Healthy woman. Advice from a Tibetan doctor: how to be a healthy woman

As you know, it is the female sex that is usually called “weak,” which concerns not only physical strength, but also the subtle mental organization or mental state, which among the fair half of society is often much more unstable than among men.

Women tend to worry more: about their family and children, about home life, about circumstances at work or in a team; they suffer mental trauma much worse and more severely, which directly affects their mental health.

Today we decided to talk and list the top 10 signs that define a mentally healthy and balanced woman; you don’t have to worry about such representatives of the fair sex, because they have the ability to cope with many of life’s difficulties with their heads held high.

  1. So, the first sign is a woman’s blooming and well-groomed appearance. She always takes care of herself, she wants to please herself and those around her with her attractiveness and, what is important, she is not at all lazy to spend time and effort on this.
  2. A mentally healthy woman is always open to relationships and love: at the same time, she loves not because of something or for the sake of something, but just like that, without expecting anything in return. At the same time, she will build a similar principle of relationships not only in parental love, but also in partner love.
  3. She has almost no bad habits, she does not smoke and practically does not drink. She just doesn’t need this to feel happy or self-confident; all this is replaced by a balanced and harmonious soul organization.
  4. She loves and knows how to accept compliments. Have you noticed how sometimes women get embarrassed or even refuse the pleasant words of the opposite sex? This is a completely wrong position, based on internal complexes and fears. A real woman with a healthy psyche and decent self-esteem behaves confidently with the opposite sex, knows how to interest and attract attention.
  5. Such women always strive for self-development. They understand perfectly well that life is a constant movement, and therefore it is very important to show interest and curiosity in a variety of areas. They usually have some favorite hobby that brings them pleasure and helps them develop.
  6. She is able to rejoice, joke and smile sincerely. Healthy ladies do not wait for a special occasion to experience happiness and pleasure (holidays, weekends), they always find something to smile about. At the same time, the reason for joy can be even the simplest, at first glance, for example, the first flowers in a flowerbed, a leaf falling from a tree, or the clear sun outside the window.
  7. Mentally healthy ladies rarely complain and know how to be grateful. You've probably met people who constantly complain - about fate, about their husband, about a small salary, about annoying relatives or neighbors, in general, about everything you can think of. But there are also those who truly feel a sense of deep gratitude for everything that they already have at the moment.
  8. She does not try to constantly avoid sweets or starchy foods, or count calories and weight gained. A happy and healthy woman lives in harmony with her body, she gets real pleasure from nutrition, and as a result does not experience constant stress.
  9. Such women fully understand all the responsibility for their own lives and the lives of their loved ones; they never blame others (husband, parents, loved ones) for their own mistakes and failures.
  10. And yet, women are a special “race”; sometimes they are characterized by weaknesses, for which men love them. Life cannot pass smoothly and without any jumps and unrest, which sometimes affect the mental organization of the fair sex. However, if they are able to quickly recover and return “to the circles of their existence,” then there is nothing to worry about.

If we want to stay young, healthy and attractive for as long as possible, we will have to try a little. Experts recommend entire sets of procedures, which, if you think about it, take more than 24 hours a day. All this gymnastics, self-cooking, beauty treatments, yoga... Let's face it: who has time for all this? Therefore, true adherents of a healthy lifestyle have highlighted the main thing that needs to be done to be healthy and happy. And it turns out that it’s not difficult at all.


Have breakfast

Eating breakfast is absolutely essential, whether you're hungry or not. Women who do not deny themselves a decent breakfast rarely face the problem of obesity, they are more cheerful and experience premenstrual syndrome less painfully - this is the result of scientific research. Moreover, breakfast is often your only chance to acquire the required dose of calcium (many women have a deficiency) with yogurt, cheese, and milk. "Breakfast is your most important meal of the day," said Dr. Marie Saward, a women's health expert. Tip: What to do if you don't have time for breakfast - keep a few hard-boiled eggs in the refrigerator just in case and eat one on the way out the door when you're getting ready for work in a hurry. Well, if you have time to add an apple or yogurt to the egg, your breakfast is ready.

Don't forget to protect your skin

This must be done every day, regardless of the weather and time of year. Ultraviolet rays from the sun attack the arms, face, shoulders, legs even in winter. Collagen, the substance responsible for the elasticity of the skin, is extremely fragile and breaks down even with mild exposure to the sun. What can we say about a hot summer day! By not protecting your skin, you put yourself at risk of developing melanoma and other skin cancers. Before leaving the house, do not forget to apply protective cream not only to your face, but also to your neck and shoulders.

Brushing teeth - twice a day

This is quite enough to take care of your teeth. And don't forget about dental floss. Many people think that the more often they brush their teeth, the better. This is wrong. The principle “less is better” applies here. After all, brushing your teeth more often can seriously damage the enamel, and this will inevitably lead to more serious problems. During the day, it is better to use special mouth rinses - a quick and effective way to remove food particles from your teeth and give fresh breath. And there is no need to do unnecessary actions that damage the enamel.

5 minutes of deep breathing

This is the usual minimum for a person to be healthy. Stress can cause a variety of illnesses, from anxiety and depression to hypertension and heart attack. Therefore, it is simply necessary to rest. But it needs to be done correctly. You can sit in front of the TV for half an hour and only increase fatigue, or you can relax for 5 minutes and feel a surge of vigor and strength. This is where the deep breathing method helps. Just sit back, relax and breathe deeply, fill your body with oxygen to the maximum. You will be surprised how effective this method is.

Take a multivitamin with iron

Studies conducted in older women have shown that taking multivitamins has no effect on heart disease and cancer in this age group. So why do doctors recommend multivitamins so much? For two reasons: the presence of iron and vitamin D. The latter is very often absent in women. Meanwhile, iron protects the heart and reduces the risk of breast cancer. In turn, low iron levels are sometimes associated with heavy periods, anemia and the risk of infertility. Iron is the carrier of oxygen in the blood, so if you don't have enough of it in your body, you become lethargic and sleepy. Your brain and internal organs cannot function properly and serious problems may occur. Be sure to take a multivitamin with iron as a form of health insurance to stay healthy.

Healthy sleep – from 7 to 9 hours

Sleep is the most important thing to ensure your current and future health. Studies have shown that people who get little sleep often suffer from nervous system disorders, obesity, diabetes and hypertension. Set up your personal time and try to sleep at least 7-9 hours throughout the week. Next, your body will rebuild itself and you will feel much better. You will be surprised at the changes in your mood and appearance. You will look fresh and young at any age.


Eat fish

Fresh sea fish supplies the body with “healthy” fats and omega-3 acids. These acids can protect the heart from disease. But not only. Omega-3 acids also reduce the risk of developing hypertension and depression and improve memory. Eat more than just fish and seafood. Include walnuts, flaxseed oil and sushi in your diet (seaweed is especially beneficial in them).

Exercise physically

Experts give you complete freedom: it is up to you to make yourself sweat. This could be 20 minutes of walking, 40 minutes on the treadmill, 35 minutes of walking on the way to work - all of this will pay off. Many studies show that women need 1 hour of physical activity per day. This doesn't mean you work yourself up into a sweat for an hour and then lie on the couch for the rest of the day. The load must be dosed. It is better to exercise for 10 minutes, but in the morning, afternoon and evening. Of course, more intensive classes, for example, with shaping, twice a week would be the height of perfection, but this already requires separate preparation, time, money and desire. And the reason for starting such classes should be at least visible. For example, if you are overweight or have a clear lack of muscle mass. If you feel normal and look normal, there is no need to try to refute the proverb “good is not sought from good.” An hour a day is enough to just move, not sit still. The effect will definitely be there - you can be sure.

Have sex

Of course, you can do this more often - even every day. But preferably at least once a week. Moreover, sensual sex is desirable, accompanied by orgasm, and not just a banal fulfillment of “marital duty.” Sex is not only fun, it also has huge health benefits. When it comes to orgasm, the body is literally injected with oxytocin releases - mediators of pleasure. They tone and improve the functioning of all organs. An added benefit is that after good sex you will sleep deeper and better. This is important for health.


Watch your weight

This doesn't mean you have to run to the scale every night and frantically record your results. And in general, diets and appearance have absolutely nothing to do with it. Simply, weight is the main indicator of the overall health of the body. So what should you do to be healthy? You just need to know your norm at which you feel good and try to stick to it. Weight changes can be affected by anything: lifestyle, taking certain medications, developing diseases. With the right approach and timely action, you can avoid many problems in the future.

Mark your menstrual cycle on a calendar

It's no secret that ideally it should be regular. If this is not the case, this may indicate problems with the cervix, neoplasms or hormonal imbalance. This, in turn, can affect fertility. Tip: install an application on your mobile phone that helps you calculate your ovulation date. This will be useful not only for those who want (or, conversely, do not want) to get pregnant. This will help you monitor your health, knowing all its features during certain periods.


Visit the dentist

Unfortunately, this rule only applies to 30% of women under the age of 35. Meanwhile, this is extremely important. After all, the doctor checks not only the teeth, but also the entire oral cavity, identifying serious problems at an early stage. Detection of oral cancer, incipient herpes, bone tissue damage - all this can be detected by a dentist during an examination. Well, and the dental problems themselves, of course. Prevention is much easier and cheaper than treatment. And going to the doctor at least twice a year can save you from the need for treatment.

Go to a dermatologist

Skin cancers are usually very difficult to detect in the early stages. But it's possible. The main thing is to periodically visit a dermatologist. Especially after staying in hot countries or even after a simple vacation at sea. And a general examination of the condition of the skin will be useful. Skin is the largest human organ. It is this that primarily reflects internal problems associated with a lack of certain substances, the incorrect course of processes or the onset of a disease.

Get a gynecological examination

The International Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that every woman be examined by a specialist at least twice within a year. Even if she feels well and does not need treatment. It is necessary to take a cytological smear from the vagina. Why is this necessary? Cervical cells are captured along with the cells of the vaginal walls, and then they are examined for any neoplasms, infection or fungi. During the examination, the entire pelvic area and what is beyond it are checked: the vulva, cervix, vagina. A gynecological examination may reveal a variety of lesions, including the presence of cysts and fibroid tumors. You can also ask your gynecologist to test for chlamydia and gonorrhea. In Russia, such testing is recommended annually for all sexually active women under the age of 35.

Healthy woman
– this is beauty and harmony, and as a result – the happiness of a woman. Such a woman is always filled with energy, radiating light and warmth. She attracts goodness, abundance and love into her life.

This article is for women who want to know:

How is women's health different from men's?

Women's specific diseases

Secrets of a woman's health

Restoring youth and beauty

Today, all women who respect and love themselves want to know the answers to the questions - what kind of healthy woman is she?

We will try to discover the main secrets of a healthy woman.

Healthy woman - physiological features

Let's start with how a woman differs from a man.

The physiological differences between men and women are not limited to the reproductive system. Numerous articles list at least 10 differences between men and women. For example, differences in the structure of the brain, in smell and color perception. The skin and skeletal structure, etc., look different.

Healthy women live longer thanks to estrogens, which protect blood vessels. Before menopause, women are much less susceptible to cardiovascular diseases, including heart attack and stroke, than men. Due to all these differences, a woman’s health differs in many ways from a man’s health.

Any woman is either a mother, a wife, a daughter or a sister. She has the most important mission - to continue the family line. She should remember this and start taking care of her health as early as possible.

In women, unlike men, reproductive cells are not renewed every three months. They are given to a girl once before birth and for life. Many women do not even realize that bad habits - like smoking and alcoholic drinks - have a very bad effect on the hereditary information inside these cells themselves. Therefore, the issue of nutrition and protection is a matter for your entire family. Every girl who wants to be a healthy woman in the future must understand this herself.

An important difference between a man and a woman is that in women the body is subject to cyclical changes.

A woman becomes familiar with this feature of her body as a teenager. Female hormones are about mood, appearance, performance, sexuality, slim or full figure, character and, of course, health. A woman’s body is a very delicate and delicate system that needs good quality food and protection from all the “delights” of the environment.

Healthy woman and disease prevention

If we want to be healthy women, then we must be familiar with at least a minimum of information about women's diseases - diseases specific to women associated with the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the female body. The study of the physiology and pathology of the female genital area in mutual connection and correlation with the entire body (this direction was created at the end of the 19th century by the Russian gynecologist V.F. Snegirev), taking into account social and living conditions, is a characteristic feature of the modern doctrine of female diseases.

The nature, course of female diseases and the intensity of the pathological (painful) process are closely related to the periods of a woman’s sexual life.

Symptoms of female diseases are characterized by a number of basic signs that occur in various relationships; these include leucorrhoea, pain and bleeding. At the first appearance of one or all of these signs, a woman should immediately consult a doctor.

We list the most common diseases:


Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system

Hair loss


Menopausal syndrome


Uterine fibroids

Cervical erosion

Menstrual irregularities


Premenstrual syndrome


Prevention plays a huge role in the fight against women's diseases. Gynecological preventive examinations of all sexually active women, carried out systematically once a year, are the most effective measure for the prevention and timely detection of female diseases. Health measures, protection of women's labor, protection of the health of pregnant women (prohibition of night and overtime work for pregnant and lactating women, leave before and after childbirth) help reduce the incidence of female diseases.

Secrets of healthy women

1.Healthy eating:we include the “right” sweets, dairy products and vegetables.

Sweet food normalizes the functioning of a woman’s hormonal system, improves her mood, well-being and gives a feeling of satisfaction. Food can be sweet, but still healthy. Eat bananas, raisins, prepare Ayurvedic sweets. And remember: for sweet food to help a woman stay healthy, it must be taken in the first half of the day.

Women should also eat more dairy products, as they are strongly associated with the energy of the moon, which gives us energy and maintains healthy hormonal levels. Vegetables also have powerful feminine energy, so they simply need to be included in your diet.

But it is better to consume flour and meat to a minimum. It creates the energy of violence, murder and aggression, which is contrary to the soft feminine nature.

Thus, in order to follow your nature, be a healthy woman and develop feminine qualities in yourself, you need to eat more vegetables, dairy and sweet foods.

2. The right time to sleep.

Go to bed no later than 22.00, and preferably at 21.00. If the body sleeps from this time, over time, worries will disappear from your mind, you will find peace, tranquility, inner balance, stop being nervous and will be able to accomplish more. It's better to get up before 6 am.

3. Healthy woman and clothes

Today, many women wear jeans and tight pants. Here it is necessary to talk about the flow of energy in the body: where it is tight, energy stagnates, and where it is free, it comes out. In men, the energy in the body goes up, which develops activity, will, and activity in it. Therefore, for men, trousers and a loose top are the natural form of clothing.

For women it’s the other way around. It should be tight at the top and loose at the bottom. Our energy goes down, and this downward flow is associated with reproductive function. Therefore, the legs need to be covered, but not pulled together. Female beauty depends on the fullness of female hormones: if their level decreases, a woman’s health and her beauty also go away. Therefore, a woman should take care of her hormonal system and wear the right clothes.

Statistics on the increase in infertility and miscarriage over the past two decades are connected with this reason.

In addition to the listed components of a woman’s health and beauty for many years, she also needs the right attitude to work, living environment (a more natural environment for women is the home), caring for her loved ones and herself.

A woman's purpose is to decorate the world with beauty. Feminine energy must find a way out. In addition, it is important to monitor your internal and external state. A woman should feel like a flower, beautiful, perfect, loved.

A healthy woman = youth and beauty

A healthy woman will develop gray hair and wrinkles, cellulite, varicose veins, decreased elasticity of the buttocks and breasts, and other external manifestations much later.

Trying to deceive yourself and nature by tightening the skin through injections and operations is a dead end and unsafe path. Of course, if your success is directly related to publicity (stage professions, ...), then this may be an exception.

We need to thank nature for giving us “signals” that not everything is in order with our health, and we observe these “signals” in our appearance.

Therefore, beauty and youth begin from within.

How to prevent and stop premature aging and stay young and beautiful for a long time? And most importantly, a healthy woman!

Where to start first?

First of all, put things in order with the work of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. A poorly functioning liver will not be able to ensure the process of cleansing the body and maintaining metabolism. Hence many diseases that occur in women.

Carry out a complete cleansing of the body

This is also a necessary condition for weight loss and cellulite elimination, as it has long been established that intoxication is one of the main causes of these phenomena. For those who want to read more about this, we offer an article... Cleansing the body of toxins, toxins and for weight loss

In order to remain a healthy woman for a long time and enjoy life, it is important to focus on prevention, which is more pleasant, more effective and cheaper.

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- Vitamin and mineral complex Apple cider vinegar and Green tea with peppermint Remove toxins, promote cleansing and weight loss, essential for cellulite, improve digestion, especially with constipation, promote the secretion of gastric juice, normalize acidity, stimulate kidney function, strengthen the cardiovascular system . Increases immunity. Improves the functioning of the stomach, gastrointestinal tract, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, etc.
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You can familiarize yourself with all this and order V our online health store Wellness

And we wish you to remain healthy women, young and active for as long as possible!

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Don't frown, always be kind and friendly, live in harmony with Nature

Most of my patients are women. It's not because they get sick more often. They are simply more sensitive and attentive to their health.

Women usually pay a lot of attention to their appearance: the condition of their skin, nails, and hair. But few of them realize that problems with skin, hair, etc. - these are manifestations of some disease.

For example, splitting and brittle nails indicate indigestion and gynecological problems. Unpleasant body odor is usually associated with a violation of the “bile” element in the body. If you notice it in yourself, do not look for some super deodorant, but use natural sandalwood, saffron, and camphor powders. Burnt alum crystals remove odor well and have a bactericidal effect.

Hair loss is often caused by nervous tension and problems in the blood vessels of the brain. To improve the condition of hair, Tibetan medicine advises rubbing apricot kernel oil or sesame oil into the scalp - this promotes hair growth and slows down its graying.

The main thing is not to eliminate external defects, but to get rid of the disease that caused them. The disease is a consequence of prolonged contamination of the body, therefore, to restore its normal functioning, it is very important to improve the functioning of the intestines. Signs of intestinal contamination (except for deterioration of the condition of nails, hair and skin) - a strong white coating on the tongue, constipation. Western medicine prescribes laxatives in this case. But the cause of constipation can be overwork, nervous tension, late sleep and late rise in the morning, smoking. All this, from the point of view of Tibetan medicine, leads to disruption of the movement of the “wind” element and, as a result, poor functioning of the gallbladder. If a woman suffered from constipation at a young age, then later she usually develops cholelithiasis. In addition, constipation causes headaches, nervousness, not to mention bad breath. So instead of taking a laxative, consult a doctor who can eliminate the cause of the disease.

I especially want to draw your attention to the fact that it is very harmful to get carried away with modern herbal mixtures for weight loss. They have mainly a laxative and diuretic effect, and this can lead to dehydration and dry intestines, which in turn can cause constipation.

Of course, all women dream of staying young and beautiful for as long as possible. Alas, this depends on such prosaic things as good functioning of the stomach and intestines and, accordingly, on proper nutrition. It is better for you to exclude garlic, onions, and pork from your diet. In general, try to eat less meat, it is more suitable for men, enhancing masculine energy, and makes women more aggressive and angry. Women's food should taste sweet. It will increase your vitality and make you more charming and attractive. Many women believe that sweets are bad for their figure. In large quantities, any food becomes harmful, not only sweet, but with bitter, sour and astringent taste.

It is important not only what, but also how much and how you eat. It is better to eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly. While eating, try to feel and evaluate its taste. Then you will not only be satisfied with less food, but in this case the subtle energies contained in it will be absorbed. This will help you maintain your health and figure without resorting to weight loss products. Don't get too carried away with fasting. It helps cleanse the body, but is only useful if you are very strong and healthy. After all, fasting reduces the vitality of the body, strengthens the “wind” element, which causes nervous tension and other diseases.

An important organ for women is the liver. The condition of your skin, the health, beauty and shine of your eyes depend on its normal operation. Smoking, strong tea and coffee, alcohol, fried foods have a bad effect on the liver and, accordingly, on the skin. I have talked a lot about the dangers of alcohol, but smoking is even more harmful to the body. It pollutes the blood and subtle channels of the body, and everything happens so quietly that you don’t even realize it. But over time, the joy of life leaves you, your complexion becomes dull, nervousness increases, and problems with the circulatory system and digestion begin. But I do not advise you to use chemical drugs to get rid of this bad habit, they can have dangerous side effects. I can recommend another method. If you have been smoking for a long time, do not try to quit smoking in one day. Not only the body, but also the brain gets used to poisons. Anyone who abruptly quits smoking can cause harm not only to the body, but also to the mind. I recommend taking things gradually. Be patient. Smoke one less cigarette every day. If you want to smoke, smoke, but first be aware of what you are doing. Smoke slowly, just like I advised you to eat, then you will need fewer puffs to satisfy your smoking urge. Then try to imagine what happens to your internal organs as a result of smoking: lungs, stomach, nose, throat. Feel the taste on your tongue and throat after a cigarette. And don’t forget that tobacco smoke also has a bad effect on your loved ones. I think this will help you quit smoking or at least reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke.

Western medicine associates many women's diseases with hormonal imbalances. Treatment is prescribed with hormones. Many women experienced its consequences: weight increased, dependence on hormonal drugs appeared, and new diseases arose. Tibetan methods push hormonal disorders into the background. It is important for a Tibetan doctor to recognize disturbances of the “wind”, “bile” or “mucus” at a subtle level and prescribe the correct compositions of drugs. And as a result, the woman’s hormonal levels naturally return to normal.

If you want to avoid puffiness and wrinkles under your eyes, don't sleep on your stomach. Do not forget that wrinkles form for two reasons: due to nervous tension and an increase in “bile”. Therefore, try to maintain peace of mind and eat right, go to bed early and do not take too long gaps between meals.

I would also like to remind you of this: loud and harsh speech, sudden movements, anger not only do not make you beautiful, but also reduce your feminine energy. Don't frown, always be kind and friendly, live in harmony with Nature - this will help you maintain your health and beauty.

Dr. Tenzin Wanpo born in 1963 into a family of hereditary doctors in the eastern part of Tibet. Tenzin la (la is a respectful particle in the Tibetan language) began his acquaintance with Tibetan medicine from childhood under the guidance of his grandfather and father. At the age of ten he was apprenticed to the famous doctor lama Trogave Rinpoche. Under his guidance, he studied the four medical tantras, methods of composing and collecting medicinal herbs. He then entered the Institute of Tibetan Medicine Chokpori(India), who graduated with honors after seven years of study. He is now the leading doctor at the Purchase Tibetan Clinic in Nepal.

You can purchase healing preparations of oriental medicine for women's health in our Ayurveda and oriental medicine boutique

I recently wrote this letter to one of my young comrades in continuation of our very personal conversation with him on a pressing issue. And now I thought that it might be useful to someone else.

“Sergey, a small afterword to our last conversation.

There you dreamed something about a Russian teahouse, in which Russian youth would meet and look for obedient Russian wives and nice, good fellows. My categorical advice to you, Seryozh: give up these dreams and solve your own problem URGENTLY!! Otherwise, you will dream alone until retirement.

Russian women have gone crazy en masse, and the further, the deeper it goes, the younger, the worse. An ever-increasing proportion of them are becoming completely unsuitable for childbearing, not to mention family. Their children are mostly an accidental result of “love”, much like the clap. Finding someone who is ready to give birth is a tremendous, almost incredible success. They all want to either have fun (romance, travel and adventure) or have a career.

I want to tell you that at the age of 30, you are already in a critical situation: a little more, and young 20-year-old girls will begin to perceive you as an already grown-up guy. Time is working against you, your chances are decreasing.

If until now you have not found or talked to your child about any girl, then the conclusion is simple - you need to 1) intensify the search (if it has not been activated to the limit until now), think about how to expand the circle of promising meetings and acquaintances, and urgently , and not when they will open a Russian teahouse; 2) reduce the requirements for candidates. You can look for the woman of your dreams until you are old, which is what many people do. “I’m not looking for any princess, I’m looking for a normal, simple girl!” - I can hear your objections. Damn, if you have been purposefully looking for 5 or 7 years (and I hope that you are really looking and not fooling around) and don’t find it, then the conclusion is inevitable: your demands are too high, lower them!!

I would formulate it simply: take any physically and mentally healthy woman from 16 to, for example, 35, who is not disgusting to you. And try to spin it on the child. Don't expect any romance. And don’t expect to live with her until old age; that’s practically impossible. Just try not to choose an evil bitch who will then blackmail you and hide your child from you (although this is not as scary as childlessness).

Don’t hesitate to evaluate women with a trailer for this item. Yes, it’s more troublesome with someone else’s child, but now there’s no time for fat!! However, it is even more difficult to promote a white woman to a second child. The main thing is to make an agreement on the shore, otherwise I have several duped friends who were forced to feed someone else’s child, but they never gave birth to their own.

At one time, when I realized that Nadka (known to you as the heroine of my book) would never give birth to anyone, I feverishly began to look for a suitable option, and found my old friend, with whom we gave birth, without any fucking romance, to a wonderful girl, who is now 4 years. And I'm happy that I did it. So this is my second child, and you don’t even have your first!!

I’m deliberately pouring salt into your wound so that you wake up, Seryozha. And he acted."