How to choose protective glasses for computers. How to choose corrective glasses with computer lenses

Many people now work at the computer all day. Almost everyone knows that this harms their eyesight, but only a few take care of their eyes. But everything is simple - necessary Computer glasses.

Most people who work at a computer long time, complains of deteriorating health. Rapid fatigue and redness of the eyes, tearing, dryness and pain in the eyeballs, slow focusing, periodic headaches - all this is the result of the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation from the monitor. If measures are not taken in time, a disastrous outcome is possible: loss of visual acuity and the development of progressive myopia. To avoid eye problems, you need to protect your visual organs high-quality glasses for working on a computer.

Protection and image

Every day technology is developing more actively, forcing us to spend more and more time on our PCs. Every year the number of people wishing to purchase a computer or laptop doubles, which in turn puts a serious strain on the eyes. According to experts, the popularity of glass protection against harmful monitors is increasing every year by 30-40%. Today, computer glasses are purchased by both people with poor vision and people with 100% vision. Today, demand comes from both those who want to protect their eyes and those who want to look more impressive. Just five years ago, almost no one had heard of such glasses, but today the current need for protective glasses gives rise to a new market - the market for optics aimed not only at vision correction, but also at prevention.

Principle of operation

The principle of protecting computer lenses is interesting - a special coating is applied to the glasses, which neutralizes the electromagnetic radiation of the monitor, and also helps protect the eyes from the constant flickering of the screen. The polarization of this type of glass moderately disperses contrast and regulates the uniform incidence of light on the retina, thereby ensuring maximum protection. It is worth noting that computer optics should be purchased based on your type of occupation and work content. People who constantly work with texts need glasses that enhance contrast and remove halftones.

For those dealing with graphics, optics that improve color reproduction are suitable. If you sit at the computer for a long time, devoting all your free time games and the Internet, it is better to choose glasses with coated lenses that do not reflect glare. True, the choice of specific models in Ukraine is still small. Glasses can be purchased online, in brick-and-mortar stores, or at a pharmacy. Basically, Ukrainian counters offer universal protective lenses.

In general, reviews about protective glass are quite different. For some, glasses help a lot in their work and after a day spent at the computer their eyes don’t hurt. Others, on the contrary, complain of eye fatigue, which they believe is caused by computer glasses. In such cases, it is necessary to take into account both the quality of the monitor (for example, modern liquid crystal monitors provide minimal strain on the eyes) and the state of vision. Therefore, the choice of protective computer glasses should always be approached individually - do not be lazy to consult not only with the seller, but also with your doctor.

You can evaluate the correctness of the choice of protective lenses within one working day at the computer: if your eyes are not tired, then the choice was made correctly.

Additional properties of computer glasses:

Reduce the “pixelation” of the image on the monitor - (the filter has amazing property- the visibility of pixel points decreases, but at the same time the line itself is perceived by the operator more clearly and with more contrast);

Reduces visual strain when working on a computer for long periods of time;

Reduce the risk of vision impairment, the development of certain eye diseases, and myopia;

Helps reduce fatigue, drowsiness, and increase performance;

Protect the retina and lens of the eye from UV radiation;

Eliminates various glares and reflections from the monitor screen, which eliminates the phenomenon of photokeratitis.

As a result of the above, thanks to computer glasses, the number of errors made by the user decreases, especially in the afternoon, irritability and headaches go away, and the emotional state improves.

Plays an important role in the prevention of visual fatigue proper organization workplace and visual load regime

It will be useful for you to follow some tips:

1 . The display must be optimally tuned to the operating frequency. The higher it is, the clearer the image, the less tired your eyes will be.

2. The optimal distance from the eye to the screen is more than 50-60 cm, the screen should be below the level of the pupils. This can be easily achieved by using a chair with an adjustable seat level. If you work with texts on paper, the sheets should be placed as close to the screen as possible to avoid frequent movements of the head and eyes when shifting your gaze.

3. The main sign of eye fatigue during prolonged communication with a computer is considered to be drying out of the mucous membranes. eyeball. Don't forget to blink often, rotate from time to time eyes closed in different directions, massage your eyelids, look into the distance for 1-2 minutes.

4. Don't work in the dark. In addition to the screen, you should turn on at least one more light source. Moreover, it should be positioned so as not to cast glare on the screen. Glare is very harmful. Many models of modern monitors have anti-glare coating. If it is not there, then you can use a special visor or protective screen.

5. We should not forget that the computer screen collects dust a lot. To ensure clear images, wipe them regularly with an antistatic solution.

6. Order glasses only after consulting an ophthalmologist.


The cost of glass monitor protection ranges from 80 to 2000 hryvnia, depending on the country of manufacture, brand and the materials from which they are made.

Some of the most expensive are computer glasses made in Germany, Switzerland and Japan. These are the countries that create the most advanced lenses. True, the Koreans have also succeeded in creating glasses that are not inferior in quality to German or Japanese ones, but are much cheaper. There have been cases when, when comparing the quality of lenses using a special device, both pairs of glasses showed approximately the same characteristics.

It is worth noting that the price of good glass for working on a computer starts from 120 hryvnia, and then you can pay extra for a beautiful frame, a popular brand, etc.

The prices for such prevention are reasonable, and the health benefits are invaluable. Therefore, computer glasses will not interfere with a person who cares about their health.

Vision is one of the main human senses. Eyes give us the opportunity to see all the beauty that surrounds us, so they must be taken care of in a timely manner.

In 1998, the US Optometric Association introduced a new term - syndrome computer vision, in which there is a decrease in the acuity of visual perception, blurring, difficulty focusing on real objects and other symptoms. All of them are associated with increased stress experienced by the eyes if a person spends several hours in front of a monitor. Their reason is the increased brightness of the screen and limited movement of the gaze on a small area plane. To prevent such conditions and protect your vision, you should use computer glasses.


The main thing in computer glasses is the lenses. They are made of glass or plastic coated with an interference filter. It blocks blue-violet rays, removes glare, and some advanced models provide protection against electromagnetic radiation. Antistatic glass treatment prevents dust from sticking. Lenses can be “zero” or with diopters. The main types of coatings for computer glasses include:

Anti-reflective, blocking glare and reflections of external light sources;

With amber and yellow filters to block blue spectrum rays that are harmful to the eyes;

Multifunctional - combines the advantages of the previous two options.

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Computer glasses selected in accordance with individual health characteristics have a variety of benefits:

1) increase performance when spending a long time at the monitor;

2) reduce fatigue, dryness and redness of the eyes;

3) eliminate tearing, itching and redness of the eyes when constantly working at the computer;

4) by stimulating “correct” focusing, they maintain the tone of the eye muscles and normal blood circulation.

Those who spend more than 3 hours a day in front of a screen without taking a break need computer glasses - you can buy them at any optician. They are a must for people who experience severe symptoms of eye fatigue. Wear these protective glasses Possible for both adults and children.



The protective function is primarily performed by the lenses; the frame can be selected taking into account subjective feelings and preferences. For example, Ray-Ban has a huge selection of ergonomically designed prescription eyewear frames. In any of them you can put lenses with filters against glare and blue-violet rays.

Medical frame Ray-Ban 7066 2000 >>


Glasses for computer safety glasses are available in several shades; in addition, in specialized optical stores you can find neutral colorless lenses - “zeros” or with diopters. Framed with stylish frames, for example, from the Vogue Eyewear collections, they will become a spectacular fashion or business accessory.

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When buying glasses for your computer, you should consult with an ophthalmologist, who will check the condition of your eyes and tell you what glasses to wear and how to wear them. For some, models with metallized coating are suitable, for others - with brown lenses, for others - corrective, etc. At correct selection and following the recommendations, the benefits of computer glasses are obvious; they cannot worsen vision.

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The price of protective glasses for a computer consists of three components: the price of the frame, the cost of computer lenses and the cost of the glasses manufacturing service. Prices for eyeglass frames vary widely. On sale you can find both inexpensive models with standard options and stylish design (for example, in the In Vogue line from Vogue Eyewear), and designer ones - with branded (Ray-Ban Tech Liteforce) and premium (Dolce&Gabbana) frames of current styles. Lenses are selected individually. Good computer lenses can be bought for about 2,000 rubles per pair. For the manufacturing service they can charge a fixed amount or a percentage of the order. Check this point in advance - sometimes opticians make discounts on frames, but at the same time take a significant% of the order for production, so all the profit is “eaten up”. In the RB-Optika store, the cost of glasses manufacturing services is fixed.

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Many people consider glasses with computer lenses impractical because they are only suitable for working with a computer or gadgets at close range, and for constant wearing you need to buy another glasses. In fact, with the right lens selection, computer glasses can be worn all the time. For example, computer-coated lenses Essilor Anti-Fatigue Orma Crizal Alize with diopters +5.00...-5.00 can be prescribed for constant wear. There are also progressive (multifocal) lenses for working at a computer - such lenses are divided into three zones: the upper one is for the distance, the middle one is the “computer” part itself, the lower one is for reading, working with papers on the table when the gaze is lowered down.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that you need to select lenses and order the production of glasses at an optician. It is not recommended to buy ready-made glasses. When ordering, the optometrist aligns the frames on your face the way you will wear them and makes markings - marking the center of the pupil on the lenses. Then the master combines the optical center of the lens with the markings and grinds out lenses that will be comfortable for you, taking into account your individual anatomical features. If you buy ready-made glasses, they can be very uncomfortable to wear.

Dolce&Gabbana eyeglass frames >>


In the RB-Oprika online store you can buy frames from Ray-Ban, Dolce&Gabbana, Emporio Armani, Vogue, Prada and order the production of computer glasses. A partner optician will offer you an vision test and a selection of lenses for glasses for computer work. Even if you do not have vision problems, we will select zero lenses for you.

In the modern world everything appears more professions, which require a long stay at the computer. At the same time, the statistics of decreased visual acuity, as well as the appearance of various eye pathologies, are growing disappointingly. Is there a way out of this situation? Of course, these are special glasses that protect your eyes from the negative effects of a luminous screen. We will tell you how to choose them in this article.

What happens to the eyes when working at a computer for a long time?

All people who, due to their professional activities, are forced to constantly spend a lot of time at the computer, sooner or later face a number of unpleasant symptoms:

  • a burning sensation appears in the eyes (the person experiences a similar sensation, as if grains of sand had fallen under his eyelids);
  • visual acuity decreases;
  • painful sensations appear when turning the eyeballs;
  • there is pain in the frontal part of the head;
  • tear production increases or, conversely, increased dryness of the eye is observed.

This is for doctors pathological condition known as "computer vision syndrome". A combination of different factors leads to its appearance. Due to prolonged exposure to a glowing screen, the eyes begin to experience unnatural strain due to the constant flickering of the monitor. This is where discomfort and pain arise.

It has also been scientifically proven that a person who concentrates his attention on the screen begins to blink much less often than usual, and this negatively affects the condition of the cornea. It dries out, hence the burning sensation, the sensation of grains of sand in the eye and impaired tear production.

Well, that’s not all – any monitor emits radiation that is invisible to the eye, but very harmful. These are not only electromagnetic waves emanating from every electronic device, but also rays of the blue and violet spectrum. They create additional stress on the visual apparatus.

This all sounds, of course, very disappointing, but do not rush to panic. Doctors have developed a whole system to protect vision from the negative effects of the computer, and anyone can use it. First of all, doctors advise purchasing special glasses that will protect your eyes from the computer. In addition, it is important to adhere to a certain operating mode behind the glowing screen, but we will talk about this later in the article, and now we will dwell in more detail on the glasses.

What are the benefits of computer glasses?

At first glance, computer glasses are no different from their ordinary “brothers”. But this is only at first glance. In fact, it is not the shape or design of the glasses that plays an important role, but their special coating.

A special coating is applied to the lenses, neutralizing harmful radiation from the monitor, and it also protects the eyes from the constant flickering of the screen. Sputtering is multilayer interference filters applied to the surface of the entire lens. Such filters selectively identify and “cut off” areas of the visible spectrum that pose a danger to the organs of vision emitted by a computer monitor.

In addition, the coating contains a special antistatic layer that protects glasses lenses from magnetization and your eyes from negative influence magnetic field.

Safety glasses have a number of additional properties:

  1. Helps reduce the “pixelation” of the monitor. The special glasses filter has amazing feature– despite the fact that the visibility of pixel points decreases, a person begins to see objects on the screen more clearly, and the contrast increases significantly.
  2. Thanks to the use of glasses, the load on the visual system during long periods of time at the computer is reduced.
  3. The likelihood of decreased visual acuity, as well as the appearance of various eye pathologies, is reduced.
  4. Fatigue and drowsiness are reduced, on the contrary, working capacity is increased.
  5. Glasses protect the retina and eyes from ultraviolet radiation.
  6. Various glare and reflections from the luminous screen are eliminated, which prevents the appearance of photokeratitis.

Thus, by using safety glasses, you can significantly increase the time you spend behind a glowing screen without any harm to your eyes.

Also, in most cases, the number of user errors decreases, especially in the second half of the day. Improved well-being relieves a person of unnecessary irritability, headaches, and helps normalize emotional well-being.

But it is important not only to use safety glasses, but also to observe correct mode work at the computer, as well as perform special exercises during breaks.

Of course, only glasses selected by a specialist will be beneficial. If you have, for example, poor eyesight the doctor can choose a 2 in 1 option for you - that is, glasses with diopters and at the same time. If visual acuity remains good, you can limit yourself to regular lenses.

You can check how correctly the glasses were chosen for you during the day of working at the computer: if your eyes stop getting tired and there are no unpleasant symptoms that previously prevented you from working, then the choice was right.

Ophthalmologists advise mandatory buy computer glasses for those people who sit in front of a glowing screen for more than 2 hours every day. This group includes approximately 70% of all users.

Types of computer glasses

Today, there are several types of glasses designed for different customer needs. Check out this list to find the option that suits you best:

The upper part allows you to clearly see what is at a considerable distance from the user. The wide intermediate zone allows for better viewing of the computer screen, while the smaller area at the bottom of the lens helps you view close-up objects. The last option is perhaps the most comfortable, since any objects are equally visible in it and a person will feel very natural.

To everyone else useful qualities Computer glasses can also be added to the fact that they help improve the light spectrum that enters our eyes, so they are very comfortable to be in rooms where fluorescent lamps are used.

You can also use glasses for outdoor use, because they have a high degree of UV protection. The anti-glare function of glasses will be very useful in this case.

Points selection rules

To provide reliable protection It is important for your eyes to choose glasses wisely. It is not recommended to do this yourself - it is much better to entrust such a responsible task to a professional, but you definitely must know some selection rules.

  1. What should the frame be like? Give preference to glasses made from high-quality material that does not oxidize. If you have a difficult choice between an option decorated with a bunch of small details, with beautiful design and the shape and familiar “classics” - inconspicuous in appearance, but of higher quality - without further hesitation, take just the last glasses. As practice shows, the design is very short-lived, it can wear out, and a low-quality frame will quickly oxidize, as a result you will have to throw it away “ "beautiful" glasses in the trash bin and buy new ones. High quality glasses from a good company will serve you for many years. The only negative is that their price will be significantly higher than average. But if possible, it is better not to save.
  2. Lenses. This is the main aspect to pay attention to. First of all, before purchasing, it is better to consult an ophthalmologist. He will check your visual acuity, evaluate your existing complaints and recommend the most suitable option. Maybe the doctor will even recommend a specialty store with discounts (especially for children's safety glasses).
  3. In addition, it is important to choose lenses based on the type of activity you do. For example, if your computer work involves text files in which black font is displayed on a white background, a specialist may recommend purchasing special lenses that will enhance the contrast and at the same time remove excess halftones. Also, this type of lens helps reduce eye strain, which invariably occurs when working at a monitor for a long time.
  4. If you work as a designer or simply often deal with drawings or other graphic elements, it is best to use lenses that improve the rendering of the color palette.
  5. If you simply adore computer games, pay attention to glasses with coated lenses that have a glare-reducing function. Their properties are quite similar to polarized glasses and will help protect your eyes as much as possible.
  6. or without them. Computer glasses are purchased by people with perfect vision and those who already have certain impairments in this area. For both cases, the doctor will select the most suitable options.

  7. What material should lenses be made of?. Doctors recommend buying glass lenses. Firstly, they are of higher quality, secondly, they hold their shape better, and thirdly, the diopters are more accurately adjusted. In addition, absolutely any glass (even not coated with special coatings) will not transmit ultraviolet rays, unlike its plastic counterparts.
  8. Lens Types. Lenses can be monofocal, bifocal, multifocal. How they differ from each other - this issue was covered in more detail at the beginning of the article.
  9. Darkness level. Must be selected strictly on an individual basis based on each specific situation.
  10. Price. Of course, the price of glass lenses will be significantly higher than glasses made of simpler material. Also, the cost of glasses depends on factors such as the country of origin, trading company, availability of additional accessories.

Which computer glasses manufacturer to choose?

The first place in the list of countries producing computer glasses is deservedly given to Germany, followed by Switzerland and Japan. It is in these countries that the highest quality lenses are manufactured.

The Koreans are not far behind them - they have learned to create glasses of almost the same quality, which will please the buyer at a more economical price. Typically, Korean lenses have a few fewer layers than lenses made in Japan or Germany, but in general this is not a very significant indicator.

When choosing glasses for a computer, you shouldn’t be too economical and try to grab “whatever is cheaper”; after all, health is very important, and if you consider that most We receive information about the world around us precisely with the help of our eyes, then saving in this matter is completely irrational.

Video - how to choose computer glasses

Of course, safety glasses are very important, but they alone are clearly not enough when constantly working behind a glowing screen. If you wish to long years To maintain excellent vision, as well as protect your eyes from various pathologies, use the following recommendations:

  • Set the display to the operating frequency. The higher this indicator is, the less the load on the visual apparatus will be.
  • Don't sit too close in front of the monitor. The required distance is 50-60 centimeters. It is important that the screen is located lower than the level of the pupils. Fulfilling this condition is not at all difficult - you just need to purchase a chair in which the seat level is adjustable and set it to the desired height. If your work, in addition to the computer, also involves texts printed on paper, you should place them as close to the screen as possible. This will help you avoid frequently turning your eyes and head when shifting your gaze.
  • The main symptom indicating eye fatigue during prolonged work at the computer is dryness of the eyeball. To prevent its occurrence, you need to try to blink as often as possible, and periodically perform rotational movements with your eyes in different directions. Massaging the eyelids with light movements is also suitable.
  • Avoid working in a dark room. In addition to the computer, the room must have at least one other light source. At the same time, it must be positioned in such a way that glare does not fall on the screen. They are very harmful to our eyes. By the way, there are now computer models on sale that are equipped with a special anti-reflective coating. Glasses, as mentioned earlier, also help eliminate negative impact glare
  • A lot of dust usually accumulates on the monitor screen. It may affect image clarity, so be sure to regularly clean the screen using a special cloth or antistatic solution.
  • Buy glasses only after you have consulted an ophthalmologist. Self-medication is harmful in absolutely any case, and this is no exception to the rule.

Computer glasses – who needs them?

As you know, technological progress does not stand still; innovative technology occupies by no means the last place in human life. We use computers to work, communicate, search for useful and necessary information, watch movies, and more. And if some points can be completely abandoned (for example, from hanging in in social networks), then the job obliges a person to be behind a glowing screen for a certain number of hours.

Please note that the results of a survey of young people in the age group from 18 to 40 years old are simply stunning - they spend 70% of their time sitting in front of a glowing screen.

As a result, severe visual strain occurs, and visual acuity may even drop significantly. This is usually typical for people who spend more than 4 hours in front of the monitor every day.

It is unlikely that humanity could completely eliminate the computer from Everyday life. It helps to perform many operations and is simply irreplaceable in certain areas of activity. To keep your eyesight good, you should use special safety glasses, especially if you work at a computer and don’t just spend your free time on it.

It is best to buy glasses at an optician or specialized salons. Often, you can also get a consultation with an ophthalmologist, who will choose the right one for you on the spot. required item. There are also online stores that offer customers the opportunity to purchase glasses online. But this option is less practical and more difficult.

And remember that with the help of our eyes we receive most of the information about the world, which is why it is so important to monitor their health. Wear safety glasses, take breaks from work, do special exercises and you will never have problems in this area.

Any job has its own specifics, safety precautions and personal protective equipment that help maintain health and ability to work.

Long work at the computer, constantly looking at the monitor, focusing on various details, distorted perspective and a wide range of radiation certainly negatively affect vision.

It has been experimentally established that the person at the computer forgets to blink. People, even with excellent vision, begin to wince, squint, and peer, which leads to the formation of fine wrinkles around the eyes and to improper focusing, swelling, the effect of swollen eyes, and decreased visual acuity.

Swelling around the eyes creates additional fluid pressure on the eyes, which provokes even more fatigue, increased tension and intraocular pressure. It turns out to be a vicious circle and properly selected computer glasses will help solve the problem. In the West, vision problems associated with permanent job The problem with computers, tablets and laptops is called “Computer Vision Syndrome” (CVS).

Looking at a light source such as a monitor for a long time is the same as looking at a light bulb for a very long time. Get annoyed optic nerves, the clarity of perception decreases, peripheral vision turns off. We will tell you below how to reduce the impact on your eyes without the help of third-party products.

Today, labor standards and safety regulations are established maximum time 40 minutes of computer work. After this time, there should be a break of at least 10 minutes for recovery.

Naturally, few people comply with such norms, but we highly recommend turning your gaze to objects outside the window once an hour for five minutes.

Computer safety glasses will help reduce stress levels and avoid many vision problems, even though many people are skeptical about them.

Fedorov's computer glasses, as well as what requirements are put forward when choosing safety glasses?

Functional requirements

  • Properly selected filters will help reduce excessive brightness of light radiation and increase image clarity.
  • Eyes must be protected from harmful short-wave radiation and UV radiation.
  • It is necessary to reduce the brightness of the light source without reducing image clarity.
  • Glasses should have a relaxing effect on the muscles of the eyes and have a therapeutic effect.

Medical requirements

  • Glasses must contain light filters that block UV rays and short-wave radiation.
  • It makes sense to pay attention to domestic developments, for example, the Fedorov Ophthalmological Center (in the photo - “Fedorov glasses”). At a relatively low cost (about 1500-3000 rubles), the glasses contain the necessary light filters and have a nice configuration. The lenses are made of special acrylic glass, lighter than usual. The fastening is soft and does not rub during prolonged wear.

GOST standards that glasses for working on a computer must comply with: GOST RISO10993-99, GOST R51193-98, GOST R51854-2001

Don't waste your money on the cheapest Chinese or no-name reading glasses. Consider only three options:

  1. Made to order in the nearest optical store, with lenses from domestic or global manufacturers (Hoya, Zeiss)
  2. Buying ready-made glasses from foreign companies with a name, such as Gunnar or Gamma Ray.
  3. Fedorov glasses for computer.

Where is the best place to choose computer glasses?

You can’t go wrong by consulting in medical centers, specialized ophthalmological clinics or salons that have an ophthalmologist on staff and vision testing equipment.

The only negative is that the frames of glasses of domestic mass series will have to be adjusted independently. To do this, the arms are immersed in hot water and bend according to anatomical features. After cooling, the arms will retain their changed shape. But this minus can be considered as a plus. Western samples do not have customization options.

  • Don't buy glasses in transitions, shopping centers, focusing on the color of the lenses or advice from the seller- “these ones, which are yellow, are for the computer, see?”
  • Eye protection glasses are a must medical certificates, certificates of conformity. Each pair of glasses is stored separately, in a separate case. The rules for storing computer glasses correspond to GOST 15150-69, group of storage conditions 2 (GOST R 51193-98).
  • Glasses belong to medical equipment and must meet all the necessary requirements specified in GOSTs.

Computer glasses Gunnar

Californian company with a worldwide reputation Gunnar Optiks. Offers a wide line of computer glasses for gamers, designers and programmers. The company uses its own patented technologies diAMIX, iONik, Fractyl, iFI, as well as Carl Zeiss lenses.

The line is divided into two global series ONYX and CRYSTALLINE. Conventionally “yellow” and “colorless”. When choosing and purchasing these glasses, you should keep in mind that the entire line has a slight increase of +0.25.

These glasses will be useless when used outside of a computer. For example, for protection from the sun, or for drivers, since it is the blue gradient that predominates at dusk that is cut off.

Do these glasses work? Yes, definitely. On the other hand, given their high cost, the main thing is not to be disappointed in the resulting effect.

Polarization and contrast reduction will be achieved to the same extent by custom-made glasses, and at a much lower price. If you are not completely sure whether you need such glasses, then the best option There will be a store with a two-week return policy. This time will be more than enough to make sure whether they “work” for you. You can view current prices for the most popular Sheadog line.

Eye protection when working at a computer

You can start taking care of your vision right now. Install f.lux. Specify the city and move the color temperature settings sliders. 6500K for daytime mode and 5000K for evening mode. f.lux work - adapt the monitor color temperature to the current time of day. Contrasting white in evening light is too harsh for anyone's vision, especially when lit with regular "yellow" lamps.

Safety precautions, how to care for glasses

  • Wipe your glasses with a special cloth, carefully, without applying force. Any soft, lint-free cloth will do.
  • If heavily soiled, rinse your glasses under running cold water.
  • Glasses should be stored in a special case. Do not store computer glasses in your pocket, purse or other places not intended for glasses.
  • Do not place glasses with lenses down. This may cause mechanical damage.

Eye protection glasses are not fashion accessory, demonstrating to others the level of your computer workload. This is an element of protective clothing that protects the eyes. Just like mittens and gloves are an element of a worker’s workwear. You can also work without gloves. But gloves distribute the load differently, preventing overstrain of muscles and joints. So are the glasses. You can do without them, but it's always better to protect your eyes.

  • Glasses should not be used if you have poor vision.
  • Warm tones can sometimes make you sleepy.

Gunnar Havok Onyx

The next glasses model in my review will be Havok Onyx from the famous American manufacturer Gunnar. This company was founded in 2007 and over the past ten years has managed to establish itself very well in this market segment. Today, the manufacturer works closely with such well-known gaming companies as Razer, MLG, releasing its branded products adapted for fans of various video games. Many famous e-sportsmen, game streamers and other media personalities actively use Gunnar glasses at world championships, as well as during work. In addition, Gunnar is the only company in the world that has patented its products, including coating for lenses and special glasses for working on a computer. American doctors recommend these glasses to their patients, backing up their words with the results of official research by scientists conducted at the request of Gunnar, which also says a lot about the manufacturer and the seriousness of its approach to business. I simply could not pass by a brand with such fame and history, which is why I chose glasses to my taste and carefully studied them.

The packaging of the glasses seemed too cheap to me when compared to the model from Arozzi. It is made in the form of a plastic blister, where the glasses themselves are attached to holders in the upper part, and the lower cardboard compartment is reserved for additional accessories.

The back surface of the box briefly lists the advantages of the model on English language.

The packaging of the Havok Onyx glasses disappointed me a little. In the kit I found only a storage bag and a short instruction manual, which also doubles as a warranty card. After the rich set offered by the Swedes from Arozzi, all this looks a bit lost. But what are they rich in, as they say? It's better than nothing at all.

But in terms of design, I liked the glasses much more than the model from Sweden. They're more masculine, if you like. There really is no shame in wearing them in public, which is what I did from time to time during numerous tests. I have never worn glasses in my life (I have 100% vision), so the sudden change in image was extremely unusual. Compliments rained down on me from all sides, which once again convinced me of the truly high-quality design and sense of style inherent in the American designers from Gunnar. In addition, I quickly got used to seeing the world in warm colors. Whether you like it or not, the saying about “rose-colored glasses” in in this case came to life. True, Gunnar glasses are not pink at all, but yellowish. The world seems friendlier when everything around you radiates an exceptionally warm light.

The metal frame made of an alloy of aluminum and magnesium is not subject to corrosion, is quite light and looks very neat. Just look at these stylish, roughly polished temples - how can you resist trying on such glasses? The arms end, as in the case of the Arozzi model, with plastic attachments for your comfort. You will hardly guess how much this entire structure weighs. Only 26 grams!

Previously, Gunnar actively collaborated with the German company Carl Zeiss, which produced high-quality lenses for it. There are rumors that the Americans simply stopped buying a license from the Germans to indicate the manufacturer of the optics, however, the lenses for their glasses are still produced at the factories of this famous company.

Gunnar Havok Onyx lenses prevent dry eyes, reduce irritation and improve screen clarity while reducing strain on the eye muscles. All this allows us to defeat the so-called “computer visual fatigue syndrome” (the term appeared in the USA in 1998), which affects many people who work with computers and other electronic displays. As a result, the glasses increase visual stamina, allowing you to better focus on work tasks or concentrate on an intense video game. Considering that modern man On average, he spends 8 to 10 hours a day in front of the monitor screen and his smartphone; some people simply need such glasses. The cost of this model of glasses is 6,290 rubles, which is not much more expensive than the solution from the Swedish manufacturer.

Fluorescent light follows us everywhere. Displays, screens, monitors - where would we be without them in a big city? Gunnar's patented coated lenses are designed to eliminate visual distortion for clear, bright images. As with the Arozzi model, Havok Onyx glasses block not only the blue-violet light spectrum, but also 100% of ultraviolet radiation, improving contrast, detail and protecting your eyes from harmful external influences. 65% of the high-frequency blue light spectrum is blocked (let me remind you that with Arozzi this figure is at around 50%) and unwanted screen glare. Well, the best part is that people with low vision can order Gunnar glasses with the diopters they need. The main thing is to know the characteristics of your eyes and provide the manufacturer with a prescription from your ophthalmologist. Such a model will cost about 50% more than those presented in the company’s official stores, and you will have to pay for delivery from the USA at your own expense.

Over the course of a month, I actively used the Gunnar Havok Onyx glasses at work, video games, and even just getting out of the house with friends. It must be said that when working behind a monitor, you begin to notice the effect almost immediately. It really became much easier for me to work with texts and graphics processing in professional editors (the only thing was that I had to look out from under my glasses from time to time to check the real color of the image). While walking with glasses, I noticed only one drawback with them: at long distances (from about 20 meters), the lenses still slightly distort the image, causing it to appear slightly double. So, unfortunately, Gunnar is hardly suitable for forays out of the house. I don’t know if this is a problem specifically with my model or with all products of the American manufacturer. However, at close distances I did not notice such shortcomings for myself.


  • Gorgeous design that attracts the attention of people around you.
  • Excellent materials and truly weightless design.
  • It is truly much more comfortable to work and play in such glasses.
  • Opportunity to order Gunnar glasses with diopters from the manufacturer.


  • At greater distances the image begins to appear slightly double.
  • A very “thin” package.

SPG Gaming

The third glasses in my review were a model from a Russian manufacturer - the company SP Glasses (SPG) from the city of Korolev, which not long ago launched a line of optics for gamers called SPG Gaming. The company produces several different models of glasses for a wide variety of target audiences. Including for those people who constantly work at the computer or adapt after vision correction. In 2000, the famous ophthalmologist, eye surgeon and academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Svyatoslav Nikolaevich Fedorov took an active part in the development of these computer glasses. This project was his last, since it was in 2000 that he died in a plane crash, leaving behind a huge scientific legacy.

The packaging of the glasses reminded me of a box from American Gunnar glasses. The same plastic blister, assembled according to a similar scheme.

Descriptions of the main features of the glasses are located on the bottom of the box. Here you can also find the manufacturer's address and full official name product: “Combined relaxation corrective glasses with mineral and organic filter lenses.”

The contents of the glasses are quite modest: instructions, a storage bag and a cloth for wiping dirt from the lenses. But here we should immediately make a reservation: the cost Russian model points is only 1890 rubles, which is several times less than what the Swedes and Americans ask for their products.

The body of the glasses is made entirely of rough plastic, which at first glance feels very budget-friendly. But only at first glance. You gradually come to the conclusion that this approach of the Russian manufacturer has its advantages. For example, thanks to this, the weight of the glasses is only 22 grams! They are practically weightless.

The design of the glasses is modest compared to other models, but very nice with those green and gold accents on the arms. And most importantly, they fit almost perfectly on almost any face. I specifically asked my friends and acquaintances to try on all three pairs of glasses and tell me how they felt. Russian glasses were unanimously liked by everyone. Do you know what else these glasses can boast of? The instructions say that if you place the plastic arms in hot (not boiling!) water for a few seconds, you can then deform them with your fingers, adapting them to the shape of your head. I did not try this technology, but I am sure that there will definitely be people who want to experiment with such modding.

As you've probably already noticed, the SPG Gaming glasses do not have nose pads, which allows them to hug your face as closely as possible. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that your eyes practically do not dry out, even if in the process of work you begin to blink noticeably less frequently (this is what leads to the occurrence of discomfort In eyes). Indeed, glasses perfectly retain moisture and allow you to spend much more time on the computer or video game.

Like the other two models, the glasses from the Russian manufacturer almost completely block ultraviolet rays, and also absorb a significant proportion of blue-violet radiation from digital displays and other devices (for some reason the manufacturer keeps the absorption percentage secret). In addition to protective properties, glasses also have a number of relaxation properties: they promote rapid recovery functional state eyes, slow down the aging process of eye cells, optimize the intensity of transmitted light for each fragment of the visible spectrum. The glasses also improve image quality: they increase its clarity and contrast, while maintaining acceptable color rendition. As with Gunnar glasses, you can order a model from the Russian manufacturer with an individual prescription up to plus/minus 10 diopters for each eye. It will cost significantly less than ordering the same glasses from the USA.

During a month-long testing of this model, I came to the conclusion that this is the best budget option for your money. Well, really, who would want to part with an amount of 5-7 thousand rubles when Russian analogue costs less than two thousand? Yes, the materials of this model are noticeably cheaper, and the lenses are most likely of lower quality. But the glasses cope with their main task quite well - it becomes more comfortable to work at the computer, even though this product is not marked by famous Western brands. In any case, SPG Gaming glasses are the most affordable of all those I listed in the review, which makes them extremely competitive not only in the Russian, but also in foreign markets.


  • The glasses are practically weightless and are not felt at all on your head.
  • Of the three models, they are the ones that best protect your eyes from drying out.
  • SPG Gaming is ideal for almost any face shape.
  • Extremely budget price compared to foreign analogues.
  • The ability to change the shape and length of the arms at home.
  • The famous Russian academician took part in the development of the glasses.


  • Cheap materials still attract attention.
  • The quality of the lenses is inferior to foreign analogues.
  • Poor equipment.

Let's summarize the results of the experiment. The complex of symptoms associated with computer visual fatigue syndrome includes blurred vision, pain and dry eyes, headache and nausea, lacrimation, photophobia, and blurred images. With most of the above unpleasant effects computer glasses cope, if not completely, then at least at least quite good. During my personal research, I tested three models of glasses from different manufacturers and I can confidently say that they are definitely useful. Especially if your life is closely connected with computer equipment, gadgets or, as in my case, video games. We would like to believe that our readers will now be able to choose a manufacturing company, a frame design, and a price tag that won’t put a dent in their wallets. In my review, I tried to provide all the necessary information in order to simplify the process of this choice as much as possible. I hope that this material will be useful to you.