Zodak - instructions for use in tablets, drops and syrup for children and adults. Zodak in the fight against childhood allergies - a guide for mothers

In accordance with medical statistics every third baby suffers from allergic reactions to various stimuli. Young children are most susceptible to allergies because they the immune system is not yet fully formed. If a child experiences the first signs of an allergy, it is necessary to urgently contact a pediatric allergist.

Today there are many antihistamines that effectively fight allergies.

Zodak represents medicine new generation, which has the ability to as soon as possible eliminate allergy symptoms. Zodak in drops for children is very popular, since this form of medication ensures easy and quick administration even by the youngest children.

Zodak drops are available in convenient bottles. The medicine is a transparent substance without a characteristic odor, sometimes with a yellowish tint. The bottle with the drug has a special protective cap that prevents it from being opened by small children.

The main active ingredient of the drug is cetirizine dahydrochloride, which quickly eliminates allergy symptoms, brings relief to the baby and prevents the development of an allergic reaction.

Excipients in Zodak:

  • Purified water;
  • Propylene glycol;
  • Glycerol;
  • Acetic acid.

Indications for the use of Zodak drops

The drug is a new generation antihistamine, so its effect is longer and more effective. Basic properties of the Zodak:

  1. Elimination of allergic symptoms that are caused by various allergens.
  2. Preventing allergies in a child during vaccination.
  3. Relieves itching.
  4. At complex therapy to eliminate bronchospasms.
  5. Elimination of itching and inflammation due to hay fever.
  6. Relieving swelling of the respiratory system.
  7. Elimination severe itching caused by dermatitis.

Urticaria in a child

Zodak's reception provides quick withdrawal swelling, elimination of inflammatory processes and retains its effect for 24 hours.

Instructions for use for children contain indications for taking the medicine:

  • Allergic rhinitis of various origins;
  • Elimination of acute itching in urticaria and chickenpox.
  • Symptoms of acute conjunctivitis;
  • Rashes on the child’s skin that are allergic in origin: diathesis, eczema;
  • Elimination of symptoms of Quincke's edema.

How to give your baby medicine correctly

Before using Zodak to treat allergies, parents should carefully read the instructions and follow the instructions of the attending physician.

Basic rules for using the drug:

  1. Do not exceed the dosage specified in the instructions.
  2. If a child misses a dose of medication, it must be given at any time.
  3. It is possible to take Zodak without reference to meal times.
  4. The drops can not be diluted in liquid, but given to children in their pure form.

The dosage of the medicine depends on the child’s age and body weight. Small children from one to two years old should be given the drug 5 drops twice a day.

Children from two to six years old are prescribed Zodak twice a day, 10 drops.

Children over six years old can be given the drug 20 drops twice a day.

Contraindications for taking medication and overdose

Zodak is usually well tolerated by the child’s body and rarely causes side effects. It is worth highlighting such side effects taking the drug in certain cases:

  • Dryness in the child’s mouth;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Rashes on skin baby;
  • Thirst;
  • Increased saliva production in the baby;
  • Muscle pain, spasms;
  • Abdominal pain.

The main contraindications for the use of the medication are:

  1. The baby is up to one year old.
  2. Kidney diseases.
  3. Liver failure.
  4. Individual intolerance by the child’s body to individual components of the drug.

Symptoms of drug overdose in children:

  • Intestinal upset, diarrhea;
  • Dizziness, lethargy;
  • Headache;
  • Weakness, lethargy;
  • Bloating;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Delayed urinary emission;
  • The child becomes irritable.

If the dose specified in the instructions is exceeded, the baby’s stomach must be rinsed immediately. Then the child should be given any sorbent and call a pediatrician.

Terms of sale of the drug, its storage and interaction with other drugs

The instructions for use of Zodak do not contain any restrictions on taking the drug together with other medications. However, parents should be aware that it is not recommended to give the drug to children together with drugs that have a depressing effect on the central nervous system. nervous system baby and with alcohol-containing medications.

Zodak can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription.

The medicine must be stored in cool room protected from direct sunlight. The drug should also be kept out of the reach of small children.

Analogues of Zodak

Exists a large number of drugs that effectively eliminate the symptoms of an allergic reaction in a baby to various pathogens. When choosing a substitute, you must remember that the most effective is a drug with a similar active substance. Medicines almost identical in composition to Zodak are:

  • Parlazin;
  • Zintset;
  • Cetrin;
  • Cetirinax.

An almost identical medicine, the composition of which is similar to Zodak, is Zyrtec. Main active substance Zyrtec is cetirizine. This drug can be prescribed to children from six one month old.

To treat allergy symptoms in young children, a pediatrician may prescribe medications with a different composition, but with a similar therapeutic principle of action:

  1. Medicine Erius. It is available in syrup form, the main active ingredient is desloratadine. Erius is prescribed to eliminate allergic symptoms in children over the age of one year.
  2. Tavegil is available in tablet form. Tavegil contains the component clemastine. The medicine is used to eliminate allergic reactions in children after reaching the age of six.
  3. consist of active substance dimethindene. The drug is contraindicated in the youngest patients, so it can be given to children from one month of age. This antihistamine used in infants under six months of age.
  4. Claritin syrup successfully fights various allergic symptoms. The drug contains loratadine and is prescribed to children after two years of age.

A large number of positive feedback about Zodak indicate the effectiveness, speed of action and safety of the drug. Many parents write on forums that the medication quickly eliminates allergic manifestations in children, including those caused by insect bites.

Taking Zodak helps relieve swelling and inflammation respiratory organs, eliminates allergic skin rashes, quickly alleviates the baby's condition.

Remember what to put correct diagnosis Only a doctor can, do not self-medicate without consultation and diagnosis by a qualified doctor. Be healthy!

Currently, a large number of people suffer from allergies. It may appear on medications, dust, pollen, pet hair and many other factors. The pathology most often manifests itself as a persistent runny nose and rashes on the body. Children under 3 years of age suffer the most from the symptoms - it is difficult to explain to them that they should not scratch itchy spots. Scratched blisters become inflamed, through open wounds infection occurs easily. It is important to take timely measures to eliminate allergies. There are many antihistamines for this, one of which is Zodak.

Principle of action and active substance of Zodak

An allergy is the body's response to various irritants. When an allergen enters the bloodstream, special substances - histamines - begin to be produced. These hormones react with cellular receptors, thereby triggering an allergic reaction. At the same time, a spasm occurs in the bronchi, the blood thickens, large vessels expand due to severe narrowing of the capillaries.

The active ingredient in Zodak is cetirizine. It stops the connection of histamines with cells, thereby blocking the development of allergies and reducing its symptoms. Once in the body, cetirizine is able to relieve swelling and spasms, eliminate nasal discharge and itching. The zodak contacts the nerve cells and receptors of the digestive system.

Zodak is a new generation drug that has the following advantages:

  • duration of action (about a day);
  • course treatment helps maintain the effect for a week;
  • is not addictive;
  • possibility of using the course (about a month);
  • does not affect nerve cells;
  • affordable price;
  • does not cause drowsiness;
  • used regardless of food intake.

Therapeutic effect of the drug:

  • effectively eliminates the symptoms of the disease ( copious discharge from the nose, cough, itching, swelling);
  • used as prophylactic before vaccinations;
  • relieves itching due to chickenpox, eczema, urticaria;
  • eliminates swelling of the laryngeal mucosa;
  • reduces bronchospasm.

Auxiliary components:

  • glycerol;
  • water;
  • acetic acid;
  • dihydric alcohol.

Indications and contraindications for the use of the drug

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Indications for use of Zodak:

  • allergic rhinitis caused by pollen, wool, dust;
  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • hay fever;
  • contraction of the bronchi (used as part of complex therapy);
  • itching and spots with chickenpox, urticaria and other types of dermatitis;
  • allergic skin rashes: diathesis, eczema;
  • swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • Quincke's edema.

Zodak can be used before vaccinations to prevent an allergic reaction in a child to a vaccine.

This is not stated in the instructions for use, but pediatricians prescribe the drug as an antihistamine before the injection.


  • age under 12 months;
  • individual intolerance to individual components of the drug;
  • diabetes;
  • liver and kidney failure.

Zodak should not be used in conjunction with expectorants. The drug is well tolerated by children and does not cause adverse reactions.

Release forms

Zodak is available in 3 dosage forms:

  • drops;
  • syrup;
  • pills.

This makes it possible to use the drug at any age. For children over 6 years old, drops are often prescribed, from 1 year old - drops, from 3 years old it is more convenient to use Zodak in the form of syrup. Each release form has its own advantages. The drug is prescribed by a pediatrician or allergist depending on the nature of the disease.


Zodak drops are sold in 20 ml glass bottles. 1 ml (20 drops) contains 10 mg of cetirizine and auxiliary components. Each bottle is equipped with a convenient cap that is difficult for a child to open. Opening occurs by pressing the lid until it clicks and turning it counterclockwise. The bottle has a special dispenser that allows you to accurately measure the required dose. The drops have a light yellow.

An antihistamine in the form of drops is used to eliminate allergy symptoms in infants from the first year of life. Before use, the required number of drops should be diluted in a small amount of water and swallowed with liquid.


Zodak syrup is available in 100 ml dark glass bottles. It has a yellow color and a pleasant banana taste due to the flavoring. Each box of the drug contains a measuring spoon. 5 ml of the product (spoon volume) contains 5 mg of cetirizine and additional components.

The syrup is prescribed to children from 24 months. Before use, the drug does not need to be diluted with water, it should be measured required amount using a measuring spoon and drink. It is not necessary to drink it, because... Zodak has a pleasant taste.


Zodak tablets are used to treat children over 6 years of age. Each oval tablet white contains 10 mg of active substance. Lactose monohydrate is present as an auxiliary component, so the product cannot be used by patients with lactase deficiency.

The dragee does not need to be pre-dissolved in liquid or dissolved. The required dose of the drug should be swallowed with big amount liquids.

How to calculate the dosage?

The rules for taking Zodak are the same for all dosage forms:

  1. used regardless of meals, preferably at the same time;
  2. If you miss a dose, you must take the drug as soon as possible;
  3. The tablets must be swallowed completely without chewing;
  4. Drops are allowed to be dripped into the mouth without diluting in water.

The dose of the drug is prescribed by a pediatrician or allergist depending on the severity of the allergy and the age of the child. Do not increase or decrease the dosage without consulting a doctor. It is necessary to monitor as much as possible acceptable norm of the drug per day and do not give more than the prescribed amount of Zodak.

Dosages are prescribed in the instructions for use and depend on the degree of development pathological process, the age of the child and the form of release of the drug.

  • children from 1 year to 2 years – 5 drops (2.5 ml) 1 time per day;
  • children from 2 to 6 years old – 10 drops (5 ml) 2 times a day;
  • children from 6 to 12 years old - 10 drops (5 ml) 2 times a day or 20 drops (10 mg) 1 time a day.
  • from 2 to 6 years – 1 measuring spoon (5 ml);
  • from 6 to 12 years – 2 measuring spoons (10 ml);
  • over 12 years old – 2 measuring spoons.

The dosage of tablets is prescribed depending on the level of creatinine clearance in the blood, without taking into account the patient’s age:

Frequency of administration and duration of use

How much, for how long and from what age to give the drug must be checked with the attending physician so as not to harm the baby’s health. As a rule, Zodak is taken 1 or 2 times a day. The course of treatment is at least a week and depends on the age of the patient. For children over 6 years old, the average course duration is 3-6 weeks, for younger children – 2-4 weeks. For preventive purposes, Zodak is taken for a week. For a single contact with the allergen, therapy lasts 7 days.

Is it possible to overdose?

Overdose occurs after a single dose of 50 mg of the drug. It is necessary to keep the Zodak in places inaccessible to children. Overdose symptoms:

  • speech disorders;
  • inhibition of reflexes;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • weakness or agitation;
  • dryness of the oral mucosa;
  • causeless feeling of anxiety and fear;
  • constipation and urinary retention;
  • increased heart rate;
  • vomiting and diarrhea.

In case of accidental use of a large dose of the drug, the child should be given an adsorbent, for example, Activated carbon. Then you need to call ambulance. After examination by a doctor, the baby is placed in a hospital for necessary procedures, aimed at removing toxins from the body due to overdose.

Drug analogues

If the patient has contraindications to the use of Zodak, the pediatrician prescribes another drug. Which one is better depends on the nature of the disease. Effective analogues:

Zodak is recommended for children to relieve allergy symptoms of different origins. This is an antiallergic drug that is allowed for babies from the first year of life. If taken as directed, side effects are rare.

Zodak helps to effectively eliminate swelling of tissues and itching of the skin caused by allergies. The active ingredient cannot accumulate in the body and is safe for children early age. Zodak has a pronounced antiallergic effect and is an excellent prophylactic medicine, which warns possible appearances allergic reactions while taking certain medications.

The product contains cetirizine, a component from the group of competitive histamine antagonists. In addition to it, the composition also contains auxiliary substances. Cetirizine is able to block histamine H1 receptors, as a result of which the patient reduces skin itching, swelling, lacrimation and allergic runny nose. The component reduces the migration of cells responsible for inflammatory process. Also, after taking the medicine, the mediators that are involved in the appearance of late allergies are inhibited.

Zodak – antihistamine medicine second generation. Unlike first generation drugs, this drug has fewer side effects. The product is also safe for children younger age. Use of the substance in therapeutic doses helps prevent the development of allergies, seasonal and year-round rhinitis. Cetirizine also effectively relieves allergic conjunctivitis, atopic dermatitis, .

The drug is capable of providing pronounced decongestant, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect. It helps improve cross-country ability respiratory tract in patients with mild stage bronchial asthma. Also, with the help of Zodak, the amount of exudate released from the nose is reduced.

The effectiveness of the medicine can be changed 20-30 minutes after taking the medicine. The maximum concentration in the blood is reached after an hour.

Release form

The product is produced in the Czech Republic.

The drug Zodak is produced in the form of syrup and drops. There is also a tablet form, which is usually used by adults. Drops and syrup are available in a dark glass bottle.

Indications and contraindications

You cannot use Zodak drops or syrup on your own. The drug should be prescribed by a doctor after examination and additional diagnostic methods. According to the instructions, the medicine is taken to treat and prevent symptoms of seasonal or year-round allergies. As a rule, the drug is often used during periods of flowering plants, or when a person is in constant contact with the allergen.

The main indications for using Zodak are:

  • allergic rhinitis;
  • hay fever;
  • itchy dermatitis;
  • idiopathic urticaria;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • bronchial asthma mild course, which is characterized by difficulty in breathing and an unproductive cough.

The main contraindications are:

  • Children up to one or six years of age (depending on the form of the medicine - see the instructions for the drug).
  • The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Severe hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Persons who have a history of kidney and liver pathologies should take the drug with caution and begin therapy only after determining the dosage.

Directions for use and dosage

You can take Zodak only after consulting a doctor. It is dangerous to use the drug on your own without medical prescription. Eating does not affect the absorption process of the substance.

Instructions for use Zodak drops for children

Zodak drops quickly and effectively eliminate allergy symptoms. It is important to take into account the dosage, which is determined based on the age of the baby. If the child is 1–2 years old, you can use 5 drops per day. This dosage is enough to reduce allergic reactions on the skin in the form of itching, swelling, and rash.

It is worth understanding if we're talking about O drug allergies, symptoms may not go away immediately, but gradually decrease throughout the course of treatment.

Children over 6 years old can use 20 drops of Zodak per day. Wherein daily dosage can be divided into 2 doses: 10 drops in the morning and evening. Adults and twelve-year-old children are prescribed 20 drops 1 time in the evening, before bedtime.

It is important to consider that the bottle is equipped with a safety cap, which must be opened by lightly pressing it and scrolling according to the diagram indicated on it.


Zodak syrup for newborns and older children is another dosage form, which can be used by patients. According to the instructions, children whose age has reached two years and has not exceeded six can take 1 scoop of syrup once a day. The dosage can also be divided into 2 doses: ½ measuring spoon 2 times a day.

Patients with renal failure need to reduce the dosage by 2 times. Elderly patients with normal renal function may not need dosage adjustments.

Adults and children over the age of twelve should use Zodak syrup in a dosage of two scoops. Reception should be carried out 1 time per day. Children aged six years also need to take 2 scoops of the substance, however daily dose can be divided into 2 doses.


The tablet form of the product is approved for children over 6 years of age and adults. There is no need to chew the tablet; it is swallowed whole with plenty of liquid. Children over 12 years of age and adults need to take 1 tablet once a day. The same dosage is suitable for children from 6 to 12 years old. But for this category of patients, the daily dose can be divided into two doses: ½ tablet 2 times a day.

Zodak Express

Zodak Express is intended for the relief and prevention of allergic reactions of various origins. The tablets can be used by adults and children over 6 years of age. The dose for this category of patients is 1 tablet per day.

The tablet does not need to be chewed; it is washed down with plenty of liquid. Take the medicine regardless of food at any time. It is important that subsequent doses coincide in time, that is, take the medicine at the same time every day.

Interaction with other drugs

If patients use Zodak, they can take other antihistamines at the same time only as prescribed by a doctor, in the indicated dosages. It is also important to note that the simultaneous use of Theophylline with cetirizine reduces the overall clearance of cetirizine.

Side effects

The drug is well tolerated by both children and adults. In some cases there are side effects, if the patient does not comply with the dosage or takes the medicine together with other antihistamines. Possible side effects are:

  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nervous excitement, dizziness;
  • the appearance of drowsiness;
  • the occurrence of headaches;
  • , itching or rash on the skin.

If any side effects occur, the medication should be stopped.


The most common analogues of Zodak are:

  • Cetrin (143 rubles).
  • Erius (400 rubles).
  • Fenistil (350 rubles).
  • Zyrtec (180 rubles).

The Zodak price is 187 rubles. You can purchase the drug at any pharmacy in Russia and Ukraine. Universal and 100% the best analogue No. Prescription of a generic drug is carried out only by a doctor. If we are talking about analogues with the same composition, you can use Cetrin, Zyrtec.

Frequently asked questions about taking Zodak by children

How long should a child take Zodak?

Zodak is taken by a child under the supervision of a doctor. As a rule, the medicine is prescribed for a course of 7–10 days. If the dosage is chosen correctly, symptom relief occurs on the second day.

At what age can Zodak be given to children?

Zodak can be taken from 1 year of age. It is also important to consider the form of production. Tablets, for example, should not be used by children under 6 years of age.

How and for how long should Zodak be stored?

The product can be stored for three years from the date of its production. There are no instructions on how long to store after opening.

Zodak – good remedy, which perfectly relieves allergy symptoms in children and adults. Doctors recommend using the drug to prevent drug allergies when the baby takes certain groups of drugs.

It is not recommended to purchase and select the dose on your own, as it can provoke the development of side effects and an overdose of the drug.

Useful video about allergy medications

List of sources:

  • Balabolkin I. I. Actual problems allergology childhood on modern stage// Pediatrics. – 2012. – T. 91, No. 3. – P. 69–75.
  • Kondurina E. G., Zelenskaya V. V. Antihistamines in the control of atopic diseases in children // Breast Cancer. – 2012. – T. 20, No. 2. – P. 56–57.
  • Gushchin I. S. Prospects for improving the antiallergic action of H1-antihistamines // Attending physician. – 2009. – No. 5.
  • Emelyanov A.V., Kochergin N.G., Goryachkina L.A. History and modern approaches To clinical application antihistamines // Clinical dermatology and venereology. – 2010. – No. 4. – P. 62–70.
  • Tuzlukova E. B., Ilyina N. I., Luss L. V. Antihistamines // Russian Medical Journal. – 2002. – T. 10, No. 5. – P. 269–272.
  • Church M., Maurer M., Simons F. et al. Risk of first-generation H1-antihistamines: a GA2LEN position paper // Allergy. 2010. No. 65. R. 459–466.

With the advent of new technologies for the production of food, clothing, toys and pollution environment, has led to the fact that allergies in modern children have become a common occurrence. This has become especially common in infants, due to the fact that the immune system and digestive system are not fully developed. The reason for its appearance may be the mother's consumption of low-quality products during pregnancy.

First aid for allergies for children under one year of age should be provided with high-quality and effective medicine.

Release form, composition, packaging

Zodak fast-acting remedy a new generation that effectively blocks the development and spread of allergens in the body and has an antihistamine effect.

The instructions indicate the age for taking the medicine from 12 months, but many pediatricians prescribe the drug starting from 2 weeks of age, reducing the dosage and using it according to a special gentle regimen.

Zodak is produced in 3 forms for taking the medicine orally:

  1. Pills coated (from 6 years), in a cardboard package, 7 oval white tablets per blister. Packages can be 1, 3, 6, 9, 10 blisters.
  2. Syrup(from 2 years old) in glass containers of 100 ml. Packaged in a cardboard box, into which the manufacturer includes a measuring spoon.
  3. Drops(prescribed for newborns and children up to 1 g) Glass bottle with colorless and clear liquid, which is odorless - 20 ml, with a special dispenser cap under the lid. The packaging is bright cardboard, rectangular in shape.

The drops contain the active ingredient - cetirizine 10 mg/ml, as well as other substances and chemical components.

The syrup contains the same active ingredient and auxiliary components as the drops, but with the addition of Banana flavoring, sorbitol, sodium acetate trihydrate.

The tablets contain the active ingredient - cetirizine, additional components - corn starch, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate and chemical compounds that make up the tablet shell.

pharmachologic effect

The pharmacological action of the drug is an antiallergic agent.

Zodak classifies the drug as a new 2nd generation drug; they have a number of advantages, such as long-lasting action, lack of sedative effect. It is extremely rare for addiction, intolerance, or allergy to the drug itself to occur.

The drug also has a high ability to act on receptors that are located in smooth muscles Gastrointestinal tract, bronchi, genitourinary system and blood vessels - their inner lining.

The active substance, cetirizine in the form of dihydrochloride, has a blocking effect on histamines, while closing the receptors. Thus, the antihistamine valve helps prevent harmful effects histamines. Decreasing negative impact on histamines that have already affected the receptors. All this allows you to gradually remove allergic symptoms.

The form of the product is drops, the most practical for oral administration in children from 2 weeks of age, the volume of liquid is not large, the child swallows it without difficulty. And the rapid effect of the drug will allow the baby to feel better quickly. Within 3-5 days, the child’s body recovers from exposure to allergens, provided that it is taken regularly according to the regimen.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug

Taking the drug during meals, before or after meals does not significantly reduce the rate of absorption of the drug into the blood. It appears in the blood plasma within 25 minutes - 1 hour.

The product is completely absorbed into gastrointestinal tract. 65-70% of the drug is excreted genitourinary system. The cetirizine component quickly binds to plasma proteins by more than 90%.

Zodak drops act in most children under 1 year of age within 25 minutes, in others within 60–90 minutes.


The drug has its own indications for use. Among them:

  • redness and rash on the skin;
  • allergic rhinitis caused by seasonal (flowering, dust) and other allergens;
  • conjunctivitis caused by;
  • urticaria (dermatosis);
  • diathesis;
  • dermatitis of various etiologies and pathogenesis;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • cough, bronchospasm;

Taking the product before and after vaccination will reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction to the components of the vaccine.


The drug has a number of contraindications. These include:

  • individual intolerance, sensitivity to chemical additives and components of the drug;
  • age up to one year (drops), up to 2 years (syrup), but can be taken as indicated by a doctor’s prescription;
  • lactation, breastfeeding;
  • pregnancy;
  • for diseases of the urinary system and liver;
  • epilepsy.

Instructions for use

The drug is safe for oral administration ( oral cavity, nasal passage) for children under 1 year of age, but it is important to follow the regimen and dosage regimen. When taking the medicine, you need to carefully monitor the baby's breathing and cardiac activity, since it can depress the baby's nervous system, which can lead to stopping breathing movements.

Most often, an experienced pediatrician or neonatologist prescribes Zodak through the nasal passage for children under 1 year of age. 1 drop in each passage, no more than 2 times in 1 day.

If an adverse reaction occurs within 2-3 hours after taking the medicine, it is canceled and first aid measures are taken.

To take drops to infants through the oral cavity, the product is mixed into breast milk, baby food or water (given from a bottle with a nipple, from a syringe or spoon).

Before starting feeding, the drug is given, and then fed as usual:

  • age from 2 weeks to 3 months – 1 time per day, 2 drops;
  • age from 3 months to 6 months – 3-4 drops daily;
  • age from 6 months to 12 months – 1 time per day, 5 drops.

The instructions should be strictly followed or taken according to the regimen of a pediatrician or neonatologist.


An overdose of the drug in babies under 12 months occurs from 10 mg of the substance (exceeded dose by 5 times), in an adult from 50 mg. It causes severe anxiety, tremors, diarrhea, nausea, dilation of the baby's pupils, itching, drowsiness, tearfulness, and tachycardia.

In case of overdose, first aid must be given immediately medical care, call an ambulance. Make the child drink as much purified water as possible and induce vomiting.

For newborns, you can use a syringe without a needle, draw water and carefully pour several syringes of water into the mouth, slightly raising the head up, but only so that the child does not choke.

It is also necessary to provide absorbent agents. Upon arrival of the ambulance, doctors will rinse the stomach and provide supportive and symptomatic therapy. In more complex cases, they are hospitalized in the toxicology department.

Adverse reactions

When taking the drug, you may experience adverse reactions. Among them:

  • bloating;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • dizziness;
  • refusal of food;
  • agitation or lethargy;
  • cessation of breathing;
  • edema;
  • poisoning;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • diarrhea;
  • urinary retention;
  • rash;
  • hives.

Drug interactions

Before using Zodak, it is important to tell your pediatrician or neonatologist if you are taking other medications.

The use of Zodak with other drugs that contain theophylline (dose per day 400 mg) reduces the effectiveness of Zodak treatment.

special instructions

Do not take the medicine with others medical supplies containing alcohol or suppressing the activity of the central nervous system.

Contraindicated for use in premature infants under 36 weeks.

Strictly follow the regimen and regularity of intake for diseases of the urinary system ( renal failure) or liver diseases.

Storage conditions and periods

The medicine does not require special storage conditions. Store at temperatures between 9°C and 26°C, in a dry, ventilated place.

Place the Zodak in inaccessible areas away from children and people with mental health problems.

Once opened, it is suitable for consumption for six months (6 months).

Dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription.


Zodak has few analogues. Among them:

  1. Fenistil drops. The active ingredient, dimethindene maleate, belongs to the first generation drugs. Relieves allergy symptoms and eliminates itching. The product is officially approved for use by children from the 1st month of life. Used according to identical Zodak indications, as well as for food allergies. Used in short courses from 1 week to 10 days; if symptoms disappear earlier, stop taking the drug.
  2. Zyrtec drops. The main substance is cetirizine, a 2nd generation medicine, which is identical to Zodak. Against allergies and against itching, taken from the first year of the baby’s life. Use until allergic symptoms disappear.
  3. Parlasin drops. The main substance is cetirizine, a 2nd generation drug. Removes allergic signs and eliminates itching, as well as swelling, acts on the body as an antispasmodic. Officially approved for children from 1 year. Indications are the same as for Zodak, and also in complex treatment at bronchial asthma. Used in a short course from 1 to 1.5 weeks, for asthma - a long course of up to 1 month.


Prices for the product in different forms ah releases are listed in the table below.

A drug called Zodak is presented on the pharmaceutical market in the form of drops and tablets - the instructions for use say that the product is effective against allergies. The advantage of the medication is that it has an antisedative effect; when you take it, you don’t feel sleepy. The drug helps to actively fight allergic manifestations such as itching and rashes.

What is Zodak

The 2nd generation drug – Zodak has a prolonged effect, due to which the duration of action of the main component increases. The medication shown in the photo eliminates allergy symptoms due to the active substance - a selective blocker of peripheral H1 receptors. Indicated for use during exacerbation of seasonal allergies, as well as chronic diseases of this type. Even if you take the drug for a long time, there will be no problems with the central nervous system (drowsiness or depressive state).

Composition of the Zodak

The main active ingredient is cetirizine dihydrochloride, which acts against negative reaction body to irritants in early (histamine-dependent) and late cell phase. Under the influence of the substance, histamines undergo a process of release from different cells(obese, basophils, etc.). Zodak - instructions for use describe the composition of different release forms - the drug is popular, here is its composition:

Release form

Additional components

  • propylparaben;
  • acetic acid;
  • methylparaben;
  • propylene glycol;
  • banana flavoring;
  • sodium acetate;
  • glycerol 85%;
  • sodium saccharin;
  • sorbitol syrup.


  • dimethicone emulsion;
  • corn starch;
  • macrogol;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • talc;
  • povidone;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • hydroxypropyl methylcellulose.
  • propylene glycol;
  • propylparaben;
  • purified water;
  • methylparaben;
  • acetic acid;
  • glycerol 85%;
  • sodium saccharin;
  • sodium acetate.

Release form

Zodak is produced in 3 different types drug: tablets, drops, syrup. Zodak drops or syrup form are more suitable for children. The latter option has a banana smell and taste, which makes its intake pleasant and healthy. Adults can choose Zodak tablets, which are more practical: a person, knowing in advance that he may be exposed to an irritant, can take the medicine in any environment. Below is a table of release forms and their features:

Zodak - indications for use

The drug is effective against seasonal allergies, in the treatment of diseases with established diagnosis, including manifestations of allergic reactions. The drug is taken at the first symptoms associated with the body's response to irritants of various origins. The doctor prescribes Zodak for symptomatic therapy, for diseases such as conjunctivitis, year-round rhinitis allergic nature. List of symptoms and diseases that Zodak helps with:

  • urticaria, normal or with fever (chronic idiopathic urticaria);
  • swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • chronic or seasonal allergies;
  • sneezing;
  • allergy to flowering plants (hay fever);
  • cough;
  • itchy dermatoses allergic origin;
  • Quincke's edema.

For children

Children over 6 years of age are allowed to take antiallergic drugs in the form of tablets. Taking such a remedy as Zodak is strictly prohibited for children under one year of age. Information about the prohibition for newborns is indicated as a contraindication to the medication. If there is an urgent need to take a drug with a similar effect, the doctor prescribes the child an analogue with a similar active ingredient, which is approved for children under one year of age. A child after one year can take drops or syrup in the dosages indicated in the instructions or prescribed by a doctor.

For adults

At allergic symptoms an allergist can prescribe Zodak for adults. The convenient form of the drug in the form of tablets does not cause discomfort throughout the day. You can take 1 tablet with a glass of water anywhere, this will help get rid of food or other allergies. Adult patients should remember that the drug should not be combined with alcoholic drinks. Zodak does not work after drinking alcohol.

Is Zodak possible during pregnancy?

Zodak should not be taken during pregnancy; the drug is prohibited during lactation and pregnancy. The antiallergic drug Zodak is an antihistamine, and in the first trimester, taking any drugs with a substance that suppresses the effect of free histamine is prohibited. After the onset of the second trimester in severe cases the doctor may prescribe Zodak. The danger of taking medication is that any antihistamines negatively affect the fetus.

How does Zodak work?

Histamine is a biogenic substance that is involved in the development of reactions to allergens. Active ingredient suppresses the release of histamine due to its blocking properties nerve endings(H1 receptors). The Zodak is most effective on initial stage interactions with the allergen. The medicine reduces the permeability of capillaries (small blood vessels), which protects against the development of bronchospasm. Doctors advise taking Zodak for allergies in advance, at the first suspicion of penetration of an irritant.

Zodak drops - instructions for use for children

A children's allergist or pediatrician can reliably determine the cause of the child's body's hypersensitivity in response to irritants. The specialist prescribes the medicine in the form of drops in a convenient bottle, which will prevent children from spilling the medicine. One bottle contains 10 mg of the active substance - cetirizine, under the influence of which the allergy chains are blocked and the symptoms disappear. Zodak's instructions for use state that the medication should be dissolved in water (5 ml) and drunk. The product has the following effects:

  • antiexudative;
  • decongestant;
  • antipruritic.

How long can a child take Zodak?

The instructions for use say how many days children can take Zodak. From general recommendations It can be emphasized that you should take the medicine at the same time every day, trying not to miss a dose. The duration depends on the form of release and concomitant disease. The instructions for use of the medicine contain a table in which you can find out the course of treatment. Therapy can last from 5 to 7 days, in some cases up to a year, with breaks between doses.

How to take Zodak drops for children

You can take the product regardless of meals. The required dose of the drug is dissolved in water. Zodak is not used for newborns. Parents facing allergic reactions children after one year are interested in the question of how many drops of Zodak to give to a child: a doctor can answer this. After reading the information about Zodak drops - instructions for use are available - you can find out that the correct dose and time of taking the drug depends on the age of the child:

  1. From 1 to 2 years: 5 drops twice a day (2.5 mg each).
  2. From 2 to 6 years: 10 drops 1 time (5 mg each) or 5 drops 2 times (2.5 mg each).
  3. From 6 to 12 years: 20 drops per 24 hours (10 mg each) or 10 drops (5 mg each) twice.
  4. Over 12 years: 20 drops (10 mg each), evening.

Zodak - instructions for use for adults

Eating does not affect the absorption of the drug into the body. If the instructions for use say that the product is taken once a day, then it is better to evening hours. When taking the drug twice a day, it is consumed at 9 am and 9 pm, at equal intervals. The medicine in tablet form should not be crushed, but should be drunk with plenty of water. If a dose is missed, it cannot be combined with a new one. The instructions for use of Zodak state that patients with impaired renal and liver function should take a reduced amount.

How to take Zodak for adults

The three forms of the medicine must be taken differently due to the fact that the concentration of the substance in the tablets, syrup or drops is not the same. After administration, the drug begins to act after 20 minutes. After 60 minutes, the highest effect occurs; 0.3% cetirizine is bound to blood proteins. The Zodak's annotation states that the duration healing properties lasts 24 hours. Due to these features of the drug, when taking it, you must refrain from driving a car and doing things that require concentration. The instructions for use indicate the following dosage of Zodak for adults:

  • tablets: 1 dose, 1 tablet. (10 mg/day);
  • drops: 1 dose of 20 drops (10 mg);
  • syrup: 1 dose, 2 measuring spoons.

Side effects

Zodak - instructions for use states that in case of overdose there is a development side effects– in most cases well tolerated by patients. Rare side effects are observed, but they are transient. If any of the following signs of overdose occur, you should rinse your stomach, take activated charcoal, and carry out symptomatic therapy. Instructions for use indicate the following side effects of Zodak:


The shelf life of an open bottle is two weeks. The drug is used exclusively under the supervision of a physician and with great caution for chronic renal failure of moderate to severe severity. Dosage adjustment is required depending on creatinine clearance. If the patient is elderly, then when taking it, a decrease in glomerular filtration. In addition to pregnancy and breastfeeding, there are other Zodak contraindications:

  • sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • drops cannot be used for infants, syrup for up to 2 years, and tablets for up to 6 years;
  • alcohol intake (lack of compatibility);
  • taking drugs with a depressant effect on the central nervous system.
  • non-allergic cough;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • serious illnesses liver.

Zodak price

Before buying the drug, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe the dosage according to the instructions. How much does Zodak cost? The price depends on the manufacturer and place of purchase in Moscow or St. Petersburg. Can be purchased at pharmacy kiosk or order from an online pharmacy with delivery at a reduced cost. Table approximate prices for an antihistamine against allergies:

Analogues of Zodak

Substitutes for any drug are divided into 2 types: absolute and relative. The first ones are those that contain cetirizine dihydrochloride. When looking for Zodak analogues, you should pay attention to the content (dose) active component. Be sure to read the instructions for use. The same components in ointments and tablets do not mean an identical method of use. Relative substitutes are similar to this medicine in their mechanism of action. Absolute analogues include the following drug names:

  • Letizen;
  • Zyrtec;
  • Parpazin;
  • Cetrin;
  • Allertek;
  • Zintset;
  • Alerza.

Among the relative and cheap analogues are:

  • Nasonex;
  • Tavegil;
  • Avamis;
  • Suprastin;
  • Vibrocil;
  • Galazolin;
  • Nazivin;
  • Tizin.
