items. His photographs can be seen on the covers of magazines, in the windows of salons and shops, and on advertising brochures. It is no coincidence that the Japanese, with their sensitive souls and impeccable desire for beauty, consider the sakura flower the most beautiful in the world.

    Here, in the south of Ukraine, cherries bloom in late April - early May. This winter was very warm, there was practically no frost. Therefore, our cherries have almost faded at this time. There are even small green cherries. It also depends on the variety. There are earlier cherries and later ones. Although the difference is only a couple of weeks maximum.

    In general, at the beginning of June we will already be baking pies and cooking dumplings with cherries.

    I think in the cooler areas further north the cherries bloom a little later. But I only know about my places.

    How can one not remember The Cherry Orchard by A.P. Chekhov? Indeed, a blooming garden is very beautiful. Cherries bloom around April-May. The exact date depends on the region and when the long-awaited warmth arrived. For example, in Belarus in mid-April you can already see cherry blossoms, especially in the cities, where it is a little warmer, although our cherries in the village have not yet blossomed, but are about to blossom, but the apricot is already blooming.. Spring this year early.

    It all depends on where the cherry grows. For example, I live in central Russia, and our cherry trees usually bloom in early May, although this depends on weather conditions. It happened that it bloomed in mid-late April, and sometimes in mid-late May.

    Well, in general, I’m mainly looking forward to the cherry blossoms in May.

    Cherry blossoms are a wonderful time of spring. In Russia, this period occurs mainly at the beginning of May. Since ancient times, it has been known that people admired this spectacle - cherry blossoms. That year, I remember, you walked down the street and in almost every courtyard of the new district there were flowering cherry trees with white petals beckoning to them.

    A flowering tree is a symbol of spring, rebirth and resurrection of life. Only a few days ago the tree branches were unsightly and dead, but today life blossomed on them! Amazing!

    The flowering time of cherries depends on the variety. If you have an early type of cherry, it may bloom in mid-to-late April. Regular varieties bloom in May. The weather and the location where the cherry tree is planted also make a difference. In shady places and cold May, cherries may delay flowering and will bloom only at the end of May.

    Cherry blossoms in spring; if the climate is warm, then flowering begins in the end of April, and if moderate, then in May. Cherry blossoms are not just a beautiful sight, but also fragrant, white and light pink flowers decorate urban and rural landscapes, trees can be seen even on the roadsides.

    The cherry tree is relatively unpretentious, it is resistant to both drought and frost, so these plants can be found in any city.

    By the way, if you see a cherry blossom tree in a dream, it promises happiness, prosperity, and peace in the family, so a cherry blossom is a harbinger of only good news.

    It becomes very beautiful when the cherry blossoms, the leaves on the tree are practically invisible, only white flowers. There is such aroma and beauty all around, it immediately lifts your spirits, it’s a wonderful spring, and very soon summer.

    But the cherry blossoms, mainly in mid-May Of course, there is a plus and a minus of one week, it all depends on the location, climate, in the shade, for example, cherries will bloom a little later.

    But when the petals of cherry blossoms fall off, it feels like it’s snowing, this phenomenon is interesting and beautiful in its own way.

    It is especially beautiful when sakura blooms; its bloom can already be observed in early May if the weather is nice and sunny.

    The cherry orchard in spring is simply a paradise for a flower lover. The cherry blossoms so much that you can’t even see the tree itself, I’m not even talking about the leaves. A cherry tree in the spring is one fragrant airy cloud, it’s beyond words.

    Cherry blossoms, as I remember from previous years, in early May.

    There is a work by Tamara Kvitko, which is called Cherry Blossom Time and begins like this:

    Really, is there anything more charming than cherry blossoms? I really love those times (even if they are short-lived!) when the cherry blossoms begin to bloom. Here in Siberia this happens at the end May months. Less often - in June, it all depends on the weather.

    Cherry blossoms in the spring.

    To be more precise - in the beginning of May.

    The garden becomes white and very fragrant.

    It’s not for nothing that so many poems have been written about cherry blossoms.

    I really like this poem that Ekaterina Kamaeva wrote:

    In more southern areas, cherries can bloom earlier - at the end of April.

In many countries, the cherry orchard is a symbol of family, prosperity and native land. And cherry blossoms often represent the bride with her innocence and purity. A tree dressed in a snow-white blanket in April or May evokes admiration and a desire to admire this delicate beauty. And cherry blossoms, which have become one of the symbols of Japan, give rise to a new life cycle.

How cherry blossoms

Sung by poets, cherry belongs to the rose family. The most common type is the common cherry.

Its white flowers are collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences.

What color are cherry blossoms?

The cherry flower is actinomorphic, i.e. having at least two planes of symmetry dividing it into two equal halves, with a double perianth. It consists of five non-fused sepals; there are also five petals, they are free; stamens 15–20; one pistil is a characteristic feature of the plum subfamily; superior ovary.
The common cherry is pollinated by insects.

Cherry blossoms leave no one indifferent

How many days does a cherry blossom bloom?

Cherry blossoms usually last for 7–10 days, and in cloudy weather it can last up to two weeks.

When cherry blossoms - flowering dates

Cherry blossoms until the vegetative buds bloom, sometimes simultaneously with it. The time when flowering begins depends on the growing zone and specific weather conditions. The beginning of flowering is usually associated with an increase in temperatures to +10 0 C. Mass flowering begins if average daily temperatures of +10 0 C last for two weeks. In cool weather it lasts up to two weeks.

According to the timing of flowering, cherries can be divided into early-, mid- and late-blooming.

Cherry blossoms and bees need each other

Flowering dates depending on the growing area - table

Growing areaFlowering timePeculiaritiesMost common varieties
UkraineEnd of April - beginning of May Ukrainian Griot, Lotovka, Early Spanka, Amorel, Large-fruited Spanka, Elegant, Toy
Central Russiafrom 7–10 to 15 MayCherry blossoms often occur during rainy weather. During this period, bees do not fly and do not pollinate flowers. As a result, you may be left without a harvest. The way out of this situation is to plant self-fertile varieties that can be pollinated without the help of insects with their own pollen.Apukhtinskaya, Youth, Almaz, Chernokorka, Meeting, Lyubskaya, Shokoladnitsa, Fatezh, Chermashnaya, Gift of Ryazan, Iput, Tyutchevka, Early Oryol, Kharitonovskaya, Kursk Shpanka, Yubileinnaya, Shubinka
Moscow regionfrom 7–10 to 15 MayIt is difficult to obtain a high harvest of cherries in the Moscow region.Apukhtinskaya, Youth, Diamond, Meeting, Lyubskaya, Shokoladnitsa, Fatezh, Chermashnaya, Gift of Ryazan, Iput, Tyutchevka, Orlovskaya early, Poetry, Baby, Coral, Griot Moscow
KrasnodarEnd of April - beginning of May Lyubskaya, Apukhtinskaya, Shpanka, Krasnodar sweet, Novella, Nord-star, Orlitsa
CrimeaApril 20–27 English early, Podbelskaya, Anadolskaya
KubanApril 20–27 Lyubskaya, Apukhtinskaya, Shpanka, Krasnodar sweet, Novella, Nord-star, Garland,
Saint PetersburgEnd of May - beginning of JuneCold rainy weather prevents the formation of a good harvest.Vladimirskaya, Rubinovaya, Zvezdochka, Lyubskaya, Shpanka Shimskaya, Rainbow, Zarnitsa, Bagryannaya, Amorel Nikiforova
Ural and Siberian regionsEnd of May - first ten days of June
(May 20–25 - early flowering,
May 25–30 average flowering,
June 1–5, late flowering)
For the Urals, medium and late flowering periods are more suitable. In this case, they are less at risk of frost.Maksimovskaya, Mayak, Metelitsa, Zmeinogorskaya, Ashinskaya vulgaris, Ob, Malinovka
RostovThird ten days of April Lyubskaya, Zhukovskaya, Competitor, Lada, Livenka, Meteor, Kharitonovskaya

Cherry blossoms - spring, beauty, life - video

When do cherry blossoms bloom? This is far from an idle question. After all, a blooming cherry orchard is not only a beauty to the eye, but also hope for a successful harvest of your favorite fruits. And if the flowering took place at the right time, and the weather did not disappoint, then the harvest will definitely please both the gardeners themselves and those who simply love aromatic berries.

How cherry blossoms (sakura).

Japanese cherry. Delicate petals caress the eye

FOR A LONG TIME, the Japanese have sung the beauty of cherry blossoms - the Japanese cherry tree. Its delicate petals were so loved that cherry blossoms took a special place in the culture of the people. In some cases, the Japanese word for "flower" refers specifically to sakura. For thousands of years, the Japanese have admired these lovely flowers.

Numerous cherry trees grow throughout the Japanese islands. You don't have to travel far to see at least one of the approximately three hundred species of sakura. The cherry inflorescence consists of several double flowers, which, as a rule, have five petals. Their color varies from white to pink and sometimes crimson. For the Japanese, the color and shape of sakura flowers have become a symbol of purity and sincerity.

A blossoming cherry tree, wrapped in an airy soft “blanket” of light pink petals, pleases the eye. And the cherry grove is simply mesmerizing.

A magnificent sight

Since ancient times, the Yoshino Mountains have been famous for their white cherry blossoms. More than one hundred thousand cherry trees grow here in four large groves. One of them is called Hitome senbon, which means “a thousand trees in sight.” Everywhere you look, there are white flowers on the mountain slopes, as if everything is covered with snow. It's no wonder that up to 350 thousand people flock here every year to enjoy this splendor!

The way the trees were planted creates different effects. For example, the branches of trees growing in parallel rows, intertwining, form a “flowering corridor.” Just imagine a light pink dome of numerous cherry blossoms above your head, and a carpet of petals under your feet.

However, the delightful flowering does not last long - only two to three days. And sometimes, due to weather conditions, even less.

Hanami - picnic under the sakura

Cherry blossoms gradually move from south to north. It begins in January on the island of Okinawa and ends at the end of May on the island of Hokkaido. This phenomenon is called the “cherry blossom front.” It is often talked about on radio, television, written in newspapers and even on the Internet. Hearing on the news that Japanese cherry trees are blooming in some area, millions of people come there to see them.

The custom of hanami, or flower viewing - in this case we are talking only about sakura - has roots in the distant past. Already in the Heian period (794-1185), nobles gathered together to admire the cherry blossoms. In 1598, Japanese commander Hideyoshi Toyotomi organized a cherry blossom viewing meeting in Kyoto at Daigoji Temple. All the influential landowners, as well as famous guests, gathered under the flowering trees and recited poems praising these flowers. The women wore dresses decorated with cherry blossom patterns.

During the Edo period (1603–1867), ordinary people adopted the custom of relaxing under flowering trees. While admiring the flowers with their family and friends, they ate, drank, danced and sang. The popular hanami custom continues to this day. Today, many people head to their favorite spots to view the Japanese cherry blossoms.

And again Sakura

Sakura is glorified in literature, poetry, drama and music. It has become an integral part of Japanese culture. For centuries, artists have depicted cherry blossoms on a variety of household items, from ceramics to folding screens.

Samurai also used sakura as a symbol. Remaining loyal to their master, they were ready to sacrifice their lives for him at any time. Samurai saw sakura as a symbol of the transience of life. The Japanese Encyclopedia says the following about this: “Since cherry blossoms are fleeting and the flowers quickly fall, they have become for the Japanese a suitable symbol of fragility and fleeting beauty” (“Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan”).

The Japanese still admire sakura today. Cherry blossom patterns can often be seen on beautiful kimonos and other clothing, as well as on household items. These flowers are so loved that some parents give their daughters the name Sakura.

The delicate-looking Japanese cherry tree has had a strong influence on Japanese culture. Sakura is a wonderful example of exquisite beauty - the work of our skillful Creator.

Cherry blossoms

Valuable Japanese cherry wood is used in woodcuts. It is also used to make furniture and souvenirs. But this is not what made the cherry tree famous. And not with your berries. Unlike its relatives around the world, the Japanese cherry tree is grown mainly for its flowers, winning the hearts of many.

Cherry tree seedlings take root easily. Cherries are planted along river banks and main streets, as well as in numerous parks and gardens throughout the country.

Pink "snowfall"

When myriads of petals fall from the cherry trees, it may seem as if the ground is covered with pink snow. Suddenly the petals break away from the branches and fly in a graceful dance to the ground. A strong gust of wind picks up the “snow flakes”, carrying them everywhere. The Japanese call this phenomenon sakura fubuki, or pink "snowfall". The ground is covered with a delicate pink carpet. Fallen sakura petals are a spectacle of rare beauty and give peace and tranquility.