Rituals on the day of a lunar eclipse. Nine Knot Money Ritual

The first eclipse of August 2017 is approaching. It will occur on August 7th. The days around the eclipse are very important, they set life program 18.5 years ahead. Therefore, it is best to spend this time in the most favorable way, perform rituals during a lunar eclipse in order to include the most important and positive events. Events occurring a week before the eclipse are completely karmic, because... they cannot be planned and have no control over themselves. During the eclipse comes important information, to which we previously did not attach any importance. Based on this, everything important decisions should be taken in the week after the eclipse. During eclipses, all events are fatal in nature and have a great impact. All events that occur during eclipses are not accidental. During eclipses, great temptations come to people, which have a direct impact on the future, fate and happy life. During eclipses, qualities such as greed and ambition intensify. At this time, to purify your destiny, you need to give, help people, show charity and kindness.

During lunar eclipse those deeds, plans and desires that will be started at this time will appear during the next lunar eclipse and determine the next life stage. This can be a time of important choices and life-changing decisions.

A lunar eclipse shows, illuminates with the light of heavenly bodies those important questions and problems that require an urgent and balanced deep solution, which are already in crisis. Therefore, during a lunar eclipse, everything can change quickly and dramatically. A lunar eclipse reveals information that may have remained secret and closed for a long time, and such information instantly spreads throughout society. During a lunar eclipse, there is a chance to find what you have been looking for for a long time - information, a person or yourself.

The lunar eclipse gives impetus to the development of long-term projects and tasks. You should beware of high emotional intensity, so it is not recommended to make decisions or enter into conflicts - what is destroyed during the eclipse can hardly be restored.

Lunar eclipses deal with completion, change, transformation, and total lunar eclipses bring with them circumstances for important and long overdue shifts in personal life and in society as a whole. During lunar eclipses, you need to part with the unnecessary and inconvenient- bad habit, uncomfortable behavior pattern, destructive relationships, debts. A lunar eclipse brings with it the opportunity to leave bad habits and remove destructive programs from the subconscious.

Lunar eclipses affect the mind and especially emotions, disturbing peace of mind. Remember this and do not undertake important matters on this day, do not make fateful decisions, because mistakes are not excluded. Rash decisions may seem like the only right ones at a certain moment, but will come back to haunt you later. It is wiser to step back and not act hastily. Eclipse is good time For internal work, reflections. A lunar eclipse is a particularly powerful full moon, so you can perform full moon rituals on this day.

The period of lunar eclipses itself - the week before the eclipse and the week after - is characterized by significant emotional stress, because this luminary affects feelings, emotions, psyche, intuition and the subconscious.
During the eclipse period, which is 2 weeks around the point of the event itself, a person becomes the most emotionally sensitive, unstable in his inner experiences, feelings, fears and worries. At that time fine tuning deep internal programs of psychology and behavior are activated on your psyche and the unconscious part of your “I”. And also the impact and result of any external influence, as well as self-hypnosis and self-programming.

At these moments of lunar eclipses, a person receives from nature the opportunity to get rid of something unnecessary that breaks life and psyche, bad qualities of character, bad habits, to reprogram himself and his destructive sides of character and ways of interacting with the outside world to others, positive emotions and reactions.

To do this, you need to make a little effort: think and understand what you want to remove from your life - events, people, emotions, habits, psychological attitudes, programs and stereotypes of behavior and thinking.

What to do during a lunar eclipse
. Analyze and detachedly, from the outside, observe your thoughts and actions, as well as the situations around you at this time.

Determine the aspects of your life that are in a weak state and that you want to activate and illuminate with happiness. Analyze what prevents these aspects of life from being present in your life and fully manifesting. Perhaps the reason for this is in some quality of your character, in behavior, beliefs, reactions that prevent you from having what you want, from being the way you see yourself in happiness. You may not be able to get married, start a family, forgive loved one, to gain real freedom and independence in life and judgment, you don’t know how to earn, receive and have money, or you can’t force yourself to start training, dieting, studying.

Write down on paper all these reasons and your program settings for them.

Replace your statements with their opposites and write them on a nice piece of paper.

Repeat your positive verbal programs every day, morning and evening. And also after the eclipse. Until you feel changes in consciousness, and until you feel that you fully accept these attitudes and use them in relation to yourself.

Practices during a lunar eclipse

To neutralize the destructive effects of eclipses, cleansing procedures are necessary. The best are fasting and prayer. Should be adhered to vegetarian diet. Daily ablutions are required, preferably with any cleansing prayer.

Zero days before an eclipse are the time of completing affairs and summing up, spiritual and physical cleansing person before joining New Year. These days are good to devote to internal introspection, revision life values and rethinking, repentance, using any technique - from confession in church to internal recapitulation of one’s life.

During the zero days, you should pray for all deceased relatives.

It is important to accept this time as an opportunity for internal transformation, the purpose of which is to cleanse the negative karma of the past. At this time, a program is laid out for the entire coming year, and it largely depends on the internal choices that everyone can make to create their future.

Considering that at this time the emotional background is heightened and the mind is clouded, people are more receptive and vulnerable, so special care is required. Increased physical activity is not recommended.

What not to do directly on the day of the eclipse:
- you can’t go outside and, especially, not look at the eclipse;
- you cannot eat food three hours before the eclipse;

What to do on the day of the eclipse

Perform ablution before and after the eclipse;
- meditate or pray.

Remember not to look directly at the Moon during an eclipse, as this may lead to increased negative impact eclipses.

A lunar eclipse is a particularly powerful full moon when everything magical actions are intensified many times over. This is a really good time for magic, when you can perform rituals for love, money and wish fulfillment.

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.

Find a place on outdoors or by the window where you can sit with a clear view of the moon. Before the eclipse begins, greet the Moon with words, rhythms, or song. Then sit comfortably and meditatively observe the changes in the Moon and around you throughout the Lunar Eclipse. Focus your attention on this process. When the Eclipse ends, stand and give thanks to the Moon. If sky conditions are such that the Lunar Eclipse is not visible, watch the eclipse on a website that broadcasts it online.

2. Liberation and renewal

Before the eclipse, remember what you want to get rid of in your life. Write it down on paper. When the Eclipse begins, light a fire in a cauldron, hearth, or fire (or at least light a candle). Burn your record (what you want to get rid of). Watch the fire and the eclipse and feel yourself freeing. In the middle of the eclipse, shift your focus to clearing and resetting. Add some aromatic, cleansing herbs such as Rosemary or Sage to the fire. Focus on cleansing. As the eclipse comes to an end, focus on the light Full Moon flowing upon and within you, renewing and energizing you to complete your transformation.

3. Cleansing and Energy

Before the Eclipse, gather ritual tools and or other sacred objects that you are trying to cleanse, bless and place on your altar. Also create tools from the five Elements of Nature salt or other symbol for earth, incense or sandalwood for air, candles in a candle holder for Fire, cup of water for water, quartz crystal for Spirit. When the Eclipse begins, cleanse each item with Earth and then touch or pass each item over the water to cleanse. Cleanse each item with Burning Incense Air, then pass each item behind or near a lit candle to the Fire. When the Eclipse is over, take the crystal and activate it with the power of the Full Moon Light and touch each item to activate and bless it with Spirit. Home blessings can also be done during the eclipse with cleansing during the eclipse.

4. Creativity

Before the eclipse begins, find a place to observe where you can move, make sounds, and be calm. Create a sacred circle for creative awakening. Call upon the Moon to guide you in your Creative work. Have a notebook and pencil ready to jot down any inspiring thoughts that come your way during this time. When the eclipse begins, focus on the process as a creative transformation. Gaze at the Moon. Close your eyes and connect with the potentials and possibilities within you. Produce free singing, speaking, movement or rhythm. Write it down in your notebook. Let the creative forces flow within you. Experience yourself as a creation radiating creative power around you. Thank the moon. Pay attention to the dreams and ideas that may arise from this work.

You have already entered the Eclipse Corridor on a very deep note and are now in the flow of powerful fateful energies of connection with your Family and the interweaving of connections created in it over a period of much more years than you might currently imagine.

That's why…

  • Don't frantically clean your apartments before this Eclipse, taking out an old rug and a couple of broken cups, hoping that this will clear your space and free it up for new energies.
  • This is best done on a full moon in Virgo. And even better - regularly.
  • Don't put yours main goal During this Eclipse, get rid of bad habits and, for example, quit smoking or stop eating at night. For this would be better suited full moon in Capricorn.
  • Do not look for or perform Rituals for letting go of your former loved ones. You will do this during the full moon in Scorpio. The energies of this sign are ideal for such a task.

I now see a lot of articles on the Internet where these tips are repeated over and over again. Well, another piece of advice: take a shower, save peace of mind, numerous rituals and the like.

Don't get hung up on the little things in the coming week!

Doing this is like standing in front of a dam, which is increasingly pressed with its power by an inexorably overflowing river, and trying to adjust the strap on a swimsuit or touch up your lips, hoping that this will help you when the dam breaks.

Or stand in front of a hurricane approaching you and be glad that it will pull out exactly that bush in your garden that you never got around to.

Or watch the ocean storm and believe that if you now say a few magic phrases or move a couple of pebbles on its shore, it will subside in obedience to your will.

Using the energy of the Lunar Eclipse on July 27 for such things is the same as taking out a huge loan to buy an extremely expensive and powerful sports car, buying it and then driving it exclusively to the nearest store for bread a couple of times a week.

Please don't waste your time on trifles now!

This Lunar Eclipse is the most powerful and global in the 21st century.

Firstly, because it is the longest. And until the end of the 21st century there will simply be no one similar to him in terms of strength and capabilities.

Secondly, because it is the last in a very significant Eclipse cycle. And its inexorability and fatality is due to the fact that it will either lead to its climax and will lead to more high level complexities of karmic tasks of your kind(and, accordingly, yours), or it will beautifully and harmoniously end forever a certain karmic history of your Family, which accumulated, but could not be resolved and worked out for at least 100 years.

All generations of your ancestors over the years have repeated this theme over and over again, encountering “rake” in their Fates, living over and over again, in different scenery, different dresses, with different partners the same story.

And you continued it too. And now you can finish it!

This Lunar Eclipse is a transition point.

And it is on these days that not only your future is laid, but also new karmic tasks for your Family for about 100 years in the future.

This is about 4 generations after you - your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. You may never know or see any of them.

But whether their life will be a happy story of victories or a sad story of disappointments largely depends on you now.

Therefore, let's figure out right now what you can do these days and what you can't. So as not to indulge yourself with false illusions, but also not to miss or ignore real chances and opportunities.

You will not be able right now or within 5 minutes to accurately and independently determine which one topic in your life these days is a marker and a hint about a karmic task that can and should be completed. Because the world will give you many hints, provocations and false clues in the coming days to lead you in the wrong direction.

You will be able to discover this theme on Eclipse Day.

You can make it visible.

And give the world a Sign that you agree to let her go forever.

To give the Solar Eclipse on August 11 a chance to begin new history. At least 100 years long!

Therefore, the first thing you should do is to have several pieces of paper and a pen available in the coming days.

Don't analyze it in the next few days external situations. Don't try to understand cause and effect. Don't conflict with people and don't try to solve everything at once.

Be a member external processes formally. Let your role during the Eclipse be that of a quiet but very attentive observer.

All your attention should be directed within you. In all this external whirlwind your attention should be focused only on what feelings and emotions you are experiencing. This is the only thing that matters! Because it is they, your spontaneous, not the most pleasant, sometimes strange feelings and emotions regarding seemingly insignificant or, conversely, very significant situations of these days that will tell you what exactly can and should be completed.

Allow yourself to feel. Don't try to switch. Be deep and total in your feelings and experiences.

Nothing bad will happen if you don’t clean your apartment or prepare dinner on time these days. Even if a conflict arises, God be with him! Apologize or settle it later.

If you want to cry, cry.

If you want to laugh, laugh.

You don’t have the strength and you want to lie in a ball in complete stupor - lie down.

Anger and rage rolls in - shout at the wall or chair in the kitchen.

If you experience melancholy or sadness, allow yourself to feel it totally and do not try to switch your attention to other things.

And all this time, all these days, there should be a notebook or a sheet of paper next to you.

Your task is to track what you experience the strongest feelings and emotions about. What topics in your life have upset you emotionally these days?

There should be exactly four of these topics or situations! Don't analyze them now. Just write down on paper what they are.

It could be anything. Don't try to decide whether it's important or not. Just be open and sincere with yourself. And sensitive.

  • Because during the days of the Lunar Eclipse, your Fate and Karma will persistently try to reach you through external situations and send you clues about what exactly the red thread of your Family is going through right now, on which there are unraveled knots and the end of which you are holding in your hands right now . And these knots can really be untied!

This may seem too simple or strange to you now, but all that should be in your hands by the Day of the Lunar Eclipse on July 27 is four absolutely identical pieces of paper on each of which is written one of the four situations about which you experienced the most vivid , deep and perhaps inappropriate feelings and emotions.

That's all you need to do before the day of the Eclipse."

On the day of the Eclipse, perform a Karmic Reboot Ritual.

Eclipse time: 07/27/2018 23:20:21 GMT+3 4°44’53″Aqr Full Moon, Total Lunar Eclipse.

To perform a ritual for a Lunar Eclipse, you must:

  • small white cylindrical candle,
  • lighter
  • rug

An hour before the eclipse, it is necessary to perform the Cleansing procedure: or accept cold and hot shower 3–5 times.

Attention! This time you need to start with hot and finish cold water, either the bathroom, or thoroughly wash your hands, face and feet. Do all ablutions with the obligatory addition of salt (it is possible to mix a small amount of salt into shower gel, etc.) Then put on clean clothes in light colors (preferably white) made of natural fabrics.

Carrying out the Ritual

10 minutes before the Eclipse, light a candle and place it near you as follows: men on the right, women on the left.

10-15 minutes before the climax of the eclipse, lie with your head facing north.

Mentally look in the mirror of your Karma, think about your soul, about its qualities, about what worries you most, about your emotions, reactions, perception of the surrounding reality.

About what kind of relationships do you have with others, and most importantly, with your loved ones?

What are you offended by that is hard for you to accept?

Pay special attention to analyzing the recurring lessons of Fate. You can read notes from pieces of paper prepared in advance.

Mentally say: “That’s it, I won’t live like this anymore, I don’t want to!” I'm starting new life! I leave all my problems and shortcomings in the past.”

At the Peak of the Eclipse

Imagine a bright white luminous ball (representing the Moon), then there is a funnel in it that spins counterclockwise. Using the power of your imagination, imagine how a funnel pulls out of you into a ball everything that you want to get rid of. Give up your outdated programs and negativity that burden you with a feeling of gratitude, mentally repeating “With Gratitude I get rid of... to the joy of myself and the Universe.”

Then mentally move the filled ball to the limits of the horizon and burn it in the Flame of the Eclipse (best visualizing the Violet Flame of transformation).

Mentally create a new bright white luminous ball filled with Light and those qualities and feelings that you need. In place of painful situations, visualize their successful resolution, in place of bad habits - what you will do instead!!!

Model what you want to acquire within 10-15 minutes after the climax.

Change your attitudes and your future life. Harmonize, fill with positive rhythms.

Then mentally bring the shining ball closer to you and dissolve it in the chest area.

Feel light, filled with harmony and light.

Come out of meditation with a few deep breaths. Thank all your Invisible Helpers.

The paper that you composed at the beginning of the ritual must be burned. It is also necessary to remove the remains of the candle. Take a contrast shower again, drink a glass of clean water.

We wish everyone successful practice of liberation and real changes in Destiny!

With sincere love for you,

The question of what a lunar eclipse is, how and what it affects, and whether one should be afraid of it, occupies many people.

In astrology, the Moon is very important, because it symbolizes the soul, emotions, ability to adapt to external circumstances and your unconscious. That's why it's important to know what you should and shouldn't do during a lunar eclipse.

An eclipse is the moment when the Moon disappears into the shadow of the Earth and we cannot see it. In this case, the Earth is located on the line between the center of the Moon and the center of the Sun.

Depending on how far the Moon has gone into shadow, eclipses can be total, partial, or penumbral. The latter relate to periods when the Moon does not even go into the shadow itself, but into the area around it - penumbra.

Every year, on average, there are two lunar eclipses, with a maximum of three. However, in some years there is not a single lunar eclipse.

Periods of lunar eclipses

Lunar eclipses in 2019:

  • January 21, 2019- total lunar eclipse in the sign of Leo. Starts at 2:34:45 UT, maximum - 5:12:12 UT, ends at 7:49:37 UT.
  • July 16-17, 2019- partial lunar eclipse in the sign of Capricorn. Beginning at 18:41:45 UT on July 16, maximum - 21:30:36 UT, ending at 0:19:34 UT.

influence of lunar eclipses

Why do eclipses and, in particular, lunar eclipses receive so much attention? The fact is that the Sun and Moon are the most significant points not only in the firmament, but also in your horoscope.

A lunar eclipse raises important internal issues. In addition, eclipses always occur on the axis of the Lunar nodes, which is also called the axis of Fate.

That is why the influence of eclipses is considered deep and karmic.

Read more about the impact of lunar eclipses on your life

A lunar eclipse can symbolically mark the completion of something important in your life.

How do lunar eclipses manifest themselves?

  • What has remained hidden for months or even years is revealed. A lunar eclipse is a time when the secret becomes clear.
  • During the lunar eclipse, including a few days before and after it, you will be able to find what you were looking for for a long time. This could be a person who can help you with something, good idea or even a thing.
  • There may be changes in relationships. If an eclipse occurs at a point that coincides with a significant one in your horoscope, it becomes possible to arrange your personal life or gain freedom from outdated relationships. For example, your Moon is in the sign of Taurus, and the eclipse occurs in the sign of Taurus, therefore, this eclipse will be more significant for you than for others.
  • You should be more polite and careful, as lunar eclipses can cause open conflicts and legal proceedings.

Precisely because the Moon is in charge of important issues, and also because the eclipse is associated with karmic programs, it is important to take precautions.

Important: this will help avoid failures

There are a few typical mistakes that occur during an eclipse. For example, ignoring warnings that an eclipse is an emotionally unstable period, and at any moment a quarrel can arise literally out of nowhere.

During the period of a lunar eclipse, there may be serious mistakes and confusion in business and relationships, so you should not schedule important meetings and negotiations for this period. Also, during the eclipse period, it is better to spend less time outdoors, as it is believed that this will take away your luck.

Eight ways to avoid misfortunes during a lunar eclipse:

  1. Don't start anything new or important. Negotiations, meetings, new projects and tasks should be postponed to another period.
  2. Do not plan moves, long-term trips or trips. In general, try not to be outside for long periods of time during the eclipse.
  3. Postpone the wedding; you should not have a wedding on this day.
  4. You should not quit your job or start a new one, or discuss any significant issues with management.
  5. Don't lend money, don't take loans. There is also no need to accept or give gifts on this day, especially large ones.
  6. It's better to postpone elective surgeries, scheduled visits to the dentist.
  7. Do not enter into large financial transactions.
  8. Carefully check all documents that need to be sent or signed, there is a high probability of making a serious mistake.

During the lunar eclipse, try to postpone important matters as much as possible. It is better to focus on routine matters, your hobbies and planning.

What is favorable to do during a lunar eclipse?

Lunar eclipses have their own special character. Therefore, knowing it, you can spend this time with benefit for yourself and your future.

During a lunar eclipse it is favorable:

  • Bring long-term projects and tasks to completion. The period of a lunar eclipse can give a good “kick” to those who are accustomed to putting off everything until the last moment. In general, it is good to complete any tasks.
  • This period is very good for ending outdated relationships.
  • It is favorable to complete something unnecessary, to give up bad habits. For example, it is good to quit drinking, smoking, overeating, and unhealthy foods.
  • It's good to look for something lost, there is big chance discover it. It doesn't matter whether you were looking for a person, thing or information.
  • Complete reorganization, relocation, repairs, rearrangement of furniture.
  • Summarize, rethink your experience, complete your training.
  • Make plans for the future, prepare a list of goals and desires. For example, practice in preparation is very suitable.

Do not forget that the energy of the lunar eclipse period is conflicting, so it is better to spend this time alone.

Features of lunar eclipses in zodiac signs

The moon governs the subconscious and daily affairs, the daily behavior of every person.

A lunar eclipse provokes changes in the collective mood, which is better to anticipate and take into account during this period.

Depending on what sign the Moon is in at the time of the eclipse, the manifestations of general moods will be different.

How will the lunar eclipse affect different signs zodiac:

  • In the signs Aries and Libra Issues in the sphere of relationships, both personal and public, come to the fore. Mergers and acquisitions of companies, marriages and divorces will all be in the spotlight. When there is an eclipse in the sign of Libra, there is a high probability of court cases and legal issues arising or ending.
  • In signs Cancer and Capricorn Real estate issues and job changes become relevant, with an emphasis on family matters. There is also a high probability of topics related to elderly relatives or children.
  • In signs Taurus and Scorpio the emphasis shifts to monetary issues. The question “How to make money” will be hot; disputes about property, problems with loans, investments and mortgages may arise. Another theme of a lunar eclipse in one of these signs is birth and death, large financial gains or large losses.
  • In signs Gemini and Sagittarius On the agenda are the topics of travel and means of transportation. There may be an opportunity or need to purchase vehicle. This is a time of learning something new, exchanging information, expanding your horizons. In the negative aspect, it brings problems in all the issues listed above.
  • In signs Virgo and Pisces a lunar eclipse raises issues of focus on a specific task or people’s work, including routine homework. This period can also aggravate health issues and encourage you to see a doctor. Another one significant topic- this is the topic of bad habits and harmful behavior that can manifest itself under the influence negative aspects eclipses.

The most important thing that will help you get through the period of a lunar eclipse without loss is attentiveness and caution, especially if you yourself were born during the eclipse, or it affects important points in your horoscope. For example, a lunar eclipse in Aquarius, and you were born under the sign of Aquarius.

So, let’s summarize what you should and shouldn’t do during the Lunar Eclipse:

  • A few days before and after the start date of the eclipse, you should be more careful and careful, since the energy of the eclipse affects for a long time.
  • Check if the eclipse point coincides with significant point Your horoscope (position of the Sun, Moon, etc.). If yes, then you should be especially careful.
  • On the day and hours of the eclipse, be less outdoors, as it is believed that this can take away your luck.
  • Use recommendations on eight ways to avoid failures during a lunar eclipse, and do not start important and significant affairs, meetings and projects during this period.
  • Spend the period of the lunar eclipse engaging in tasks and activities that correspond to the energy of this period. See recommendations and list of such things above.
  • Take into account the peculiarities of collective behavior during the eclipse period, based on which zodiac sign the Moon is in at the time of the eclipse.
  • Be more attentive and careful during the lunar eclipse.

You can choose the optimal solution for your situation during a consultation; read more about that.

Have questions? Please write them in the comments to this article. I will also be grateful for your response.

With respect and good luck,

On the days of eclipses there is a lot of energy, so it is actively used in magic and rituals. The main thing during this period is to be able to cope with your emotions and tense nervous system. Energy of this kind must be directed in the right direction; for this, there are many rituals and ritual techniques that are recommended to be carried out precisely on these days. During eclipses, it is also useful to carry out meditative practices and cleansing through the elements, especially fire and water.

During a Lunar Eclipse, rituals should be performed to cleanse the house, even if you just walk through the rooms with a candle, wash the floors with salt, taking in all the corners and secluded places, the benefits will be incredible. At the same time, do not forget about our body - our temple, it also needs to be washed. Since the Moon is responsible for the female component, it is worth working through diseases that were inherited through the female line in the Family, addictions, painful emotions associated with the female branch, bad habits, negative programs.

Turning to astrology, the Moon rules the show in the second and fourth houses of the horoscope, and therefore, working with the second house, we touch on the money aspect and savings: we get rid of negative financial programs, cleanse money channels. Working with the fourth house, we touch upon aspects of our own or parental home, family and native places, traditions; accordingly, it is advisable to carry out rituals with our home, hearth, to strengthen the family, cleanse the ties between relatives.

A ritual to get rid of negative money programs.

For the ritual you need a silver coin, two wax candles, a glass of water, the cleaner the better.

During a Lunar Eclipse, light candles and place a coin in a glass of water. Wash your face with cold water according to the following scheme: face – hands – ankles. I wash my hands up to the elbow, for women - first the left and then the right, for men, on the contrary, it’s the same story with the legs. Stand with the glass facing north, bow three times and say:

Bow down again three times and drink that water, then wash yourself again with cold water according to the same scheme. Leave the candles to burn out; if this is not possible, then extinguish them without blowing them out.

During a lunar eclipse, this ritual works great.

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