Everything about the Cocker Spaniel breed. All facts about the English Cocker Spaniel English Cocker Spaniel character description

American Cocker Spaniel- the smallest of hunting dogs. This is a very joyful, active, hardy animal, bred for feather hunting.

Guard qualities
Security qualities
Attitude towards children

History of the American Cocker Spaniel

The history of this breed can be judged by its long name. First, its ancient ancestors appeared - spaniels. It is believed that this happened in sunny and rich in hunting grounds Spain. Then local breeders took on the spaniels that came to England and developed many breeds from them, including cockers. All of them were also used for hunting. And finally, charming English spaniels found themselves on another continent at the end of the 19th century. Here breeders had other ideas about beauty, so local dog handlers took up cockers. And in just fifty years they managed to create a new breed!

In the land of rabbits

Obviously, the word "spaniel" is of Spanish origin. Here on Iberian Peninsula, the first spaniel-like dogs appeared. They were mainly kept by crusading knights who loved to hunt rabbits and game birds. But if you believe the data of archaeologists, stocky pets with floppy ears came to Europe from Asia Minor. The ancestors of spaniels visited different countries, before we ended up in Spain. Similar dogs were bred in North Africa and the Balkan Peninsula. And then the Carthaginians brought their pets to the peninsula on their ships. There were so many rabbits that the country was called Spain, which means “country of rabbits” in Carthaginian.

The newly arrived dogs were good at hunting birds and lagomorphs - and the Spaniards seriously began breeding the breed, giving the world spaniels.

Changing professions

The ancestors of cockers changed many hunting specializations. They hunted small animals and birds, took part in falconry and net hunting. And when firearms were invented, spaniels became talented gun dogs.

Close to the King

It is difficult to say exactly when spaniels came to Foggy Albion. But the British simply could not help but pay attention to the new hunting breed, because they themselves were avid hunters and dog lovers.

Spaniels in England had an excellent reputation, were highly respected and were generally considered royal pets. It is known that in the 10th century, in the territory of what is now Wales, the theft of these four-legged hunters was subject to a large fine. This is not surprising, because each dog cost a whole pound - a lot of money at that time.

Variegated variety

Over time, spaniels settled throughout England. Hunting strategies varied among counties depending on the landscape. In addition, the tastes and needs of the owners changed. Therefore, many different subspecies have appeared among spaniels. They differed in size, color, and coat length. These canine “families” were named after the breeding area or the aristocrat who owned them.

The smallest representatives of the breed were bred at Blenheim Castle. Here the Dukes of Marlborough bred Sussexes and Field Spaniels, which became the direct ancestors of English cockers.


It is difficult to count how many varieties of spaniels were bred in England over several centuries. Sources claim that there were about 20 of them. Moreover, most of the created breeds disappeared when the owners stopped engaging in the types of hunting for which the pets were bred.

Who is Obo

The first information about English cocker spaniels appeared in 1697. The breed was practiced by hunters in the counties of Wales and Devonshire. Even then, these dogs had their tails docked in half so that they would not get injured while tracking game.

English Cockers boasted a wide variety of colors, just like other spaniels. At that time, they differed from their counterparts only in their small size, slightly elongated body, thick hair and light weight. However, breeders continued to infuse these dogs with the blood of other spaniels.

Everything changed only in the middle of the 19th century. By this time, English cockers were recognized full breed. They were presented in 1859 at an exhibition in Birmingham. The most famous breeder was Budette, the owner of the English cocker spaniel Obo. Dog with strange name has rightfully become the breed standard. Subsequent generations of breeders were guided by Obo. At the end of the 19th century, James Furrow created his own kennel, and his dogs, Obo's ancestors, repeatedly became winners at breed shows. And two of them, Obo-1 and Chloe-2, were sent to the USA and laid the foundation for the American Cocker Spaniel breed.

Where's the tail?

When dogs with long tails hunted in the grounds, they constantly wagged them and often drew blood. It was then that the owners decided to dock their pets’ tails, leaving only a segment of four vertebrae. In the case of cocker spaniels, it turned out that this also improves the exterior of the breed. After docking, the silhouette of cockers becomes more harmonious. But now, when the breed has become more of a decorative breed, this operation is being performed less and less often in Europe. And in some countries it was completely banned as inhumane.

A little over half a century

After the meeting of Chloe-2 and Obo-1, a puppy was born in the United States. American breeders did not rack their brains and named the dog Obo-2 in honor of his “grandfather.” The grown-up dog took part in several exhibitions and immediately attracted the attention of local dog handlers.

This pet was different from the usual English cockers. He had rather large eyes. In England this would immediately be declared a flaw, but the Americans found this feature charming. Local breeders decided to create a new breed - not a hunter, but a companion for the whole family. In 1881, the American Spaniel Club appeared, and after 2 years a program for the development of both cocker breeds was developed.

At first, the “Americans” and the “English” were tied together. But in 1915, American cockers looked different from their English ancestors. After 20 years, interbreed matings were prohibited, and 30 years later the new breed was recognized as independent.

Description of the American Cocker Spaniel breed

What have the Americans changed in the exterior of the Cocker Spaniel? Firstly, the shape of the head changed: the muzzle became half the length of the skull, the transition from the high forehead to the muzzle became more noticeable, and the eyes became expressive and huge, like those of an alien from another planet.

Secondly, the fur has changed. She became longer, more voluminous, and the undercoat became thicker. Now it flows from the dog’s body, like a luxurious princess dress at a ball. In addition, the chest, belly, ears and paws of the American Cocker are decorated with thick curls.

It is interesting that although American cockers are not used for hunting, they have quite developed muscles and powerful bones. This is a very hardy and active dog that is ready to run for a long time without getting tired.

Main characteristics: height, weight, color

The Cocker Spaniel from the USA is a small, strong and compact dog with a beautifully set head on a long neck and well-developed muscles. Its height at the withers reaches 35 - 38 cm, weight on average is 12.5 kg.

Its muzzle is quite wide, its ears are long, drooping, low-set, and covered with long silky hair. The tail is half docked, although it may not be docked.

The coat of this breed differs from other spaniels in its long, thick and very silky coat. It is slightly wavy and has a good undercoat. Longer on the chest, belly, ears and legs.

The color can be quite varied: one-color (red, brown, black, fawn), with tan, two-color, three-color.

The nose of black dogs is black, but in dogs of other colors it can also be brown. Large eyes should have a dark brown iris.

Four-legged hero

American Cocker Spaniels are very healthy dogs living up to 15 years. But they rarely meet hereditary diseases– otitis media and eye diseases. So when choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to the condition of his eyelids, and also inquire about the health of his parents.


All American Cocker Spaniels are carefully selected by breeders, including for their character traits. Very angry and unbalanced dogs are simply not allowed to be bred, because even by the standard such traits are considered a breed defect.

The Americans managed to breed a truly sociable dog. She very sensitively senses the mood of her owners and has a sense of tact. The pet will never impose itself if the person is not in a good mood, but will always cheer up the owner when he is sad.

The rest of the time, he is simply a very friendly dog ​​that is attached to everyone at home. She can sit still if necessary, but prefers active games with her beloved owners.

Despite the fact that the breed was bred as a hunting breed, now it is almost completely used as family dog-companion. This became possible thanks to his innate gentleness, devotion, wonderful attitude towards children and playful character.

Thanks to these qualities, cockers have become very popular among breeders, and now they can be seen much more often at exhibitions than during hunting.

They are well trained and obedient, ready to obey any commands of the owner, affectionate and not aggressive towards other dogs and strangers. They have self-esteem and refined manners.

American Cocker Spaniels are full of enthusiasm and friendliness, always ready to play not only with dogs, but also with other pets.

A representative of this breed can be safely kept in the house with a cat; they often develop a very close friendship.

The American Cocker Spaniel can be left alone at home, but not for long. Such an active dog needs constant contact with people. If there is a lack of attention, she may develop bad habits associated with a mental disorder: howling, excessive barking, damaging things.

Ideally, such a dog would be suitable for a large family with children, in which there is always someone at home.

It is better not to get a representative of this breed for those who do not want or who do not have enough time to take care of their pet.

Don't be charmed!

The American Cocker Spaniel is a master of seduction. He knows perfectly well how beautiful he is, and skillfully uses this to different situations. For example, when he wants to eat something tasty. The cocker will use all his charm to beg for a tasty piece. But you can’t succumb to charms, because otherwise the dog will quickly gain excess weight.

You should not indulge this baby’s aggressive games. He can grab your heels, bite your arms, cling with your teeth and hang on your pant leg. At first it looks funny, but when the dog grows up, it will be too late to get rid of these habits, and his stronger teeth will bring a lot of trouble to the owners.

Remember, he is big-eyed and plush, but not a toy. So quickly put aside your emotion and start training. Moreover, during training the breed is quite passionate, curious and friendly. Only after training will the cocker show its best traits, and its centuries-old hunting pedigree will not become a hindrance for the family.

Care and maintenance

The only drawback of this loving pet is its luxurious fur coat. She needs thorough care. And so that the dog is not afraid of the comb and water procedures, he needs to be taught this from puppyhood.

The coat needs to be combed every day, especially after walks, because small leaves, twigs and dirt get stuck in it. Give this one a bath magnificent dog required frequently: every three weeks. Particular attention will have to be paid to the groin and paws, where tangles most often form.

A short haircut can simplify the care of a fur coat - it will emphasize the graceful figure of a cocker. But then the dog will have to be taken to the hairdresser every month and a half to update its “hairstyle”. Separately, it is necessary to say about caring for the long fluffy ears of a cocker. Dirt gets stuck in there all the time. In addition, a curious pet may scratch its ears. Owners need to regularly clean out the wax, make sure that the cocker does not get hurt or pick up ticks, and to prevent the long fluffy ears from getting dirty in food, they need to either be tied up while eating, or use special feeders with a narrow neck.

The eyes of the American Cocker Spaniel should be thoroughly cleaned with a wet cotton pad, without using soap. This regular care will help prevent eye infections.

Like any dog, the American Cocker Spaniel needs its nails trimmed and teeth brushed.

Diseases of American Cocker Spaniels

The average life expectancy of representatives of this breed is 14-16 years. There are also hereditary and congenital diseases, which are most common in American Cocker Spaniels.

First of all, these are anomalies of behavior as a result of improper upbringing: a tendency to panic, aggression, etc.

Skin asthenia occurs in spaniels, in which the skin loses its usual elasticity, strength and sensitivity. This disease is also called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

It is not uncommon for carnitine deficiency to cause the heart muscle to become weak, leading to dilated cardiomyopathy.

In spaniels, there is too much inversion of the eyelid outward due to drying of the cornea - keratoconjunctivitis, inflammation of the outer ear (), skin infection on the paws (pododermatitis).

In case of illness intervertebral discs Disc displacements and ruptures are possible, which can lead to paralysis of the animal.

Sometimes in puppies the retina of the eye does not form correctly (dysplasia), and in adult dogs it can occur, which develops from skin cells that produce melanin.

Puppy price

Culling, that is, puppies that have defects that would prevent them from being accepted for exhibition, can be purchased for 300 dollars, although the average price for such a puppy is about 700 dollars. It depends on the parents. Exhibition specimens with good pedigree are sold for $2500.

Photo of the American Cocker Spaniel breed

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The breed was bred by artificial crossing, the main task of which was to become an ideal hunting dog. In our time, the English Cocker Spaniel has retained not only the ability to hunt, but has also become an excellent sporting breed with tireless energy that constantly sets the dog in motion.

If you are an avid hunter and want to buy an English Cocker Spaniel, you definitely won’t go wrong in your choice; he has a keen sense of smell and senses the owner’s mood very well. Copes well with hunting, both in water and in the forest. Always ready to offer killed or wounded game. It is believed that they were previously used even in falconry.

English Cocker Spaniel description and FCI standard

  • Docked tail(docking is allowed only in some countries): docked not too short, leaving 2-3 vertebrae and continuing the topline.
  • Undocked tail slightly curved, medium size, reaching to the hocks. Thick at the base with a gradual thinning towards the end. Densely covered with hair.

English Cocker Spaniel photo in wild flowers

  • Forelegs: straight with strong bones. The angles of the articulations are moderately pronounced.
    • Shoulders: set obliquely, flat, withers pronounced. The shoulder blades and shoulders are approximately the same.
    • Forearms: straight, level from elbow to wrist.
    • Elbows: pressed to the body, looking straight back.
    • Shoulders: Slanted, close to the body, elbows directly under the withers.
    • Paws: rounded, toes collected in a ball, elastic, dense pads. The claws are strong.
  • Hind limbs: when viewed from behind, smooth, muscular, with strong bones. The angles of the articulations are moderately pronounced.
    • Thighs: Muscular, but not loaded.
    • Lower legs: Muscular, approximately equal to the thighs. The knee joints are strong, with well-defined angles.
    • Knees: Well bent.
    • Hocks: short, forming good articulation with the hock joints, allowing for strong pushing.
    • Feet: oval, toes tightly packed, elastic pads, strong nails.
  • Movements: smooth, confident, wide stride.
  • Coat: guard hair is soft, smooth, sometimes slightly wavy but never hard-curly; not too abundant and never curls. Short and thin on the head, throughout the body middle length. The English Cocker has a beautiful coat that is not too long so as not to interfere with work in the field. It is trimmed to emphasize natural lines. The forelimbs, bottom of the pad, groin, and hind limbs are covered with abundant hair.
  • English cocker spaniel color

    Solid color:

    • Black
    • Red
    • Gold
    • Chocolate
    • Black and Tan
    • Liver and tan

    Cockers have a solid color White color unacceptable. Only a small spot on the chest is allowed.

    Spotted (the main background is light) and piebald (the main background is dark) colors:

    • Black and white
    • Red and white
    • Liver white
    • Fawn white

    Spotted and piebald can be spotted or without.


    • Black and white with tan
    • Liver white with tan.

    Roan colors:

    • Black roan
    • Chocolate roan
    • Red roan with black pigmentation
    • Red roan with brown pigmentation
    • Golden roan with black pigmentation
    • Golden roan with brown pigmentation
    • Red Roan
    • Fawn Roan
    • Liver roan
    • Blue roan and tan
    • liver roan with tan

    All colors or combinations not listed above are non-standard.

    Disadvantages: Any deviations from the standard are considered as deficiencies, the magnitude of which depends on the depth of the health impairment, and also affects the ability to perform their traditional work.

    Disqualifying faults:

    • Marked anger or timidity.

    P.S. : Males must have two obvious, normally developed testes, fully descended into the scrotum.

    English cocker spaniel character

    The English Cocker Spaniel is cheerful, sociable, and gentle. But, despite his innate friendliness and sociability, he is extremely distrustful and wary of strangers.

    They get along well with children and love to play with them. They get along well with other pets. Loyal and cheerful disposition makes a wonderful cocker spaniel pet, perfect for keeping both in a large family and for a single person.

    Most often, in a family he becomes close to one specific person, for whom he will be the main owner. The English Cocker Spaniel has a keen sense of smell and excellent eyesight, which makes it an excellent hunter. But, like many breeds, the spaniel has some disadvantages: its overly cheerful character, and its ever-wagging tail, often show some fussy movement, which becomes especially noticeable during training. Although, with patience, the owner will overcome this character trait a little over time.

    Photo of a black English Cocker Spaniel in the snow

    This playful, cheerful, responsive and gentle dog by nature, she is sociable and ready to be with her owners all day long, play and have fun. There is an opinion that some individuals are overly dependent on their owner, in which case it is very important to teach the pet independence. Sometimes there are quite timid and shy cockers, and it is up to the owner whether he can overcome the cowardice in the pet and raise it to be brave.

    There is an opinion that females are more stubborn in character than males and always try to dominate.

    To different teams, English Cocker Spaniels learn quite quickly, as they always try to please their owner. Many of them can be quite stubborn, so training will take more time. Some people show a jealous attitude towards their things, bowls, toys.

    Like any hunting dog, it is very important for the Cocker Spaniel to receive adequate exercise. They are able to take any physical activity, and sometimes it seems that they do not get tired of hunting at all, but on the contrary, they work quite hard. This trait is especially noticeable on the street, during walks. She loves active games and exercise. But before you get an English Cocker Spaniel, you should remember that you will have to devote time every day to walk, play, and do various exercises to train your pet.

    The English Cocker Spaniel is perfect for keeping in a country house or in the village, because the street and fields are its element. But it gets along well in a city apartment.

    English Cocker Spaniel care

    English Cocker Spaniel in the photo of a mother with puppies

    Although the English Cocker Spaniel is not a long-haired breed, you will have to work a little to make it look beautiful and neat. You should remember that grooming is a daily job. After all, without care, the fur will grow and become thick, sometimes wavy, and then everything from weeds to dust will collect on it. This will be followed by the appearance of tangles, the fight against which becomes impossible. Therefore, be patient and accustom your pet to the procedure of daily brushing when it arrives in your home. It should be trained as early as possible, otherwise the adult dog will resist all sorts of procedures.

    To care for a spaniel's coat (grooming), you will need the following tools:

    1. two metal combs, one with fine teeth, the other with rare blunt teeth
    2. two brushes, massage and with short bristles
    3. slicker
    4. scissors – thinning
    5. blunt scissors with straight and curved ends
    6. electric hair clipper with various attachments
    7. glove or mitten for grooming
    8. stripping knife and piece of pumice

    Examine your eyes for signs of redness or excessive heavy discharge If pus appears, contact your veterinarian.

    Regularly examine your teeth, check for the absence of tartar.

    Diseases of the English Cocker Spaniel

    Chocolate color English Cocker Spaniel photo between colors

    • Urolithiasis disease
    • Allergy
    • Melanoma
    • Lipoma
    • Perianal adenocarcinoma ( benign tumor glands located around the anus)
    • Hip dysplasia
    • Epilepsy
    • Hypothyroidism (thyroid disease)
    • Discopathy (degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs)
    • Chronic hepatitis
    • Demodicosis
    • Deafness
    • Cataract
    • Keratoconjunctivitis
    • Progressive retinal degeneration
    • Glaucoma
    • Cherry eye
    • Turn of the century
    • Eversion of the century
    • Progressive retinal atrophy
    • Distichiasis (extra eyelashes)
    • Dwarfism
    • Hydrocephalus of the brain (characterized by an increase in the volume of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain.

    The American Cocker Spaniel is one of the popular breeds among modern dog breeders. A cute-looking, cheerful and good-natured dog successfully takes part in exhibitions and successfully fulfills the role of its owner’s companion.

    The American Cocker Spaniel is a descendant of the English Spaniel brought to America in the 18th century. Feature English spaniels there was a variety of species living in different areas of the country. Each of them was bred by the British for a certain type hunting. The first representatives of the Americans were obtained by selecting the strongest, but at the same time short, specimens of the English Cocker Spaniel.

    The first breed standard was approved in the 20s of the last century. By 1935, the American Cocker Spaniel breed was finally formalized. The standards were approved in 1945 by the American Cocker Spaniel Club.

    In a fairly short period of time, cocker spaniels from America have gained popularity throughout the country and throughout the world. In Russia, the first dogs appeared in the 70s of the 20th century. In 1983, domestic standards were approved, and mass breeding of the breed began.

    Breed characteristics of the American Cocker Spaniel and photographs of dogs

    The American Cocker Spaniel is one of the smallest hunting dogs. It was originally bred to hunt game birds. The height at the withers of the spaniel is 35-38 centimeters. The dog's back is sloping.

    Photo. Red American Cocker Spaniel.

    Photo. American cocker spaniel black.

    The body of the breed is compact and strong. Wide chest, muscular croup, docked tail. The spaniel's front legs are strong and straight. The elbows are in contact with the body. Hind legs muscular, with strong joints, parallel to each other.

    The decoration of the spaniel is its three-species coat. On the head - short, close-fitting, on the body - medium length, on the ears - long, drooping. The spaniel's coat is soft, silky, sometimes with wavy curves. The color can be solid or spotted. With a spotted appearance, mixing up to three colors is allowed. The following colors are common: fawn, even, chocolate, solid or mixed.

    Movements american spaniel free, graceful, well coordinated. The elegance and softness of the spaniel's gait was of practical importance: during the hunt, this made it possible to sneak up on game and grab it.

    American Spaniel breeders have different approaches to tail docking. In their homeland, America, it is customary to leave a tail 4 vertebrae long. This technique allows you to get a beautiful silhouette of the dog, and the tail does not break during the race through the hunting grounds. In Russia, the length of the tail depends on the preferences of the breeder. The long tail requires extra care and caution when handling, as it can easily be stepped on.

    Health and life expectancy

    These dogs live on average from 13 to 14 years.

    American Cocker Spaniels are prone to joint and eye diseases. Hip dysplasia and cataracts are the most common problems among them. Retinal degeneration, corneal dystrophy and ulcer, and glaucoma are also dangerous for them.

    Spaniels are susceptible to food infections and allergies. Against their background, it develops chronic hepatitis. Food allergies manifests itself as skin itching. Most often it bothers the dog's ears. Allergies can lead to diarrhea and increased gas production.

    The ears are the Cocker Spaniel's weakest point. Their length and sagging contribute to the development of otitis media. If your spaniel starts scratching its ears, shaking its head, smelling rotten or oozing pus from them, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

    The American Cocker Spaniel lives on average 13-15 years. Life expectancy is affected by:

    • Natural inclinations.
    • Organization of care.
    • Nutritional features.
    • Timely health care when diseases occur.

    Maintenance and care of the American Cocker Spaniel

    These dogs need to be groomed regularly.

    Grooming your dog consists of systematic bathing and combing its coat. The dog loves to bathe, so this procedure will not cause any trouble to the owner. Your pet needs to brush its teeth and trim its nails regularly. Special attention ears require, they need to be wiped with a damp swab to prevent inflammation.

    The spaniel's coat needs regular trimming. Special troubles are expected to maintain the dog’s “skirt”. Combing out grass and matted fur must be done after every walk. If the dog is not used for shows, the skirt can be cut shorter, then the process of caring for it will become easier. But you should not cut off too much fur: this will cause the pet to lose its breed charm.

    Spaniel teeth require timely care. Tartar should be removed from them and the condition of the gums monitored.


    The organization of food for a spaniel must comply with strict rules. The stomach of this breed is a weak point, so the general well-being of the pet depends on what food goes into it. Representatives of the breed do not know when to eat in moderation. Even when they are full, they will ask for a piece from the master's table, using their charmingly sad look.

    Overfeeding a dog causes stomach distension. By overeating, the dog will quickly begin to gain weight, which is contraindicated for him, like all dogs. You need to feed your spaniel in limited portions, at strictly defined hours, and do not give food in between scheduled meals.

    Important. Your pet should always have access to fresh and clean water. At the same time, you cannot replace it with milk, as some owners do. Milk is generally contraindicated for an adult spaniel. Dairy products can only be included in the diet: dairy products, cottage cheese.

    When feeding, the following proportions must be observed:

    • For puppies – 4 tablespoons per feeding.
    • For an adult dog – 2 glasses per 1 feeding.

    Feed this breed necessary based on age.

    The number of feedings per day depends on age:

    • Up to 2 months – 6 times.
    • From 2 to 4 – 4 times.
    • From 4 to 6 – 3 times.
    • From 6 to 12 – 2-3 times.
    • From a year - 1-2 times.

    The hours depend on the work schedule and life of the owner. It is advisable to take equal intervals between meals.

    The diet includes:

    • Meat – veal, chicken, turkey, offal.
    • Fish – sea fish without bones.
    • Eggs – 1 piece, yolk – raw, white – boiled 1-2 times a week.
    • Vegetables – white cabbage, beets, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, stewed.
    • Cereals - in the form of porridge on water.

    Food must be supplemented with vitamin and mineral supplements in accordance with the age and size of the dog.

    Important. You should not give your spaniel bones: it can injure the esophagus and damage the teeth.

    A convenient option for the owner is to provide dry food. In this case, it is necessary to use only premium grade feed varieties. Dry food should not be mixed with natural food.

    Raising and training the American Cocker Spaniel

    The American Cocker Spaniel is a fairly intelligent and fast-training breed of dog.

    By origin, the Cocker Spaniel is a hunting dog, so its main character traits are increased activity, passion and sharp mind. This dog should not be treated as a sofa cushion. Spaniel needs an owner, a leader active image life, athlete.

    Dogs of this breed are observant and extremely smart; they pick up commands literally on the fly., so training them will not be difficult. The spaniel is not capricious and follows all the owner’s commands even without reward.

    The American Cocker Spaniel loves children and is not averse to frolicking with them in the yard. Aggression is not typical for this breed, and if it occurs among representatives of the breed, it is the result of errors in training.

    Excessive sociability is both a positive and a negative trait of the breed. It can easily be taken away from its owner by any passerby, so the dog needs to be taught from an early age what it can and cannot do. It is important to wean your dog from taking treats from strangers or picking up things from the ground during walks.

    The spaniel's hunting instinct helps it get into unpleasant situations. He may chase another animal or bird while walking and get lost. Therefore, the dog must be taught to stay close to the owner and follow his commands without whims. To do this, you can use the technique of rewards and punishments.

    You can add some work to the spaniel: fetch slippers, bring the telephone. Having such responsibilities, the pet will never get bored.

    American Cocker Spaniels have excellent physical characteristics; they can even master circus tricks. Active physical activity during walks is necessary for the spaniel to maintain physical fitness and maintaining the health of the musculoskeletal system.

    Criteria for choosing puppies, kennels and price range

    A healthy and purebred American Cocker Spaniel puppy is available at the kennel. When buying secondhand, there is a risk of purchasing a cute mongrel with ears. But this is not the biggest problem. The worst thing is if your pet is sick and dies soon after purchase. First of all, you need to pay attention to the peculiarities of keeping animals. The puppy must have a passport with pedigree and vaccination information.

    Buy puppies from a nursery, so you don’t risk buying a mongrel.

    The best age for a puppy to move to a new place is from 2 to 3 months. This is the optimal time when the puppy is already strong, has acquired the necessary life skills from its mother and is suitable for starting to be raised by its owner.

    A healthy puppy is active, well-fed, with smooth, shiny coat. It shouldn't smell bad. The puppy should have clean, shiny eyes and a moist nose. The puppy's belly should not be scratched and not swollen. The dog's back is strong, short, its paws are strong and compact.

    It is imperative to check the puppy's ears, since this is a weak point for this breed. Ears should be clean and dry, without unpleasant odor. The spaniel's head should be of the correct shape, with a powerful forehead. The transition from forehead to muzzle should be quite sharp.

    The demand for puppies of this breed is not so active at the moment, so their prices are quite affordable.

    American Cocker Spaniel puppies from the kennel.

    Puppies from the kennel, American Cocker Spaniel.

    American Cocker Spaniel puppies can be purchased at prices:
    • In Moscow – from $400 (http://www.kennel-beautiful.ru/praise1.html).
    • In St. Petersburg, prices in nurseries start from $300 per puppy.

    The impressive appearance and good-natured, easy-going character of the American Cocker Spaniel make him an excellent companion. This beautiful little dog was bred to hunt, but today it has become a common family pet. She adapts well to life in city apartments. That's why she can be seen more and more often on the streets modern megacities. After reading today's article, you will learn a lot of useful information about representatives of this breed.


    These dogs have a very long history. Experts are sure that Spain is the birthplace of spaniels. The ancestors of these animals were fold-eared, long-haired bird dogs that came to England during its conquest by the troops of Julius Caesar. Cockers stood out from the whole variety of spaniels with their miniature size. The height of an adult dog should not exceed 30 centimeters, and its weight should not exceed 10-12 kilograms.

    In 1893 they were recognized as a separate breed by the London Kennel Club. And nine years later, the first official standard for English cockers was approved. Once from Britain to the USA, these dogs continued to change. As a result of this, the American Cocker Spaniel appeared. The character and appearance of this dog fully corresponded to the purposes for which it was bred. Despite the fact that American and English cockers were exhibited in different show rings, for some period they were crossed with each other. But in the 30s of the 20th century, a decision was made to ban interbreed matings. And on July 30, 1992, the official American Cocker standard was approved. Over time, representatives of this breed spread throughout the world and gained popularity among professional breeders. These dogs came to Russia only in the 1970s.

    Description of the breed

    The American Cocker Spaniel, in whose character hunting instincts are clearly visible, has a memorable appearance. He has a well-balanced, compact body with a deep chest and a well-proportioned, beautiful head. On the round, non-flat skull there are well-defined brow ridges and a clear transition from the forehead to the broad muzzle. The even rectangular jaws of the animal are covered with tightly fitting lips. The spaniel's small, almond-shaped eyes should be dark brown in color. Hanging long ears Cockers are covered with thick, soft hair.

    The muscular neck with slight dewlap in the throat area smoothly transitions into well-defined withers, a strong back and a straight loin, turning into a docked, slightly raised tail. Under the slightly elongated body of representatives of the American Cocker Spaniel breed, photos of which can be seen in today’s article, there are muscular limbs with paws gathered into a ball and hard pads. The animal's well-defined shoulder blades are slightly retracted.

    Coat and acceptable colors

    The entire body of the American Cocker is covered with silky straight or slightly wavy fur. The hair on the head is shorter, and the hair on the body is of medium length. There are beautiful featherings on the dog’s ears, chest, belly and limbs that hide the dog’s natural contours.

    As for color, the standard allows several various options. The American Cocker Spaniel, whose personality and conformation make him an excellent companion, can be black and tan, speckled, spotted and solid. The most common color range is from brown to light fawn. The color of the animal should be uniform, without foreign inclusions. The standard allows for a white tie on the dog's chest or throat. As for the tan marks, they should not occupy more than 10% of the main tone.

    Character of the American Cocker Spaniel

    Both the temperament and appearance of this small dog always cause affection. Representatives of this breed are very optimistic and friendly. They are always ready to accompany their owner on walks and long journeys. They are very obedient and easy to train. With proper training, American Cockers make wonderful companions.

    They are great with children and get along well with other pets. These spaniels need constant human interaction. In the absence of contact with the owner, the dog may feel unwanted. Therefore, he cannot be left alone for a long time.

    The American Cocker Spaniel has a natural love for people. This dog quickly becomes attached to all members of the owner's family and needs to communicate with them more than playing with its relatives. An affectionate, good-natured and tireless cocker will become the perfect dog for a teenager. He will make an excellent partner in children's outdoor games with a ball.


    Representatives of this breed require regular brushing and trimming. Despite the good-natured nature of the American Cocker Spaniel, grooming can cause some dissatisfaction on his part. Therefore, accustom your dog to hygiene procedures necessary from puppyhood. Immediately after the baby gets used to the new place of residence, they begin to gradually introduce him to a comb and a hairdryer. It is advisable to visit a groomer approximately once every month and a half. Over time, when the puppy gets used to this procedure, you can increase the interval between visits to the dog groomer.

    It is advisable to brush the Cocker's luxurious coat at least three times a week. Of course, this takes quite a lot of time, but the result is worth the effort. If yours does not allow you to brush your pet regularly, then you can cut it short. This will make the dog look more tidy, and you will save a lot of free time.

    The animal should be washed no more than once every two months. It is advisable to do this using special shampoos, sold in any pet supply department. During water procedures, it is important to ensure that water does not get into the dog’s eyes and ears. After washing, the Cocker's coat can be rinsed with a weak vinegar solution. This will make it more shiny.

    Caring for teeth, nails and ears

    Like any other dog, the American Cocker Spaniel, whose character is described just above, needs the care of its owner. The animal's long, drooping ears require special care. To ear canals dust and dirt do not accumulate, they need to be cleaned regularly. It is also important to regularly trim the thick fur around the ears to ensure proper ventilation.

    A dog's teeth require no less attention. To prevent diseases oral cavity, they need to be cleaned regularly using a special brush and paste. In addition, it is important to promptly remove the resulting tartar. This can be done at any veterinary clinic.

    It is also necessary to monitor the length of the dog's nails. As they grow, they are trimmed using a special device. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage living tissue.

    The American Cocker Spaniel, whose personality and nutrition are described in today's publication, can eat both industrial and natural food. In both cases, it is important to follow the recommended standards, since representatives of this breed are often obese.

    Those who decide to give their pet dry food should give preference to proven super premium or holistic brands. Such products contain all essential vitamins and microelements. High-quality dry food should not contain potatoes, corn or wheat.

    For those who plan to give their cocker natural products, it is important to remember that the basis of a dog’s diet should be meat. You can give your dog beef, lamb and poultry. It is recommended to replace the meat component with lean sea fish about twice a week. The animal's menu should also include eggs, vegetables, cottage cheese, kefir, rice and buckwheat.


    Representatives of this breed are easy to train. The character of the American Cocker Spaniel contributes to its high learning ability and quick memorization of basic commands. Raising a puppy should be done immediately after it arrives in your home. It is important that from the first days the baby remembers his name. As soon as the puppy starts happily running up to the call, you can move on to learning more complex commands.

    During the training process, you need to be consistent and firm. You should not allow a puppy to do things that will later be prohibited to an adult dog. Initially, training should take place in a playful way. It is strictly forbidden to shout at the animal, much less beat it.

    Breed diseases

    Overall different good health And good immunity. But, like any other living beings, they are prone to certain diseases. They are often diagnosed with allergies, atopic dermatitis, obesity, seborrhea and otitis.

    Also, American cockers are prone to urolithiasis and problems with gastrointestinal tract. In addition, they are sometimes diagnosed with corneal dystrophy, glaucoma, cataracts, hepatitis, dysplasia hip joints and epilepsy.


    From all of the above, we can conclude that the American Cocker Spaniel is an ideal family dog. He has a touching appearance and a good-natured, cheerful character.

    Representatives of this breed adapt well to any living conditions and do not require complex specific care. You can feed them both industrial and natural food. Plus, they have a well-developed intellect and are quite trainable. If properly trained, they make excellent companions and outdoor play partners.

    Compact and strong exterior, an aesthetically carved muzzle and magnificent fur - all this is about the smallest representative hunting breeds- American Cocker Spaniel. Despite its small size, the dog is capable of developing decent speed, which makes it an excellent assistant for feather hunting.

    An unforced and positive disposition, a constant desire to move in search of prey, are the main character traits of the American Cocker Spaniel. In addition to its main purpose, the breed has long been domesticated. Breeders willingly bring their ornamental pets to various exhibitions and competitions.

    According to dog experts, the closest ancestor of the American Cocker Spaniel is the English Cocker, brought to the New World during the colonization of America by European conquistadors. Artificial selection new breed local dog handlers got involved, a century after the United States gained independence from Great Britain.

    Hunters, who were primarily interested in game birds (field, swamp, waterfowl), have long needed energetic hunting dogs. Scientists were tasked with breeding a hunting dog that would be fundamentally different in characteristics and descriptions from its larger relatives. It was decided to cross an English cocker spaniel and a small hunting spaniel. As a result, a small dog with a thick coat appeared before the world.

    The first exhibition of the new breed was organized in 1882. Accepted her The largest city New Hampshire - Manchester. A pronounced hunting instinct and beautiful appearance have made the breed extremely popular not only in North America, but also in other parts of the world. Many the developed countries were interested in breeding cockers. In the mid-twentieth century, the breed was finally divided into English and American. In Russia, the peak of popularity of this breed occurred in the 70s of the Soviet period.

    American Cocker Spaniel description of the dog's appearance

    American Cocker Spaniel is the owner of a compactly built, strong and dense body. The dog has a beautiful head and a good-natured expression on his face. As already mentioned, this is the smallest breed among hunting dogs. Males have a height at the withers of 38–40 cm, and females - 36–38. The weight of males reaches 11–15 kg, and females - 8–10 kg.

    The head is in harmony with the entire body. The animal has an arched skull. The eye socket area is filled. The superciliary part stands out strongly. Cheekbones do not protrude.

    The rather wide muzzle has a square outline and a fairly deep set. The length of the muzzle is approximately equal to half the length of the entire skull. The transition from forehead to muzzle is clearly expressed. Top part The nose, adjacent to the forehead, is wide and smooth. Lower jaw covered with thick lips. The dog has a correct scissor bite.

    The nose, although massive, does not stand out from the overall picture. Dark-colored, spotted and black individuals have dark color nose Light-colored Cocker Spaniels have a brown nose.

    Large, round eyes are usually dark in color, close to black. Eyeballs neither recessed nor protruding. The eyelids in the lower part are slightly drawn back.

    Elongated ears hang, stretching along the border of the corners of the eyes. Cartilage tissue quite thin.

    The muscular neck is slightly stretched forward and has a smooth bend.

    The withers stand out on the slightly sloping and square body. Extended rib cage deepened, well lowered, so it does not restrict the dog’s movements. Rear end the body is slightly tilted. The animal has a wide loin, long and rounded ribs.

    The location of the tail coincides with the line of the spinal column. It can remain natural, but some prefer to stop it.

    The short but strong forelimbs are located under the highest part of the body. Placed in parallel. Powerful hips provide the dog with a confident stance. Large paws are oval in shape.

    The real pride of the American Spaniel is its coat.. The coat is wavy and soft. The undercoat is well developed. The head has the shortest length of hair. The body is covered with medium-length hair. The ears, chest, belly and limbs are covered with thicker guard hair.

    There are cocker spaniels of different colors. But most often the color is either solid, black and tan or spotted.

    Character of the breed

    Each individual is carefully selected by breeders, including for their specific character. Vicious and unbalanced dogs are not allowed to be bred, since the breed standard clearly states that such behavioral characteristics indicate a breed defect.

    American breeders were able to breed a truly sociable dog, who is always happy to have company. Despite this, American Cocker Spaniels are sensitive to their owner’s mood and will not bother him at the wrong time. The animal has a well-developed sense of tact. But when the owner is sad, the pet is always ready to cheer him up. It is safe to say that American Cocker Spaniels are very friendly and affectionate domestic dogs with all family members. A representative of this breed will obediently sit in one place if the owner so orders, but the dog prefers active games with a person.

    Regardless Although the breed was bred as a hunting dog, today it is increasingly used as a family companion dog. This became real due to the flexible nature, lack of aggressiveness and friendly attitude to the children. These qualities played a decisive role in the fact that cocker spaniels gained popularity among dog breeders, and today they are more often seen at exhibitions than during hunting.

    They are easy to train, follow all commands of the owner without exception, do not rush at other dogs and strangers. The breed is endowed with self-esteem and refined manners.

    An animal filled with enthusiasm and frantic energy is never averse to getting involved in games not only with dogs, but also with other pets. American Cocker Spaniels get along well with cats, often becoming their true friends.

    The dog can withstand loneliness with dignity, but it is better not to leave it alone at home for a long time. For extremely active dog You just need regular contact with people. Attention deficit may cause her bad habits that are associated with mental disorders: frequent whining or howling, barking for no reason, damage to furniture.

    American Cocker Spaniel puppies

    American Cocker Spaniel puppies do not have as long coats as adult dogs. This shouldn't be alarming. A thick “fur coat” will appear in the second year of life.

    Advice for those who have decided to get themselves a cocker spaniel:

    An American Cocker Spaniel puppy is usually adopted into a home when it is approximately two months old. It is during this period that the social foundation is laid. The dog adapts to life among people. This time is characterized by increased susceptibility to external changes. The puppy begins to get used to his new life.

    Experienced breeders do not advise getting an adult dog, since it will cost more and it is unknown how it will accept the new owners. This dog American breed She becomes very attached to her first owner, so breaking up with him is very difficult for her.

    After two months, the puppy begins to hide from strangers. In order for him to stop being afraid of strangers, it is important to try to establish his communication with all family members and guests, otherwise the dog will not be socialized and will grow up fearful or, conversely, aggressive towards passers-by.

    The grown puppy enters the next period of its life development - socialization. There is an acquaintance with the outside world. Sometimes the period drags on for 2–3 months. The owner must be mentally prepared for the inevitable curiosity and excessive mobility on the part of the pet. If you don’t want your dog to chew furniture and shit in inappropriate places for the rest of its life, it’s time to start training.

    After 10 to 12 weeks, the Cocker Spaniel may try to assume a dominant position. This manifests itself not only when interacting with other dogs, but also in relation to the owner. By what signs can you determine that a dog is applying for the role of leader? For example, during training, a puppy begins to bite and growl. The owner’s task is to show who is in charge, to show severity, but not to use physical punishment.


    The American Cocker Spaniel is a breed that requires special care. The hardest thing to care for is long hair. During walks, dirt constantly sticks to it. The animal should be washed at least once a week. To avoid various diseases, it is necessary to buy high-quality hygiene products.

    Veterinarians do not recommend rinsing fur with chemicals. detergents . Instead, you can make a solution yourself by diluting a tablespoon in a liter of water. vinegar essence or citric acid.

    Plaque accumulates on the teeth of these dogs very quickly. Only regular brushing of teeth with a bactericidal paste and a brush for animals will help against caries and tartar. In addition, constant hygiene will help get rid of the unpleasant odor from the mouth. As preventative measure can be given for a pet special bones.

    The American Cocker Spaniel's floppy ears also require some care. Periodic removal of hairs from inside the ears may be necessary to ensure adequate ventilation. The hairs are both cut and plucked. It is necessary to ensure that wax and dirt do not become clogged in the ear. Clean the ears by pouring ears herbal lotion and holding the dog's head. After a short massage, the wax separated from the ears is removed.

    Slightly drooping eyelids do little to protect a dog's eyes from contamination. Also, the mucous membrane is irritated by hair growing near the eyes. To prevent your eyes from becoming inflamed and watery, it is advised to regularly trim the hairs in this area. Eyes are wiped using pharmaceutical drugs, which provide not only an antibacterial effect, but also care for thin eyelid skin. If you notice that capillaries have burst in your pet's eyes or that pus is oozing, you should immediately take your dog to a veterinary clinic.


    A clear diet is extremely important for the health of your pet. Adult dog should receive food at least once or twice a day. Young dogs benefit from chewing on bones, especially as teeth begin to emerge. If we dwell in more detail on what is best to feed American Cocker Spaniels, then the diet should contain the following products:

    • Lean boiled beef.
    • Chicken meat.
    • Boiled fish.
    • Vegetables and fruits.
    • Cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal).

    Of course, no dry food can replace natural food, but if it is balanced and meets all established quality standards, then occasionally it can be included in the dog’s menu.