The role of the modern teacher in inclusive education. Modern problems of science and education

M. Kasymov, L. Bekembetova

Taraz State Pedagogical Institute, Kazakhstan

Peculiarities professional activity teacher in inclusive education

A person’s belonging to a particular profession is manifested in the characteristics of his activities and way of thinking. The teaching profession refers to a group of professions whose subject is another person. However, the teaching profession is distinguished from a number of others, first of all, by the way of thinking of its representatives, an increased sense of duty and responsibility, and in this regard, the teaching profession stands apart, standing out in separate group. Having the formation and transformation of personality as the goal of his activity, the teacher is called upon to manage the process of her intellectual, emotional and physical development, the formation of her spiritual world. The uniqueness of the teaching profession also lies in the fact that by its nature it has a humanistic, collective and creative character. In accordance with the principles of humanization and individualization, it is necessary to take into account the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children as much as possible, to create conditions that promote the timely and full development of all children, without exception: disabled children; children with different levels of development and abilities; children belonging to other ethnic or cultural groups. This problem is solved by inclusive education, which is intensively included in the practice of modern schools, setting many complex goals and new tasks for it.

Inclusion covers deep social aspects, and, first of all, a moral, material, pedagogical environment must be created, adapted to the educational needs of any child. All needs can be provided only through close cooperation with parents, in close-knit team interaction of all participants educational process. People who are ready to change with the child and for the sake of the child, not only the “special” one, but also the most ordinary one, must work here. Inclusive education is associated with changes at the value and moral level. The changing educational paradigm, the growing integrativeness of the educational space, its openness, the need to implement various models and technologies of education are quite significantly transforming ideas about what professional and personal characteristics modern teacher should be considered truly significant and especially in the context of inclusive education.

Already at the first stages of the development of inclusive education, the problem of unpreparedness (professional, psychological and methodological) of mass school teachers to work with children with special educational needs arises; a deficiency is discovered professional competencies teachers to work in an inclusive environment, the presence of psychological barriers and professional stereotypes of teachers. General education teachers need specialized comprehensive assistance from specialists in the field correctional pedagogy, special and educational psychology, which will provide understanding and implementation of approaches to individualizing the education of children with special educational needs, primarily students with disabilities. But the most important thing that mass school teachers must learn is to work with children with different possibilities in teaching and take this diversity into account in your pedagogical approach to each.

The main psychological “barrier” is fear of the unknown, fear of harm to inclusion for other participants in the process, negative attitudes and prejudices, professional uncertainty of the teacher, reluctance to change, psychological unpreparedness to work with “special” children. This poses serious challenges not only to the psychological community in the education sector, but also to methodological services, and most importantly, to the heads of educational institutions that implement inclusive principles.

The basic psychological process that influences the effectiveness of a teacher who is involved in the inclusion of a child with developmental disabilities in the process of general education is the emotional acceptance of this child.

When working with special needs children, it is necessary to consider educational goals other than academic results. An inclusive educational community changes the role of the teacher in many ways, because it is he, in collaboration with other specialists, who must be able to activate the potential of students, involve all students in various types of communication, understand the individuality of each, promote the participation of each student in social contacts outside of school, and at the same time be in close contact with parents. This professional position of the teacher will allow him to overcome his fears and anxieties and reach a completely new level of professional excellence.


1. Towards an inclusive school: A manual for teachers. - USAID, 2007.

2. Nazarova N. Integrated (inclusive) education: genesis and problems of implementation // Social pedagogy. 2010, no. 1.

3. Loshakova I.I., Yarskaya-Smirnova E.R. Integration in conditions of differentiation: problems of inclusive education for children with disabilities. - Saratov, 2002.

Lecture (2 hours)

Assessment activities as an integral part of pedagogical and educational relations in the “teacher-student” system. The importance of studying the personality characteristics of a student with disabilities for pedagogical assessment. Social and psychological aspect of pedagogical assessment in the conditions of inclusive education.

Conditions for pedagogical assessment of learning outcomes for children with disabilities in inclusive education. The focus and content of pedagogical assessment as a factor in the effectiveness of a teacher’s activities.

The impact of pedagogical assessment on the formation of the personality of a student with disabilities and his attitude towards educational activities. Forms and methods of developing positive sustainable motivation for learning activities in children with disabilities. The predominance of qualitative analysis in pedagogical assessment, emphasizing all the positive aspects and progress in mastering educational material. Identifying the causes of existing shortcomings, forming relationships that stimulate the development of the student, orienting the student himself and the people around him in the nature of his knowledge and mental development.

Criteria for the effectiveness of inclusive education

Assignments to prepare for practical occupation:

To formulate the conditions for quality education of children with disabilities.

Compile a dictionary of teacher’s evaluative phrases.

Formulate requirements for pedagogical assessment in the context of inclusive education.

Practical lesson (2 hours)

Collection and primary processing of information about the history of development and illness of children with various types of disabilities.

Conditions for ensuring quality education for persons with disabilities in an educational institution. Problems of quality assessment educational services for persons with disabilities in Russia. Group SWOD analysis “Effectiveness of inclusive education”

Solving pedagogical situations related to assessing children's activities.

Watching a video lesson, analyzing how a teacher evaluates a child’s activities.

Group work: requirements for pedagogical assessment in inclusive education.

Topic 7. Teacher in the inclusive education system

Lecture (2 hours)

The structure of the organization of different models of psychological and pedagogical support for teachers of inclusive education in Russia and abroad.

Psychological and professional readiness of teachers to work in conditions of inclusive education. Problems of emotional acceptance of a child with disabilities.

Conditions for successful interaction in the pedagogical process. Analysis of teaching activities in the space of inclusive education. Axiological priorities of the activities of teachers of inclusive education at the present stage. Value-based attitude to professional pedagogical activity. Specifics of a teacher’s activity in the conditions of special and integrated education. Social group values, professional group values ​​of a teacher. Individual and personal value system of a teacher. Values-goals, values-means, values-attitudes, values-qualities in the system of professional values ​​of a teacher.

Studying the subjects of inclusive education. Methods for measuring and assessing personal and professional development. The essence of special technologies for personal and professional development.

Educational technologies. Game modeling technologies. Psychoconsulting technologies. Technologies for the development of autopsychological competence. Acmeological technologies to help a person organize and optimally implement his personal and professional development.

Assignments to prepare for practical activities:

Make a portrait of an inclusive education teacher

Compile an album “Professional values ​​of an inclusive education teacher”

Conduct self-diagnosis of professional and personal qualities.

Technologies for improving personal and professional development of a person.

Practical classes (4 hours)

Collective game “Portrait of an inclusive education teacher”

System of professional values ​​of an inclusive education teacher.

Methods of qualitative assessment and quantitative measurement of personal and professional development. Self-diagnosis of professional and personal qualities of future teachers. Drawing up a self-development plan.

Business game “Model of information and methodological support for teachers of inclusive education.” Training for the development of professionally important qualities.

State Department of Education of the Pskov Region

GBOUDPO "Pskov Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Workers"


Center special education

PC courses “Creating optimal conditions for the implementation of educational

potential of students with disabilities health

during the period of introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO OVZ"

Final final work

Specifics of a teacher's professional activity

in implementing inclusive practices

Performer Zhdanova Lyubov Nikolaevna

teacher primary classes

Pskov, 2016

Introduction ..................................................... ............................................... 3

Chapter 1 Psychological and pedagogical characteristics.................... 4-6

Chapter 2 Features of inclusive professional practice 7-9

teacher ..................................................... .......................................

Conclusion …................................................ .............................................. 10

Bibliography …............................................... ................................ eleven

Application …................................................ ................................ 12

Introduction 3

The phrase “inclusive education” has become part of teachers’ practice. It sounds unusual, foreign. Meanwhile, inclusive education is enshrined in the law “On Education in Russian Federation", the conditions for the implementation of inclusive education are formulated in the new Federal educational standards. Such education is becoming increasingly attractive to parents of children with disabilities. They are increasingly bringing their children to secondary schools to study together with other children. This school year, I also had such a first-grader in my class. After the adaptation period, I noticed that not all children managed to successfully adapt to the learning environment. So the problem arose: what to do? Is there a way out for a teacher to avoid problems in learning to interact with such a child? My experience of working at school suggests that knowledge of conventional methods is not enough and a new attitude towards a different child should be reconsidered.

Advanced training courses on creating optimal conditions for children with disabilities also proved that teachers need to adapt to new learning conditions. The teacher needs to learn to look at the class not as a whole, but to see each student specifically with his characteristics, needs, capabilities, interests.

Organizing joint learning for different children requires the teacher to restructure teaching methods and methods. In a word, the teacher also needs to learn how to work in an inclusive environment.

Purpose of the work: to determine the specifics of a teacher’s professional activity when implementing inclusive practice.

Objectives: - determining the goals and objectives of pedagogical activity in new conditions;

Identifying the values ​​and attitudes that underlie the teacher’s activities;

Selection of methods that allow you to achieve the goals of inclusive education

on practice;

Methods: pedagogical observation;


studying additional literature, Internet sources

generalization of experience;

Thus, solving the set goals and objectives should help the teacher overcome the barrier, uncertainty in working with children who have limited health capabilities, and skillfully create optimal conditions for the development of the potential of each child studying in the class. But what is this child like? What are its features? What opportunities can he realize? Diagnostics and detailed psychological and pedagogical characteristics will help answer these questions.

At the school’s psychological and pedagogical council, we try to notice and identify the reasons “ special child"even before entering first grade. We help parents see these features and respond appropriately to them. Together we create conditions for an educational space and help such a child adapt to society. In addition, it is important to promptly respond to the problems of a “special” child in the early stages of his schooling and promptly help him adapt to school.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics 4

1st grade student at MBOU Secondary School No. 5 named after. V.V. Smirnova

I entered the first grade of this school at the age of 7 years 9 months. Kindergarten I didn’t attend, my family was preparing for school. He is studying according to the general education program, but problems have arisen in the process of mastering it. According to the mother, the child can read small words and write letters. In fact, the boy can only name vowel sounds, and the writing of even the letter elements is distorted and untidy. In class he cannot concentrate even for a short time, is inattentive, and requires constant help and control from the teacher. Poorly understands adult instructions, sometimes shouts, thereby interfering with the work of the class.

The level of perception is low. Prevailsvisual-figurative thinking. The ability to abstract, classify, and generalize is low. Low level of memory development, dominates visual appearance memory. Attention is unstable, the speed of completing tasks over time is very low. When presented with demands, he may show aggressiveness and impulsiveness. calm, but prone to emotional outbursts.

Rarely shows a lively emotional reaction to events.The conclusions of a psychological examination confirm the underdevelopment of the child’s basic processes or their correction.

Samy assessmentlow.Level of aspiration short. Low level of development cognitive processes. Speech impairment. Slowness. Low school motivation. Tendency to emotional outbursts. Has difficulty understanding instructions. He is selective in communicating with people around him. Experiences difficulties in establishing interpersonal contacts with other people.

Nikita's written work is sloppyand chaotic execution. He gets tired quickly, so he doesn’t complete the task completely. In mathematics, he does not distinguish the cell well, and all the elements “jump”. Poorly developed fine motor skills fingers, so the writing is angular and abrupt. The basic colors and sizes of objects have not been mastered.

The child's speech resembles mumbling. Answers the questions asked in a vague and monosyllabic manner. Speech impairments do not make it possible to clearly express one’s thoughts at the level of a first-grader. Nand the addressed speech reacts weakly, requires constant monitoring and individual approach, refuses to carry out the teacher’s assignments.Classes with a speech therapist have so far been unsuccessful.

In class he behaves cautiously with children, does not like to communicate, is withdrawn, but not aggressive. He is reluctant to make contact with adults and prefers to play alone.

The child is brought up in a single-parent family; the mother can devote little time to raising her son. The child does not fully possess information about himself, his loved ones and the world around him.

Physically poorly developed. By medical indications The boy has grade 1 scoliosis and muscle disinhibition is observed. Even during recess, constant attention and assistance from an adult is required when moving the child.

Appearance sloppy. Study supplies are also untidy. The child requires attention not only from a teacher, speech therapist, but also from a psychologist.

Needs constant monitoring and individual approach from the teacher and the attention of other specialists.

09/14/16 School Director

Classroom teacher


1. Full Name

2. Name of educational institution Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary comprehensive school No. 5 named after Hero of the Soviet Union Vyacheslav Vasilyevich Smirnov"city ​​of Nevel, Pskov region

    Type of educational institution (underline):

Mass secondary school general type, training according to an adapted basic general education program for children with mental retardation (form of training: individual). 1st grade class.
4. Class schedule (underline):
individual training
alternation of study and rest (specify):
According to the school schedule. : 2-3 hours a day, 8 hours a week
volume of material studied (% of the volume of the curriculum): 50%

5. Academic performance and reasons for its violation (incorrectly formed attitude towards learning; lack of correct skills academic work; features of cognitive and educational interests; difficulties in mastering educational material; tolerability of training loads): The child has no independence and requires constant adult supervision. Low level of development of cognitive processes. Memory is short-term, mixed type. Features of memory cause significant difficulties when learning new material; it is necessary to repeat the material covered many times. Verbal and logical thinking is not developed. There is no independent speech. A child may repeat words after an adult without understanding their meaning. Working in notebooks is difficult. Poor orientation in notebooks, lack of consistency in work. Writes in notebooks only with the help of an adult, without observing lines and spaces. Doesn't understand which textbook and notebook are required for the lesson. Fine movements of the fingers are not sufficiently formed. Works with his left hand. Completion of educational tasks is possible only under the supervision of the teacher and parents. Doesn't always respond adequately to the teacher's demands and comments. Positive motivation for learning.

6. The degree of adaptation of the student (relationships with peers and teachers, mood swings, activity, anxiety, withdrawal,hostility, antisocial behavior ): physically poorly developed. Gets sick often. There are mood swings. He is often offended, does everything at his own discretion, and withdraws. A short time maintains contact with adults, showing interest in interaction. There is a need for approval from others. Loves communicating with the kids at school. He does not know how to play with his peers and is capricious and stubborn.

    Personality characteristics student (abilities, interests, value orientations Does not know the rules of behavior outside of school and at school, but does not always follow them. He goes to school in a good mood and wants to learn. Does not have basic self-care skills and does not perform simple household activities. Able to control her physiological needs by maintaining hygiene. The child's appearance is neat, he comes to school in a school uniform... Poor orientation in the world around him. Temporary representations have not been formed. Knowledge about oneself, family, and immediate environment is limited. Works slowly in class. Gets tired quickly. Shows no volitional effort. Unsustainable interest in the proposed activity. Requires repeated instructions showing what needs to be done. During the work, the proposed action program is not maintained. Capable of imitation and joint action with adults. Low level of development of cognitive abilities.

When grouping objects based on shape, color,

magnitude, organizing and guiding assistance is required. Doesn't install on its own cause-and-effect communications. At the stage of memorizing and reproducing the proposed material, various visual, audio, tactile and other supports are needed. Cannot use memorization techniques independently. Experiences difficulties in solving problem situations that require establishing cause-and-effect relationships. Verbal and logical tasks are not completed. Understanding of spoken language is limited. Vocabulary is limited. Difficulties in constructing phrases. Attention span is low. Loves and knows how to put together puzzles and mosaics. He doesn’t know how to draw on his own, he paints quickly and carelessly. Uncertain about the colors of pencils.

8. Relationships in the family with the child.

The family is complete. The girl is especially attached to her mother and loves her grandmother. The daily routine is followed at home. Living conditions are good. Parents work, the family is financially secure. Parents devote enough time to the upbringing and development of the child. The girl attends classes with a school speech therapist and psychologist.
9. Class attendance (indicate the number of days missed due to illness, without reason, etc.):
misses school due to illness or good reason.

Head of the institution ______________

Curator _______________



Studying additional literature makes it possible to identify specific, special professional tasks that are in some ways very similar to the usual ones, and in some ways completely new. They resemble an algorithm for a teacher’s actions in a given situation:

*Determining the category of children in the class who need special educational conditions. Additional support specialists can also help with this: psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist, physician, social teacher and others.

*Organization in the classroom accessible environment depending on the needs of a particular child.

*Creating an atmosphere of emotional comfort in the children's team, forming relationships in the spirit of cooperation and acceptance of the characteristics of each of the children.

*Development modern technologies and methods, techniques, forms of organization of educational work, as well as their adequate application according to the situation that has arisen.

*Adaptation of existing or development of new educational materials.

*Mastering and using methods of assessing educational achievements, educational products and products that are adequate to children’s capabilities extracurricular activities.

*Organization of interaction with parents in the spirit of cooperation and sharing of responsibility.

The described tasks show that the work of a teacher with a child with disabilities is specific and requires the development of new professional skills.

First of all, working in new conditions requires changing professional priorities and the teacher’s individual style of activity. IN in this case The value and moral basis of the teacher’s individual style is important. At the same time, the basis of a teacher’s professional activity should be the confidence that every child is able to learn when certain special conditions are created.

Inclusive education requires the implementation of an individual approach not in words, but in deeds. A study of the work experience of our school teachers shows that greatest success are achieved by those who have a sufficient degree of personal and professional flexibility, endurance, readiness to resolve emerging problems, and have a positive attitude towards themselves and the results of their own activities.

A teacher’s work becomes effective if, in preparation for a lesson or extracurricular activity, cognitive, communicative, behavioral characteristics, the individual style of learning the material of each student in the class, including the “special child”.

It is easier for a teacher to choose the form and content of work, to distribute his forces and children, if he specifies the purpose and objectives of the activity for each student and all together.

Materials and visual aids on the topic of the lesson should be selected taking into account the characteristics of the children. The teacher can form groups of children who will perform similar tasks that require a team way of working. This makes it possible to individualize work with children with special needs.

Inclusive education can only be effective if the teacher knows how to work in collaboration with other specialists. Designing the educational process, building an individual educational route for a child with disabilities -difficult task for one teacher. Involving a coordinator for inclusive education, a psychologist, a speech therapist, a speech pathologist, social teacher, tutor, subject teachers, educators, parents is necessary to achieve the goal. In addition, only with the purposeful work of the school administration to create an inclusive culture and build an inclusive policy can inclusive practice, which is implemented by the teacher, take place. For methodological and psychological support For teachers, an important role is played by cooperation with specialists from the resource psychological-pedagogical and medical-social center and methodological center. 8

When developing an individual educational program for a child with disabilities, a team of teachers and psychological and pedagogical support specialists determines what indicators will be the criteria for its achievements. In this case, you can use already developed planned results of primary general education. And based on the students’ capabilities, criteria for the individual advancement of each child are formed, both in mastering the basic educational program and in developing the skills necessary for successful socialization.

Thus, the teacher needs to master new approaches to assessing the achievements of his students.

The specifics of a teacher’s activities are reflected in everyday work, at every stage.

It is important for a practicing teacher to know the features of working on each of them.

At the first stage of organizing inclusive practice, acquaintance and the formation of the basis for cooperation of all participants in the educational process take place. During the introduction process, the teacher can notice the characteristics of each child.

Forms of work at this stage:

Tour of the school,

Dating training,

Questioning parents,

Personal conversation,

Wishes of specialists.

The second stage is the period of adaptation that every child experiences. In the first grade, it is especially important to create conditions for the successful adaptation of a child with disabilities to school. Especially children with intellectual disabilities need help finding their way around school. To do this, you can offer your child a daily plan in pictures. The psychologist and tutor must work to develop an algorithm for children’s activities in various life situations. What to do, if...

The bell rang

Next lesson is physical education

Need to go to the cafeteria

The class goes for a walk

Prepare for the next lesson, etc.

In the future, support specialists should switch to less guardianship and provide the child with more independence.

Children with special needs often have a slower pace of work, so it is important for each of them to be given the opportunity to work at their own pace. Gradually, the amount of work can increase and be consistent with the individual pace of work. This allows the child to feel successful and involved in general work. While performing work, the child is given the opportunity to rest in a specially designated recreation area. At the same time, it is important to regulate the rest time using a signal, hourglass, approving the situation when the child returns to work with the class.

At the next stage, the task of the teacher and all specialists will be to include the child in interaction with classmates. The stage of getting to know the “special” child is important here. If the teacher shows a positive attitude and organizes interaction during the lesson and recess, then an attitude of trust, cooperation and mutual assistance is formed in the class.

In practice for better memorization of children's names child with disabilities You can offer an album with the names of the children in the class.

The fourth stage is to organize space not only inside the classroom, but also outside it. Very often the teacher does not understand the reasons for the difficulties that children have in a new space for them. To include children who need special educational space, it was effective, it is necessary to connect to work

school specialists - speech pathologist, speech therapist, psychologist. They will help the teacher determine

special educational needs and develop recommendations for organizing the educational process, organize psychological and pedagogical support.

Following the general rules and methods of organizing educational activities in the classroom, the teacher must remember and take into account the subtleties of including a child with special needs in the work cognitive activity, behavior, communication. Often such a student completes a task at a level accessible to him, but below the level of mastery of the content of the topic or subject by his classmates. When creating a lesson script, a teacher should remember the following:

    When organizing individual work During the lesson, it is necessary to take into account the desire of the child with disabilities to “be like everyone else” and to complete the task with classmates. If a teacher gives a card to only one student, a situation is created that artificially separates him from the general educational work. It is important that several more students receive cards with individual tasks, but the content and form of the task will correspond to the level of mastery of the material by each student.

    In inclusive education, paired learning occupies an important place. Usually more successful student teaches a lower performing student. Peer learning is useful when skills need to be developed through repetition, or when learning is being consolidated. The inclusion of a child with learning and behavioral difficulties in pair work should occur gradually. At first, the teacher approves not only the result itself, but also the consistency, cohesion and ability to cooperate. The main criteria for effective work in the classroom are not a focus on success “who is bigger and better”, but a focus on mutual assistance, support, joint decision-making, and the development of compromise solutions. These same criteria become leading not only in the classroom, but also in extracurricular activities.

    It is also important for teachers and tutors to get involved in the work of groups and prevent conflict situations. Teacher-defectologist at correctional classes also develops the skill of working in a group in a “special” child, helps the teacher adapt the content of educational material on the topic, and organizes advanced teaching of program material.

    The formation of social skills through imitation involves mutual learning between children: a child who is more competent in some area becomes a role model for other children. Learning through imitation is important for any child, but it is especially important for children with learning disabilities. mental development, for children with autism spectrum disorder.

The most important indicators efficient work teachers and psychological and pedagogical support specialists will positive dynamics child development, progress in mastering the educational program, formation of social competence.

For a teacher to master the technology of communication with parents, special knowledge and great practical experience. The introduction of inclusive practice is innovative for a practicing teacher, which requires significant personal and professional resources from the teacher.


The set goals and objectives of the work helped determine the specifics of the teacher’s work with children with disabilities. It is necessary to remember the main points:

The teacher needs to adapt to new learning conditions.

The basis of a teacher’s professional activity should be the confidence that every child is able to learn when certain special conditions are created.

The teacher needs to learn to look at the class not as a whole, but to see each student specifically with his characteristics, needs, capabilities, interests.

Inclusive education can only be effective if the teacher knows how to work in collaboration with other specialists.

Teachers need to learn new approaches to assessing the achievements of their students.

Completing this work allowed me, a practicing teacher, to look at the “special” child in my class in a new way and find new approaches to his teaching and socialization. In my work, not only the support service specialists, but also the school administration and parents became assistants.

The work is also interesting due to its theoretical implications; there was a desire to continue working on the topic and inform colleagues.


    Gaidukevich S.E. Environmental approach in inclusive education // Inclusive education: status, problems, prospects. Minsk: Four Quarters, 2007, p.34.

    Dmitrieva T.P., Sabelnikova S.I., Khotyleva T.Yu. Development and implementation of an individual educational program for children with disabilities in primary school/ Ed. E.V. Samsonova. M., 2012. (Inclusive education).

    Ershova A.P., Bukatov V.M. Directing the lesson, communication and behavior of the teacher. M.: Voronezh, 1995.

    Inclusive education in Russia. Unicef: Perspective: MGPPU, 2011.

    Russian and foreign research in the field of inclusive education/Ed. V.I. Ryskina, E. Samsonova. M.: Forum, 2012.

    Semago N.Ya. Technology for determining the educational route for a child with disabilities. M.: 2010. (Inclusive education).

We are the daisy of good deeds 12

(Extracurricular activity

for students 1 class)

Purpose of the event : Formation of moral concepts and ideas of first-graders, enrichment of moral experience of behavior.

Tasks: 1. Expand and deepen children’s ideas about kindness.

2. Foster a desire for good deeds in real life.

3. Development of empathy.

Participants: first graders, parents, librarian, class teacher.

Prologue (preparation).

    Children, together with their parents, prepare a story about their good deed or deed.

    The librarian selects proverbs about goodness.

    Chamomile petals with proverbs are attached to the stand.

    The class teacher prepares memory cards.

    Children are learning V. Shainsky’s song “Smile”.

Progress of the event.

    Psychological study.

The song “Smile” is played, the children sit in a circle in the classroom, and parents and guests are invited.

Leading. Guys! Today we will talk about goodness and good deeds. Smile at each other and say a kind word. (Good morning, good hour, all the best, welcome and others)

    Conversation about goodness.

Leading. What does good mean to you? (Sun, mother, spring, joy and more).

Do you know the history of the word “Good”. What does the book of Wisdom say about this? This word is originally Russian. Kindness is a person’s desire to give complete happiness to all people, to all humanity.

What kind of person can we call good?

Anyone who helps someone in trouble does not expect gratitude, because he does a good deed at the behest of his heart.

Takes care of family and surrounding people.

Helps the suffering or disadvantaged as much as possible.

The ability to forgive and sympathize.

3. Presentation of your good deeds.

It is very important that not only words, but also deeds are kind. After all, for nothing the proverb says: “It is not clothes that make a man, but his good deeds.”

Our guest at our holiday is the Fairy of Good Deeds.

The Fairy of Goodness appears, waves her magic wand and says the words:

Fly, fly petal

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back after making a circle.

We arrived at our destiny.

You are a daisy of good deeds.

1 student. Be kind at all

not easy,

Kindness does not depend

from growth.

Kindness is not a carrot

not candy.

We tried our best and will tell you about it. (The student approaches the daisy, tears off a petal, reads the proverb: “All good things are simple,” “flies away”)

2 student. Good will win

We need to help our neighbors

Sergey helps Misha,

And he’s already reading!

3 student. We'll tell you, kids,

Don't rustle your book,

Put a bookmark there

The book will be in order. (“flies away”, with the proverb “A good person will live a century in goodness”)

4 student. I'm not myself all day long,

Among the boys I am a hero.

I'll give you a coat in the wardrobe,

I'll be polite! What about that?

It's April outside,

I'm carrying a briefcase for Lena.

5 girl. Our Anton is so attentive,

The most charming among the boys.

The petal flies away “Kindness praises itself.”

6 student. A person needs a little

Love, care, littleness.

And this will give us

Christmas joy!

Souvenirs for parents, friends,

And their attention is more important.

(“A man is judged by his actions”)

7 student. I'll feed the birds in winter,

Let it come from all over

They will flock to us like home,

Flocks on the porch.

8 student. Don't forget the swans

On your river.

How many of them die?

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And it’s warm for them.

“It is better to act well than to speak well”

Then the children talk about their good deeds, the parents show photographs and presentation slides.

Fairy. Guys, there are so many good deeds in your class! How many of you love fairy tales?

How do most fairy tales end? (good conquers evil)

Now we will play with you. I will name the fairy-tale hero, and you

answer whether he is good or evil. If you are kind, you clap your hands, if

angry - cover your face with your hands. (Merman, Cinderella, Baba Yaga, Morozko

and others) Well done!

Our good daisy scattered:

Who's going where?

They are waiting for her, I know
New things.


Leading. The rules in the classroom are simple.

We try to comply

And respect each other.

Memory cards for children.

    Reward for help.

    Well done! You were kind.

    Thank you for your help.

    That's great you shared with your friends!

    Your politeness was noticed.

    You remembered “Thank you”!

Our class hour is coming to an end. And now I want to give each of you a little sun. This sun is good. You yourself, your parents and friends, and just those around you need it. You are still children, but many glorious deeds await you ahead that will make our planet Earth even more beautiful.

Become a good wizard!

Come on, try it!

There are tricks here

You don't need anything special at all.

Accept and execute

Desire for another -

Pure pleasure,



    N. I. Nikitina. Collection of proverbs and sayings. Moscow, Enlightenment, 1984

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The article examines the personality of a modern teacher in the light of the principles of deontology. The priority of the humanistic orientation of a modern teacher in relation to a problem child in the field of inclusive and special education.



The personality of a teacher in the context of inclusive education.

1. Modern regulatory documents state that it is necessary to organize systematic training, retraining and advanced training for employees of educational authorities, teaching staff involved in the implementation of innovative approaches to the education of children with disabilities (Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 18, 2008. No. AF-150/06 “On creating conditions for children with disabilities and disabled children to receive education”).

This condition naturally presupposes that teachers must receive special training in the field of special (correctional) pedagogy and be ready and professionally competent to solve the problems of children with disabilities.

The problem of preparing teachers to provide educational services to children with disabilities has recently become very relevant. Let's consider the position of S. I. Sabelnikova on preparing teachers of general education institutions to work in conditions of inclusive education.

  • idea and understanding of what inclusive education is, how it differs from traditional forms education;
  • knowledge of psychological patterns and characteristics of the age and personal development of children in an inclusive educational environment;
  • knowledge of methods of psychological and didactic design of the educational process for joint education of children with impaired and normal development;
  • ability to implement various ways pedagogical interaction between all subjects of the educational environment (with students individually and in groups, with parents, fellow teachers, specialists, management).

Modern pedagogy, to determine the readiness of teachers, introduces the concept of professional competence, which expresses the unity of theoretical and practical readiness of teachers to carry out teaching activities and characterizes their professionalism.

Many researchers reveal the concept of professional competence as an integral, multi-level, professionally significant characteristic of a teacher’s personality and activities.In the last few years, there has been increased attention to the subjective and personal aspect of the development of professional activity and the implementation of initiatives by the teacher as a subject of professional pedagogical activity. Simply put,the success of pedagogical activities largely depends on their attitude towards the problem child. In this regard, the work of teaching staff in children's institutions should be based on strict adherence to the principles of deontology.

The term "deontology" comes from the Greek word "deon" - due. “What should be” is how a teacher and other staff should build their relationships with an unusual child, his relatives and his work colleagues. The specially developed Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” is dedicated to this issue. International convention about the rights of the child. Pedagogical deontology (especially correctional) is very consonant with medical deontology. Therefore, it may include the doctrine of medical-educational ethics and aesthetics, medical (pedagogical) duty and medical confidentiality.

The term “deontology” was introduced in the last century by the English philosopher Bentham. With this term he designated the rulesprofessional behaviorperson. Pedagogical deontology is part of general deontology. She's learning the principlespedagogical behaviorpersonnel, its systemrelationships with children,their relatives and among themselves. Its tasks also include eliminating “ harmful consequences inferior pedagogical work."

2. The orientation of the teacher’s personality in modern conditions of inclusive education.

The leading trend in reforming society in general and education in particular is the idea of ​​its humanization, consolidating the humanistic nature of education as a principle of state policy. This involves creating conditions for the development of the student as a person, as an individual, as an independent subject of activity, taking into account his interests, capabilities and abilities, which will ensure his further self-promotion and development. The solution to this problem can be fully realized only when the teacher has the appropriate professional training and possesses the necessary personal qualities. That is, the strength and quality of their influence, the nature of the attitude of such children to the world, people and themselves depend on the culture of thinking, feelings, and value system that teachers of educational institutions attended by children with disabilities will have. Teachers working in such conditions need to have an understanding of the basics of defectology, types of dysontogenesis, the reasons for its occurrence and ways of communicating with such children. A modern teacher working in the conditions of inclusive education becomes a correctional teacher, a teacher-defectologist, solving correctional-developmental, correctional-training, correctional-educational tasks.

Defectology is that area of ​​education that, in contrast to the generally accepted pedagogical and psychological influence on normally developing children, cannot be considered finally formed without a pronounced humanization of the learning process itself, since abnormal child constantly needs psychological assistance. (R.O Agavelyan). The main thing (essential), in my opinion, in the profession of a correctional teacher or one working in inclusion is its professional and humanistic orientation of activity.

2.1. Motivation for professional choice

Motivation (from Latin - /motiv / - motivation)

1) motivation to action;

  1. dynamic physiological and psychological process that controls behavior person , defining itfocus, organization, activity and stability;
  2. a person’s ability to satisfy his material needs through work.

The motivational and value attitude of a teacher in children's educational institutions to teaching activities is a generalized indicator of the professional and humanistic orientation of the teacher's personality and is a multifunctional structure consisting of cognitive (understanding social significance profession, its values, features of implementation), emotional (satisfaction with professional choice) and intellectual-volitional (dedication, persistence in mastering psychological and pedagogical knowledge) components (E.N. Shiyanov) As the initial “units” of orientation, we identify values, axiological orientations as conscious semantic formations. This means that the content of the humanistic orientation of a modern teacher consists of those meanings of his life, those values ​​that, having become the motive of activity and communication, having significance both for him and for the child with developmental disabilities, are realized at a specific moment of his activity and communication within the framework of humanistic approach to the personality of a problem child. The values ​​realized in the professional activities and communication of a teacher in conditions of inclusion, for the sake and in the name of a child with developmental disabilities, are aimed at correcting existing deviations, at his development, education and rehabilitation, at becoming a person, at expanding his capabilities. social adaptation acquire the status of humanistic values. The representation of values ​​in the motivational sphere, semantic and dispositional system of the future teacher or educator, which in their unity regulate and direct his activities, determines theoretical approaches to the formation of professional and humanistic orientation of teachers.

In V.S. Merlin’s concept of personality, the concept of “direction” also plays a leading role. V. S. Merlin writes that by direction is meant “such a complex formation in the individual, which should outline the characteristics of the tendencies of behavior and actions of a person that socially determine his appearance along essential lines: his relationship to other people, to himself, to his future ". Direction according to V.S. Merlin manifests itself as an attitude:

a) in the particular interests of the individual;

b) in the specifics of the goals that a person sets for himself;

c) not only in the interests, but also in the preferences and needs of a person;

d) in personality attitudes.

In the professional pedagogical morality of a modern teachermeasure of what is due, measure of what is required, which is reflected and embodied in the humanization of special education, should be increased, constituting the core, the essence of the moral content of activity, communication and behavior. The basis of humanism as a principle of pedagogical morality and activity is the recognition of a child with developmental disabilities as the highest value, as self-worth. This understanding allows us to see a specific child with his problems, capabilities, and characteristics in the flow of the educational process in the system of inclusive and special education.

2.2. Personal qualities of a modern teacher working in an inclusive education environment.

We believe that the most important professionally significant personality traits of a humanist teacher working with children with developmental disabilities are:compassionate attitudetowards them and the desire to be useful to them,high positive self-esteem, empathy, responsibility and internal locus of control, patience and tolerance, tolerance for stressful situations, respect for the personality of a problem child(subject is the subjective nature of the relationship). The teacher must know and intuitively feel how and with whom to communicate in the systems:

Teacher in inclusive education and child;

Teacher in inclusive education and parents (or microsocial environment);

Teacher in inclusive education and doctor (e.g. neurologist)

Teacher-teacher in inclusive education and educator;

Teacher in conditions of inclusive education and teacher in conditions of inclusive education;

Teacher in inclusive education - doctor - child - parents.

We must always remember the ancient commandment:

“Remember what to say, who to say, and how you will be understood.”

Thus, humanism is the principle of pedagogical morality,which reveals the essence of his professional activity, focused on the development of a child with disabilities, and moral standard, prescribing him to realize the humanistic potential of morality in pedagogical activity.

The connecting link between pedagogical science and pedagogical practice is the professional activity of a university or advanced training teacher, in which the content of the project created by him is implemented, embodied in specific forms and methods.

The content and direction of a teacher’s professional training is determined by the goals that society sets for him in a given specific period. In the humanistic interpretation, the goal of special education is to use its means to make the existence of a person with disabilities full and worthy. The humanization of inclusive and special education “prescribes” to select and model the target, content, technological and evaluative components of pedagogical interaction from the position of their adequacy to the interests of the developing personality of the child. Recognition of the value of the personality of the student, pupil, development of his abilities, co-creation of the teacher and the child on the basis of humane relations, their equal dialogical communication, value-motivational attitudes of the teacher, focused on the formation of the personality of a child with disabilities, represent the essence of the humanistic paradigm of special education.

3. Professional competence.

Humanistic goal teacher education integrates the personal position of the future teacher (motivational-value attitude towards teaching activity) and his professional knowledge, abilities, skills (professional competence). This unity determines the level of development of a teacher or educator working with children with disabilities as a humanist teacher, which ensures his readiness to take responsibility for the fate of a child with developmental disabilities, for his future.

As was established above, the teacher’s ability to implement the humanistic function of inclusive education is associated with the professional and humanistic orientation of the individual. The formation of this focus is currently taking one of the first places in the system of university training.

The humanization of professional training of future teachers in the conditions of inclusive education is understood as the continuous general and professional development of the individuality and personality of the future employee of educational institutions. Issues become priority professional culture, morality, motivation.

Among the direct knowledge there should be knowledge saturated with humanistic content, a set of generalized knowledge about a person, the problems of his socialization if he has one or another deviation in the mental, mental or physical development, relevant programs, benefits. Study of periodical literature.

Among the direct skills that a teacher working in conditions of inclusion should have are: dialogue skills, gnostic skills, didactic skills, gaming skills, organizational skills, communicative-directorial, predictive and reflective skills. Motivational skills must also be developed, i.e. be able to structure the educational process in such a way that children understand what and why they are studying and how it will be useful to them.

Thus, the process of preparing a future teacher working with children with disabilities should consist of three value systems to be transmitted and assimilated:

  • content of education - as a system of necessary professional knowledge;
  • practical training, forming a system of professional skills of the future teacher;
  • professional education as a system for the development of professional attitudes.

4. Instead of a conclusion: the teacher’s appearance and communication culture.

To complete the image of a modern teacher, it is necessary to take into account, in addition to everything previously listed, the culture of appearance. He should be an example to follow. But not in the style of clothing, of course, but in the ability to dress cleanly, neatly and comfortably. Clothes should not be “screaming”, not too bright colors, this also applies to cosmetics. The entire appearance of the teacher should not distract children from the learning process. As for the teacher’s speech itself, it must correspond to the moment. If this is a reading, a story, then it can be bright, emotional, capable of evoking a response in the child’s soul and interest him. If this is the explanation, the speech should be calm, unhurried, suggestive. The general rule for all aspects is grammatical and lexical literacy of speech, the inadmissibility of “lisping”, otherwise correct language skills will not be formed. It is also necessary to take into account the child’s deviation and adjust your speech accordingly. During communication, the teacher must show maximum tact and patience; manifestations of rudeness and hostility are completely unacceptable. Communication should be extremely polite, the mood in speech should be optimistic.


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