Egg omelet is good for breakfast or dinner. Why is it good to eat eggs for breakfast?

Many people consider eggs to be far from the healthiest product, so they try to completely exclude them from their diet. But this big mistake, because contrary to public opinion, eggs provide very large and impressive benefits to your body - and they are also very tasty, so you should definitely reconsider your decision if you decide to exclude this product from your diet.


After eating an egg or two for breakfast, you will feel much more full than if you ate a sandwich or a bowl of cereal. This is a very nice feature of eggs that allows you to eat less, but at the same time not feel hungry for longer.

Help with weight loss

It is this feature that makes eggs ideal products for those who want to lose weight. Naturally, if you are losing weight radically, then you should generally adhere to very strict diet but if you just want to reset overweight, then eggs for breakfast are what you need.

Protein source

Many people puzzle over where to get the protein that is so necessary for the body. However, they forget that eggs are an excellent source of protein.

Relative cheapness

Of course, this depends on where you live, but in most cases eggs are relatively inexpensive - at at least, in relation to other products with high content squirrel.


For a long time, there has been a persistent stereotype that eggs are very dangerous foods that can cause serious damage to your heart by greatly raising your blood cholesterol levels. However, quite recently, scientists made a joyful discovery - eggs do not affect the level of cholesterol in the blood in any way (at least not on such a scale) that this would lead to any negative consequences. So you can safely eat eggs without fear for your heart.

Brain development and memory

Moreover, eggs not only do not harm you, their benefits are multifaceted. Not only do they help you lose weight and give you the protein you need, they also speed up brain development and can help you improve your memory.


And, of course, do not forget that eggs contain very important antioxidants which improve your vision - a benefit of eggs that most people don't even know about. Accordingly, a couple of eggs for breakfast will not harm your heart in any way, but will bring you a lot of benefits in many aspects of your health.

What's healthy to eat for breakfast? This question is asked by 1000 housewives in the morning, when they want to sleep, but need to get themselves in order, get the children ready for kindergarten or school, walk the dog, and at the same time not be late for work. Sometimes in this morning bustle, many of us neglect breakfast, but in vain.

According to recent research by nutritionists, and in particular Martin Young, head of the department at the University of Alabama. Breakfast, like the very first meal of the day, programs our body for the whole day..

What happens if we don't have breakfast:

Nutritionists answer: what is healthy to eat for breakfast?

  • Metabolism slows down
  • Calories are burned more slowly
  • The body's performance decreases

And a completely opposite picture is observed when we had breakfast with high-calorie foods:

  • Increases ;
  • The body uses energy more actively
  • Increased performance and improved well-being

Fatty foods for breakfast help us lose weight

Martin Young believes that you can combine eggs, sausages, bacon, and other high-calorie foods. On the other hand, if we eat some carbohydrates for breakfast, then our body breaks down only carbohydrates throughout the day. This theory was confirmed by the results of experiments on rodents. The main conclusion is this: if we eat fatty foods in the morning, our body will break down fats throughout the day and, accordingly, will help us lose weight .

Thus, it can be said that Breakfast is the key to weight loss and if you succeed, then the questions “Can we have a snack?” and the eternal feeling of hunger will simply go away.

Omelet for breakfast - benefits for the whole day

The same American scientists gave a clear answer to the question: What is good to eat for breakfast for weight loss? This is an omelet. An omelette eaten for breakfast gives -18% calories. The following experiment was carried out. On the first day, the experiment participants ate a three-egg omelette for breakfast. The next day, for breakfast they were given a large bun with cheese and yogurt. Both meals were the same in calories, but they resulted in different results. Scientists measured the level of hunger hormone in the body. After the bun, the level of hunger was higher than after the omelette. Moreover, this was confirmed by the feelings of the subjects themselves.

It turns out that the ordinary sandwiches that we eat for breakfast give us a huge amount of calories, but do not contain anything useful - no vitamins, no minerals, no fiber. Because White bread This is a refined product. It is very difficult to find something useful in the composition of sausage, regular sausages, and sausages. butter or mayonnaise, which we use in very large quantities, will not improve our health.

Healthy foods for breakfast

For useful and healthy breakfast we choose whole grain bread, bread with bran, add fiber there, it can be lettuce, a stalk of celery, add greens, and instead of sausage - natural boiled meat and of course an omelette. Nutritionists also advise eating porridge for breakfast, since cereals provide a large influx of energy and are complex carbohydrates, which we previously talked about, they allow you to hold out until lunch.

The title is the author's.)) It is explained by the fact that I can only get up early in the morning and prepare breakfast for my loved one. Most often in my life it was my son who loves scrambled eggs and everything connected with it. When you get tired of fried eggs or scrambled eggs with bacon and tomatoes, you can please your loved ones with this hearty and interesting dish, which is prepared very simply and quickly.

The only note: each serving is made separately, so the recipe is for one serving for one person. We will need eggs, mayonnaise, sour cream (optional), salt, cheese, any smoked meat (as well as cooked meat, bacon, ham or just sausage - everything that is left in the refrigerator or purchased specifically from meat products), in the summer we add tomatoes, herbs , whatever comes to mind or you just like. It is already becoming clear that the dish is not a dietary one. But one of those that satisfy your hunger until lunchtime. So, let's begin.

In a small bowl, beat one egg, a teaspoon of mayonnaise and a teaspoon of sour cream.

Take the smallest frying pan, the diameter of a small plate, heat it, grease it with oil and pour the resulting homogeneous mass, like a pancake.

Immediately turn the heat to minimum (set the electric oven to approximately three) and cover the pancake with a lid. A little trick: to make it cook faster, you can drop a little water under the lid, then the egg mixture will steam evenly and will not burn.

While the omelette itself is preparing, quickly chop up sausage or whatever you have for the filling, half a small tomato (it’s already summer, and they’re real), and grate some cheese.

Now comes the fun part. Those whose microwaves haven’t broken down are lucky and transfer the resulting pancake directly to a plate. The rest, together with me (it was done without a microwave today for the first time), leave it in the frying pan. Place as much filling as you want on half of the omelette. We cover this filling with the other half so that we get a semicircle like this.

Lubricate the top with mayonnaise (if you want) and be sure to sprinkle with the reserved amount of grated cheese specially for this purpose. Those lucky enough to have a microwave put the omelette in it for a minute, but we just cover it with a lid and wait for the cheese to melt. You can serve it with any vegetables. This is delicious! Don’t believe me?))) Be sure to check it out!

Eggs for breakfast - why is it healthy? Breakfast is a necessary daily meal for every person.

It is the food we eat in the morning that energizes us until the next chewing session in the kitchen. Therefore, it is very important that the dish eaten in the morning is nutritious and contains many vitamins.

Unfortunately, at the moment it is quite difficult to find time to prepare a normal breakfast. We usually eat something that won't take us much time.

Sandwiches with sausage, cheese or anything similar to this food - all this quickly satisfies our hunger and is most often the choice of millions in the morning. However, this is also completely unacceptable.

After all, after such a breakfast, the body during the day will be configured to receive the same food for lunch and dinner, even though it is harmful to it.

Nutritionists have long been occupied with the age-old question of finding what? Earlier medical specialists This profile was recommended to be used in the morning oatmeal with fruits.

After all, our body, especially in the morning, should receive not only calories. Numerous in sufficient quantities healthy vitamins, fiber, minerals and other useful components should be present in your morning diet.

As scientists learned relatively recently, an egg eaten in the morning will be the most the best option . Although from the very beginning, doctors were against excessive enthusiasm for this product, due to the excessive cholesterol content in it.

After this, scientists dispelled this myth, explaining this fact by the fact that cholesterol can be both “harmful” and “useful”, it all depends on its type. Therefore, now, when eating eggs for breakfast, you don’t have to worry about blood vessels and health problems.

Most of the “good” cholesterol is found in the yolks. Therefore, by consuming eggs in moderation, you do not risk your health at all.

This is another positive news for all those who scrupulously monitor their own weight. It turned out that those people, who start their breakfast with an omelet or scrambled eggs, able to lose weight faster, than the rest.

It seems that eggs are a very high-calorie product. However, it must be remembered that after eating an egg you quickly feel full and you don’t want to eat anymore.

It is worth noting that the usefulness of eggs depends on what the chickens that produce them are fed. Healthy chickens will lay good, high-quality eggs for you. In such useful product contains twelve types of vitamins and most of from existing beneficial microelements.

Lecithin contained in eggs has a positive and beneficial effect on memory. General state brain is also improved as a result of its exposure. Now you're probably wondering why omelet for breakfast is so healthy?

Still would! Particularly important for women is the fact that, which is a vitamin of longevity and beauty, is also found in abundance in eggs. The calcium contained there makes your teeth and bones strong.

American scientists conducted an experiment and found that scrambled eggs for breakfast are much more healthy than the same bun, for example.

Eaten in the morning, it is excellent for improving mental and physical activity, effectively charging you with energy and vigor for the whole day. Since scrambled eggs are full of protein and vitamins, and the bun is only carbohydrates.

Good effect on the body vitamins D and B as well as those contained in the test product antioxidants and acids. In addition, when regular use for breakfast, eggs allow you to lose weight sixty-five percent more effectively.

Therefore, those who regularly eat eggs for breakfast can exhale calmly, because all this time you have been eating very healthy and dietary foods.

True, with all this, you don’t need to think that if you fried a couple of eggs, then this is very good breakfast and it can be considered the most optimal.

It is best to learn new and healthy recipes, combining eggs with other ingredients. This way your body will receive the maximum of vitamins, minerals and microelements it needs.

We offer you the most useful and sufficient delicious recipe properly prepared egg breakfast.

1. Take four egg whites, Italian spices and part of grapefruit.

2. Mix the protein well with the spices and pour into a glass form or plate.

3. Place the resulting mixture in the microwave for three minutes and bake.

4. Serve the dish with peeled grapefruit and a glass of juice.

Bon appetit to everyone and maximum healthy breakfast from eggs!

The French have always been quite big on food. Of course, none of their dishes reached Russia in the same form as is customary in France itself, but the omelette still amazes everyone with its excellent taste and ease of preparation.

In this article you will learn how, with just a couple of ingredients - eggs and milk, you can prepare a huge number of different variations of this wonderful dish. We have prepared best recipes delicious and healthy omelettes for breakfast in this article, you just have to choose according to your taste.

Why is an omelet so healthy to eat during breakfast?

Which housewife wants to say that he would rather wake up very early in order to prepare a grand breakfast, instead of lying in bed for at least another fifteen minutes. Due to the constant morning bustle, very often there is not enough time not only to have breakfast, but also to do it in a healthy way.

This is where omelettes come to the rescue - even though they use quite fatty products, they definitely help you lose weight in any version.

At the same time, it is quite filling and extremely easy to prepare, so it won’t take you much time, but at the same time it will saturate the body for half the day, and will also give it enough energy, since eggs are a protein product.

The omelette itself contains a huge amount useful substances, not only B vitamins, but also D and E. All this will help support the immune system and improve the condition of the gastrointestinal system. In addition, an omelet can be eaten every day for breakfast, and a huge number of variations of this dish won't let him get bored.


Despite all its features, this Austrian dessert also belongs to omelettes. Its taste will be especially good in combination with chopped fruits and various fresh berries. This omelet also goes well with vanilla ice cream.

  1. Raisins should be soaked in rum for half an hour so that they are completely saturated with its aroma. After this, knead the yolks with salt, milk and sugar. You should also add flour to the mixture. After this, mix everything and add cream. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff enough to form a foam. After this, it must be lightly mixed into the omelette mixture;
  2. Heat the oil in a frying pan and wait until it foams. After this, pour the mixture into the pan and place the raisins on it;
  3. Wait until Bottom part the omelet will not turn golden, then turn it over. When both sides are golden, use a pair of forks to separate the omelette into small pieces. Fry still for about half a minute;
  4. Place the finished dish on a plate, then sprinkle it with powder.

Frittata with bacon and spinach

The Italian omelette has its own fairly extensive fan base not only in its homeland, but throughout the world. It may not be the lowest calorie dish, but its taste will make you forget about this fact.

  • egg – 3 pcs.;
  • cream 10% - 100 ml;
  • shallots – 50 g;
  • bacon – 40 g;
  • spinach – 50 g;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • parmesan – 25 g;
  • butter – 15 g;
  • olive oil – 15 ml;
  • salt and black pepper.

Time limit: 25 minutes.

Nutritional value: 210 Kcal.

  1. A piece of Parmesan should be grated on the finest grater. After this, mix the eggs with cream and salt in a blender. In this mixture you need to put half of all the available Parmesan and carefully mix everything again;
  2. Wash fresh spinach and then remove all stems. The leaves should be cut into pieces of a completely arbitrary size. The onion is cut into half rings. The bacon should also be cut into fairly small strips;
  3. Take a heavy-bottomed frying pan and place it over medium heat. You should put both types of oil, olive and butter, on the bottom, and then lay out the bacon for frying. This will take you about a minute, and then add the onion to it so that this mixture cooks for another couple of minutes;
  4. After this, you need to add spinach leaves to this mixture. During cooking, the leaves will gradually begin to fade with constant stirring. A couple of minutes will be enough for this;
  5. The last thing you need to do is pour the creamy egg mixture into the pan. As soon as it gets into the frying pan, you should reduce the heat to the very minimum and cover everything with a lid. Cook the omelette for 5 minutes, then sprinkle the omelette with the remaining cheese and close the lid again. The omelette will sit for another 7 minutes until fully cooked, after which it should be served immediately.

Omelette with sweet pepper and ham

Perhaps this combination of additional ingredients can be considered the most classic and also the favorite in our country. They go well with eggs, giving them a piquant taste.

  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • milk – 50 ml;
  • red pepper – 40 g;
  • ham – 50 g;
  • green onions - 2 feathers;
  • olive oil – 15 ml;
  • butter – 10 g;
  • salt.

Time limit: 15 minutes.

Nutritional value: 154 Kcal.

Fluffy omelet like in kindergarten

Remember those lush omelettes that were so often served in kindergarten? Of course, the hit will not be one hundred percent, because instead of egg powder and milk powder, this recipe uses fresh products.

  • egg – 4 pcs.;
  • butter – 25 g;
  • milk – 60 ml;
  • salt.

Time limit: 20 minutes.

Nutritional value: 187 Kcal.

  1. Break the eggs into a glass cup and pour milk into them. Add a little salt to the mixture and beat it with a mixer or whisk. Just don't stir it too much;
  2. For this omelet, choose a frying pan with a fairly thick bottom and melt the butter in it. When it becomes completely liquid and even bubbles a little, you should pour in the egg mixture;
  3. After this, turn the heat to the lowest degree possible and cover the pan with a lid. The omelette should take about 7 minutes to prepare so that it has time to set completely. However, if you keep it for a long time, it can become very dry;
  4. Since an omelet resembles a casserole in appearance, it can be cut into portions. It should be served with a side dish of fresh vegetables and a slice of crispy baguette.

Omelet with shrimp, zucchini and herbs

If you have a piece of zucchini lying around in the refrigerator, do not rush to throw it away. With its help, you can prepare an incredibly tasty and also very healthy dietary omelette for breakfast. Shrimp will give it not only an interesting taste, but also add vitamins.

  • zucchini – 100 g;
  • shrimp – 5-6 pcs.;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • parmesan – 15 g;
  • milk – 10 ml;
  • melted butter – 10 g;
  • parsley, basil, dill and green onions;
  • pepper and salt.

Time limit: 15 min.

Nutritional value: 132 Kcal.

  1. The zucchini should be peeled and cut into small strips. After this, heat the frying pan over high heat and add oil. Zucchini should be fried on it. This is done so that all excess liquid from this vegetable simply evaporated. Stir the zucchini constantly for about 5 minutes. During this time it will fit;
  2. Place peeled shrimp in a blender, and remove the intestinal vein from the back. Add greens to them and chop everything to get a more homogeneous puree. In a bowl, mix eggs with milk, pepper and salt. Grated cheese, herbs and seafood are also added to this mixture;
  3. The prepared zucchini, which is already in the frying pan, should be poured with the egg mixture, then mix everything lightly. This will make the omelette more homogeneous, so after stirring, turn the heat down to low and then cover everything with a lid. The omelette should take about 10 minutes to prepare;
  4. During this time, the omelette should be cooked well only on the bottom, although it should still be set on top. After this, you should first transfer it to the lid of the frying pan, and then use it to turn everything back over. Fry it in this way for a couple more minutes and cut into pieces before serving.

If an omelet recipe uses bell pepper, then you don’t have to take it only fresh, you can perfectly replace it with baked one.

If you want to make literally any omelet more dietary, then you should simply replace the egg with one white. Its calorie content is very low, so the dish itself as a whole will lose a huge amount of them.