Healthy sleep for a child: basic rules. Sleep norms for a child up to one year old, from one to three years old How many hours should you sleep at 12 years old

So, the first anniversary of your beloved baby has arrived. Significant.
And this means that a new one has come life stage in your child's development. For mom left behind sleepless nights and fleeting days in turmoil.

The child becomes more independent; half of the children in the first year of life have already begun to walk independently.

They know a lot of simple words that are not difficult to pronounce and understand the meaning of most of the names of objects surrounding them, as a rule, those that are used in everyday speech by mom and dad.

Much attention one year old child gives to the education of the world.

The basis of upbringing for a baby is the day and night routine developed and practiced by the parents over many months.

How much should a 12 month old baby sleep during the day and at night?

The average sleep duration per day is 12 hours.

Daytime sleep lasts two hours.

It is better to divide the day by sleep into approximately equal periods of time. It would be more correct if your child sleeps in the time interval between 12.00 and 15.00 hours. Exactly this optimal time daytime sleep.

But if you put your child to bed after 3 p.m., the baby simply won’t have time to get properly tired and may have difficulty falling asleep.

Nighttime sleep at twelve months approaches that of an adult.

Parents do not need to come up with anything new in organizing the child’s routine; it is enough to simply follow and maintain the rules of the established order in the family.

How much should a baby sleep at 12 months: Table

Child's ageNight sleepDaytime napTotal sleep time

Total waking time

12 months9-10 o'clock2-2.5 hours11-12.5 hours
11.5-13 hours

How to organize your child's sleep

Most parents comply following rules organizing a good night's sleep:

Calm environment

It's best to turn off the TV before going to bed, loud music. Even if your child is used to falling asleep in noise or is already fast asleep, this will still affect the quality of his sleep. For children, extraneous noises prevent them from fully resting.

But the main thing is not to overdo it. You should not create a completely quiet environment or walk on tiptoe: in the future, such silence can also lead to problems during sleep. The child quickly gets used to silence. He will not be able to sleep peacefully, and will wake up at the slightest sound.

Time to sleep

Parents need to choose the right bedtime. And, the main guideline in this matter, of course, is the signs of the baby’s fatigue. If they are not noticed in time, then the baby will experience overexcitation of the central nervous system and it will not be easy to put the child to bed.

Daily regime

For daytime and night sleep Children must be put to bed at the same time set by their parents. This is not only important for the baby’s excellent well-being, but also for wellness parents so that they have several hours of free time every day. But this condition does not apply to children who are sick. They're on this difficult period Needs care and affection from mommy and good sleep.

Children's room

Comfortable environment in the children's room, compliance temperature regime: the temperature in the room should not exceed 23-24 degrees, since children are very fast exchange substances, they will be much more comfortable if the adult becomes a little cool. And also daily ventilation of the children's bedroom before bedtime for half an hour is the key to a full and quality sleep at night.

Baby food

The child needs nutritious, high-quality nutrition throughout the day.
Products must be beneficial for a growing body. Food during the day is the main source of calories; if your baby is full during the day, he certainly won’t be disturbed by hunger at night.

Baby's daytime sleep

During organized nap– guarantee of a long night's sleep. Daytime sleep between 12:00 and 15:00 will help your baby fall asleep better in the evening. During this time, the child will have time to play enough and get tired.

Child waking up at night

If the baby wakes up or cries at night, try to immediately respond to his call. Perhaps the child cried in his sleep (got scared) without even waking up. Feeling mother's warmth, the baby will fall asleep again without delay.
If a child wakes up poorly, this can be seen by his behavior: he cries, is capricious. It is better for his parents to put him to sleep again, even if he sleeps for a couple of minutes, this time is enough for him to come to his senses and calm down.

Choosing the right sleepwear

Sleepwear should be light, high quality, and as comfortable as possible for the baby. It should not restrict his movements, irritate the skin, and should protect the child from overheating or hypothermia.

Home comfort

Set up a children's room to sleep beautifully and comfortably. The baby should be comfortable in it.

The size of the crib must correspond to the age of the child. Bedding should be made of natural fabrics: soft and pleasant to the touch. Close the windows with curtains so that moonlight or streetlights do not hit the window. You can use a dim, non-irritating night light in a children's room.

By organizing the child’s sleep, parents will create favorable conditions for a comfortable rest not only for the baby, but also for yourself. Some preferences or bedtime rules can already be suggested to parents by their children.

Sleep is a natural process for adults and is often very desirable. But getting your child to bed can be problematic. He doesn’t want to rest, that’s all. So maybe he shouldn’t insist, since he’s not tired?

And are there standards for how much sleep a child should sleep? Yes, they exist, and knowing them will help avoid overwork not only for children, but also for mothers. Sufficient sleep duration - necessary condition For normal development brain and nervous system.

Let's take a closer look at sleep norms for each age group.

How much sleep should a baby 1 - 6 months sleep?

A newborn baby sleeps almost all the time during the day, waking up only to eat. In short periods of wakefulness, mother needs to have time to carry out the necessary hygiene procedures. You can see what should be included on this page.

By the end of the first month of life, the baby is more active - in total he should sleep about 16 hours a day. At the same time, the child sleeps 4-5 times during the day, waking up for longer periods of time every month.

At 7 - 12 months

After six months, the child sleeps and wakes almost equally. Total sleep time should be 12-15 hours. For now, it is imperative that the baby sleeps at least 2 times during the day for 2-3 hours. Before such a long daytime nap, it is worth putting on a diaper - at this age, babies do not wake up because they do not feel the urge. You can find out how often it is necessary from the article.

At 1 - 3 years

From the age of one to three, the baby should sleep 11-13 hours a day. It is worth understanding that up to the age of one and a half years, it is advisable to have two naps during the day - approximately two hours each. This time is a great opportunity for mom. Ideally, relax on your own; in reality, do some household chores. At this age, the child requires constant supervision. Some of them haven't gotten out of hand yet. In the next section we will show you several ways how.

Many three-year-old toddlers no longer want to sleep during the day. This is acceptable provided that the night's sleep is long - at least 11-12 hours.

At 4 - 5 years old

At the age of four to five years, a child should sleep a total of about 11 hours. If the baby goes to kindergarten, then a two-hour “quiet hour” is required there. Children raised at home often do not go to bed. In this case night rest must be long lasting to meet the daily allowance age norm. Compliance with the norm is necessary, since during this period the baby gains more skills, and the first classes begin in kindergartens. To successfully assimilate knowledge, the child’s brain must receive proper rest.

At 6 - 8 years old

Six to seven years is a crucial period in the life of every child - small man goes to school. This is a serious mental load, a change in the usual rhythm of life, a lot of new impressions. There is simply no time left for daytime sleep, which means the child must sleep 10-11 hours at night. Otherwise, if, for example, he stays up late at the computer, overwork will inevitably occur. Frail nervous system a newly graduated student will not be able to cope with the stress - neither academic nor emotional.

From 8 to 18 years old

As you age, your need for sleep decreases slightly. A middle school student needs 10 hours of sleep a night to perform normally. But for a high school student, 13-17 years old, 8-9 hours is enough. By the age of eighteen, a child is considered an adult, so daily norm Sleep for an adult child is the same as for an adult – 7-8 hours.

This is a burning question for many parents, since babies may prefer to sleep more during the day; a teenager cannot be forced into bed until late at night.

There are no absolute limits. It all depends on the child’s schedule, on his temperament. If you need to get to school by public transport by 8:00, you will have to get up at 6:30. So, consider what time you need to put your child to bed so that he gets his normal amount of sleep. An 11th grade student can be allowed to go to bed at 10:30 p.m., while a second grader should be sent to bed at 9:00 p.m.

Someone may ask, why maintain sleep norms? First, let’s clarify - they are average and acceptable slight deviation(for an hour and a half) in a smaller or larger direction. The main thing is that the child is cheerful, not depressed, not capricious, and does not show signs of overwork.

Compliance with the norm is necessary so that a child of any age can fully relax. After all chronic fatigue leads to absent-mindedness, attention deficit, and other neurological problems.

Let the child sleep as much as necessary - in his sleep he rests and grows.

We have already talked a lot about the fact that small children should sleep much more than adults. The problem is that not all parents are aware of their child's real sleep needs.
I often come across the fact that parents either underestimate the need for sufficient sleep, or simply do not know the real recommendations.

Below are sleep duration norms for 5-18 years old.

5 years- 10.5-11 hours (this is the minimum; many people need to sleep 11-11.5 hours at night). Plus, at five years old, a child may still need daytime sleep (1-2 hours).
6 years- 10¾ hours (this is the minimum; many people need to sleep 11-11.5 hours at night). Plus, at six years old, a child may still need daytime sleep (1-2 hours).
7 years- 10½ hours (this is the minimum, many require it at night more sleep until 11-11.5 hours).
8 years- 10¼ hours (sometimes up to 11 hours).
9 years- 10 hours
10 years- 9¾ hours
11 years- 9½ hours
12 years- 9¼ hours
13 years- 9¼ hours
14 years- 9 hours
15 years- 8¾ hours
16 years- 8½ hours
17 years- 8¼ hours
18 years- 8¼hours

On average, napping occurs around age 4, but your child may need naps later. Some children need it until school, or even in first grade. Watch your baby.

Recently, the mother of a five-year-old boy contacted me, who began to have difficulty falling asleep. The baby could not sleep for a long time in the evening. In the morning the child showed obvious signs of weakness. In addition, he began to sometimes wake up in the middle of the night, which had not happened since infancy. I found out that just recently the boy stopped sleeping during the day and also started going to football classes three times a week in the evenings. According to the mother, the child was always an early bird and got up no later than seven in the morning. Now it turned out that the boy got up at 7 a.m., was put to bed around 9 p.m., and actually began to fall asleep around 10 p.m. The child actually slept about 9 hours a day when he needed 11 hours.

What happened?

The fact is that When children refuse naps, it is often necessary to make bedtime earlier. IN in this case the laying remained the same, but football was added. Physically exhausting activities increased the need for rest, which was never compensated for. As a result, the baby simply began to sleep poorly due to overwork. This sounds paradoxical, but it is true: being overtired does not mean falling asleep easily. We fall asleep without problems when we are tired enough for the day. But if we are overtired or overexcited, the concentration of cortisol (the stress hormone) in the blood increases, which does not contribute to normal sleep.
When my mother changed her bedtime to as early as possible, the problems went away. As a result, now my son goes to bed around 20-20.30. Everyone is happy.
If your child gotta get up in certain time : school kindergarten, then recommendations for sleep duration will help you estimate: when he should be in bed.
Healthy long sleep- this is the basis for our

Parents always pay sufficient attention to the child’s sleep and wakefulness patterns. It is not surprising that many of them are concerned about the question: what time should a 12-year-old child go to bed? After all, some try to send him to bed early, while others still focus on the total duration of night sleep.

What time should children 12 years old go to bed?

Due to their age, 12-year-old children often answer the question of what time to go to bed themselves. After all, this transitional age when it is very difficult to force a child to do something.

It is important that adults understand that if children at this age are too busy, they definitely need daytime rest. At the same time, a total of about 8-9 hours of sleep would be considered normal for 12-year-old teenagers. If possible, you should sleep for at least another hour during the day.

Sometimes, for one reason or another, adolescents at the age of twelve may have problems with sleep, in particular insomnia. So what is the cause of problems with night sleep, and what can parents do about them? If possible, in such cases it is better to consult a doctor. After all, sometimes insomnia has pathological causes , in particular, malfunctions of cardio-vascular system

or hormonal imbalances. The main thing is not to prescribe sleeping pills or sedatives . After all, their incorrect use can lead to serious. negative consequences Similar drugs

are taken only as prescribed by a doctor. Do not forget that sleep disturbances in a child aged 12 will certainly affect both emotional and physical child. In particular, against the background of insomnia, mood swings and emotional outbursts may appear. After all, it is from this age that most children begin the so-called puberty. It is not surprising that, against the background of deteriorating sleep, aggression, excessive worries, emotional instability and simple irritability can occur.

In some cases, we can talk about uncontrolled behavior when, due to insomnia, the child becomes hyperactive. There are also cases of cognitive impairment of attention, speech and memory problems.

Therefore, parents must properly organize their child’s daily routine. Ideally, a 12-year-old child should go to bed at approximately the same time, and at constant conditions. After all, children of this age, just like toddlers, need comfort when falling asleep. Let the room be ventilated. Don't sit in front of the TV or computer before going to bed.

In fact, solving sleep problems in children 12 years old is not so difficult, with the right approach. If parents cannot cope with them on their own, it is worth seeking the help of a doctor in a timely manner.

Children of the first year of life sleep most days. A newborn falls asleep 4-11 times a day and sleeps the same amount of time both night and day. It is advisable to properly organize sleep and wakefulness from the first month of life, and also pay enough attention to daytime sleep outdoors. In the regime of children under one year old, it is most advisable to stay awake immediately after feeding and sleep before the next feeding.

As a rule, after waking up, the baby eats well, stays awake, then quickly falls asleep and sleeps soundly until the next feeding. This mode gradually becomes a child’s habit, and from the first months, while awake, he joyfully moves and plays, and during the hours allotted for sleep, he quickly falls asleep and sleeps soundly.

For example, at the age of 1 to 2.5 months, after each feeding, the child is allowed to stay awake for 1-1.5 hours, during the day he sleeps 4 times for 2 hours, at night for 10-12 hours.

With age, periods of wakefulness increase, but their excessive prolongation can lead to overload of the higher nervous system. nervous activity. Below is an approximate sleep schedule for children of different ages; The child should not sleep for less than the specified time.

Natural need for sleep in children of different ages

Age Daytime sleep quantity Daytime sleep will continue, h General will continue. sleep per day, h
1-2 months 4 2 18-20
3-4 months 3 2 17-18
5-6 months 2 or 3 2 or 1.5 16-17
7-9 months 3 1-1,5 15-16
10-12 months 2 1,5-2 14-15
1-1.5 years 2 2 13-14,5
1.5-2 years 1 3-3,5 13-14
2-3 years 1 2-2,5 12-13
4-5 years 11,5
6-9 years 10
10-12 years 9,5
13-15 years old 9

At night, children of the first year of life usually sleep soundly. If they are restless, you need to find out the reason. There is no need to rush to feed your baby. Perhaps diapers need to be changed or a change in position, mosquitoes or other insects may be bothering you, the child is hot or, conversely, cold. Children infancy They usually fall asleep quickly if their parents rock them in their arms, in a stroller or on a crib. But sleep during motion sickness is not deep, and the child gets used to motion sickness. It is not advisable to use a pacifier, as it interferes with the onset of deep sleep and promotes the development of a bad habit.

A child should not sleep in the same bed as other family members; this is unhygienic. You should also not use a stroller to sleep in the room; only a crib is suitable here.

Daytime sleep for infants in the open air should take place at all times of the year; this is very useful. In winter, in the middle climate zone, children can sleep in the yard, on the balcony or open veranda, if the frost is no more than 10C and there is no wind. At this time of year they begin to be taken out to sleep on fresh air from 2-3 weeks of age, first 2 then 3 times a day. In order for the child to get used to the cold, at first he is left in the open air not for the entire period of sleep, but only for 20-30 minutes, later this time gradually increases to 1-1.5 hours 3 times a day. The total duration of exposure to air during the cold season should be about 4 hours a day. At this time of year, the child's face should be open while sleeping, but covered from wind, rain, and snow. In cold weather, lubricate the skin of the face and lips thin layer fat It is recommended to take your child outside in the winter even if he has a slight runny nose. However, to make breathing easier, he needs to lubricate his nasal passages with Vaseline using a cotton swab.

Some parents curtain the stroller or cover the child's face. This makes it difficult for fresh air to enter.

For children to stay outdoors in winter, it is especially important correct selection clothes. We must try to take into account not only weather conditions, but also individual characteristics child so that his body does not overheat or cool down. The face is always left open. The child is especially tired of heavy, excessively warm clothes, as well as shoes that are inappropriate in size and worn incorrectly. To prevent children from becoming chilled while sleeping outdoors in the cold season, mattresses should be removed from warm room immediately before installation.

A decrease in the total daily sleep duration occurs primarily due to a reduction in daytime sleep. This begins at the end of the first month, when night sleep begins to finally prevail over daytime sleep. By the end of the first year of life, the child falls asleep no more than 1-2 times during the day. From the age of 1.5 years, the duration of daytime sleep is about 2.5 hours and another hour is spent falling asleep. After 4 years, not all children are able to maintain daytime sleep, but it is desirable that all children under 5-6 years of age sleep during the day.

Some older children sometimes refuse to go to bed during the day. Parents, when putting their child to bed, must be persistent. The laying down procedure should be interesting and enjoyable for the child, and he should be treated affectionately. You should not prohibit your child from taking his favorite toy to bed. This habit will go away with age.

Before you put your child to bed, you need to create a calm environment for him. Before going to bed, the child should not be overly excited or overtired, because falling asleep can turn into a long and painful process.

Quiet sleep of normal duration, short periods of transition from wakefulness to sleep and awakening (no more than 30 minutes) are evidence of the child’s health, normal mode life and a good psychological climate in the family.