Why do you need a sound card, processor, and RAM in a computer? Development of auditory memory.

Before bedtime. When you are already lying in bed, getting ready for sleep, take a couple of minutes to do the following exercise to improve your memory. This exercise will help you develop your auditory memory. Listen to the sounds around you. First, try to hear the general sound background. Then move on to individual sounds, concentrating on each of them for 10 seconds. You will be surprised by the variety of sounds you will hear. Perhaps it will be the beating of your heart, the sound of dripping water in the bathroom, a passing car outside the window. Repeat this exercise to improve memory every evening before going to bed. In this way, you will improve selectivity and attentiveness and contribute to the development of auditory memory.

Repeat playback. Find a quiet room, sit down and completely relax. Place your hands on your knees and focus on this exercise. Repeat any sounds you hear. Change its tone, volume and clarity. Practice this exercise to develop auditory memory for 5 minutes every day. You need to get to the point where you can clearly hear the sound being repeated and learn how to change it.

. This is a very interesting exercise for developing auditory memory. Prepare several compositions that you know. It doesn’t matter what kind of music it will be, the main thing is that it is familiar to you. Listen to the beginning of the song and then press pause. Close your eyes and don't think about anything. Try to mentally continue the musical composition. If you don't succeed the first time, try again and again until you succeed. Compare the version you received with the original. Learn to mentally interrupt the melody in your thoughts and start it again. Consider a skill mastered if you can easily play any music you want.

While walking along the street, try to grab and hold for a few moments a fragment of conversation of passers-by that you overheard. You will be surprised at the number and variety of inconsistent phrases that you will hear and retain in your memory after a short practice. All this is a consequence of attention and interest.

The best way to exercise your memory in retaining and recalling what you hear is the one that is common among Hindus and other peoples in the transfer of their sacred and philosophical teachings .

The key to the secret of this wonderful method is to start small, gradually add and repeat often. Hindu teachers begin by repeating one line from the Vedas to the student. The latter thoroughly remembers the line, imprinting the words and their meanings in his mind, i.e. he sees every word of the line as if it were standing in front of him. He can repeat a line from beginning to end, and knows the place of every word.

The next day he memorizes another line, after which he repeats the first, pronouncing it along with the second, and thus connects them in his memory. On the third day, a third is added, repeating the first two and adding a third, etc. line by line every day. Repetition, of course, is very important, because it forces the student to revise what he has learned and deepen the impression each time.

Such frequent repetitions also serve to smooth out the lines, because each line is held together by the one before and after, and the whole seems to have been learned at the same time, which will give completeness to the composite impression. Later, the student may learn two lines a day, then three, etc., until he acquires incredible ability. But Hindu scholars warn against memorizing too much too soon. large number lines per day, because the memory must be accustomed to work gradually.

We would advise anyone studying this work and wishing to develop in this direction to ask someone to read to him a line every day and repeat this line until it is completely fixed in his memory. The next day, your assistant should make you repeat the first line and learn the second, and then repeat both at once.

It’s better to start with a line from a poem. After listening to a line once, try to repeat it. If you cannot repeat it clearly and completely, listen again, etc., until you know it thoroughly. Then repeat several times until you are sure you know it, and try to say it backwards. If you have imprinted it in your memory so much that you seem to see the words in front of you, it will not seem difficult to you, once you acquire the skill.

On the second day, repeat the learned line before starting another; Having learned this one, repeat both at once. IN next days add a line every day, keeping in mind that repetition is the most important condition. Think about the meaning of words as well as the words themselves, trying to paint a mental picture of what is being described. You shouldn't ask too many questions at once.

A line a day will soon give you material, the repetition of which will not be very difficult for you. One should not disdain the apparent simplicity and ease of the task. This is the same system by which Hindu students learn to memorize books equal in length to the Bible. Gradually, through constant repetition, they acquire this art.

You are not just learning the lines of some poem, but you are developing and training the ear and mind to receive impressions, retain them and evoke them. You will find that your auditory memory increases every day with this course of action. Your efforts will be rewarded for this.

If you find that your interest in these experiments is weakening, then take up another poem or subject for a change, but do not forget to repeat old lines from time to time. Change will give new strength to the experience and help you return to old lines with new interest.

Concentration exercise

Learn to concentrate on simple everyday activities. Every time you do some daily chores around the house (sweeping floors, washing windows and dishes, sewing on a button, etc.), do it with concentration, without being distracted by extraneous thoughts. You will notice that any action is divided into component parts - work cycles (waving a broom, piercing a fabric with a needle). Try to avoid unnecessary movements, thereby reducing work time and achieving better results. The exercise will teach you to carefully analyze any task, isolate the most important things from it and devote yourself to it without reserve.

A lot of exercises for training memory and attention can be found

(table of contents at the end)


Memory- this is the basis of mental life, the basis of consciousness. Any activity (game, study) is based on the fact that the image of what is perceived is stored in memory. Memory preserves connections between facts, events, preserves the past for the future.

Memory is a form of mental reflection of reality, which consists in remembering, preserving and reproducing data from past experiences by an individual.

There are 12 types of memory. Auditory memory refers to figurative memory, i.e. this is a memory for certain images with the help auditory analyzer. This type of memory is characterized by the fact that a person who has it can quickly and accurately remember the meaning of events, the logic of reasoning or any evidence, the meaning of the text being read, etc. He can convey this meaning in his own words, and quite accurately. School teachers, experienced lecturers, university teachers, and scientists have this type of memory.

1. The importance of auditory memory

Some remember much more clearly what they saw, others what they heard. One recognizes an old acquaintance as soon as he sees it, while another does not recognize the face, but remembers the person upon hearing his voice. There are cases when people who have not seen each other for years recognize each other over the phone. Exists real story about one detective who could not recognize a famous criminal, thanks to his skillful disguise, but as soon as the latter spoke, he recognized and arrested him, because ten or more years ago the detective had heard his voice. Some recognized their former schoolmates, whom they had not met since childhood, by their voices, although the childish treble had been replaced by more mature sounds.

Usually visual impressions are perceived more quickly, but nevertheless the memory seems to retain auditory impressions better. Many people remember what they hear much more clearly than what they read. But many writers are of the opinion that in the matter of memorizing lectures, vision helps hearing; we remember the appearance of the lecturer, his gestures and expressions. And the lecture seems more “alive” when we hear it than when we read it later in print.

And most importantly, perhaps, auditory memory and “auditory attention” are much easier to develop than visual memory. Exercises are performed more simply, without much effort and distractions from current affairs. And the effect begins to appear much faster

Musicians develop their organ of hearing to a high degree. The musical ear can distinguish subtle disharmony or slight variation from the first note of the violin. But many others have developed this ability to great perfection. Machinists distinguish between deviations from the normal sound produced by the machine. Railway guards can detect the slightest difference in the sound of the rails as a train passes and thus know that all is not well. The driver immediately recognizes the change in the hiss of the locomotive and immediately reduces the pressure. Old pilots recognize the whistle of every steamboat on their river, and residents of large cities recognize the bells of various churches. Telegraph operators recognize the device of the new system on their line in one minute, simply by the subtle difference in the knock.

In ancient times, when writing was unknown, the knowledge of one generation was passed on orally to another, from father to son, from teacher to student. The listener had to have the strongest attention and concentration, since what was learned in this way was preserved without change and, in turn, was passed on to the student or son of the first listener. In this way, these students could repeat huge notebooks without changing or leaving out a single word. The poems of the ancient Greeks were passed down from generation to generation; the same was the case with the Old Norse sagas. In the same way, the philosophical teachings of the Persians and Hindus were preserved throughout the centuries. The teachers of the East did not trust stone and papyrus; they preferred that the secret of their teaching be indelibly imprinted in the brains of their students and remain there as a living truth.

It is said that 2,000 years ago, a Chinese emperor was seized with envy of his dead ancestors and the greatness of the history of his people. He ordered the destruction of all religious, historical and philosophical monuments of the past, so that in the future everything would originate from the time of his reign. He burned the written and engraved records of the empire, including the works of Confucius. The past history of the people was destroyed and now lives in the form of legends, but the works of Confucius continue to exist intact, thanks to the amazing memory of one follower of Confucius, who retained in his mind the teachings taught to him in his youth and hid them until the death of the intolerant emperor, when the teachings of the great philosopher were reconstructed from his memory, which was so perfect that when, many years later, an ancient Confucian manuscript was found, miraculously saved from the emperor’s fires, they saw that the old sage had not missed a single word. Modern Chinese writers say that if the Chinese classics were destroyed, millions of Chinese would recite them by heart tomorrow.

The same custom is observed in India, where, although there are manuscripts written 2,000 years ago, there are students who keep in their memory the great philosophical treatises that have survived from a time when writing was still unknown. The Sanskrit language is dead, but it has been preserved in the transmission of religious and philosophical teachings - and not only the words, but also the pronunciation, stress and stops. Many modern Hindus can recite the Vedas, which contain about a million words, by heart. It takes years to memorize such a mass, because only a few lines are learned every day, which are forced to be repeated many times. The lesson is learned through oral transmission; reference to manuscripts is not allowed.

The Kabbalah or secret teaching of the Jews was transmitted in this way, and the same is said about the Druids.

The ancient Greeks and Romans were followers of the same kind of memorization and examples are given of citizens repeating word for word important speeches they heard.

According to Max Müller, the entire text and vocabulary of Panipi's Sanskrit grammar was transmitted orally for 350 years until it was written down. This work alone is the size of the Bible.

There are Hindu priests who can accurately recite the entire Magabarava, consisting of 30,000 lines. The Slavic rhapsodists of ancient times knew enormous epic poems by heart. And the Indians remember and recite their mystical tales of endless length. The ancient laws of Iceland were not written down or printed, but were preserved in the memory of the judges and lawyers of the country. And their legends tell that the lawyers of those times kept in their memory not only the laws, but also the precedents that grew up around the laws.

Now, of course, there is no need for such manifestations of memory, but if necessary, modern people can achieve the art of the ancients.

2. Problems concentrating during auditory perception

Your brain can switch auditory perception on and off. Many people can sleep through incredible noise at night, but are able to wake up to the whisper of a loved one. The more you practice this skill, the more benefits it will bring you.

There are many methods to promote the development of human auditory memory. According to scientists, thanks to training, you can increase the volume of auditory mechanical memory by an average of 2-3 times.

. Among the main problems in the field of listening and hearing skills, the most common are the following:

º physiological;

º absent-mindedness;

º forgetfulness;

º hard to hear sounds.

Let's look at them in detail.

1. Physiology. Except in cases where physical abnormalities are not the result of illness, most hearing pathologies stem from inability to handle the organ of hearing. It should be treated as a valuable musical instrument, which means keeping it in good working order and not mistreating it.

In modern society our inner ear constantly bombarded with sounds that far exceed the level to which he is tolerable. As far as possible, you should try to avoid close contact with machines that produce various loud sounds, especially airplanes, as well as sound amplification equipment. Studies have shown that if you carefully monitor your hearing, there is no deterioration with age.

2. Absent-mindedness. Distracted listening usually occurs for two reasons: it depends on your surroundings and your own internal thoughts.

One of the amazing abilities of the brain is the ability to reject sounds that are not of interest to it. Thus, for example, at a party, lovers can catch words whispered to each other among the general noise. Likewise, a mother can discern the cry of her child among the noise of a large crowd.

Just being aware of this skill will help you not react to extraneous sounds. Ignore the noise that only distracts you, concentrate on what you need to hear, and your brain will automatically stop perceiving noises that you don’t want to hear.

Your brain can either “turn off” or “turn on” its auditory perception. Many people can sleep despite the incredible noise at night, and at the same time are able to wake up from the whisper of a loved one or the soft sound of an alarm clock. Knowing about this ability, it is advisable to constantly train it: the more you use it, the more benefits it will bring you.

This can be done by consciously deciding to listen to the sounds around you. If you are on a noisy street, try first of all to listen to the sound of footsteps on the pavement, then to the songs of birds, then to the specific sounds made by transport. Likewise, if you are at home, listen individually to different sounds: the sound of water, the howling of the wind, the sounds of street traffic.

The second form of absent-mindedness stems from thought processes. This often happens when, when tired from severe stress. One of the most effective ways to avoid such absent-mindedness is to train auditory memory in order to improve perception and reproduction.

If you do this, the brain will learn to concentrate on the process of auditory perception, and will not “have its head in the clouds”, losing memory and attention. All this is very closely related to another big problem.

3. Boredom. Boredom usually comes when we are obliged to be attentive, but the situation does not arouse our interest. The result is complete distraction and virtually total loss information heard. In addition to trying to make every effort and find at least some interest, we recommend a method that is used in very boring situations. This is harsh criticism.

If you listen to a speech that is extremely interesting to you, you are completely “turned into hearing.” But speech is just as well received when its essence is opposite to yours. own views or when a person speaks to whom you really want to object.

You must listen with attention aimed solely at constructive criticism of whatever you hear. If you do this, your brain will always be ready to perceive all the necessary information that you hear.

4. Forgetfulness. Forgetting what you heard can be very unpleasant for you and means a loss of time for both the listener and your interlocutor. Of course, you need to take care of your hearing aids, avoid being distracted by outside sounds and your own internal thoughts, and use harsh criticism to overcome boredom. But you can also learn three more ways to improve your listening skills. This is self-motivation indoor installation to the hearing.

An internal listening attitude can be made by developing your own individual exercises, in which you must actively set the task of hearing as much as possible of what is happening around you: at work, while traveling, when communicating, at parties, in the village, before going to bed. You should give yourself small, specific tasks to determine the difference in voice intonation, in the singing of different birds, as well as in the general noise level at work and at home at different times.

The choice of key is based on the fact that the brain remembers not with lists, lines and sentences, but by linking key words and images to each other. In order to remember what was said, you need to focus not on the general meaning of the sentence, but on the key elements that form the basis of what was said.

Once the key elements have been created, try to mentally build a coherent chain of them, visualizing the main ideas while the speech continues. Choosing key elements will not only help you better recall most of the information said, but will also greatly increase your ability to understand what was heard, make appropriate comments, and ask intelligent questions.

5. Poorly distinguishable sounds. This problem is of a completely different nature than the previous four, and is especially troubling when you really need to follow the content of what was said, but it is spoken indistinctly. A person often misses the main elements of a conversation, speech, lecture simply because they do not reach the listener due to the fact that the speaker does not speak, but mutters, “chews” words, or is too distant

Since the speaker's intention is usually to give full information, he will often be pleased if he is gently made aware that he is not being heard very well.

3. Auditory memory training

The strength of our impression depends on the interest with which our mind treats it at the moment of its perception, and on the amount of volitional attention focused on it. An interesting object, or one that has been treated with attention, leaves a sharper impression than an object that excites it little or not at all.

Most people have a predominant type of memory, auditory or visual. Musicians have developed their organ of hearing to such an extent that their ear can distinguish subtle disharmony or slight variation from the correct sound of a violin or other instrument. Drivers can detect even slight deviations from the normal noise produced by the car. Reading aloud Helps you remember what you read and imprint the meaning of words in your mind. Reading aloud what you yourself have written imparts a power of analysis that is unknown to the person reading silently. There are other exercises for developing auditory memory.

Exercise 1. When walking down the street, try to grab and hold for a few moments a fragment of the conversation of passers-by that you heard. One may be surprised at the number and variety of phrases that are inconsistent with each other, heard and retained in memory after a short practice (3-4 months). This exercise is only valuable for practice, because the phrases captured are unlikely to have meaning in themselves. The duration of daily exercise is from 15 minutes to an hour.

Exercise 2. Try to distinguish the voices of people you meet and remember the voice when you hear it again. Each person has a special voice, and it is very interesting to study the different types of voices and their character traits. It will become more noticeable that each person has his own, inherent way of pronouncing and placing emphasis on certain words. It will also become apparent that people of different countries and different parts from the same country have different intonation and pronunciation features. There are people who are able to accurately determine which part of the country a person is from by hearing his voice. Moreover, the character of a person is often reflected in his voice, and an experienced observer can form a good idea of ​​the spiritual appearance of the speaker. The duration of daily exercise is 20-30 minutes. Exercise 3. Try to stand in a place where you cannot see the speakers, and try to distinguish their voices and match them with their faces. After creating a complete mental image, direct observation of the conversation is carried out and a comparison of mental images and real ones is carried out. The duration of daily exercises is 10-15 minutes.

Exercise 4. Try to hear the difference in the sound of footsteps of people along a fairly long corridor. Each gait has its own characteristics and even often the character of the walker is revealed in his step, the sound that comes from the touch of his foot to the floor. The duration of daily exercise is 20-30 minutes.

Exercise 5. Listen to a simple (to begin with) piece of music or a simple melody and then try to sing or whistle it. No matter how simple it may seem, this exercise helps develop hearing and at the same time develops attention to sounds. After a little practice, you may find a new interest in melodies and enjoy music more than before. The duration of daily exercise is from 20 minutes to one hour.

Exercise 6. When attending classes, treats them with the greatest attention. Try after each lesson to repeat everything you remember. Re-read speeches, parse them and repeat the maximum number of phrases spoken. Not only does it help develop auditory perception and memory, but it is also one of the best ways to become a proficient speaker. Students who attend the lessons of their favorite teacher for a long time gradually acquire to a greater or lesser extent his style of speech. Listening to good speakers develops, along with memory, freedom of expression of your own thoughts, much greater than what you had before. If you practice memorizing excerpts from the speeches of good speakers and repeating not only words, but also expressions, then you can develop the power of expressions and judgments, which will later bring considerable benefits.

Exercise 7. The best way to exercise the memory in retaining and recalling what is heard is the one that is common among the Hindus and other peoples in the transmission of their sacred and philosophical teachings. The key and secret of this wonderful method is to start small, build up gradually and repeat often. Your assistant reads you a line from a poem (or any other), and you repeat it until it is completely fixed in your memory. The next day, your assistant should make you repeat the first line and learn the second, and then repeat both at once. After listening to a line once, you should try to repeat it. If it is not possible to repeat clearly and completely, then listen again, etc., to know thoroughly. Then repeat several times until you are sure you know it, and try to say it in reverse order. If it is so well imprinted in memory that it seems to be seen in consciousness, then it will not seem difficult to you, since you have acquired the skill.

On the third day, repeat the learned lines before starting the next one; Having learned the third, repeat three at once. In the following days, add a line every day, keeping in mind that repetition is the most important condition. Think about the meaning of words as well as the words themselves, trying to paint a mental picture of what is being described. You shouldn't ask too many questions at once. A line a day will soon provide material the repetition of which will not be very difficult. One should not disdain the apparent simplicity and “ease” of the task. This is the same system by which Hindu students learn to memorize large books. In the course of this exercise the ear and mind are developed and trained to receive impressions, retain them and evoke them. Over time, you will find that your auditory memory increases every day. If interest in these experiments wanes, then you can take up, for a change, another poem or subject, but do not forget to repeat the old lines from time to time. The change will give the experience a new charm and help you return to old lines with new interest.

Success is possible only if you practice daily; your brain must be kept in a certain tone, as well as the muscles of the body. On days of unsatisfactory health, the volume of exercise can be reduced to the minimum possible (5-10 minutes per day), but it is not recommended to eliminate it completely.


Man lives in a world of sounds: sounds of nature, mechanisms, music, speech, etc. Through auditory perception, he perceives current sound events, adjusts his hearing aid in a specific sound situation, finds the sound source, and reacts to changes in the sound environment. Thanks to auditory memory, a person can recognize familiar sounds, mentally reproduce and use sound impressions from the past. Auditory memory is simply necessary for philologists, people who study foreign languages, acousticians, musicians and ordinary people. Auditory memory is more long-lasting. So, despite continuous improvement technical means storing huge amounts of information for us, we will never be able to refuse the services of our own memory.

But in order to keep our auditory memory in full combat readiness, daily training of our auditory memory is necessary. In addition, constant concentration is an indispensable condition for the development of auditory memory. It has been proven that auditory memory and “auditory attention” are much easier to develop than visual memory. Exercises are performed more simply, without much effort and distractions from current affairs. By methodically developing your auditory memory, you can achieve incredible results - instantly remember melodies heard, thoughts spoken. The process of learning and work will go several times faster and more efficiently if auditory memory is developed. So, developed auditory memory is a super-powerful weapon that will continuously help you in any life circumstances.


2. Nikkinen I.I., Lukina N.A. Teach me to hear. Development of auditory perception, attention and memory

3. Nemov R.S. Psychology. Book 1. General fundamentals of psychology. – M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 1997.

4. Rubinshtein S.L. Fundamentals of general psychology. St. Petersburg, Peter, 1999.

Hello friends! Have you noticed how much new we have learned over the course of Lately about memory? If you missed my previous articles, be sure to check them out because today I have a special offer on the topic of memory. Let's figure out how to develop auditory memory.

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As we know, there are three main types of memory: visual, auditory and motor. Like everything ingenious in our body, types of memory are equally important and can hardly be replaced with each other. In any case, for a holistic perception of the environment, we need to make equal efforts to harmoniously develop hearing, vision and movements. And, since today we focused on auditory memory, let's study several universal techniques for improving it.

Already discussed on the blog. Read it.

Exercise for concentration and development of auditory memory

In the evening, having taken a convenient supine position and once you get ready for sleep, try to concentrate on the sounds around you. As a rule, during rest we try to exclude all noise around us, but if you listen, there are always some sounds. Pay attention, for example, to the curling of the wind outside the window, your own breathing, or the gurgling in your stomach (which is important if you are really lucky and have a shortage of extraneous sounds). With regular practice of this exercise, you will notice how your auditory memory and concentration in general have improved.

Exercise to activate specifically auditory memory

Same simple as the first one. For it, you need to retire, relax and reproduce in your mind any sounds, voices, texts you heard the day before. To enhance the effect, try to slightly change their pitch or volume. This is how we achieve clear memories of sounds, and by changing their parameters in memory, we strengthen good auditory memory. It is advisable to devote 5-7 minutes to exercise daily.

This technique is a little more complicated in that it requires more mental effort, as well as a player or other music device. The task is to start listening to some familiar composition, pause it and continue playing it in your head. Best result there will be a developed ability to completely scroll through and interrupt your favorite music in your mind. Regularity is also needed here (ideally, do the exercise every day).

Methodology of the Russian champion in memorization

I have already mentioned Stanislav Matveev and his methodology in previous posts. It will help you easily and quickly develop your ideal memory (auditory memory, among others). Access the guide for free!

Developing auditory memory in a child

Here are some relevant techniques for developing children's auditory memory. Of course, children preschool age require a special approach, especially in such a boring task as monotonous exercises. So let’s add an element of fun and follow these simple guidelines:

  1. Periodically introduce your child to new words (it is enough to name 8-10 words a day and, as necessary, repeat them) and ask him to repeat some of the words. This way you can also determine your child’s level of auditory memory.
  2. Play with the continuation of the phrases. For example, start: "I went out into the yard", and the child will continue: “I went out into the yard to meet the sun”, and so on. Then try to remember the story together. It's great if there are several participants in the game. Already exciting, right? The exercise develops auditory memory well.
  3. No less interesting is an exercise with associations for the comprehensive development of memory. The idea is to place several pictures with images of different objects/phenomena in front of the child and set the task of showing the picture that depicts the word you are pronouncing (denoting the object/phenomenon).

Auditory Memory Test

Guys, now I suggest you stop at this educational video. It consists of three tests. Moreover, each test is focused on the development of different subtypes of auditory memory. In my opinion, it’s quite simple and well thought out. I wonder if you like this video. Please write about it in the comments to the post!

From childhood, parents try to hammer into their children’s heads that memory development is necessary for future life and good for health. To justify their words, adults most often cite the statement that if you don’t learn poetry, read and retell it, then in old age it will be impossible to remember the simplest things. And it is true! Human memory is designed in such a way that basic information is remembered by ear. Therefore, it is important to constantly develop memory so that it does not fail later in life. important point. There are several effective methods development of auditory memory.

1. Learn to listen to silence

This exercise can be performed before bed. To do this, just lie in bed and listen to what is happening on the street, as well as the surrounding sounds in the room. First you need to evaluate the entire sound background, and then try to listen to each sound separately. Having started this exercise, people realize with interest that they are surrounded by a huge number of sounds. Even just lying in bed, someone will only hear the beating of their heart, while others will hear their neighbors talking through the wall, someone will hear the sound of dripping water in the bathroom or kitchen, etc. The world is full of various sounds, and in order to train your auditory memory, it is enough to perform a few simple exercises, the effect of which will not take long to come.

2. Remember sounds

This exercise must be performed in a room that guarantees complete silence, where nothing will interfere and there are no people. To begin with, you should sit comfortably, lie down or lean on your elbows, in general, take a comfortable body position and completely relax. During the exercise, you need to concentrate as much as possible and begin to remember the sounds you heard earlier. For example, what you heard during the day. You can try changing their pitch, volume or clarity. Everything may not work out right away, but don’t get upset and quit. For this exercise, it is enough to spend 5 minutes daily. Soon, these trainings will help you remember sounds if necessary and change them at will.

3. Musical exercises

Before starting the exercise, you need to prepare several musical compositions you like, regardless of the melody. After listening to a short excerpt of a song, you need to relax, throw everything unnecessary out of your head and try to reproduce what you heard. If you don’t succeed the first time, you can listen to the same passage again and also try to remember the melody. You can start with very short fragments of a musical composition, and then increase their duration. It is important not to forget to compare your reproduction with the original. It will also be useful to mentally “pause” the playing of the melody in your head, and then continue from where you stopped. To obtain excellent result, you will have to train very often. And only after it is possible to mentally reproduce your favorite melody in full, the result is achieved.

The perfection of auditory memory using these exercises will help, over time, to clearly remember the event in detail. This ability of the brain will be fixed in a person for a long time, thanks to the developed habit of associating life situations with ambient sounds. You can train your auditory memory both at home and anywhere. For example, if the methods described above require quiet time alone with yourself, then, for example, you can listen to music and then mentally reproduce its melody anywhere. If this turns out to be easy, then you can complicate the task by memorizing the text. In addition, you can, while walking in the park or even while simply rushing to work, try to listen to the conversations around you and, without delving into the essence, simply repeat. It is worth noting that these exercises can be turned into a game in a group and competitions can be organized. They will also be interesting and useful for children to develop hearing acuity.

To improve a child’s auditory memory, you can perform the following exercises:

  1. Try to read several words with one letter and reproduce them in the exact sequence, and then add a few more words with the same letter to them.
  2. Learn short rhymes, tongue twisters and songs.
  3. Read several words starting with one letter and one with another. Ask to indicate the extra word.

Using game-based learning methods, you can quickly develop your child’s memory without boring him with boring activities. It is also worth understanding that the development of one type of memory must occur in conjunction with other types. For example, it is impossible to develop auditory memory without using visual and motor memory. Memories in the brain are reproduced, distributed across functional features. You can develop a child’s auditory memory simultaneously with tactile memory, for which you need to blindfold him and take turns placing objects in his hands. different shapes and textures, after which he must recognize them. Exercises to train all types of memory can be carried out for children from 3 years of age.

As a child, did you also envy those who memorized long poems in a matter of minutes, and at the university, the answers for an exam? It would be great to be able to quickly memorize large texts for reports, wouldn’t it?

We will present several ways to train your memory in this article. You will learn how to train your memory and therefore remember quickly required amount information. In addition, we will tell you how to train attention, which is so necessary for us during memorization.

How to train your memory?

There are people with truly photographic memory: they see text and seem to photograph it, and then simply “read” it if necessary. This is an expression of good visual memory. There is also auditory and mixed memory. We will talk more about the methods of training them below.

Memory exercises

Now let's look at the basic rules for memory training.

How to train visual memory?

The most fun way to train your visual memory is through games. To do this, ask to show you two almost identical drawings with minor differences. After looking at them for 30-40 seconds, try to remember. And then write down their differences from memory.

You need to lay out two or three geometric shapes from matches or sticks. After a couple of seconds, you need to cover the figures with a sheet of paper, and then try to reproduce these figures from memory.

Memory training

Also very good method The development of visual memory is memorizing poetry. You need to look through the text of the poem, but do not say it out loud. This exercise is very simple because you can do it almost anywhere without distracting others or attracting undue attention.

How to improve auditory memory?

The following exercise can be done anywhere. To practice, you need to try to remember the details of the conversation of passers-by and people around you. The duration of the exercise should vary from 15 minutes to an hour.

Without looking at talking people, try, just by hearing voices, to correlate the voices with the faces of the speakers. Since the voice is an individual trait of each person, the exercise will be successful. To notice results, you only need to exercise regularly for 10-15 minutes.

In the process of memorizing this or that information, attention plays an important role. The speed and quality of memorization depends on how well you can concentrate your attention on the required subject. For this reason, attention needs to be trained.

How to develop attention?

So, to train attention, you need to concentrate your attention on some selected object while inhaling. After 3-5 seconds, holding your breath, try to recreate the image of the object in your memory. Then, as you exhale, release the image. After 3-5 repetitions, the training method must be changed.

Concentration of attention

You can choose a passerby on the street and, having “photographed” his image, close your eyes. Then try to imagine in your imagination how and where the person continues to go. At the very beginning, the exercise may not work out, but over time you will learn to recreate a picture that is as close as possible to reality.

According to the editors of the site, by regularly performing the proposed exercises, you will learn to quickly remember the necessary images and information. After some time, it will not be difficult for you to remember a long verse or an image or a diagram.
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