What does itching of the anus mean? Itching in the anus in women: causes

A symptom such as itching in the anus is an unpleasant condition that irritates the human nervous system. This symptom does not allow you to concentrate on doing any work, causes a lot of inconvenience and ultimately leads to negative consequences.

We'll try to figure it out:

  • what causes itching in the anus;
  • how to get rid of this condition;
  • as evidenced by the butt in the anus;
  • in what cases should you consult a doctor?

This material is for informational purposes only. Self-treatment of itching in the anus, based on the proposed data, is not recommended


Most often, itching in the anus has very prosaic causes. Among the most likely factors that can cause this condition are:

  • hemorrhoids, including internal ones;
  • rectal fissures;
  • rectal polyps;
  • helminthic infestation with pinworms.

Often the cause of itching in the anus is intestinal dysbiosis. Disruption of the microflora leads to

That the acid-base balance in the rectum is disturbed. This leads to irritation of the mucous membrane and causes a burning sensation in the anus. But the first thing that needs to be ruled out when this unpleasant phenomenon appears is worms.

A distinctive symptom that worms cause severe itching in a person in the anus is the appearance of symptoms at night and in the evening. It is at this time of day that pinworms crawl out of the anus in order to lay eggs in the folds of the external opening of the rectum. Subsequently, as the pinworm eggs emerge, the backside can appear at any time of the day.

For diagnosis, it is enough to take tests immediately after the itching appears, scraping for worm eggs. To do this, you need to contact an infectious disease specialist.

Treatment and prevention

Constant itching in the anus requires treatment to begin immediately. If with helminthic infestation the itching is periodic, then with more serious pathologies this phenomenon can be permanent.

The most common causes of itching are internal and external hemorrhoids and rectal fissures. These diseases are a constant threat to your health. The fact is that even a slight itching in the anus indicates that there is a constant process of epithelization and healing. Consequently, you have wounds and wound surfaces in the rectal area. This can cause both extensive bleeding and blood poisoning.

If you are concerned about constant itching in the anus, treatment should begin with a visit to a proctologist. This specialist will conduct a series of examinations and rule out the presence of hemorrhoids and anal fissures. He will also be able to see the presence of polyps, which can subsequently cause the development of colorectal cancer.

After examination by a proctologist, you can receive a referral to an infectious disease specialist and gastroenterologist. There you will be given an accurate diagnosis and prescribed appropriate and correct treatment for itching in the anus.

Burning and itching

Symptoms such as itching and burning in the anus can only be caused by exacerbation of hemorrhoids and the appearance of rectal fissures. In exceptional cases, this is due to a violation of the diet. In particular,

If you like spicy food seasoned with chili pepper, then the itching and burning sensation in your anus may be due to the irritating effect of food debris that is formed in the feces. In this case, itching and burning appears after defecation and persists for no more than two hours.

If you are concerned about constant itching and burning in the anus, you should urgently consult a proctologist. Only a specialist can give you an accurate diagnosis.

What does itching in the anus mean?

Constant and periodic, severe and not very itching in the anus can tell a lot about your diet, your lifestyle and your habits. But, first of all, itching in the anus indicates that:

  • you have a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane in the rectum and anus;
  • you have a tendency to form hemorrhoids;
  • you have stagnation of blood in the pelvis;
  • you have a violation of the intestinal microflora;
  • You probably have a helminthic infestation with pinworms (enterobiasis).

At the first appearance of itching in the anus, seek medical help. Especially if it concerns your child. In children, itching in the anus causes not only somatic, but also mental illnesses. As recent studies by British scientists show, it is helminthic infestation and constant itching in the anus in childhood that leads to a person having problems with gender and sexual orientation in adulthood.

In children, itching in the anus also negatively affects school performance, perseverance and ability to concentrate.

Treatment with ointment

In order to effectively treat itching in the anus, the ointment should be selected taking into account the specific disease that causes this symptom. If your itching in the anus is caused by a helminthic infestation, then the most effective remedy is careful personal hygiene. After each bowel movement, you should thoroughly rinse the anus with warm water and baby soap and treat it with glycerin. All underwear should be thoroughly washed in hot water and laundry soap and ironed with a hot iron. This will eliminate the possibility of re-infection. But, first of all, in this case, enterobiasis should be treated. Such drugs as decaris and pyrantel are quite effective.

If itching in the anus is caused by hemorrhoids and fissures, an ointment can be recommended such as:

  • heparin ointment;
  • relief ointment for hemorrhoids;
  • Troxevasin gel.

Menovazin perfectly relieves itching and burning in the anus. This drug also relieves pain and relieves irritation from external hemorrhoids.

Itching in the anal canal has different etiologies. It can be primary or secondary.

Primary itching is considered an independent disease, i.e., when diagnosing a patient, it is not possible to identify the exact cause of this phenomenon. Secondary itching is always caused by certain factors, i.e. it is a symptom of various diseases.

Causes of itching

The root causes of this phenomenon in men and women lie in the following ailments:

The most common causes that can cause itching in the anus are the following:

In some cases, the cause of itching in the anus is the use of antibiotics, especially erythromycin and tetracycline drugs.

Anal itching sometimes accompanies chronic intoxication (drug addiction, alcoholism) and mental illness (pathomimia, neuroses, psychoses, dermatozoal absurdity, etc.).

Itching around the anus can be caused by excessive consumption of certain foods and drinks (spicy foods, spices, citrus fruits, vitamin C, beer, wine, coffee, tea, cola, etc.).

Itching in the anal area can be caused by:

  1. Allergic reactions to hygiene products.
  2. Lack of hygiene.
  3. Increased dryness or moisture of the skin.
  4. Using hard toilet paper.
  5. Rubbing the anal area with a hard washcloth.
  6. Use of certain medications.
  7. Improper hair removal.
  8. Spicy food.

Despite the large number of causes of anal itching, this symptom is a sign of a malfunction in the body. Under no circumstances should you ignore anal itching or refuse treatment. The sooner the cause of discomfort is identified, the more effective the treatment of the underlying disease.

Video - 3 causes of itching

There are two forms of irritation: primary and secondary form.

  1. The causes of the primary manifestation of itching often cannot be determined. This pathological disorder has an unknown ethology and appears inside the organ in the absence of external disorders.
  2. With a secondary form of irritation in the anus, enterobiasis, hemorrhoids, perianal dermatitis, dysbacteriosis, anal fissures, fungal infections, and diabetes are diagnosed.

For unexplained reasons, the primary form of the disease affects more often men.

To prescribe an effective treatment for itching in the anus, it is necessary to determine the cause that caused the discomfort. If we consider idiopathic itching, then it appears without prior causes and is considered an independent pathology.

But in most cases, itching in the anus is a symptom of some disease. In any case, the problem cannot be left without your attention.

It is necessary to determine why the problem appeared, what is its cause, depending on this, the specialist will determine how to treat the patient.

If we consider the reasons that most often precede the appearance of a problem, it is worth highlighting:

Finding out exactly why it itches in the anus is possible only after a thorough diagnosis. If severe itching occurs in the anus, the reasons for this phenomenon may be different.

Rectal diseases

This is the main reason why there is itching and pain around the anus. If this area itches in adults, and nothing else bothers you, then the reasons for this phenomenon in an adult are most likely associated with the appearance of warts and genital warts.

In this case, a small seal appears in the anal area. But if the itching is also accompanied by pain and the periodic appearance of blood, then we can talk about fissures in the anus, anorectal fistulas, as well as polyps in the rectum, which are benign formations.

If not only pain and bleeding appear, but also a feeling of heaviness in the anal area, a burning sensation, this may indicate that the causes of itching in the anus in women and men are associated with hemorrhoids - internal or external.

With hemorrhoids in women and men, symptoms can appear periodically - during an exacerbation. It should be noted that very often hemorrhoids develop in women during pregnancy due to natural changes in the body.

During this period, women may experience pain in the rectum at night and other unpleasant symptoms that should be reported to the doctor.

Parents who are interested in whether children have hemorrhoids should know that this disease is extremely rare in children. However, this disease still sometimes develops in connection with gastrointestinal dysfunction, very frequent constipation, and damage to the venous system.

In adults, the most dangerous problem leading to the appearance of such symptoms is proctosigmoiditis in a chronic form, as well as malignant tumors.

Types of helminthiasis pathogens in adults

Classifying the causes and symptoms of this delicate problem is necessary to prescribe the correct course of treatment. Doctors distinguish between primary and secondary itching:

Pinworms are small (up to 12 mm), white worms that cause enterobiasis. They crawl out in the evening and at night into the perianal space to lay eggs, which leads to severe itching.

Enterobiasis in children is a typical case. Children, especially children over 2 years of age, with their habit of putting all objects in their mouths, often become infected with it.

If the baby has become whiny and nervous, sleeps poorly, cannot sit quietly in one place, scratches his butt in the anal area, there is a very high probability that he has been infected.

Causes of the symptom

Itching can manifest itself in different ways and have several degrees of severity. With very severe discomfort, patients note a painful, unpleasant sensation, leading to irritation of the anus. Very severe cases may manifest as swelling and hardening of the skin around the anus.

Some patients suffer for years, suffer from severe itching, but do not decide to visit a doctor. In such people, the skin of the perineum is irritated and cracks may be present.

A visual examination reveals redness of the peri-anal area, traces of scratching, and scratches. When palpating the irritated area, severe pain is noted.

Important! Chronic itching is less pronounced, but it is constant. This form is characterized by a change in the thickness of the skin, which makes it easily injured. Chronic pathology occurs cyclically.

Patients with this pathology are prone to frequent depression and neurasthenia. Their performance decreases and their sleep is disturbed.

Only a doctor can tell you how to get rid of itching in the anus after conducting the necessary tests and studies. Therefore, it is important to visit specialists:

  • gynecologist;
  • proctologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • dermatologist.

Before using any product (ointment, tablets, etc.), to determine the cause of such symptoms, you need to undergo the following examinations:

  • examination of the skin by a gynecologist, proctologist, dermatologist;
  • carrying out tests (determination of glucose in the blood, general examination and biochemical blood test);
  • examination of stool for dysbacteriosis and worm eggs;
  • anoscopy or colonoscopy.

If the patient complains exclusively of itching in the anal area, the doctor will establish some features of the manifestation of this symptom. It is important to establish the type of itching and whether this symptom is primary or secondary. You also need to determine what form of itching occurs - wet or dry.

If symptoms of itching are associated with bowel movements

Sometimes this indicates weak function of the anal sphincter - this happens in patients with hemorrhoids, with injuries received after childbirth and surgical interventions, in case of rectal prolapse, during anal sexual intercourse, and with nervous diseases in children.

Due to dietary needs

Sometimes itching occurs after consuming spicy, salty, or alcoholic foods. Such symptoms indicate the development of proctosigmoiditis.

Due to harmful external influences

Harmful chemical influences and radiation can lead to such manifestations. If a person’s work is related to the chemical industry, or the workplace is always a lot of dust, dirt, or the air temperature is constantly high, then this can negatively affect the condition of the skin and perineum.

As a result, heaviness, itching, and pain in men and women in the anus are noted.

Due to the presence of animals in the house

The consequence of this may be infection with worms, which provokes discomfort and makes you worry about why the anal itches. hole.


Treatment of itching in the rectum will not bring results unless its etiology is determined. Various symptomatic remedies, gels, ointments, suppositories will only temporarily help eliminate it. If you don’t find out which disease the itching is a symptom of, there is no doubt that it will return. What to do?

If you are itching in the anus, you should first visit a proctologist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests that will help determine the cause of the unpleasant symptom.

Diagnostics used for perianal itching include:

  1. Visual inspection of the affected area.
  2. Laboratory tests (urine, feces, including occult blood).
  3. Instrumental research.

If the proctologist cannot determine why the itching in the anus, he will refer the patient for additional diagnostics to a gynecologist, urologist, allergist, infectious disease specialist, dermatologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist.

Treatment tactics depend on what caused the itching. If it is called:

Treatment of itching in the anal canal begins with diagnosis. Having discovered unpleasant symptoms, the patient should immediately consult a doctor.

The specialist will conduct a visual examination of the perineum, collect anamnesis, and prescribe a number of tests and examinations. In addition to consulting a proctologist, you will need to visit specialists such as a dermatologist, gastroenterologist, as well as a gynecologist for women and a urologist for men.

The conclusions of these specialists will also form the basis for making a final diagnosis. To identify the cause, you will need to undergo a general blood and urine test, blood sugar test, and biochemical blood test.

Diagnosis of this disease does not cause any difficulties, since itching in the anus is the only complaint of patients. However, determining the type of itching, its form (wet or dry), and determining the cause in the case of secondary itching is not such an easy task.

If you are concerned about itching in the anus, treatment for the disease should begin with a visit to the proctologist. For correct diagnosis, the specialist draws up a card of complaints, in which he enters the following data: when the itching appeared, whether it depends on the time of day, whether there is a burning sensation, tingling or painful sensations during bowel movements.

During a visual examination, the doctor assesses the condition of the skin of the anus, its color, the presence of cracks and bleeding places. After this, several tests are prescribed - a stool test for the presence of worms, a test for occult blood, and an examination for the presence of hemorrhoids.

After examination by a proctologist, the patient may receive a referral to a gastroenterologist or infectious disease specialist. These specialists will be able to determine an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment for itching in the anus.

A diagnostic examination is carried out based on the patient’s complaints by a proctologist. After an initial digital examination of the rectum, he prescribes a number of tests:

  • general urine test (for all causes except diabetes);
  • stool analysis to detect helminths, occult blood and dysbacteriosis;
  • clinical blood test;
  • colonoscopy if necessary.

After receiving the results, the proctologist can refer the patient to a gastroenterologist or allergist. Women may be referred to a gynecologist for further diagnosis.

Treatment of itching in the rectum will not be successful if it is not clear why it appeared. Of course, it is possible to relieve the manifestations of pathology in cases where it immediately bothers you very much using symptomatic means.

However, then the diagnosis must be clarified and the underlying disease treated, otherwise the symptoms will definitely return.

For any pathology in this area, it is necessary to begin the examination with a visit to the proctologist.

Firstly, hemorrhoids and anal fissures are one of the most common reasons why the anus itches. For hemorrhoids and anal fissures, in many cases it is possible to manage only with conservative therapy, but for this, complex treatment must be carried out as early as possible.

Secondly, the cause of anal itching can also be tumors, which must be treated immediately and radically so that the treatment can be successful.

If the proctologist was unable to find out why this area itches, or if, with already identified hemorrhoids or other pathological pathology, he suspects other concomitant diseases, he can refer the patient to a gastroenterologist, dermatovenerologist or infectious disease specialist.

Specialists in these profiles will help clarify the diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment if necessary.

However, if itching bothers a child, then it is better to immediately contact an infectious disease specialist or pediatrician immediately after its appearance and check the child for worms, since the most common cause of anal itching in a child is not hemorrhoids or an anal fissure, but worms.

Simultaneously with the examination, you should check your sugar level with the specialists listed above, and if it increases, contact an endocrinologist for further examination.

If the patient does not have an organic cause for itching, he should be further examined and treated by a neuropsychiatrist.

Treatment tactics

When the cause of this rather unpleasant feature has not yet been established, you need to follow these steps to help relieve the itching:

Stop wearing uncomfortable clothes that restrict movement or are too close to the affected area, irritating it with rough seams;

Refuse clothes made from unnatural synthetic materials;

Carry out all necessary hygiene procedures regularly. After each visit to the toilet for “big business”, use special antibacterial wet wipes or wash the perineal area with a special product. It is necessary to pay attention that the soap does not contain chemical components that irritate the skin;

If possible, wash the perianal area with cool water;

Do not take hot baths.

Specific targeted treatment for itching in the anus in men depends on the cause that provoked it. If such discomfort is caused by diseases of the internal organs, treatment will primarily be aimed at eliminating them.

For diseases of a dermatological nature, specialists prescribe local medications (creams, ointments, gels, etc.) that have a drying, anesthetic and calming effect: zinc, hydrocortisone, salicylic ointment.

Products containing novocaine, lidocaine, menthol, anesthesin can also be used to eliminate burning and annoying itching and pain.

A particularly careful approach requires a situation where itching in a man’s anus is caused by a pathology such as hemorrhoids. In this case, therapy may consist of the use of various ointments and suppositories:

Relief (ointment, suppositories). A product based on shark liver oil, which has an antipruritic, healing and restorative effect;

Proctosan. An ointment that is effective for advanced stages of hemorrhoids, relieving itching in the anus in men and women;

Hepatrombin G (rectal suppositories or ointment). A product that has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves itching and heals anal fissures;

Aurobin. An ointment that contains, among other components, lidocaine, which eliminates pain, burning and itching upon first application.

Proctologists also prescribe ointments such as Detralex, Bezornil, Ultraproct, etc., which have similar analgesic, antipruritic, healing effects

Such drugs are prescribed only by the attending physician. Only a specialist can decide which remedy is suitable for the patient in each specific case.

Physiotherapy procedures, as well as traditional medicine methods, are now widely used in proctology. But hemorrhoids may not respond to treatment with ointments or other local remedies, and require, for example, surgical intervention.

For this, firstly, the following drugs can be prescribed for the treatment of enterobiasis: Albendazole, Vormil, Vermox, Dekaris, Nemozol, Metronidazole, Pirantel, etc.

Therefore, before you start expelling worms, you should read the instructions for this drug or consult a specialist (gastroenterologist).

Secondly, in addition to taking the described remedies, treatment of helminthiasis also consists of careful personal hygiene (for example, washing the anus after each act of defecation with a solution of laundry or baby soap, treating the perianal area with glycerin).

And, of course, the treatment of itching in the anus in men consists of eliminating the causes that provoked this unpleasant symptom:

If you are obese, you need to lose weight;

If there are sexually transmitted diseases, destroy their causative agents;

If you have mental disorders, contact a psychiatrist or psychologist;

When consuming foods that can negatively affect the rectum (its mucous membrane), limit them in your diet.

Often the drugs complement traditional medicine recipes. Their use must be agreed with a specialist, as many components may be incompatible with medications.

To treat irritation in the perineum, traditional methods use baths of decoctions of medicinal herbs, taking infusions and decoctions of these herbs internally, applying healing compresses and lotions to the perineum, and making medicinal ointments.

Therapeutic sitz baths

For the procedure, warm water (37° C) is used, to which decoctions of medicinal herbs are added. Baths with the addition of a decoction of oak bark, chamomile, calendula, and birch buds are good for relieving itching.

It is better to take water procedures before bed, their duration is no more than half an hour. Baths with colloidal oatmeal perfectly relieve irritation and soothe inflamed skin.

To achieve the best results, procedures should be performed daily for a week.


An herbal mixture of chamomile, walnut leaves and burdock roots is very effective in solving this problem. All ingredients should be taken in equal proportions, then one tablespoon of the mixture is poured into 200 ml of hot water and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes.

The finished broth is filtered, cooled and taken 100 ml three times a day.

If the cause of anal itching is poor personal hygiene, no special treatment is required. All you need to do is carry out daily thorough hygiene procedures - and in the near future the itching will disappear.

To accurately determine the treatment method, it is necessary to establish the true cause of the itching.

To stop the anus from itching, special ointments are prescribed. This can be heparin ointment, which relieves inflammation and eliminates itching, and relieves pain. They may prescribe suppositories, gel or relief ointment, which have excellent healing and antipruritic effects.

Read more about Heparin ointment in the article “Heparin ointment for hemorrhoids - is it worth using?”

Troxevasin, proctosan, and celestoderm have an antipruritic effect. These ointments perfectly relieve itching of the skin and have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

In addition to medications, to treat the pathology, you should adjust your diet and monitor hygiene.

To find out how to get rid of a delicate problem, you need to consult a doctor who can determine the existing problem. Local remedies are necessary; they will temporarily reduce symptoms, but it is equally important to treat the real cause of the disease.

In some cases, it is necessary to undergo appropriate physical procedures. Remember that only a specialist can determine whether there is a problem.

Simultaneously with examination or pathogenetic treatment, if the diagnosis has already been established, treatment should be carried out with local agents, eliminating the increased sensitivity of receptors, and inflammatory phenomena should be treated, for which anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

Diet and appropriate physical therapy are also necessary.

In order to properly treat irritation around the anus in an adult or a child, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the reasons why it pricks, pulls, burns or itches in this area.

Any symptoms of disease of the rectum and anus should be adequately assessed by a doctor and the diagnosis confirmed by conducting research and finding out whether there really are diseases of the rectum.

It is important to carry out a course of treatment aimed at eliminating the causes of discomfort in the anal area. Consequently, treatment is carried out for sexually transmitted diseases, helminthic infestations, candidiasis, dysbacteriosis, etc.

If the doctor has determined the presence of fissures, hemorrhoids, papillitis, proctosigmoiditis, rectal prolapse, complex therapy is practiced.

In some cases, tests do not reveal the cause of pain in the anus. The causes in women and men in this case may be associated with the latent course of proctosigmoiditis.

In this case, your doctor will tell you how to remove such symptoms. The use of ointments and microenemas with collargol is practiced.

It is also important to adjust your diet.

If itching and burning after defecation are associated with psychosis and neuritis, sedative medications should be taken.

If itching is associated with allergic manifestations, relief will come from taking antihistamines.

If after treatment of an established disease you are periodically bothered by mild itching, tickling, or pulsation, you can use Gemo-Pro rectal suppositories, which contain propolis, for the purpose of prevention.

A specialist can also suggest other methods of prevention. In any case, it is important not to hesitate to contact a specialist, because in fact, a delicate problem can be a sign of serious ailments.

Folk remedies for itching

There are many proven folk remedies that eliminate itching of the genitals and around the anus. But they will not replace the main treatment prescribed by a specialist, but will only complement it and speed up recovery.

If discomfort is caused by lack of hygiene, treatment with medications will not be necessary; careful hygiene procedures after each bowel movement will eliminate the problem very quickly. To do this, use antibacterial wet wipes rather than regular toilet paper.

Review your diet, take the path of reasonable weight loss, and start doing fitness. Remove synthetic briefs and thongs from your wardrobe.

If these measures do not help, then you cannot avoid drug therapy. In such cases, doctors will prescribe external corticosteroid ointments, salicylic or zinc, possibly hydrocortisone, aqueous-alcohol solutions with anesthesin or novocaine.

If a fungal infection is detected, antifungal ointments are prescribed: Clotrimazole, Triderm, Posterizan, Onabet.

Hemorrhoids require a more serious approach to treatment, treatment methods for which, depending on the type and condition, are prescribed by a proctologist. and in advanced cases, surgery cannot be avoided.

For helminthic infestations, anthelmintics are used: Pirantel, Vormil, Vermox, Dekaris, etc.

First aid and hygiene supplies

To relieve itching in the anus quickly, take 3% hydrogen peroxide, moisten a cotton swab generously with it and rub the skin around the anus in a circular motion.

The burning sensation of hemorrhoids can be soothed by rubbing and applying a compress with Menovazin liquid.

For pinworms in a baby, make a micro-enema: add the juice of one clove of garlic to 50 ml of warm boiled milk, hold for 10-15 minutes, holding the baby’s buttocks. Afterwards, wash the skin around the anus with baby soap, rinse and dry with a clean soft cloth.

Lather the skin with simple laundry soap, hold for 5 minutes and rinse with running water. dry the skin. Do not wear underwear at night.

Rectal suppositories

At home, rectal suppositories made from natural folk remedies will help relieve itching of the anus.

You can use folk remedies to treat itching.

Preventing itching

Prevention of itching in the anus and perineum are quite simple and accessible measures:

Healthy lifestyle;

Regular hygiene procedures;

Restriction in the diet of spicy, salty, alcohol, chocolate;

Timely examination of the body by specialists and treatment of chronic diseases;

Washing hands before eating;

Limiting promiscuity.

If the described symptom is present, the prognosis in 95% of cases is favorable. Unpleasant and annoying itching goes away very quickly if a person takes his health seriously and seeks qualified medical help in a timely manner.

Many people mistakenly believe that this problem does not promise anything serious and will soon resolve itself. But, unfortunately, often neglected pathology can lead to the development of even more serious and severe diseases: eczema, ulcerative process, bleeding and infection.

Such problems interfere with normal life: a person cannot sleep peacefully, work, or perform everyday tasks.

To avoid such a not entirely joyful future, contact a proctologist in time, who will help eliminate the cause of this unpleasant symptom.

Don't let itchy anus ruin your quality of life!

In order to protect yourself from itching in the anus, you need to follow simple recommendations:

Is it itchy in the anal area? There can be many reasons - hemorrhoids, worms, diabetes... Itching of the skin in the anus is a common phenomenon and can bother a person for a long time. How to determine the cause of anal itching and get rid of it?

When a person is sick and experiences some unpleasant sensations, he often complains about his condition to others. So we often say that we have a headache, a stomach ache or pressure in the heart area. At the same time, we are confident that we will be understood and sympathized with. But there are diseases whose symptoms you are unlikely to complain about out loud at work or in the company of friends. For example, you probably won't want to voice that you're worried about itching in your anus. But the “inconvenience” of this problem does not mean that it should be ignored. Itching in the area is a fairly common problem that can bother you for a long time. In order for the itching to disappear, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence and take appropriate measures.

Itching is unpleasant and debilitating

Itching may occur directly in the anus, or the entire perineum may itch. The itching can be mild and short-lived, or it can be severe and unbearable. Burning, swelling of the skin, excessive moisture in the irritated area, thickening of the skin or, conversely, its peeling are also possible.

Do not be shy and endure these unpleasant and often exhausting sensations. To find out the causes of this disorder, you need to contact a proctologist.

Why might there be itching in the anus?

The causes of itching in the anus are many and very diverse. Such itching can be a symptom of some disease or an independent disease. Based on this, itching in the anal area is divided into primary or idiopathic anal itching and secondary.

Idiopathic anal itching occurs without any obvious reasons and is considered an independent disease.

Secondary itching in the anal area caused by certain reasons. Their list includes:

  • hemorrhoids, anal fissures
  • tumor in the rectal area
  • diabetes mellitus
  • liver diseases
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular colitis
  • sexually transmitted diseases: chlamydia, trichomoniasis
  • the use of antibiotics and the resulting dysbiosis
  • dermatitis due to the use of ointments and suppositories, soaps, powders, shampoos
  • worms
  • fungal infections
  • allergic reaction to food or alcohol

Other reasons can also lead to itching, for example, excessively careful hygiene, allergic reactions of various kinds, and stress. The most common causes of itching in the anus are hemorrhoids, worms and fungal diseases.

Determining the cause is the key to success in the fight against itching

To get rid of itching in the anal area, you need to find its root cause and treat it. To do this, you need to see a doctor and conduct a series of studies.

As a rule, you must submit:

  • blood sugar test
  • feces on worm eggs
  • analysis for the presence of dysbacteriosis
  • do

Other studies may be needed to clarify the diagnosis.

What does the treatment consist of?

After establishing the causes of itching, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment. Typically treatment includes:

    Prescription of medications aimed at treating the underlying disease

    The use of topical medications aimed at eliminating itching


In some cases, even surgery may be necessary.

But there are a number of measures that need to be taken first. They are relevant for any cause of itching and will help relieve your condition.

The first thing to do if you have itching in the anus

    Get rid of uncomfortable clothing that presses and is too tight to the affected area.

    Do not wear clothes made of synthetic materials.

    Change the personal care product you are using; it may contain some substances that irritate your skin.

    Avoid hot baths.

    Do daily rinsing with cool water.

Diet against itching

Those who suffer from itching in the anus are advised to exclude from the diet:

  • smoked

  • alcohol


You must also ensure that your food contains enough vitamins and fiber.

A “minor” problem can become serious

Many people suffering from itching in the anus are embarrassed by the inconvenience and seeming frivolity of the problem. And the person puts off going to the doctor in the hope that everything will go away on its own. But if the problem is neglected, it can lead to eczema, bleeding and ulcers. In addition, constant itching interferes with normal sleep, causes irritability and spoils the mood. Chronic itching in the anal area is a constant feeling of discomfort and tension.

Do not hesitate to consult a doctor, do not start the problem and do not let it worsen the quality of your life!

Itching in the anus is an extremely unpleasant symptom that can seriously worsen a person’s quality of life. Despite this, many people are in no hurry to consult doctors with their delicate problem.

The disease can be independent in nature and be the result of a specific illness. In any case, if there is a stinging sensation in the anus, you need to be urgently examined and undergo a course of treatment.

It is important to find out why the anus is constantly itching in order to eliminate the unpleasant symptom from life. There can be many factors causing this phenomenon, which complicates the diagnosis:

Hemorrhoids are one of the causes of itching in the anus

Antibiotic therapy is often to blame. Often unbearable itching in the anus is observed with neuroses and psychological disorders. This symptom also accompanies drug addicts and chronic alcoholics.

This phenomenon is caused by the consumption of special foods: spicy foods, spicy foods, coffee, smoked meats, sweets, etc.

Occurrence of symptoms in pregnant women

During pregnancy, itching in the anus is considered normal in some cases. In this case, the burning sensation in the rectum is shooting in nature. It could be the body's specific response to hormonal changes.

But if the problem is gaining momentum and appears regularly, then you should not delay visiting the doctor. Expectant mothers need to take care of their health twice as much as they did before. Under no circumstances should such a symptom be tolerated.

Let's look at the reasons why itching in the anus in women in the following position:

  1. . The disease is accompanied by the formation of a fistula, which ruptures. At the first complaints, you should definitely consult a doctor.
  2. It is worth noting that pregnant women often suffer from this disease. In this case, itching and blood in the anus may occur.
  3. With rectal fissures, discomfort is felt during bowel movements.
  4. Adnexitis is accompanied by shooting pain, itching and burning, and problems with urination.
  5. Neuralgia. Sometimes the culprit is rectal neuralgia. This diagnosis is established in the absence of all possible internal diseases.
  6. Cryptitis is manifested by redness of the anus, tingling, women complain that there is a kind of stinging in the anus.

An anal fissure may cause a burning sensation in the anus

There are many reasons why the anus itches during pregnancy.

The risk group includes people suffering from gastrointestinal pathologies, neglecting the principles of personal hygiene, abusing alcohol, and leading a sedentary lifestyle.

Psychological disorders

A symptom such as itching in the anus, may also occur in neurotic disorders.

Often, pain in the anus in men and women makes itself felt after serious emotional upheavals and stress. Moreover, depressive states undermine the immune system and lead to the development of various pathologies.

Panic and neuroses, fear of bacteria and the desire to always be in a clean environment lead to a person constantly taking a shower and disinfecting the skin, which violates its protective layer.

As a result, bacteria and pathogens multiply. After abuse of chemicals, dryness in the anus and skin is observed. At the same time redness and itching occurs around the anus, which causes pain.

Diagnoses such as neurodermatitis and exudative diathesis are risk factors for the possibility of developing the described symptom.

Determination and treatment measures

Before treating itching in the anus, you need to diagnose this problem. As soon as unpleasant signs arise, you should immediately go to a medical facility. During the examination, the pelvic area will be examined and an anamnesis of the disease will be collected. The doctor will definitely prescribe a list of necessary tests.

To determine the cause and treatment of itching around the anus in men and women, the following studies are needed:

  1. General blood test.
  2. Urinalysis.
  3. Determination of blood sugar.
  4. Biochemistry of blood.
  5. Coprogram.
  6. Examination of stool for helminth eggs.
  7. Ultrasound of the rectum.

To determine the cause of itching in the anus, it is necessary to examine the stool for helminth eggs.

A person also needs to be ready to radically change his life. If he sits a lot, then it could be the culprit.

The presence of any pathologies in the chronic stage, allergic manifestations, and dermatitis must be taken into account.

If the cause is related to these ailments, then treatment of itching in the anus will be symptomatic. The root cause must be eliminated by a specialist. After receiving all test results, appropriate therapy is prescribed.

Therapeutic tactics

How to get rid of itching in the anus? It all depends on the reason that led to such a process. If it arose as a result of diabetes mellitus or gastrointestinal disease, then an endocrinologist or gastroenterologist takes responsibility for treatment.

If the sphincter itches due to skin pathologies, the patient will be prescribed special ointments for itching in the anus. These products provide a drying effect and fight the infection that caused the irritation.

When identifying sexually transmitted diseases, you must undergo a course of treatment with special antiviral drugs. If allergies are to blame, then antihistamines are selected and the pathogen is eliminated.

As for mental pathologies, one cannot do without the help of a psychotherapist. Sedatives and drugs to strengthen the immune system are prescribed

You should not continue your usual diet. It should be radically changed, eliminating everything hot, spicy, salty, smoked, as well as sweets.

It is worth adding physical activity: walking, cycling, running, etc. Patients diagnosed with hemorrhoids are indicated for special therapeutic exercises.

Unconventional methods

Sitz baths for hemorrhoids

How to get rid of itching in the anus at home? To begin with, it is worth saying that such actions Be sure to discuss this with your doctor, and if approved, they could be an adjunct to primary therapy. Many pharmaceutical drugs are simply incompatible with natural products.

It is worth finding out why it itches in the anus, and then dealing with the cause of the problem. Baths based on herbal infusions are widely used, as well as their internal use.

Add a decoction of oak bark, chamomile and other plants to warm water. You need to sit in such a bath for no longer than 30 minutes. Procedures must be done regularly.

Compresses with cool water and lotions with periwinkle decoction provide improvement. Take one spoonful of foliage and pour boiling water over it, then strain and make lotions.

Prevention measures

We discussed the causes and treatment of burning and itching in the anus in men and women.

Only a doctor can give the correct diagnosis and treatment

But it is wiser to prevent this problem so that you never encounter it in life:

  1. After defecation, it is recommended to rinse the anus with cool water.
  2. Do not use products with fragrances or chemicals.
  3. Do not wipe the perineum after emptying, but blot with a personal towel.
  4. It is recommended to treat the skin with Vaseline after the procedure.
  5. You should avoid products with irritating effects.
  6. You should adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle.
  7. You need to move more, walk, exercise.


Strict adherence to basic hygiene principles and systematic examination by a doctor for the purpose of prevention will help avoid the development of an unpleasant symptom. If you still have a problem, do not delay visiting a specialist.

Itching around the anus is a very delicate problem that is not usually discussed out loud. Most often, when such symptoms occur, a person is in no hurry to consult a doctor, as he is embarrassed to talk about his illness. He tries in every possible way to get rid of the violations on his own, sometimes resorting to the most extraordinary methods. In most cases, this practice has negative results and leads to an exacerbation of the disease and the appearance of its complications. But banal itching around the anus can indicate serious diseases of the rectum and even oncology in the initial stages. In this regard, there is no need to ignore such symptoms, that is, immediately seek help from doctors.

You can learn more about itching around the anus in men and women, the causes and treatment of the pathological condition, by studying the materials presented in the article.

Possible causes of itching near the anus

Depending on the reasons for the development of itching near the anus, this pathological symptom will manifest itself in different ways, and differ in duration, intensity, time of occurrence, etc. Accordingly, doctors distinguish two main types of itching sensations:

  • primary, which occurs without specific pathological causes;
  • secondary, in the development of which the main culprit is a disease already existing in the body of a sick person.

So, it is secondary itching near the anus that is dangerous to human health. It may be one of the first signals about the development of severe pathological conditions in the human body, accompanied by dysfunction of internal organs and the formation of persistent changes in their normal structure. Only a qualified specialist can determine why a patient itches near the anus after a thorough diagnosis and examination.

As a rule, most often pathological itching near the anus appears with enlarged hemorrhoids. Such unpleasant sensations are often preceded by a strong burning sensation and the appearance of bloody discharge at the end of a bowel movement. Why does the skin itch with hemorrhoids? This happens for several reasons:

  • due to increased sensitivity of the skin and mucous membranes to irritating factors;
  • as a symptom of the inflammatory process, which is associated with the prolapse of hemorrhoids;
  • as a result of the interaction of irritated tissues and mucus secreted from the posterior opening.

Anal fissure

When cracks form in the anus, patients often complain that they are itching near the anus. Although this is not the most important symptom of the disease. Itching in the anal area can occur in the later stages of the development of the problem, and at first people note severe pain that accompanies every trip to the toilet.


Diabetes mellitus

During hyperglycemia, glucose is released through the pores on the human skin, which causes local irritation and itching. Also, the development of an unpleasant symptom in the anal area is facilitated by the addition of an infection with the formation of inflammation.

Pathological conditions of the liver

With liver diseases, certain enzymes enter the bloodstream, which cause symptoms of intoxication and severe generalized itching. Therefore, with pathologies of this class, not only certain areas itch, but also.

Skin ailments

Itching in the anus can occur with some skin pathologies, namely: dermatitis, allergic reactions, skin mycoses, and the like. Due to the fact that for effective treatment it is necessary to establish the exact cause of the disease, if itching with redness occurs, you should definitely visit a dermatologist.

Mental illness

It has been proven that when the psycho-emotional background is disrupted, the sensitivity of a sick person changes, and the parasympathetic nervous system is activated. Such processes cause the development of itching near the anus in women and representatives of the stronger sex, which is eliminated only after taking sedatives.


Itching and redness around the anus is one of the common manifestations of a person’s sudden weight gain. As a result of what is happening in the patient, the area of ​​skin surfaces that come into contact with each other increases, creating suitable conditions for the appearance of diaper rash. In turn, this gives rise to the development of itchy skin around the anus and itching sensations directly inside it.

Allergic reactions

Allergy is a pathological condition that is accompanied by itching. It often appears as a result of skin contact with potential allergens, in particular, synthetic fabrics from which underwear and bed linen are made, lubricants, and intimate toys.

Intestinal dysbiosis

As you know, dysbacteriosis often causes diarrhea and constipation, which causes itching around the anus.

To find out the true reasons why itching near the anus in adults and children, you will need to undergo a number of studies, including:

  • general blood test;
  • general urinalysis;
  • blood test for sugar levels;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • analysis of feces for the presence of traces of helminth activity in it;
  • examination of stool for the presence of dysbacteriosis.

Anoscopy and colonoscopy will help doctors clarify the final diagnosis. A proctologist can suspect that a patient has hemorrhoids or anal fissure while examining the site of the lesion and identifying the main objective symptoms of the disease. It is important to remember that only a competent diagnosis of the pathological condition will allow us to establish its causes and prescribe adequate treatment.

Highlights of modern treatment

Treatment for irritation and itching around the anus depends solely on the causes of its occurrence. The decision on the choice of treatment tactics for a pathological condition should be made exclusively by the attending physician after a detailed examination and evaluation of the results of additional examination.