Sciatic nerve diseases: how long does it take for the pain to go away? How long does an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis last? How long will there be pain after a breakup?

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Anara asks:

Hello, I am suffering from pain after tooth extraction (lower, left seven), especially at night, preventing me from sleeping. I went to the dentist, they said that a wisdom tooth was growing, they made an incision on the figure eight on the left. But the pain did not go away, but my cheek was very inflamed and even the lymph hurt under the tooth. After the next visit, they sent me to take a picture, which showed that I had a bad seven on the lower left, bad roots (so the doctor said), and at that time the gums around the seventh were swollen, pus came out when pressed. They said it needed to be removed, I agreed because it was no longer I could endure the pain. I am 20 years old and dental problems have not manifested themselves particularly strongly. But I know that it is my own fault, because symptoms such as bleeding, inflammation of the gums, and bad breath have appeared for a long time. So I launched it as soon as possible. The diagnosis seems to be chronic periodontitis, if I'm not mistaken. They removed a tooth; the procedure was terrible; they barely pulled it out for me. The next day, the inflammation on the gums seemed to subside. But still, pus flows out little by little, forming a white-gray discharge, which I quietly remove with an ear cleaner. For 4 days now the pain has not gone away after the removal, especially at night after 3-4 hours of sleep. I wake up in the middle of the night, rinse with furatsilin solution, apply no-shpa if the pain is very severe and only then go to bed. After removal for several days, the temperature is about 37.7, sometimes lower, there is some weakness in the body, I don’t go to school, I’m almost at home all the time. lethargy and passivity. I warmed it with Vishnevsky ointment and massaged the area of ​​inflammation from the outside with honey. I was prescribed to drink Tsiprolet. I rinse with furatsilin. I go to UFO therapy and quartz therapy. But what worries me is that after some days the pain may have decreased, but it does not go away. How long will this last? Maybe this is how it should be, it’s just that my teeth have never really hurt, so I don’t know what to think. Help please. Maybe you just need to wait it out and everything will return to normal. Thanks in advance for your answer!

You need to see a dentist as soon as possible and get an x-ray. You may need to drain the cavity and rinse it. You should not wait, as usually swelling and pain should decrease or disappear within 3-5 days after tooth extraction; lethargy and subfibrility are a sign of the inflammatory process.

Oleg asks:

Hello, 2 weeks ago, a chewing tooth was removed, where the tooth was, the shield was completely healed. But when you press on the gum where the tooth was, there is a sharp pain when you let go, everything subsides. Is this kind of pain supposed or not? nothing was swollen. Maybe the doctor didn’t completely remove everything?

By this time, the pain in the socket after tooth extraction should have passed, or become completely weak. You need to undergo a second dental examination to clarify the situation.

Tanya asks:

Hello. 2 days ago the top 6 was removed. Before this, half of the tooth fell off and the remaining part began to hurt badly, so they removed it. After 2 days it hurts, the gums are swollen and the wound is bleeding, maybe even pus is coming out. What should I do?

Svetlana asks:

2 days ago I had an operation to make an incision in the lower gum on the right (near the wisdom tooth), since the gum interfered with the normal growth of the wisdom tooth. I am worried about pain in the tonsils (and it hurts to swallow), my right cheek and my mouth almost cannot open. Will this go away and how soon? And what can you rinse your mouth with (and maybe painkillers) to calm the aching pain? Thank you very much!

In this case, it is necessary to use antiseptic solutions (hexide, stomatidine, furatsilin). If the treatment was prescribed by the attending physician, it is necessary to strictly follow all his instructions. Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely eliminate pain and swelling in this area, but taking non-steroidal hormonal contraceptives (indomethacin, diaclofenac, nimesil) can partially reduce their severity.

Ruslana asks:

2 wisdom teeth have started to grow! the gum above it has opened halfway, and pus is coming from there. The pain is not severe, but it is there! Maybe some antibiotics should be used to rinse

First of all, you need to consult a dentist for a personal examination. At this time, you can rinse your mouth with a hypertonic solution of salt with soda, chorhexidine or Stamatidine.

Olga asks:

Olga 32 years old
They removed the lower wisdom tooth with a cyst, after that the gum hurt for three days, then it began to go away, but then it got sick again, I went to the doctor, he cleaned it, removed pieces of food that got into the hole, said to rinse with soda and salt, sage, but after The pain still doesn’t go away, after cleaning it already hurts for four days, is this normal?

Tanya asks:

a child had a baby tooth removed, after the anesthesia wore off, his gums began to hurt. When will the pain go away?, without going to the doctor...

If the pain is severe and does not go away within 24 hours after tooth extraction, it is recommended to re-consult with a dentist to conduct an examination and prescribe adequate treatment, as well as select the optimal pain relief, based on the child’s age and weight. Read more about toothache by clicking on the link: Toothache.

Nastya asks:

I had a tooth removed 3 days ago and after that I have such a strange weakness in my body, I can’t hold anything normally in my hands, then my gums hurt and it seems to me, although I feel that there’s a “maso” sticking out there, it’s so painful. I have a very bad headache, dizziness, the temperature hasn’t appeared yet. But I’m already shivering. Help!!!

After tooth extraction, a number of complications are possible that require immediate examination by a dentist. Possible complications are associated with infection of the hole after tooth extraction and the development of an abscess. Considering that your complaints are accompanied by an increase in temperature, I recommend that you do not delay and visit the dentist in person. You can learn more about this from the thematic section of our website: Tooth abscess.

Julia asks:

there is a blood clot, the wound is healing, but it hurts. This is fine.? and when will the pain go away? )