Pomorin toothpaste reviews. Toothpaste "Pomorin": composition, photos, reviews

Toothpaste Pomorin has been familiar to many of us since the times of the Soviet Union, as it was considered one of the most popular and available funds for quality dental care.

It had a special salty taste, thanks to the Pomorie alkali included in the composition. At that time, the products cost mere pennies, but not everyone knew about healing properties composition.

For the first time, the well-known Bulgarian brand Pomorin was officially introduced to the market in 1954. The manufacturing company Alen Mak Bulgaria was founded back in 1892.

The company's developers spent the entire period of its existence working on scientific research, which made it possible to obtain quality products for oral care based on Pomorie alkali.

Biologists, chemists, and pharmacists worked on this product. Research and production were supervised by Professor Stransky.

Before great success they paved a long way, which was based on various studies and experiments of salts and minerals of Lake Pomorie.

1954 was the time of the opening of Pomorin toothpaste, but the Bulgarian company continues to work on expanding the line and improving the quality of oral care products.

Composition and action

Lake Pomorie brine is the main active and unique component. This natural element contains more than 35 minerals, which include:

  • Biostimulants;
  • Enzymes;
  • Enzymes;
  • Chlorophyll;
  • Algae extracts;
  • Vitamins;
  • Micro and macroelements.

This component is mined only in the depths of the lake. In order to extract brine, a special technology is used, which allows you to preserve all the benefits of natural elements.

Due to the fact that the isthmus between the Black Sea and this body of water is too narrow, the chemical component of the lake is as close as possible to the composition waters of the Dead seas.

The properties of the components are of high value:

  1. Relieves inflammation of mucous membranes;
  2. Reduce bleeding gums;
  3. Accelerate the regeneration of periodontal tissues;
  4. Tones gum tissue;
  5. Reduces the activity and proliferation of bacteria in oral cavity;
  6. Reduce the accumulation of tartar;
  7. Freshen your breath.

Clinically proven that long-term use will help to strengthen not only your teeth, but also your gums for a long time. The main thing is to choose the right type of paste, because they clearly differ from each other in composition and concentration of salts and minerals.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing the type of product, it is better to seek help from a dentist, who will determine possible problems and ways to solve them.

Popular types

For wider use of Pomorin, the manufacturer decided to release three different types product.

Each paste differs in its properties, due to which the consumer can choose a product in accordance with the characteristics of the oral cavity.


This line is considered preventive, as it does not contain fluoride. Its action is aimed at comprehensively improving the condition of gums and teeth.

The products are used in for preventive purposes, and in the treatment of small inflammatory processes.

It also helps reduce the sensitivity of enamel, which is additional protection for teeth and perfectly freshens breath for a long period.

As for the composition, 50% of it is made up of lake minerals. Medicinal properties products are aimed at the following actions:

  • Normalization of saliva functions;
  • Reduction of dental plaque;
  • Reducing the number of bacteria that provokes the development of caries;
  • Fighting gum swelling.

Pomorin Classic should be used at least 2 times a day. Required condition– brushing your teeth after eating. Fluoride-free composition is safe, since for many people this component has a destructive effect on the condition of the enamel.

The cost of one tube averages 160 rubles per 100 g. The cost may vary, since the paste is transported to many countries around the world. Cheaper options can be found in online stores in the CIS countries.

Maximum Protection

This type is presented for deeper and higher-quality care when hypersensitivity elements of the dentition.

This option is often positioned as a means for remineralizing enamel. In other words, this means that the composition is able to restore the damaged protective layer.

Maximum Protection is a good choice for those people who have microcracks in the enamel and also suffer strong sensitivity teeth.

The composition contains less brine – 36%. This concentration allows:

  1. Restore acid-base balance.
  2. Reduce the proliferation and activity of bacteria that contribute to the development of caries.
  3. Increase gum elasticity.
  4. Reduce sensitivity.
  5. Reduce bleeding.

The manufacturer does not set restrictions on the frequency of use; the only condition is that the use of the paste by children is not recommended.

The official website of the company offers to purchase this option for 340 rubles 100 g.

Anti periodontal disease

Pomorin Anti-Parodontosis is a specially developed composition that is able to resist the development of periodontal disease and periodontitis.

These diseases have a destructive effect not only on the gums, but also on the inert organs of the jaw rows. If treatment for oral diseases is not started in time, you may be left without teeth completely.

This product is aimed specifically at preventing and treating gum disease, as it has the following properties:

  1. Resists the formation of tartar.
  2. Increases the function of saliva in protecting gums.
  3. Strengthens gum blood vessels.
  4. Reduces their ability to damage.
  5. Inhibits cariogenic microflora.

During the treatment period, it is advisable to use the composition after each meal. As a preventive measure, it is enough to apply twice a day.

All properties of the product have been proven, as it has undergone multiple clinical studies. The composition includes only 10% brine from Lake Pomorie, therefore it carefully strengthens the gums.

The cost on the company’s official website also does not exceed 350 rubles per 100 g.


If many people want to find an analogue of Pomorin products, then they obviously will not succeed. The whole secret is that only this mouth contains real Pomorie lye.

The composition of other products may also be rich in minerals, but they will not contain the original brine from this lake.

Parodontax and Forest Balsam are often offered as a replacement. To understand their properties, it is necessary to compare their main active components.


The only common element of Parodontax and Pomorin pastes is the salty taste that the product receives due to the use of salts and minerals.

This is where the coincidences end, because Parodontax contains most elements plant origin. The emphasis in the composition is on extracts of various plants:

  • sage and chamomile;
  • mint and echinacea;
  • myrrh and ratania.

Does not contain glycols or parabens, which contribute to additional foaminess, so Parodontax practically does not foam.

The product has characteristic color– red-pink. This color is due to the presence of minerals with this shade.

Basic properties:

  1. Reduces soreness of gums and teeth;
  2. Fights the active proliferation of bacteria;
  3. Prevents the appearance of plaque;
  4. Reduces bleeding gums;
  5. Freshens breath.

Experts note that fluoride paste is not suitable for children and patients with hypersensitive teeth.

Forest balm

This brand is represented on the market with a wide range of plant-based products.

Pastes that are intended to treat gum inflammation, help reduce bleeding, increase tissue elasticity, reduce swelling and pain.

Products for reducing tooth sensitivity must contain oak bark extract, aloe vera and rosehip extract with calendula. The properties of this paste include the following:

  • gentle plaque removal;
  • suppression of bacterial activity;
  • acceleration of wound healing;
  • relieving pain.

The mild abrasiveness of the composition does not affect the enamel, but at the same time it effectively removes tartar. If cleaning is not carried out on time, there is a high probability that tartar can provoke the development of more complex inflammatory processes in the gums.




Pomorin toothpaste was created in 1954 by a scientific team of dentists, chemists, biologists and pharmacists led by prof. Stranski. Pomorin® contains brine from Lake Pomorie (Pomorie lye) - a natural product containing more than 35 useful minerals:

P and others, as well

Micro algae extracts


Biostimulants and chlorophyll.

Pomorie liquor is obtained using a special technology from the depths of Lake Pomorie (a lagoon located on the peninsula of the same name, 25 km north of Burgas and 2 km from the Black Sea city of Pomorie). The isthmus between the lake and the Black Sea is very narrow, and chemical composition The lake is close to the composition of the Dead Sea. That is why the extracted lye is considered an environmentally friendly product.

Pomorin® Anti-Parodontosis – toothpaste for daily use has a classic salty taste. Contains 10% brine from Lake Pomorie (Pomorie lye solution). Renders therapeutic effect for gingivitis and periodontal inflammation. Enhances natural protective functions saliva and reduces acidity in the oral cavity, strengthens the walls of gum blood vessels, reduces their swelling and stops bleeding.

Toothpaste without fluoride

Special conditions

Precautionary measures:

Keep away from children! Do not swallow!


toothpaste for daily use, strengthens the walls of gum blood vessels, reduces swelling and stops bleeding.

All people want to achieve beauty snow-white smile. True, not all methods and means are better suited for this.

You can often hear flattering reviews from the older generation about products sold in their youth. They are confident in the quality and effectiveness of USSR-era products. Fortunately, some products of that time continue to be sold in our time.

And one of these products is Pomorin - toothpaste.

About the manufacturer and its products

Back in 1954, the Pomorin brand was born, the production of which was opened by the Bulgarian company AlenMak Bulgaria. Main specialization – prophylactic agents for oral health.

From the first day of its existence, the company's employees have worked to create high-quality products, using new tools, recipes and technologies. The result of such efforts was the appearance of Pomorin toothpaste.

For its production, components are used that have a therapeutic and preventive effect. The main active substance of the entire series of pastes is Pomorie lye. It is extracted from a mud lake located in the city of Pomorie on Black Sea coast. Thanks to the name of the city, the name of the toothpaste itself appeared.

This substance is a real storehouse of microelements. Lye contains 35 elements that are beneficial for human body. The lye also contains large group mineral complexes And organic matter, including chlorophyll and various enzymes. That is why Bulgarian manufacturers chose this element as the basis for creating an effective toothpaste.

Here are just some of the medicinal properties of Pomorie lye:

  • due to the stimulating effect, salivary enzymes begin to actively work;
  • healing of gum tissue occurs at a rapid pace;
  • are activated immune mechanisms oral cavity;
  • This substance is characterized by an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • has antibacterial properties.

Eloquent reviews from consumers (you can study some of them below) who were lucky enough to use Pomorin toothpaste for personal hygiene confirm its effectiveness. In application, this paste is no different from the others. It is intended to be used twice daily.

Range of products

Pomorin is represented on the market by a series of products that includes three tooth cleansing pastes, each of which contains the miraculous Pomorian lye:

  1. Classic. It has a preventive effect, leads to healthier teeth, improves the condition of the gums, eliminates gum disease, and gives fresh breath.
  2. Maximum Protection. Provides high-quality care, has antibacterial properties, activates.
  3. Anti-Parodontosis. Prevents, activates the protective functions of the oral cavity, strengthens vascular walls, gets rid of .

Each of the presented pastes undergoes the necessary testing in laboratory conditions before being released for sale. Thus, it becomes clear how effective and safe it is to use. With such studies, it became clear that daily use of pastes in this series reduces gum soreness, bleeding, and destroys cariogenic microflora.

All of these pastes can be used daily. It's not enough large quantity means for active action of all components to the oral cavity.

All means can differ from each other only in quantity active substance, clinical purpose and cost.

Classic - the classic approach, it is the truest

This product consists of 50% Pomorie lye. Accordingly, when cleansing, the teeth will be exposed to a large number of microelements, and the gums will be enriched with vitamins.

Substances such as enzymes, biostimulants and algae extracts lead to gentle cleansing enamel, while teeth are nourished with microelements from the inside.

Pomorin Classic paste can be used twice a day. It is characterized by a slightly salty taste, which is caused by the presence of a large amount of active substance in it.

Conducted studies have proven its 100% effectiveness. The number of pathogenic bacteria, which contributes to less education . After use, fresh breath appears in the mouth, which lasts throughout the day.

If you use the paste for hypersensitivity, it will noticeably decrease and soon disappear altogether.

The cost of this product is small; you can buy it for only 80 rubles.

My mother told me about this pasta. She remembered how nice it was to brush her teeth. Only we couldn’t find it anywhere, not in any store, and not so long ago I was lucky enough to see it in one of the online stores.

Without hesitation, I placed an order, five tubes at once. As soon as the paste arrived, I started using it. Despite its salty taste, brushing your teeth is still pleasant, especially since the feeling of cleanliness remains all day. Here you will definitely believe that the products used to be of high quality, not like they are now.

Alina, 20

Maximum Protection - maximum protection for the whole day

Using this tool you can solve several problems at once:

  • eliminate;
  • restore enamel.

This paste is especially necessary for people with problems such as damaged enamel. The product has a gentle effect on the gums, eliminating their soreness and sensitivity. Pomorie lye solution normalizes blood circulation. Many people use this paste to prevent diseases of the oral cavity and teeth, and dentists prescribe it as a medicine.

Due to its properties and richer composition, the price of this paste is noticeably different from the previous version. The cost of the product is approximately 350 rubles.

I've heard more than once about miraculous properties Pomorin pasta. I always wondered how effective it is, because so much positive stuff has been written about it.

But then I found out that it has not been sold in Russia for many years. I had to turn to the Internet, where I found it. I chose this particular paste because I have had problems with enamel since childhood. I've been using it for about six months and my problems have mostly gone away. So I am now a lifelong fan and loyal customer of this paste.

Anton, 35

Anti-Parodontosis - we fight against periodontal diseases

From the name it is immediately clear that this paste has a narrow specialized area - treatment. Experts often prescribe it as an adjuvant treatment to their patients.

Also, the use of this paste prevents the formation.

Application of Pomorin Anti Parodontosis paste:

  • stops the development of pathological processes;
  • enriches the oral cavity with useful elements;
  • improves blood circulation in the gums;
  • strengthens vascular walls;
  • stimulates cellular metabolism;
  • gets rid of ;
  • ensures long life.

The paste will provide adequate protection against periodontal disease. Daily use will restore freshness to your breath.

The cost of the product is in the range of 320-370 rubles.

I have been using this paste for many, many years. True, for some period I had to part with it, since after the collapse of our great country it was simply impossible to find it anywhere.

Then my daughter got married and moved to Bulgaria, from where she began sending me letters regularly. Now you can buy Pomorin online, but I don’t have such a need.

Marina Pavlovna, 51

He who seeks will find

Most older people are very familiar with Pomorin paste. There is probably not a single person of that time who did not use it. It was sold in every hardware store in the USSR and was never on the list of scarce products. To this day, its salty taste evokes childhood associations among many older people.

Currently Pomorin is on Russian market not supplied. Therefore, the only way to buy a “piece of childhood” is to order pasta through online sites. And if you are lucky enough to visit Bulgaria or Ukraine, where this brand is officially represented, you can purchase it yourself.

The use of a particular toothpaste may cause consumers different emotions. Some people enjoy it, others absolutely dislike it.

But everyone should try the legendary remedy and experience its unusual salty taste. Bulgarian paste has been in demand for more than 60 years and has proven its effectiveness many times over.

A beautiful white-toothed smile is an indicator of a person’s health and beauty. For this reason, many are ready to visit expensive dental clinics and endure various not always painless procedures. However, dentists claim that to maintain dental health, it is enough to only monitor oral hygiene, namely, use the right remedy for cleaning. Toothpaste "Pomorin" received very good feedback dentists and consumers in our country and abroad. We will tell you about it today.

What is "Pomorin"?

Those who were born and raised in the Soviet Union are very familiar with Pomorin toothpaste. The manufacturer from Bulgaria actively collaborated with our country, and oral products under the Pomorin brand could always be found on store shelves.

This brand has existed since the fifties of the last century, it was developed by the Bulgarian company "Alen Mark", which produces various products on oral hygiene care since the late nineteenth century. Interestingly, Pomorin toothpaste was the result of many years of development and long clinical trials. Therefore, after its release on the market, it gained incredible popularity. It came to the Soviet Union as part of an economic cooperation program and immediately became very popular. This was partly due to the lack of choice among such products, but the healing effect of the paste should not be overlooked. Even in those distant times, Pomorin toothpaste received mostly positive reviews. After all, it is an unusual product, as it contains a unique component, which we will now talk about.

Composition of the Bulgarian brand product

As we have already clarified, Pomorin toothpaste has a unique composition. The active ingredient in the product is Pomorie lye. It is extracted from the mud at the bottom of the lake, which in many respects is superior to the famous mud of the Dead Sea.

Pomorie lye can be divided into two groups of components:

  • microelements;
  • organic components.

The first group is quite broad; lye contains more than thirty-five minerals that have a beneficial effect on human health. We can say that this includes the entire periodic table: calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, magnesium and the like.

Organic components are substances extracted from algae (including various enzymes and chlorophyll).

The mud of Lake Pomorie cannot be replaced by anything, which is why the toothpaste is so unique. Consumers have always responded enthusiastically about its healing effect. But what results does the manufacturer promise from using this product? We will be happy to tell you about it.

The healing effect of the paste

According to the company, Pomorin toothpaste has a stimulating effect on the fermentation of saliva, which in turn heals the gums and the entire oral cavity. At the same time, the product activates immune system and has an antibacterial effect. Therefore, it is recommended to people who suffer from frequent inflammatory processes of the gums. This strengthens teeth and reduces the frequency of visits to the dentist to zero.

The manufacturer also promises that Pomorin toothpaste will regular use removes plaque, keeps enamel white and prevents gum disease from developing. Many consumers are captivated by the described results of using this product, so they give preference to this brand when choosing an oral care product for themselves and their loved ones.

Contraindications to the use of toothpaste

To date, no contraindications to the use of the product have been identified. The only exception is individual intolerance active ingredients means, namely Pomorie lye.

Classification of toothpaste

In the Soviet Union, only one toothpaste, “Pomorin,” was widely known, the packaging photo of which is familiar to almost every person from those times. But few people know that in fact the line of this brand has three products that differ slightly from each other:

  • classic toothpaste;
  • remedy for people with sensitive teeth;
  • toothpaste "Pomorin" anti-periodontal disease (100 ml).

Each product deserves a separate description.

Classic "Pomorin"

This product is a preventive product and was the first to be marketed. It was with him that the Pomorin brand began, which is still very popular among consumers. Half of the paste consists of Pomorie lye, it freshens breath, heals gums and teeth. In addition, the composition does not contain fluoride, which is very important for many people.

On the packaging, the manufacturer indicates that the product promotes:

  • protection against plaque;
  • reducing gum swelling;
  • reducing bleeding gums;
  • reducing hypersensitivity of gums and tooth enamel.

Also, classic "Pomorin" prevents the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity, which can later cause caries.

Maximum protection: "Pomorin" for sensitive teeth

Dentists say that sensitive teeth have small cracks in the enamel. Over time, they will increase, which will worsen the condition of the teeth and gums. Toothpaste "Pomorin" gives the effect of mineralization of enamel. It contains about thirty-six percent Pomeranian lye.

Protection against periodontal disease

This toothpaste is a specialized one. It is designed to protect teeth from periodontitis and periodontal disease. It also effectively removes tartar and reduces bleeding gums. This product contains about ten percent Pomorie lye.

The manufacturer claims that in addition to the already stated effect, the product strengthens the walls blood vessels, and also stimulates and normalizes metabolic processes in the oral cavity.

Where can you buy Pomorin toothpaste?

Once upon a time, the coveted tube could be found in every store in the Soviet Union, but now Russians have problems with it. serious problems. After all, Bulgaria no longer supplies Pomorin to our country. Therefore, if you are a supporter of this brand or want to test from your own experience how effective the product is, then you will have to be smart and resourceful.

Judging by consumer reviews, toothpaste can be freely purchased online on the manufacturer’s official website. Various Internet sites focused on supplying foreign goods to Russia are also involved in the sale of Pomorin. average price a tube of one hundred milliliters is about four dollars. Usually, on such sites, delivery is not too burdensome for the wallet, so if you want to improve your teeth without special expenses, then purchase this remedy. Does Pomorin toothpaste have an analogue among modern goods Oral care? Let's try to find out.

What modern toothpaste replaces "Pomorin"?

If you are looking for an analogue of "Pomorin", then we hasten to disappoint you - you will not find a similar composition anywhere. As we already wrote, this product contains unique lake mud, and they are used only in Alain Mark toothpaste. Therefore, you can only get the full therapeutic effect from this product; you should not skimp on your health and try different formulations.

But if you do not have serious indications for using Pomorin and you are just looking for a toothpaste with big amount natural ingredients composition, you can select several options available for sale in the Russian Federation.

Showed themselves well following products for oral care:

  • "Parodontax" toothpaste;
  • Toothpaste "Forest Balm".

They also perfectly strengthen gums, preserve enamel and prevent gum bleeding.

Toothpastes containing various salts have a very beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the gums, help improve blood circulation, and to a certain extent enhance metabolism, since salt helps dissolve mucus and prevents the formation of soft plaque. The high concentration of salts in pastes causes an increased outflow of tissue fluid from the inflamed gums and even has some analgesic effect (Bossard, 1955; Nemitz, 1956; D. Stranski et al., 1956 a, b; Marymont, Zaleski, 1962; Stawinski et al. , 1964; Yu. A. Fedorov, V. V. Volodkina, 1966, 1968; T. Burkov, 1969; D. Stranski, S. Bachev, 1969; , 1970).

Such pastes include the domestic toothpaste “Balzam” (Nikolaev), which includes healing brine, famous for its medicinal properties Kuyalnitsky estuary. The paste contains a rich complex of microelements that have positive influence on soft fabrics and the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, is quite pleasant to the taste. Paste recipe (in%): Na-CMC - 1.0-1.2; chalk - 44.0-45.0; lake brine - 38.0; water - 1.7; glycerin - 10.0; alizarin oil - 1.5; fragrance - 0.8. The paste contains carbonates, sulfates, chlorides, sodium salts, calcium salts, etc.

Perennial clinical observations confirm the good therapeutic and prophylactic effect of this paste (V.V. Volodkina et al., 1965; Yu.A. Fedorov, V.V. Volodkina, 1966, 1968; Yu.A. Fedorov, 1970; T.I. Sapogovskaya et al. co-authors, 1971; E. V. Udovitskaya, 1971).

Toothpaste "Meri" (Bulgaria) is made on the basis of concentrates mineral waters"Meritshleri" and "Slanotran". These mineral springs contain sulfates, sodium, bicarbonates, fluorides, metasilicic acid, chlorides, iodine and others mineral components. In addition, the paste formulation includes calcium carbonate, titanium dioxide, antiseptic and fragrant oils. The salts contained in the paste are in an ionic state and therefore increase the reactivity of the soft periodontal tissues, increase salivation, and promote better cleaning of the oral cavity. According to a number of authors, Mary paste has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect and can be used in a complex of therapeutic and preventive measures (Yu. A. Fedorov, V. V. Volodkina, 1968; T. Burkov, 1969; Yu. A. Fedorov , 1970; T. I. Sapogovskaya et al., 1971).

Salt pastes also include “Pomorin”, which contains brine from the Pomorie estuaries and, according to D. Stransky et al. (1956 a, b), D. Saransky (1967), Yu. A. Fedorov, V. V. Volodkina (1968), D. Stransky, S. Bachev (1968) and some other researchers, with a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-caries effect. However, opinions about the effect of this paste differ. Thus, clinical observations (Yu. A. Fedorov et al., 1966, 1967; Yu. A. Fedorov, 1970 a, b) showed that it contributes to the development of dentin hyperesthesia, its use is accompanied by the manifestation of unexpected allergic reactions from the oral mucosa (severe hyperemia, bleeding) and even leads to the development of erosions in the neck of the teeth (E. V. Udovitskaya, 1971).

Taste and foaming properties salt pastes are different, but they are all slightly salty and have a good cleansing effect.