War thunder Soviet branch. Development trees for tanks, self-propelled guns and self-propelled guns in the game War Thunder

“Probably many who are interested in the development of the WT project, and in particular the ground forces, thought about what the development branches of the represented countries might look like.
(in the game menu you can even see a switch between military branches, which doesn’t work yet)

I took the liberty (the impudence) to present various equipment using the example of the two most prominent representatives of the ground forces of that time, namely the USSR and Germany.

What technique is used?
Only mechanized serial production vehicles that took part (fought) in the Second World War and the Korean War.
Light, medium, heavy tanks, as well as self-propelled guns (tank destroyers, anti-tank and assault guns), self-propelled howitzers, anti-aircraft guns and armored vehicles.

A premium line of equipment for each country has also been added.

What guided me in balancing the levels?
Having reviewed the current aircraft branches many times, I took two principles by which I placed equipment at one level or another.
Firstly, I relied on the real date of appearance, after which I balanced the car in accordance with its characteristics and influence on the course of the war.
Perhaps many points will seem controversial to you, if you think so, I will be glad to hear constructive criticism.

Light tanks, armored vehicles, as well as self-propelled guns are set according to combat effectiveness (without taking into account the date of appearance), this was done specifically to lower them to low levels in order to increase their relevance.
The same applies to self-propelled artillery.

Price policy.
Actually, comrade Bracker helped me with the prices for equipment (for which I thank him), they are set on the basis of current aircraft prices average price unit per level." - Mr 13

War thunder We have waited for the moment when battles take place not only in the air, but also on land!

This event will give everyone many hours of exciting tank battles that will bring admiration and a storm of emotions!

Therefore, today our topic is interesting and useful for many of you - tanks in game War thunder.

You will take part in battles using World War II vehicles, try them out and even “feel” them, thanks to stunning graphics and physics. After all, it was the military equipment of those times that was considered one of the most universal and advanced.

From this article you will learn:

Development branches

  1. On initial stages Players have access to two development branches, represented by combat vehicles of Germany and the USSR. Each of them includes different variants modifications of heavy, medium, light tanks.
  2. Among German vehicles you can take control of the famous Panthers and Tigers. USSR technology will show off its T-34 and KV.
  3. Each tank can be upgraded using any of its modifications to improve it. It is also possible to modify additional elements - visibility, installing protective steel sheets on the tracks, reloading, and so on.

In a word, it is impossible to list all the options, there are incredibly many of them!

Features of combat vehicles

A review of tanks would not be complete without mentioning shells. They are qualified by various categories, ranging from sub-caliber to armor-piercing.

Steel equipment could not get by with modifications alone. Almost all of the aircraft's functionality was transferred to tanks. This means that you can upgrade the crew, improve the conditions for conducting battles, and apply different color and graphic designs to the body of the vehicle. Each player can create their own real invincible battle monster.

The battle mode is arcade, but the developers assure us that other modes will soon become available.

Tank branches

Equipment upgrades are carried out in stages. It starts with early models and ends with fast cars. Each tank has only its own model structure, characteristics, and behavior.

Some have excellent armor, others are extremely powerful. It’s not easy to understand every nuance, so it’s much easier to break in a steel horse in battle.

The players recognized the T-50, T-34-85, SU-100, T-54, IS-4 as the best tanks of the USSR.

Now a review of the German tanks War thunder, there are several threads here. The equipment is represented by Czechoslovak vehicles, legendary tigers, the deadly Pz1VF2 tank, and panthers.


The main task of the player is to capture certain points and destroy opponents. There are three to five control points on the map. When you capture them, you receive points, while the enemy's points are reduced.

Each can deal more damage by calling in artillery support. It is important to simply correctly calculate the battle tactics in advance.

Browser battles take place in “garage” mode. This means that if you are destroyed, you can again choose your next tank. Rewards are awarded for damaging opponents, conducting a general battle, and individual shots.

How would you like to end our tank review?

Because you will only get the peak of excitement in battle. And believe me, this is an incredible feeling!

Already now this military equipment is gaining a lot of positive feedback on the forums and an incredible number of views. The popularity of the game War Thunder is steadily increasing, it is rapidly becoming a leader!

Don’t waste time, join us and go to exciting battlefields with us, don’t forget to invite your friends! And since further expansion is planned, subscribe to our blog news so as not to miss anything important. That's all, bye-bye. Happy fighting!

Since the tanks in the game are made in accordance with historical standards, of course each tank has its own characteristics. The best tanks The game is presented by nation and divided by efficiency. With the help of this article, you will be able to determine which tanks of the War Thunder nation are better for playing in a particular style.

From the very beginning, American tanks are a horror for beginners. Weak penetration, weak protection, the only plus is the increased number of crew, which at least somehow allows you to survive.

The first good M5A1 Stuart tank (light). High speed of movement, good maneuvering and rate of fire allow you to feel good against equal opponents. However, he has almost no armor; you need to play skillfully and finish off your enemies.

M4A1 (A3) Sherman (medium) – good medium tank in every way. Normal armor is only on the tower, so only substitute it. They have a wide range of vertical aiming angles, which allows you to hide in the folds of the terrain.

M26 Pershing (medium) is a very powerful vehicle that can destroy tanks with the first hit (in combination with chambered tanks). Only the engine and transmission are vulnerable, so do not expose them to attack.

M46 Patton (medium) – one of the best medium tanks. Excellent gun and equipment. Has unique armor with excellent angles, wide spectrum elevation angles and decent speed.

Soviet tanks have good data from the very beginning and are easy to control. But you can still highlight the best cars.

T-50 (light) – a very fast tank, with good mobility and strong armor (as for a light tank). The only bad thing is that the weapon hardly penetrates enemies in the forehead, but due to its speed it easily penetrates into the rear.

T-34-85 (medium) – a good medium with a strong gun that has a fairly low reload time. For its rating - one of the best.

SU-100 (self-propelled guns) – self-propelled guns are never included in ratings, but this is an exception. Incredibly powerful weapon good speed and maneuverability.

T-54 (medium) - presented in three samples, each of which is slightly better than the previous one. High firepower and reload speed. Increased quantity armor and a streamlined turret gives it good survivability.

IS-4 (heavy) is the only heavy tank that can be tanked in the fifth era. Up close it immediately turns into a sieve. But at medium and long distances it’s quite good. Basically, only the gun, lower armor plate and forehead are vulnerable.

German tanks, like airplanes, are “average” in everything except weapons - they have excellent ones. Of course, the initial cars are still wunderwaffles that skid at every careless turn...

Panzerkampfwagen III (medium, in the game Pz. Kpfw III) is a good weapon, all the necessary ammunition is available (subcaliber and AP). Strong penetration at medium and close distances. A protective screen that provides good protection from enemy attacks.

Panther D (medium) - an extremely excellent gun, excellent armor and streamlining, great mobility. Although the Panther D does not have a sub-caliber, its cannon penetrates all tanks at once.

Pz.Kpfw. Panther II (medium) is one of the best medium tanks. Although the tank does not have much armor, it is very mobile and has a wonderful weapon that often destroys enemies with the first shot. The gun has everything required types shells (subcaliber, AP and cumulative) and fast reloading.

Below we will present the branches of tank development for each country:

RBK Games platform specialists will try to highlight the main points in each direction, and you decide for yourself which branch to download and develop.


The development of German aircraft in Var Thunder is carried out at a fairly active pace, and each representative is worthy of being used in. The German fighter has the following features:

  • Focke-Wulf models are difficult to control, but they have the most powerful guns and feel confident during a dive;
  • classic version of the "Messers", having standard set characteristics and capabilities;
  • Development in War Thunder also includes exclusive aircraft, for example, the Arad-204.


Almost every American aircraft is the embodiment of speed, survivability, and a large stock of guns. But there is also a drawback - a complex control system, so beginners first need to practice on lighter machines. US aircraft tactics: fly up, strike, fly away. Many opponents are afraid of such lightning strikes... and rightly so. Common series: Mustang and Cobra, among bombers - B-17. Which direction to pump, decide for yourself.

Great Britain

Be sure to try the British Tempest with its unique abilities as both a fighter and a bomber. It rises to maximum height in a matter of minutes, maneuvers like a god, and, if necessary, descends to minimum height and successfully helps ground troops carry out assigned tasks. When deciding which aircraft line to upgrade in War Thunder, be sure to evaluate the power and strength of British bombers. They carry tons of projectiles on board that are sure to hit the target.

The American and British branches of aircraft development are far from the only ones, because there is also Japanese and Soviet technology. You can get acquainted with them as follows: select the appropriate nation, indicate the “research” item in the menu, decide on the model and order.

Sometimes users encounter such a problem when victory was close, but in the end something didn’t work out. War Thunder is a game in which you need to experiment, look for the perfect technique, strategy, weapon. Don't forget about it!

MMO War Thunder features a large number of famous aircraft. There is no point in considering each of them - you can familiarize yourself in detail in the game itself, and in general outline Let's look at all the aircraft according to their purpose and key features.

In total, the game features five nations (USA, Germany, USSR, Great Britain and Japan) and three types of aircraft (Fighters, attack aircraft and bombers). First, let's look at each type of aircraft separately.


Its purpose is to destroy a potential air enemy and gain air supremacy. The priority for a fighter is to fly high and shoot down planes. You should not attack ground targets when there is an enemy in the sky.

Fighters are divided into:

  • Light (single-engine);
  • Average;
  • Heavy (twin-engine).

Light fighters

Their task is to destroy similar air escort vehicles. The most common type of aircraft.


  • Medium weapons;
  • High speed;
  • Great maneuverability;
  • Light weight;
  • Medium armor.

Examples of such aircraft: Yak-i, Messerschmitt, Zero.

Basic rules of combat: force an unmaneuverable enemy to maneuver, that is, use weak sides. We take fragmentation and high-explosive ammunition, because our opponents most often have weak armor.

Pay attention to best characteristics aircraft, for example: if you have high speed, do not get involved in a maneuver battle, but simply retreat.

On top of that, you need to finish off downed enemies using speed and maneuverability.

High altitude fighters (medium)

Their task is to destroy enemy bombers and their escorts.


  • Weapons range from medium to heavy;
  • High speed;
  • Average maneuverability;
  • Heavy or medium weight;
  • High armor rates;
  • Flies very high.

Examples of such aircraft: Mustangs, Fogg-Wolfs.

Basic rules of battle: stay at a height, descend only when attacking. Combat tactics: fired at the territory/plane and went to a height. Don't pay attention to the result of the shelling. Always perform an escape to heights without trying to “get” the enemy.

When you perform your main function (destroying a bomber), enter from those places where there are no turrets. The priority targets are the wings and engines. We use armor-piercing and incendiary ammunition.

If you get involved in a maneuverable battle on it, you will most likely lose.

Heavy twin-engine fighters

Their mission is similar to that of medium fighters.


  • Two motors that add survivability;
  • Heavy weapons;
  • Good speed;
  • Average maneuverability;
  • Good armor.

Examples of such aircraft: Bufighter, Messer 410.

Basic rules of combat: we do not get involved in maneuverable combat, in general we act like average ones.


The main goal is the destruction of ground equipment. To achieve this, the attack aircraft in War Thunder have both machine guns and ground missiles.


  • Powerful weapons;
  • Low maneuverability;
  • Low speed;
  • Good defense.

We take armor-piercing, high-explosive and incendiary cartridges for the machine gun.

Stormtroopers are conventionally divided into: full stormtroopers and multi-purpose ones. Their main differences are that a full attack aircraft is only suitable for destroying ground vehicles, while a multi-purpose aircraft can also act as a fighter. In order for it to successfully act as a fighter, it is necessary to either drop the bombs or not take them at all.


The main goal is to destroy ground targets from a great height. To do this, he uses bombs.


  • Very powerful weapons for destroying ground targets;
  • Average speed;
  • Poor maneuverability;
  • Not bad armor.

For a bomber in War Thunder to be as effective as possible, your allies must gain an air advantage and push back their enemies. At the beginning of the battle, you need to identify the most important targets, establish their location and destroy them.

While studying the map, choose a bombing line, flying along which you will be able to destroy ground equipment without using maneuvers. Wait for enemy fighters to engage in battle, and only then strike.

War thunder aircraft USSR

The aircraft of the Soviet Union in the game have the following characteristics:

  • Great maneuverability;
  • Good strength;
  • Medium weapons;
  • Fairly simple controls;

Development branch of the USSR Var Thunder aircraft:

War thunder German planes

The Germans are a confident average among everyone else.


  • Good flight, climb and dive speeds;
  • One of the best weapons on all vehicles;
  • Good strength;
  • Average maneuvering.

Development branch of Germany Var Thunder aircraft:

War thunder planes USA

Americans are a very specific nation. The machines are difficult to operate and master.


  • Huge speed (both plus and minus);
  • Good weapons;
  • Very survivable bombers;
  • Low maneuverability;
  • Extensive flying experience required;
  • They quickly dive and retreat.

US development branch of Var Thunder aircraft:

War thunder Japanese planes

An interesting nation, with clearly highlighted pros and cons.

Main characteristics:

  • Best mobility;
  • They dive poorly from a height;
  • Very low strength;
  • Incredible flight range;
  • Good weapons;

Development branch of Japan Var Thunder aircraft:

War thunder British planes

The main feature of the British is the diversity of aircraft. If in other nations it is possible to identify general pros/cons, then here everything is much more complicated.

The benefits vary from aircraft to aircraft. For example:

  • Fighters (Speedfire) are very maneuverable, fast and well armed;
  • Fighter-bombers (Typhoon, Tempis) have excellent weapons, speed and armor;
  • Bombers have weak protection, but carry a huge number of bombs.

Development branch of Britain Var Thunder aircraft: