Why does a person need language? The story “Language is the most important means of human communication”

If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then language - medical card whole body. It is he who reveals to an experienced doctor all the secrets of the body.

By carefully looking at the shape of the tongue, its color, longitudinal and transverse lines, it is quite possible to get an idea of ​​the state of all internal organs and systems.

What else is the most mobile organ capable of? human body? How does it work and does it require maintenance? We will talk about this and much more in this article.

Language barrier

A person who has difficulty expressing his thoughts is popularly called tongueless. However, experts are convinced that the human tongue is not only the main speech organ, but also a faithful guardian of the body.

It is for him that nature has prepared the fate of the chief taster, who is the first to become acquainted with the products that enter the mouth and determine their quality. If the food turns out to be too cold or hot, spicy or not very fresh, the tongue immediately transmits the received data to the brain, and it, in turn, decides whether it is worth “dealing” with the dish or whether it is wiser to abstain.

Functions and structure of the tongue

Thousands of tiny analyzers located on its entire surface help the tongue to be an excellent taster. The most numerous of them - filiform papillae - are located at the tip of the tongue and specialize in recognizing sweet taste. The leaf-shaped receptors that dot the sides of this organ are better at capturing acid than others, and those located on the upper and front walls “calculate” the salty taste.

Cylindrical receptors located on the back of the tongue specialize in bitterness, and all the rest collect information not about taste, but about the temperature and density of food. And only rear end the tongue is completely devoid of any taste analyzers - on its surface there are numerous lymphoid follicles, which, merging, become the body's first line of defense against various infections- the so-called lingual tonsil.

Tongue fails: loss of taste

Surely everyone has ever experienced a complete or partial loss of taste - for example, due to microburns of the tongue after a cup of scalding tea or broth. The sensitivity of taste analyzers can be affected by ulcers on the mucous membrane and infectious diseases... nose and .

The point is that nerve fibers, through which information is transmitted from taste analyzers to the brain and back, are located in close proximity to the ENT organs, which means that inflammation of the ear or nasopharynx can affect our taste perception. However, food may seem bland even if the tongue itself is inflamed, caused by a fungal infection, chronic caries, anemia or deficiency of vitamins and microelements, for example, zinc or vitamin B12.

Medicines can also significantly affect the perception of taste, especially metabolic stimulants (so-called anabolics), cardioprotectors and acid-reducing drugs. gastric juice. That is why you should carefully read the instructions before using them.

The tongue recognizes the sweet taste very first, after 10 seconds the sour one is “read”, followed by the salty one, and after that the bitter one.

Protective amygdala

But it’s not just low-quality food that the tongue does not allow into the body: the lingual tonsil is hidden in the mucous membrane of its root. She “works” for the good immune system, blocking the penetration of viruses and bacteria into the esophagus.

And thanks to the accumulation lymphoid follicles pinkish-blue color on the lower part of the tongue (this is where we put tablets and homeopathic peas) the process of assimilation of medicines is accelerated: salivary glands in a matter of minutes they break down drugs, and they, in dissolved form, quickly penetrate into blood vessels, bypassing the liver and other digestive organs.

Relief and color

Based on the “war paint” of the tongue, one can get an idea of ​​the state of many organs. A smooth, shiny, so-called varnished tongue indicates the presence of severe anemia, a “raspberry” tongue indicates pellagra.

However, it is not easy to see all this under the thickness of accumulated plaque, although experienced doctor will be able to obtain information from this “painting”. So, if yellow coating the back of the tongue is covered, this indicates disturbances in the functioning of the gallbladder, and yellowness soft palate and the lower part of the tongue may be a sign of jaundice.

A tongue densely coated with a whitish coating is a signal of problems in gastrointestinal tract, and a dark gray, almost black coating indicates severe poisoning, provoked by malfunctions of the gallbladder, pancreas or kidneys.

Do I need to clean my tongue?

If we are accustomed to brushing our teeth since childhood, then for some reason very little attention is paid to tongue hygiene. But in vain, because this muscle process also needs careful care, especially its back part, where a lot of plaque usually accumulates, which serves as a refuge for many bacteria.

By multiplying unhindered, microorganisms become the cause unpleasant odor, so experts advise brushing your tongue at least once a day. Moreover, it is best to remove plaque as a last resort - after brushing and rinsing your teeth. This can be done either with the help of special scrapers or spoons, or with an ordinary toothbrush of soft or medium hardness.

Not sparing your tongue: tongue piercing

In pursuit of originality, many young people decide to have their tongue pierced, sometimes not even suspecting how much trouble and inconvenience this small operation can bring them. The fact is that a puncture of this organ can permanently destroy many taste buds, so a person who has decorated his tongue with an earring will never be a gourmet, much less a taster.

In addition, after piercing, the tongue becomes very swollen, aches, bleeds, and its owner cannot chew solid food. For the first two weeks, the fashion victim is forced to adhere to a liquid diet, including drinking yoghurts, milk, juices and pureed soups, although final healing of the mucous membrane occurs after about a month.

Most of this time, the tongue continues to hurt, depriving the person of the ability to clearly pronounce some sounds. However, doctors consider the most dangerous and painful thing not to be piercing, but to cut the tip of the tongue. To decorate yourself with a forked snake sting, you need to make an incision 2-5 centimeters long.

And everything would be fine, but this manipulation puts life in serious danger, because two venous vessels pass a few millimeters from the incision site. Damaging at least one of them can provoke heavy bleeding, which is extremely difficult to stop. On the other hand, fashion is fleeting - tomorrow the “snake” language will be irrelevant, but you will still have it.

Language is needed primarily for communication. Primitive people who did not have a language could communicate with each other using gestures and some sounds, but now we need language to communicate.

With the help of language, people understand each other. We can convey our thoughts to another person only by using language. He can help us talk about our desires and feelings. There is no way other than language in which we can communicate this to other people as accurately.

The language of a people is its culture. If there were no language, there would be no different poems, proverbs, stories, songs and other beautiful works.

People also need language to store knowledge and pass it on to their children.

Even the knowledge in the textbooks we learn from was acquired many years ago and written down using language. And to read about them we must also know the language.

Language is a very important means for people to communicate and gain knowledge.

Updated: 2017-02-07

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Now we need to figure out what we're doing in real life using the tongue?

Firstly, we communicate with other people, establish contacts, break relationships;

secondly, we express our feelings and emotions;

thirdly, we evoke feelings and reactions in other people. In other words, we influence people.

Fourthly, language is a system magical knowledge and actions in the surrounding world.

Language is an amazing tool through which people communicate with each other. It is language that stores all human knowledge from ancient times to the present day. It is language that makes possible the very existence and development of human culture.

In communication between two people there are two positions: the speaker and the perceiver. The speaker's words clearly and indirectly affect the perceiver. What's obvious about this?

I influence the world and people around me through my thoughts. But people also influence me, my life.

We often hear from people: “This person tried to control me, manipulate me” or “He doesn’t let me live normally.”

We all influence each other. It is impossible to live without this. Even if you go into the forest, into the mountains, you will still feel the influence. In the end, civilization will reach you, just as it once reached the Indians of America and Australia.

It is obvious that words somehow affect a person. But how?

The answer is hidden in the question itself.


It is the image that is the key to the solution.

We hear the word “Dog”. What's happening to us? An image of a dog appears in the mind. Moreover, everyone has their own.

Here is another word - “Home”.

And again the image-picture. For one person, this is the image of a high-rise building and an apartment in it. Another has an image of his grandparents’ house, with a Russian stove. Now he already smells freshly baked bread and tastes fresh milk, hears the moo of a cow and the barking of a dog.

Now let’s connect these images with a certain action: “The dog is running towards the house.” The picture came to life. And the verb “runs” revived her. The preposition "to" directed the action. It's simple.

The words of the speaker brought to life images in the mind of the listener. But, what is especially important, they produced some effect in him. This action is very subtle, not yet visible. But it happened. Combinations of letters and words can evoke different feelings in a person. Some of them can destroy, others will be beneficial and healing. It is sounds and words, including printed ones, that evoke an unusual movement of feelings in a person’s soul.

What if you endow words with some meaning, evoke a movement of feelings in the listener? Then we can say that communication took place and people understood each other.

But here's what's interesting. When communicating, there is no transfer of information.

How so?! - the reader will be surprised, - there is even an expression “transfer of information”.

And why do you need to communicate?

You and I already know that the human subconscious contains all the information that is available in the Universe. And since ALL the information is there, what can be conveyed during communication?

What then happens when people interact?

I have already written in my previous books that communication with a person is always contact with another world. We influence each other at a very deep subconscious level and help each other to use feelings and images. There is an interaction between two Worlds, Universes. But what is the purpose of this interaction?

Turns out, the only purpose of communication is co-creation, creation. When communicating, there is a unification of thoughts and images, and therefore the energies of people and their efforts. A collective thought is formed, which has incredible power. And under the influence of many collective thoughts, a common reality is formed.

One person has no consciousness. There is only knowledge. Co-knowledge (joint knowledge) is present among at least two or more people. Therefore, when a person talks about consciousness, he means connection with many minds.

Language is a tool. This is a system of symbols and signs, this is an implicit philosophical system. Confucius once said: “Signs and symbols rule the world.” But who created them? Therefore, it should be clarified: The world is controlled by a person who creates signs and symbols.

Communication encourages joint action. This action can be constructive or destructive. There is a connection between the energies of people (if communication has taken place). People begin to produce the same thoughts, or very similar ones. Thoughts, images and feelings become common. Then they move into action. This is how the process of creation occurs.

But where do we direct this process?

After all, you can think about the end of the world and imagine terrible pictures. Or you can dream together about a wonderful future and bring it closer with your actions.

A woman comes up to you on the street with some books in her hands and begins to scare you with the apocalypse. And then he offers to escape with her.

Know that this person does not want to live in this world. But it's his choice. In his thoughts, he had already destroyed this world. But his thought alone is not enough, and therefore he wants to attract you and other people so that the collective thought becomes stronger and embodied in real events. It is thoughts like this that contribute to various catastrophes and natural disasters.

If you want to live, then you will not follow these people.

Conclusion: words and communication are needed for co-creation. In order to turn on the collective mind, and therefore make the thought a hundred times, a million times stronger.

That is why a person cannot live without communication. He needs it like air, water or food. It is through communication that a person gains wholeness and wholeness. Communication is life.

Every day we communicate with other people, share thoughts, feelings and events that have happened in our lives. From the very beginning to the end of the day, we use words almost without interruption. But we rarely think about what role language plays in our lives.

From nine months, a child begins to use speech and stops only with the onset of old age. This is not only a way of conveying our thoughts, but also a means to which we turn to cheer up loved ones or convey important information. Language is an assistant in communicating with other people, and this, of course, should be appreciated. Sometimes a rude word offends a person, but a kind word makes him stronger. Therefore, you should never forget about the weight of a word, its influence on people.

Also, by replenishing our vocabulary, we develop our brain; with the help of language we learn to reason, argue, and analyze. It is language that distinguishes us from animals, because it gives us the ability to think and not act on instincts.

Language also reflects the culture of the people who use it. I think the Russian language is very beautiful. There are so many synonymous words and means of expression in it. The history of our country is also reflected in the language; the changes that have occurred are visible. And sometimes it becomes a shame that so many foreign words are used in conversation.

But, despite this, I. Turgenev’s prose poem “The Russian Language” is still popular, which talks about how language can support a person. It is he who holds nationalities together; all the strength of the people lies in him. It helps us stick together in difficult times.

Touching upon this heart-rending topic, I recall Anna Akhmatova’s poem “Courage.” It says that during the war years the people will preserve the “Great Russian Word,” thereby showing its significance. After all, language is the personification of the people; without it, nationality cannot exist, because it binds all people together. Russian word- this is what you need to fight for in difficult times, because he is the past, present and future of the whole country.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the language must not only be protected, but also be able to use it. We must always know the meaning of the words used, strive to use as few foreign words as possible, as this spoils all the beauty of our language, read classical literature and remember that every phrase we throw plays an important role in human life and never use them thoughtlessly.

In Russian 5-7 sentences

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I often hear next question: "". And it is asked not only by children, but also by adults. How do you think I respond? And it all depends on the wording. After all, you can ask about the language that is in our mouth, or you can ask about the language in which people communicate different countries and peoples. Let's try to understand this issue.

Why is language needed?

It can be cooked deliciously!))) There are many recipes for jellied tongue on the Internet! Or you can make chops, etc.)

And why do people need language:

  • For correct pronunciation different sounds that our speech is rich in
  • to make it more convenient to send food into the stomach during a meal
  • in order to )))

Now let's deal with linguistic features and the role of language for communication and mutual understanding.

Why is it needed? foreign language?

  • Everyone will answer this question differently:
  • Someone wants to be smarter
  • someone needs knowledge of a foreign language to carry out professional activities
  • someone goes to another country for permanent residence and wants to know a foreign language thoroughly
  • etc.

If you think that only those people who have a greater predisposition for it or studied better at school (university) can learn a language, then you are mistaken. Everyone can master any foreign language. There are cases when a person during his life acquired the ability to speak more than 100 languages ​​and their dialects. Such “uniques” are called polyglots.

It all depends on memory and speech apparatus. After all, each language has its own characteristics related to pronunciation and writing. Representatives of the Slavic linguistic group are predisposed to easily master most languages, since our language (Russian, Ukrainian) is rich in different turns of phrase and complex rules, having studied which you can freely take on any foreign language. The only exceptions are the languages ​​of the peoples of Africa, which require a special approach. But the need to study them is extremely small.

Why else do you need a foreign language?

Learning foreign languages helps improve memory, analytical abilities of the brain, computational functions and even development creative thinking! It has been proven that those who study foreign languages ​​begin to better understand their native language.

Language plays an important role in the formation of the world community, which is very important in the era social networks and international communication, that is, in our time. Knowing an additional foreign language opens up new opportunities for us. For example, a long time ago I was looking for a job and saw the following advertisement in the newspaper: « International company X requires managers, economists, marketers, etc. to work in an official representative office with a thorough knowledge of English. The salary is the sum with five zeros!” At that moment I realized what I was missing, but no one would give me time to study. Missed opportunity...

Even if you decide to go on vacation or work in another country, it is much more pleasant to communicate with a person in his language than to “explain in your fingers” what you want.

Okay, we've sorted out the foreign language.

Why do you need Russian? Why do you need to know Russian?

Or not so - why do people need language, what is its role in society?

Language is a symbol of the state. No language - no people! Imagine the situation: Russian people begin to speak Chinese, forgetting their native language. What will the country become then? That's right, to the second China! Do we need this?

We must value the language, protect it and develop it without damaging the foundations that were laid many centuries ago. Without the native language, communication and mutual understanding between residents of the same country would not be possible. Suffice it to recall the parable of the Tower of Babel. As long as everyone spoke the same language, everything was fine. And what happened then? People stopped understanding each other and abandoned the work they started... This happens in life too!)

The situation has developed in our time that English is considered the international language. Therefore, the question “Why is it needed” naturally disappears? English language?. But this is not a reason to renounce our native language, which has been passed down from generation to generation. And as long as this continues, as long as the people exist!

If you decide to learn a foreign language, then you are doing the right thing. But before you begin the learning process, it’s worth making a list of priorities - why do you need this new language, where will you use it, do you need it, or maybe it’s better to improve your native speech? Considering the fact that the popularity of many Internet professions is growing rapidly, it is worth paying more attention to the Russian language. For example, copywriters, rewriters and content managers who write texts for thousands of sites earn very decent money. But the main requirement for such specialists is a thorough knowledge of their native language! And this is not an isolated example!

I’m sure many will find this article useful if they need to write an essay on the topic of why a person needs language!)