We develop a sleep schedule correctly. How to restore normal sleep and wakefulness patterns

Every second adult experiences various sleep problems from time to time. Many attribute this to chronic fatigue And constant stress. There is some truth in this. However, much more often the cause of prolonged falling asleep and even chronic insomnia is that a person simply does not comply with the sleep and wakefulness regime necessary for normal operation body.

Why do we need a mode?

It turns out, more or less stable mode It's not just children who need sleep. An adult without it also begins to suffer from lack of sleep, since the lack of a constant routine disrupts the biological clock and does not allow it to form. conditioned reflexes, significantly reducing the period of falling asleep. Because of this, instead of the average 20-30 minutes, it can last for 1-2 hours, and this is time lost for proper rest.

First of all, sleep patterns should be taken into account physiological characteristics body. And nature has it in such a way that a person should go on vacation no later than 21-22 hours, when natural light changes and the body begins to produce the sleep hormone melatonin. It speeds up falling asleep and promotes restful, sound sleep.

Not everyone wants or can afford to go to bed so early. Even doctors have already agreed with the conditional division of people into “night owls” and “larks”.

But in order not to provoke insomnia and to ensure quality sleep, you need to go to bed before the concentration of melatonin in the blood reaches its maximum - no later than 23-24 hours. After 2 a.m. it begins to gradually decrease, which means that the closer to morning, the more sensitive your sleep will be.

5 more reasons to go to bed on time

But adjusting to the body's natural biorhythms is just one of the reasons why it is better to go to bed on a schedule. We can name at least 5 more reasons that have a direct impact on the functioning of the whole organism.


Surprisingly, extreme fatigue does not contribute falling asleep quickly. When muscle overload occurs, lactic acid accumulates in the body, which creates a feeling of severe discomfort.

Therefore, if you are too active in the evening, and even after 11 pm (for example, in a nightclub or at work), it will be difficult to fall asleep.


During the day the brain modern man processes a huge amount of information and complete night rest he just needs it. When instead you continue to exploit it, thinking that you are relaxing for computer games or watching movies at night, you overload your psyche, causing defensive reactions such as lethargy and/or headaches.

Rest of the gastrointestinal tract

Doctors recommend having dinner 1.5-2 hours before bedtime and preferably a light one. nutritious food. But if you don’t go to bed 3 hours after dinner and continue to expend energy, your body will require an additional portion of food. Hence the nightly trips to the refrigerator and excess fat on the sides.


Active restoration processes in all organs and systems occur at night, when the body is at rest. If vigorous activity continues at night, the body spends energy on ensuring it, and not on its own restoration.

Don’t be surprised later that even outwardly you will look older than those who observe correct mode sleep and rest of peers.


Peak activity occurs at approximately 23-24 hours immune system. It is programmed by nature to carry out a daily “audit” within the entire body, during which all pathogenic microorganisms are identified and destroyed.

Melatonin promotes efficient work immune defense, and adrenaline and cortisol, released into the blood during stress or vigorous activity, inhibit it. This means that if you don’t get enough sleep at night, you will get sick more often and for longer.

In addition, scientists have proven that if a person constantly follows the same regimen, sleep comes very quickly, as the body begins to prepare for rest in advance. This is further facilitated by regularly practiced evening rituals that help promote deeper relaxation.

Evening rituals

Some will say that evening rituals are a ploy for children who are difficult to send to bed. And an adult who has worked hard during the day will instantly fall asleep as soon as his head touches the pillow. But that's all more people turning to doctors with a request to help get rid of insomnia, confirms the inconsistency of this version.

It has been scientifically proven that gradually getting ready for bed is much better and more effective than quickly going to bed.

Another thing is that if the evening ritual for a child looks more or less standard, then for an adult it is very important to take into account individuality. The same actions can relax someone, but cause tension in another adult.

Therefore, we provide below only an approximate list of possible elements of the evening ritual, which should be compiled at your own discretion:

These are just a few ways to quickly calm your body and mind before bed. For you personally evening ritual everything can become. How do you set yourself up to be calm? deep dream: carefully combing your hair, reading your favorite book, pleasant relaxing music, evening yoga.

How to set the mode

Those who already have sleep problems often complain that they are unable to create and stick to a consistent schedule. In fact, it's all about the habit, which is developed in 21 days.

Therefore, the first thing to do is to tune in to conscious work. Having thought through and established an optimal routine for yourself, you must definitely follow it.

Here are some tips to improve your sleep patterns faster:

  • go to bed at the same time;
  • give up coffee completely and energy drinks after noon;
  • provide the body with sufficient physical activity during the day;
  • sleep in complete darkness by turning off all devices equipped with indicator lights;
  • do not watch TV or play on the computer before going to bed;
  • be sure to ventilate the room well before going to bed;
  • do not analyze the past day while lying in bed and do not plan for tomorrow;
  • don’t try to fall asleep quickly, just enjoy your rest.

Yes, at first it may turn out that you fall asleep even longer than usual. But this is only because the body again found itself in unusual conditions. Every day the process of switching off will become easier, and your night's rest will become much better.

How long should a baby sleep?

To answer this question, we need to understand why sleep plays such a significant role in the development of a newborn. Any age main function sleep – protective: only in a state of complete rest does active maturation occur in the body nervous system and cell growth. For babies, both of these processes are fundamentally important, so they sleep much more than adults: in the maternity hospital - at least 16 hours a day, and after discharge and up to 3 months - about 16 hours. True, there are minor fluctuations in both directions. It is a misconception to think that babies sleep soundly, because even at night they wake up 1-2 times to feed.

Out of a baby's 16 hours of sleep, about 10 o'clock falls on night sleep , the remaining 6 are for the day. At night, sleep is more even: at this time of day, after feeding, babies, as a rule, do not burp, do not defecate, and suckle at the breast without waking up. Problems with falling asleep most often occur during the day, when the nervous and digestive systems are in full alert. After eating, first the air passes, then the stool, colic may bother you. Babies are awake for about 1 hour after each feeding, but if the baby stays awake for half an hour and sleeps the rest of the time between feedings, this is also normal. After 3 months, the total sleep duration begins to gradually decrease: by 6 months the baby should sleep up to 14 hours a day, by 1–1.5 years – up to 12–13 hours and so on.

The baby's sleep and wakefulness patterns are influenced by the mother's habits. If she goes to bed late and gets up early, the baby will adapt to this rhythm, although this is not physiological. The optimal time for falling asleep is from 8 to 10 pm: then the daytime mode will be correct. With this scheme, it is better to finish bathing at 7-9 pm so that the baby does not become overexcited.

Why does my baby sleep restlessly?

The child’s behavior during sleep is also atypical: he often tosses and turns, squeaks, eyeballs move quickly, and the eyelids may not be completely closed. There is no point in worrying about this, much less waking up the baby. Phase REM sleep in infants it takes 25% of the total time, and this reaction is natural.

The strength and duration of sleep are affected by different external factors. Children are especially sensitive to changes in natural cycles and weather, environmental conditions and smells.

Sleep and wakefulness are directly related to natural biorhythms. Children react to the length of daylight hours: in spring and summer they wake up earlier than in autumn and winter. Due to the immaturity of the vascular and nervous systems, they quickly respond to solar and lunar eclipses, full moon and new moon, sharp changes atmospheric pressure. The quality of sleep is, of course, influenced by the environmental situation: in major cities Due to lack of oxygen, babies sleep worse than their peers living in prosperous areas. Babies are prevented from falling asleep by any strong odors (including from new furniture in the nursery) and loud sounds(quiet music or TV, on the contrary, lulls you to sleep).

How to achieve restful sleep

1. Calm and confident mom- the baby is calm and happy. Don’t worry about trifles; when you lull your baby to sleep, your emotions are conveyed to him.

2. After 6 months, start putting your baby to sleep in his own room. If before this the baby slept with you, the weaning process should be gradual: first, the baby is placed in a separate crib, close to the parent’s. Then the crib can be moved to the other end of the room. And then start moving to another room.

3. Let the baby learn to fall asleep on his own. Don’t run to his every cry, don’t pick up the baby in your arms as soon as he groans - you can disrupt his sleep biorhythm.

Most residents of large cities often find themselves thinking that their daily routine is ineffective and not properly organized. First of all, it's time to get things in order sleeping mode- learn to go to bed and get up on time.

However, few people turn their words and dreams of good sleep into reality. We are hampered by urgent and often far-fetched matters, laziness, and simply a reluctance to change something in our lives.

But we still encourage you to try to normalize your sleep schedule.

Go to bed on time

Sleep norm. Everyone knows the authoritative statements of psychophysiologists that an adult needs an average of 8 hours of sleep. But we are all different, and therefore our sleep requirements are different. Just like pain threshold, stress resistance, metabolism, and so on. It happens that someone will be awake even after 4 hours of sleep, and someone will be sleep-deprived even after 11.

Determining your sleep norm is quite easy. The study should be carried out in moments of calm, when you are healthy and not overloaded mentally and physically. To do this, go to bed not too late and wake up on your own - without an alarm clock or other irritants. Remember, or better yet, write down the number of hours of sleep.

Repeat this step several times, write down all the results. The most similar results will be your norm for good sleep.

Knowing your sleep norm, adjust the period of falling asleep. For example, you need to wake up at 8, but you wake up at 9. In this case, go to bed an hour earlier.

By regularly repeating this “forced” fall asleep, you will help your body get used to the new sleep pattern and wake up at the right time, without experiencing lack of sleep.

It's important to end every night (or at least most of them) the same way - come up with bedtime rituals. They will be a signal to your body that it is time to sleep. For example, take a shower, massage your face and feet, brush your teeth, read a story to your children before bed, wish everyone Good night- and go to bed.

Don't rush to sleep. Experts do not recommend going to bed too tired. Even if “it’s already time,” but you feel overloaded mentally and physically, delay sleep a little. It takes time for your body to get ready for sleep, so if you go to bed unprepared, you may not be able to fall asleep for a long time or you will wake up groggy. Try to relax for at least 10 minutes before going to bed - meditate, listen to quiet, calm music, get a foot massage after a hard day.

Say no to TV and Internet before bed. At least an hour before bedtime, give up the digital innovations of civilization. Pictures flashing on the screen artificially restore our vigor, force our brain to strain and analyze the incoming information. We repeat, the best activity before bed is relaxation.

Watch your diet. Do not overeat before going to bed, otherwise your body will be busy with digestion half the night and not resting. Moreover, it will be busy not only digestive system, but also the brain, which controls all processes in the body. Also, do not get carried away with drinks, otherwise you will have to get up at night. Avoid alcohol. Alcohol deprives the body fast phase sleep, during which recuperation occurs.

Get up on time

Create comfortable environment for awakening. This way you will wake up with pleasure and without stress.

Pleasant music on the alarm clock - calm or invigorating. Compositions that bring back pleasant memories to you work well. And of course, cheerful children's songs help everyone wake up.

In the morning, think about the pleasant things you have to do throughout the day. Also take care of a tasty, nutritious, but also varied breakfast. Let every morning be different in gastronomic terms!

Maintaining a work-rest schedule is an important component healthy image life. Full sleep necessary for adults and children to restore strength after being awake. Violation of the established routine entails dangerous psychogenic and organic consequences which can cause the development of many diseases.

Sleep and wakefulness is a habitual routine of rest and work, which is formed individually. The duration of periods depends on the physiological needs of the body, age and profession, inclinations and habits.

Why deviations occur

Sleep disorders occur in people of any age. The causes of failures are usually determined age parameters. Children under 14 years old are characterized by sleepwalking and uncontrolled urination, night terrors and nightmares.

Some pathologies, such as narcolepsy, manifest themselves throughout a person's life, from infancy to old age.

Disorders may be associated with functional disorders central nervous system and mental illness, traumatic brain injuries and neurological infections.

At the monthly one year old child or adolescent disorder is often a consequence of paroxysmal coughing. Adults often suffer from complications of angina and arrhythmia. Elderly people experience frequent urination, increased painful sensations of various origins.

For many adult patients, the normal routine is disrupted after New Year celebrations and other events, long-term use sedatives and sleeping pills or excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages.

Symptoms of pathology

If a person did not sleep at night, he will show signs daytime sleepiness, fatigue and irritability. Appetite increases and concentration, memory and coordination of movements worsen.

If a teenager does not sleep for a day or two while playing on the computer, there will be a decrease in school performance, it will be more difficult for him to learn new material. Parents will be able to notice changes in emotional state and decreased attentiveness.

Psychosomatic insomnia for several weeks can provoke chronic fatigue, decreased stress resistance and psychological instability.

How to get back to your normal routine

How to restore sleep patterns after jet lag, summer holidays and vacations, New Year's holidays and night shifts? An adult, teenager or infant can easily return to a disrupted schedule if some recommendations are followed.

It is important to make adjustments to the schedule gradually. You need to turn the downed mode in such a way as not to cause psychological discomfort. It is necessary to shift the time of waking up and falling asleep by about 30 minutes daily.

To quickly return to the old routine, you need to achieve maximum relaxation of the body. A person should not eat heavy food 3 hours before bedtime. Before going to bed it is recommended:

  • ventilate the bedroom;
  • do not use alcoholic drinks, coffee or strong tea;
  • quit smoking;
  • listen to melodic relaxing music;
  • perform light breathing exercises;
  • give up physical activity;
  • take a warm bath with aromatic oils.

You can drink a glass 1 hour before bedtime warm milk with honey.

Treatment of sleep disorders

Numerous videos from YouTube talk about how to return to your previous routine after sleepless nights, however, before using any techniques, it is necessary to find out the cause of the disorder. If the problems are not related to vacation or jet lag, then insomnia may be caused by illness.

A neurologist will determine what causes disturbances lasting more than one day, help diagnose the underlying disease and select the appropriate one. therapeutic tactics. Unauthorized use of strong sleeping pills is extremely undesirable. Sedatives are last resort in the fight against sleep disorders and are used only for medical purposes.

Otherwise, the patient risks suffering from increased resistance to medications and the development of addiction. In such a situation, he will experience serious difficulties when trying to fall asleep on his own.

As methods medicinal assistance In case of serious disruptions to the day and night routine in adult patients and children from 6 months of age, doctors use benzodiazepine drugs. Pharmacological agents, selected taking into account contraindications, help speed up the process of falling asleep. Among the frequent side effects Such remedies include morning drowsiness and confusion.

Some patients with neurotic pathologies are helped by antidepressants and mild central nervous system stimulants (glutamine and ascorbic acid). Tranquilizers can be used to normalize the condition of older people plant origin(valerian, motherwort) and vasodilators(papaverine, nicotinic acid).

Baby's sleep schedule

The normal sleep schedule of an infant is very different from the rest schedule of an adult. Babies under 4 months of age sleep most days. The period of uninterrupted sleep lasts 3-4 hours, after which the newborn may wake up briefly.

Reasons for violations

Cause problems with falling asleep infant the following negative factors may occur:

  • emotional overload;
  • neurological pathologies;
  • teething;
  • abdominal pain;
  • increased air dryness;
  • allergic reactions.

How to restore a baby's routine

Parents must provide their child with optimal conditions for rest. In the room where the crib is located, the humidity level should be maintained at about 60% and the temperature at 20-22 degrees. The room must be cleaned and ventilated regularly. It is useful to install a humidifier in the room.

It is necessary to analyze the baby’s diet and eliminate foods that can cause anxiety and pain. It is important to feed your newborn on a regular schedule according to the recommended dosage so that the baby does not remain hungry or feel heavy after a heavy meal.

Moms and dads should take care of maintaining a good mood for their child. You can achieve an increase in emotional background with the help of:

  • use of safe and natural aromatic oils. It is important to make sure that relaxers do not contain dangerous allergens. The oil has a noticeable calming effect tea tree and thyme, rosemary and geranium, lavender and cloves. A few drops of oil can be sprayed in the air or added to the bath;
  • performing massage techniques;
  • taking decoctions of soothing herbs recommended by your doctor.

How to restore routine in a child of preschool and school age

To regulate the daily routine of an older child, parents must ensure strict adherence to the schedule. It is important to minimize playing in front of a computer monitor and spending time in front of the TV. The baby should go outside more often and take walks, engage in educational games, drawing and reading.

If your child feels anxious in the dark, you should leave a dim nightlight in the room. Care should be taken to protect the room from extraneous sounds.

Any Appliances, phones and computers should be kept away from the bed. This will help reduce negative impact electromagnetic waves on a growing organism. Sleepwear should be comfortable, soft and roomy. You should choose pajamas depending on the time of year and room temperature.

The baby needs to be fed approximately 1-2 hours before bedtime. Reading fairy tales and poems together and singing a lullaby will help improve your emotional state.

The information described is provided for informational purposes. Normalization of the sleep-wake schedule in case of serious deviations from the norm should occur under the supervision of a doctor.

Sleep is very important for a productive life. Most often, rest is disrupted in people already in mature age. How to restore sleep patterns in an adult to return good mood and avoid unpleasant consequences lack of sleep? This can be done in several ways, but first you need to determine optimal time rest, which is individual for everyone.

A person should sleep approximately 8 hours a day. However, for some, to recuperate. To determine the norm, you need to monitor your own well-being. If a person sleeps less than seven hours and still feels rested, then this is enough. The rest figure is determined by trial method.

You need to sleep on a comfortable bed or sofa. Before resting, you can read a little, watch TV, but turn off the computer and other irritants before going to bed. You can try meditation.

What to do if an adult’s sleep schedule is out of whack

Every person has their own rest schedule. Some people need to go to bed at 19-20 hours, others - after midnight. It is important to find the best option for yourself. Sleep should be continuous. You need to go to bed at the same time.

Before going to bed, be sure to ventilate the room. Freshness promotes deep have a good rest. You can't overeat at night. The last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime. You need to fall asleep with pleasant thoughts, you can close your eyes and dream.

Waking up must be right too

It is important to be able to wake up correctly. The alarm clock must be set so that it cannot be taken from the bed. The melody should not be harsh, but, although loud, should be loved and pleasant. It is advisable to place a glass of water on the bedside table.

You need to drink it after waking up. This gives the body a signal to begin wakefulness. It is also advisable to get up at the same time. After waking up you need to wash your face cold water or take a contrast shower.

How to restore sleep patterns in adults

Nutrition plays an important role during the rest period. The more fatty foods you eat, the worse your sleep will be. Best for dinner vegetable salads, eat cottage cheese, chicken. Two hours before bedtime, it is advisable to eat a handful of cherries. They help produce melatonin.

At night you can drink a glass of milk with honey. To calm the nervous system, it is good to add chamomile to tea. You can drink coffee only before lunch. You should not overeat during dinner. This can lead to indigestion and sleep disturbance.

Physical exercise

It is advisable to exercise daily. This significantly improves sleep. However physical exercise in the evenings you need to exclude, at this time it is best to do yoga. Sleep improves even if a person exercises gym only 2-3 times a week. It is very useful to take a walk before relaxing on fresh air. It is advisable to be outside more often.

Traditional recipes and medications

When the sleep pattern is lost, how to restore it in adults with the help medicines? Will help normalize the rest period folk recipes. Infusions are made from medicinal plants:








All of the herbs listed can be consumed separately, in collections, or added a little to tea before bed. Medications will help restore the disrupted regime. Some are potent, have many contraindications and can only be taken with a doctor's prescription.