Rash on the décolleté in women. Pimples on the neck in women

In those areas of the body where large sebaceous glands are located, acne appears most often.

Thus, rashes on the face, shoulders, and upper back quickly find an explanation.

But the skin on the chest is not at risk, since there are no large sebaceous glands here.

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  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

Therefore, if acne appears in the décolleté area, this is a reason to seriously pay attention to the state of your health.

What do these rashes mean and how can you get rid of them?

Reasons for appearance

Why can acne appear in the chest and neck area, the so-called décolleté area?

If we talk about the absence of large sebaceous glands, this does not mean a complete absence of them. It’s just that there are much fewer of them in this area, and they themselves are smaller.

But just like in the back, their ducts can become clogged.

Let's consider the most common factors that provoke blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands.

Seborrhea and keratosis

Seborrhea is the active production of gland secretions.

Most often it is caused by an imbalance in the body, namely conditions associated with an increase in the level of male sex hormones in the blood.

  • They stimulate the sebaceous glands, and they begin to work harder.
  • Excess sebum, like a magnet, attracts particles of dust and dirt. The result is a dense fatty mass that blocks the duct. A plug forms in it.
  • Athletes, especially bodybuilders and those who use special sports nutrition with a high content of steroids, may also develop profuse rashes in the chest area. This is just a clear example of how steroids affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • In addition to external contaminants, epidermal scales can form a dense mass that closes the duct. These are spent cells that, for various reasons, are in no hurry to leave the surface of the skin. Fat sticks them tightly together and reduces the ability to exfoliate in a timely manner.

That is why daily cleansing of the skin from various contaminants is so necessary.

But sometimes the cause of blocked ducts is a condition not related to lack of necessary care.

  • This is keratosis. At the same time, the number of keratinized cells increases sharply.
  • They layer on top of each other, but cannot leave the top layer of skin.

This skin condition is visible to the naked eye and manifests itself to the touch. It is popularly called “goose bumps”.

The dead cells accumulate around the mouths of the hair follicles, forming bumps.

Such pimples are noticeable, so not every person will freely open this part of the body to prying eyes.


Often the cause of chest rashes is an allergic reaction.

It may occur due to the use of some or have a contact origin.

If you changed the skin care product for the skin of the décolleté and neck area or recently started wearing new jewelry, then the body could well react in a similar way.

rashes differ from others in that:

  • very red rash;
  • the area where it appears may become swollen and red, and the rash itself may become red.

Usually, when you stop using the product or contact with the substance that caused such a reaction, it quickly subsides.


There are few sebaceous glands on the chest, but, on the contrary, there are quite a lot of nerve endings.

Therefore, your worries or stress may be reflected in skin rashes.

Usually, rashes in the décolleté area are accompanied by pimples along the spine.

  • They appear suddenly, abundantly covering large areas of the skin.
  • These may be pimples, but without visible symptoms of the inflammatory process.
  • They don't hurt or itch.

Such acne does not need to be treated; it will go away on its own very quickly, of course, if stressful situations do not become daily occurrences.

Changes in hormonal levels

Hormonal changes in the body rarely cause pimples on the skin.

When this condition is especially difficult for the body, acne may appear in the décolleté area. This usually happens during age and pregnancy. These types of pimples look ugly. They are red, often purulent.

And while women’s rashes go away after giving birth, for some teenagers they cause problems for much longer.

Hormonal levels can also change under the influence of certain medications, especially those that have to be taken for a long time.

The most common side effect is such rashes when taking oral contraceptives.

Improper skin care

Few people provide separate skin care for the neck and chest.

Photo: the skin of the neck and chest requires mandatory care

And this must be done. After all, the skin here is much more delicate and sensitive than on the face. Therefore, the same care product cannot be used for both areas.

The skin in the décolleté area requires mandatory daily cleansing, but gentle and gentle, as well as maximum hydration.

If these rules are not followed, then you should not be surprised that acne forms on contaminated or dry skin.

Acne in the décolleté area can have different causes, but in order to properly treat the rash, they need to be identified.

Video: “Why do acne appear on the face”


The appearance of rashes in the décolleté area may vary depending on what causes them.

The skin in the chest area is very thin and sensitive, so choosing medications on your own can do more harm than good.

Photo: it is better to entrust treatment to a specialist

Better . He will conduct an examination to find out the cause of the rashes and prescribe a plan on how to get rid of them.

Like acne on other parts of the body, rashes on the chest require a comprehensive approach.

Symptoms should be eliminated, not forgetting the impact on the underlying cause and the overall health of the body (correct, healthy lifestyle).

Here are the methods used to get rid of acne in the décolleté area:

Photo: pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of acne

  • external anti-inflammatory agents(, retinoic ointment, zinc paste);
  • means for external use(, Zerkalin, Klindovit);
  • antiseptic solutions(Metrogil, );
  • alcohol tinctures and having drying and anti-inflammatory properties (calendula tincture);

Photo: anti-inflammatory agents for external use

  • prescription “talkers” for external use, consisting of components with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, drying properties;
  • antihistamines(prescribed for allergic rashes);
  • hormonal ointments or tablets(taken only as prescribed by a doctor, if the rash is associated with a hormonal imbalance in the body or is severe).

First aid measures

If the rash on your chest bothers you greatly, and there are still a few days left before your visit to the doctor, then, of course, you shouldn’t let the situation take its course.

There are relatively safe skin products that can help reduce the severity of symptoms.

Here's what you can do yourself:

  • spot treat rashes salicylic acid or calendula tincture, this method is especially good for acne with inflammation or purulent contents;

Photo: using ichthyol ointment will accelerate the maturation of pimples and draw out pus

  • subcutaneous pimples can be lubricated 3 times a day with Ichthyol ointment or Levomekol, and at night make a compress from these drugs, these ointments will accelerate the pimple, will bring pus out, reduce swelling and inflammation;
  • inflamed rashes can be spot-treated with ointments, twice a day;
  • strong sea solution(1 tablespoon per glass of warm water) wipe areas with rashes up to 5 times a day;
  • lubricate individual pimples with juice twice a day, this will help to cope with inflammation faster.

Folk remedies

can also provide good support in treating rashes.

Many alternative medicines have good reviews of the results of use, go well with any doctor’s prescriptions, and can also be used to prevent acne.

Here is what traditional medicine advises for rashes in the décolleté area:

Photo: regular use of tar soap will dry out inflammatory elements

  • use tar for daily hygiene procedures, during the period of rashes, you can make masks on the area of ​​rashes (lather the acne area, leave until dry, rinse with warm water);
  • brew, string, calendula in a glass and wipe the acne-affected area 2-3 times during the day;

Photo: using herbal infusions and decoctions will relieve inflammation

  • complete hygiene procedures with lemon tonic(, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3);
  • essential oils citrus fruits, coniferous plants, tea tree cope well with inflammation, rashes should be treated with them 1-2 times a day;
  • cosmetic mask, applied for 15 minutes, it will dry out the rash well;
  • yeast(you can take regular baking ones), diluted with warm water, can be used as an antibacterial mask, apply it for a few minutes daily;

Photo: a cucumber mask will soothe and whiten the skin

  • cucumber will soothe irritated skin and relieve inflammation, its pulp is crushed in a blender or finely grated, and then thickly applied to areas with acne for 15 minutes;

Photo: a compress with soda will relieve inflammation

  • food dilute a little with warm water and apply to the rash for 5 minutes, this method will help stop the development of the inflammatory process;
  • raw potatoes disinfects the skin well, you need to finely rub it, wrap it in gauze and apply a compress to areas of severe rashes for 10 minutes, then gently wipe the skin with warm water using a cotton pad.


  • When cleansing your facial skin in the evening, do not forget about your neck and décolleté. It is better to do this while taking a shower; here you can and should also use it, only with a more delicate structure, and it is better to complete the procedure with a contrast shower;
  • décolleté skin reacts more sharply to low-quality cosmetics, therefore, use only good care products;
  • To prevent skin rashes, you should think about a healthy diet. Eating fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy products and a gentle method of preparing dishes will have a beneficial effect on your appearance and health;
  • try to pay special attention to the quality of clothing, remember that proper breathing of the skin is ensured only by clothing made from natural fabrics;
  • Do not remove pimples by squeezing, this greatly harms the skin and often only increases the number of rashes;
  • If you have severe rashes, consult your doctor and get examined. Acne in the décolleté area can be caused by serious abnormalities in the functioning of internal organs.
Acne appears less frequently on the décolleté than on the face.

All the more attention should be paid to such rashes, because they can be caused by other health problems.

Don't try to deal with an intense rash on your own.

Video: “How to get rid of acne”

Beautiful skin in the breast area makes every woman proud. Under the influence of various factors, rashes may appear in the décolleté area, which cause psychological discomfort, especially in the hot season.

The formation of acne in the décolleté area is possible for the following reasons.

Seborrhea and keratosis

Seborrhea is associated with hormonal imbalance, when male sex hormones predominate over female ones. As a result, there is an increase in the secretion of the sebaceous glands, and due to contamination of the outer integument, plugs are formed.

Also, women who abuse sports nutrition and supplements with a high content of steroids are prone to developing a rash in the décolleté area.

The appearance of acne on the skin due to seborrhea is often caused by non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. The epidermis clogs the ducts of the sebaceous glands, and the fatty secretion binds them, which reduces the ability to exfoliate.

With keratosis, acne in the décolleté area occurs due to the layering of keratinized cells on top of each other, which accumulate at the roots of the hair. The skin becomes lumpy and unpleasant to the touch.


Increased sensitivity of the body to any product can occur in any person. It often manifests itself in the form of pimples on the skin of the neck and décolleté. It is important to distinguish an allergic rash from dermatological defects of other etiologies, provide timely assistance and exclude the allergen, since in the future the accumulation of toxins can cause shock or Quincke's edema.

Rashes from allergic reactions are usually small and red in color. They are accompanied by itching and may swell slightly. After stopping contact with the allergen, the negative reaction on the skin goes away.


Pimples in the décolleté area often appear after nervous overload. The rash appears suddenly, spreading throughout the body, most often it is red pimples that do not have additional symptoms. When the emotional state is restored, the formations go away on their own.

Changes in hormonal levels

Due to hormonal changes in adolescence, as well as during pregnancy, the formation of a rash in the décolleté and on the back is a common occurrence. Acne on the skin is accompanied by inflammation and purulent discharge. Usually, after restoring hormonal balance and external treatment of pustules, the disease goes away.

Sometimes the cause of formations on the skin is the use of medications, especially steroid drugs, which affect metabolic processes with long-term use.

Improper skin care

Lack of personal hygiene in the breast area leads to blockage of the sebaceous glands. The skin in the décolleté area requires gentle cleansing and moisturizing. Improper care can lead to allergic reactions or contamination of the epidermis.

Types of acne on the décolleté area

Due to these reasons, the form of rashes in the décolleté area can be varied:

If this type of rash is detected, you should consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of the development of endocrine diseases.

First aid measures

If rashes appear, accompanied by severe itching or burning, you should consult a doctor to determine the exact cause of acne and conduct the necessary examinations.

First aid to reduce skin symptoms:

  1. Spot treatment of pimples. You can use calendula infusion or salicylic acid.
  2. For subcutaneous pimples, lubricate them with antibacterial ointment at night or make a compress to quickly ripen the comedones.
  3. The inflammatory process decreases after using pharmaceutical ointments (Baziron, Skinoren).
  4. You can make lotions from a solution with sea salt or apply aloe leaves to them.

Treatment methods

After the necessary research, the doctor selects a treatment regimen based on the reasons that caused the formations on the skin.

Treatment of acne should be comprehensive and include the use of medications, adherence to a special diet and, if necessary, physical therapy.

Drug therapy

The course is selected depending on the factor influencing the appearance of rashes.

Basic treatment regimens:

  • local anti-inflammatory drugs (syntomycin, zinc ointment);
  • antibacterial drugs (“Zinerit”);
  • antiseptic solutions (chlorhexidine);
  • drying agents containing alcohol (salicylic or boric solution);
  • pharmaceutical mixtures of several components that have several effects at once;
  • for allergies use antihistamines;
  • steroid-based ointments (prescribed by a doctor in severe cases, with serious hormonal changes in the body).

All procedures are carried out with clean hands. Before applying the products, you must thoroughly wash and steam your skin.

Folk remedies

When a person develops hypersensitivity to purchased medications, alternative therapy methods are used.

  • Frequently wash problem areas with laundry or tar soap, use soap suds as a compress several times a week.
  • Grind the leaves of a three-year-old aloe and wrap in gauze. Apply to skin and leave for 15 minutes.
  • Brew celandine, calendula and chamomile. Use as a lotion after the solution has cooled several times a day.
  • Mix lemon juice with three parts water and wipe the skin morning and evening.

Recipes for ointments and scrubs

  • Combine olive oil and honey, add tocopherol and a few drops of aloe. Mix and place in a jar with a lid. Apply to pimples daily. The shelf life of the product is about 30 days.
  • Mix sour cream with cucumber, lemon juice and two yolks. Beat the mixture and add a little alcohol. Use twice a day.
  • To prepare the scrub, mix orange peel with honey in equal proportions and add a few grams of pepper and cinnamon. Apply to the décolleté area and leave for a few minutes, then massage lightly and rinse.

Modern cosmetics

Retinoic ointment helps get rid of acne. It helps restore the outer skin and has an antiseptic effect. The skin should be treated for several days until a crust appears. If necessary, repeat the course of treatment.

Intraskin cream is also used. It contains natural ingredients that can quickly relieve the inflammatory process in affected areas. Panthenol and chamomile extract cleanse the skin and restore its protective properties. The result is noticeable already on the third day after the start of use.


If the prescribed treatment is not followed or the disease is in an advanced stage, complications may arise:

  • scars on the skin caused by damage or rubbing with tissue;
  • dark spots;
  • When acne becomes infected, systemic diseases may develop.

To prevent relapse and maintain beautiful and well-groomed skin for as long as possible, it is recommended to follow a number of rules:

  • Do not forget about treating the décolleté area, regularly clean and moisturize the skin.
  • Use natural remedies or pharmaceutical preparations with quality ingredients.
  • Follow a diet: exclude sweets, smoked foods, spices and fatty foods.
  • Get rid of bad habits.
  • Wear clothes made from natural materials, change them when dirty.
  • Take walks in the fresh air more often, take sunbathing.
  • Do not squeeze pimples on the chest or face, as this leads to the formation of scars or age spots.
  • For intense rashes with severe symptoms, seek help from a dermatologist.

A rash in the décolleté area is a problem that can leave behind cosmetic consequences. To prevent this, you should follow all the specialist’s recommendations.

Pimples on the décolleté: Video

The décolleté is an aesthetically important area of ​​the body for every female. Therefore, various defects, including acne in the décolleté area, cause many complexes. Unfortunately, the problem is not uncommon: in this area the skin also has pores that become clogged with waste products of the integumentary tissue.

Read in this article


The causes of acne in the décolleté area are varied, but have much in common with those that occur when defects occur on the face or other parts of the body. Dermatologists identify the following factors that influence the appearance of a rash in the décolleté area:

  • clogged pores;
  • clothing made from non-natural materials;
  • tight clothes;
  • insufficient hygiene;
  • various diseases;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • wrong lifestyle;
  • stress.

Clogged pores can occur due to excess production of sebum by the glands. It, together with dead skin particles, creates a kind of plug in the pore, preventing it from performing its functions. At the site of the blockage, a focus of inflammation forms in the form of a small white abscess. As a rule, apart from an aesthetic defect, the abscess does not cause any other discomfort. However, you should not remove it yourself, as the risk of inflammation and spread of rashes over a large area of ​​the body increases.

Wearing clothes made from non-natural materials, in particular synthetic ones, is inherently a prerequisite for the occurrence of the above-described cause - blockage. The fact is that synthetic fabrics do not allow skin cells to carry out the process of respiration and adequate release from waste products. The result is the appearance of acne on the shoulders and décolleté.

It is equally important to select clothes for every day according to your body parameters. It should not restrict movement. Things that fit tightly to the body disrupt blood circulation and oxygen supply to the skin, affecting regeneration processes. This is especially true for overweight people. If there are excess accumulations of adipose tissue under the skin, then it forms folds, the space under which, when tightly fitted with clothing, is completely deprived of access to oxygen. Small pimples on the neck and décolleté can also occur when wearing synthetic turtlenecks and high-neck sweaters.

Hygienic cleanliness is of great importance for the visual cleanliness of the skin. This applies not only to people who already have rashes in the décolleté area, but also to those who have not yet encountered it. In order to ensure proper skin hygiene, you should take a shower or bath at least once a day. If a rash already exists on the skin, then dermatologists recommend using special cleansing gels and lotions.

The development of rashes in the décolleté and neck area can occur due to various internal diseases. For example, some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can give rise to the appearance of a pustular rash.

Often the cause may be unstable hormonal levels caused by pathologies of the endocrine system. In addition, stressful conditions can be the cause, especially if we are talking about chronic nervous overstrain.

The state of hypovitaminosis disrupts the course of many physiological processes in the body, including renewal and regeneration of the skin. For example, vitamin A eliminates dryness and cracks, and B6 reduces the number of acne. Therefore, it is very important to consume enough vitamins through food or supplements.

If rashes occur on the skin of the neck and décolleté, you should think about your diet. Foods rich in simple carbohydrates and animal fats negatively affect the condition of the skin, increasing the likelihood of rashes and reducing regenerative abilities. Negatively affects skin health and... Nicotine regularly entering the body reduces the skin's ability to renew itself and causes premature aging.


To find out or clarify the reasons that caused the rash, a specialist prescribes a complex. Mandatory are:

  1. General blood and urine analysis.
  2. Tests for hormones of the thyroid gland, gonads and adrenal glands.
  3. Analysis of stool for dysbacteriosis.
  4. Ultrasound, in particular of the thyroid gland and pelvic organs.

After meeting the diagnostic minimum, women with rashes on the décolleté may need to consult an allergist. Its necessity is due to the insufficient amount of information about the factor that caused the rash to appear in the décolleté area. Perhaps the cause was exposure to an allergen.


Ointments and creams for the treatment of rashes in the décolleté area will be recommended by a dermatologist.

The approach to treating rashes on the neck and décolleté should be comprehensive. To obtain prescriptions, you should definitely contact a qualified specialist.

A competent dermatologist will make the following appointments:

  • ointments or creams to dry out the rash in the décolleté area;
  • medicinal “talkers” (made in the prescription department of a pharmacy or personally by a doctor);
  • treatment of pustules with alcohol tincture (salicylic, from calendula);
  • careful hygiene of the whole body, especially the affected areas;
  • local or general antibacterial therapy for a large area of ​​rash;
  • hormonal agents in case of proven disruption of the endocrine system.

During treatment, the condition of the skin should be monitored. If, as a result of using any ointment or cream, the décolleté area becomes red, you should stop using it and seek a second consultation with a dermatologist.

The appearance of various skin defects in the neck and décolleté requires special attention. It is important to consult a specialist in a timely manner for diagnosis and treatment.

What kind of problems related to appearance do women of different ages have to face! This includes excess weight, cellulite, wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes, and, of course, acne, which can appear not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body, including in the décolleté area.

A scattering of acne on the chest is not uncommon and can annoy both men and women equally, but if the former are not too upset about this, then for some representatives of the fair sex this cosmetic problem can turn into a real disaster. After all, a rash in the décolleté area looks very unaesthetic and even repulsive, and in addition, it almost always causes physical discomfort, accompanied by pain.

And what’s most unpleasant is that acne in this area of ​​the body can appear at any age and often takes on a focal form, and after they heal, scars often remain on the skin, which are quite difficult to get rid of. That is why any rash on the chest, single or extensive, cannot be ignored, and immediate efforts to eliminate them should be started. But before you start treating acne, it is necessary to identify the cause of their appearance, since the therapeutic approach will depend on it.

Why do acne appear in the décolleté area?

As practice shows, acne in the chest area appears as often as on the face, but most women, even with focal rashes, do not always seek help from a specialist, hoping that sooner or later everything will go away on its own. At the same time, many ladies do not use any means to treat acne at all, but prefer to get rid of them mechanically, that is, by squeezing, which contributes to the active spread of infection and the formation of scars. In fact, there are much more reliable ways to eliminate this cosmetic problem, the choice of which depends on the factors influencing the formation of acne in the décolleté area. These include:

  • failure to comply with basic hygiene rules;
  • improper or insufficient skin care;
  • diseases of the endocrine and reproductive systems;
  • disturbance or change in hormonal levels (during menstruation, puberty, pregnancy and menopause);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys;
  • blockage of the exocrine glands (sebaceous and sweat);
  • allergic reaction (to foods, medications, perfumes, creams and synthetic fabrics);
  • violation of thermoregulation associated with wearing clothes that are too tight and poorly breathable;
  • unbalanced diet (excessive consumption of fatty and sweet foods);
  • reduced immunity (due to frequent colds, vitamin deficiency);
  • dermatological diseases of infectious nature;
  • nervous disorders, stress.

It should be noted that to determine the exact cause of acne in the décolleté area, as a rule, a comprehensive examination is required, which includes laboratory tests, ultrasound diagnostics of internal organs and consultations with highly specialized doctors (if necessary). Of course, the presence of one or two pimples is not a serious reason to contact a specialist, but if the rashes are focal, qualified treatment cannot be avoided, since self-administered therapy, without clarifying the diagnosis, can only lead to a temporary weakening or disappearance of the manifestations of the disease.

How to treat acne on the décolleté

In order to get rid of a rash localized in the chest area, you can use both traditional and folk methods. Drug (traditional) therapy involves the use of medications prescribed by a doctor after an examination. It can be:

  • ointments and pastes that have an anti-inflammatory and drying effect (zinc, syntomycin, erythromycin, retinoic);
  • broad-spectrum antibacterial gels and creams (“Skinoren”, “Klindovit” and others);
  • disinfectant solutions for external use (chlorhexidine, metronidazole);
  • alcohol tinctures with antiseptic and antibacterial properties (salicylic alcohol, calendula tincture);
  • medicinal “talkers”, consisting of several anti-inflammatory drugs (they are prepared in the prescription department of the pharmacy);
  • antihistamines (gels, ointments and tablets) - prescribed when the formation of acne is caused by food, drug or household allergies;
  • hormonal agents (ointments, tablets) - their use is indicated if the skin rash is associated with disorders of the endocrine and reproductive systems.

As for alternative medicine, it can also be quite effective in treating chest rashes. The most popular folk remedies for acne are:

  • tar soap is a powerful antibacterial agent of natural origin that can be used instead of regular soap (for washing) or in the form of compresses (1-2 times a day);
  • aloe juice - wipe problem areas of the skin 1-2 times a day to eliminate inflammatory processes;
  • herbal decoctions and infusions of celandine, chamomile, calendula or sage - perfectly cleanse the skin and stop the spread of infection (they are recommended to be used in the form of lotions or compresses 2 times a day);
  • saline solution (a tablespoon of sea salt per 200 ml of warm water) - deeply cleanses pores and helps fight rashes (warm solution should be used to treat inflamed areas in the morning and evening);
  • homemade anti-inflammatory tonic, prepared from fresh lemon juice and filtered water (in a ratio of 1:3), - apply to the skin using a spray bottle or cotton swabs (in the morning and before bedtime);
  • essential oils (tea tree, lemon, rosemary) - they can be used to cauterize acne pinpoints using a cotton swab (undiluted) or used to treat large areas of the skin, mixing with the base (lotions, creams, base oils);
  • different types of cosmetic clay, diluted with water to a paste (in accordance with the instructions) - they should be used in the form of masks, that is, applied to the skin, and after 15–20 minutes, washed off with plenty of water (such procedures are recommended to be carried out at least 2 times in Week);
  • “live” yeast, diluted with warm water to the consistency of liquid sour cream, is an excellent antibacterial agent (apply the mixture daily to the chest area, and after a few minutes rinse with water);
  • cucumber pulp, crushed in a blender, tones and soothes irritated skin, relieves inflammation (apply cucumber pulp once a day in a thick layer to problem areas, and after 15–20 minutes rinse with warm water);
  • baking soda, dissolved in water in equal proportions, is an excellent disinfectant that helps stop inflammatory processes in the initial stage (treat problem areas with a soda solution once a day, leaving it on the skin for 5–10 minutes, and then rinsing with water);
  • gruel of raw potatoes, wrapped in gauze - apply the compress prepared in this way daily to areas of inflamed skin for 15 minutes, after which gently wipe the dermis with a cotton pad soaked in warm water.

When treating acne, you must always monitor your body’s reaction to the drugs or folk remedies used. If any side effects occur (increase in rash, redness of the skin, itching or burning), you must immediately stop therapy and seek repeated consultation with a specialist who will select another method of treatment, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Preventing acne on the décolleté area

Treatment of acne in the chest area is a complex and lengthy process. But in most cases, this problem can be completely prevented. To do this, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • be sure to follow the rules of hygiene - take regular showers (preferably a contrast one), do not neglect scrubs that help remove dead skin particles that clog pores;
  • use only high-quality cosmetics that contain a minimum amount of chemical additives (dyes, perfumes, preservatives) - this will help minimize the risk of allergies;
  • adjust your diet - eat enough fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, dairy products, fish, lean meat (fatty foods, sweets, carbonated and alcoholic drinks should be avoided);
  • try to purchase clothes made from natural fabrics that allow the skin to breathe (this also applies to underwear);
  • Avoid stress as much as possible, devote enough time to healthy relaxation and spend more time in the fresh air;
  • do not self-medicate and do not try to get rid of acne by mechanical means, otherwise the condition of the skin in the décolleté area may worsen;
  • Conduct regular medical examinations to promptly identify diseases that lead to the appearance of rashes in the décolleté area;
  • At the first signs of a rash, be sure to consult a specialist who, if necessary, will prescribe adequate treatment and give recommendations regarding nutrition and care for inflamed skin.

Acne in the décolleté area is a very unattractive phenomenon that can ruin any woman’s appearance and mood, especially when the rash appears at the most inopportune moment and is accompanied by pain. But if you consult a doctor in a timely manner and strictly follow all the recommendations, this cosmetic disease will be defeated, and your skin will again become clean, smooth and radiant.

The causes of acne on the décolleté, neck, face and other parts of the body are practically the same. But each case has its own nuances, for example, in the décolleté area there are few sebaceous glands, so the cause of their blockage can be safely rejected. However, there are many nerve endings in this area, so pimples, blackheads and rashes are usually the result of stress and conflict situations.

Causes of acne on the chest

White and small pimples (closed comedones) are subcutaneous bumps without any symptoms of inflammation. This type of acne is formed under the influence of clogged pores, can manifest itself as a result of a cold or excessive keratinization of the epidermis, and can be a consequence of stress, since it produces the hormone cortisol (then acne can appear along the length of the spine). If the problem is keratinization of the skin, then cleaning with a scrub should help. To avoid allergies and the occurrence of new rashes, you need to choose hygiene products that suit your skin type.

Red, painless formations are accompanied by mild discomfort or itching. They indicate an allergy to any food product, jewelry, medicine or cosmetic product, or are formed due to wearing synthetic clothing that is too tight or a bra that does not allow the skin to breathe (such pimples form under the breasts or mammary glands).

Pimples with purulent contents are a former closed comedon in which bacteria have begun to develop. The reason for this is the lack of proper care. Acne may indicate hormonal disorders (endometriosis and other diseases of the female reproductive system, diabetes; during pregnancy, before menstruation or breastfeeding, such rashes go away on their own).

Such pimples should not be squeezed out - scars may remain on the décolleté area and there is a risk of infection

Subcutaneous acne can form due to infection by the demodex mite (then demodicosis occurs), improper skin care, and a decrease in the body's defenses.

Acne can also be caused by a lack of nutrients (B vitamins), poor diet, seasonal weather changes, excretion of toxins through the skin, or exposure to unfavorable climates. You should worry if there are too many rashes. Pimples with purulent contents should be of particular concern due to possible changes in hormonal levels.

If such acne occurs, you should consult a specialist. This could be a dermatologist or endocrinologist if there is a suspicion of hormonal imbalance.

Getting rid of acne

You can get rid of acne and rashes in the décolleté area if you follow the recommendations:

  • normalize nutrition;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • remove allergens;
  • choose the right body care cosmetics;
  • review the use of medications;
  • normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • wear comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement;
  • use acne gels (if there is no allergy to them, and the rashes are not caused by hormonal imbalance or problems with the gastrointestinal tract).

If acne appears due to poor nutrition, then the diet must include a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits, fiber, healthy fats, fish and seafood, olive oil, dairy and fermented milk products, dried fruits, and clean water. You need to give up bad habits and eating fast food. You can consult a doctor who will prescribe tests to determine the lack or excess of any nutrients.

Proper hygiene is important. Oxygen Botanicals, Christina Fluoroxygen+C Clarifying Scrub, Aquatonale, SeSDERMA, Demax, Kart Papaya Peeling are scrubs specially designed for sensitive facial skin. To cleanse throughout the day, you can use chamomile or calendula wipes.

An allergy to jewelry can be recognized immediately, but if the irritant is unknown, then it is necessary to undergo tests to identify it. If you have a reaction to a cosmetic product, you should stop using it. It is important to cleanse the skin using special products that contain a minimum amount of fragrance.

If there are no contraindications and this is agreed with a specialist, then the following means are used for treatment:

  • zinc-based ointments;
  • hormonal agents;
  • azelaic acid;
  • salicylic acid.