Yakut outdoor games as an effective means of developing dexterity in older preschoolers. The results of the experiment showed positive dynamics in the development of dexterity in children

Organizing time.

Cleansing: Sanaa5yt yraas buollun

Utuo - maany dyon buolun

Ba5a sanaa5yt tuollun!

Preparatory part of the lesson.

- Walking exercise

Hands up on your toes.

Hands to the sides on the heels.

Hands on the belt walking on inside feet

Hands behind your back walking on outside feet

In a full squat

Jumping with your right side in a full squat

Jumping with your left side in a full squat

Exercise“Hunters” - Stand one after another at arm's length and walk around the hall on half-bent legs. At this moment, the guys should stand up and jump for the prey.

Exercise "Running beast ” children jump over gymnastic sticks and perform the following movements: - jump over the stick from a place with two legs; - jump over a stick with two legs, standing to the left of the stick or to the right, clapping their hands.

Exercise“Running Bunny” - On command they place left hand on the belt and make circular movements with the brush on the left side, simulating switching on. Then they start jumping on both legs in one place and stop after a few seconds at the teacher’s command.

Let's march.

Running exercise.

1. Running "moose"

2. Running "deer"

3.Wolf Run

4. Running "hare"

Step march.

Exercise to restore breathing.

outdoor switchgear

Exercises to restore breathing.

II. Main part .

Today we will play Yakut national games. According to the ancient Yakuts, every mountain, every lake, tree, river, fire and everything that surrounds a person has its own spirit (ichchi). The owner of the forest is the kind and generous “Baai Bayanai”, who patronizes grateful and unboastful hunters.

1. Game “jumping on the cage” (kyries tebii) - the players jump around the cage on one leg, counting how many circles each participant will make.

2. Game “tug-of-finger” (kuluusteeii) - two participants stand opposite each other on the drawn line, clasping their fingers, pulling the opponent to their side.

3. Game “wolf and foals” (boro uonna kulunnar) - everyone stand behind each other, holding their waists. The one standing in front protects the “herd”. The rest, without letting go, hide behind him.

4. Game “Baay Bayanay” (patron spirit of hunting and crafts)

Progress of the game: The game starts with the hunters (2-3 children)

Illustrious Baai Bayanai

cheerful forest owner

come to me

come to me

Hunting for me

Good luck! (They ask Bayanai for a good hunt)

the rest of the children become “animals” and answer.

"Go get some loot...

I'll give you so much.

how much can you lift,

As many as you can bring home." and they run away. In the middle of the hall, several circles are drawn - this is the shelter of the “animals.” When running away, the animals are saved in these circles. The caught children leave the game. At the end of the game, they count their spoils and thank Bayanai.

"Oh, Illustrious Baai Bayanai thank you for your generosity!"

Reflection of children: Who did Bayanai glorify today and why? Here it is not the amount of prey that is assessed, but endurance, endurance, generosity, dexterity, etc.

5. Game "Kochkarnik"

Progress of the game:

In order to prepare enough feed for livestock for a long winter, our ancestors often had to mow grass in swampy areas, pigweeds, and hummocks. Such mowing was not an easy task, requiring special skill...

The presenter takes the player to a corner, blindfolding him. Then he turns it 3 times and points it towards the logs. The winner is the one who passes with eyes closed between logs (bumps), without hitting anything. If the participants drop logs (bumps), then it is taken into account who dropped how much.

6. Game "Bull and Stump"

With the spread of agriculture in Yakutia, our ancestors cleared places for sowing grain, uprooting the forest. Fun game"Bull and drink" arose during this period in the history of the people. The game involves two teams. Each of them represents one player, the “bull”. Neither of the two opponents wants to become a “stump.”

players must stand on all fours with their backs to each other. The leader puts a rope around the players' necks and passes it through the armpits so that the players can comfortably pull each other. Then draw a line on the stop line. At the leader’s command, the players begin to pull each other in different directions. The one who pulls the opponent in his direction is considered the winner and is called a "bull" and the loser becomes a "stump"

7. Final part -

The class is being built! Doing relaxation exercises

Lesson summary:

Which game did you like best? Why?

Homework- pin the games.

Yakut outdoor games

Junior group

"The Falcon and the Fox"

A falcon and a fox are chosen. The rest of the children are falcons. The falcon teaches his falcons to fly.

He easily runs in different directions and at the same time makes different flying movements with his hands (up, to the sides, forward). A flock of falcon chicks runs after the falcon and watches its movements. They must repeat the movements of the falcon. At this time suddenly

The fox jumps out of the hole. The falcons quickly squat down so that the fox does not notice them.

Rules of the game: The time of the fox's appearance is determined by the presenter's signal. The fox only catches those who have not crouched.

"Wolf and Deer"

A wolf is chosen from among the players, the rest are deer. At one end of the area a place for the wolf is outlined. Deer graze on the platforms.

At the signal “Wolf!”, the wolf wakes up, leaves the den, and runs with long strides. At a signal (the growl of a wolf), the deer scatter in different directions, and the wolf tries to catch them (touch them). The wolf takes the caught one to himself.

Rules of the game: You can only run out of the circle when given a signal. The one who is caught must follow the wolf.

"The Wolf and the Foals"

A wolf is chosen from the group of players, and the rest of the children pretend to be foals.

They fence off the field where the foals graze and the place for the wolf. The foals are grazing in the field, at a signal (wolf!), the wolf runs with wide strides after the foals and tries to catch them, the foals run over the line into the house. The wolf takes the caught one to himself.

Rules of the game: The wolf can only run out when given a signal. Whoever is caught by the wolf follows the wolf.

Middle group.

"Sun" (Heiro)

The players stand in a circle, hold hands, walk in a circle, make even movements forward and backward with their hands, and say heiro for each step. Presenter - the sun is squatting in the middle of the circle. The players scatter when the sun rises and straighten up (extend their arms to the sides).

Rules of the game: All players must dodge the sun as it turns. To the signal “One, two, three – quickly run into the circle!” those whom the leader did not touch return to the circle.

"Hares and the Wolf"

One of the players is chosen as a “wolf”. The rest of the children pretend to be “hares”.

Hares live on one side of the site, and a wolf lives in a “ravine” on the other.

The teacher says: The hares are jumping, hop, hop, hop

To the green, to the meadow, to the meadow,

They pinch the grass, listen -

Is there a wolf coming?

Children perform movements according to the text. When the teacher says the last word “wolf”, the wolf runs out of the “ravine” and runs after the “hares”, trying to catch (touch) them.

The hares run into the house.

Rules of the game: The wolf can run out only after the last word “wolf”. The caught hares go to the wolf in the “ravine”.

"The Hunter and the Hares"

On one side of the site sits a “hunter” appointed by the teacher. On the other, “places of hares” are indicated by circles. Each circle contains 2-3 hares.

The hunter walks around the area, as if looking for traces of “hares,” then returns to his place. Teacher: “The hares ran out into the clearing for a walk,” the hares jump on 2 legs, moving forward. At the signal “Hunter!”, the hares crouch down, and the hunter, without leaving his place, throws a ball at them. The hare that the hunter hits with the ball is considered shot, and the hunter takes it home.

Rules of the game: The hunter throws the ball only after the signal “Hunter!”, Those caught follow the hunter.

Senior groups

"Ice, wind and frost"

The players stand in a circle. They clap their hands and say:

Cold pieces of ice, transparent pieces of ice,

They sparkle, ring, ding, ding...

At the last words, children jump in place on their toes until they hear the signal “Wind!”

Children - pieces of ice scatter in different directions. At the signal “Frost!” children do big circle- a piece of ice.

Rules of the game: you can change movements only by the signal “Wind!” or “Frost!” You can include different movements in the game: hopping, light or fast running, side gallop, etc.

"Streams and Lakes"

Players stand in five to seven columns with the same number of players playing different parts the halls are streams. At the signal “The streams ran!” everyone runs after each other in different directions (each in his own column). At the signal “Lake!” players stop, hold hands and build circles - lakes. The winners are the children who build a circle - a lake - the fastest.

Rules of the game: You have to run after each other without leaving your column. Forming into a circle is only possible when given a signal.

"Deer Fighting"

The group of players is located inside the outlined circle - these are deer. Three shepherds are chosen, they are outside the circle. At the signal “One, two, three - start beating!” The shepherds take turns throwing the ball at the deer.

The deer that was hit by the ball is considered caught and separated from the herd. Each shepherd beats 5-6 times. After which he counts the captured deer.

Rules of the game: You can only throw the ball at your feet and at a signal. You need to shoot from a place at a moving target.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Yakut national games and toys

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Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Yakut national games Sakha noruotun oonnyuulara Yakut national games Performed by: Koryakin Aman, 6th grade student at the Mayorskaya Secondary School. Head: Koryakina R. N. Koryakin R. P.

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Relevance Folk games are an integral part of the traditional culture of peoples, a reflection of the ethnic group as a whole and the history of its development. They were given a special place in the daily life of the ancient Yakuts. The Yakut national games reflected the peculiarities of the mentality and worldview of the people, which were based on the reverence and cult of nature that still persists. The origin of the games is closely connected with the way of life of the Sakha people, types of traditional farming: first of all, horse breeding, cattle breeding cattle, as well as with hunting and fishing. Many games were not just entertainment for children; they also had an important educational value, promoting physical and mental development children.

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Goal: Propaganda of the national outdoor games of the Sakha people Tasks: To study the literature about the origin and rules of the outdoor games of the Sakha people To get acquainted with the technology of making accessories for the national outdoor games of Sakha. Try playing games with your family. Subject of research: technology for manufacturing accessories for national outdoor games of Sakha Subject of research: national outdoor games of the Sakha people.

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Shooting at a target with circling (Salgydy) Take a cardboard disk with a diameter of 20 - 25 cm, painted with Yakut ornaments (in the old days the disk was made of birch bark, double-stitched). The disk is hung on the wall or on a pole. At a distance of 3 - 5 m from him, a pole (or a round table) is placed around which the player must run around with the ball several times and throw it at the disc (target). The winner is the one who hits the target after running around the pole or table the most times. For older children, we can recommend shooting at a target with a bow instead of a ball. Rules of the game. You should agree in advance how many times you need to go around the circle. Throw at a target accurately from a certain distance.

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Flying disk (Telerik) A disk with a diameter of 20 - 25 cm is cut out of double cardboard or birch bark, painted on both sides with Yakut ornaments. The disc is thrown upward, and the player tries to hit it with the ball. Option. The game can be organized under the guidance of an adult with older children who shoot at a thrown disk from a bow. Rules of the game. The time of throwing the ball and archery is determined by the player himself.

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Falcon fight (Mokhso5ol ohsuhuuta) Played in pairs. The players stand on their right foot opposite each other, left leg bent. Arms crossed in front of chest. Players jump on right leg and try to push each other with their right shoulder so that the other stands on both legs. When you get tired of jumping on your right leg, change it to your left. And then the shoulder thrusts change accordingly. If one of the players falls during a rough push, the pusher leaves the game. Rules of the game. The winner is the one who forces the other to stand on both legs. You can only push your partner away with your shoulder. Change legs simultaneously in pairs.

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Tug-of-war with sticks (Mas tardyhyyta) The players, divided into two groups, sit on the floor in single file: one group against the other. The front ones grab the stick with both hands and rest their feet against each other. The others in each group hold each other tightly by the waist. On command, they gradually pull each other over. Rules of the game. The winner is the group that pulled another group to its side, or raised several people in it from their seats, or snatched the stick from the hands of the one in front. The players on each team must be equal in number and strength.

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Falcon and fox (Mohso5ol uonna sahyl) A falcon and a fox are chosen. The rest of the children are falcons. The falcon teaches his falcons to fly. He easily runs in different directions and at the same time makes various flying movements with his hands (up, to the sides, forward) and also comes up with some more complex movement with his hands. A flock of falcon chicks runs after the falcon and watches its movements. They must exactly repeat the movements of the falcon. At this time, a fox suddenly jumps out of the hole. The falcons quickly squat down so that the fox does not notice them. Rules of the game. The time of the fox's appearance is determined by the leader's signal. The fox only catches those who have not crouched.

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One extra (Biir orduk) The players stand in pairs in a circle. Each pair in the circle is located as far away from its neighbors as possible. One leader is selected and stands in the middle of the circle. Starting the game, the host approaches a couple and asks: “Let me in.” They answer him: “No, we won’t let you in, go there...” (pointing to a more distant couple). At the time when the leader runs to the indicated pair, everyone standing second in the pair changes places, running to the other pair, and stands in front. The front ones are already becoming the rear ones. The presenter tries to take one of the vacant seats. The one left without a seat becomes the leader. Any number of children can play. Rules of the game. You can change pairs only when the leader runs in the indicated direction.

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During his research work I: studied the literature on the origins and rules of the game of national outdoor games. I met and tried to make accessories for games. I tried to play games with my family. National sports have great importance For physical development. The games of our ancestors have found a new lease of life these days. individual species national sports (khapsagai wrestling, tug-of-war, kyly, ystana, kuobakh) have received international recognition. Conclusion

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is a multinational republic Russian Federation, in which representatives of many nationalities live together. The entire life of the indigenous peoples of Yakutia is associated with cold, which lasts for 6-7 months and reaches temperatures from -40 to -60 degrees below zero. The extreme climate contributed to the development of the special character of the northern peoples and formed the ethnically resilient material and spiritual culture of the peoples of Sakha. Complex and difficult crafts, the harsh climate required from the indigenous peoples good and physical training, excellent tempering, stable psyche. From an early age they were instilled with the necessary physical qualities– strength, speed, endurance, agility, coordination, etc. Agility was developed by wrestling and running. Sensitivity was developed with the help of fire and... etc. Games associated with running, skiing, archery, as well as the national games of the peoples of Sakha played an important role in life. Folk games are a unique genre folk art, revealing national culture and life in the past and present. Folk games have a long historical origin. The main activities of the indigenous peoples of Yakutia are animal husbandry, cattle breeding, hunting, reindeer herding and fishing. The games of the northerners reflect their struggle for existence in harsh conditions Far North. Here are several national outdoor games for developing strength, agility, endurance, running speed, coordination, which are designed for students. The games are taken from the book by A.S. Fedorov. These games can be used in physical education lessons and for extracurricular activities.

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Who will raise a skinny cow? The leader sits one player on the floor. The player grabs the heels of his right foot with his hands, while trying to straighten his leg. From this position, the player must stand on his left foot. If a player fails to stand on his left leg after three attempts, he is called a “skinny cow.”

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Rolling over a stick (Who is the most flexible?) Take a 1 m long stick, one side sharpened. From the position of the bridge, a stick is driven into the ground. Then, without taking his hands off the stick, the player must turn around the axis. In this case, you must not touch the ground. Whoever makes the most turns wins.

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“Hummocks” 20 cm long and 7 cm wide, no more than 10 in number, are laid out at a distance of a step from each other. The player is blindfolded. Turn it around three times and send it towards the “bumps”. The one who hits the fewest “bumps” wins.

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Watering hole Place a fist-high container on the ground and fill it with water. The player grabs right hand behind left ear, and with his left hand he takes the foot of his right foot and in this position he must bend over and drink water. If he lowers his hand, he leaves the game. The winner is the one who drinks the water without letting go of his hands. Instead of water, you can put candy.

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Bullfight A section 1.5m or 2m long is measured on the ground, and a line is drawn in the middle of it. Players get on all fours on opposite sides of the line and rest their heads (shoulders). On command they begin to “butt” and push each other. The winner is the one who pushes the opponent beyond the line by 0.5 m.

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Castle Draw 2 lines on the ground on both sides at a distance of 1.5 or 2 m. The players stand between them and grasp each other with their middle fingers and, on command, begin to pull each other. The winner is the one who pulls the opponent over the line so that the opponent steps over it. If during tug-of-war one of them corrects or releases his finger, then he is considered a loser.

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Stubborn Calf The leader throws a rope over the heads of two players, who stand leaning on their feet, holding their hands behind their backs. None of the players should make sudden movements or lower their heads. On command they begin to pull in their direction. Whoever brings his opponent to the line wins. The loser is called the stubborn calf.

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Falconry Play in pairs. The players stand on their right leg opposite each other, the left leg is bent. Arms crossed in front of chest. Players jump on their right foot and try to push each other with their right shoulder so that the other stands on both legs. When you get tired of jumping on your right leg, change it to your left. And then the shoulder thrusts change accordingly. If one of the players falls during a rough push, the pusher leaves the game. Rules of the game. The winner is the one who forces the other to stand on both legs. You can only push your partner away with your shoulder. Change legs simultaneously in pairs.

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Tug-of-war with sticks The players, divided into two groups, sit on the floor in single file: one group against the other. The front ones grab the stick with both hands and rest their feet against each other. The others in each group hold each other tightly by the waist. On command, they gradually pull each other over. Rules of the game. The winner is the group that pulled another group to its side, or raised several people in it from their seats, or snatched the stick from the hands of the one in front. The players on each team must be equal in number and strength.

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Falcon and fox A falcon and a fox are chosen. The rest of the children are falcons. The falcon teaches his falcons to fly. He easily runs in different directions and at the same time makes various flying movements with his hands (up, to the sides, forward) and also comes up with some more complex movement with his hands. A flock of falcon chicks runs after the falcon and watches its movements. They must exactly repeat the movements of the falcon. At this time, a fox suddenly jumps out of the hole. The falcons quickly squat down so that the fox does not notice them. Rules of the game. The time of the fox's appearance is determined by the leader's signal. The fox only catches those who have not crouched.

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Wolf and foals A wolf, two or three horses are selected from the group of players, and the rest of the children pretend to be foals. Horses fence off a field - a pasture where foals graze. The horses guard them so that they do not go far from the herd, as a wolf wanders there. They determine (and also outline) the place for the wolf. Everyone takes their place and the game begins. Grazing horses with outstretched arms herd foals frolicking and trying to escape from the pasture into the herd. But the horses don’t go beyond the line. The wolf catches the foals running away from the herd behind the line. Foals caught by a wolf leave the game and sit (or stand) in certain place where the wolf will lead them. Rules of the game. The wolf catches foals only outside the pasture.

Folk games and toys are an integral part of the traditional culture of peoples, a reflection of the ethnic group as a whole and the history of its development. They were given a special place in the daily life of the ancient Yakuts. The Yakut national games reflected the peculiarities of the mentality and worldview of the people, which were based on the reverence and cult of nature that still persists.

The origin of the games is closely connected with the way of life of the Sakha people, types of traditional farming: first of all, horse breeding, cattle breeding, as well as hunting and fishing.

Many games were not just entertainment for children; they also had an important educational value, contributing to the physical and mental development of children.

Game "Tyryynka" - "Luchinka" Two or more people participate. Straight sticks are made of wood with a length equal to the height of the fist.

Game "Dugda" Several people participate.

Each player has 10 kneads.

Dugda is like a whorl, but instead of a flat round head it is a cube.

And gra “Ytyk” - “Twister of the whorl”

The game develops coordination of movements, the ability to measure the strength of the hands. The child presses the handle of the Whorl between his palms and twists it with forward and reciprocal movements of his palms.

Shooting at a target with circling (Salgydy) Take a cardboard disk with a diameter of 20 - 25 cm, painted with Yakut ornaments (in the old days the disk was made from birch bark, double-stitched). The disk is hung on the wall or on a pole. At a distance of 3 - 5 m from him, a pole (or a round table) is placed around which the player must run around with the ball several times and throw it at the disc (target).

The winner is the one who hits the target after running around the pole or table the most times. For older children, we can recommend shooting at a target with a bow instead of a ball.

Rules of the game. You should agree in advance how many times you need to go around the circle. Throw at a target accurately from a certain distance.

Flying disc (Telerik) A disk with a diameter of 20 - 25 cm is cut out of double cardboard or birch bark, painted on both sides with Yakut ornaments. The disc is thrown upward, and the player tries to hit it with the ball.

Option. The game can be organized under the guidance of an adult with older children who shoot at a thrown disk from a bow.

Rules of the game. The time of throwing the ball and archery is determined by the player himself.

With a roundabout fight (Mohso5ol ohsuhuuta) They play in pairs. The players stand on their right leg opposite each other, the left leg is bent. Arms crossed in front of chest. Players jump on their right foot and try to push each other with their right shoulder so that the other stands on both legs. When you get tired of jumping on your right leg, change it to your left. And then the shoulder thrusts change accordingly. If one of the players falls during a rough push, the pusher leaves the game.