Schisandra chinensis jelly recipe. Preparations from Schisandra chinensis for the winter

To all year round to enjoy the fruits themselves grown and benefit from them; gardeners prepare part of the harvest after harvesting. In the article we'll talk about Chinese lemongrass and ways to preserve it healthy berries for the winter period.

What is a plant and what are the benefits of its fruits?

Chinese lemongrass is a perennial woody vine that can reach a height of 15 m. In nature, the plant can be found in China, Japan, and Sakhalin.

In autumn, fruits, collected in small clusters, begin to ripen along the entire length of the vine. These are round red berries with a sour taste and a strong lemon smell. In the photo of vines in autumn, the fruits always stand out as bright spots against the background of green foliage. It is thanks to their beneficial properties that the plant has become widespread in amateur gardens.

The fruits contain approximately 20% organic acids, a bunch of mineral salts, microelements and vitamins. The use of such a set has a positive effect on nervous activity person, which tones the entire body.

Due to their very sour taste, the berries are rarely consumed. fresh. More often they are dried, or a brew is prepared from them. Various kinds Schisandra harvesting retains most of the beneficial properties of the berries and can be used as a preventative and medicine. The berries are harvested after they are completely ripe. In terms of timing, this falls in September-October. Remove the brushes very carefully, using a sharp knife. If the vine is severely damaged, it will not bear fruit next season.

Attention! Under no circumstances should you collect crops in galvanized buckets. When interacting with lemongrass juice, the metal begins to oxidize.

Dried and frozen fruits

Drying berries can be called the most in a useful way storage This preparation of lemongrass practically does not cause changes in the substances that make up the sour fruit. The process takes place in 2 stages. In this case, drying is combined fresh air and in the oven.

Advice. For this harvesting method to be successful, you do not need to tear the berries off the stalks. It is better to dry lemongrass with whole brushes.

The drying method looks like this:

  1. The berries removed from the vine are laid out on a baking sheet covered with a clean cloth or paper. At the same time, be sure to ensure that the bunches do not touch each other.
  2. Place the baking tray outside under a canopy or, even better, in a well-ventilated attic.
  3. After the lemongrass has dried a little, the berries can be separated from the stalks.
  4. Arranging red fruits thin layer, the baking sheet is sent to the oven for 7 hours. The temperature during this time should be maintained within 45-55°C and no more.

This is done for several days. Schisandra, dried according to the rules, has a dark red color. In this case, the berries turn out to be evenly wrinkled and do not stick together. If you have the opportunity and desire to freeze the berries, then they should also be collected with brushes. The skin must be intact.

Advice. In order for the preparation of lemongrass using the freezing method to be successful, it must be kept in the refrigerator for several hours before immersing it in the freezer.

Prepared berries are laid out freely on plates, baking sheets and placed in the freezer. After a day, the lemongrass is removed, placed in special containers or bags and stored for long-term storage.

Jam, preserves and marmalade

Schisandra is not only very useful. Mixed with sugar it's quite delicious dessert, so some housewives are happy to make jam, preserves and marmalade from it. The first preparation of lemongrass has the following recipe:

  • berries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

Red fruits are ground, thus separating the pulp from the skin and seeds. Add sugar to the finished puree and boil the mixture until thickened. The jam is poured into jars, sealed and stored.

Jam is prepared in almost the same way, but in this recipe whole berries are used and sugar is added in a ratio of 1:1.5. Schisandra for such a preparation should be dense, slightly unripe. The recipe is done step by step like this:

  1. Without tearing off the stalk, wash the lemongrass well.
  2. Separate the berries and mix them with sugar. Leave it overnight.
  3. To make the future jam a little thinner and the container with it can be put on the fire, add a little water or apple juice to the lemongrass.
  4. The container with the brew is placed on the fire and boiled for 5-7 minutes in 2 batches, after which it is poured into jars.

This preparation of lemongrass, like jam, is distinguished not only by its excellent taste. It can be used as an excellent cold remedy.

Schisandra marmalade is a wonderful delicacy that will go perfectly with tea on long cold evenings. To prepare it you need to take:

  • lemongrass juice – 1 l;
  • sugar – 2-3 tbsp;
  • pectin – 3 tbsp.

It is prepared like this:

  1. Pectin is poured into slightly warmed juice and left to swell for 30 minutes.
  2. In another container, cook sugar syrup and 150 ml of juice.
  3. The pectin mixture is poured into the hot syrup and boiled until thickened.
  4. When hot, the mixture is poured into jars or, if consumed in as soon as possible, on low trays.
  5. Subsequently, the marmalade is simply cut into pieces with a knife.

Harvesting such valuable fruits as lemongrass is not particularly difficult. But in winter useful product will be able to tone up and help the body cope with a cold.

Hello, dear readers. This year, finally, after all the fruit and berry delights burned during the spring fire a couple of years ago, the lemongrass grew back and began to bear fruit again. And by the way, it’s very opportune. It’s raining in the Far East, I caught a cold, and lemongrass jam is the first remedy in the fight against such an illness.

This plant is even compared in its healing properties to ginseng. Schisandra berries are excellent, normalize arterial pressure, invigorate and give strength. So before going to bed you should refrain from eating jam from Chinese lemongrass. It is so useful that it deserves a separate discussion on this topic, which I will definitely raise in the near future. I’ll just tell you how much of it healing properties help against colds.

In the past summer season, by the way, I was not lazy and was well prepared for the long winter. I made all kinds of jam and, of course, didn’t forget about it. What would it be like without him?

In our area, lemongrass begins to ripen in late August and early September. Its bright red clusters hide in the dense foliage, hoping to avoid being boiled in sugar syrup. But it was not there.

As in the jungle, making their way through vines, the Far Easterners guard the lemongrass. They are not afraid of the midges in the oceans; when it ripens, they wait patiently. As soon as the berries turned a little red, hunters with baskets were right there. The brass basins began to ring and they put the jam in the jars. In winter they will get the elixir of health. They will attach themselves to it once or twice and increase the number of livestock of the tribe. After all, our lemongrass.

Chinese lemon berry jam

When weighing, I got 870 grams of sorted lemongrass berries. This is the quantity I needed:

  • 1300 grams of sugar;
  • half a glass of natural apple juice.

For jam, it is better to use reddened, but not fully ripened berries. They need to be slightly firm.

Recipe with photos step by step

  1. I wash the lemongrass under running water without removing from the branches. I let the water drain.
  2. I sort through it, separating the berries from the branches, removing debris and all sorts of bugs. Look closely at the photo where all the ingredients show off together. A ladybug is crawling along a leaf. I myself noticed only now that the insect had entered the frame, thereby deciding to immortalize itself.
  3. I fall asleep, lemongrass with sugar.
  4. I stir and leave it like this for 12 hours. Not much juice comes out. It's all absorbed by sugar.
  5. Next, to make the jam, you need to add apple juice to the lemongrass. At worst, ordinary water.
  6. I heat it on low heat. At the same time, I constantly stir the sugar and berry mixture. The syrup forms quite quickly. After boiling, continue cooking for 5-7 minutes.
  7. I put the basin aside. Cover with a towel and wait for the jam to cool. Then I bring it to a boil again and cool. I seal the jars for the winter, not really worrying about their sterility. I washed it and doused it with boiling water. This is quite enough for the jam to be perfectly preserved until spring or even for a longer time - 2-3 years.
  8. There are recipes in which lemongrass berries are rubbed through a sieve and then jam is made from them. But I like it better when there are seeds in the jam. They are somewhat unobtrusive with their presence. On the contrary, after heat treatment they acquire a specific taste, become pliable, thereby giving the delicacy its own individuality.

There is a lot growing in our gardens unique plants, herbs that we know nothing about. Let's take Chinese lemongrass - the vine is used for landscape decoration, but although it is very sour. But it doesn’t matter to us, because we will learn how to make a delicacy out of them that will amaze everyone, and, yes, will also be good for health. Intrigued? We are talking about lemongrass jam.

Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden

The plant is a vine that beautifully entwines everything it can find as support. IN landscape design– this is one of the leaders for decoration. But Chinese lemongrass also produces unusual fruits - a red berry that has a rather sour taste and even a little salty for some. But this is a whole treasure trove useful substances. These are vitamins - group B, E, C, and minerals - phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and so on. Contains a lot of organic acids.

All this gives unique opportunities and is transferred to those dishes and desserts that can be prepared from the berry. We are talking today about lemongrass jam, and what are its beneficial features? And here they are:

  • dessert helps a lot immune system by replenishing the deficiency of elements and vitamins;
  • berries perfectly tone and invigorate;
  • jam is a great help during the winter cold season;
  • Schisandra has an antioxidant effect, and this property is transferred to jam;
  • by eating fruits and dishes made from them, you can slow down aging and fill the body with energy;
  • the skin and body as a whole become cleaner;
  • helps to cope with stress, depression, because dessert not only contains the necessary for our nervous system substances, it is also tasty, which produces certain hormones of happiness;
  • relieves inflammation, fights viruses, bacteria;
  • the berry helps improve reproductive function;
  • Schisandra has a beneficial effect on blood composition and is also indicated for those who have an increased tendency to form blood clots;
  • helps improve bone health.

These are the properties that jam from fruits about which we knew so little can have; moreover, the delicacy undergoes a short heat treatment, which means that all the substances are preserved in large quantities. And yes, if you didn’t know whether you can make jam from lemongrass berries, then we think you already understand the answer. Well, let's move on to the recipes.

But first we would like to remind you that all natural gifts can cause in certain people individual intolerance or allergic reactions. Therefore, if you have a tendency to react to components of herbs, fruits, then be careful. Schisandra has a powerful, beneficial and highly concentrated composition. Moreover, you need to be more careful when giving dessert to children.

This is interesting! Nowadays, lemongrass is grown not only for decoration, but also for medicinal purposes. Its leaves are harvested in August, and its fruits from September until frost. Supplies can help during many ailments, and even prevent oncology.

Schisandra jam - delicious healthy dessert recipes

Five minutes

We will need:

  • berry – 1.5 kg;
  • glass of water;
  • granulated sugar – 1.5 kg.

Let's make dessert.

Like most berries, lemongrass fruits need to be prepared - remove all bad berries, remove insects, twigs, stalks, and then rinse very well in a colander. Next, the water should drain completely, and the lemongrass harvest for jam should dry on a towel. Afterwards, we traditionally use an enamel basin, which is ideal for cooking due to its wide dimensions.

Important! An enamel basin is taken for a reason. In it, the berry will not change its chemical composition due to reaction with metal, so aluminum and copper utensils are not suitable for cooking lemongrass.

Pour the berries into a basin, sprinkle everything with sugar and let it brew for a day to release the juice. If the process is underway slowly, and you see that there is not enough juice for lemongrass jam, then scald with a glass of boiling water. After which the basin can be placed on low heat, stirring and bringing to a boil. And then cook for just five minutes, skimming off the aromatic foam, then leave to cool.

The next step is very simple - when the jam has cooled completely, simmer it again for exactly five minutes over low heat after boiling. The jars need to be washed, sterilized in any way convenient for you, keep the iron lids in boiling water and roll up the dessert. Best stored in a dark and cool room so that lemongrass berry jam retains its unique beneficial properties longer.

It is worth noting that some housewives cook dessert longer using the 20/10 scheme. That is, the first stage of the jam simmers for 20 minutes, and before this it is infused not for a day, but for half a day, the second stage is boiled for 10 minutes. How to do it is up to you, but remember, the longer the heat treatment takes place, the less benefit ultimately. But probably, this recipe you will like the taste better.

Advice! Not everyone can get the fruits of the plant in time for the harvesting season, but you can stock them up in advance and store them in the freezer. The berries are also dried and made healing infusions, infusions, added to compotes, baked goods.

With apple juice

We will need:

  • lemongrass fruits and granulated sugar – 1/1.5 kg proportions;
  • apple juice – 100 ml.

Let's make dessert.
This time we will make Chinese lemongrass jam from berry puree. It turns out to be a very tender and tasty dessert. So, we wash the fruits, clean them from impurities, and dry them. Next, you need to grind them. Traditionally, we say that you can do this most conveniently using the attachment on a blender, but if you don’t have such a device, then a meat grinder and a simple sieve will also work. It just takes longer, but in order for the berry to release its juice better, it is scalded with boiling water.

The puree should be sprinkled with sugar in a bowl or wide saucepan, then put on low heat. Make sure that the puree does not burn; stir it constantly until it boils. Then pour in the juice and simmer for five minutes. Everything can be rolled into jars, which should already be sterilized.


Where would we be without him? It is prepared in much the same way as Chinese lemongrass jam according to the recipe above.

We will need:

  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • berry – 1 kg;
  • cinnamon - to taste.

Let's make dessert.

Everything is as simple as shelling pears – you need to wash and puree the berries. After which it is placed in a saucepan, sprinkled with granulated sugar and placed on low heat. After boiling, the jam is cooked to the thickness you like, usually for at least 20 minutes. At the end, add cinnamon for flavor or other spices as desired. The jam is rolled into sterile jars, allowed to cool and stored in a dark room.

You can make unique desserts with your own hands simply and usefully. Many people are accustomed to jam, but when it is made from lemongrass, many guests will be surprised. Bon appetit!

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

It takes a day to prepare lemongrass jam. It is necessary to cook the jam in 2 steps for 10-20 minutes. Products Schisandra - 1 kilogram Sugar - 1.5 kilograms

How to make Chinese lemongrass jam

Place the lemongrass in a saucepan for making jam, add sugar and stir, cover and let stand for 10 hours - the lemongrass should give juice. Place the pan on the fire, cook the jam, stirring, for 20 minutes. Then put the pan with jam in a cool place for 10 hours. Then put it back to boil and cook after boiling for 10 minutes. Pour hot lemongrass jam into warm, sterilized jars and turn the jam jars upside down. Wrap the jars in a blanket and wait until they cool completely. Then put the jars of jam away for storage.

Look general rules how to make jam for the winter at home!

Schisandra jam for the winter: a Far Eastern recipe

Hello, dear readers. This year, finally, after all the fruit and berry delights burned during the spring fire a couple of years ago, the lemongrass grew back and began to bear fruit again. And by the way, it’s very opportune. It’s raining here in the Far East, I caught a cold, and lemongrass jam is the first remedy in the fight against such an illness.

This plant is even compared to ginseng in its healing properties. Schisandra berries perfectly boost the immune system, normalize blood pressure, invigorate and give strength. So before going to bed, you should refrain from consuming Chinese lemongrass jam. It is so useful that it deserves a separate discussion on this topic, which I will definitely raise in the near future. I’ll just tell you how its healing properties help against colds.

In the past summer season, by the way, I was not lazy and was well prepared for the long winter. I made all kinds of jam and, of course, didn’t forget about raspberry jam. What would it be like without him?

In our area, lemongrass begins to ripen in late August and early September. Its bright red clusters hide in the dense foliage, hoping to avoid being boiled in sugar syrup. But it was not there.

As in the jungle, making their way through vines, the Far Easterners guard the lemongrass. They are not afraid of the midges in the oceans; when it ripens, they wait patiently. As soon as the berries turned a little red, hunters with baskets were right there. The brass basins began to ring and they put the jam in the jars. In winter they will get the elixir of health. They will attach themselves to it once or twice and increase the number of livestock of the tribe. After all, our lemongrass is still a hero.

Chinese lemon berry jam

When weighing, I got 870 grams of sorted lemongrass berries. This is the quantity I needed:

1300 grams of sugar half a glass of natural apple juice.

For jam, it is better to use reddened, but not fully ripened berries. They need to be slightly firm.

Recipe with photos step by step

I wash the lemongrass under running water without removing it from the branches. I let the water drain.

I sort through it, separating the berries from the branches, removing debris and all sorts of bugs. Look closely at the photo where all the ingredients show off together. A ladybug is crawling along a leaf. I myself noticed only now that the insect had entered the frame, thereby deciding to immortalize itself. I fall asleep, lemongrass with sugar.

I stir and leave it like this for 12 hours. Not much juice comes out. It's all absorbed by sugar.

I heat it on low heat. At the same time, I constantly stir the sugar and berry mixture. The syrup forms quite quickly. After boiling, continue cooking for 5-7 minutes.

I put the basin aside. Cover with a towel and wait for the jam to cool. Then I bring it to a boil again and cool. I seal the jars for the winter, not really worrying about their sterility. I washed it and doused it with boiling water. This is quite enough for the jam to be perfectly preserved until spring or even for a longer time - 2-3 years.

There are recipes in which lemongrass berries are rubbed through a sieve and then jam is made from them. But I like it better when there are seeds in the jam. They are somewhat unobtrusive with their presence. On the contrary, after heat treatment they acquire a specific taste, become pliable, thereby giving the delicacy its own individuality.

Anyone who has tried this jam at least once will not confuse it with any other the next time. Sour, with a lot of touches and shades of taste. It will compete with even the most popular strawberry analogue.

Exotic, perhaps someone will say. Where is your Far East located? Let lemongrass jam tell you about a corner of paradise dear to your heart.

Bon appetit, Alexander Abalakov.

Well, for now I haven’t written more about this plant detailed article I suggest watching a video about it.

Schisandra jam – natural energy drink

Jam recipes
Other blanks

Since ancient times, the berries of this plant have been taken to improve tone and general protection body from vitamin deficiency. Both fresh and processed, the fruits of the Chinese vine are beneficial for humans. And except lemongrass jam positive influence It's also good for our health and simply delicious.

Although a photograph cannot convey the taste, what a view!

Jam recipes

There are several recipes for Chinese lemongrass jam, but, in essence, they are not very different from each other. We will try to list the most popular methods, judging by the reviews of housewives on the Internet.

Attention! The collected lemongrass berries must be processed within 24 hours!

Simple recipe

This method of making jam from Far Eastern lemongrass is the most popular; for preparation we will need:

lemongrass berries -1 kilogram
sugar -1.5 kilograms
water – 100 milliliters.

The product is cooked in this way:

Place the berries washed under running water into the prepared bowl. In this case, the stalks can either be torn off or left for color and a slight bitterness.
Cover the berries with granulated sugar and leave for a day.

Schisandra berries sprinkled with sugar

After 24 hours, check the berries for the amount of juice released. If you think it is not enough, you can add half a glass of cold boiling water.
Turn on the stove and cook over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved.
After the syrup has completely dispersed, simmer for another 5-7 minutes.
Turn off the heat and wait for the product to cool completely.
Reheat the completely cooled jam and, after boiling for five minutes, pour it into sterilized jars.
All that remains is to seal the finished jam.

Some housewives drain the syrup and seal it separately from the berries.

Advice! Due to the high chemical activity, it is not recommended to use copper or aluminum utensils for making jam from lemongrass berries - only enamel or glass will do.

As they say: “To your health”!

With apple juice

In this recipe, apple juice is used instead of water, and the berries are used pureed. With this method of preparation, the beneficial properties of lemongrass jam are better preserved.

The berries are placed in a colander or sieve and softened in steam.
The softened berries are wiped and the puree is placed in an enamel bowl.
Add sugar and apple juice. For one kilogram of berry puree, add one and a half kilograms of sugar and one hundred grams of apple juice.
Boil the resulting mixture until thickened.
After this, the jam is placed in prepared jars.

If storing for winter storage is intended, then sterilize and seal, if for quick consumption- cover with parchment or nylon lids.

Other blanks

For those who doubt whether it is possible to make jam from Schisandra chinensis berries, we will present methods of preparation, during the preparation of which a minimum number of vitamins and other useful substances are lost.


The berries from the compote prepared in this way can be used to decorate cakes and bake pies with them.

To prepare the syrup, dissolve 400 grams of sugar in a liter of water.
Thoroughly washed berries are placed in jars and filled with prepared syrup.
Half-liter jars are pasteurized at 80 degrees for 10 minutes.

Juice, wine and tincture

Juice is prepared from berries that were picked the day before yesterday and have softened enough.

Juice is extracted from washed berries using a juicer. In this case, you need to try not to crush the seeds.
The juice is mixed with sugar in a ratio of one to two.
After the sugar grains are completely dissolved, the juice is poured into bottles and stored in a dry cellar.

You can make wine from the juice left over from making juice. To do this, the remaining pulp is separated from the seeds and filled with water. After a couple of days, the wort is drained and diluted with water and sugar. After which the wine is fermented under a water seal. The fermented wine is drained from the remainder and bottled.

But that's not all. There are still seeds left, which are cleared of any remaining pulp. After which they are crushed and filled with alcohol. After half a month, you get an excellent bitters tincture with many useful substances.