Spell for 1 lost tooth. What to do with lost baby teeth: throw away, keep or give to a fairy

Many parents closely monitor the development of their baby, including the appearance of the first baby teeth. This process is remembered for a long time, because during this period the child behaves restlessly, develops a fever, and scratches his gums vigorously. But all these difficulties are worth it in the end to see your child have a mouth full of teeth.

However, it is worth considering that baby teeth are considered temporary, and by a certain age they begin to loosen and fall out. So what to do with a lost baby tooth? For many inexperienced mothers, this process can raise a lot of questions, so it’s worth preparing for this in advance.

As a rule, children erupt their first teeth at 6-8 months. Milk teeth serve a child for 5-6 years. But still, it is worth considering that each baby’s body is different, and therefore the process of changing baby teeth to molars occurs differently. Also, this process depends on many reasons and features.

Attention! According to statistics, the first tooth in children falls out at the age of 5-7 years. However, sometimes situations arise when this process occurs much earlier.

The period of loss of primary teeth can be affected by different features– the degree of health of baby teeth, the period of their eruption, features of the development of the jaw apparatus in a child.
There is another reason on which the initial period of loss of the first milk teeth and their replacement by molars depends - the peculiarities of the development of their rudiments during pregnancy, because the process of formation of the rudiments begins in the womb.
Despite the fact that the time of loss of the first teeth and their replacement with permanent ones is different for everyone, the order of loss is usually the same for everyone.

Loss of baby teeth is a change temporary teeth to permanent ones. This is a process that every person goes through in childhood and in most children it occurs without any problems.

Typically, primary teeth fall out in the same order in which they germinate. Initially, there is a loosening of the first lower incisors, then after a while the upper ones begin to wobble. After this, loosening of any teeth occurs in random order. The last to become loose are the canines, premolars and molars. The formation of a full-fledged bite in children begins by the age of 13-14 years.
Below in the tables are indicated approximate periods loss of certain teeth.

Names of teethFallout period (years)
Anterior lower incisors5-6
Upper anterior incisors6-7
Upper lateral incisors7-9
Lower lateral incisors8-9
Fangs upper jaw9-10
Canines lower jaw9-12
Upper premolars (first molars)10-11
Lower premolars10-12
Lower molars (second molars)11-12
Upper molars12-13

First steps in case of loss of baby teeth

Often, many parents are very worried that their children experience severe pain when their first baby teeth fall out.
The only unpleasant factor that can bother a child during this period is a loose tooth. Of course, this will not worry the child much; during this period, he will develop great curiosity and interest in the loose tooth. He will strive to constantly touch it and examine it.
What actions should parents take during this period:

  • To begin with, parents should explain to children that they should not put their hands in their mouths. Due to the fact that a child often puts his hands in his mouth, he can get an infection, which in the future can cause severe pain and inflammation;
  • It is imperative to explain to the child why tooth loss occurs, that this is normal and not at all scary;
  • If blood appears from the socket when a tooth falls out, it is not dangerous. In these cases, it is recommended that the child be given a solution with baking soda so that he rinses his mouth. Rinsing is performed until the hole is completely closed;
  • If teeth are falling out, you should not give your child painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs.

But it’s still worth turning again to the main question that worries all parents who are faced with this process for the first time: what should be done when their children’s teeth fall out?

Attention! It should be remembered that the first tooth that falls out for every child is considered an important stage in its development, for this reason it is not recommended to simply throw it away.

Everyone has certain rituals to mark this significant event. Many doctors even recommend celebrating this day somehow, making it important and special for the child. First of all, this day should remain in his memory as a bright and joyful event; he should not associate it with pain and unpleasant sensations. This will help him to endure subsequent tooth loss much easier in the future, and he will even feel joy when another tooth begins to loosen.

Parents should pay attention to the child’s teeth and explain that this is a natural process that happens to everyone. It is worth cheering up with a funny story or encouraging with a gift, then this event will carry positive emotions.

What to do if blood appears during tooth loss?

Some parents immediately panic when their baby starts bleeding during the loss of a baby tooth, but this should not be done. This process is considered absolutely normal; it occurs due to the fact that oral cavity available a large number of blood vessels. When a tooth falls out, these vessels burst, and therefore a bleeding process occurs.
To stop the bleeding, the following measures should be taken:

  1. If blood appears, the child should be given a cotton swab or piece of gauze. He must press it to the hole with blood and hold it for a while. Usually the bleeding stops quickly;
  2. It is not recommended to use hydrogen peroxide as a mouth rinse because it will only irritate the wound but also positive result will not bring;
  3. If the bleeding does not stop and simple manipulations do not help stop it, then you should go to see a dentist;
  4. In the first period after tooth loss, the child should rinse the mouth with a solution with a weak salt concentration.

Sometimes there are situations when a tooth falls out unnoticed even by the child himself, and he may accidentally swallow it. In these cases, it is worth contacting a dental specialist who will examine the hole and be able to determine whether the tooth has completely fallen out or whether part of it has broken off. If it turns out that the tooth has fallen out and the child has no complaints, then soon enough it will leave the body naturally.

Rinse weak saline solution will allow you to disinfect the oral cavity and inflammation after the loss of a baby tooth.

So where can you put a lost tooth - traditions

Of course, everyone should choose for themselves where to put the first fallen milk tooth; there are no specific requirements for this and it does not need to be taken to the dentist for disposal.

Attention! Different families have their own traditional customs, which they observe during the loss of the first baby teeth in children.
Some people put their lost teeth in a small box. Many leave them as a souvenir, just like a baby’s tag from the maternity hospital or other memorable symbols that are associated with the first birth of a child. Some, on the contrary, are of the opinion that the first tooth is an unnecessary thing and should be buried deep in the ground.

also in Lately The tradition that came to us from the West has become quite popular. You need to place the fallen tooth under a pillow or in a container or glass that is placed next to the bed. While the child is sleeping, the Tooth Fairy flies to him, takes the tooth and leaves a coin, candy, small gift or other thing in return. Before going to bed, it is advisable to tell your child about the existence of the Tooth Fairy, that she flies in just when all the children are sleeping and takes away the fallen baby teeth.
This tradition is very popular among modern children. Naturally, instead of the Tooth Fairy, you can invent any other hero from a fairy tale, the main thing is that the child believes it and is interested in this whole process. But it is worth remembering that these measures must be carried out constantly for each tooth that falls out. For parents it is simple, but for the child it will be an exciting and memorable process.
There is another tradition of giving your tooth to a mouse, because it constantly chews everything. In these cases, the child needs to be told to find a secluded and dark place, for example under the bed, under a closet or other furniture. He must throw his fallen tooth into a dark corner. After this, the child should be told that after the mouse finds a tooth, it will take it and grow a new permanent one in the place of the one that fell out. This tradition is also liked by many children and they happily perform these actions after each loss of a baby tooth.
The most important thing is that after a child’s tooth falls out, he needs to be reassured; he should not be afraid or be very nervous. You definitely need to tell him that this process happens to everyone, that soon a new molar will grow in place of the lost tooth. The child must know that permanent teeth They will remain with him for life, so they need to be regularly looked after, cleaned and protected from negative factors.

The tooth fairy is a fairy-tale character who not only helps to take care of teeth, but also takes away lost teeth, bringing coins or gifts to children. Don’t forget to put the tooth under the pillow with your baby, and replace it at night for a treasured surprise.

The baby tooth has not fallen out, but the molar is already growing - what to do?

Important! Often there are situations when children have not yet lost their milk teeth, but their molars are already erupting nearby. This process It is dangerous because baby teeth will interfere with the growth of permanent teeth, which can ultimately lead to the fact that molars may grow crooked.

In these cases, you should consult a dentist. You should not take independent actions, try to loosen your teeth, and even less so, pull them out. Instead of benefit, you can, on the contrary, harm the child, and sometimes even cause injury. The doctor has special tools with which he can pry up the interfering baby tooth and quickly remove it. The main thing is that the baby will not even feel pain, everything will go very quickly and painlessly, and most importantly it is safe for his health. After this, the indigenous ones will be able to grow normally.
The main task of parents in these situations is that they must calm the child before the appointment. It is important that the child is not afraid of the doctor, so that he understands that this is important for the health of his future teeth.
Under no circumstances should you pull out a tooth yourself using a thread and a door. Using this method, you may never pull out a tooth, but as a result, the child may develop strong pain. In addition, it can cause the baby strong fear and unpleasant memories in the future. As a result, he simply does not want to go to the doctor, which will greatly worsen his dental condition. Therefore, you should not risk the health of your child, but it is better to go straight to an appointment with an experienced pediatric dentist.
If you don’t want to go to the dentist or you can’t persuade your child to undergo this procedure, then you can use some recommendations:
  • You can let your child chew on a crust of dried bread. This will increase the loosening of baby teeth;
  • frequent consumption of hard vegetables and fruits - carrots, apples, can also cause rapid loss of baby teeth;
  • Solid food should be given to the child as often as possible, but you should not tell him why it is necessary. Otherwise, he may get scared and not want to eat these foods.

Eating solid foods will speed up the process of loosening and rapid loss milk teeth. It is imperative to keep an eye on loose teeth; it is important not to overlook the moment they fall out. The child himself may not notice that his tooth has fallen out and may accidentally swallow it, and this is undesirable.
The most important thing is to regularly monitor the condition of children’s baby teeth. Identify loose teeth in a timely manner. For a child, the loss of a baby tooth should be a bright and joyful event; it should leave a pleasant imprint on his memory. For this reason, it is worth preparing him for this process; at these moments he needs to be reassured, he should not be afraid, nervous, or worried. It’s worth coming up with a fairy tale, your own tradition that will interest the child and make this event exciting and joyful

All parents are always interested in watching how their baby grows and develops: how he learns to walk and talk. The time when the first teeth begin to cut is especially memorable. A lot of sleepless nights, but they are worth the joy that parents experience when they all finally cut through.

Time flies very quickly, and now the baby’s baby teeth begin to loosen. Not all mothers are ready for these changes, and then the question arises: what to do with the first baby tooth that falls out?

In children, the first teeth begin to appear at about 6-8 months. They serve the child for 5-6 years. For each child, the process of replacing milk teeth with permanent ones occurs in different time. This depends on the influence of certain factors.

According to statistics, the first tooth falls out at the age of 5-7 years. But there are cases when such a process occurs much earlier.

This is influenced by how healthy the baby teeth were, how early they erupted, and also how the child’s jaw apparatus develops as a whole.

Another factor on which the beginning of the replacement of baby teeth with molars depends, this is how their buds developed during pregnancy, as this begins to form in the womb.

A child's first tooth falls out at 5-7 years of age.

Despite the fact that the period of change from baby teeth to permanent ones may vary, the order in which they fall out is the same for almost all children. The so-called “sixes” are the very first to grow, but they are not milky.

A the lower incisors are the first to become loose, then the top ones. After this, any teeth can become loose, in different orders. The fangs are the last to begin to loosen. A child’s full-fledged bite is formed only by the age of 13-14 years.

It happens that a child’s baby teeth grow unevenly, or there are large distances and gaps between them, but this does not at all affect what the bite will be like after changing teeth. A permanent bite in children is formed regardless of what kind of baby teeth they were.

First steps in case of tooth loss

Parents often worry that their baby is going through the process of changing his baby teeth very painfully. But in reality this is not the case.

The only thing that may bother you is that a loose tooth causes discomfort. And naturally, the child develops curiosity about the changes taking place. Why does he constantly try to touch the tooth, to explore new sensations for him.

The first thing parents need to do is in this case - This is to explain to the baby that you should not put your hands in your mouth, as there is a risk of infection, which will cause pain. Also, the task of parents is to explain to the child why this process as a whole occurs.

If ichor comes out of the hole, there is nothing wrong with that. It is necessary to let the baby rinse his mouth with a soda solution until the wound heals. If baby teeth fall out, you do not need to give your child any painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs.

So, returning to the question of what to do when a child’s first tooth falls out, it is worth noting that this is a very joyful and significant event. The first baby tooth that falls out in a child is very important stage in its development, so you can’t just throw it away.

Everyone has their own rituals regarding this event.. You can even mark this day somehow to make it important for your baby. Further tooth loss will be easier for him, and he himself will rejoice when the next tooth begins to loosen.

If baby teeth fall out, there is no need to give your child painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

What else should be done if a child’s baby tooth falls out? There are times when, after a tooth falls out, the baby’s wound bleeds, and parents begin to panic. But this is absolutely normal, because this happens due to the fact that there are a lot of blood vessels in the oral cavity. When teeth change, these vessels simply burst.

Any bleeding that occurs must be stopped., and as soon as possible. To do this, you need to make a gauze napkin, or take a cotton pad, and let the baby bite it lightly.

Most often, this is enough to stop the bleeding. But if the bleeding has not stopped, then it is necessary to urgently contact your pediatrician.

You should not let your baby rinse his mouth with hydrogen peroxide, as in this situation it will only irritate the wound.

In the first days after a baby tooth falls out, it is recommended to rinse the baby’s mouth only with a weak saline solution.

There are often cases when a tooth falls out unnoticed and the child accidentally swallows it. In such a situation, you need to contact a specialist to check whether only part of the tooth has broken off or whether it has fallen out completely.

If it turns out that it has fallen out completely, and the child has no complaints, then everything is in order, and most likely it will leave the body naturally.

Traditions concerning teeth

Baby tooth

Where to put the first one dropped baby tooth, everyone decides for themselves. Different families have traditions that they adhere to when a child’s first baby teeth fall out.

Some people simply put them in a small box or casket, someone keeps them with the baby's tag from the maternity hospital, and other memorable symbols associated with the birth of a baby. There is also an opinion that the very first tooth that falls out is the most unnecessary, and it should be buried as deeply as possible.

There is another tradition, which came to us from the west. According to this tradition, before going to bed, the fallen tooth should be placed under the pillow, but since this is not always convenient, there is an option to put it in a cup or glass and place it next to the bed.

While the baby is sleeping, the Tooth Fairy will fly to him, and in exchange for a tooth, she will leave a coin, candy, or some other small gift. Naturally, before going to bed you need to tell your baby a fairy tale about the Tooth Fairy and her magic.

Children love this tradition very much., and it is increasingly gaining popularity in the world. Of course, you can leave a tooth at night for any other fairy-tale character. And such actions that are pleasant for the baby will need to be done with a new tooth that has fallen out. This is not at all difficult for you, but your child will receive a lot of positive emotions.

There is also a tradition of giving your tooth to the mouse, since it can chew everything. The mouse will take it, and in place of the one that fell out, a new and healthy one will grow. This version is also popular with kids.

To carry out this tradition, you need to find a secluded place in the house, a corner where this mouse will come to pick up the baby’s tooth. Thanks to such a fairy tale, children enthusiastically leave their teeth in that treasured place, especially so that the mouse will take them.

When a baby tooth falls out, the main thing to do is to calm a child who is agitated by the changes.

You can come up with any fairy tale on this topic that will interest the child and leave a pleasant imprint on this event. In any case, it is necessary to explain to the baby that new teeth will grow in place of the lost teeth., which will be with him for the rest of his life, and they need to be well looked after so that they are always strong and healthy.

Thus, it will be possible at the same time to remind the child about proper care behind the oral cavity.

If a molar is growing but the baby tooth has not yet fallen out

A molar grows when the baby tooth has not yet fallen out

Quite often there are cases when a molar begins to erupt, but the milk tooth does not fall out. This is dangerous because the milk one will interfere with the growth of the root one, which is why the new one may grow crooked.

In such a situation, it is recommended to contact a pediatric dentist, but in no case should you loosen the tooth further. The dentist has a tool that he can use to pry up a loose tooth - this will allow it to be pulled out painlessly, and then the molar can continue to grow freely.

The main thing is to calm the child before taking so that he is not afraid, but understands that the doctor will only do better.

You should not try to pull out the tooth yourself using a thread or using a door. Firstly, this is an unreliable method, and often it is not possible to pull it out, and secondly, this method will cause emotional trauma to the child, because he will experience great fear of such a “procedure”.

Using these methods there is a risk of injury to the oral cavity, which can lead to serious unpleasant consequences. Therefore, it is better not to risk the health of your beloved baby.

If you don’t want to see a doctor at all, or for some reason it’s not possible, then you need to offer the child to chew on solid food, such as a crust of bread, an apple or a carrot. He himself will not notice the loss.

You should not tell your child in advance why he needs to do this, otherwise he may get scared and refuse. It will be quick and painless. But parents should not miss this moment to avoid swallowing the tooth.

Children are the greatest joy, but at the same time, they are the greatest responsibility. In every family, parents themselves decide what is best to do and what to do with their child’s lost baby tooth. But this event undoubtedly pleases and leaves a pleasant imprint, because it is so interesting to watch your beloved baby grow.

You need to remember that this event should also be joyful for your child. Then the change of baby teeth to molars will be easy and relaxed for the parents themselves and for the children.

The tooth fairy is a character typical of Western culture, successfully penetrated into Russia. According to legend, a lost tooth should be placed under the pillow in the evening. At night, a fairy will come to the child, who will take the baby tooth and leave a small amount of money or another gift in its place. Modern parents, wanting to make their task easier, are increasingly telling their children that the tooth should be left in a glass of water on the bedside table. This makes it much easier to make a change without disturbing the child. The story of the tooth fairy allows kids to endure discomfort associated with the loss of primary teeth.

Tooth as a keepsake

Many parents keep in a treasured box a tag from the maternity hospital, a cast of the baby’s foot, a lock of hair cut from their child’s head. If you have such treasures, your child’s first tooth that falls out may well go to them. Perhaps in a few years you and your now grown-up child will be interested in looking at it. And in a jewelry store you can even buy a special tiny box designed to store the first lost baby tooth.


The tooth fairy is a fairly new character, but in Russia most often the tooth is given to the mouse. To do this, they hide it in a secluded place in the house (under a closet, baseboard, in a gap between the floorboards. You can also ask a child on the street to throw the tooth behind his back. In this case, you can ask the mouse to give the baby new strong teeth.


Some people believe that a child's first tooth that falls out is a strong talisman, which protects the family, brings it happiness and prosperity and prevents it from falling apart. If you believe in omens and want to protect your loved ones in this way, just put the tooth in a secluded place and believe in the power of this talisman.


Fans of non-trivial jewelry can make one from a fallen tooth. To do this, you can even take it to a workshop, where it will be framed in silver. The tooth will make a very extravagant pendant. However, be careful - some people believe that such products are related to black magic and can cause harm.

Throw away

If you are not sentimental, and your child has never heard of a fairy who brings gifts, you can simply throw away the lost tooth. It doesn’t matter whether you bury it under the pink one at the dacha or throw it in the trash. Do what makes you comfortable, and your baby’s new molars will grow in any case.

If your child’s first baby tooth has fallen out, there is no need to panic, but you also shouldn’t be careless about this event. If you are not superstitious, you can keep the “relic” in a beautiful box along with other important items that remind you of early childhood baby or donate a lost baby tooth to a stem cell bank.

But it is better for superstitious people to perform all the rituals recommended by folk wisdom. So what to do with a child’s first lost milk tooth, and how to quickly calm the child down if the loss has caused him negative emotions– on this occasion, the peoples of the world have developed different traditions – you can choose any one to suit your taste.

Is it possible to store children's baby teeth - signs

There are different opinions on this matter. Biological material in the form of teeth - a desired item for magical rituals. Through baby teeth you can cause damage, make a love spell, or cause harm in other ways.

Can you imagine what will happen if a witch or sorcerer steals them? Therefore, it is not recommended to store fallen milk in the house and try to make amulets or talismans from them. The best amulet is teeth in their proper places in the mouth.

What to do with lost baby teeth - nomadic peoples simply bury them to protect the child from damage and to bring good luck to the child. But residents of villages and villages have a different point of view. They make amulets. To do this, children's fallen teeth are wrapped in red cloth, tied with red thread and a special spell is read.

When a child cuts his first teeth, it creates problems for everyone around him.

The baby's temperature rises, he tries to chew something, and screams a lot with tears. Experts in folk wisdom dealt with this problem using methods of safe household magic.

The baby's cradle was surrounded with special amulets and talismans, and the baby was given enchanted things to chew on. This helped to protect and anesthetize the process of teething, and even to shape the desired fate for the offspring. For example, to develop courage, prudence, and wisdom, a child was given a wolf's fang.

The very first baby tooth is considered the main one, and many superstitions are associated with it. According to tradition, as soon as he emerged into the world, God-parents should immediately give the baby a silver spoon. After this (according to popular belief), the teeth grow strong and beautiful. There is nothing surprising in this tradition.

Silver - natural antiseptic, a universal magical metal that can protect a child’s mouth not only from pathogenic microbes, but also from evil spirits hunting for an innocent soul (it is believed that evil spirits are attracted by the smell of blood).

Folk signs about baby teeth allow us to predict what the baby’s fate will be when he grows up:

  • Early teething indicates an imminent addition to the family (the baby will have a brother or sister).
  • When does a baby first develop upper teeth, an addition to the family can be expected this same year.
  • Based on the number of first-born children born by the age of one year, they guessed about the number of future children in the family.
  • Long and difficult teething foreshadowed a difficult character in the child. It was believed that the baby would be capricious and whiny.
  • If the first milk teeth are very delayed in their appearance, this is a sign of the child’s great talents, future luck or wealth.
  • When, contrary to the norms, he appears first in the top row, this means that later an adult will be the creator of his own destiny, and, if desired, he will be able to radically change it.
  • Children were forbidden to spit out the window (otherwise they would suffer severe toothache).
  • A baby born with teeth is a great sign. The boy will become a commander, and the girl will be very lucky with marriage.

If a baby's fangs appeared first, it was considered very bad omen. They said about such a child that he would have a very bad life.

Can I just throw it away?

If you simply throw out the first baby tooth, your baby will suffer from insomnia

According to superstitions, this should not be done. It has been noticed that if you simply throw out the first baby tooth, the baby will suffer from insomnia, and new ones will grow incorrectly.

According to legend, you need to present them in the afterlife. In case of shortage, the soul will have to return to the real world in search. From a practical point of view, baby teeth are a storehouse of stem cells that can save a person’s life. But there are other reasons.

Another sign warns: if the tooth falls into the possession of any animal, then the person will have animal fangs.

And from real superstitions it follows that a grown-up child will move far and forever from his parents who neglected his first baby tooth that fell out.

This folk wisdom is not limited to, and offers a number of signs about the gap between the upper teeth:

  1. The presence of a gap in a child’s front teeth was a sign that the person was destined to become a merry fellow, a joker - they say about such individuals: “the life of the party.”
  2. When a child has a gap, this portends increased development of his intellectual abilities, speaks of good character.
  3. Another interpretation of the gap between the teeth is a sign of an insidious person, prone to deceit, capable of deception.
  4. If a coin passes freely into the gap, this indicates a future rich man (English sign).
  5. The gap foreshadows poverty and an unhappy life (Chinese omen).
  6. Rare teeth are an indicator of an irresponsible and frivolous person.
  7. Small ones, who are cramped in their places, reveal a stingy person, characterized by increased “harmfulness”, who is also prone to often falling in love.
  8. Tooth decay (for a child or an adult) is a harbinger of loss, or a warning that you are busy with an impossible task.

Parting with dairy is stressful for the baby. To neutralize unpleasant feelings, parents come up with different stories and teach the child to “say goodbye” correctly.

Give a milk tooth to a spirit, fairy, mouse - ancient tradition. If the baby gives away the loss in an organized manner, he should receive a gift. The purpose of this ritual is to support the child, create a special mood in him, and simply make him happy.

Give it to the fairy

This tradition was invented by Louis Colom, a writer of the 18th century. He composed a fairy tale for the young king of Spain when the high-ranking offspring lost his first milk at the age of 8. The story was about a fairy who picks up a baby’s fallen baby tooth under the pillow and leaves a nice gift in its place.

When telling all these fairy tales to your child, do not forget to add that whole teeth are good condition are more valuable than damaged ones, and you can get better gifts for them. This way the child will be more willing to keep his mouth clean.

Pass to mouse

Our great-grandmothers also advised us to say: “Mouse, mouse, take away the milk tooth, and bring me a new one, bone and strong,” and throw it under the floor. Most likely, this sign is due to the fact that rodents have strong incisors, and the same strong teeth will grow in a child.

And the appeal specifically to the mouse is due to the fact that these small animals were widespread in villages. They settled their homes under the floors and behind the stove. Therefore, the teeth were thrown into the oven or into the basement so that the mouse could surely discover the treasured gift.

This tradition (giving a tooth to a mouse) existed not only in Russia, but also in Germany and other European countries. And the Slavs, when they threw a fallen tooth into the stove, hoped that a brownie would pick it up.

Despite numerous traditions, when changing teeth, it is a good idea to consult a dentist

Traditions and beliefs of other peoples about baby teeth

Popular wisdom different countries replete with various rituals for lost teeth. If such an important exciting event happened to your child, choose what to do.


In this country of business people, a common tale is about the “tooth fairy”, which in return brings material reward in the form of a coin.


Here, instead of a fairy, an ant comes at night and replaces the tooth with money.


To ensure that new ones grow well, Polish children bury them in the garden.


In the north of the country there are people who believe that a lost tooth should certainly be burned. This ritual simultaneously eliminates the possibility of abduction and use by sorcerers, and gives a chance that a new strong incisor will grow in place of the lost one.

In addition, the British believe that a baby tooth must be destroyed in any way so that it does not end up in the stomach of some animal. Otherwise, the child will have an ugly smile, or ugly fangs will appear, like an animal that has swallowed a tooth.

Gypsy camp

Representatives of the freedom-loving people bury a child’s fallen baby tooth in the steppe or throw it to the moon (when the night star is in its growing phase). At the same time, they read special conspiracies to attract wealth. Gypsies believe that in this way they will attract good luck, which will help their child throughout his life, protect him from troubles and enemies.

Japan, Asian countries

Eastern traditions associated with baby teeth are aimed at protecting against the evil eye. To do this, the lower ones are hidden under the porch, and the upper ones are thrown onto the roof of the house. At the same time, parents read the plot.

Despite numerous traditions, when changing teeth, it is a good idea to consult a dentist. The doctor will tell you how best to stop the bleeding, treat the wound to prevent the development of infection, and not attract attention evil spirits. And stories and myths will help your child cope with fear, add confidence and peace of mind in later life.

All parents remember how the child’s first tooth erupted, how many sleepless nights they had to endure, and what joy everyone finally experienced when the significant event happened. But time flew by quickly, and now the baby’s baby tooth is loose and threatens to fall out. What to do with a lost baby tooth is a question often asked and discussed by young mothers. How should one generally behave in a situation when a child’s baby teeth begin to be replaced by molars? And when this situation normal development should happen?

At what age and order do baby teeth fall out?

If a child's development is normal, baby teeth begin to loosen and fall out between the ages of 5 and 7 years. It was noted that if the teeth were “early”, that is, they erupted for the first six months of life infant, then they begin to fall out early. If the baby’s first teeth appeared after a year, then there is no need to worry if they will also begin to replace the molars a little later - after 7 years.

Interesting: the first teeth are called milk teeth not because they grew when the baby was feeding breast milk, as many believe. In fact, this is just a distorted translation from Latin. The word “livakt,” meaning “temporary,” is similar to “lact,” the root word for “milk.” This is where the name came from.

The first tooth to fall out is usually the one that erupted first. Usually these are the lower incisors. Next, the upper ones are loosened. Then the order can be any - this is unprincipled and does not mean anything. By the age of 13-14, almost always all baby teeth are completely replaced by molars.

Some parents worry that their child is in pain and discomfort when a tooth falls out. This is wrong. The discomfort he feels is purely psychological; a loose tooth arouses his keen interest; he constantly tries to touch it with his fingers or tongue.

Explain to your child that this is not necessary to avoid infection - then it will really hurt. Everything has its time. You just have to wait a little - and everything will happen by itself, naturally. And instead of the milk one, a new, strong root one will grow. If your child nevertheless “helped” the tooth a little, and ichor comes out of the hole, do not be alarmed and do not swear. Prepare a soda solution and have the child rinse his mouth several times until the wound heals. And don’t rush to throw away the tooth itself.

Advice: no anti-inflammatory or painkillers should be given to your child if baby teeth are falling out. This is a completely natural, safe and painless process.

What to do with a lost baby tooth

So, what to do with a lost tooth? Just throwing it away is really too easy. After all, the first erupted tooth was such an important milestone in a child’s development. Accordingly, its loss is also a significant event. This does not mean that now the tooth needs to be placed in a velvet box and stored on place of honor and proudly display it to guests and relatives. Although, if you are sentimental and keep in a special box the first photograph taken by ultrasound, a tag from the maternity hospital, a lock of hair from a baby, a cast of a foot, you can send them the first tooth that fell out.

But you need to somehow note what happened - this is especially important for a child.

Most often, a lost tooth is dealt with in this way:

  • place it in a glass of water, and place the glass on the bedside table or chest of drawers near the child’s crib;
  • tell you about a fairy tale before going to bed Tooth Fairy, which flies at night, takes the fallen tooth, and leaves a coin in its place;
  • when the baby falls asleep, exchange the tooth for money or another small gift.

This is a Western legend; it came to us from foreign films and fairy tales. But the kids really like it. And it won’t be hard for you to do this for him.

According to the rules, a lost tooth should be placed under the pillow. But it's inconvenient. Children toss and turn in their sleep and can push a tooth into such depths of the crib that you will not find it for many weeks. It’s even worse if the child clutches the precious object in his fist. Then it will be very difficult to make a substitution. That’s why the option with a glass or cup was invented.

Try not to forget to do this procedure, turning into a real wizard for a moment. Children are very happy to discover even a small, symbolic surprise in the morning. But if it is not found, there will be no end to grief and disappointment.

What to do with a tooth that was fished out from under a pillow or from a glass of water? Some people bury it in an inconspicuous place. Others are set in silver and worn as a talisman, endowing it with a certain magical power. But this is pure prejudice. Just throw it in the trash or flush it down the toilet. He has already fully played his role in your baby’s life.

What to do if the tooth has not yet fallen out, but the molar is already being cut?

This phenomenon occurs quite often. The child’s baby tooth is still loose, but a new molar is already being cut under it. What to do in this case?

The danger is that the temporary tooth prevents the permanent tooth from erupting normally. The molar will grow incorrectly and crookedly. Therefore, in this situation, there is no need to loosen the tooth yourself and torment the child. Contact your pediatric dentist for help..

The doctor will use a special tool to pry up the loose tooth and painlessly pull it out, clearing the way for a new one. But what you shouldn’t do is experiment with the thread and the door. As practice shows, teeth are pulled out in this way very rarely, but injuries to the oral cavity are caused easily and often. If the doctor is unavailable for any reason, offer the child to chew an apple, a cracker, or any solid food. You won’t even notice how the tooth falls out on its own. The main thing is not to miss the moment when it falls out - the baby can swallow it along with food.

No matter what you do with the fallen milk teeth, you now face a new task - to explain to your son or daughter that now he will have new teeth, strong, molars, which will not be replaced by new ones and will remain with him for the rest of his life. Therefore, it is important from the very beginning to care for them even more carefully than for dairy animals. This is a very good opportunity to once again remind the child about necessary rules personal hygiene and teach him to brush his teeth independently and thoroughly in the morning and evening.