Bile acids – cholic, glycocholic, taurocholic, structure, biological role. The meaning of cholic acid in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia Analysis of bile acids

Bile acids– cholan derivatives containing a COOH group in the side chain. Bile acids are formed in the liver from cholesterol.

Cholic acid:

Gliko cholic acid, taurocholic acid

Cholic acid - cholic acid (C 24 H 40 O 5), is a breakdown product of glycocholic and taurocholic acids; crystallizes from alcohol, with one particle of crystallizing alcohol, in the form of colorless shiny octahedra, easily eroded in air, almost insoluble in water and easily soluble in alcohol and ether. Solutions of cholic acid and its salts rotate the plane of polarization to the right. Cholic acid is a monobasic acid.

Glycocholic acid is a crystalline substance that melts at 132-134 °C. The empirical formula is C 26 H 43 NO 6. Refers to bile acids. Found in the form sodium salt in bile, especially bovine. Like hippuric acid, it decomposes with alkalis, forming glycocol and, instead of benzoic acid, cholic acid. It is formed in the liver of humans and some animals as a compound (conjugate) of cholic acid and glycine and therefore belongs to the so-called paired acids. In addition to glycine, cholic acid also conjugates with taurine, resulting in the formation of another paired acid - taurocholic acid.

Emulsifies fats in the intestines, activating lipase and stimulating the absorption of free fatty acids. Up to 90-95% of glycocholic acid (in the form of cholic acid and other compounds) is absorbed in the intestine into the blood and returns through the portal vein to the liver, where cholic acid is transferred from the blood to bile and is again conjugated with glycine and taurine. During the day, the so-called enterohepatic circulation of bile acids occurs up to 10 times.

Taurocholic acid

Taurocholic acid is formed in the liver of humans and some animals as a compound (conjugate) of cholic acid and taurine and therefore belongs to the so-called paired acids. In addition to taurine, cholic acid also conjugates with glycine, resulting in the formation of another paired acid - glycocholic acid.

Emulsifies fats in the intestines, activating lipase and stimulating the absorption of free fatty acids. Up to 90-95% of taurocholic acid (in the form of cholic acid and other compounds) is absorbed in the intestine into the blood and returns through the portal vein to the liver, where cholic acid is transferred from the blood to bile and is again conjugated with taurine and glycine. During the day, the so-called enterohepatic circulation of bile acids occurs up to 10 times.

Bile salts sharply reduce the surface tension at the fat/water interface, due to which they not only facilitate emulsification, but also stabilize the already formed emulsion. Bile acids activate the enzyme lipase, which catalyzes the hydrolysis of fats

In the body, bile acids are found in the form of amides at the carboxyl group and glycine residues are attached to them through a peptide bond

10. Cholesterol is a representative of sterols, its conformational structure. Properties, role in the metabolism and structure of membranes, in the development of cardiovascular pathology.

Cholesterol is present in all animal lipids, blood, and bile. The peculiarity of its structure is the presence of a double bond in the B ring between 5 and 6 carbon atoms. Its reduction leads to two stereoisomers - cholestanol and caprostan

Cholesterol is the source of formation in the body of bile acids, corticosteroids, sex hormones, vitamin D 3, and is a component of biological membranes

Approximately 20% of cholesterol comes into the body from food. The main amount of cholesterol is synthesized in the body from acetic acid

Cholesterol synthesis occurs in the cells of almost all organs and tissues, but significant amounts of cholesterol are formed in the liver (80%), the wall small intestine(10%) and skin (5%). There is no cholesterol in plants, but there are other sterols - phytosterols

Impaired cholesterol metabolism leads to its deposition on the walls of blood vessels, as a result of which the elasticity of blood vessels decreases, atherosclerosis occurs, in addition, cholesterol can accumulate in the form of gallstones. However, there is not always a correlation between the cholesterol level in the blood and the severity of atherosclerosis.

An increase in the concentration of cholesterol in the blood is observed when diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, gout, obesity, some liver diseases, acute disorder cerebral circulation

Reduced cholesterol levels are observed in a number of infectious diseases, intestinal diseases, and hyperthyroidism

Important cholesterol has the ability to form esters with IVH:

Cholesterol is insoluble in water, soluble in acetone, alcohol, ether, animal and vegetable fats. Cholesterol forms intensely colored products when reacting with strong acids. This property of cholesterol is used for its analytical determination

*. Alkaloids, poisons and medicines. The structure and effect of nicotine, quinine, papaverine, morphine, atropine on the human body.

Alkaloids are nitrogen-containing substances of a basic nature, mainly plant origin.

Due to their high pharmacological activity, alkaloids are one of the most well-known groups of natural compounds used in medicine since ancient times.

To date, more than 10,000 alkaloids of various structures are known.

One of common features, inherent in all alkaloids, is the presence in their structure of a tertiary nitrogen atom, which determines the basic properties, which is reflected in their group name.

In plants, alkaloids are contained in the form of salts with strong organic acids - citric, malic, succinic, oxalic, rarely acetic and propionic.

Salts of alkaloids, especially with mineral acids, are highly soluble in water, but insoluble in organic solvents.

Nicotine - a very toxic alkaloid, the content of which in tobacco leaves reaches up to 8%. Includes pyridine and pyrrolidine nuclei linked by a single bond. Affects the vegetative nervous system, narrows blood vessels.
One of the products of nicotine oxidation under harsh conditions is a nicotinic acid, which is used for the synthesis of other drugs based on it.


Quinine - the main alkaloid of cinchona bark with a strong bitter taste, which has antipyretic and analgesic properties, as well as a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect malarial plasmodia. This allowed quinine to be used for a long time as the main treatment for malaria. Today, more effective methods are used for this purpose. synthetic drugs, but for a number of reasons quinine is still used today.

Quinine contains two heterocyclic systems: quinoline and quinuclidine.

Papaverine - opium alkaloid, isoquinoline derivative, antispasmodic and hypotensive drug.

Morphine - the main alkaloid of opium, the content of which in opium is on average 10%, that is, significantly higher than all other alkaloids. Contained in poppy, sleeping pills ( Papaver somniferum) and in other types of poppy. They contain only one stereoisomer - (−)-morphine. (+)-Morphine was obtained by synthesis and does not have pharmacological properties(−)-morphine.

The hydrochloride salt of morphine - morphine - is sometimes simply or erroneously called morphine.

Atropine - anticholinergic (M - anticholinergic), plant alkaloid. Chemically it is a racemic mixture of tropin ester of D- and L-tropic acid. The L-stereoisomer of atropine is hyoscyamine. Alkaloid contained in various plants nightshade family: for example, in belladonna ( Atropa belladonna), henbane ( Hyoscyamus niger), different types Datura( Datura stramonium) etc. The average lethal dose is 400 mg/kg.

*. Methylated xanthine derivatives – theobromine, theophylline, caffeine.

Xanthine - a purine base found in all tissues of the body. Colorless crystals, highly soluble in solutions of alkalis and acids, formamide, hot glycerin and poorly soluble in water, ethanol and ether.

Theobromine- a purine alkaloid, isomeric to theophylline. Colorless crystals with a bitter taste, insoluble in water.

In medicine, theobromine is used to treat bronchopulmonary diseases. Also used is the double salt of T. with sodium salicylic acid, known as diuretin.

Experimental studies showed that theobromine, which is so close in chemical composition to caffeine, has a similar effect with the latter, causing therapeutic doses stimulation of the heart muscle and increasing the amount of urine by irritating the renal epithelium.

Today, theobromine is used in toothpastes to promote enamel remineralization. At the molar level, the volume of theobromine is (0.0011 mol/L) required to obtain the caryostatic effect, which is 71 times less than the effect of required quantity fluoride (0.0789 mol/l) in dentifrice to obtain a comparable effect.

To obtain theobromine, either ground cocoa seeds, freed from fat, or cocoa dust falling from chocolate factories are used. The cocoa mass is boiled with dilute sulfuric acid until most of starch will not turn into sugar, then add lead carbonate until almost complete neutralization, filter and wash the precipitate, having previously removed the sugar by fermentation; the filtrate is concentrated, the settled brown mass is dissolved in hot nitric acid, the lead precipitate is filtered off, and theobromine from the nitrate solution is precipitated with ammonia.


methylxanthine, a purine derivative, a heterocyclic alkaloid of plant origin, is found in camellia sinensis, from which tea is prepared, in Paraguayan holly (mate), and in cocoa.


purine alkaloid, colorless or white bitter crystals. It is a psychostimulant and is found in coffee, tea and many soft drinks.

Caffeine is found in plants such as the coffee tree, tea, cocoa, mate, guarana, cola, and some others. It is synthesized by plants to protect against insects that eat leaves, stems and grains, and to encourage pollinators.

In animals and humans, it stimulates the central nervous system, increases cardiac activity, accelerates the pulse, causes constriction of blood vessels, and increases urination. This is due to the fact that caffeine blocks the enzyme phosphodiesterase, which breaks down cAMP, which leads to its accumulation in cells. cAMP is a secondary transmitter through which the effects of various physiologically active substances, primarily adrenaline, are realized. Thus, the accumulation of cAMP leads to adrenaline-like effects.

In medicine, caffeine is used in medications for headaches, for migraines, as a stimulant of respiration and cardiac activity for colds, to improve mental and physical performance, to eliminate drowsiness

The liver not only performs the function of detoxifying the body, but also produces bile. This component is necessary for the digestion process, but how exactly it affects it, what its composition is, not everyone knows.

What is bile

The word bilious is usually used in relation to a person who is gloomy, irritable, and prone to aggression. Such people usually have a dull complexion, and this is no coincidence. Most often, their function of the outflow of bile is impaired, as a result of which it enters the blood, and the presence of bilirubin in it provides the skin and mucous membranes with a characteristic yellow tint. The cause of this pathology is usually liver disease or gallstone disease.

Bile is produced in liver cells and stored in gallbladder. It has a complex composition, including proteins, bile acids, amino acids, some hormones, inorganic salts, and bile pigments. At each meal, it is released into the intestines to crush or emulsify fats and further transport them and bilirubin into the intestines. In the intestine, bile promotes the absorption of fatty acids, calcium salts and fat-soluble vitamins, and participates in the decomposition of triglycerides. In addition, it is the small intestine, as well as the production of pancreatic secretions and gastric mucus.

Having fulfilled its functions, bile is not completely utilized by the body; some of its components are absorbed into the blood and returned through the portal vein back to the liver. These components include bile acids, thyroid hormones, and some pigments.

Cholic acid

Cholic acid is one of the two primary bile acids and is one of the most important components bile. Her chemical formula— C24H40O5, belongs to the group of monocarboxylic acids. In the liver it is synthesized from cholesterol, but not directly, but through several intermediate reactions. The liver of an adult produces approximately 250 mg of this substance per day. It does not enter the gallbladder pure form, and in compounds with taurine (taurocholic acid) and glycine (glycocholic acid). In the small intestine, under the influence of microflora, they are converted into deoxycholic acid, most of which (up to 90%) is absorbed through the blood and again enters the liver (approximately 5-6 such turnovers occur per day). The rest of the bile acids are excreted through, and its loss is replenished by the synthesis of new bile acids, including cholic acid, by liver hepatocytes. This acid, along with other bile acids, performs the following functions:

  • grinding, emulsification and solubilization of fats in the intestines;
  • participation in the regulation of cholesterol synthesis in the liver;
  • regulation of bile formation;
  • has a bactericidal effect;
  • transport to the intestine of the final product of metabolic processes associated with hemoglobin (bilirubin);
  • stimulates intestinal motility;
  • activates pancreatic lipase;
  • surfactant effect on cell membranes;
  • participation in fat absorption;
  • education of some steroid hormones;
  • influence on the nervous system.

With insufficient formation of cholic acid or its complete absence, fats cease to be absorbed and are completely excreted along with feces, which in this case becomes light-colored. Bile with a low content of cholic and other bile acids is usually produced by the body of a person who abuses alcohol. As a result, a person does not receive many substances necessary for normal functioning, including fat soluble vitamins, he may develop diseases of the lower intestine, which is not designed for such secretions. Cholic acid is part of the drug Panzinorm Forte, intended to facilitate the digestion of fatty foods.

Food supplement

Dietary supplement E - 1000, sometimes also called cholic acid, bile acid, Cholic Acid, in Russian Federation excluded from the list of approved products because its effect on human health has not been sufficiently studied. There are supplements that have been scientifically proven to be harmful, but cholic acid is not one of them. North America, EU countries, Australia and New Zealand also prohibit its use in Food Industry. However, its use in the preparation of animal feed is permitted.

Previously, it was used as an emulsifier, i.e. substance that improves product mixability of different origins, stabilizing the dispersed state, maintaining a certain consistency and viscosity of the finished product, for example, juices, confectionery and bakery products. This food supplement is obtained by hydrolysis of solid bile of mammals.

Video about the chemical structure of bile acids

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BILE ACIDS(syn. cholic acids) - organic acids, which are specific components of bile and play an important role in the digestion and absorption of fats, as well as in some other processes occurring in gastrointestinal tract, including in the transfer of lipids to aquatic environment. Fatty acids are also the final product of metabolism (see), which is excreted from the body mainly in the form of fatty acids.

According to its chemistry. By nature, fatty acids are derivatives of cholanic acid (C 23 H 39 COOH), with one, two or three hydroxyl groups attached to the ring structure. The side chain of the liquid acid, as well as in the cholanic acid molecule, includes 5 carbon atoms with a COOH group at the end.

Human bile contains: cholic acid (3-alpha, 7-alpha, 12-alpha-trioxy-5-beta-cholanic):

chenodeoxycholic (anthropodeoxycholic) (3-alpha,7-alpha-dioxy-5-beta-cholanic) substance:

and deoxycholic (3-alpha, 12-alpha-dioxy-5-beta-cholanic) drug:

in addition, lithocholic acid (3-alpha-monooxy-5-beta-cholanic acid), as well as allocholic and ursodeoxycholic acids - stereoisomers of cholic and chenodeoxycholic acid - are contained in small quantities or in trace form. All fatty acids are present in bile (see) in conjugated form. Some of them are conjugated with glycine (glycocol) to form glycocholic or glycochenodeoxycholic acid, and some are conjugated with taurine to form taurocholic acid:

or taurochenodeoxycholic acid. In the liver bile, bile acids dissociate and are in the form of bile acid salts of sodium and potassium (cholates and deoxycholates Na and K), which is explained by the alkaline pH values ​​of bile (7.5-8.5).

Of all the stomach acids, only cholic and chenodeoxycholic acids are primarily formed in the liver (they are called primary), while others are formed in the intestine under the influence of enzymes of the intestinal microflora and are called secondary. They are absorbed into the blood and then secreted again by the liver as part of bile.

In germ-free animals raised in sterile conditions, only cholic and chenodeoxycholic acids are present in the bile, while deoxycholic and lithocholic acids are absent and appear in the bile only with the introduction of microorganisms into the intestines. This confirms the secondary formation of these stomach acids in the intestines under the influence of microflora from cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid, respectively.

Primary fatty acids are formed in the liver from cholesterol.

This process is quite complicated, because fatty acids differ from cholesterol in stereochemical properties. configurations of two sections of the molecule. The hydroxyl group at the 3rd C-atom in the cholesterol molecule is in the alpha position, and in the cholesterol molecule it is in the beta position. The hydrogen at the 3rd C-atom of cholesterol is in the p-position, which corresponds to the trans configuration of rings A and B, and in cholesterol it is in the a-position (cis configuration of rings A and B). In addition, fatty acids contain large quantity hydroxyl groups, a shorter side chain, which is characterized by the presence of a carboxyl group.

The process of converting cholesterol into cholic acid begins with the hydroxylation of cholesterol in the 7-alpha position, i.e., with the inclusion of a hydroxyl group in position 7, followed by the oxidation of the OH group at the 3rd C-atom to the keto group, the movement of the double bond from 5 -th C-atom to the 4th C-atom, hydroxylation at the 12-alpha position, etc. All these reactions are catalyzed by microsomal liver enzymes in the presence of NAD H or NADP H. Oxidation of the side chain in the cholesterol molecule is carried out with the participation of a number dehydrogenases in the presence of ATP, CoA and Mg 2+ ions. The process is underway through the stage of formation of 3-alpha, 7-alpha, 12-alpha-trioxycoprostane acid, which then undergoes beta-oxidation. In the final stage, the three-carbon fragment, which is propionyl-CoA, is separated, and the side chain of the molecule is thus shortened. The sequence of these reactions in some units may vary. For example, the formation of a keto group at the 3-beta position may occur not before, but after hydroxylation at the 12-alpha position. However, this does not change the main direction of the process.

The process of formation of chenodeoxycholic acid from cholesterol has some features. In particular, oxidation of the side chain to form the hydroxyl at the 26th C-atom can begin at each stage of the process, with the hydroxylated product further participating in the reactions in the usual sequence. It is possible that the early addition of the OH group to the 26th C atom compared to the usual course of the process is important factor in the regulation of the synthesis of chenodeoxycholic acid. It has been established that this substance is not a precursor of cholic acid and does not turn into it; Likewise, cholic acid in the human and animal body does not turn into chenodeoxycholic acid.

J. conjugation occurs in two stages. The first stage consists of the formation of acyl-CoA, that is, CoA esters of fatty acids. For primary fatty acids, this stage is carried out already at the final stage of their formation. The second stage of conjugation of fatty acids - the actual conjugation - consists of combining the fatty acid molecule with glycine or taurine through an amide bond. This process is catalyzed by lysosomal acyltransferase.

In human bile, the main bile acids—cholic, chenodeoxycholic, and deoxycholic—are in a quantitative ratio of 1:1:0.6; glycine and taurine conjugates of these compounds - in a ratio of 3:1. The ratio between these two conjugates varies depending on the nature of the food: if carbohydrates predominate in it, the relative content of glycine conjugates increases, and with a high-protein diet, taurine conjugates increase. Corticosteroid hormones increase the relative content of taurine conjugates in bile. On the contrary, in diseases accompanied by protein deficiency, the proportion of glycine conjugates increases.

The ratio of glycine-conjugated to taurine-conjugated fatty acids in humans changes under the influence of thyroid hormone, increasing in the hypothyroid state. In addition, in patients with hypothyroidism, cholic acid has a longer half-life and is metabolized more slowly than in patients with hyperthyroidism, which is accompanied by an increase in cholesterol in the blood in patients with reduced function thyroid gland.

In animals and humans, castration increases the cholesterol level in the blood. In the experiment, a decrease in the concentration of cholesterol in the blood serum and an increase in the formation of stomach acid were observed with the administration of estrogen. Nevertheless, the effect of hormones on the biosynthesis of fatty acids has not yet been sufficiently studied.

In the bile of different animals, the composition of bile fluid varies greatly. Many of them have gallstones that are absent in humans. Thus, in some amphibians, the main component of bile is cyprinol - bile alcohol, which, unlike cholic acid, has a longer side chain with two hydroxyl groups at the 26th and 27th C-atoms. This alcohol is conjugated predominantly with sulfate. In other amphibians, the bile alcohol bufol predominates, having OH groups at the 25th and 26th C atoms. In pig bile there is a hyocholic acid with an OH group in the position of the 6th C-atom (3-alpha, 6-alpha, 7-alpha-trioxycholanic acid). Rats and mice have alpha- and beta-maricholic acids - stereoisomers of hyocholic acid. In animals that feed plant foods, chenodeoxycholic acid predominates in bile. For example, at guinea pig it is the only one of the main stomach acids. Cholic acid, on the contrary, is more typical for carnivores.

One of the main functions of liquids, the transfer of lipids in an aqueous environment, is associated with their detergent properties, that is, with their ability to dissolve lipids by forming a micellar solution. These properties of bile are already manifested in liver tissue, where, with their participation, micelles are formed (or finally formed) from a number of bile components, called the lipid complex of bile. Due to the inclusion in this complex, lipids secreted by the liver and some other substances that are poorly soluble in water are transferred to the intestine in the form homogeneous solution as part of bile.

In the intestines, salts of fatty acids participate in the emulsification of fat. They are part of the emulsifying system, which includes a saturated monoglyceride, an unsaturated fatty acid and fatty acids. At the same time, they play the role of fat emulsion stabilizers. J. to. also play an important role as a kind of activator of pancreatic lipase (see). Their activating influence is expressed in a shift in the optimum action of lipase, which, in the presence of fatty acids, moves from pH 8.0 to pH 6.0, i.e., to that pH value, which is more constantly maintained at duodenum during the digestion of fatty foods.

After the breakdown of fat by lipase, the products of this breakdown - monoglycerides and fatty acids (see) form a micellar solution. The decisive role in this process is played by salts of fatty acids. Thanks to their detergent action, micelles that are stable in an aqueous environment are formed in the intestine (see Molecule), containing products of the breakdown of fat, cholesterol, and often phospholipids. In this form, these substances are transferred from the emulsion particles, i.e., from the site of lipid hydrolysis, to the absorption surface of the intestinal epithelium. In the form of a micellar solution, formed with the participation of salts, the liquid is transferred to the stomach. tract and fat-soluble vitamins. Turning off the L.C. from digestive processes, for example, during experimental diversion of bile from the intestine, leads to a decrease in the absorption of fat into the gastrointestinal tract. tract by 50% and to impaired absorption of fat-soluble vitamins up to the development of vitamin deficiency, for example, vitamin K deficiency. In addition, gastrointestinal tracts have a stimulating effect on the growth and functions of normal intestinal microflora: when the flow of bile into the intestine stops, the vital activity of the microflora undergoes significant changes.

Having fulfilled its physiol role in the intestines, glandular substances are absorbed in overwhelming quantities into the blood, return to the liver and are again secreted as part of bile. Thus, there is a constant circulation of the gastrointestinal tract between the liver and intestines. This process is called hepatic-intestinal (enterohepatic or portal-biliary) circulation of the gastrointestinal tract.

The bulk of fatty acids is absorbed in conjugated form in ileum. In the proximal part of the small intestine, a certain amount of stomach acid passes into the blood through passive absorption.

Studies conducted using 14 C-labeled fatty acids have shown that bile contains only a small part of the fatty acids newly synthesized by the liver [C. Bergstrom, Danielsson (H. Danielsson), 1968]. They account for only 10-15% of the total amount of bile fluid. The bulk of bile fluid (85-90%) consists of fluid cells reabsorbed in the intestine and re-secreted in the bile, i.e. G. to., participating in the hepatic-intestinal circulation. The total pool of fatty acids in humans averages 2.8-3.5 g, and they make 5-6 revolutions per day. In different animals, the number of revolutions made by the stomach per day varies greatly: in a dog it is also 5-6, and in a rat 10-12.

Part of the stomach acid undergoes deconjugation in the intestine under the influence of normal intestinal microflora. At the same time, a certain number of them lose their hydroxyl group, turning into deoxycholic, lithocholic or other compounds. All of them are absorbed and, after conjugation in the liver, are secreted as part of bile. However, 10-15% of all fatty acids entering the intestines undergo deeper degradation after deconjugation. As a result of oxidation and reduction processes caused by microflora enzymes, these fatty acids undergo various changes, accompanied by partial rupture their ring structure. A number of resulting products are then excreted in the feces.

The biosynthesis of fatty acids is controlled by a negative feedback type by a certain amount of fatty acids returning to the liver during the hepatic-intestinal circulation.

It has been shown that different fatty acids have qualitatively and quantitatively different regulatory effects. In humans, for example, chenodeoxycholic acid inhibits the formation of cholic acid.

An increase in cholesterol content in food leads to increased biosynthesis of fatty acids.

The destruction and release of part of the stomach is the most important route of excretion final products cholesterol metabolism. It has been shown that in germ-free animals devoid of intestinal microflora, the number of turnovers made by the digestive tract between the liver and intestines is reduced, and the excretion of digestive tract in feces is sharply reduced, which is accompanied by an increase in the cholesterol content in the blood serum.

Thus, quite intense secretion of fatty acids in bile and their transformation in the intestine under the influence of microflora are extremely important both for digestion and for cholesterol metabolism.

Normally, human urine does not contain stomach acids; very small amounts of them appear in the urine during obstructive jaundice ( early stages) and acute pancreatitis. J. to. are the most powerful choleretics, for example, dehydrocholic acid (see). This property of fatty acids is used to introduce them into the composition of choleretic agents (see) - decholine, allochol, etc. Fatty acids stimulate intestinal motility. Constipation observed in patients with jaundice may be due to a deficiency of cholates (J. salts). However, the simultaneous intake of a large amount of conc. bile into the intestines, and with it a large amount of bile, which is observed in a number of patients after removal of the gallbladder, can cause diarrhea. In addition, J. to. have a bacteriostatic effect.

The total concentration of bile acids in the blood and their ratio change significantly in a number of diseases of the liver and gall bladder, which is used for diagnostic purposes. With parenchymal lesions of the liver, the ability of liver cells to capture fatty acids from the blood sharply decreases, as a result of which they accumulate in the blood and are excreted in the urine. An increase in the concentration of bile ducts in the blood is also observed when there is difficulty in the outflow of bile, especially when the common bile duct is obstructed (stone, tumor), which is also accompanied by a disruption of the hepatic-intestinal circulation with a sharp decrease or disappearance of deoxycholate conjugates from the bile. A long-term and significant increase in the concentration of liver cells in the blood can have a damaging effect on liver cells with the development of necrosis and changes in the activity of certain enzymes in the blood serum.

A high concentration of cholates in the blood causes bradycardia and hypotension, skin itching, hemolysis, increased osmotic resistance of erythrocytes, disrupts blood coagulation processes, and slows down the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. The development of renal failure is associated with the release of fatty acids through the kidneys during liver diseases.

In acute and chronic cholecystitis, a decrease in the concentration or complete disappearance of cholates from the gallbladder bile is observed, which is explained by a decrease in their formation in the liver and accelerated absorption by the mucous membrane of the inflamed gallbladder.

J. to. and their derivatives destroy blood cells within a few minutes, including leukocytes, which should be taken into account when assessing diagnostic value the number of leukocytes in the duodenal contents. Cholates also destroy tissues that are not in contact with bile in physiological conditions, causing increased membrane permeability and local inflammation. If bile gets into the abdominal cavity, for example, severe peritonitis quickly develops. In the development mechanism acute pancreatitis, antral gastritis and even gastric ulcers, a certain role is assigned to the gall bladder. The possibility of damage to the gallbladder itself is allowed. bile containing a large number of G. c. (“chemical” cholecystitis).

Fatty acids are the starting product for the production of steroid hormones. Thanks to the similarities chemical structure steroid hormones and stomach acid. The latter have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. The method of treating arthritis is based on this property of J. local application conc. bile (see Bile).

For the treatment of diarrhea that occurs after surgical removal parts of the intestines, and stubborn skin itching in patients with liver diseases and biliary tract drugs are used that bind stomach acid in the intestines, for example, cholestyramine.

Bibliography: Komarov F. I. and Ivanov A. I. Bile acids, physiological role, clinical significance, Ter. arkh., t. 44, no. 3, p. 10, 1972; Kuvaeva I. B. Metabolism and intestinal microflora, M., 1976, bibliogr.; Saratikov A. S. Bile formation and choleretic agents, Tomsk, 1962; Advances in hepatology, ed. E. M. Tareev and A. F. Blyuger, V. 4, p. 141, Riga, 1973, bibliogr.; Bergstrom S. a. Danielsson H. Formation and metabolism of bile acids, Handb. Physiol., sect. 6, ed. by G. F. Code, p. 2391, Washington, 1968; The bile acids, chemistry, physiology and metabolism, ed. by P. P. Nair a. D. Kri-tshevsky, v. 1-2, N.Y., 1973, bibliogr.; Borgstrom B. Bile salts, Acta med. scand., v. 196, p. 1, 1974, bibliogr.; D a-nielsson H. a. S j o v a 1 1 J. Bile acid metabolism, Ann. Rev. Biochem., v. 44, p. 233, 1975, bibliogr.; Hanson R. F. a. o. Formation of bile acids in man, Biochim, biophys. Acta (Amst.), v. 431, p. 335, 1976; S h 1 y g i n G. K. Physiology of intestinal digestion, Progr, food Nutr., y. 2, p. 249, 1977, bibliogr.

G. K. Shlygin; F. I. Komarov (wedge).

Food supplement code E1000, also called cholic acid, represents either White powder with a crystalline structure, or plates without color. This substance has a rather sharp bitter taste, which subsequently gives a sweet aftertaste.

Empirical formula of cholic acid: C 24 H 40 O 5.

Natural source containing this substance are considered to be alkaline salts in the bile of humans, mammals, and some birds. Cholic acid is obtained by alkaline hydrolysis of bile solids.

The E1000 additive is included in some medicines, for example, in the composition enzyme preparation"Panzinorm Forte" as one of active ingredients. In addition, cholic acid is also used in food production as an emulsifier. However, due to little knowledge of this food supplement prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation for use in food production. In addition, cholic acid is not used in a number of countries: Australia, EU countries, New Zealand, North American countries. IN in this case

It is necessary to focus on the fact that the direct harm of the E1000 food additive has not been proven.

Application of food additive E1000 in the food industry

Despite little knowledge, cholic acid is still used in food preparation in some countries. For example, the food additive E1000 is used as an emulsifier in the processing of dried and ground Japanese apricots (ite). In addition, it is added to dry egg whites.

Effect on the body: harm or benefit?

Cholic acid is produced directly in the human body. It is one of the components of bile. This acid is synthesized through several intermediate reactions from cholesterol.

The liver of a healthy adult can synthesize up to 250 mg of cholic acid per day.

In the body, this substance performs the following functions:

  • regulates the formation of bile;
  • participates in the process of fat absorption;
  • has a stimulating effect on intestinal motility;
  • regulates cholesterol synthesis in the liver;
  • transports bilirubin to the intestine;
  • activates pancreatic lipase;
  • forms some steroid hormones;
  • affects the nervous system;
  • Cholic acid also has a bactericidal effect in the body.

If there is not enough cholic acid in the body, the process of absorption of fats in the intestines does not occur correctly. There may even be cases when fats are completely excreted in the feces without being absorbed at all. The occurrence of such failures is possible in people who abuse alcohol excessively. Due to poor absorption of fats, fat-soluble vitamins, as well as some other substances, are not absorbed, which leads to significant disruptions in the body. For example, diseases can develop lower section intestines.

Based on all of the above, it becomes obvious that without cholic acid it is simply impossible normal functioning body. However, in this case we are talking about the acid that is produced by humans. And here additional dose such a substance may have negative impact on healthy body. However, in order to say what exactly the consequences of taking cholic acid with food are, we still need to conduct some research and laboratory tests. Thus, it is too early to talk about the benefits and harms of the E1000 food additive.

Synonymous names

The following names may be synonymous with cholic acid:

  • cholic acid;
  • cholic acid;
  • cholalic acid;
  • cholic acid.

Cholic acid(English) cholic acid) is a monocarboxylic trihydroxy acid from the group of bile acids.

Cholic acid, along with chenodeoxycholic acid, is the most important bile acid for human physiology.

Cholic acid is the so-called primary bile acid formed in liver hepatocytes during the oxidation of cholesterol. Volume of cholic acid production in an adult healthy person from 200 to 300 mg per day. In the gallbladder, cholic acid is present mainly in the form of conjugates - paired compounds with glycine and taurine, called glycocholic and taurocholic acids, respectively.

Cholic acid - international generic name medicines
Recently, cholic acid was assigned a code according to the International Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification - A05AA03 (section “A05 Drugs for the treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary tract”).
Cholic acid as a drug component
In the USA in March 2015, cholic acid was approved by the FDA for the treatment of rare diseases associated with impaired synthesis of bile acids under trade name Cholbam.

In Russia, monopreparations of cholic acid do not have permission for use.

Cholic acid, as one of the active ingredients, is part of the enzyme preparation Panzinorm forte - the first drug on Russian market, from the group of drugs with the brand name Panzinorm. Subsequent drugs of the Panzinorm group do not contain cholic acid.

Cholic Acid - Dietary Supplement
Cholic Acid is registered as a food additive with the international code E1000. The technological application of lipase in this capacity is anti-flaming, glazing agent. However, cholic acid is not approved for use in Russia as a food additive, since it has not passed the tests necessary for its registration.