Entry in the work book dismissed at the initiative of the employee. Transfer of an employee to another department or to a new position

Information about work experience The employee must be indicated in his employment record, which is created upon first employment, and then notes are made in it about his work with each employer in the future. He provides it to the HR department upon registration, and upon termination, the HR officer gives him this document with a mark. Sign up for work book about dismissal due to at will in 2018 it is done in the same content as before.

This document is currently the primary document, which reflects information about a person’s work at enterprises in order to confirm his length of service to determine pension provision.

Due to the importance of this register, the basic rules and requirements for its completion are determined by legislative norms - the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and relevant regulations:

  • Current acts determine that work records must be included in the labor record if the employee has worked at the enterprise for more than five days, provided that work is his main place. An employee has the right to ask his employer to include a part-time job in his employment record.
  • Marks on the work record are made with a black, blue or purple pen.
  • Each entry entered into the register must be numbered and have its own serial number. The number must be indicated using Arabic numerals. In each cell, the day of two digits, the month of two digits, and the year of four are indicated after it.
  • The first page of the work report must contain the employee’s personal data, which is subject to mandatory verification with information from his identity document. This must be done to verify the authenticity of the work permit.
  • The same page must contain the seal of the company that first issued this document for the employee. Without it, the work may be declared invalid.
  • In this register, each admission record must be closed with a notice of dismissal, if the employee has already terminated his employment. labor contract. If such a situation arises in the labor force, then the employee cannot be hired at his main place; he must either go to the previous employer and close the record, or get a part-time job.
  • When an employee is involved in disciplinary action, then the corresponding marks are not entered into the register in question, with the exception of dismissal.
  • All entered into employment records must comply with hiring or dismissal orders. Abbreviations are not allowed in them.
  • A personnel specialist may, in accordance with the established procedure, enter into the labor record the establishment continuous experience or excluding periods that are not included in it.

Important! It is not allowed to cross out entries in the work report, with the exception of the page with personal data. Corrections should be made using corrective marks.

Based on what documents is an entry made in the work book?

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the instructions for entering data into work books establish that all entries made in this register must be made on the basis of written orders from management, as well as submitted supporting documents.

On the basis of which basic records are made:

  • The initial registration of employment is carried out on the basis of a passport, as well as a document on education.
  • The appointment is made on the basis of the document issued with the obligatory indication of its details.
  • Entry in the work book about completion labor relations need to be produced only if published.
  • Information about the transfer is entered on the basis of the issued order for its transfer.
  • The work record must contain a record of military service; it is compiled on the basis of a military ID.
  • If an employee has undergone retraining or upgrading, information about such an event is indicated in the employment record on the basis of the submitted education document.

Attention! In the process of carrying out its activities, the company may be renamed; this information must also be reflected in the employee’s employment document, but without assigning a serial number to the mark. The basis is the administration's order to carry out the renaming.

How to make a note when leaving at your own request

An example of an entry in a work book about voluntary dismissal in 2019

If dismissal is made at will, the following line is written in the document: “The employment contract is terminated at the initiative of the employee, paragraph 3 of Article 77 Labor Code Russian Federation”.

1 2 3 4
Society with limited liability"Sistema" (System LLC)
7 11 05 2015 Hired as a receptionist for the position of secretary Order No. 29-L dated May 11, 2015
8 04 09 2018 Order dated 09/04/2019 No. 62-L
HR specialist Petrova M.I.
Introduced to: Rybkina G.I.

Important! When registering an employment document when leaving the company at your own request, make reference to Art. 80 of the Labor Code is not allowed, only under Article 77, paragraph 3.

An example of a labor record if an employee goes on vacation with subsequent dismissal

Vacation from subsequent dismissal at will is one of the special cases of simple dismissal at will. Registration follows the same rules. The main feature here is that the date of dismissal and the date of execution of the order will differ.

1 2 3 4
Limited Liability Company "Aurora" (LLC "Aurora")
7 11 05 2015 Recruited for the position of Clerk Order No. 30-L dated May 11, 2015
8 01 09 2018 The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employee, paragraph 3 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Order No. 55-L dated August 18, 2019
HR specialist Abramova M.I.
Reviewed by: Ignatova G.I.

Attention! Information that the employee was on vacation before terminating the contract is not included in the labor record.

Basic errors when filling out

All mistakes that personnel officers make when making entries can be divided into general plan and related to recording:

  • Making an entry using green, red or other colored paste. To record your work record, you can use a gel or ballpoint pen in black, chenille or purple;
  • Abbreviations of any nature cannot be made - Labor Code instead of “Labor Code”, etc. instead of “order”, etc.
  • Using incorrect wording of the reason for dismissal. The entry must be made exactly as the reason is indicated in the Labor Code or other federal law. At the same time, the Rules for maintaining books of the concepts of “Dismissal” and “Termination” employment contract» used as identical;
  • The personnel officer does not certify the dismissal record. After making the entry, the responsible employee must enter his signature and decipher it. The stamp is affixed if available;
  • The employee does not sign for information. After the dismissed person has read the entry made, he needs to confirm this with a signature. Rostrud recommends that the dismissed person put his mark under the signature of the personnel officer.

At what point should an employee be issued a work book?

The Labor Code establishes that a fully completed employment record with a notice of dismissal included must be issued to the employee on the day of his dismissal. The law establishes that in normal situations such a day is the employee’s final day in his position.

However, this rule does not apply if the employee takes leave with dismissal after it. In such a situation, while on vacation the employee is still actually employed by the enterprise. However, in this case, he needs to issue the paycheck and work report on the final day of his actual stay in the company - this is the last day before going on vacation.

Attention! If the employee is at his job on his last day, by law responsible person he is obliged to hand over the book and receive a signature for this action. Delay in delivery is not permitted for any reason.

What if an employee refuses to pick up the book?

If an employee was in his place on his final day at work and was notified of the need to receive a work permit, but for some reason refuses to come and do this, it is necessary to invite a commission and record this in an act.

It must reflect that, in the presence of witnesses, the employee was asked to pick up the document and sign for its receipt, but he refused to do so. If a reason was given, it is also recorded in the act.

After this, a notification is sent to the employee at his postal address. In this document, the employer must invite his former employee come to the personnel department and receive the work permit in hand, or give permission to send it by mail.

From the date of sending such a notice, the company is relieved of any liability for failure to issue a work permit.

The fact that the notification was sent can be confirmed in the following ways:

  • Register the document in the journal of outgoing letters and store a copy of it in the archive;
  • Receive a receipt from the courier confirming acceptance of the document for shipment;
  • Notice of delivery postal item to whom the message was sent.

Important! Sending by labor mail is possible only with the written consent of the employee. If he does not give such consent or ignores the notification, the work record must be kept in the company at all times.

Responsibility for delay in issuing work permits

The legislation not only does not allow the administration, under any pretext, to retain employee's work record after dismissal, but also establishes punishment for such an action:

  • The Labor Code determines that in the event of a delay in issuing a work permit, the company bears financial responsibility due to the fact that by its actions it deprives a citizen of the opportunity to work. In this case, for the entire period of time when the employee did not have a document in his hands and he could not get a job new job, the old employer is obliged to give him average earnings every day. In this case, the new day of dismissal becomes the day when the book was handed over, and the previous entry is cancelled.
  • According to the Civil Code, an employee can demand compensation for moral damage through the court. When determining the amount of payment, the degree of guilt of the offender, the degree of moral and physical suffering, etc. are taken into account.
  • According to the Code of Administrative Offenses, the following penalties are imposed for delay in issuing a work permit:
    • For an official - from 1 to 5 thousand rubles;
    • For an entrepreneur 0 from 1 to 5 thousand rubles, or termination of work for up to 90 days;
    • For a company - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles, or termination of work for up to 90 days.

On this moment The work book is the main document on employment. At the same time, there are certain rules, noted in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which a work book must be kept - in case of violation, the organization may face a serious fine. To avoid this, let's look at what entries are made in the work book about dismissal.

Several features and important points of filling out labor forms

Everything about maintaining labor records, in particular about the correctness of records of dismissal, is written down in Resolution 225. According to it, absolutely all employers (excluding individuals) must maintain such books. Employers include not only legal entities, but also individual entrepreneurs, farms. Important point– according to Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, work books must also be kept for all employees who have worked in a position for more than 5 working days.

But for external part-time job labor work may not be carried out - it all depends on the wishes of the employee himself. But if you have already started registering a part-time employee, then you should definitely formalize his dismissal.

The procedure for filling out the labor form

Before we tell you how to make an entry in the work book about dismissal, you should briefly talk about the general rules for maintaining this document.

  • In column No. 1 in the “Work Information” section we enter the serial number of the entry. That is why the first record is assigned the first number, and so on. If the last entry was number seven, then the next one is number eight, etc.
  • In column No. 2 we indicate the date of dismissal. It must fully correspond to the date in the order. Indicate in the following format - day: month: year (10.09.2016).
  • In column No. 3 we indicate the basis for dismissal, not forgetting to indicate the clause of the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. You can indicate the following wording: “Was dismissed according to...”, “The employment contract was terminated according to the article...”.

It is important to note that the grounds for dismissal must be formulated exactly as written in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. For example, “At the initiative of an employee.”

Which articles of the Labor Code should I refer to?

Here you should also focus on Resolution No. 225, some paragraphs of which are devoted to the direct dismissal of company employees. Let's look at this question in more detail:

Let's take a closer look at how to formulate information and record data in a work book.

Table No. 1. Upon termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employee

Articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation How to formulate a post
Article 77, paragraph 1 Dismissed by agreement of the parties, paragraph 1 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Severance agreement
Article 77, paragraph 2 Dismissed due to the expiration of the employment contract, paragraph 2 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Notice of termination of an employment contract
Article 77, paragraph 3 Dismissed at his own request, paragraph 3 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Application for resignation
Article 77, paragraph 5 Dismissed by transfer to Tantum Limited Liability Company with the consent of the employee, paragraph 5 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Letter to the host company
Article 77, paragraph 3 She was dismissed at her own request due to her husband’s transfer to work in another locality, paragraph 3 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Statement
Article 77, paragraph 6 Dismissed due to refusal to continue work in connection with a change in the owner of the organization’s property, paragraph 6 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Statement
Article 77, paragraph 7 Dismissed due to refusal to continue work due to a change in the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties, paragraph 7 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Statement
Article 77, paragraph 8 Dismissed due to refusal to transfer to another job due to health conditions in accordance with a medical report, paragraph 8 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Statement
Article 77, paragraph 9 Dismissed due to refusal to transfer due to the employer's relocation to another location, paragraph 9 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Statement

Table 2. Upon termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer

Articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation How to formulate a post Grounds for dismissal of an employee
Article 81, paragraph 1 Dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization, paragraph 1 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Liquidation decision
Article 81, paragraph 2 Dismissed due to a reduction in the organization's workforce, paragraph 2 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Order to reduce staff
Article 81, paragraph 3 Dismissed due to insufficient qualifications, confirmed by certification results, paragraph 3 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Order of dismissal
Article 81, paragraph 4 Dismissed due to a change in the owner of the organization's property, paragraph 4 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Enterprise purchase and sale agreement
Article 81, paragraph 5 Fired for repeated failure to comply without good reasons labor responsibilities, paragraph 5 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Discipline order
Article 81, paragraph 6 Dismissed for violation of labor protection requirements, which entailed grave consequences, subparagraph “e” of paragraph 6 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Discipline order
Article 81, paragraph 7 Dismissed for committing guilty actions giving grounds for loss of trust on the part of the employer, paragraph 7 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Discipline order

Table 3. Upon termination of an employment contract due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties

Articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation How to formulate a post Grounds for dismissal of an employee
Article 83, paragraph 1 Dismissed due to conscription military service, paragraph 1 of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Employee statement
Article 83, paragraph 2 Dismissed due to the reinstatement of the employee who previously performed this work, paragraph 2 of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The court's decision
Article 83, paragraph 3 Dismissed due to failure to be elected to a position, paragraph 3 of part one of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Election Commission decision
Article 83, paragraph 4 Dismissed due to being sentenced to a punishment that precluded continuation of previous work, in accordance with a court verdict that entered into legal force, paragraph 4 of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Court sentence
Article 83, paragraph 6 The employment contract was terminated due to the death of the employee, paragraph 6 of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Death certificate
Article 83, paragraph 7 The employment contract was terminated due to the occurrence of emergency circumstances preventing the continuation of the employment relationship, paragraph 7 of part one of Art. 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Document on the occurrence of circumstances
Article 83, paragraph 11 Dismissed due to the cancellation of the court decision to reinstate the employee at work, paragraph 11 of Art. 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Appeal or cassation ruling ships

Several important nuances when making entries in the work book

When registering a dismissal in the work book, the following definitions should be entered in full:

  • Part.
  • Article.
  • Order.
  • Russian Federation
  • Labor Code.

And if you made a mistake in the wording or mixed up the details, you cannot cross out what you wrote. You need to do the following:

  1. An order is issued which must invalidate the entry.
  2. The next number in the work book is to enter information about the invalid entry, specifying the order number.
  3. A new entry is made.

Any entries in the work book are recorded on the basis of any document - this could be an employee’s statement, an order or an order from the employer. In this case, the word “Order,” as we have already said, must be written down in full. HR officers are also prohibited from making other reductions. For example, if “p. 1 tsp. 1 tbsp. 77 Labor Code of the Russian Federation." Such a record will become the basis for receiving a fine. You also need to select a pen: a gel, ballpoint, or fountain pen is suitable; the ink can be black, purple or blue.

What to do if the employee decides to cancel the document? If the employer has already issued an order for his dismissal and the corresponding entry appears in the labor report, it is necessary to issue new order about cancellation of the previous document.

Based on it, a new entry will be made in the labor record:

  • In column No. 1 we put a serial number.
  • In column No. 2 we enter the date of entry.
  • In column No. 3 we write that “The entry behind “number...” is invalid.” After that we write down the current record.
  • In column No. 4, enter the order number again.

Why can a labor entry be declared invalid?

Labor records may be invalidated if:

  • The grounds for dismissal of an employee were incorrectly indicated (for example, instead of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation was indicated, which is not a basis for dismissal at will).
  • The details of the order are indicated incorrectly - most often this happens due to the inattention of the employee filling out the document.
  • Errors when entering dates. This includes both errors caused by inattention (for example, the wrong year was entered - not 2017, but 2016), but also factual errors (when the date of dismissal does not correspond to the date specified in the order)
  • Blots and errors in entries, including grammatical ones.

Therefore, it is advisable for all employees who are involved in drawing up the document to immediately check the accuracy of the entered information immediately after writing it and only then sign it. If errors are discovered later, it will be more difficult to make adjustments.


  • Work books are kept by all legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, and farms.
  • All grounds for dismissal must be written down exactly with the wording of the articles that are described in the Labor Code.
  • Do not cross out or correct entries in your work report under any circumstances.
  • If problems and inaccuracies are discovered when maintaining work records, this may lead to fines of up to 5,000 rubles for an official and up to 5,000 rubles for a legal entity.

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What entry must be made in the work book when dismissing an employee at his own request? different situations? Which articles of the law should be referred to? In our articles, we will tell you how the employer can correctly fill out the work book of a dismissed employee, and the employee can check that the entry was made correctly.

Entry into the work book, despite the gradual de facto exclusion of this document from circulation in labor relations, today still has great importance and leaves behind many questions. For example, questions often arise about what entry to make in the work book in accordance with the norms of current legislation. In this article we will tell you about all the legal intricacies of filling out a work book when terminating an employment contract at the initiative of an employee.

When an employee is dismissed, an entry in the work book is made solely on the basis of a document drawn up in accordance with the T-8 form, signed by the head of the organization or an authorized person, as well as with a note indicating familiarization with the order of the dismissed employee.

Entries on the basis and reasons for termination of the employment contract must be made in accordance with the wording of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, referring to the relevant articles, parts and paragraphs of the document - this rule established by Article 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Examples of entries in the work book when leaving at your own request

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation is already in force in the country long years However, many people still make serious mistakes when filling out the work books of their employees. For example, when making an entry in the work book, some provide a link to Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which does not serve as a basis for dismissal, but only regulates the procedure for terminating an employment contract between an employer and an employee at the initiative of the latter. When making an entry in the work book at the initiative of the employee, personnel officers or managers must rely on the requirements of Article 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in this case the entry will look like this: “The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employee, paragraph 3 of part 1 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.” The record also includes the actual date of dismissal, the number and date of the dismissal order, the position of the authorized person, his signature and the seal of the organization. The above entry is typical for regular situations of dismissal of employees, however, voluntary dismissal is often accompanied by reasons that, according to the law, may entail the provision of certain benefits and advantages. Therefore, even if in, as well as in the order, there is no complete information about the reasons for dismissal, they must be recorded in the work book, depending on the reason, the following entries are made:

  • “The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employee in connection with the transfer of the husband to work in another area, clause 3, part 1, art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation";
  • “The employment contract was terminated by transfer at the request of the employee, clause 5, part 1, art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation";
  • “The employment contract was terminated due to the expiration of the employment contract, clause 2, part 1 of Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation";
  • “The employment contract was terminated due to refusal to transfer to work in another area together with the employer, clause 9, part 1 of Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation";
  • “The employment contract was terminated due to refusal of a job offer due to a change in the owner of the organization’s property, clause 6, part 1 of Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation";
  • “The employment contract was terminated by agreement of the parties, clause 1, part 1 of Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation"
  • “The employment contract was terminated at my own request in connection with enrollment in a higher educational institution, clause 3, part 1 of Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation."

The official date of termination of the employment contract presupposes a full settlement between the employer and the employee and the obligatory delivery of a work book to him. In addition, the employer, upon application of the employee, is obliged to give him all Required documents, related to the work, duly certified. If an employee cannot receive a work book on the day of termination of the employment contract due to absence or refusal, the employer is obliged to send the employee a corresponding notice of the need to obtain it. From the moment such notification is sent, the employer is not responsible for the delay in issuing the work book.

The main document of a citizen confirming his length of service is a work book. Therefore, HR specialists and organizational leaders approach its completion with special attention and caution. In addition, at present, the issue of making entries in the labor record is becoming increasingly relevant. How to fill out this document if a person leaves the organization due to own initiative? In this case, what article should be indicated in the work book? All this will be discussed in more detail in this article.

Basic moments

So, the person decided to leave the organization on his own initiative. To do this, he must be given to the manager at his own request. On the last day of the subordinate’s official activity, he needs to pay all the earnings he earned. cash and hand over a work report with a written notice of dismissal. That's the order.

When an employee leaves of his own free will, the employment record must contain the following content:

“Dismissed due to _________”, paragraph three, part one, article 77 of the Labor Code.

Specialist _______________ (signature and transcript)

It is necessary to point out that when making entries in this document, no abbreviations are allowed.

What is important to know?

Termination official relations at the initiative of the employee himself is considered the most traditional basis for dismissal. However, despite the simplicity of document preparation, HR specialists always have some difficulties when filling out work books. Therefore, it is important not to make mistakes so that you don’t have to correct them later.

Despite the fact that the dismissal of an employee at his own request or on the initiative of a subordinate is the same thing, Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is never indicated in the labor law. Otherwise, it will be wrong. If an employee resigns of her own free will, the wording of the entry in the employment record should be as follows:

“The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employee” on the basis of clause _____, part _____, article _______ of the Labor Code.

Then the signature of the person who made the entry in this document (HR inspector or manager) is affixed. The employee must also sign.

It is also necessary to point out that if a HR department specialist decides to leave the enterprise of his own free will, an entry in the latter’s work book must be made by the manager himself or another employee vested with such powers on the basis of an issued order.


So, within the meaning of Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee must notify his boss of his desire to terminate official cooperation fourteen days before the expected day of termination of the official relationship. That's the order. Sometimes it happens that a person is simply forced to leave the enterprise because life circumstances develop this way. For example, military wives “discharge on their own” in cases where their spouses are transferred to serve in another area. This is reflected in the labor report only when the woman provides the HR department with a document confirming this fact.

What is it regulated by?

When dismissing a subordinate at his own request, the entry in the employment record made by a specialist must comply with all the requirements of current regulations. First of all, the main collection of laws that regulates the relationship between employer and employee, i.e. Labor Code of the Russian Federation. After all, entries on the termination of official relations must be entered into the labor record only taking into account the requirements of this code.

In addition, when filling out this document, you must follow the “Instructions for filling out work books.” Specified normative act was approved by the Ministry of Labor back in October 2003. The notice of dismissal is entered only in the “Work Information” column. After an official of the organization makes this action, below you must put the seal of the organization.


Regardless of the basis for terminating an official relationship with an employee of the organization, and even if he leaves the enterprise of his own free will, an entry in the work book is made only after the order to dismiss the subordinate is issued. This order is drawn up in accordance with the T-8 form, then approved by the head of the company and signed by the employee.

Here it is also necessary to point out that the HR specialist must follow the rules for filling out the work book. When a citizen dismisses on his own initiative, this entry will look like this:

____ (record number in the employment contract) The employment contract was terminated _________ (indicate why this happened, for example, at the request or initiative of the employee himself), paragraph _____, part _______, article _____ of the Labor Code (must be written in full, without any abbreviations).

Position ____________ (only of the person entrusted with the authority to make an entry in this document) ______________

Last name, initials and signature of the last person ____________________.

Organization seal ___________

A little about the main thing

Despite the fact that the Labor Code has been in force in our country for many years, many managers and specialists personnel services We still haven’t learned how to correctly enter the necessary information into workers’ work books. Unfortunately, but the grossest mistakes in this document discovered only by inspection inspectors during inspections.

Sometimes some experts make reference to Article 80 of the Labor Code, and this despite the fact that this norm regulates only the procedure for terminating official relations between an employer and his subordinate at the request of the latter. In turn, the basis here is the norm of Article 77 of the Labor Code.

Application procedure

All information about a citizen’s official activities must be recorded in his work report or an insert to it. Only in this case, a personnel specialist will be able to correctly calculate his length of service.

The labor record must include information about the start of work in this organization and dismissal from it. This must be remembered. When leaving the company of your own free will, an example of a work record would look like this:

____ (record number) “The employment contract was terminated by ________”, paragraph three, part one of article ______ of the Labor Code _________ (the column next to it indicates)______________order, its number and date of publication.

The position of the person who made the entry is _____ (last name and initials), his signature.

Seal of the organization.

After the citizen has received his work permit, he must sign the employee’s personal card. It is necessary.

If a person is absent from the workplace on this day or simply refuses to receive his work permit, then the HR specialist must draw up a report. This document is signed by two witnesses.

Direction of notification

So, if on the last day of work an employee is not in place (for example, he is on sick leave), then the manager must send him ordered letter with a request that the citizen come to the enterprise and pick up the “labor document” or agree to have this document sent to him by mail.

From the moment such notice is sent to the subordinate, the boss is released from sanctions related to the untimely issuance of the work permit.


In column one, in the “Work Information” section, you must put the record number. Because numbering in this document is considered mandatory. In the case where the entry for employment at the enterprise was made under number 6, then the next entry will be under number 7. No amendments should be made.

Then, in the second column, you need to indicate the date of termination of the official relationship (indicated on the basis of the issued order). You must write strictly in numbers, for example: 00.00.00.

In the third column, you must indicate the reason for the termination of the official relationship with the employee, with reference to the rule of law (for example, dismissed under __________clause ____, part____, article _____ of the Labor Code). This may well be a voluntary dismissal. The order number must be entered in the fourth column. It is written about it there (the document on the basis of which the entry is made). For example, order dated 00.00.00 No. _____.

Then the director, or the employee responsible for filling out work books, puts his position, signature and transcript. For example: HR specialist (signature) _________ (Last name and initials).

The employee signs below. And just like a HR specialist or director, he writes his full name and initials.

After this, the company seal is affixed.

It should also be noted that termination of an employment contract on the initiative of the employee (at his own request) is considered the simplest and at the same time quite difficult in terms of compliance with all formalities. After all, first a subordinate is obliged to notify his boss that he wants to leave his job. To do this, the latter must write a statement and take it to the personnel department or directly to the manager. Then the two-week period begins to count down, which is necessary for the employee to reconsider his decision, and for the boss to find a replacement to replace the departing employee. On the last day, the subordinate must sign the order of his dismissal, then sign the labor document and receive it in his hands. In addition, do not forget that all documents related to work (including a certificate of income) upon application of the employee must be issued to him within the specified period.

It is also necessary to add here that the wording in the labor contract in this case may be as follows:

  • dismissed _____________________.
  • the employment contract was terminated _____________.

The grounds for an employee’s departure from the organization must be written as stated in the law (on the initiative or at the employee’s own request).

How does it work in practice?

Due to the fact that HR specialists of many institutions and organizations are not sufficiently competent in matters of legislation and do not always correctly enter records into the “labor” records of enterprise employees, many citizens have difficulties when applying for another job, when receiving various benefits and even when granting a pension. Unfortunately, this happens quite often nowadays. After all, many specialists do not try to comply with the “Rules for maintaining and filling out work books.” Subsequently, mistakes made lead to the fact that existing entries have to be canceled and new ones made. In particular, this applies to abbreviations in work books, which, according to the law, should not be present there at all. For example, instead of an order - “pr.”, the order is replaced with “disp.”, the word dismissed with “uv.”. Also, the reason for dismissal is not always clearly written.

Therefore, even if you leave the organization of your own free will, the correct entry in the employment record will be the key to the success of the fact that the person will be hired for another job at the enterprise where he gets a job without any questions asked. In this case, the reason for dismissal will be clear and understandable. Thus, every person who receives a work book must carefully study all the entries in it and check that there are no abbreviations in the document.


The law establishes the procedure for dismissal at will. The articles of the Labor Code once again confirm that when a citizen leaves an enterprise, the head of the company must hand over to the latter his work record, documents related to his official activities in the organization, and pay all funds. If the subordinate was not on vacation, then he is required to transfer compensation for the unused vacation period. All these actions must be completed by the boss on the last day of the person’s official career at the enterprise. Otherwise, the manager cannot avoid fines and legal proceedings.

Entry in the work book about dismissal: 3 rules for entering information + 5 components of the entry + 5 most common reasons for dismissal, in addition to one’s own desire.

The job of an HR employee is complex and responsible.

The cost of an error made in the personal documents of team members is high, not only for the owners of the papers themselves, but also for the personnel officer, who can be punished with fines.

Very often, the HR department has to make an entry in the work book about dismissal.

Every good specialist must know about the main types of wording, about the acceptable form of making changes, about the articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation that correspond to each type of termination of the contract.

General rules for making an entry in the work book about dismissal

An officially registered employee must have a work book, which is stored in the personnel department and in which the responsible person makes entries about hiring, promotion, and also about termination of the contract.

1. What should you know about the rules for filling out work books?

The dismissal procedure provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation is quite simple, especially if the mercenary decided to change his place of work on his own initiative, and is not kicked out by management for some kind of misconduct.

And yet there are a number of rules, and first of all they relate to the preparation of appropriate documentation and making entries that cannot be violated.

The day of dismissal is identical last day presence of a specialist at the workplace. If after writing the employee worked for another 2 weeks, then the day of his payment is the 14th day after revealing his desire in writing.

On the day of his dismissal, the employee must receive:

  • calculation ( wages for the time he worked);
  • certificates (about work activity, paid fees, etc.);
  • work book with the text on termination of the contract drawn up in accordance with all the rules.

You cannot make an entry in the labor record without drawing up an order from management stating that the contract with a specific employee is being terminated.

Not only the HR department, but also the person leaving must be familiar with this order.

When making an entry in the work book about the termination of the contract, the personnel officer must remember that:

  1. Information about the dismissal must be preceded by a record of the employee’s hiring.
  2. All data must be recorded with the signatures of management and the company seal.
  3. The person being dismissed must make sure that all data in the employment record is entered correctly and confirm this with his signature.

The dismissed person is not obliged to personally pick up his documents if he does not have such an opportunity. You can send him the entire package of papers by mail or by courier.

2. The main components of the entry in the work book upon dismissal.

The entry about dismissal in the work book, which is made by a specialist, must be:

  • truthful (it is impossible, for example, to falsify the dates of the duration of the contract);
  • correct (formulated in accordance with all the rules and without errors).

It is this text that will not cause complaints from the inspection authorities.

Information about dismissal must contain the following information:


Record serial number


Date of amendments to the labor


Information on termination of an employment contract on the basis of one of the articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation


Details of the issued order to terminate the employment relationship


Signatures of the personnel officer (head of the company) and the former employee, which indicate that the generated records are recognized as correct

If you stick general rules filling out work books, you will never face claims from either the tax office, the inspectorate, or the fired person himself, who may have problems due to the fact that you entered the data incorrectly.

Why does an employee decide to resign and how to properly document everything in the work book?

The most common reason for workers across the country changing their place of activity is their own desire to leave for another employer.

The legal right of an adult to seek the most comfortable place of work for himself.

The duty of the personnel officer is to correctly make an entry in the labor record, indicating the reason for the calculation:

  1. Old age retirement.
  2. Initiative of the hiring party in connection with:
    • violation of discipline;
    • drunkenness;
    • poor performance of duties;
    • staff reduction;
    • financial difficulties of the company, etc.
  3. (when neither the employer nor the employee has anything against bilateral termination of the contract).
  4. Circumstances independent of the will of the parties, for example, the conscription of a specialist into the ranks of the Russian army.
  5. Any good reason:
    • admission to an educational institution;
    • Moving to another city;
    • the need to follow your husband/wife on a long business trip, etc.

To do this, you should carefully study Articles 71, 77, 81 and 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

It happens that the employee himself demands not only to write “dismissed at his own request,” but to indicate the reason that caused this desire.

Here the personnel officer should act at his own discretion.

If there is a document confirming this good reason (a certificate from the university, a pension certificate, a certificate from the husband’s / wife’s place of work about a business trip, etc.), then the corresponding entry can be made.

If the whole point is the whim of a disgruntled mercenary, it is better to refuse.

Oksana Ivanovna was an excellent accountant, but she had a very complex nature, which deteriorated even more with the arrival of a new director to the company.

It was difficult for the management to find a common language with the chief accountant and, nevertheless, the director did not fire Oksana Ivanovna, noting her as a good specialist.

After another conflict, Oksana Ivanovna wrote a letter of resignation. The management, tired of the tense situation, signed it and ordered the corresponding order to be issued.

A new round of conflict began when former chief accountant began to demand that the personnel officer write in the labor report: “I was fired on my own initiative, because it is impossible to work with such a bad director.”

Naturally, the HR department employee refused to make such an entry, citing the absence of such a clause in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
And she did exactly the right thing.

How to make an entry in the work book about voluntary dismissal?

The most common reason for dismissal is voluntary.

Such a formulation is a compromise that both employers and employees agree to, even when the real reason is a conflict between the parties, pressure from the hiring party, errors in the employee’s work, or something else.

Dismissal at will is an opportunity to save face for an employee, significantly simplifying the work of HR officers.

The HR department can choose one of two acceptable formulations:

Both of them are correct and have equal legal force.

Just don’t forget to write down in the labor document which part of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation became the basis for creating the record.

If the specialist is of his own free will, then the entry in the work book will look like this:

Sample of a work book.

How to make an entry in the work book?
Dismissal of an employee.

Entry in the work book about dismissal: the most common examples

There are two main forms of entering data into the book, which indicate the calculation of the specialist: “Dismissed...” and “Employment contract terminated...”.

Both options are considered valid and can be used to make changes to the documentation.

To correctly formulate the text, pointing to the basis, use this table:

for dismissal
Article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Sample entry
about dismissal
№ 1
Sample entry
about dismissal
№ 2
By agreement of the parties
Art. 77, part 1, clause 1

Dismissed by agreement of the parties, paragraph 1 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Dismissed by agreement of the parties, paragraph 1 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Art. 77, part 1, paragraph 2
Dismissed due to the expiration of the employment contract, paragraph 2 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
The employment contract was terminated due to the expiration of the employment contract, paragraph 2 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
At your own request
Art. 77, part 1, paragraph 3
Dismissed at his own request, paragraph 3 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
The employment contract was terminated at the employee’s own request, paragraph 3 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
By way of transfer at the request of the employee
Art. 77, part 1, paragraph 5
Dismissed by transfer to the Limited Liability Company "More" at the request of the employee, paragraph 5 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
The employment contract was terminated by transfer to the Limited Liability Company "More" at the request of the employee, paragraph 5 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
By way of transfer with the consent of the employee
Art. 77, part 1, paragraph 5

Dismissed by transfer to the Limited Liability Company "More" with the consent of the employee, paragraph 5 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Refusal to continue work due to a change in property ownership
Art. 77, part 1, paragraph 6

The employment contract was terminated due to refusal to continue work in connection with a change in the owner of the organization’s property, paragraph 6 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Refusal to continue work due to a change in the jurisdiction of the organization
Art. 77, part 1, paragraph 6
Dismissed due to refusal to continue work due to a change in the jurisdiction of the organization, paragraph 6 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
The employment contract was terminated due to refusal to continue work due to a change in the jurisdiction of the organization, paragraph 6 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Refusal to continue work due to the reorganization of the enterprise
Art. 77, part 1, paragraph 6
Dismissed due to refusal to continue work in connection with the reorganization of the organization, paragraph 6 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
The employment contract was terminated due to refusal to continue work in connection with the reorganization of the organization, paragraph 6 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Refusal to continue working due to changes in the terms of the employment contract
Art. 77, part 1, paragraph 7
Dismissed due to refusal to continue work in connection with a change in the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties, paragraph 7 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
The employment contract was terminated due to refusal to continue work due to a change in the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties, paragraph 7 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Refusal to transfer to another job required for medical reasons
Art. 77, part 1, paragraph 8
Dismissed due to refusal to transfer to another job required in accordance with a medical report, paragraph 8 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
The employment contract was terminated due to refusal to transfer to another job required in accordance with a medical report, paragraph 8 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Lack of work from the employer that is necessary for the employee for medical reasons
Art. 77, part 1, paragraph 8
Dismissed due to the employer's lack of work required by the employee in accordance with the medical report, paragraph 8 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
The employment contract was terminated due to the employer’s lack of work required by the employee in accordance with the medical report, paragraph 8 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Refusal to transfer to another job in another area together with the employer
Art. 77, part 1, paragraph 9
Dismissed due to refusal to transfer to work in another area together with the employer, paragraph 9 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
The employment contract was terminated due to refusal to transfer to work in another area together with the employer, paragraph 9 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Violation of established rules for concluding an employment contract
Art. 77, part 1, paragraph 11
Dismissed due to violation of the rules established (by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) for concluding an employment contract, paragraph 11 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
The employment contract was terminated due to a violation of the rules established (by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) for concluding an employment contract, paragraph 11 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The contract can also be terminated by the employer rather than the employee.

Then, when entering data into the labor report, you need to refer to Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

Having made an entry in the work book about the dismissal and secured it with signatures and a seal, hand the document into the hands of the dismissed specialist. You are no longer responsible for his book.