Eye to eye gaze: is eye contact with a dog acceptable? Possible problems: the dog does not make eye contact. Why do dogs not make eye contact?

When a person and a dog look into each other's eyes, their connection strengthens, Japanese scientists have found. It's all about oxytocin, a hormone that helps form attachment (for example, between a mother and her newborn). Its level rises sharply when the dog and owner are in close visual contact.

To prove this, several experiments were carried out. In one of them, dogs and owners were deliberately left alone in a room for 30 minutes. Later, those people and animals who spent more time looking into each other's eyes showed increased concentration oxytocin. It was also noted that these owners touched and talked to their pets more during the experiment. What could be more beautiful – both for dogs and for people?

The same experiment was repeated with wolves raised by humans and very attached to their owners. But oxytocin remained at the same level. The explanation followed: most likely, wolves, even domesticated ones, perceive visual contact primarily as a threat and often simply avoid looking people in the eyes.

In addition, during the experiments, a “biological positive feedback” was discovered between dogs and their owners - an increase in oxytocin levels in one causes an increase in the hormone in the other. “Looking into the eyes in the process of human evolution has become important means communication between people,” explains study co-author and veterinarian Takefumi Kikusui from Azabu University in Kanagawa in Japan. He suggests that during the domestication of dogs, eye-to-eye gaze became a means of communication between owner and pet, which helped them become attached to each other.

According to Kikusui, a similar effect may be found in cats. However, this assumption requires verification. It is known that in communication people look more at right side the face of the interlocutor, whose facial expressions are more expressive. Dogs are the only type of pet that does the same.

book on the topic

The book “My Dog Loves Jazz” was awarded the Hans Christian Andersen International Gold Medal – and for good reason. Amazing stories Marina Moskvina, in which the ordinary, familiar world is constantly turned upside down, is liked by both children and adults.

What are the benefits of oxytocin? It is produced in the hypothalamus and plays an important role in regulating various reactions and forms of behavior. Helps form attachment, recognize faces, regulates maternal instincts. It is known that dogs are often used for the rehabilitation of patients (including in psychotherapy): they help reduce anxiety and emotional stress. Treatment with dogs is called canistherapy. Many scientists attribute its effectiveness to the production of the hormone oxytocin.

For details, see M. Nagasawa et al. "Oxytocin-gaze positive loop and the coevolution of human-dog bonds", Science , 2015.

A dog is undoubtedly man's friend. These animals are incredibly loyal and friendly. Many people consider dogs part of the family. True, beloved pets can sometimes also be dangerous and unfriendly. This often happens when we look into their eyes. Ask: “Why can’t you look your dog in the eye?”

The fact is that dogs are pack animals by nature. By exchanging glances, dogs exchange information, signaling a certain action (obedience or aggression). It is generally accepted that every flock is led by a leader. Its remaining members are mandatory must obey. This is the reason that dogs can regard a person’s gaze as an attack on leadership authority, and show their aggression. Here Why can't you look your dog straight in the eye?.

How to behave properly with dogs?

Even a friendly four-legged friend can show an angry grin. When we're talking about About animal instincts, dogs do not distinguish a person from an animal. An emotion such as laughter can sometimes cause aggression in them. They associate a person’s harmless smile with a grin. Therefore, in the fight for the right to lead, the dog will even try to attack. There is no need to allow this to happen. Be careful with your emotions when showing them to your pets.

There are a number of rules that will help you behave correctly with an animal:

  • do not look the dog directly in the eyes (they regard this as a direct challenge);
  • There is no need to pet the dog when you meet him;
  • hanging over the body is a direct threat for dogs (in such cases they try to quickly remove their head or bite);
  • extend your palm to the dog (this way you will get to know him);
  • in company unfamiliar dogs(mongrels) avoid sharp gestures and do not make loud sounds(they can provoke the animal into aggression);
  • give the dog a treat (this way you will gain its trust);
  • let the dog sniff you (it's their nature). By sniffing, the dog receives the necessary information that will help it get to know the person better;
  • If you are in the company of aggressive mongrels, do not run away.
  • After looking into the eyes of an aggressive dog, try to quickly look away. Pretend that you accidentally leaned over a flower or a stone.

By adhering to these rules, you will avoid attacks and aggression from the animal.

Remember, when you bring an animal into your home, you take responsibility. Choose less controversial dog breeds (Newfoundlands or St. Bernards). When getting Dobermans, Afghan Shepherds and Cocker Spaniels, remember their aggressive nature. They are born leaders. Even a slight glance into their eyes can cause aggression. Once you have decided on the breed, do not forget about vaccinations against rabies and other diseases. Take your pet to the veterinarian for an examination and consultation.

Thousands of years ago, primitive people managed to tame dogs, and since then these domestic wolves accompany people on hunts and travels, perform police and army service along with people, faithfully guard their owners’ houses and delight their owners with obedience. Over thousands of years of existence side by side with humans, dogs have adopted many habits and traits of people - these animals know how to smile, be sad, feel affection and express love and joy, as well as anger and aggression. People, in turn, regularly made attempts to learn to understand their four-legged pets, and today professional dog handlers know all the characteristics and motives of the behavior of these animals and can accurately determine the emotions and intentions of any dog.

However, despite the fact that cynology has moved far forward, most ordinary people have very fragmentary and incipiently erroneous knowledge about the habits of dogs, which, in turn, gives rise to a lot of... And one of the most famous “folk” opinions about how to behave with dogs is the statement that you should not look dogs in the eye. But why can’t you look into a dog’s eyes, and can looking eye to eye really provoke an animal into aggression and attack?

Why is it considered wrong to look a dog in the eyes?

People who argue that a person should not look into a dog’s eyes argue that direct eye-to-eye gaze is perceived by the animal as an attempt to dominate and a challenge to fight. And if a person looks into the eyes of a dog, it will show aggression and attack to prove its dominant position. To support this opinion, its adherents use the fact that in a dog pack, staring eye to eye is a challenge to the leader and an attempt to take his place.

However, when considering the question of why you should not look a dog in the eyes, you should also not forget that dogs initially consider themselves inferior and weaker than a man, therefore, it is incorrect to transfer the habits of dogs in a pack to their attitude towards people. For most dogs, a person is initially stronger, and therefore the main one, so they do not dare to enter into a struggle with him for dominance. And if a person looks intently into a dog’s eyes, it will be the first to look away and leave rather than show aggression.

You also need to remember that the behavior of each dog is individual, because among these animals there are friendly, cowardly, and passive individuals. Therefore, staring into the eyes is not recommended only for aggressive and dominant dogs, which in some cases may actually take such human behavior as a challenge. In general, according to experienced dog handlers, You should not look into a dog’s eyes in the following cases:

Obviously, the ban on looking dogs in the eye mainly applies to unfamiliar aggressive dogs and packs of feral animals. And you also shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that by the concept of “looking into a dog’s eyes,” dog handlers mean a long, gaze, and not fleeting eye contact. Therefore, if a person accidentally meets the gaze of a strange dog, he should not panic - dogs do not react in any way to short random glances.

Is it possible to look into your dog's eyes?

Japanese scientists not only refuted the idea that one should not look into the eyes of domestic dogs, but also managed to prove the opposite. Based on the results of studies conducted with dogs and their owners, it was found that with the help of eye to eye glances, a person and a dog become even more attached to each other, and also feel more happiness from communication.

In the course of research, scientists have found that during eye contact, both animals and humans produce oxytocin, a hormone responsible for the formation of feelings. Looking into the eyes of his dog, a person demonstrates his love and protection to him, and the dog, in turn, becomes even more attached to the owner, as he begins to identify him not only with the leader and breadwinner, but also with his mother.

What goes on in a dog's head when he sits staring at his owner with a long, unblinking gaze? Is the animal trying to master telekinesis or transmitting information through the power of thought? Perhaps the dog is trying to tell its owner how much he is attached to him? Anyway its big Brown eyes can look at a person indefinitely.

For some, such curiosity may seem annoying, but for most people this phenomenon does not carry a negative message. And now scientists have probably found the answer to our question. The Scientific American dubbed this phenomenon with the pithy phrase “looking through time.” Dogs use all these seconds and minutes to read information from their owner’s face.

Experiment Conducted with Horses

The experiment, conducted by staff at the University of Sussex, involved horses. The animal, watching a herd of relatives turning the corner, was confused at the moment when a lone horse passed towards it. But as soon as the scientists repeated the experiment, no confusion arose in the experimental subject’s head. Everything is familiar: the herd goes around the corner, a lone horse comes towards.

How does this work for dogs?

This experience can be applied to dogs. It turns out that our pets are trying to look at us for so long in order to catch a familiar intonation in the voice or facial expression.
Thus our four-legged friends“read” human behavior, which allows them to understand us better.

Sometimes it seems that dogs know how to use their gaze to get what they want, for example, plaintively asking with their eyes in the hope that the owner will give a piece of treat.

Eye contact is not a natural behavior for dogs. In the animal world, eye contact is interpreted as a threat; animals try to turn their heads to the side to avoid direct eye contact with another individual, especially a dominant one. This behavior can also be observed during contact with a person, for example, if the owner scolds the pet for making a mess in the room, the animal, according to the person, begins to feel guilty, taking a submissive pose and avoiding looking the person in the eyes. This behavior of the animal is aimed at defusing conflict situation and don't let things get to the point of a fight.

Why do dogs make eye contact?

It is assumed that dogs make eye contact with humans for several reasons. One of the main versions is considered to be attracting attention and expecting from a person the actions desired by the animal. Perhaps the animal remembered positive experience when eye contact helped to get a tasty treat, get the owner to go for a walk, or involve the owner in a game.

Another reason why dogs make eye contact is to try to figure out what a person wants from the animal. Perhaps some pets, looking at the owner, are simply trying to understand his mood or are showing curiosity, because pets attached to the owner show interest in what the person is doing.

Research by Japanese scientists conducted in 2015 gave a completely unexpected answer to the question “Why do dogs make eye contact?” It turns out that direct eye contact is a sign of affection and love for the owner. Research has shown that both dogs and humans release the hormone oxytocin when they make eye contact with each other. This hormone is produced in bitches, which affects the mother’s recognition of her puppies, strengthens the attachment to them and the maternal instinct. When a pet looks at its owner, it feels much better, feels comfortable, and a similar connection arises as between a parent and a child. This type of eye contact is called an “adoring gaze.”

In a sense, eye contact is a reward for the dog. It is even recommended to establish eye contact with your pet from the very beginning. early age, which will increase the level of trust, improve relationships with pets and achieve best results in education.

How to understand a dog's gaze

You can understand your pet’s mood by looking at it, although a more complete picture is given by a combination of gestures, for example, the position of the tail and ears. But the look of a dog can also say a lot.

Adoring look characterized by relaxation, the animal behaves calmly, and the eyes look happy, narrowing, taking an almond shape.

On excitation, which often occurs during games, or surprise can be indicated by rounded eyes.

Tester pain or the animal looks sideways at melancholy with sad and sluggish eyes.

Tension a pet can be understood by its distrustful eyes, the firmness of its gaze, while the white membrane of the eye (sclera) is visible. This look can be observed when a pet is guarding its toy or does not want to be approached too close. In this state, the animal may bite.

About aggressive behavior The animal will be told by a heavy and searching gaze, while the animal does not blink. In this case, it is better to leave the dog and not try to look into its eyes, so that it does not see a threat in the person.

Animals sometimes avoid eye contact, for example, if they are very submissive, are not used to humans, or are afraid. But many pets look at people without expecting a threat from them, so if there are no other signs of aggression, there is no need to be afraid of a dog's gaze.